The London Gazette, September 2, 1870

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The London Gazette, September 2, 1870 4062 THE LONDON GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 2, 1870. trustee at the Crown Bank, Norwich, on and after the said In the Matter of David Humphreys, Jnnr., Grocer, &c., 14th day of Septembtr, 1870, between the hours of eleven Welsbpool. Petition dated 12th October, 1869. o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in thea fternoin. HEREBY give notice, that the creditors who have No Dividend can be paid nnless the securities held by the I proved their debts under the above estate, may creditor are produced.—Crown Bank, Norwich, Isl Sep- receive a First Dividend of 8d. in the pound, upon tember, 1870. application at my office, Central Chambers, No. I7<v I. B. COAKS, Solicitor in the Bankruptcy. South Castle-street, Liverpool, on Wednesday, the 7th day of September, 1870, or any subsequent Wednesday, between Harvey's and Hudson's Bankruptcy. the hours of twelve and two o'clock. No Dividend will be In the County Court of Norfolk, holden at Norwich. paid without the production of the securities exhibited at In the Matter of Roger Allday Kerrison. of the city of the time of proving the debt. Executors and administrators Norwich, and of Cromer, Diss, East Dereham, East will be required to produce the probate of the will, or the Hading, Harleston, Hinjham, Loddon, Reepham, Swaff- letters of administration under which they claim. ham, Watton, North Walsham, and Wymondbani, in CHARLES TURNER, Official Assignee. the county of Norfolk, and of Aldborough. Bury, Botesdale, Bungay, Eye, Framlingham, Haleswortb, In the Matter of Thomas Slater, Baker and Flour Dealen Lowestuft, Saxmundham, Southwold, Stow market, Everton. Petition dated 8th November, 1867. Thetford, Wrentham, and Wood bridge, in the county HEREBY give notice, that the creditors who have of Suffolk, and of Ely, in the county of Cambridge, I proved their debts under the above estate, may Banker, trading: there as a Banker in Copartnership with receive a Second Dividend of 7d. in the pound, upon Sir Robert John Harvey Harvey, Baronet, deceased, and application at my office, Central-chambers, No. 17c, South Roger Kerrison. under the style or firm of Harveys and Castle-street, Liverpool, on Wednesday, the 7th day of Hudsons; adjudicated a Bankrupt on the 22nd July. 1870. September, 1870, or any subsequent Wednesday, between the HE Trustee, Mr. Elijah Crosier Bailey, has declared a hours of twelve and two No Dividend will be paid without T First and Final Dividend of 20s. in the pound on all the production of the securities exhibited at the time of debts proved up to this 1st day of September, 1870, and the proving the debt. Executors and administrators will be same dividend will be payable on and after Wednesday, the required to produce the probate of the will or the letters 14th day of September, 1870. Creditors who have proved of administration under which they claim. their debts may receive cheques payable at Messrs. Gurnsy CHARLES TURNER, Official Assignee. and Co.'s Bank, Norwich, lor their dividends, on applying to the trustee, at the Crown Bank, on and after the said 14th In the Matter of Stewart Ker, Merchant, Liverpool. day of September, 1870. between the hours of eleven o'clock Petition dated 30th August, 1869. in the forenoon and four o'clock in the afternoon. No HEREBY give notice, that the creditors who have dividend can be paid unless the securities held by the J proved their debts under the above estate, may creditor are produced.— Grown Bank, Norwich, 1st Sep- receive a Second Dividend of 3fd. in the pound, upon tember, 1870. application at my office, Central-chambers, No. 17c, South I. B. COAKS, Solicitor in the Bankruptcy. Castle-street, Liverpool, on Wednesday, the 7lh day of September, 1870, or any subsequent Wednesday, between Harvey's and Hudson's Bankruptcy. the hours of twelve and two o'clock. No Dividend will be In the County Court oi Norfolk, holden at Norwich. paid without the production of the securities exhibited In the Matter of Roger Kerrison, of the city of Norwich, at the time of proving the debt. Executors and adminis- and of Cromer, Diss, East Dereham, East Harling, trators will be required to produce the probate of the Harieston, Hingham, Loddon, Reepham, Swaffhatn, will, or the letters of administration under which they Walton, North Walsham, and Wymondham, in -the claim. coun*y of Nor/oik, and of Aldborough, Bury, Botesdale, Jiiiuyay. Eye, Framlingham, Halesworth, Lowestoft, CHARLES TURNER, Official Assignee. Saxmundham, Southwold, Stow market, Thetford, In the Matter of T, B. Hall, Merchant, Liverpool. Petition Wrentham, and Woodbrid^e, in the county of Suffolk, dated 