March 6, 2012

The Inconvenient Truths Series #10: Lest We Forget

Hello Every One!

I owe you all an explanation as to why you've not received any compilation from me since November 27, 2011. Here is why through the following email reply I did yesterday...

Bruce Vinikas ([email protected]) asked me: "What happened to the Earth Rainbow Network compilations? They just stopped last November. Thousands of people over 10 years received those, passed them on. They served as a powerful resource during the critical Bush and Obama years. They MADE A DIFFERENCE. Will you RESTART the compilations ever?"

And my reply was (in part) "I've been Hyper busy with launching a coalition against smart meters and electromagnetic pollution here in Quebec - check the French website I've created at I published 8 large French bulletins, organized with others a demo last Feb 5 in 3 cities against those meters and struggled to work on my book translation through all this. Had almost a burn out. So managing the Meditation Focuses - which I translate in French every week now while I also process (network and archive) the Portuguese version of these weekly Meditation Focuses in addition to the English one - is all I could do."

Later Bruce added: "If I'd known you were going to post my comments I would have poured my heart out. I can't say enough about the work you did for those years AND what I hope you will continue to do. For example, after receiving your compilations for a few years I realized it was a powerful venue so I started my own. Below is what I have been putting out for a few years. It pales in comparison to your massive posts and I FULLY APPRECIATE the TIME and EFFORT it takes to put one of these out. I struggle each month to do this tiny piece."

So, despite my compilation silence in the past 3 months, I did continue to accrue compilation-worthy material which has now reached 320 pages with over 500 links and it is a daunting prospect for me to consider activating all those links, networking and archiving it all. Being still extremely busy, and considering the fact I won't be able to process any email in the next 4 weeks, I've decided to send you only this introductory segment and have archived the rest of the material as a pdf document (Size: 1,9 meg) without activating any of the links so you may at least access the raw material and explore the tons of stuff I've crammed into it for you. To access any of the links (to watch a Youtube video for instance) in this pdf document, you'll simply have to click on it as usual and it will work just fine you'll see.

I know I will never be able to make time to process it all into a regular html webpage as usual. It is most likely the rest of the compilation material I'll gather over the course of the rest of this year will be offered also as pdf files. Summertime will soon be here with lots of gardening work to do and I still have Part 2 of David Wilcock's book (The Source Field Investigations) to translate by mid July, and so I'll be hard-pressed to do much compilation work. This is probably the best way to gradually prepare you all for the scheduled complete end of my work on the Web next December 21st 2012 when I'll retire from this line of service to dedicate my time and attention to other less demanding activities. Since I'll turn 60 next June, I figured out it is time to release myself from too many commitments.

Still as you've noticed, I've committed myself to providing a new meditation theme every week for this whole 2012 year as a means to create a permanent spiritual bond between those who avail themselves of this marvelous possibility to explore their spiritual roots and enhance their conscious etheric connections with thousands of other souls here and aboard in this infinite multidimensional universe. Even if I won't continue to offer new meditation themes after December 21st 2012, the weekly soul communions will continue forever afterwards every Sunday at your usual local time of whenever you feel prompted to Be One with All That Is in the Always Now time Continuum.

So until my next compilation, I wish you all plenty of Joy and reach out to all of you through the Oneness of Love that makes us all so vibrantly alive......

Jean Hudon Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator

Note aux abonné-e-s francophones: Je vous invite à visiter la galerie de créations artistiques de ma fille de 18 ans, Jade (alias Punaisou de son nom d'artiste) en commençant par ox/ et en cliquant sur "plus ancien" en haut pour découvrir successivement les 51 fresques visuelles (créées avec Photoshop) dont plusieurs comportent un court texte qu'elle a également imaginé en complément au contenu visuel de chaque montage. Sa série Amour et Joie me rend particulièrement fier :-) La profondeur spirituelle de certaines pensées ne manquera pas de vous toucher. Vos commentaires peuvent lui être envoyés à [email protected]

This compilation is archived at tTruths10.pdf

Free subscription to extensive bi-monthly Earth Rainbow Network compilations and to monthly Meditation Focuses by simply sending a blank email to [email protected]

Your feedback is as always welcomed and may be included in a coming compilation - unless you prefer it is not. Circulating this compilation (or any part of it) and personally inviting your correspondents to subscribe to this list would also help enlarge the circle of people who have access to this material. Please include in your forwards the URL address for the archived copy above, so others may have the opportunity to explore the original copy.

STATS for this compilation: Over 115,000 words (310 pages) and 501 links provided.


The normal and special features in this compilation are...



1. First feedback on Special Action Alert 2. Second feedback on Special Action Alert 3. EMP - Another Threat 4. The economic, political and social outlook for 2012 is profoundly negative 5. Fukushima Will Not Go Away 6. McCain says American Citizens Can Be Sent to Guantanamo 7. Explaining to a 5-Year Old Why the Indefinite Detention Bill DOES Apply to U.S. Citizens on U.S. Soil 8. Slip-Sliding to War with Iran 9. Target Iran: Washington's Countdown to War 10. Iraq: not free from foreign domination 11. News: Building sustained community and actions 12. Freedom Taker 13. The Winter of Our Occupation 14. Bankers are the Dictators of the West 15. President Obama Signs National Defense Authorization Act into Law 16. The entire United States is now a war zone: S.1867 passes the Senate with massive support 17. The Pentagon's 1033 program: giving free military equipment to police departments around the U.S. 18. Smart Meters Being Funded by the US Military? 19. Electropollution and the Decline in Health of a Nation 20. Discovery Channel backs down! 21. The Eclipse of Dreams and the Zombie Global Financial System 22. Climate conference approves landmark deal 23. Durban climate talks ending: Polluters won, people lost (Greenpeace Africa) 24. Politicians Listen to the Polluters at UN climate talks 25. Africa’s hidden hunger 26. Israel-Palestine - current situation 27. A Hunger Striker at Death’s Door Turns Up the Heat on Israel — and on the Palestinian Leadership 28. Earth Federation Movement: A Year Zero Message 29. Gathering of All Nations 2012 Australia ------


"We need to live our dream now and create our future now. It’s not enough to say we want peace, whilst responding to injustice with violence; and it’s not enough to fight against something without creating what we’re for. Every movement, cause, and occupation is a living example of what’s possible globally. Every community which faces its problems with love and awareness demonstrates this potential. And every individual who chooses to embrace their pain, rather than deny it, provides hope and possibility for the collective.Peaceful action arises from peace itself, justice from justice, and love from love. Do not become that which you protest against. Discover that change is now and within you, and not as some future promise. Be that which you desire, that which you’re for, and that which we need. Discover it’s here already and not withheld or lost. Discover you are that and share it – there’s no need to demand it with tears. Let your movements express this change, not fight against its lack. Let your actions arise from this change, not lead you further from it. So let us approach those who write the rules of oppression with astounding compassion and enlightened respect. Let us set aside our beliefs for open and honest communication. And let us occupy the spaces that bind us with light in our eyes and love in our hearts. We don’t have to agree with someone to hear them, and we don’t have to like them to respect them. But we must always be the change we wish to see. Let us begin here and now – with the seeds of war we perpetuate. Let us begin with ourselves – the only thing we control. Are you in peace when you shout for peace? Do you embody what you demand?If we respond with judgment they will oppress us. If we respond with opposition they will fight us. If we respond with violence they will destroy us. But if we respond with love, compassion, and understanding; there will be no power for them to infiltrate, no hate for them to corrupt, no violence for them to imprison.In the face of love they will be powerless, in the face of compassion they will be confused, in the face of understanding they will be dumbstruck. In the power of love their love of power will seem obsolete and futile. This is the only thing they don’t know how to fight, and this is the only thing that can create a future worth fighting for."

– Georgia Simone Servant of love, artist of words, sacred activist -- Taken from How To Respond With Love Georgia is hopelessly devoted to sharing movements of love, and supporting you on your journey into the heart: - Check also Occupy Love Goes Global - Dispatch from Velcrow Ripper and

"Hi Jean! The work of putting out information that awakens us is important. You have done a great deal here, and through your work and other's work, gradually people are waking up to the point that a movie like Thrive can be seen without being immediately discredited as ‘conspiracy theory’ because it is so very different from the media projected matrix view of life. I spent 20 years just reading scriptures, knowing absolutely nothing about the world, believing that meditation would solve everything. My brother and a hundred or two others are still there in the Himalayas on that same path. Ultimately they are right, the world is all illusion, but if we don’t make efforts at this important junction in time, the ONLY place we’ll be able to find joy and freedom is within – that is if enslaved life would allow such luxury. I feel strangely protective of this beautiful planet, and I still hope that she can be saved from humanity’s ravages. Thank you for your part in putting out information."

- Kaia Nightingale ([email protected])

"I have a vision for the future and it is beautiful. I see honesty, transparency, and correct thinking in all governments. I see an end to disproportionate military spending and an equitable reallocation of funding to humanitarian causes, education, infrastructure, job creation, health-care, and environmental preservation and clean-up. I see an end to corporate interests in government, and an end to the weaponization of space, and an end to unnecessary reliance on fossil fuels, and other non-renewable resources. I know that alternate sources of energy exist, are viable, and can be inexpensive, but that they have been repressed by misaligned interests. I also know about false-flags, and media manipulation, and Big Pharma's quest to keep everyone sick, and Big Agriculture's quest for world food dominance using unsafe and untested G.M.O.'s. I know about the growing financial divide between the 99% and the 1%, and I know about the N.W.O. and its schemes for population reduction. And yet, I stand in my light, without fear, and with a beautiful vision for the future because I know that I live in an abundant world with plenty of resources for everyone. Whether we are 7 billion, 10 billion, or 15 billion, I know that we have the technology, the resources, and the intelligence to find peaceful solutions to our challenges, to create a world without poverty, without starvation, without disease, without war, without suffering. I know this because I know the truth -- the truth that comes from within -- the same truth that is within all of us. And I am compelled by this truth to stand tall, to live in the moment, and to be all that I am, regardless of what is happening in my life or in the world around me. I have a vision for the future and it is beautiful. And it is unfolding right now, one awakened heart at a time, on schedule, in alignment with the highest good, and perfect in every way. Happy 2012 everyone!"

- Mathew Hart Taken from A Vision of A Beautiful New World

"It is time we consider that we, as EARTH’s occupants, must live in harmony and balance with equity for all. The movement of Occupy Wall Street, Arab Spring, and all the others uprisings are now the call for humanity to go beyond what systems exist and topple the old institutions and have them follow human’s needs. These needs once seen as an aspect of dominance now are a call to realign and circle the earth as one world family in service to all of life.Children of the Earth is a youth spirit/peace organization acting around the world as the “Hope Generation” to create positive social action through local projects as well as organizing other youth.... thus translating our mission into a movement. OCCUPY EARTH movement worldwide. Youth with proper skills and inner realizations will initiate a relevant transforming of society. We believe in peaceful changes that include skills in dialoguing with the "oppositional party" to create a holistic understanding and conversation. If you look at Mandela, King or Gandhi they each had methods that truly impacted not only their own country but also the world at large. We believe that embedded in all religions is a heritage of peace so it would be our purpose to uncover this and bring forward these memories. With these memories, a youth movement that does not instill fear, but rather, love and compassion could stand out as a poignant movement. We are training young adults as well as leaders to learn these skills and then develop goals for social change and go into peaceful warrior action. Youth empowered will occupy earth in right relationship. As the next generation discovers their inner authentic call, understanding the inter connection of life, they are organizing themselves in connecting to deal with civil unrest as it is occurring in the world with goals and action plans. The future must move from problem focused to integration of holistic understanding so that all peoples of the world may live a life of peace. The uprest or civil unrest is only a symptom of the cause. Now all are organizing but have not yet understood that this is the 2012 reorganizing. It is time of birth of change and our great opportunity to move into a family of one humanity caring for ourselves and each other. This is the time of re-evolution and youth are ready to move into world action. The commitment is to build positive change."

- Nina Meyerhof -- Taken from Occupy Earth

"There is much “afoot,” as the saying goes, on your world today. Keep your eye on the ball because those who seem of the Light may not be and those who seem to be serving the Illuminati may, in fact, surprise you. We have extended our protection to those who are in most need of it at this time and have stopped massive efforts from the Illuminati to start a major conflict in the cradle of your civilization. We cannot allow this to happen since plans must go forward towards the inevitable. (...) The intensity of the drama unfolding on your world will increase exponentially in the coming months. What you thought was an incredible revelation today will be “peanuts” compared to what occurs tomorrow, both in magnitude of event and the intensity of the consequences. Things are unraveling at an unrivaled pace and all according to plan. We still discuss among ourselves the various technologies that will be released to you upon Disclosure and in what order they should be revealed. While this seems like a small matter to some of you, it is truly important to understand the interconnectedness of the technologies we possess and how they will ultimately affect you. Whether to reveal the technologies that access what you call the “Akashic records” before revealing teleportation devices or in concert with replication machines is no small matter to us. As we have told you many times before, what is planned for you is done so down to the minutest detail and for reasons that, for the most part, will only become apparent after Disclosure." - The Galactic Federation through Wan derer of the Skies (January 4, 2012)

"Personally, my gut feeling is that not only is the Universe teeming with life and all kinds of intelligent beings in the physical realm as well as the invisible ones, but, most importantly, we live in a *benevolent* Universe, and all the fears surreptitiously drummed up by secret government operatives to depict in a negative light our brothers and sisters from other worlds and dimensions as well as the official pronouncements uttered by their overt accomplices to deny their existence are increasingly becoming irrelevant as their presence is seen and felt by more and more people everyday. However it would be preposterous to think they are here to save us from our own learning experiences as they cannot infringe the most basic universal law of non-interference with our own freewill. Our good, peaceful behavior and speedy spiritual awakening is what will ultimately open the door to their coming on a planetary and unprecedented scale. They have always been here, monitoring our slow evolution and nudging us from time to time in the best direction through the channel of incarnated beings from their evolved ranks and through the selfless assistance of the more advanced elements from our ranks. But the time of Reunion with the galactic and universal Brotherhood of Light is at hand and most of us will have the unique privilege of taking part in the Great Shift of consciousness and priorities that will ensue."

- Jean Hudon - Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator -- Taken from The Watchers Are Coming! Extraterrestrials and Others

"I'm passing this on because it worked for me today... A Dr on TV said to have inner peace we should always finish things we start, & we all could use more calm in our lives. I looked around my house to find things I'd started & hadn't finished. So I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, tha mainder of Valiuminun scriptins, an a box a chocletz. Yu haf no idr how fablus I feel rite now. Sned this to all who need inner piss. An telum u luvum." - Found HERE



There are many MANY topics covered in this HUGE section. Here are some of the titles to give you an idea...

