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TD/INF/29 17 August 1992 SPANISH/ENGLISH/FRENCH TD/INF/29 17 August 1992 SPANISH/ENGLISH/FRENCH CONFERENCIA DE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS SOBRE COMERCIO Y DESARROLLO UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE DES NATIONS UNIES SUR LE COMMERCE ET LE DEVELOPPEMENT OCTAVO PERIODO DE SESIONES EIGHTH SESSION HUTIEME SESSION LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES LIST OF PARTICIPANTS LISTE DES PARTICIPANTS Note: The format and data of the entries in this list are as provided to the secretariat. GE.92-51946/4812B (E) TD/INF.29 page 2 MEMBERS AFGANISTAN * H.E. Mr. Ghulam Mohaiuddin SHAHBAZ, Minister of Planning ** H.E. Mr. Abdullah BAHAR, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Habibullah FRAHMAND, President of Design and Co-ordination, Planning Department, Ministry of Planning ALEMANIA * H.E. Mr. Carl-Dieter SPRANGER, Federal Minister for Economic Co-operation H.E. Mr. Werner REICHENBAUM, Ambassador, Federal Foreign Office ** H.E. Mr. Heribert WOCKEL, Ambassador, Embassy, Santafé de Bogotá Mr. Joachim JAHNKE, Director, Federal Ministry of Economics Mr. Dietrich KURTH, Ministerial Counsellor, Federal Ministry of Economics Mr. Rüdiger LEMP, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Christoph JESSEN, Counsellor, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Ernst-August HORIG, Ministerial Counsellor, Federal Ministry of Economics Mr. Hans-Gerd KAUSCH, Counsellor, Federal Ministry of Economics Mr. Wolf GUENTHER, Counsellor, Federal Ministry of Economics Mr. Jobst HOLBORN, Counsellor, Federal Ministry of Finance Mr. Werner KNIPSCHILD, Counsellor, Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation Mr. Ralf-Matthias MOHS, First Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation Mr. Volker LOEWE, Second Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation Mr. Achim VIERECK, Second Secretary, Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry *** Mr. Berthold BRANDENSTEIN, Deutsche Bundesbank Mr. Hans-Günther MATTERN, Second Secretary, Embassy, Santafé de Bogotá Ms. Helga MAHLBERG, Second Secretary, Federal Ministry of Economics Mr. Hans-Dietrich BETTERMANN, Third Secretary, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Erika BRIEKE, General Staff, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Sabine VOIGTSBERGER, General Staff, Federal Ministry of Economics ANGOLA * S.E. M. Ambrosio Antonio de OLIVEIRA SILVESTRE, Ministre du Commerce ** M. Sebastiao LUVUMBU, Directeur national de Relations économiques internationales, Ministère du Commerce M. Jose RODRIGUES, Haut fonctionnaire de la Direction des Organisations internationales, Ministère des Relations extérieures M. Joaquim MINGUEIS GONCALVES da COSTA, Directeur du Cabinet téchnique Ministère des Transports et des communications Mme. Ernestina Filipe FERNANDES, Haut fonctionnaire et Secrétaire du Ministre * Représentant/Representative/Representante ** Représentants suppléants/Alternate representatives/Representantes Suplentes *** Conseillers/Advisers/Consejeros TD/INF.29 page 3 ARABIA SAUDITA * Mr. Abdul Rahman AL ZAMIL, Deputy Minister of Commerce ** Mr. Assem Ben Taher ARAB, Assistant Deputy Minister for National Planning Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim AL HAYZAN, Economic Adviser, Ministry of Finance Mr. Ahmed Hamza OMER, Director-General of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce Mr. Jassim ABU-OSHBA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Essam AL MOBARAK, Commercial Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Mohammad ALASMARI, Assistant General Manager of Studies and Research, Ministry of Communications ARGELIA * H.E. Mr. Messaoud Ait CHAALAL, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, New York ** Mr. M’hamed ACHACHE, Director, General Directorate of Multilateral Relations Mr. Abdel Latif DEBABECHE, Subdirector for Economic and Financial Affairs, General Directorate for Multilateral Relations Mrs. Taous FEROUKHI, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva ARGENTINA * S.E. Sr. Alieto GUADAGNI, Embajador, Secretario de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto ** S.E. Sr. Juan Archibaldo LANUS, Embajador, Representante Permanente, Ginebra Sr. Arturo BOTHAMLEY, Ministro, Director de Asuntos Económicos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Sr. Daniel CHUBURU, Consejero, Dirección de Asuntos Económicos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Sra. Cecilia BARRIOS BARON, Primer Secretario, Misión Permanente, Ginebra AUSTRALIA * The Honourable Stephen MARTIN, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade (10-13 February) H.E. Mr. Dominique François Jean Joseph de STOOP, Ambassador, Caracas (10-13 February) Mr. Edwin Franklin DELOFSKI, First Assistant Secretary, Economic and Trade Development Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (10-12 February) Ms. Jane Elizabeth DRAKE-BROCKMAN, Assistant Secretary, Economic