March 6, 2012 The Inconvenient Truths Series #10: Lest We Forget Hello Every One! I owe you all an explanation as to why you've not received any compilation from me since November 27, 2011. Here is why through the following email reply I did yesterday... Bruce Vinikas (
[email protected]) asked me: "What happened to the Earth Rainbow Network compilations? They just stopped last November. Thousands of people over 10 years received those, passed them on. They served as a powerful resource during the critical Bush and Obama years. They MADE A DIFFERENCE. Will you RESTART the compilations ever?" And my reply was (in part) "I've been Hyper busy with launching a coalition against smart meters and electromagnetic pollution here in Quebec - check the French website I've created at I published 8 large French bulletins, organized with others a demo last Feb 5 in 3 cities against those meters and struggled to work on my book translation through all this. Had almost a burn out. So managing the Meditation Focuses - which I translate in French every week now while I also process (network and archive) the Portuguese version of these weekly Meditation Focuses in addition to the English one - is all I could do." Later Bruce added: "If I'd known you were going to post my comments I would have poured my heart out. I can't say enough about the work you did for those years AND what I hope you will continue to do. For example, after receiving your compilations for a few years I realized it was a powerful venue so I started my own.