30th November, 1869. and of Ely, in the county of Cambridge, Banker, trading HEREBY give notice, that the creditors who have there as a Banker, in copartnership with Sir Robert John I proved their debts under the above estate, may receive Harvey Harvey, Baronet, deceased, and Roger Allday a First Dividend of 3s. lO^d. in the pound, upon application Kerrison, under tt>e style or firm of Harveys and Hud- at my office, Central-chambers, No. 17c, South Castle-street, sons, adjudicated a Bankrupt on 22nd July, 1870. Liverpool, on Wednesday, the 7th day of September, 1870,. '"I'^HE Trustee, Mr. Elijah Crosier Bailey, has declared or any subsequent Wednesday, between the hours of twelve A a First and Final Dividend of 20s. in the pound on and two o'clock. No Dividend will be paid without the all debts proved up to the 1st day of September, 1870, and production of the securities exhibited at the time of the same dividend will be payable on and after Wednesday, proving the debt. Executors and administrators will be the. U.ih day of September, 1870. Creditors who have required to produce the probate of the will or the letters proved their debts may receive cheques, payable at Messrs. of administration under which they claim. Gururys and Co's Bank, Norwich, for thtir dividends, on CHARLES TURNER, Official Assignee. api lying to the 'trustee at the Crown Batik, Norwich, on and after the said Ulh day of Stptember, 1870, between In the Court of Bankruptcy for the Birmingham District. the hours of eleven o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock In the Matter of Job Herbert, of Leicester, in the county of ic the afternoon. No dividend can be paid unless the Leicester, Paper Box Manufacturer. securitii-s held by the creditor are produced.— Crown OTICE is hereby given, that the adjudication of Bank- Bank, Norwich, 1st September, 1870. N ruptcy, bearing date the 12th day of November, I. B. CO \ US. Solicitor in the Bankruptcy. 1868, made by the Court of Bankruptcy for. the Birming- ham District, against the said Job Herbert, has, by an . In the Mutter of Henry Redding, Book-keeper, Menai Order of the Court, bearing date the 29th day of August, Bridge. Anglesi-a. Petition dated 2nd April, 1867. 1870, been annulled. HEItKBY ^ive notice, that the creditors who have proved their debts under the above estate, may re- ceivI e a Sreond Dividend of 9d. in the pound, upon appli- saMon at my office, Central-chamber?, No. 17c, South The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. Castle str.-tt, Liverpool, on Wednesday, the 7th day of SeptrmlnT, 1870, or any fubseq'-ent Wednesday, between In the London Bankruptcy Court, Basinghail-street. the hours of twelve and two. No Dividend will be paid In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Petition against William •without thf production of the securities exhibited at the Turner, of No. 18, Felix-street, Hackney-road, Mid- time of proving the debt. Executors and administrators dlesex, and now No. 5, Harrow-green, Leytonstone, will be to produce the probate of the will or the Essrx, Oil and Colourman. letters of administration under whicn they claim. UPON the hearing of this Petition this day, and upon cHALli.ES TURNER, Official Assignee. proof satisfactory to the Court of the debt of the Petitioner,, and of the trading, aud of the act or acts of the Bankruptcy In the Matter of J. N. Coiiplctnd, Cotton Broker, Liver- alleged to have been committed by the said \\ill,am pool. Petition drfted 29cn Di-ceirner, 1869. Turner having been given, it is ordered that the said I HEREBY give notice, that the creditors who have William Turner be, and he is hereby, adjudged bankrupt. proved 'heir debts under ihe above estate, may receive —Given under the Seal of the Court this 30th day of a First Dividend of O^i. in the pound, upon • application August, 1870. at im ofiice. Central-chambers, No. 17c, South Castle-street, , By the Court, Liverpool, oil Wednesday, tlie 7tb ><ay of September, 1870, or W. Hazlitt, Registrar. any subsequent Wednesday, between the hours of :welve The First General Meeting of the creditors of the said ana two o'clock. No Dividend can be paid without the WMium Turner is hereby summoned to be held at this. production <> ihe secur.ti'-s exh bued-ut tue time of proving Court, on the 16th day of September, 1870, at twelve Ui>- debt. »-x cutcirs nod administrators will be required to of the clock at noon, and that the Court has ordered product- th- pro hate of tue will or the letters of adminis- the bankrupt to attend thereat for examination, and to. tration under which they claim. produce thereat a statement of his affairs, as required by CHARLliS TURNER, Official Assignee. the statute..
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