Renowned Geophysicist Says Strange Sky Sounds Are Real Strange Sounds Being Heard Around the World 2011-2012 The Earth is Groaning - Unknown sound phenomena occurring 2011 (and 15 other related videos) What Are the Strange Sounds Being Heard All Over the World? Strange Booms/Sounds Continue Worldwide As Disinformation Campaign Starts World's Pyramids Beaming Energy To Mysterious Space Cloud Anomaly In The Earth's Atmosphere Filmed By ISS Satellite Captures 'Enormous Underwater Storm' Nations want 'tsunami wave' of pressure on al-Assad Homs under massive attack as Shiite fighters help Assad regime Arab League: Save Syrian Lives Made in Jordan: Thousands of gunmen preparing to enter Syria? Smuggle Hope into Syria - Amazing response! A Doctor’s Cry for Help as Homs Victims Pour In to a Medical Center At Least 200 Reported Killed in Syrian City of Homs Homs: Bloody Winter in Syria’s Revolution Capital Anger After Russia, China Block UN Action on Syria Syria Crackdown: Homs Bombarded, Dozens Killed U.S. does not believe Iran is trying to build nuclear bomb Does AIPAC want war? Iran set for talks with IAEA team Iran: New Military Exercises, But No New Threat US and UK urge Israel not to attack Iran Navy Seals Say False Flag To Be Blamed On Iran May Happen At Anytime: Ed Asner Behind the Deepening Crisis with Iran: the Real Story Versus the Cover Story In Defense of Iran Beating the Drums of War: Provoking Iran into "Firing the First Shot"? Iran Is NOT Our Enemy US/Iran tension artificial? Assassination in Iran: Obama Administration is CEO of "Murder Inc" Secrets of the CIA Final Solution: First Syria, Then Iran Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes A second Iranian nuclear facility has exploded, as diplomatic tensions rise between the West and Tehran 'Iranian forces go on war alert' Iran Worried U.S. Might Be Building 8,500th Nuclear Weapon Exercise tests emergency response to biological attack 'War is hell: Iran far stronger than US would like to admit' Iran reports all its nuclear installations now underground Top US general: Iran's dangerous game could draw Mid East and US into conflict The Crazy Rush to Attack Iran WWIII Countdown: CFR declares "Time to Attack Iran" Council on Foreign Relations: Time to attack Iran - Why a strike is the least bad option... US army ready to engage in Iran war China and Iran's extensive relationship China's Hu urges navy to prepare for combat DIA DIRECTOR: CHINA PREPARING FOR SPACE WARFARE U.S. Navy rescues Iran fishermen held by Somalia pirates Tehran 'Welcomes' U.S. Navy Rescue Of Iranian Fishermen Dresden - The Real Holocaust The Anglo Holocaust The WWII Dresden Holocaust - 'A Single Column Of Flame' Operation Keelhaul: A Combined Allied Atrocity US in Violation of Geneva in Afghanistan - Mass Child Freezing Deaths, Proof of Mass Starvation New Amnesty International Report Reveals Afghans Fleeing War Find Misery in Urban Slums Doomsday Clock: Five Minutes to Midnight Russia to deploy monstrous 'Satan' nuclear weapon in arsenal Moscow and CSTO Military Alliance Warns U.S., NATO Over European Missile System The Real Dangers of War: New Russian Strategic Missiles Can Penetrate U.S. Missile Shield Finland 'finds Patriot missiles' on China-bound ship National Defense Authorization Act passes House, 283-136 Stop the NDAA On National Defense Authorization Act, Obama pulls veto threat Judge Napolitano. How to get fired in under 5 mins Obama Signs NDAA Martial Law New Bill Authorizes Rendition of American Citizens Living within the United States to Other Countries for Torture Legislating Tyranny in America Alex Jones: Government using drones against Americans Secrecy defines Obama’s drone war 2011: The Year The People Became the Enemy Big Sis Orders ICE To Prepare For Mass Influx of "illegal" Immigrants 50-year-old CARTOON TRIED TO WARN US Future Riot Shields Will Suffocate Protestors with Low Frequency Speakers UK Police Will Squash Rioters by Blinding Them…With Lasers TIME's Person of the year: THE PROTESTER Creating a Culture of Caring Educational Tools for the 99% about the 1% 2012: Evidence Suggests Defeat for the New World Order Earth Day on the National Mall 5.9%: The scariest number you’ll see this week Why the U.N.’s Development Index is destroying the future The Secret Behind Whitney Houston's Death Prioritize Africa's Elephants U.S. WAR-GAME OPS "BOLD ALLIGATOR" = DEAD DOLPHINS "U.S. NAVY FRENCH-FRYING CETACEANS GLOBALLY: WHEN ARE WE GOING TO WAKE UP?" Tar Sands Oil Extraction - The Dirty Truth (and several related videos) Tell Your Senators: Reject the Pipeline! Obama rejects Keystone pipeline, but leaves door open for tar sands Enbridge Northern Gateway Tar Sands Pipelines Heading West to Asia Must Be Stopped Too The national campaign to Abolish Corporate Personhood and Demand Democracy Stop Online Spying Arrested Development - One-Way Train to Gitmo Jon Stewart Blasts Senate Defense Bill That Would Allow Americans To Be Detained Indefinitely "Wake up America!" Still not convinced were in Martial law? Op-Ed: Does US Senate Commit Treason with NDAA Bill? US Constitution repealed by traitorous Senators; 'Republican party now the Gestapo party' says observer America Just Says No to the Rule of Law If you ever had any doubt the media is controlled... The End of the American Dream (several videos) 2011 YEAR of the DUPE: One Year into the Engineered "Arab Spring," One Step Closer to Global Hegemony

Note from Jean: IMHO this attempted explanation below doesn't hold water. The great diversity of sky sounds are not explained. In this January 16 video, a large space ship can be clearly seen over L.A. skyline just before the screeching noise is heard. Could it be that some space-faring civilization is simply using this new method to draw our attention to their existence? It does not seem like a gentle way though as these otherworldly deafening noises can induce panic in some people. They must tell themselves, "Well, if crop formations and openly patrolling their skies doesn't get their attention, perhaps this will finally wake them up."

From: sounds-are-real/

Renowned Geophysicist Says Strange Sky Sounds Are Real

Dr. Elchin Khalilov, a geophysicist and a professor in Azerbaijan [map], has been conducting research into the recent wave of strange sky sounds.

Dr. Khalilov refers to the phenomena as "sky hum." As a geophysicist, he has become intrigued by the numerous reports and recording of the sky sounds. While others in the research community might be inclined to dismiss the whole thing as nonsense, Dr. Khalilov has been working with other researchers to explain what might be causing it.

In a recent article (8 January, 2012) at GeoChange Journal, Dr. Khalilov responded to some questions about the sky hum phenomena.


Dr. Elchin Khalilo

"We have analyzed records of these sounds and found that most of their spectrum lies within the infrasound range, i.e. is not audible to humans. What people hear is only a small fraction of the actual power of these sounds. They are low-frequency acoustic emissions in the range between 20 and 100 Hz modulated by ultra-low infrasonic waves from 0.1 to 15 Hz. In geophysics, they are called acoustic-gravity waves; they are formed in the upper atmosphere, at the atmosphere-ionosphere boundary in particular. There can be quite a lot of causes why those waves are generated: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, storms, tsunamis, etc. However, the scale of the observed humming sound in terms of both the area covered and its power far exceeds those that can be generated by the above-mentioned phenomena."


"In our opinion, the source of such powerful and immense manifestation of acoustic-gravity waves must be very large-scale energy processes. These processes include powerful solar flares and huge energy flows generated by them, rushing towards Earth's surface and destabilizing the magnetosphere, ionosphere and upper atmosphere. Thus, the effects of powerful solar flares: the impact of shock waves in the solar wind, streams of corpuscles and bursts of electromagnetic radiation are the main causes of generation of acoustic-gravitation waves following increased solar activity. "Given the surge in solar activity as manifested itself in the higher number and energy of solar flares since mid-2011, we can assume that there is a high probability of impact of the substantial increase in solar activity on the generation of the unusual humming coming from the sky. It should be pointed out that solar activity began to rise sharply since early 2011, with its amplitude significantly higher than all forecasts given by a number of influential scientific institutions in 2010 and 2011. Meanwhile, the observed increase in solar activity is fully consistent with the forecast of the International Committee GEOCHANGE published in the Committee's Report in June 2010. If this growth rate of solar activity continues, its amplitude by the end of 2012 will be higher than the amplitude of 23rd solar cycle, and in 2013-2014 the solar activity will reach its peak the amplitude of which was predicted by us to be 1.5 - 1.7 times higher than the amplitude of the 23rd cycle."


"There is one more possible cause of these sounds and it may lie at the Earth's core. The fact is that the acceleration of the drift of the Earth's north magnetic pole which increased more than fivefold between 1998 and 2003 and is at the same level today points to intensification of energy processes in the Earth's core, since it is processes in the inner and outer core that form the Earth's geomagnetic field. Meanwhile, as we have already reported, on November 15, 2011 all ATROPATENA geophysical stations which record three-dimensional variations of the Earth's gravitational field almost simultaneously registered a powerful gravitational impulse. The stations are deployed in Istanbul, Kiev, Baku, Islamabad and Yogyakarta, with the first and last one being separated by a distance of about 10,000 km. Such a phenomenon is only possible if the source of this emanation is at the Earth's core level. That huge energy release from the Earth's core at the end of the last year was some kind of a start signal indicating the transition of the Earth's internal energy into a new active phase.

"Intensification of the energy processes in the Earth's core can modulate the geomagnetic field which, through a chain of physical processes at the ionosphere - atmosphere boundary level, generates acoustic-gravity waves the audible range of which has been heard by people in the form of a frightening low-frequency sound in different parts of our planet. "In both cases, even though the causes of acoustic-gravity waves are of a quite understandable geophysical nature, they are indicative of the expected significant increase in solar activity and the geodynamic activity of our planet. There is no doubt that processes in the core rule the internal energy of our planet, therefore, we should expect by the end of 2012 a sharp rise in strong earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and extreme weather events with peak levels in 2013 - 2014."


Related videos:

Strange Sounds Being Heard Around the World 2011-2012 (7 min) Strange sounds are being reported from all around the globe!!! Many different cities, through out many different countries are hearing them. Mostly in 2011, some sooner, and especially more recently in 2012, these "earth sounds" are becoming a quickly growing phenomenon!!! They are starting to gain local media attention in some countries.

The Earth is Groaning - Unknown sound phenomena occurring 2011

Strange sound in Montreal

Strange Noise around the world (Worth watching except the last minute))

Strange Sounds in Missoula: My Ear-witness Account (Feb 19, 2012) account/

Trumpets Of The End Times - Australia

Strange Sounds Worldwide - Oahu Strange noises in Belgium - 19 Jan 2012

What the HELL are these Sounds??? HAARP? Vancouver B.C. Canada (20 janv. 2012)

'Sounds Of Apocalypse' Heard In Canada, Sweden, Hungary, Denmark, Costa Rica, Czech Republic

Strange sound Ireland

STRANGE SOUNDS in France (Auvergne) - 19/01/2012

Hell screams from sky Weird Noise from sky

MORE STRANGE SOUNDS!!!!! What in the world is happening??!!

The Hum - weird noise plaguing village is investigated by the Telegraph

Strange Sounds in Venice, Florida 1/16/12

What Are the Strange Sounds Being Heard All Over the World? (January 16, 2012) heard-all-over-the-world/ Update: This article on scalar wars provides a possible clue as to what these strange sounds are. It should also be noted that it is fact that the military has directed energy weapons as documented in an official Navy article: (...) In the last 5 days or so there have been multiple UAO (Unidentified Audible Objects) recorded across the world. These loud rumbles that seem to come from the skies have been so powerful that they have been reportedly rattling walls and windows of buildings. At times it seems to sound like multitudes of planes flying overhead and at others it sounds like apocalyptic deep horns. No one seems to have absolutely any explanation whatsoever. Check out a map tracking where these sounds have been heard here. While chemtrails and geoengineering have obviously increased in the last few months, this may be a new use of existing HAARP technology. CLIP

Strange Booms/Sounds Continue Worldwide As Disinformation Campaign Starts (January 17, 2012) worldwide-as-disinformation-campaign-starts/ As strange booms continue to be recorded across the world, a large scale disinformation campaign is now underway that involves planting fake videos as proof of the sounds and then debunking them as well as pretending that all the videos are simply overlapped with the same audio. CLIP

World's Pyramids Beaming Energy To Mysterious Space Cloud (7 février 2012) Energy_To_Mysterious_Space_Cloud.html Although NASA covered up the strange photon cloud that's now enveloped the solar system, the word has leaked out from some scientists.And now, as the ominous cloud approaches it's affecting the sun and planets in measurable ways. Amazingly, as the bizarre energy invades our space, some of the world's most famous pyramids are generating intense energy.Several incredible incidents of visible power beams shooting skywards into space towards the region of the alien photonic cloud are well-documented.At the same time, people around the world began hearing and recording frightening sounds—noises that seem as if the Earth itself is moaning and wailing. All the phenomena—including measurements of the never-before-seen gigantic electrification of the turbulent sun—seem to be centered on the deadly photonic cloud that some have called a 'potential Doomsday space event.' Ancient pyramids awake after centuries, millennia of slumber - Tourists screamed, others shot hasty videos with their camera phones as the Mayan pyramid rumbled. But no earthquake followed, instead a brilliant beam of light shot skyward into space as awed onlookers gasped, wondering what it meant. But the Mayan pyramid of Kukulkan transmitting a raw column of incredible energy into space was just the latest pyramid to do so. In 2009 and 2010 the Bosnian pyramid of the sun beamed a pencil thin ray of pure energy towards space Recently, the Chinese government began closely monitoring the Xianyang pyramid for signs of activity. Last year a team of scientists investigated the pyramid and believe it may have extraterrestrial origins. [Alien Base Found At Chinese Pyramid] That amazing incident was followed by the vortex blast—witnessed and captured on film—shooting from the apex of the famous Aztec Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan, Mexico. Energy beams, vortexes, whirlwinds of intense force…what does it mean? Where is that energy being directed and why? What activated the mysterious power of these silent sentinels of stone quietly marking the passage of centuries…until something disturbed their slumber?What brought them to life may be something more incredible than the actions of the pyramids: the arrival of an unknown force from the galactic void that's now surrounded much of the solar system. NASA and the European Space Agency have been warning the world for two years about the approaching catastrophes that may unfold during 2012 to 2013. Few listened.

Anomaly In The Earth's Atmosphere Filmed By ISS (22 February, 2012) With video

Satellite Captures 'Enormous Underwater Storm' (22 February, 2012) _Underwater_Storm.html


Syrian Girl - What Syria Should Do (Feb 21, 2012) Enlightening perspective.

Syrian Girl - Why Al Qaeda is Al CIAda - She has an astounding level of strategic understanding and perception of what's happening in the Middle East. Very well informed and knowledgeable

Syrian Girl visits Damascus War Memorial 1973 Israeli War - built by DPRK

Free Syrian Arms: US gives guns to Al-Qaeda protege (Feb 16, 2012) The conflict in Syria is intensifying and the UN is unable to agree on a solution to end the bloodshed. Meanwhile, US politicians are calling to arm opposition forces, amid suspicions the US may already be supplying weapons through its Arab allies. In spite of the fears that providing anti- governmental rebels in Syria could lead to an irreversible escalation of the conflict and descent into civil war, US politicians are starting to put pressure on Washington.

WHAT IS GOING ON IN SYRIA? (Feb 20, 2012) This video is a message to friends of Syrian people and the free world, to get a brief idea of what is going on in Syria ; since March 15 2011 people of Syria have taken to streets, in peaceful demonstrations, claiming their freedom, from dictatorship which has deprived Syrians of their basic rights for more than 40 years. The Syrian regime led by dictator Assad the son and his militia answered those demonstrations by brutal crackdown as you see in this video. They set check points every 10 miles inside the cities, tanks and heavy armors, snipers on rooftop, killing people and demonstrators randomley, cutting off water and food supply ,shelling building and towns by rocket launchers. Russia and China the largest hypocratic, totalitarian goverments in the world still support this regime and vetoed 2 resolutions in security council to condemn the brutality of syrian regime, however more than 80 nations around the world decided to create a coaliation called FRIENDS OF SYRIA to help the syrian people in their historical fight for freedom.

George Galloway says the truth about Syria

George Galloway on Syria and Middle East - Another perspective

Nations want 'tsunami wave' of pressure on al-Assad (February 24, 2012) unrest/?hpt=hp_t2 Tunis, Tunisia (CNN) -- World powers meeting Friday in Tunisia called for a political solution in Syria and what one diplomat called a "tsunami wave" of pressure to peel away internal support for the embattled regime of Bashar al-Assad."We agreed on increasing the pressure on Assad, getting humanitarian aid in as quickly as possible and preparing for a democratic transition," U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told reporters. "That was my message, and that was the message of the chairman statement that reflected the consensus reached here."That consensus was reached during a day of meetings by the "Friends of Syria" in the cradle of the Arab Spring, where participants began laying the groundwork for a political transition in Syria, not unlike the international planning that preceded the changes in Libya, where Moammar Gadhafi's regime was toppled last year. The group, comprising representatives of dozens of international countries and entities, developed a plan to deliver immediate humanitarian aid, to give political legitimacy to the Syrian opposition and to endorse the idea of a joint Arab-U.N. peacekeeping force. (...) The diplomat said the conference communique will endorse the Arab League's request to the Security Council to form a joint Arab-U.N. peacekeeping force after the cessation of violence.Many groups have been calling for international help for civilians caught in the crossfire. Despite the absence of Russia and China from the conference, Human Rights Watch urged the Friends of Syria to gain the support of Moscow and Beijing in attempting to persuade Syria to stop shelling Homs, to permit humanitarian aid and to obtain "safe passage" for civilians who want to leave the country. The Russian Foreign Ministry said it is concerned over the clashes, particularly in Homs, and noted that "urgent measures need to be taken as soon as possible to stop any violence leading to the death of innocent people."

Homs under massive attack as Shiite fighters help Assad regime (February 14th, 2012) fighters-help-assad-regime-412866 The Syrian army resumed Tuesday its attack on the rebel city of Homs. "The bombing of Homs which began at dawn is the most violent in the past five days. On average, two rockets fall every minute," stated Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights. According to the organization, new clashes between the forces loyal to Bashar al-Assad and the rebels killed 29 people Monday, including 18 civilians.Ignoring the calls for calm, the Syrian regime has continued the shelling of Homs, now suffering a humanitarian crisis. The Red Crescent complained about a shortage of bread in the "capital of revolution."Since Feb. 4, at least 300 people were killed, according to a UN count.Elsewhere, Al Jazeera TV reported the Syrian regime's forces resumed on Tuesday the offensive against the city of Boukamal, near the border with Iraq, as well as towns inn the southern province of Deraa. Columns of tanks and armored vehicles raided the towns and made several arrests.Meanwhile, media sources claim that Iranian fighters from the Revolutionary Guards and Iraqis from the Shiite Al-Mahdi Army of Moqtada Sadr have been sent to help the Syrian regime. Iran has also dispatched pilots to Syria, especially since Bashar al-Assad feared the defection of his pilots. Iranian and Iraqi militiamen are primarily deployed in the region of Souwaida (Jebel Al-Arab) which is known for its Druze majority. Lebanese sources fear that this is a warning to the Lebanese Druze and their leader Walid Jumblatt, who continue to denounce the Syrian regime.

Arab League: Save Syrian Lives (Feb 14, 2012) With each passing day, Bashar Al-Assad’s campaign to crush the Syrian freedom movement reaches new levels of horror. His brutal thugs are raining rockets and mortars into densely populated residential neighborhoods, cutting off electricity and phones so families can’t call for help, and blocking medical aid from getting to the critically wounded. But, finally a flicker of hope is emerging that could stop the terror. In the wake of the UN failure last week, Syria's neighbours in the the Arab League are taking the lead. They have called other key powers to an emergency meeting next week in Tunisia, and Avaaz staff will be there with the Syrian democracy movement to deliver a clear mandate for strong action. Let's make sure this meeting ends with a comprehensive plan to end the bloodbath, not another watered down compromise that renews Assad's license to murder his people. A one million strong petition will show that people across the world are watching and expect urgent action to end this humanitarian catastrophe. Sign the petition -- we’ll bring it directly to the delegates in the meeting.