Organization Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. Michael BOLTON CARNEY, Director, United Nations Economic Agencies Section, Economic Organization Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (6-25 February) Ms. Meredith Ann BORTHWICK, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the GATT, Geneva (15-25 February) Mr. Anthony Robert McLEOD, Adviser, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. Brent William KNEVETT, Third Secretary, Embassy, Caracas TD/INF.29 page 4 AUSTRALIA (continued) ** Ms. Corinne Denise TOMKINSON, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York Mr. Philip Simon HENRY, Executive Officer, United Nations Economic Agencies Section, Economic Organization Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (6-25 February) Ms. Rebecca Anne Catherine WEISSER, United Nations Economic Agencies Section, Economic Organization Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade AUSTRIA * H.E. Mr. Alois MOCK, Federal Minister, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Manfred SCHEICH, Ambassador, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Harald KREID, Ambassador, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs ** H.E. Mr. Otmar KOLER, Ambassador, Santafé de Bogotá Mr. Peter WILFLING, Minister Counsellor, Federal Chancellery Mr. Gerhard WAAS, Director-General, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs Ms. Margund BELKE, Director, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs Mr. Gottfried MAZAL, Director, Federal Ministry for Finance Ms. Bettina KIRNBAUER, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva *** Mr. Wolfgang ENTMAYR, Commercial Counsellor, Embassy, Santafé de Bogotá Mr. Andreas KLADE, Federal Economic Chamber BAHRAIN * Mr. Abdulrazzak Zain AL-ABIDEEN, Head of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Agriculture Mr. Adel Youssif SATER, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva BANGLADESH * H.E. Mr. M.K. ANWAR, Minister for Commerce ** H.E. Mr. Nazem A. CHOUDHURY, Secretary, Ministry of Commerce H.E. Mr. Mufleh R. OSMANY, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Mr. M. Ishaq TALUKDAR, Economic Minister, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Syed JAMALUDDIN, Joint Chief, Economic Relations Division, Ministry of Finance Mr. M. SHAHEEDULLAH, Trade Consultant, Ministry of Commerce BELARUS * Mr. Viktor Vasilevich ANDRYUSHIN, Vice-Chairman, State Committee for External Economic Relations ** Mr. Aleksandre SYTCHEV, Head, Department of External Economic Co-operation and International Economic Organizations, Ministry for Foreign Affairs TD/INF.29 page 5 BELGICA * S.E. M. R. URBAIN, Ministre du commerce extérieur S.E. M. W. PHAENE, Ambassadeur en Colombie M. D. LALOUX, Ministre plénipotentiaire, Chef de la délégation en l’absence du Ministre ** M. A. BOURLET, Directeur général des accords économiques, Ministère des affaires économiques M. D. GHEKIERE, Conseiller, Chef du Service des organisations internationales à l’AGCD, Ministère des affaires étrangères M. J. PONET, Chargé de mission à l’AGCD, Ministère des affaires étrangères M. J.L. TORDEUR, Conseiller adjoint, Ministère des affaires étrangères M. J. THINSY, Conseiller de Cabinet du Ministre du commerce extérieur M. L. VERRYKEN, Attaché de Cabinet du Ministre de la coopération au développement M. F. CARRUET, Secrétaire d’ambassade, Mission permanente, Genève M. S. LEGRAND, Secrétaire d’ambassade, Ambassade en Colombie M. G. ALZETTA, Conseiller à la Trésorerie, Ministère des finances M. E. CHARTIER, Attaché, Banque nationale de Belgique Mme. H. NYSSEN, Chef de bureau, Cabinet du Ministre de la coopération au développement *** M. J. LIBERT, Secrétaire du Conseil central de l’économie Mme. G. PARENT-COLSON, Conseiller adjoint au Conseil central de l’économie M. N. LEYNSE, Conseiller à la Confédération des syndicats chrétiens (CSC) M. Ch. LIZEN, Directeur des Unions professionnelles agricoles (UPA) M. K. PEETERS, Conseiller à l’Organisation des entrepreneurs indépendants et des classes moyennes (NCMV) M. D. DE MUELENAERE, Chef du service économique à la Centrale générale des syndicats libéraux de Belgique (CGSLB) M. D. van EVERCOOREN, Conseiller économique à la Fédération générale du travail de Belgique (FGTB) M. R. de MEYER, Observateur des Organisations non-gouvernementales Mme. Sybille de COO BHUTAN * H.E. Ugyen TSHERING, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, New York BOLIVIA * S.E. Sr. Leopoldo LOPEZ COCCIO, Ministro de Industria, Comercio y Turismo ** Sr. Bernardo INCH CALVIMONTES, Subsecretario de Asuntos Multilaterales e Integración, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto S.E. Sr. Jorge SORUCO VILLANUEVA, Embajador Representante Permanente, Ginebra Sr. Gonzalo de ACHA PRADO, Asesor, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Sr. Javier LOAYZA, Director General de las Américas, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto TD/INF.29 page 6 BOTSWANA * Mr. T.T. GOWER, Director of Commerce and Consumer Affairs,
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