The London Gazette, 3 June, 1924
4504 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 3 JUNE, 1924. BYRNE, Annie ^Married Woman), residing and TETLOW, Harry, residing and carrying ore carrying on business at 749, Stockport-road, business at 142 and 144, Castleton-roadr Longsight. Manchester. LADIES' TAILOR Royton, in the county of Lancaster. and COSTUMIER. BUTCHER. Court—MANCHESTER. Court—OLDHAM. No. of Matter—92 of 1923. No. of Matter—31 of 1923. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— Trustee's Name, Address and Description— Gibson, John Grant, Byrom-street, Man- Gibson, John Grant, Byrom-^street, Man- chester, Official Receiver. chester, Official Receiver. Date of Release—May 26, 1924. Date of Release—.May 26, 1924. DAY, Walter James, residing at 34, Meal-street, SMITH, Fred, Cleavers Lodge, Covington, in the- New Mills, in the county of Derby, and carry- county of Northampton. FARMER. ing on business at 1, Poplar-street, Viaduct- Court—PETERBOROUGH. street, Ardwick, Manchester, in the county of No. of Matter—17 of 1923. Lancaster. Wholesale SWEETS and CHOCO- Trustee's Name, Address and Description— LATE MERCHANT. Morris, J. Osborne, 5, Petty Cury, Cambridge, Court—MANCHESTER. Official Receiver. No. of Matter—79 of 1923. Date of Release—May 26, 1924. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— Gibson, John Grant, Byrom-street, Man- LITCHFIELD, Arthur, residing at 2, Littlewood- chester, Official Receiver. street, Pendleton, Manchester; WARREN, Date of Release—May 26, 1924. Harrv Howarth, residing at 262, Ordsall-lane, Salf ord; and ARMITT, Ernest, residing at 120, Fitzwarren-street, Pendleton, Manchester, and SLATER, Thomas Gascoigne, residing at 47, lately carrying on business in co-partnership^ Greenhill-road, Cheetham Hill, Manchester, together, under the style of SEALED BREAD and carrying on business as SLATER BAKERY, at Elizabeth-street.
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