Made in Jordan: Thousands of gunmen preparing to enter Syria? (21 February, 2012) Over 10,000 Libyans are reportedly being trained in a closed-off zone in Jordan, before being snuck into Syria to fight for the opposition. These men are allegedly paid around US$1,000 a month, funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Jordan-based AlBawaba news website says most of the gunmen who are being trained are actually part of the Libyan armed opposition, who have not had the chance to lay down arms following the toppling of Muammar Gaddafi’s regime. The allegations of funding from Riyadh and Doha were not attributed to anyone, but AlBawaba did draw attention to the fact that both Saudi Arabia and Qatar actively support the Syrian opposition. At the same time, several Iranian news sources report that some 50 Turkish officers arrested in Syria last week have confirmed that they were trained by the Israeli Special Forces to carry out insurgent acts against the Syrian government and President Bashar al-Assad. The arrested officers also, according to Iran’s Fars news agency, admitted to initiating contact with Qatar and Saudi Arabia, inadvertently lending support to the countries’ involvement in the ongoing conflict in Syria. Foreign conspiracy melting-pot - Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, post-war Libya, Turkey, Israel – this list of countries drawn into conspiracy media speculation would be incomplete without recent remarks from the Russian Foreign Ministry. British MI6 agents have entered the Syrian ground, the Ministry said on Friday. This is the first time such a declaration has come from a ministry. The media have been boiling with reports on foreign Special Forces training the Syrian opposition since November. Thus, the Israeli DEBKAfile reported that British and Qatari commandos are instructing the Syrian opposition and supplying them with arms. The French weekly Le Canard Enchaine and Turkish daily Milliyet revealed the presence of French intelligence in the region, also instructing the Free Syrian Army in urban guerrilla techniques. These camps were located in Libya’s Tripoli, southern Turkey and northern Lebanon, read the reports. The Syrian government has also to deal with Jihadists flocking to the country from neighboring Iraq. According to the Iraqi Interior Ministry, the insurgents are smuggling weaponry across the border to support anti- Assad movement. CLIP Check also US double standards: Indirectly arming Syrian rebels?

From: "Alice Jay -" ([email protected]) Subject: Smuggle Hope into Syria - Amazing response! Date: 13 Feb 2012 Wow over 23,000 of us have donated and we're already getting aid and equipment into Syria - let's hit our target of 35,000!

Dear friends,

This urgent video appeal just came in from one of Avaaz's brave citizen journalists in Syria -- our community may be the only one that can help Danny and his friends before the next massacre.

Right now, the regime is murdering men, women and children and tearing cities apart. China and Russia just handcuffed international action at the UN and gave Assad license to unleash his murder machine to crush the Syrian Spring once and for all. But Danny and the democracy movement are more determined than ever and are urgently asking for our continued international solidarity and support.

Let’s be clear -- as embassies close, medical agencies withdraw and journalists pull out, Avaaz has the only network that is both smuggling medical equipment and journalists in and images and information out. The UN has failed, but we can help peaceful democracy heroes like Danny loosen the dictator's grip on their country. Click here to see Danny's appeal and chip in now so we can continue our Arab spring campaigning and support for citizen journalists -- if 35,000 of us donate now, we can get aid to the most besieged cities and towns before the next attack:

Activists like Danny are risking their lives for freedom and counting on our global support. On Saturday, Syria’s brutal forces killed another one of Avaaz's citizen journalists, a 23-year-old named Omar, a leader of our 400-strong network of activists, as he pulled people from the rubble after a deadly massacre in Homs. Omar died as he lived, photographing the regime’s crimes, helping others and sacrificing for freedom. After the regime kicked the international media out, brave civilians like Danny and Omar have risked their lives to break the news blackout and help 18 of the world’s leading journalists from foreign news outlets into the locked- down country. It’s likely that the images you have seen on your TV or photographs in your newspaper came from this courageous team.

But that is just a part of what the Avaaz project has done. Thanks to the generous support of members across the world, Avaaz is providing a rare lifeline of critical support to the democracy movement in Syria. When activists told us medicines were running out, we set up a smuggling network to deliver over $1.8 million worth of medical equipment into the country, saving thousands of lives. When the Syrian National Council was struggling to present a credible leadership alternative to the world, we organized meetings in the UN, Russia and across Europe to support their work.

Day after day, Danny and Omar and hundreds of other heroes have turned out to film and protest, facing down tanks with no support from international governments. But what happens in the next two weeks will be decisive. This is the pinnacle of the Arab Spring and the global struggle against brutal despots. Together we can secure a lifeblood to the resistance and walk with the brave Syrian people on their journey to freedom. Click to watch Danny's desperate appeal and make a life-saving donation now:

This year people power in the Middle East has taught the world an important lesson -- together we are stronger than the fiercest dictator, and fiercer than the most ruthless army. On the streets of Syria, Avaaz is a beloved partner in the struggle for freedom. As one opposition leader put it, “the Syrian people have gained strength from knowing that the world, through the Avaaz community, stands with them.” Together, we have made the impossible possible and with our help Assad’s regime will come to end.

With hope and determination,

Alice, Ian, Antonia, Emma, Ricken, Mouhamad, Morgan, Wissam, Sam, Bissan, Will and the entire Avaaz team

More information:

A Doctor’s Cry for Help as Homs Victims Pour In to a Medical Center [Warning: This is a graphic video not suitable for sensitive viewers] At Least 200 Reported Killed in Syrian City of Homs (Washington Post) syria-but-capital-is-quiet/2012/02/03/gIQAQOqNnQ_story.html

Homs: Bloody Winter in Syria’s Revolution Capital (CNN) profile/index.html

Anger After Russia, China Block UN Action on Syria (Reuters) idUSTRE80S08620120205?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&rpc=71

Syria Crackdown: Homs Bombarded, Dozens Killed (Huffington Post/Reuters) homs_n_1256699.html


U.S. does not believe Iran is trying to build nuclear bomb (February 24, 2012) anchorage_ak/#.T0hDCJjPSsQ As U.S. and Israeli officials talk publicly about the prospect of a military strike against Iran's nuclear program, one fact is often overlooked: U.S. intelligence agencies don't believe Iran is actively trying to build an atomic bomb. A highly classified U.S. intelligence assessment circulated to policymakers early last year largely affirms that view, originally made in 2007. Both reports, known as national intelligence estimates, conclude that Tehran halted efforts to develop and build a nuclear warhead in 2003. The most recent report, which represents the consensus of 16 U.S. intelligence agencies, indicates that Iran is pursuing research that could put it in a position to build a weapon, but that it has not sought to do so. Although Iran continues to enrich uranium at low levels, U.S. officials say they have not seen evidence that has caused them to significantly revise that judgment. Senior U.S. officials say Israel does not dispute the basic intelligence or analysis.

(...) Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, insisted Wednesday that Tehran had no intention of producing nuclear weapons. In remarks broadcast on state television, he said that "owning a nuclear weapon is a big sin." But he said that "pressure, sanctions and assassinations" would not stop Iran from producing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The U.S. and European Union have imposed strict sanctions on Iran's oil and banking sectors, and unidentified assassins on motorcycles have killed several nuclear scientists in Iran, attacks for which Tehran has blamed Israel. For now, U.S. military and intelligence officials say they don't believe Iran's leadership has made the decision to build a bomb. "I think they are keeping themselves in a position to make that decision," James R. Clapper Jr., director of National Intelligence, told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Feb. 16. "But there are certain things they have not yet done and have not done for some time." Clapper and CIA Director David H. Petraeus told a separate Senate hearing that Iran was enriching uranium below 20% purity. Uranium is considered weapons grade when it is enriched to about 90% purity, although it is still potentially usable at lower enrichment levels. CLIP

Does AIPAC want war? (19 Feb 2012) 243.html If a bill pushed by Lieberman passes, it could give the US "political authorisation for military force" against Iran. -- Washington, DC - For all it has done to promote confrontation between the United States and Iran, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee has worked to avoid the public perception that AIPAC is openly promoting war. In AIPAC's public documents, the emphasis has always been on tougher sanctions. (If you make sanctions "tough" enough - an effective embargo - that is an act of war, but it is still at one remove from saying that the US should start bombing.) But a new Senate effort to move the goalposts of US policy to declare it "unacceptable" for Iran to develop a nuclear weapons capability - not a nuclear weapon, but the technical capacity to create one - gives AIPAC the opportunity to make a choice which all can observe. If the Lieberman resolution becomes an ask for AIPAC lobbyists at the March AIPAC policy conference, then the world will know: AIPAC is lobbying Congress for war with Iran. CLIP

Disturbing images from Iran you rarely see

Iran set for talks with IAEA team (20 Feb 2012) 904.html Two-day talks in Tehran come as Iran announces halt to oil supplies to France and Britain over nuclear standoff. -- Iran is to host a high-level team from the UN nuclear watchdog on Monday for talks aimed at defusing international tensions over its atomic programme. "We hope to have a couple of good and constructive days in Tehran," Herman Nackaerts, deputy-director general of the UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said at Vienna airport as the five-member team prepared to depart. "The highest priority remains of course the possible military dimensions of Iran's nuclear programme," he told reporters, making clear he wanted to see concrete results in the talks with Iranian officials.Western diplomats have downplayed any hopes of a major breakthrough during the two-day talks, even though it comes just a few days after signs of a possible opening for diplomacy in the long-running nuclear dispute. The outcome, after an inconclusive first round of discussions last month, could determine whether the international standoff over Iran's uranium enrichment programme escalates further or offers scope to reduce tensions. CLIP

Iran: New Military Exercises, But No New Threat (February 20, 2012) threat The Iranian air force announced Feb. 20 that it had begun a four-day drill covering a zone of 190,000 square kilometers (73,300 square miles) in southern Iran. The exercises, dubbed "Sarollah," would be held to counter "all possible threats, especially to public, important and nuclear centers." The exercises follow the Feb. 19 start of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' (IRGC) own "Valfajr" ground forces exercises in the deserts of central Iran. Unlike the previously scheduled navy exercises in the Strait of Hormuz -- which Stratfor sources say have either been canceled or at the very least delayed -- these exercises appear to be largely defensive in nature and are taking place far from the Persian Gulf's critical oil artery, a much more provocative site for military drills. Though the additional drills demonstrate Iran's concerns about military readiness, it appears the Iranians are deliberately restraining themselves in these maneuvers, which would be consistent with Tehran's efforts to reduce tensions and re- energize negotiations with the United States. CLIP

US and UK urge Israel not to attack Iran (20 Feb 2012) 821.html Western allies call for more time for sanctions to work, as tensions run high following Iranian naval deployment. The United States and Britain have urged Israel against any military action against Iran and its nuclear programme, after Iranian warships passed through the Suez Canal to dock at the Syrian port of Tartous, ratchetting up tensions in the region.Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the US joints chiefs of staff committee, and William Hague, the British foreign minister, both said that an Israeli attack on Iran would destablise the entire region, and urged Israel to give international sanctions against Tehran more time to work. In comments on Sunday, Dempsey said an Israeli attack would be "not prudent", and Hague said it would not be "a wise thing". In an interview broadcast on CNN on Sunday, Dempsey said Israel has the capability to strike Iran and delay the Iranians "probably for a couple of years. But some of the targets are probably beyond their reach". He expressed concern that an Israeli attack could spark reprisals against US targets in the Gulf or Afghanistan, where American forces are based. "That's the question with which we all wrestle. And the reason that we think that it's not prudent at this point to decide to attack Iran,'' Dempsey said.Describing Iran as a "rational actor", Dempsey said he believed that the international sanctions on Iran are beginning to have an effect. "For that reason, I think, that we think the current path we're on is the most prudent path at this point." Tom Donilon, the White House national security advisor, was to meet with Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, though there was no confirmation from either government on whether or not that meeting took place. Donilon is due to meet Ehud Barak, the Israeli defence minister, on Monday. Al Jazeera's John Terrett, reporting from Washington DC, said it was highly unusual for a national security advisor to travel overseas and that he was likely to bluntly tell the Israelis to "put the brakes" on its attack plans. Speaking to the BBC, British Foreign Minister Hague said the UK's approach was focused on sanctions and diplomatic means. CLIP

Navy Seals Say False Flag To Be Blamed On Iran May Happen At Anytime: Ed Asner (February 14, 2012) To_Be_Blamed_On_Iran_May_Happen_At_Anytime:_Ed_Asner.html Appearing on the Alex Jones Show on Monday, Emmy Award-winning actor Ed Asner said Navy Seals have told him military action against Iran is forthcoming and will be preceded by a false flag attack.Asner told Alex and his nationally syndicated radio show audience that the Seals are attempting to alert the American people about the prospect of a false flag operation and “more foreign escapades” before the establishment media “starts brainwashing us.” Beginning at 8 minutes and 57 seconds in the first video clip above, Asner said Iran is being set-up for military action that will occur during the summer or fall and create an October surprise prior to the election. Asner said it is up to the American people to recognize and prevent an imminent false flag operation and stop another disastrous war before it gets started. He said the Navy Seals are now coming forward because they are worried that an Iran false flag attack “runs the danger” of creating a “world-wide conflict if it gets out of hand.” False flag attacks designed to initiate conflict and war have been used numerous times by governments as a foreign policy tactic. During the Asner interview, Alex mentioned Dick Cheney’s effort to start a war with Iran. CLIP

Behind the Deepening Crisis with Iran: the Real Story Versus the Cover Story (January 07, 2011) the-real-story-versus-the-cover-story.html Recently, President Obama imposed new sanctions on Iran which according to reports have been very effective, causing a sudden major devaluation of Iran’s currency. The Iranians correctly understand that they are under attack, and have threatened to respond by closing the strait of Hormuz, through which a large percentage of oil from the Mideast flows to the global economy. If the crisis deepens and Iran makes good on its threat to close Hormuz, there is little doubt that the US will intervene to reopen the strait. This will lead to a shooting war for which Iran will be blamed, even though the recent US sanctions were tantamount to overt aggression.I believe the US will exploit the situation to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities. But, even more importantly, the US will target Iran’s conventional missiles. Indeed, I believe this is the real reason for US sanctions in the first place, and for the buildup of tensions in recent days. Despite public perceptions, and all the about nukes, the present crisis has nothing to do with Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons program. In my opinion, that is just a cover story.

The real issue is the fact that Iran has upgraded its medium range conventionally-armed missiles with GPS technology, making its missiles much more accurate. This means Iran can now target Israel’s own nuclear, bio and chemical weapons stockpiles, located inside Israel, as well as the Dimona nuclear reactor.In short, Iran has achieved a conventional deterrent to Israel. Therefore, statements by Iranian officials that Iran has no nuclear weapons program are in my view probably correct. Presently, Iran does not need nukes to deter Israel. It can do so with its GPS-guided medium range missiles. The Israelis are no doubt gnashing their teeth over this, because they now find themselves threatened by their own WMD stockpiles, and by their own nuclear reactors, especially Dimona, all of which have become targets.A few direct hits by Iran could cause a toxic plume, killing thousands of Israelis. A worst case might signal the end of the Jewish state.It is important to realize that Iran would never launch a pre-emptive strike on Israel because the Iranians know that the US/Israeli response would be devastating. However, if Iran comes under attack first, all bets are off. Iran will defend itself. A counter attack on Israel cannot be ruled out because Iranian leaders understand clearly (even if the American people do not) that the crisis has been manufactured, on Israel’s behalf. CLIP

Comment from Michael Mandeville on this above...

"Asner is really sticking his neck out. Asner, Jewish but not a Zionist, is a famous actor and former President of the Screen Actors Guild, obviously is part of the nominally Jewish Hollywood establishment and has extensive contacts from his long career. He is point blank telling us that sources deep in the Navy Seals organization are in communication with him (and now Alex Jones) attempting to "out" efforts by factions of the Caballeros to instigate a false-flag "terror" operation by Iran to enable war to begin in Summer or Fall 2012. (Separately, ABC is heavily scripting on a daily basis the propaganda line that an extensive Iran terror network around the world is now conducting murder and mayhem and thus is threatening people everywhere with terrorist operations while they prepare to block the Straight of Hormuz). Here is MWM's guess: To make a large false-flag operation psychologically believable, the Caballeros will "lance the bull" with a series of two-bit murderous acts (easily conducted by small gangs of deep cover agent provocateurs) blamed on "Iranian terrorists" in various international venues during the next several weeks. They need to eclipse the old program of "blaming Al Qaeda" reflexively (Al Qaeda is now an ally in Libya and Syria) and build the automatic response that "it's the Iranians" behind every bush with increasing cries of "smoke em out". Then the Big One which establishes a minor loss of Imperial Assets but with enough gore of sacrificial Jews and/or Americans to be extremely sensational and emotional. This approach suggests that the Info Warriors are in fact winning. The nuclear bomb threat is now so widely uncredible and is so easily dismissed with elementary logic that the Caballeros are in effect dropping it as the primary ploy. The script now: it is the Evil Iranian Muslim Fascist (Hitler/Mussolini/Jap) Islamic Jihadi bent on world domination and is now killing people at will around the world whom the valiant warriors of Western Civilization and all that is good must stop (with a wanton bombing campaign of mass destruction and mass murder which pounds all the Iranians back to the stone age so that Rothschild's Royal Dutch Shell can seize and rebuild Iran's oil industry)."

