Trustees, has been sold aud transferred to the Sub- BANKRUPTS. scribers David Black & Co., Warehousemen, 111 Argyle Street, Glasgow, as at 24fch June 1918. FROM . The said David Black & Co. will carry on the said business at 151 Argyle Street in their own name as successors to the said Herbert Mot tram Pearce. RECEIVING ORDERS. Agnes Frances Ella Creswick, residing and carrying on The said Trustees of the late Herbert Mottram r Pearce will ingather the outstanding book debts, and business at 68 Sydney Street, Chelsea, in the countj discharge the liabilities of the business up to the date of London, costumiere (a married woman). of transfer. Erwin Charles Schumacher (now known as Erwin Charles Fennell), late 7 Lansdowne Terrace, East- Dated at Glasgow, the llth day of July 1918. bourne, Garfield, Waverley Road, Rustingdon, 80 Tisbury Road, Hove, all in the county of Sussex, and THOS. DUNCAN, the Masonic Hall, Sutton, in the county of Surrey, J. M. CROCKER, but whose present residence the Petitioning Creditors are unable to ascertain, Second Lieutenant in the ISABELLA JOHNSTONE PEARCE, Labour Corps. A majority and quorum of the Trustees of the Robert Arthur Morley, Stotfold, Bedfordshire, boot and late Herbert Mottram Pearce. clothing factor. WM. A. CALLANDER, Writer, Glasgow, Frederick Carpenter. Hand and Spear Hotel, Weybridge, M. S. GRAY, Bookkeeper and Cashier, Surrey. 14 Gordon Street, Glasgow, Edward Down, 13 Tunnel Terrace, Blaengwynfi, in the Witnesses to the Signatures of the county of Glamorgan, labourer. said Thomas Duncan, John Richard Michael, 166 Aberrhondda Road, Porth, Gla- M'Cormack Crocker, and Isabella morgan, formerly licensed victualler, present occupa- John stone Pearce. tion unknown. DAVID BLACK & CO. George Goodlad, 33 Albert Street, Thurnscoe, near WM. S. DOBSON, Rotherham, fruiterer and motor bus proprietor. Arthur Lucas, 489 Upper Richmond Road, East Sheen, Sole Partner. in the county of Surrey, stationer and newsagent. ANDREW H. M'KEAN, Clerk, 111 Argyle Street, Glasgow, ADJUDICATIONS ANNULLED. JOHN FINDLAY, Cashier, 111 Argyle Jesse Joseph Israel, residing at 250 Elgin Avenue, Maida Street, Glasgow, Vale, carrying on business at 31 Wilson Street, Fins- Witnesses to the Signatures of the bury, E.G., in the county of London, office fitter. said David Black and Company Charles Patey, 8 Regent Street, Piccadilly, in the county and William Shavpe Dobson. ot London.

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