In Defense of Iran What chutzpah, what hypocrisy! Israel with over 400 nuclear devices, with submarines that carry nuclear tipped missiles and intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching Washington DC! Israel, at war since before its founding has attacked its neighbors near and far, all the way from Tunisia to Iraq. It has even attacked its own ally, killing 34 US sailors. Israel, the same country that used depleted uranium, phosphorous and cluster bombs in its wars against civilian targets in Lebanon and Gaza, is worried about Iran’s “nuclear intentions.” This must be a sick joke. Possibly even more worrisome than Israel, is the total hypocrisy of the so-called ‘international community,’ as is the reference given to the US and certain European allies that sponsor every Israeli position. It is even willing to take the world to an absolute disaster: a war against Iran based on unsubstantiated claims of its “nuclear intentions” –a war led by none other than Israel (again, a country with upwards of 400 nuclear devices), the country that has never signed the Nuclear non-proliferation treaty (Iran, by the way, is a signatory). CLIP

Beating the Drums of War: Provoking Iran into "Firing the First Shot"? (January 14, 2012) While the possibility of a war with Iran is acknowledged in US news reports, its regional and global implications are barely analyzed.Very few people in America are aware or informed regarding the devastation and massive loss of life which would occur in the case of a US-Israeli sponsored attack on Iran.The media is involved in a deliberate process of camouflage and distortion.War preparations under a "Global Strike" Concept, centralized and coordinated by US Strategic Command (STRATCOM) are not front page news in comparison to the most insignificant issues of public concern, including the local level crime scene or the tabloid gossip reports on Hollywood celebrities. The "Globalization of War" involving the hegemonic deployment of a formidable US-NATO military force in all major regions of the World is inconsequential in the eyes of the Western media. The broader implications of this war are either trivialized or not mentioned. People are led to believe that war is part of a "humanitarian mandate" and that both Iran as well as Iran's allies, namely China and Russia, constitute an unrelenting threat to global security and "Western democracy". While the most advanced weapons system are used, America's wars are never presented as "killing operations" resulting in extensive civilian casualties.

(...) Iran is a country of close to 80 million people. It constitutes a major and significant regional military and economic power. It has ten percent of global oil and gas reserves, more than five times those of the United States of America.The conquest of Iran's oil riches is the driving force behind America's military agenda. Iran's oil and gas industry is the unspoken trophy of the US led war, which has been on the active drawing board of the Pentagon for the last nine years.While the US is on a war footing, Iran has --for more than ten years-- been actively developing its military capabilities in the eventuality of a US sponsored attack.If hostilities were to break out between Iran and the Western military alliance, this could trigger a regional war extending from the Mediterranean to the Chinese border, potentially leading humanity into the realm of a World War III scenario. The Russian government, in a recent statement, has warned the US and NATO that "should Iran get drawn into any political or military hardships, this will be a direct threat to our national security." What this signifies is that Russia is Iran's military ally and that Russia will act militarily if Iran is attacked.

Iran is the target of US-Israel-NATO war plans. Advanced weapons systems have been deployed. US and allied Special Forces as well as intelligence operatives are already on the ground inside Iran. US military drones are involved in spying and reconnaissance activities. Bunker buster B61 tactical nuclear weapons are slated to be used against Iran in retaliation for its alleged nuclear weapons program. Ironically, in the words of US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Iran does not possess a nuclear weapons program. "Are they trying to develop a nuclear weapon? No." The risk of armed hostilities between the US-Israel led coalition and Iran is, according to Israeli military analysts "dangerously close". There has been a massive deployment of troops which have been dispatched to the Middle East, not to mention the redeployment of US and allied troops previously stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq. CLIP - Much MUCH more through

Iran Is NOT Our Enemy (Jan 15, 2012) 4l4zo

US/Iran tension artificial? Iran annual Defense budget $9 billion. US latest aircraft carrier tab $11 billion.

Assassination in Iran: Obama Administration is CEO of "Murder Inc" (January 13, 2012) Clinton denies US involvement in murder of nuclear scientist - despite waging 'no options off the table' war against IranAfter months of relentless threats against Iran in which the Islamic Republic has been warned by no less than the President of the United States that "no options are off the table" - the US is now denying it had a role in the assassination a top Iranian nuclear scientist this week.The terroristic formula of all options of aggression being available to Washington has been reiterated time and again by defense secretary Leon Panetta and other senior Washington figures, and even extends to pre-emptive use of nuclear weapons - recall, for example, Hillary Clinton telling the Islamic Republic that it would be "obliterated".

Furthermore, the "all options" American strategy has been demonstrated in practice, with systematic cyber-attacks on Iranian computer networks, the incursion of CIA aerial drones into the country's territory, and deadly explosions at military or nuclear research facilities. The no-holds-barred American terror diplomacy against Iran can also be traced back to cruise missile attacks on Iranian oil installations in 1987 and the blowing out of the sky of an Iranian civilian airliner by American warship in 1988, killing 290 passengers onboard.In that context, official US denials are not worth the paper they are written on.And Iran knows that. Its head of national security Saeed Jalili and the country's spiritual leader Ayatollah Khamenei have now said so. Indeed, the rest of the world knows it. Already, there is a sense that countries are backing away from Washington's lynch mob oil embargo against Iran, with even American allies India and Japan now expressing reservations in the aftermath of Tehran's bloodied streets.

Iranian nuclear scientist 32-year-old Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan was killed instantly on Wednesday when assailants on motorbike planted a magnetic bomb on the roof of his car in Iran's capital city, Tehran. He was the fifth Iranian scientist to be assassinated in the last four years. As with the other assassinations, this was a professional hit-job. The victim was pinpointed in a busy northern part of the capital, the execution was coolly carried out, the device was a weapon-of-choice in covert operation, and the killers made their escape with ease. Professor Roshan worked at Iran's uranium enrichment plant at Natanz, overseeing procurement of equipment for Iran's nuclear project (- a project, by the way, that is legitimate under Non-Proliferation Treaty rules, but which Western governments and media continually distort as being illegitimate or, worst still, without a scintilla of evidence, for weaponisation). It is sure that Roshan was targeted deliberately because of his senior role in Iran's ongoing nuclear development - as with the other targeted scientists - precisely because these scientists are defying Washington's maniacal demands for Iran to halt such development. His murder points to a carefully calculated programme of assassination, with specific information, deliberate purpose and lethal precision. CLIP

Secrets of the CIA The CIA is not an intelligence agency but an assassination agency

Final Solution: First Syria, Then Iran by Larry Chin (February 14, 2012) The multinational New World Order, led by the Anglo-American axis and Israel (spearheaded by the UN), are preparing a final conquest of the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa, with nuclear world war implications. Syria and Iran are being relentlessly destabilized. CIA operations have been continuous for months and years. Two nations are targeted to fall sequentially, as part of one agenda. The entire region has been set aflame with covert operations in every imaginable form, from real and false terrorism and assassinations to CIA/NATO-backed popular revolts, and “humanitarian” insurgencies---all ultimately fronting for the forces of the Anglo-American agenda. The Arab League now operates as a tool of western imperialism.

Syria is being set up using a familiar CIA-MI6 playbook, as well as the model that toppled Libya. Muammar Gaddafi was murdered by NATO and Al-Qaeda, the favored weapon of Anglo-American leaders, despite Libyan cooperation with the West for many years. Syrian leaders will likely not be treated with any more kindness than Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, or scores of others who needed to be “removed”. The assassination of Syrian general Issa al-Khouli on the streets of Damascus is just one blatant harbinger of what is to come. According to the reporting team of Collapsenet, a Syrian regime change is imminent - Russia, which, along with China, had previously opposed a Syrian attack in the UN Security Council, has reversed its position---perhaps bought off in yet another eleventh hour back room deal. Militaries of various nations are being positioned for attack.

Rising oil prices, the threat posed by “inconvenient obstacles” in the Middle East, threatens the petroleum-driven world economy, even in the short term, adding to the possibility posed by some observers that Iran may be attacked by summer 2012. Syria falls first. As complex as the maneuvering and “negotiations” (back room criminal deals) have been, the war map has remained clear since 9/11. The conquest that has been in the works for decades has proceeded apace, relentlessly, nation after nation destroyed and conquered. What was once unimaginable has been methodically carried out, unabated through Bush/Cheney and Obama administrations; the lies, rhetoric amplified with bellicose fury. The empire is hell-bent on securing what is necessary to sustain its dying economic and industrial engine, regardless of how many lives are taken in the process.

Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes (Nov 22, 2011) IMPUNITY FOR THIS PAST CRIME OPENS THE DOORS FOR NEW CRIMES... A Malaysian tribunal has found former US President George W Bush and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair guilty of committing crimes against humanity during the Iraq war, Press TV reported.

A second Iranian nuclear facility has exploded, as diplomatic tensions rise between the West and Tehran (November 30, 2011) nuclear-facility-has-exploded-as-diplomatic-tensions-rise-between-the- west-and-tehran/story-e6frg6so-1226209996774 AN IRANIAN nuclear facility has been hit by a huge explosion, the second such blast in a month, prompting speculation that Tehran's military and atomic sites are under attack.Satellite imagery seen by The Times confirmed that a blast that rocked the city of Isfahan on Monday struck the uranium enrichment facility there, despite denials by Tehran.The images clearly showed billowing smoke and destruction, negating Iranian claims yesterday that no such explosion had taken place. Israeli intelligence officials told The Times that there was "no doubt" that the blast struck the nuclear facilities at Isfahan and that it was "no ".The explosion at Iran's third-largest city came as satellite images emerged of the damage caused by one at a military base outside Tehran two weeks ago that killed about 30 members of the Revolutionary Guard, including General Hassan Moghaddam, the head of the Iranian missile defence program. Iran claimed that the Tehran explosion occurred during testing on a new weapons system designed to strike at Israel. But several Israeli officials have confirmed that the blast was intentional and part of an effort to target Iran's nuclear weapons program.

On Monday, Isfahan residents reported a blast that shook tower blocks in the city at about 2.40pm and seeing a cloud of smoke rising over the nuclear facility on the edge of the city."This caused damage to the facilities in Isfahan, particularly to the elements we believe were involved in storage of raw materials," said one military intelligence source.He would not confirm or deny Israel's involvement in the blast, instead saying that there were "many different parties looking to sabotage, stop or coerce Iran into stopping its nuclear weapons program".Iran went into frantic denial yesterday as news of the explosion at Isfahan emerged. Alireza Zaker- Isfahani, the city's governor, claimed that the blast had been caused by a military exercise in the area but state-owned agencies in Tehran soon removed this story and issued a government denial that any explosion had taken place at all.

On Monday, Dan Meridor. the Israeli Intelligence Minister, said: "There are countries who impose economic sanctions and there are countries who act in other ways in dealing with the Iranian nuclear threat."Major-General Giora Eiland, Israel's former director of national security, told Israel's army radio that the Isfahan blast was no accident. "There aren't many coincidences, and when there are so many events there is probably some sort of guiding hand, though perhaps it's the hand of God," he said.A former Israeli intelligence official cited at least two other explosions that have "successfully neutralised" Iranian bases associated with the Shahab-3, the medium-range missile that could be adapted to carry a nuclear warhead. "This is something everyone in the West wanted to see happen," he added.Iran has repeatedly denied the existence of a nuclear weapons program, and strongly condemned the International Atomic Energy Agency's report last month that accused Iran of trying to build a nuclear weapon.

'Iranian forces go on war alert' (12.06.11),7340,L-4157486,00.html Iran moving missiles to secret sites, Western officials tell British paper; earlier, Tehran residents reported to stockpile goods, fearing imminent strike Growing panic in Iran? The commander of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards has ordered his forces to raise their operational readiness ahead of a possible war or strike on the country’s nuclear facilities, the Telegraph reported late Monday. The British newspaper quoted Western intelligence sources as saying that Iran is repositioning ballistic missiles, explosives and troops into defensive positions, in order to offer a quick response in the case of an attack by Israel or the United States. According to the report, Revolutionary Guards Commander Mohammed Ali Jaafari directed his forces to deploy Iran’s long-range missiles at secret sites nationwide. Meanwhile, the country’s air force has reportedly set up “rapid reaction units” that would respond to aerial assaults. A senior Western intelligence official was quoted as saying: "There is deep concern within the senior leadership of the Iranian regime that they will be the target of a surprise military strike by either Israel or the US.

(...) "Many foreigners are leaving Iran ... I suspect that there will be military action ... we will become another Iraq," said architect Mahsa Sedri, 35. "Obviously something is going on ... otherwise the foreigners would not leave Iran." "We are going to be attacked ... I sense it ... I am pulling out my money from the bank to have cash in hand in case of an attack," said government employee Hassan Vosughi. "I and all my friends have stockpiled goods at home." Washington and Israel have not ruled out military action against Iranian nuclear facilities should diplomacy fail to resolve the dispute over Iran's nuclear program, a position that has only hardened since the critical report by the International Atomic Energy Agency last month.

Iran Worried U.S. Might Be Building 8,500th Nuclear Weapon (FEBRUARY 9, 2012) us-might-be-building-8500th-nuclear-w,27325/ TEHRAN—Amidst mounting geopolitical tensions, Iranian officials said Wednesday they were increasingly concerned about the United States of America's uranium- enrichment program, fearing the Western nation may soon be capable of producing its 8,500th nuclear weapon. "Our intelligence estimates indicate that, if it is allowed to progress with its aggressive nuclear program, the United States may soon possess its 8,500th atomic weapon capable of reaching Iran," said Iranian foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi, adding that Americans have the fuel, the facilities, and "everything they need" to manufacture even more weapons-grade fissile material. "Obviously, the prospect of this happening is very distressing to Iran and all countries like Iran. After all, the United States is a volatile nation that's proven it needs little provocation to attack anyone anywhere in the world whom it perceives to be a threat." Iranian intelligence experts also warned of the very real, and very frightening, possibility of the U.S. providing weapons and resources to a rogue third-party state such as Israel.

Exercise tests emergency response to biological attack (11/30/2011) (...) When asked about the timing of the drill, Aberjil asserted that it had nothing to do with recent threat of war with Iran. "It’s a routine exercise. We are doing the same thing every year around November. It has nothing to do with any specific threats."

'War is hell: Iran far stronger than US would like to admit' US recreating circumstances that led to Pearl Harbor O9VfX4 It was unwise of the Japanese to attack the US, but the US hadpushed and pushed with sanctions on Japan until Japan felt it wasbacked into a corner and was forced to react. That reaction was Pearl Harbor. Japan was made out to be theaggressor and the war was on. The situation currently evolving with Iran has surpassed the usual'saber-rattling' that goes on. Iran has threatened to close theStrait of Hormuz, and has threatened to act should any US warshipsreturn to the Persian Gulf. Why? Because sanctions are an act of war, and when you back a nationinto a corner they react. What will Iran's reaction be? CHECK ALSO Will the Strait of Hormuz turn into the next Pearl Harbor? NOTE from Jean: there is a whole lot more below in this compilation -- Slip-Sliding to War with Iran - Target Iran: Washington's Countdown to War -- about the heightening tensions and risks of a war conflagration between USrael and Iran. YET by a strange twist of fate Iranian fishermen have just been saved by the US Navy and Iran expressed its gratitude about that rescue operation.

Iran reports all its nuclear installations now underground (December 15, 2011) Iran unveils third-generation enrichment centrifugesIran announced on Wednesday, Dec. 14, that it had completed the transfer of its nuclear facilities underground, including its uranium enrichment centrifuges, and that the Iranian nuclear program was now safe from US and Israeli attack. The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Passive Defense Division, Gholamreza Jalali, said: "Our vulnerability in the nuclear area has reached the minimum level." And if circumstances demand it, he said, uranium enrichment facilities would be placed in more secure locations. Israeli Defense Minister Barak has repeatedly warned that once it was buried in underground bunkers, Iran's nuclear infrastructure could no longer be attacked; nor would it be possible to find out what was happening there. His meaning was that that no one would know when Iran started building nuclear bombs in deep underground chambers.Then, Monday, Dec. 12, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Strategic Affairs Moshe Ya'alon said, "Iran will acquire military nuclear capability within months."DEBKAfile's intelligence sources report that in the second part of his comment, the Iranian Guards official was referring to the first-generation P1 and P2 centrifuges which remain at the regular Natanz. It is the newer and faster IR2 and IR4 machines which are being moved to the new underground nuclear city at Fordo near Qom. When these advanced models have all been transferred to Fordo, Iran can start enriching the 20-percent grade uranium it has accumulated to 60 percent, a step before weapons grade. This accumulated stock is sufficient for four or five nuclear bombs. Nothing but a decision by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stands between this and the final enrichment leap to the military level and the assembly of the first bomb. CLIP

Top US general: Iran's dangerous game could draw Mid East and US into conflict (December 21, 2011) Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told CBS that Iran could build a nuclear bomb in a year or less, Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint US Chiefs of Staff issued a warning: "Iran is playing a dangerous game that could ensnare the Middle East, the Middle East and others into conflict and a renewed arms race." During a stop in Afghanistan, the general spoke to CNN of concerns about Iran's ambitions from Iraq to Afghanistan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. He was described as quietly leading the ongoing military planning for an attack against Iran's nuclear weapons if the president gives the order to do so. "We are examining a range of options," said the US general. "Don't push it," he warned Iran.DEBKAfile's military and Washington sources say it should be noted that in the space of 24 hours, America's two top security figures have referred to war with Iran as a realistic and imminent possibility. This is a big step from the customary US references to a military option as being on the table as a last resort for halting Iran's march toward a nuclear bomb still calculated to be some years in the distant future. Gen. Dempsey went on to say: "My biggest worry is they (the Iranians) will miscalculate our resolve. Any miscalculation could mean that we are drawn into conflict, and that would be a tragedy for the region and the world."There is no guarantee that Israel will give the United States warning if it decides to attack Iran, he said, "But America is sharing intelligence with Israel. We are trying to establish some confidence on the part of the Israelis that we recognize their concerns and are collaborating with them on addressing them," the US general said. CLIP

The Crazy Rush to Attack Iran (21 February 12) crazy-rush-to-attack-iran From the chairman of the Joint Chiefs to the head of Mossad, the experts are speaking out against attacking Iran over its nuclear program, but hawks like the GOP presidential candidates are drowning out the warnings. The debate over whether Israel should attack Iran rests on three basic questions. First, if Iran's leaders got the bomb, would they use it or give it to people who might? Second, would a strike substantially retard Iran's nuclear program? Third, if Israel attacks, what will Iran do in response? The vast majority of people opining on these questions - myself very much included - lack the expertise to answer. We've never directed a bombing campaign; we have no secret sources in Tehran; we don't spend our days studying the Iranian regime. So essentially, we decide which experts to trust. As it happens, both the American and Israeli governments boast military and intelligence agencies charged with answering exactly these sorts of questions. And with striking consistency, the people who run, or ran, those agencies are warning - loudly - against an attack. (...) So far, the Iran debate has been a rout, with the Republican presidential candidates loudly declaring their openness to war and President Obama unwilling to even echo the skepticism of his own security chiefs.And who are the hawks who have so far marginalized the defense and intelligence establishments in both Israel and the U.S.? They're a collection of think-tankers and politicians, most absolutely sincere, in my experience. But from Rick Santorum to John McCain to Elliott Abrams to John Bolton, their defining characteristic is that they were equally apocalyptic about the threat from Iraq, and equally nonchalant about the difficulties of successfully attacking it. The story of the Iraq debate was, in large measure, the story of their triumph over the career military and intelligence officials - folks like Eric Shinseki and Joseph Wilson - whose successors are now warning against attacking Iran.How can it be, less than a decade after the U.S. invaded Iraq, that the Iran debate is breaking down along largely the same lines, and the people who were manifestly, painfully wrong about that war are driving the debate this time as well? Culturally, it's a fascinating question - and too depressing for words.

WWIII Countdown: CFR declares "Time to Attack Iran" - SCG News 12- 27-11 The highly influential Council on Foreign Relations (aka CFR) declared this month in their online publication "Foreign Affairs" that it is now time to attack Iran.


Council on Foreign Relations: Time to attack Iran - Why a strike is the least bad option... to-attack-iran (...) But skeptics of military action fail to appreciate the true danger that a nuclear-armed Iran would pose to U.S. interests in the Middle East and beyond. And their grim forecasts assume that the cure would be worse than the disease -- that is, that the consequences of a U.S. assault on Iran would be as bad as or worse than those of Iran achieving its nuclear ambitions. But that is a faulty assumption. The truth is that a military strike intended to destroy Iran’s nuclear program, if managed carefully, could spare the region and the world a very real threat and dramatically improve the long-term national security of the United States. CLIP - To read the rest of this article go HERE

US army ready to engage in Iran war (21 Dec 2011) 551/US-military-ready-to-engage-in-a-conflict-with-Iran.html America's most senior military official has indicated that the country is ready to engage in a conflict with Iran, if President Barack Obama were to give the signal. NOTE: Read also Target Iran: Washington's Countdown to War and the related articles below in this compilation

China and Iran's extensive relationship relations

China's Hu urges navy to prepare for combat 160509787.html

DIA DIRECTOR: CHINA PREPARING FOR SPACE WARFARE (February 23, 2012) Army Lt. Gen. Ronald L. Burgess, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, disclosed new details of China’s space weapons programs last week, including information regarding China’s anti-satellite missiles and cyber warfare capabilities. Burgess stated in little-noticed written testimony prepared for an appearance before the Senate Armed Services Committee that Beijing is developing missiles, electronic jammers, and lasers for use against satellites. Much of the space warfare activity is being carried out under the guise of China’s supposedly non-military space program, he said. “The space program, including ostensible civil projects, supports China’s growing ability to deny or degrade the space assets of potential adversaries and enhances China’s conventional military capabilities,” Burgess said. “China operates satellites for communications, navigation, earth resources, weather, and intelligence surveillance, and reconnaissance, in addition to manned space and space exploration missions,” he said. “China’s successfully tested a direct ascent anti-satellite weapon (ASAT) missile and is developing jammers and directed-energy weapons for ASAT missions,” he said. “A prerequisite for ASAT attacks, China’s ability to track and identify satellites is enhanced by technologies from China’s manned and lunar programs as well as technologies and methods developed to detect and track space debris.” China’s January 2007 anti-satellite missile test involved a modified DF-21 missile that destroyed a Chinese weather satellite. The blast created a debris field in space of some 10,000 pieces of space junk that could damage both manned and unmanned spacecraft. For the U.S. military, the successful 2007 ASAT test represented a new strategic capability for China. Analysts estimate that with as many as two-dozen ASAT missiles, China could severely disrupt U.S. military operations through attacks on satellites. CLIP

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U.S. Navy rescues Iran fishermen held by Somalia pirates (January 7, 2012) pirates-20120107,0,7311400.story Sailors from a destroyer boarded the Iranian dhow and detained 15 Somalis after one of the fishermen revealed the crew was captive. The rescue came days after Iran warned the U.S. Navy to get out. -- A Navy destroyer rescued 13 Iranian fishermen held hostage by Somali pirates in the Arabian Sea only days after Tehran warned the United States to keep its ships out of the nearby Persian Gulf. Sailors from the guided-missile destroyer Kidd boarded the Iranian dhow Thursday and detained 15 Somalis after one of the fishermen was able to reveal in a radio communication that his vessel's crew was being held captive.Seeing a publicity windfall at a time of growing tension with Iran, Pentagon public affairs officers quickly swung into action, setting up a conference call for reporters with Navy commanders in the region. Among those briefing journalists was Rear Adm. Craig S. Faller, who commands the John C. Stennis aircraft carrier strike group, which conducted the rescue and includes the Kidd. Faller later received a congratulatory telephone call from Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta, the Pentagon said in a statement. (...) After revealing that there were indeed pirates on board, the Iranian "pleaded with us to come over and board their vessel," Ellinger said.The U.S. sailors boarded the vessel without firing a shot and detained the Somalis, who were being held aboard the Stennis awaiting a decision on whether they would be prosecuted, Faller said.The Iranian said the pirates had been using his vessel as a "mother ship," a base from which to mount other raids. After its crew received food and water, the dhow went on its way, crew members wearing smiles and Kidd baseball caps, Faller said.

Tehran 'Welcomes' U.S. Navy Rescue Of Iranian Fishermen (January 07, 2012) ailors/24444811.html Iran has broken its official silence over the U.S. Navy's rescue of 13 Iranian fishermen from the hands of pirates by calling the January 5 operation a "welcome and humanitarian act."Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast told Iran's Arabic-language broadcaster, Al-Alam, that "all nations should display such behavior." "We consider the actions of the U.S. forces in saving the lives of the Iranian seamen to be a humanitarian and positive act and we welcome such behavior," Mehmanparast was quoted as saying. The U.S. Navy said it had provided food, water, and medical assistance to the shaken sailors before returning them to their refueled dhow and taking the suspected Somalian pirates into custody for possible prosecution. The Iranians are thought to have spent around a month and a half in captivity after the pirates stormed their Iranian-flagged vessel in the northern Arabian Sea. The Navy said it acted on the basis of a distress call. CLIP


Syrian Girl - Fallujah War Crimes (Jan 6, 2012) Lest we forget... Micro neutron bombs were apparently used in Bagdad airport!! Check Did U.S. use neutron bomb in Battle of Baghdad? and Baghdad’s Neutron Bomb and America’s Nuclear Obama

A neutron bomb was detonated at Baghdad Airport in 2003 (28-7-2010) (...) By April, the Americans had arrived at the reaches of Baghdad, and the 3ID was tasked with securing the Airport. The Iraqis knew the importance of the airport, and had planned a rearguard ambush using Fedayeen irregulars as bait. On entering the airport, on Friday the 4th, the Americans met moderately strong resistance from Fedayeen, but had taken the airport with a few hours.Upon belief that the area was secured, the 3ID moved to join the encirclement of Baghdad. The 3.7th Cav was tasked with securing the airport. At this point, you may remember a man called 'Baghdad Bob'. He promised something 'non-conventional' to take place at the airport. Overnight, the Special Republican Guard (Not to be confused with regular Republican Guard) moved underground from Baghdad to the Airport. They assaulted the 3.7th Cavalry and all but massacred them. The Iraqis then poured everything at the airport. The 3.7th was bolstered, but the forces in place were too strong. The Iraqis were exploiting the underground maze. Various attempts at relief were made, including launching Airborne attacks on Baghdad to draw Iraqi forces away, but they didn't take the bait. Somewhere on Saturday or Sunday, a neutron bomb was detonated, wiping out Iraqi forces. It my understanding that an experimental 'Direct Energy' weapon was trialled in and around this battleground at the same time, but that's beside the point. At this point, media in Baghdad were learning that something major was happening at the airport. Two things then happened - staged events to distract the media, and the murder of reporters who kept reporting the airport. After this, the war was pretty much over. A cleanup operation at Baghdad Airport took place. The earth was removed and/or turned over. The tanks of the SRG were buried due to severe contamination. CLIP


Dresden - The Real Holocaust - A must watch - Lest we forget... Because of the many atrocities committed by the Jewish-directed Allies, not only the firestorm incineration of German civilians in many German cities, but the incineration of hundreds' of thousands of Japanese civilians in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Operation Keelhaul, the murder of one million anti-Communist Russians who were ordered handed over to the Soviet executioners by Eisenhower, and many other horrors, it was necessary to invent a German atrocity which would eclipse these horrors...... The "extermination" of the Jews seemed made to order.

Professor Frederick Lindemann, the Chief Advisor to Winston Churchill and the inspiration and architect of the air crucifixion of Germany was in a reflective mood after the war.

"Towards the end of his life the Prof.' (Lindemann) made a remark on more than one occasion with such an air of seriousness that he seemed to regard it as his testament of wisdom, and I accordingly feel it incumbent upon me to record it here, although not in perfect sympathy with it. 'Do you know,' he asked, 'what the future historians will regard as the most important event of this age?"' Well, what is it? 'It will not be Hitler and the Second World War, it will not be the release of nuclear energy, it will not be the menace of Communism.' These negatives seemed very comprehensive. He put on an expression of extreme severity and turned down the corners of his lips. 'It will be the abdication of the White man.' Then he nodded his head up and down several times to drive home his proposition."

Holocaust over Dresden, known as the Florence of the North. Dresden was a hospital city for wounded soldiers. Not one military unit, not one anti-aircraft battery was deployed in the city. Together with the 600,000 refugees from Breslau, Dresden was filled with nearly 1.2 million people. Churchill had asked for "suggestions how to blaze 600,000 refugees". He wasn't interested how to target military installations 60 miles outside of Dresden. More than 700,000 phosphorus bombs were dropped on 1.2 million people. One bomb for every 2 people. The temperature in the centre of the city reached 1600o centigrade. More than 260,000 bodies and residues of bodies were counted. But those who perished in the centre of the city can't be traced. Appr. 500,000 children, women, the elderly, wounded soldiers and the animals of the zoo were murdered in one night.

"Even the "hundred thousand" figure for those reported missing must be an under-estimate. There were over half a million homeless refugees in the streets of Dresden, fleeing the Red Army siege of Breslau to the East. Whole refugee families must have been engulfed by the Dresden holocaust, with nobody surviving to report them as "missing"."

- David Irving

During the war, more bombs by weight were dropped on the city of Berlin than were released on the whole of Great Britain during the entire war.

All German towns and cities above 50,000 population were from 50% to 80% destroyed. Hamburg was totally destroyed and 70,000 civilians died in the most appalling circumstances. Cologne with a population greater than Glasgow's was turned into a moonscape. As Hamburg burned the winds feeding the three-mile high flames reached twice hurricane speed to exceed 150 miles per hour. On the outskirts of the city trees three feet in diameter were sucked from the ground by the supernatural forces of these winds and hurled miles into the city-inferno, as were vehicles, men, women and children.

Between 1940 and 1945, sixty-one German cities with a total population of 25 million souls were destroyed or devastated in a bombing campaign that was unquestionably initiated by the British government.

There are no final figures on the number of civilians killed as a result of the mass-bombing, but 3,000,000 would be a very restrained figure (estimate).

Destruction on this scale had no other purpose than the indiscriminate mass murder of as many German people as possible quite regardless of their civilian status. It led to bombing retaliation that resulted in 60,000 British dead and 86,000 injured. All German air attacks against Britain were in retaliation against Britain's air war. It was Germany that was at bay.

"A nation which spreads over another a sheet of inevitably deadly gases or eradicates entire cities from the earth by the explosion of atomic bombs, does not have the right to judge anyone for war crimes; it has already committed the greatest atrocity, equal to no other atrocity; it has killed - amidst unspeakable torments - hundreds of thousands of innocent people." "As for crimes against humanity, those governments which ordered the destruction of German cities, thereby destroying irreplaceable cultural values and making burning torches out of women and children, should also have stood before the bar of justice,"

- Hon Jaan Lattik, the Estonian statesman, diplomat and historian.

From: Michael Mandeville ([email protected]) - 19 Feb 2012

The Anglo Holocaust

MWM: This is a good summary of how to conduct mass extermination. Designed by Churchill to destroy as much of the German people as he could before the ending of WWII, who openly advocated well before WWII, even during WWI, that the German people must be destroyed as a nation to keep the world safe for the British Empire. Conducted with Roosevelt's support, the Anglo peoples undertook the greatest bombing campaign of history which resulted in a one day slaughter of 500,000 people in an undefended, non-militarized, weaponless city at a time when WWII was understood by all parties to be essentially over because of the collapse of the German armies. Later operations, procedures, and knowing policies of the Anglos and their American stooges resulted in death by starvation and disease by at least a few more million people in Germany and Central Europe. To cover up the evidence of their un- necessary, horrible deeds, and divert attention elsewhere, the Anglo- American elite allowed Jews to believe and/or claim that a "Holocaust" had murdered 6 million Jews. In fact, perhaps some 300,000 Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, and Communists interred in work camps died of starvation and dysentery while all around them several million Germans died directly as a result of a conscious decision by Churchill to ruthlessly destroy the German people. There was a Holocaust alright, never deny that, and its chief architect during the WWII was Churchill's Imperial Staff, with able assistance by Americans. This story below is well cross-vectored in essential facts by many other sources which collaborate. This just happens to be very well written and concise.

Before reading this summary, reflect for the moment that this, along with the purposeful fire-bombing of Tokyo and the nuclear devastations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which incinerated additional millions of people, is more or less the historical origin of shock and awe, meant to demonstrate to all of humanity that the Pentagon's bombs could lay waste at will to any people who opposed the Cabal's NWO diktat. The Cabal continues to use the same strategy of mass destruction as its primary military method of war and imperial expansion. Only the mass size and technical sophistication of the Russians and Chinese were able to neutralize the strategy and keep half the Earth free of the Cabal's tyranny. Since WWII, every attempt of the Anglo Cabal to use this strategy has met in the end with failure and the progressive collective impoverishment of the peoples of Britain and North America. Despite the never-ending failure and mayhem which generates yet more chaos, this is exactly what the Zionists have in mind for Iran. Only systematic destruction of all of Iran's industrial facilities and the national infrastructure which supports it (road, damns, bridges, power facilities, airports, trains, etc.) will achieve the stated objectives of the Zionists.

But bullies become universally hated and so it has come to the arrogant governments of these nations and their parasitic colony of two-bit mobster "terrorists", Israel.


The WWII Dresden Holocaust - 'A Single Column Of Flame'

February 6, 2012

On the evening of February 13, 1945, an orgy of genocide and barbarism began against a defenseless German city, one of the greatest cultural centers of northern Europe. Within less than 14 hours not only was it reduced to flaming ruins, but an estimated one-third of its inhabitants, possibly as many as a half a million, had perished in what was the worst single event massacre of all time.

Toward the end of World War II, as Allied planes rained death and destruction over Germany, the old Saxon city of Dresden lay like an island of tranquillity amid desolation. Famous as a cultural center and possessing no military value, Dresden had been spared the terror that descended from the skies over the rest of the country.

In fact, little had been done to provide the ancient city of artists and craftsmen with anti-aircraft defenses. One squadron of planes had been stationed in Dresden for awhile, but the Luftwaffe decided to move the aircraft to another area where they would be of use. A gentlemen’s agreement seemed to prevail, designating Dresden an “open city.”

February 13/14 1945: Holocaust over Dresden, known as the Florence of the North. Dresden was a hospital city for wounded soldiers. Not one military unit, not one anti-aircraft battery was deployed in the city. Together with the 600.000 refugees from Breslau, Dresden was filled with nearly 1.2 million people. Churchill had asked for “suggestions how to blaze 600.000 refugees”. He wasn’t interested how to target military installations 60 miles outside of Dresden. More than 700.000 phosphorus bombs were dropped on 1.2 million people. One bomb for every 2 people. The temperature in the centre of the city reached 1600 o centigrade. More than 260.000 bodies and residues of bodies were counted. But those who perished in the centre of the city can’t be traced. Approximately 500.000 children, women, the elderly, wounded soldiers and the animals of the zoo were slaughtered in one night.

On Shrove Tuesday, February 13, 1945, a flood of refugees fleeing the Red Army 60 miles away had swollen the city’s population to well over a million. Each new refugee brought fearful accounts of Soviet atrocities. Little did those refugees retreating from the Red terror imagine that they were about to die in a horror worse than anything Stalin could devise.

Normally, a carnival atmosphere prevailed in Dresden on Shrove Tuesday. In 1945, however, the outlook was rather dismal. Houses everywhere overflowed with refugees, and thousands were forced to camp out in the streets shivering in the bitter cold.

However, the people felt relatively safe; and although the mood was grim, the circus played to a full house that night as thousands came to forget for a moment the horrors of war. Bands of little girls paraded about in carnival dress in an effort to bolster warning spirits. Half-sad smiles greeted the laughing girls, but spirits were lifted.

No one realized that in less than 24 hours those same innocent children would die screaming in Churchill’s firestorms. But, of course, no one could know that then. The Russians, to be sure, were savages, but at least the Americans and British were “honorable.”

So, when those first alarms signaled the start of 14 hours of hell, Dresden’s people streamed dutifully into their shelters. But they did so without much enthusiasm, believing the alarms to be false, since their city had never been threatened from the air. Many would never come out alive, for that “great democratic statesman,” Winston Churchill–in collusion with that other “great democratic statesman,” Franklin Delano Roosevelt–had decided that the city of Dresden was to be obliterated by saturation bombing.

What where Churchill’s motives? They appear to have been political, rather than military. Historians unanimously agree that Dresden had no military value. What industry it did have produced only cigarettes and china.

But the Yalta Conference was coming up, in which the Soviets and their Western allies would sit down like ghouls to carve up the shattered corpse of Europe. Churchill wanted a trump card–a devastating “thunderclap of Anglo-American annihilation”–with which to “impress” Stalin.

That card, however, was never played at Yalta, because bad weather delayed the originally scheduled raid. Yet Churchill insisted that the raid be carried out–to “disrupt and confuse” the German civilian population behind the lines.

Dresden’s citizens barely had time to reach their shelters. The first bomb fell at 10:09 p.m. The attack lasted 24 minutes, leaving the inner city a raging sea of fire. “Precision saturation bombing” had created the desired firestorm.

A firestorm is caused when hundreds of smaller fires join in one vast conflagration. Huge masses of air are sucked in to feed the inferno, causing an artificial tornado. Those persons unlucky enough to be caught in the rush of wind are hurled down entire streets into the flames. Those who seek refuge underground often suffocate as oxygen is pulled from the air to feed the blaze, or they perish in a blast of white heat–heat intense enough to melt human flesh.

One eyewitness who survived told of seeing “young women carrying babies running up and down the streets, their dresses and hair on fire, screaming until they fell down, or the collapsing buildings fell on top of them.” There was a three-hour pause between the first and second raids. The lull had been calculated to lure civilians from their shelters into the open again. To escape the flames, tens of thousands of civilians had crowded into the Grosser Garten, a magnificent park nearly one and a half miles square.

The second raid came at 1:22 a.m. with no warning. Twice as many bombers returned with a massive load of incendiary bombs. The second wave was designed to spread the raging firestorm into the Grosser Garten.

It was a complete “success.” Within a few minutes a sheet of flame ripped across the grass, uprooting trees and littering the branches of others with everything from bicycles to human limbs. For days afterward, they remained bizarrely strewn about as grim reminders of Allied sadism.

At the start of the second air assault, many were still huddled in tunnels and cellars, waiting for the fires of the first attack to die down. At 1:30 a.m. an ominous rumble reached the ears of the commander of a Labor Service convoy sent into the city on a rescue mission. He described it this way:

“The detonation shook the cellar walls. The sound of the explosions mingled with a new, stranger sound which seemed to come closer and closer, the sound of a thundering waterfall; it was the sound of the mighty tornado howling in the inner city.”


Others hiding below ground died. But they died painlessly–they simply glowed bright orange and blue in the darkness. As the heat intensified, they either disintegrated into cinders or melted into a thick liquid–often three or four feet deep in spots.

Shortly after 10:30 on the morning of February 14, the last raid swept over the city. American bombers pounded the rubble that had been Dresden for a steady 38 minutes. But this attack was not nearly as heavy as the first two.

However, what distinguished this raid was the cold-blooded ruthlessness with which it was carried out. U.S. Mustangs appeared low over the city, strafing anything that moved, including a column of rescue vehicles rushing to the city to evacuate survivors. One assault was aimed at the banks of the Elbe River, where refugees had huddled during the horrible night.

In the last year of the war, Dresden had become a hospital town. During the previous night’s massacre, heroic nurses had dragged thousands of crippled patients to the Elbe. The low-flying Mustangs machine-gunned those helpless patients, as well as thousands of old men, women and children who had escaped the city.

When the last plane left the sky, Dresden was a scorched ruin, its blackened streets filled with corpses. The city was spared no horror. A flock of vultures escaped from the zoo and fattened on the carnage. Rats swarmed over the piles of corpses.

A Swiss citizen described his visit to Dresden two weeks after the raid: “I could see torn-off arms and legs, mutilated torsos and heads which had been wrenched from their bodies and rolled away. In places the corpses were still lying so densely that I had to clear a path through them in order not to tread on arms and legs.”

The death toll was staggering. The full extent of the Dresden Holocaust can be more readily grasped if one considers that well over 250,000 -- possibly as many as a half a million -- persons died within a 14-hour period, whereas estimates of those who died at Hiroshima range from 90,000 to 140,000.*

Allied apologists for the massacre have often "twinned" Dresden with the English city of Coventry. But the 380 killed in Coventry during the entire war cannot begin to compare with over 1,000 times that number who were slaughtered in 14 hours at Dresden. Moreover, Coventry was a munitions center, a legitimate military target. Dresden, on the other hand, produced only china--and cups and saucers can hardly be considered military hardware!

It is interesting to further compare the respective damage to London and Dresden, especially when we recall all the Hollywood schmaltz about the "London blitz." In one night, 1,600 acres of land were destroyed in the Dresden massacre. London escaped with damage to only 600 acres during the entire war.

In one ironic note, Dresden's only conceivable military target -- its railroad yards -- was ignored by Allied bombers. They were too busy concentrating on helpless old men, women and children.

If ever there was a war crime, then certainly the Dresden Holocaust ranks as the most sordid one of all time. Yet there are no movies made today condemning this fiendish slaughter; nor did any Allied airman--or Sir Winston--sit in the dock at Nuremberg. In fact, the Dresden airmen were actually awarded medals for their role in this mass murder. But, of course, they could not have been tried, because there were "only following orders."

This is not to say that the mountains of corpses left in Dresden were ignored by the Nuremberg Tribunal. In one final irony, the prosecution presented photographs of the Dresden dead as "evidence" of alleged National Socialist atrocities against Jewish concentration-camp inmates!

Churchill, the monster who ordered the Dresden slaughter, was knighted, and the rest is history. The cold-blooded sadism of the massacre, however, is brushed aside by his biographers, who still cannot bring themselves to tell how the desire of one madman to "impress" another one let to the mass murder of up to a half million men, women and children.


No Hollywood movie ever depicted this...

From: people/operation-keelhaul-a-combined-allied-atrocity_865.html

Operation Keelhaul: A Combined Allied Atrocity

More than 800,000 were slaughtered by Stalin’s regime by James Buchanan - April 16th, 2005

The term “keelhaul” describes a form of torture and punishment in which a British sea captain would have an offender dragged on a rope that was strung underneath the ship from one side to the other. The offender would often drown in the process. An old sailing ship’s underside was likely to be covered with barnacles and the victim could be terribly injured on the rough surface. “Operation Keelhaul” at the close of World War Two was an aptly-named Allied atrocity in which millions of refugees from eastern Europe were forced back across the border to Stalin. FDR and Churchill had made a deal with the devil to “repatriate” any refugees from eastern Europe at the close of the war. Stalin viewed these refugees as enemies for trying to escape Communist rule and ordered their mass murder.

One description of this operation follows “During World War II, some 2.5 million Soviet citizens found themselves in Germany and the occupied countries as prisoners of war, slave laborers, or refugees. From 1944 to 1947, these people were forcibly repatriated in a number of operations, the best known of which was Operation Keelhaul in 1946-7. Many committed suicide rather than return to Soviet slavery. Many others were dragged kicking and screaming into the trucks that took them out of Allied territory. The public, by and large, did not know of these atrocities; in fact, the operation was scaled down to some slight extent because Eisenhower and Montgomery threatened to divulge it to the public. The scaling down consisted in formally ‘screening’ the victims for politically persecuted ones. But in essence the politicians prevailed: the officers knew that they had to fulfill a certain quota or have the Soviet authorities (who were by then running the camps) step in. The ‘screening’ was merely a rationalization in making Britain and the US a party to the atrocity. Of the displaced persons thus forcibly returned to the Soviet union, MORE THAN 800,000 WERE SLAUGHTERED by Stalin’s regime. In the history of a weak, hypocritical and spineless West, Operation Keelhaul and allied operations stand out as most shameful examples.”

FDR died on April 12, 1945, but his successor Harry Truman carried out Operation Keelhaul deporting innocent refugees from eastern Europe to Stalin’s clutches. The Communists often machine-gunned these people as they arrived in Soviet territory -sometimes while still on the trains. Most of these people were nothing more than White Christian refugees, who didn’t want to live in a communist tyranny. Added to Operation Keelhaul are all the other Allied atrocities: The fire- bombings that killed hundreds of thousands at Dresden and Hamburg, the starvation and abuse of German POWs by Stalin, the mass rape of millions of German women in east Germany by Soviet soldiers and the starvation of German prisoners in Eisenhower’s prison camps described in the book “Other Losses.” The Allies had a strong motive to invent and exaggerate war crime charges against the Germans at Nuremburg. They had to overshadow all the carnage done to enemy civilians and POWs by the Allies. The Institute for Historical Review has done an excellent job exposing many of the great lies surrounding World War Two and is a great source for anyone who wants to know the truth.


No Western propaganda media is telling this story, so no one knows

US in Violation of Geneva in Afghanistan - Mass Child Freezing Deaths, Proof of Mass Starvation (February 19, 2012) starvation-us-violation-geneva-afghanistan (...) US forces in Afghanistan, willing and able to arrest Afghan nationals and imprison them as well as back all decisions with military force, clearly meets the definition of an "occupying power" according to international law. By 1950 the number of US occupation troops in Germany was about 100,000, roughly the same number in Afghanistan now.A crucial component of Article 55 would obviously be "To the fullest extent of the means available to it..." Some argue, not altogether convincingly, that in remote areas of Afghanistan where starvation is prevalent, the US lacks the means to meet the food and basic survival requirements of the occupied population. Mountain passes are snowed in for a good part of the year, and high altitudes and bad weather make airlift difficult. In Ghazni and other remote provinces it is not unusual to hear reports that villages have been reduced to eating grass, and lose many members over the course of winter. But it is in the Kabul refugee camps, in the most secure area of the country with constant NATO activity in and around it, where at least 23 children have been reported by the New York Times to have frozen to death since Jan. 15th, due to lack of simple items such as blankets, warm clothes, food, and fuel for heating the tents and mud huts that are now home to approximately 35,000 Afghans. The winter which has hit Kabul is the coldest in 20 years.Millions of tons of commodities and cargo destined for US military bases pass through and around Kabul regularly. Rep. John Tierney in his subcommittee's report "Warlord, Inc." reveals the enormous extent of the volume of goods paid for with US tax dollars which cross the country daily in 200 and 300-truck convoys, comprising the material deemed necessary to sustain the military occupation.

(...) What is abundantly clear is that there is no lack of "means available to" the US to meet its responsibilities under Articles 55 through Article 60 of Geneva, especially when the afflicted populations are in the most secure part of the country. Temperatures early this week in the Kabul refugee camps where dozens of babies froze when temperatures were in the teens, are forecast to drop to the single digits, down to 7 degrees F. In such temperatures, every northern city in the US will issue "dangerous cold" alerts and open emergency shelter and warming facilities to residents, especially homeless populations. There is no doubt that within short distances of the camps, at Camp Phoenix outside of Kabul, for example, warehouses are stacked high to the rafters with blankets, sleeping bags, Meals-Ready-to-Eat, heat tabs, and insulating material which are normal stocks for an occupation of 100,000 soldiers. The $2 billion per week in war spending which flows into Afghanistan every single week makes Afghanistan the most expensive war in American history. Camp Phoenix, one of the largest American bases in Afghanistan, offers many amenities, according to Wiki:"[Camp Phoenix offers] a small selection of electronics. The PX also sells some military clothing and tactical goods for the war on terror. The PX area has a Green Bean Coffee shop. There are also pool and ping pong tables available. The Dining Facility (DFAC) offers a large menu, including short order, weekly "surf and turf," Americanized versions of "Mexican" food, "Chinese" food, and "Italian" food, soft drinks, and ice cream. Just outside the PX is a Pizza Hut which opened 2/19/11. A Burger King also opened 7/4/11."NBC News has now reported definitively what aid workers and many others have long known in Afghanistan: Millions of children are starving rapidly, and millions more people are starving more slowly, even in secure population centers little affected by the war. NBC News reports: "This crisis that is now at emergency levels, killing 30,000 children every year. Drought and poverty are at its root. According to Save the Children, who are working in the country, 60% of children - more than 15 million - are chronically malnourished." Development is not technically the concern of an occupying power, at least according to the Geneva Conventions, although as Truman showed, making it one is wise. But adequate food, shelter, and basic needs are. As Commander-in-Chief, Obama, or Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, can give an order and start trucks loading and rolling before single digit temperatures hit, or make provisions to open a center, such as Kabul Stadium, where refugees can go and avail themselves to heat sources, blankets, clothing, and food. The Geneva Conventions, to which the US is signatory, is crystal clear on this. Where it can be helped, people freezing and starving to death cannot be allowed to happen. CLIP With 2 videos

New Amnesty International Report Reveals Afghans Fleeing War Find Misery in Urban Slums (FEBRUARY 22, 2012) find-misery-in-urban-slums (Washington, DC) -- Half a million Afghans who fled fighting have been abandoned to starvation and death as they subsist in makeshift shelters and they have been let down by their government and international donors, Amnesty International said in a new report released today. At least 28 children have died in the harsh winter conditions in the camps around Kabul. The Afghan government estimates more than 40 people have frozen to death in camps across the country. 'Fleeing war, finding misery: The plight of the internally displaced in Afghanistan', highlights how an escalation in fighting has left half a million Afghans internally displaced with around 400 more joining their ranks every single day. Kabul alone houses up to 35,000 displaced persons in 30 slum areas around the city."Thousands of people are finding themselves living in freezing, cramped conditions and on the brink of starvation, while the Afghan government is not only looking the other way but even preventing help from reaching them," said Horia Mosadiq, Amnesty International's Afghanistan researcher. "Women and girls disproportionately bear the consequences of displacement," said Cristina Finch, Amnesty International USA's women's policy director. "They face an increased risk of sexual violence which is often compounded by the insecure conditions of slums and armed conflict. We call upon the U.S. government to work with the Afghan government to help ensure that needed assistance is delivered." Throughout Afghanistan, United Nations agencies and humanitarian organizations cannot deliver effective aid to slums, as they are prohibited from assisting in ways that implies the permanence of settlements. So, instead of digging permanent water wells, they are forced to deliver water to displaced communities in tankers. "Local officials restrict aid efforts because they want to pretend that these people are going to go away," said Mosadiq. "This is a largely hidden but horrific humanitarian and human rights crisis." CLIP



Doomsday Clock: Five Minutes to Midnight by Felicity Arbuthnot - January 13, 2012

Chilling ironies surely do not come much greater than the Nobel Peace Prize winning President of the United States, in an election year, having contributed to global instability and the possibility of nuclear conflict, to such an extent that the "Doomsday Clock", maintained by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago, has this week been moved to five minutes to midnight.

The forward-creeping hands of the symbolic clock, maintained since 1947, two years after the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, indicate the closest to global catastrophe in twenty six years, with the exception of 2007, when the hands were similarly set under the gung-ho "Bring 'em on", Presidency of George W. Bush.

What a world away from Obama's June 2009 speech at Egypt's Al Azhar University, where he declared he was in Cairo: "… to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims round the world (and to) share … tolerance and dignity…"

He asserted: "There must be a sustained effort to listen to each other, to learn from each other, to respect one another and to seek common ground … the interests we share as human beings are far more powerful then the forces that drive us apart."

Tell that to the bereaved, maimed, homeless Libyans, Iraqis, Afghans, the US-menaced people of Syria, over one third of whom are fourteen or under; the annihilation-threatened Iranian population, nearly a quarter also children, fourteen years or under.

Iran, so demonized, yet which generously hosts one of the largest refugee populations in the world. (1999 UNHCR figures cite at a cost then, to embargoed Iran, of ten million $s a day.)

Tell it too, to the droned and blown (away) of Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia.

A: " … sustained effort to listen …", has been largely denied the untried, incarcerated, abused, tortured in Bagram and Guantanamo's "gulags of our times", as totally during the Obama Presidency, as the years before.

But back to the ticking Atomic clock. Alarmingly, the furthest from "midnight" it has ever been is seventeen minutes, in 1991, when the US and then Soviet Union, under George H.W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (31st July.) A heartening seven minute leap from from the ten to midnight of 1990, even that, in spite of the onslaught of thirty two nation war on Iraq after the invasion of Kuwait. The Berlin Wall had, however, fallen and the Cold War seemed to be ending.

In 1963, 1972, both years of seemingly ground breaking arms limitation Treaties between the US and Soviet Union, the clock still stood at ten minutes to midnight.

Even when India tested a nuclear device, and the US and Soviet Union both modernized their destructive potential in 1974, the clock stood four minutes further away from annihilation than Obama's contribution - then at nine minutes to midnight.

As the United States aircraft carriers, Carl Vinson and John C. Stennis, bristling with nuclear and other holocaustal weapons, and twitchy testosterone-fuelled troops, steam Iran-wards, to either bomb nuclear installations - with the danger of a potential nuclear winter - or bomb to keep the Straits of Hormuz open for one fifth of the world' oil supplies - the clock is just two minutes back from when the Soviet Union tested its first atomic bomb in 1947, officially starting the nuclear arms race.

It is three minutes from the two minutes to midnight - the most apocalyptic ever - of 1953, when both the US and Soviet Union tested thermo-nuclear devices within nine months of each other.

There are about 19,000 nuclear weapons in the world, according to the Science and Security Board.

"That's enough to blow up the Earth many times over. We are really in a pickle", says Kennette Benedict, Executive Director of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, of their latest clock re-set.

"Recognizing our common humanity is only the beginning of our task", said President Obama, in Cairo, when some believed his: "Yes we can", meant peace, and a new dawn for the planet and humanity.

"No system of government can or should be imposed by one nation on any other. It's easier to start wars than to end them. … It's easier to see what is different about someone than to find the things we share. But we should choose the right path, not just the easy path.

"There's one rule that lies at the heart of every religion - that we do unto others as we would have them do unto us.

"This truth transcends nations and peoples -- a belief that isn't new; that isn't black or white or brown; that isn't Christian or Muslim or Jew. It's a belief that pulsed in the cradle of civilization, and that still beats in the hearts of billions around the world. It's a faith in other people, and it's what brought me here today", he concluded.

Indeed. Beware of Presidents bearing Nobel Peace Prize tags....


Russia to deploy monstrous 'Satan' nuclear weapon in arsenal (December 21, 2011) (With video) deploy-monsterous-satan-nuclear-weapon-in-arsenal/ MOSCOW - Russia, frustrated with anti-nuke talks with the United States has decided to put an end to the talks and move forward with its plans to upgrade its nuclear defensive and offensive systems, including the construction on a new and more powerful Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). Nicknamed "Satan" by Western intelligence, the new missile carries a 100-ton warhead. This giant ICBM will take its place at the head of an already impressive missile arsenal which includes the Yars, Topol-M and Bulava-class ballistic missiles sometime in 2015. This announcement comes on the heels of a US announcement that its last B-53 nuclear weapon has been dismantled. The B-53 was the largest bomb in the U.S. arsenal. Russian president Dimitri Medvedev walked out of talks with the United States back in November over U.S. plans to set up a missile defense system in Europe. The European Phased Adaptive Approach plan is an intricate array of sea and land based missiles which were designed to be used against a missile attack from Iran. The U.S. says that cooperation from Moscow is needed to help the shield work. Moscow on the other hand claims the talks were useless because the U.S. refused to guarantee the missiles would not be aimed at Russia. At that point, Moscow decided to end their participation in the talks and shortly after announced it plans to build the Satan Nuke.

Moscow and CSTO Military Alliance Warns U.S., NATO Over European Missile System (December 21, 2011) The member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization released a strong message warning that European missile defense and unilateral military action may work to destabilize international security and strategic stability around the world.The harsh statement was released by President Dmitry Medvedev and his counterparts from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in Moscow on Tuesday. The leaders made specific mention of the missile defense system that the United States is currently constructing in Eastern Europe, just miles from the Russian border. "The unilateral deployment of strategic missile defense systems by one state or a group of states without due account for the lawful interests of other countries and without extending legally-binding guarantees to the latter may damage international security and strategic stability in Europe and the world as a whole," the statement by the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) read. Moscow has repeatedly warned the US and NATO that the missile defense system, without Russia's participation in the expansive project that promises to expand technologically and spatially by 2018, will be viewed as a direct security threat. CLIP

The Real Dangers of War: New Russian Strategic Missiles Can Penetrate U.S. Missile Shield (December 16, 2011) MOSCOW: Nearly all of the silo-based and mobile missile systems belonging to the Russian Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN) are equipped with warheads capable of overpowering missile defense shields, RVSN Commander Lt. Gen. Sergei Karakayev said."The capabilities of such combat means were demonstrated to U.S. technical control means during the trials of the Yars ground-based mobile missile system and the Bulava sea-based missile system. It also concerns hypersonic warheads capable of performing altitude and trajectory maneuvers," he told journalists. "The new missiles have characteristics that allow them to stay invulnerable at all sections of their flight," Karakayev said."Today we have to vigorously respond to America's missile defense build-up because the U.S. has chosen to ignore Russia's concerns over it," the commander said. "New missile systems of RVSN will be equipped with highly effective maneuverable and guided warheads and more advanced means able to overpower missile defense shields. All this allows us to confidently forecast the Russian strategic nuclear forces' ability to maintain the country's security no matter what scenario the international situation follows," Karakayev said. "Russia is not opposed to the deployment of a U.S. missile defense shield, but it is against the creation of such a shield that would overtly be directed against it, potentially reducing the capabilities of the Russian strategic nuclear forces," he said. "It seems to me that as long as a stable mechanism of nuclear deterrence based on a threat to use nuclear weapons exists in the world, it should not be undermined, provoking a strategic offensive arms race. Should it happen, any strategic stability would be out of the question. I do not think that such a situation will benefit anyone," the general said.

Finland 'finds Patriot missiles' on China-bound ship (21 December 2011) The Finnish authorities have impounded an Isle of Man-flagged ship bound for China with undeclared missiles and explosives, officials say.Police are questioning the crew of the MS Thor Liberty after what were described as 69 Patriot anti-missile missiles were found aboard. (...) "Actually in our investigation at the moment, we have got the information that we found 69 Patriot missiles on the ship and around 160 tonnes of explosives," said Detective Superintendent Timo Virtanen from the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation. (...) Patriot missiles, designed by the US company Raytheon, are supplied to "US and allied forces", according to the company's website. South Korea is among states which deploy them.

--- National Defense Authorization Act passes House, 283-136 (12/14/11) passes-house-107550.html The National Defense Authorization Act and its controversial provisions regarding detention of terror suspects passed the House of Representatives Wednesday night, 283-136. The measure split Democrats right down the middle, with 93 voting in favor and 93 against legislation that President Barack Obama tactily endorsed earlier in the day by retreating from a veto threat. Though the bill passed handily just before 7:00 PM, there was a surprising amount of opposition from Tea Party faithful and other conservative GOP members, 43 of whom opposed the legislation. "We have ensured that as we fight terrorists around the world, we also protect the civil liberties of Americans at home," House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) said in a statement issued minutes after the vote. The measure goes on to the Senate, where an earlier version of the legislation passed 93-7.Meanwhile, civil liberties and human rights groups were in a furor Wednesday night over Obama's decision to drop his veto threat following changes made to the detainee- related sections of the bill."By signing this defense spending bill, President Obama will go down in history as the president who enshrined indefinite detention without trial in US law,” Kenneth Roth of Human Rights Watch said in a statement. “In the past, Obama has lauded the importance of being on the right side of history, but today he is definitely on the wrong side.

Stop the NDAA The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act allows the United States military to detain suspects indefinitely and without charge or trial -- even American citizens. Help us reverse this travesty of justice: Stop the NDAA - Round One: Show your support for our temporary restraining order to block the NDAA's implementation and tell your lawmakers to work to overturn this law. Support Chris Hedges, Noam Chomsky, Daniel Ellsberg, and Birgitta Jonsdottir in suing the United States Government to stop the implementation of the NDAA - It's set to take effect on March 1, 2012 and we want to sign up as many grassroots supporters as possible before then.

On National Defense Authorization Act, Obama pulls veto threat (12/14/11) A MORE NUANCED TAKE ON THIS veto-threat-on-defense-bill-107514.html President Barack Obama does not plan to veto a defense bill seeking to direct more terrorism suspects into military custody, the White House signaled Wednesday afternoon.White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said in a statement that changes lawmakers made to the legislation to accomodate White House concerns were sufficient to avoid a veto. (...) Critics of the detainee provisions were clearly disheartened by Obama's decision and said he had caved to political pressure."The President should be leading, but instead he’s apparently prepared to compromise national security and the rule of law for politics," said Raha Wala of Human Rights First. "This bill bundles the worst counterterrorism ideas devised since 9/11 into a nice little package. As a former constitutional law professor, the President should know better.” (...) The ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee John Conyers of Michigan took to the floor to read a letter from former FBI Director William Sessions expressing concern about the bill."I know you're very learned people and very conscientious but, please, when the heads of the FBI, Republicans, judges all tell you that you're doing the wrong thing, what does it take for us to vote this down?" Conyers asked. "It will now make it OK to lock up U.S. citizens."Another ranking Democrat, Armed Services Committee Rep. Adam Smith of California, said the criticism was way off base. "I have never seen an issue more distorted in terms of what people have said is in the bill versus what is actually in the bill," Smit said. "It's about time the legislative branch at least said something on the subject" of detention of terrorism suspects, he added."Nothing here affects U.S. citizens," Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) insisted. "The provisions in this bill....are small steps towards having this congress back in detention decisions. I think it is the right small step." CLIP

Judge Napolitano. How to get fired in under 5 mins - WATCHED BY OVER 1 MILLION PEOPLE SINCE FEB 12! Here is the Message from Judge Napolitano that caused FOX to fire him!... because he was asking too many valid eye-opening questions...

Obama Signs NDAA Martial Law MUST WATCH! e7z7S6VI New Bill Authorizes Rendition of American Citizens Living within the United States to Other Countries for Torture (12/21/2011) american-citizens-living-within-united-states-other-countr Top experts say that the newly-passed National Defense Authorization Act authorizes indefinite detention of Americans living within the United States. Top legal experts point out that the government claims the right to assassinate American citizens on U.S. soil without any charge or trial or other Constitutional protection. I noted last month that Congress was considering repealing prohibitions against torture. However, Mother Jones notes today that Congress has explicitly authorized rendition, allowing American Citizens on U.S. soil to be sent to other countries which do torture: CLIP

Legislating Tyranny in America - by Stephen Lendman (DECEMBER 14, 201) america.html Obama won't prosecute CIA torturers, Wall Street crooks, other corporate criminals, lawless war profiteers, or other venal high-level civilian or government officials.Instead, expect him to sign into law (or at least tacitly approve) indefinite military detentions of US citizens allegedly associated with terrorist groups, with or without corroborating evidence.Post-9/11, US freedoms and other democratic values dramatically eroded. Enactment of police state provisions in the FY 2012 National Defense Authorization Act comes closer to ending them entirely. On December 5, the ACLU headlined, "Indefinite Detention, Endless Worldwide War and the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)," saying: Enactment of this measure will authorize "the military to pick up and imprison people, including US citizens, without charging them or putting them on trial."Secretly with no hearings, both Houses are rushing to complete a "joint version" before leaving for Christmas break. "Fundamental American values and freedoms are on the line." Given the stakes, they're perilously hanging by a thread.

(...) In response to global imperial wars, corporate favoritism, unbridled private sector criminality, and political corruption at the highest levels, causing economic crisis conditions at home, thousands began protesting nationwide for social justice.In response, militarized police confront them violently as NDAA heads for enactment to stop anyone from challenging US hegemony and corporate power by throwing them indefinitely in military dungeons to rot.Equity and justice are fast eroding entirely to advance America's imperium. On May 26, the House passed HR 1540, 322 - 96. Doing so took a giant step toward abolishing freedom entirely.On December 1, the Senate's S. 1867 followed suit, 93 to 7. Both versions assure no one anywhere is now safe, including law-abiding US citizens.Enactment means anyone anywhere, including US citizens, may be indefinitely held without charge or trial, based solely on suspicions, baseless allegations or none at all. No reasonable proof is required, just suspicions that those detained pose threats. Under subsection (b)(1), indefinite detentions can follow mere membership (past or present) or support for suspect organizations. Presidents will have unchecked authority to arrest, interrogate and indefinitely detain law-abiding citizens if accused of potentially posing a threat. Constitutional, statute and international laws won't apply. Presidential diktats will replace them. US military personnel will be authorized to arrest and indefinitely detain anyone globally, including US citizens. No one anywhere will be safe. Due process, civil protections, and judicial fairness will be null and void. Presidents could order anyone arrested and imprisoned for life without charge or trial. Abuse of power will replace rule of law protections. It can happen in days.

(...) More than ever, America is being militarized to quash popular social justice protests at a time equity and justice are fast disappearing. Moreover, military forces may intervene if local cops need help.Post-9/11, police state terrorism was institutionalized. It's being hardened more than ever to crush dissent.Constitutional, statute, and international law protections no longer apply. Planned tyranny will replace them, leaving no one safe anywhere henceforth.

MUCH MORE BELOW - in The entire United States is now a war zone: S.1867 passes the Senate with massive support - ON THE EMERGING TYRANNY IN THE US...

Check also...

Alex Jones: Government using drones against Americans Mg_mM Predator drones have been used to fight the war on terror worldwide. Recently Iran shot down a US drone flying over the country and now reports have surfaced indicating these same drones are being used on American citizens

Secrecy defines Obama’s drone war (December 19, 2011) defines-obamas-drone-war/... Since September, at least 60 people have died in 14 reported CIA drone strikes in Pakistan’s tribal regions. The Obama administration has named only one of the dead, hailing the elimination of Janbaz Zadran, a top official in the Haqqani insurgent network, as a counterterrorism victory. The identities of the rest remain classified, as does the existence of the drone program itself. The administration ... has parried reports of collateral damage and the alleged killing of innocents by saying that drones, with their surveillance capabilities and precision missiles, result in far fewer mistakes than less sophisticated weapons. Yet in carrying out hundreds of strikes over three years — resulting in an estimated 1,350 to 2,250 deaths in Pakistan — it has provided virtually no details to support those assertions. The rapid expansion in the size and scope of the drone campaign as the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been winding down has led to increased criticism from human rights and international law experts, many of whom dispute the legal justification for the program. Much of the resistance to increased disclosure has come from the CIA, which has argued that the release of any information about the program, particularly on how targets are chosen and strikes approved, would aid the enemy. The Defense Department’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), which has carried out strikes in Yemen and Somalia, refuses to discuss drones or any other aspect of its secret counterterrorism operations.

2011: The Year The People Became the Enemy (December 31, 2011) in-2011/ 11 Stories Infowars Drove to the Mainstream in 2011, the Year the Establishment Declared War on Americans & Their Rights.

Big Sis Orders ICE To Prepare For Mass Influx of "illegal" Immigrants influx-of-immigrants.html Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano has directed ICE to prepare for a mass influx of immigrants into the United States, calling for the plan to deal with the “shelter” and “processing” of large numbers of people. “The Department of Homeland Security wants a plan to deal with sudden mass migrations of immigrants to the U.S.,” reports Government Security News. “DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, according to a statement by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, recently directed ICE to develop a national-level mass migration plan. The plan will outline how to address the health care, sheltering, processing, transition and disposition of large numbers of undocumented individuals who might arrive in the U.S. as the result of a mass migration, said ICE on Dec. 13.” Part of the preparations for sheltering and processing an influx of people includes the construction and manning of detention camps. In 2006, Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root was contracted by Homeland Security to build detention centers designed to deal with “an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S,” or the rapid development of unspecified “new programs” that would require large numbers of people to be interned.

50-year-old CARTOON TRIED TO WARN US Part denounciation of the Illuminati-type snake oil vendors and part eulogy of the capitalitic system

Last week we received a leaked memo from a state government employee detailing KBR’s efforts to hire subcontractors to provide services required for temporary “emergency environment” camps located in five regions of the United States, indicating that many of the camps have now been constructed and are ready for use. The construction of new detention camps inside the United States has provoked fears that the facilities could also be used to intern American citizens in the aftermath of a national emergency. Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was established under the pretext of a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossing the Mexican/US border, the same pretense used in the language of the KBR request for services. During the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987, however, it was revealed that the program was a secretive “scenario and drill” developed by the federal government to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, assign military commanders to take over state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens determined by the government to be “national security threats.” The National Defense Authorization Act, which could be signed into law by President Obama before the end of the week, hands the government power to have American citizens arrested and detained without trial. With riots and civil unrest breaking out all over the globe, U.S. authorities have been preparing for similar disorder in America. A report produced by the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Institute warns that the United States may experience massive civil unrest in the wake of a series of crises which it termed “strategic shock.” “Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security,” stated the report, authored by [Ret.] Lt. Col. Nathan Freir, adding that the military may be needed to quell “purposeful domestic resistance”.

Future Riot Shields Will Suffocate Protestors with Low Frequency Speakers protestors-with-low-frequency-speakers It's not the first crowd control tool to use sound waves, but Raytheon's patent for a new type of riot shield that produces low frequency sound waves to disrupt the respiratory tract and hinder breathing, sounds a little scary. Crowd control tools like the LRAD Sound Cannon emit bursts of loud and annoying sounds that can induce headaches and nausea. But Raytheon's non-lethal pressure shield creates a pulsed pressure wave that resonates the upper respiratory tract of a human, hindering breathing and eventually incapacitating the target. The patent points out that the sound waves being generated are actually not that powerful, so while protestors might collapse from a lack of oxygen reaching their brains, their eardrums won't be damaged in the process. Phew! CLIP

UK Police Will Squash Rioters by Blinding Them…With Lasers themwith-lasers Paranoid about future unrest after this summer's riots in the UK, the British went and developed a laser rifle which can project a wall of light and temporarily blind a pack of rioters. According to the UK Telegraph getting blasted with the Orwellian light is akin to staring at the sun. The laser, resembling a rifle and known as an SMU 100, can dazzle and incapacitate targets up to 500m away with a wall of light up to three metres squared. It costs £25,000 and has an infrared scope to spot looters in poor visibility. From a tech perspective, this sounds awesome. But, um, from a human perspective, this is a tool which could be potentially misused in a variety of ways. I wouldn't be shocked if we hear about some power- crazed cop going a little too far with this thing.


TIME's Person of the year: THE PROTESTER (15 December 2011) 0 History often emerges only in retrospect. Events become significant only when looked back on. No one could have known that when a Tunisian fruit vendor set himself on fire in a public square in a town barely on a map, he would spark protests that would bring down dictators in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya and rattle regimes in Syria, Yemen and Bahrain. Or that that spirit of dissent would spur Mexicans to rise up against the terror of drug cartels, Greeks to march against unaccountable leaders, Americans to occupy public spaces to protest income inequality, and Russians to marshal themselves against a corrupt autocracy.Protests have now occurred in countries whose populations total at least 3 billion people, and the word protest has appeared in newspapers and online exponentially more this past year than at any other time in history. Is there a global tipping point for frustration? Everywhere, it seems, people said they'd had enough. They dissented; they demanded; they did not despair, even when the answers came back in a cloud of tear gas or a hail of bullets. They literally embodied the idea that individual action can bring collective, colossal change. And although it was understood differently in different places, the idea of democracy was present in every gathering.

(...) Everywhere this year, people have complained about the failure of traditional leadership and the fecklessness of institutions. Politicians cannot look beyond the next election, and they refuse to make hard choices. That's one reason we did not select an individual this year. But leadership has come from the bottom of the pyramid, not the top. For capturing and highlighting a global sense of restless promise, for upending governments and conventional wisdom, for combining the oldest of techniques with the newest of technologies to shine a light on human dignity and, finally, for steering the planet on a more democratic though sometimes more dangerous path for the 21st century, the Protester is TIME's 2011 Person of the Year. CLIP Creating a Culture of Caring by Hunt Henion (January 4, 2012) culture-of-caring “...We’re going to slide into intensified social conflicts, social hostility, some forms of radicalism, there is just going to be a sense that this is not a just society. I reported those words of former National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, back in July, 2011, right before all the Occupy … commotion began.“This is NOT a just society” is the message that has been heard around the world constantly since then. Everywhere, people are standing up for their rights, and the rights of the 99% of the population who seem to have fallen between the widening cracks in our social fabric. Our social contract has been breaking down for decades, and people all over the world are finally saying We care! It's time to reverse the trend! The Occupy Wall Street movement really cares about the disparity between the rich and the poor, and about our human rights! Alanna Hartzok of the Earth Rights Institute, has pointed out that “As long as the few rather than the many “own” the planet, there will be brutality and unending war.”Although no one in their right mind wants to see all this conflict, I think that this world-wide public display of disapproval we're wittnessing is simply part of the birthing process of a much more caring culture. CLIP

Educational Tools for the 99% about the 1% This site provides you Tools for a People Culture where People are valued 1st before Profits.Featured are the "Noam Chomsky Fact Sheets", also known as the "U.S. Power Misuse Fact Sheets" which enable you to:Understand the misguided power design and misguided resource use of the U.S. by the 1%. The "Noam Chomsky Fact Sheets" are based on excerpts from the 400 page book: Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky (...) After you read the Noam Chomsky Fact Sheets, you'll see how our system of governance and power is designed to serve the 1%. You won't ask 'why support the 99% protesters?'. You'll ask why it took so long to wake up the 99%. If you want to be an independent thinker and learn about resistance and activism, you'll probably have to pay a price. Begin with an understanding of how the world works, then make your choice to be or not to be an independent thinker and the price you'll pay for how you choose to live. (...) POLITICAL TRUTHS ABOUT THE UNITED STATES AND... The World - The Nation-State - U.S. Anti-Democratic Founding Fathers - The Protected Rich - Banks - The War Economy - Media - Education - Models for Treating Children - Community Activists1 - Community Activists2 - Movement Organizing. This website and the fact sheets were created by ERN subscriber Porfirio Aguilar ([email protected]) who wrote: "I humbly offer this information so you and your readers can form your own opinion on his views of the world. They can also watch a peace music video that will resonate with most of your audience. By the way, I've been a long time reader and fan and applaud you for your work. The Community Activist and Movement Organizing sections on Side2 of the Noam Chomsky Fact Sheets deeply support and encourage your work and that of your readers." NOTE from Jean: as a complement to Porfirio's fine work I recommend the ongoing coverage by the Yes magazine of the people's movement to take back our democracy and build a new economy and especially This Changes Everything which "shows how the movement is shifting the way people view themselves and the world, the kind of society they believe is possible, and their own involvement in creating a society that works for the 99% as well as the 1%." MAKE SURE also to check 10 Ways the Occupy Movement Changes Everything (A succinct and empowering summary of what the Occupy Movement is all about, a MUST READ and SHARE) and finally explore PEOPLE POWER How “we the people” decide what we want, and how we get it.

Occupy Gaia in 2012: Subtle Activism Meets Street Activism (...) The Spiritual Dimension of the Occupy Movement

From the beginning, there seems to have been a certain magic to the Occupy Movement. Whereas most interventions by progressive activists in recent decades failed to make hardly a dent in mainstream awareness, the Occupy Movement almost instantly struck gold. It was quickly recognized as something more than just another protest, a movement of potentially historic significance. Whether it was the brilliant marketing meme of "Occupy," the simplicity of the "We are the 99%" message, the strategy of setting up encampments, or just the stars lining up right, it evidently tapped a red-hot vein in the collective psyche and inspired a widespread excitement that fundamental systemic change might actually be possible.

At the time of writing, with many encampment sites largely abandoned for the winter or having been shut down, the movement seems to be in a liminal phase, trying to ascertain its next move. Some are already writing eulogies, arguing that the movement has failed to channel its early momentum into a mission specific enough to gain political traction. Perhaps this is true. Yet the seeds of revolution planted in the fall will inevitably sprout forth again in new ways, and probably soon. The injustices highlighted by the movement have not in any way been addressed and, with the events of the Arab Spring, the emergence of the Spanish and Latin American indignados, and the proliferation of Occupy sites world-wide, it is obvious that we have entered one of those rare historical periods in which the zeitgeist supports revolutionary action.

The bigger picture is that the issue of economic injustice targeted by the Occupy Movement is just one symptom of a multidimensional global crisis that is exerting enormous evolutionary pressure on humanity to make a fundamental shift. To acknowledge the multiple threats of climate change, peak oil, massive species extinction, calamitous loss of topsoil, overpopulation, and potential financial collapse is to recognize that the current form of our civilization is rapidly approaching its demise. In this context, the Occupy Movement represents an inevitable uprising of the life force on the planet to attempt to initiate a new way forward. The transition we are called to make goes far beyond incremental policy changes within the current system, positive though such changes might be. We are called to re-imagine and re-create our world around fundamentally new organizing principles. The old world is essentially on life support in any case. Our choice really is to participate consciously in the birth of the new era, or to have it forcibly and painfully delivered to us.

At the heart of the transition lies a shift in consciousness from the modern trance of experiencing ourselves as somehow separate from each other, from nature, and from the cosmos to a mode of awareness in which we acknowledge and live the truth of our interdependence and interconnection. Ecologist and cultural historian Thomas Berry succinctly summarized this shift as one in which we will experience the universe as "a communion of subjects" rather than as "a collection of objects." For human civilization truly to become a benign and sustainable presence on the planet, we will need not only to develop a global culture of cooperation, rather than competition, to solve the many planetary-scale challenges that affect all humans, but also to fundamentally transform our relations with the entire community of life on the planet. Although the Occupy Movement has focused its attention on the inequities of the financial system, I believe that much of the excitement it initially generated was because, in the diversity of its participants and in the generality of its aims, it also represented a long awaited public stance for a fundamentally new and more inclusive world on every level. The General Assemblies and the practice of making decisions by consensus, for example, can be understood as an evolutionary experiment to create new, more participatory governance processes that could serve as models to better harness the collective wisdom of a society. The spiritual significance of the movement can thus be seen in the way it has created an opening in the socio-political domain through which the seeds of the new consciousness can enter. CLIP - To read the rest, please go at

2012: Evidence Suggests Defeat for the New World Order (January 9, 2012) for-new.html In 2012 the New World Order will suffer major defeats to their totalitarian one world government/population reduction agenda. The defeats will not be from violent revolution, massive protests, or people continuing to beg corrupt politicians for mercy – as if 535 politicians really represent 315,000,000 people. No, the defeats will be attributed to a mass awakening and a significant portion of the population simply refusing to take actions that violate their conscience.The elites only have two primary tools, which are well know to anyone that reads the alternative media: secrecy and deception. Their criminal enterprise will end as millions more, if not billions, awaken in 2012. The Time is Now! CLIP

Earth Day on the National Mall (April 22, 2012) The centerpiece of Earth Day in the United States will be a rally on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Tens of thousands of environmentally- conscious people from all walks of life and all parts of the country will be joined by civic leaders and celebrities for this special event to galvanize the environmental movement. Participants on the national mall will be standing in solidarity with the millions of people rallying at major events all over the world: from Rome to Rio, Beijing to Beirut. Together, we will Mobilize The Earth and demand a sustainable future. CLIP - with a great video of the big 2010's 40th anniversary event in DC


From: number-youll-see-this-week/

5.9%: The scariest number you’ll see this week

First: The bad news. An analysis released over the weekend tells us that global carbon emissions leaped 5.9% in 2010, the largest absolute jump since the Industrial Revolution. Compare the nearly 6% increase in pollution last year to the 3% yearly growth in 2000-2010, and 1% in the 90s. Notice a trend?

We’ve already told you that the amount of carbon pollution we release every year (almost 35 gigatons) would be enough to fill the balloons in two billion Thanksgiving Day parades. And it’s only increasing. In 2009, we could take a little bit of comfort in the 1.3% decline in carbon pollution, almost entirely due to the global financial crisis. The fact that we experienced such a large jump in 2010 without a full economic recovery should give even the most hardened climate “inactivist” pause.

Moreover, we are causing the climate crisis without even creating revolutionary economic breakthroughs, or a strong foundation for a long- term, sustainable economy. More than half of the pollution growth came directly from regular old coal-fired power plants – not magic job-creating machines, rocket ships to explore other planets, or a teleportation system.

So that was the bad news. How about some good news?

It’s not cause to celebrate in the streets, but as pollution increases, more Americans are acknowledging the reality of climate change. A new report from Pew shows that 63% of Americans believe there is solid evidence global warming is happening — up from 57% in 2009 and 59% in 2010. Within that group, those who understand that humans are causing global warming increased, while those who think it’s natural warming stayed flat. Since last year, there was a jump from 32% to 38% of those who view global warming as a “very serious” problem. These numbers are still below the all-time high in 2007, when 77% of Americans believed global warming was happening. But they do suggest we’re moving back in the right direction.

So while the problem of carbon pollution isn’t going away, more Americans are realizing exactly that. But not nearly enough of them. And if our carbon pollution rises another 5.9% year after year, that simply isn’t sustainable for our civilization. Let’s get to work making sure the only scary numbers we see come from Transylvanian Muppets.


Why the U.N.’s Development Index is destroying the future (NOV 16, 2011) the-future Every year the U.N. releases its Human Development Index, a widely- respected ranking of nations based on levels of health care, education, economic growth, and other factors. But now, says one analyst, the long- respected ranking system has to be overhauled. Its definition of "development" is outdated because it doesn't take into account whether any of that development is sustainable from an environmental perspective. So which nations would rise to the top of the HDI if sustainability were taken into account? Chuluun Togtokh, a Mongolian environmental scientist and development policymaker, decided to find out.In an op-ed in Nature, Togtokh writes:I recalculated the index using the UN's published methodology, but taking per capita emissions into account. The resulting [Human Sustainable Development Index (HSDI)] gives some interesting results.Australia, the United States and Canada fall straight out of the top 10: Australia slides from 2nd place to 26th, the United States drops from 4th to 28th, and Canada falls from 6th to 24th. Cultures that value moderation do well in this sustainability index: Norway remains in the top position, Sweden rises from 10th to 2nd and Switzerland moves from 11th to 3rd. But anyone who has visited the Nordic countries will recognize that moderation need not compromise a high standard of living. (...) He raises an interesting point. When we measure "development," shouldn't that take into account whether that development can be maintained without depleting other resources that can't be replaced? Maybe development that can't be sustained is sort of the junk food version of growth, where you get some energy for a while and then crash hard soon afterward. You can check out the full rankings, of HDI and HSDI, here.


The Secret Behind Whitney Houston's Death (12 février 2012) _Houstons_Death.html LOS ANGELES – Bottles of prescription drugs were found in the Beverly Hills Hilton hotel room where Whitney Houston’s lifeless body was discovered Saturday afternoon just hours before a huge Grammy party she was to attend, a report says.Police discovered “various pill bottles” in Houston’s room, TMZ reported, adding that family members said Houston had been taking the prescription drug Xanax, which is often used to treat anxiety.When combined with alcohol, Xanax can cause drowsiness. Houston was reportedly found in her bathtub — TMZ says her head was underwater — and could not be revived by paramedics after being removed from the tub. (...) Statistics prove prescription drugs are 16,400% more deadly than terrorists (...) The tragedy is happening right now. Over 750,000 people actually do die in the United States every year, although not from plane crashes. They die from something far more common and rarely perceived by the public as dangerous: modern medicine. According to the groundbreaking 2003 medical report Death by Medicine, by Drs. Gary Null, Carolyn Dean, Martin Feldman, Debora Rasio and Dorothy Smith, 783,936 people in the United States die every year from conventional medicine mistakes. That’s the equivalent of six jumbo jet crashes a day for an entire year. But where is the media attention for this tragedy? Where is the government support for stopping these medical mistakes before they happen? CLIP


Prioritize Africa's Elephants (March 01, 2012) africas-elephants.html Despite the international ban on the trade of Elephant Ivory in 1989, it is estimated that every year 38,000 elephants are killed for ivory sales on the black market. Poachers sell raw ivory for around $20 per pound. Most of this ivory eventually makes its way to China, where it is resold at $700 per pound—or more. This means that a single tusk from a full-grown bull elephant can fetch upwards of $50,000 on the black market. The poaching of elephants for their ivory tusks requires the death of some of the most beautiful and endangered animals on our planet. Unless action is taken soon, many of the gains made in recent decades to protect the great elephants of Africa may be undone. In 1989 elephants were initially listed as an Appendix 1 species by CITES (the Convention on International Trade In Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna), banning any and all trade of ivory. In 1997 they were downgraded to an Appendix 2 species, allowing the trade of ivory with regulation.Many nations do not have the capacity to strictly monitor the flow of ivory through their borders, nor are measures in place to effectively monitor the global ivory trade. Disguising illegal ivory as a legal product requires only an artificial aging process. We must all take action— the fate of one of the world’s most intelligent and majestic creatures is in our hands. Representatives of the CITES Animals Committee are preparing now for an upcoming meeting in March 2012. Their preparation includes deciding how they will vote—and the leadership they will take—on a proposal to move elephants back to Appendix 1 classification where they were placed originally in 1979. This reclassification would ban all new trade in ivory and allow for strict monitoring of the sale and transport of ivory with the expected result being a dramatic decrease in black market trade. Many countries oppose this change. We must act to make our voices ring louder than theirs and fight to protect Africa's elephants. TAKE ACTION CLIP

U.S. WAR-GAME OPS "BOLD ALLIGATOR" = DEAD DOLPHINS (FEBRUARY 9, 2012) alligator-dead.html I only learned an hour ago of this massive and highly unusual dolphin stranding on Cape Cod, Massachusetts It would be no coincidence that the biggest amphibious/marine 'war game' exercise in a decade, called Bold Alligator, is currently taking place all over the eastern seaboard of the USA, rattling some sabres for the coming Operation PERSuasion: The 'Nuking of Iran to Fulfil Biblical Prophecy' Scenario and Other Religiously- inspired Atrocities. All these forces and battle technologies have been amassing in this area for the past month, which is exactly the time span these unusual strandings have been going on. At least two aircraft carriers, the USS ENTERPRISE and the USS GEORGE H.W. BUSH are in this exact area now and have been for a while. These and many of the other ships would of necessity be operating ALL their forms of radar, sonar, including mid- and low-frequency active systems, not to mention ALL of their 'HAARP'/RF weapons systems, plus all the regular old nuclear and 'conventional' explosive, chemical and biological warfare gear. Now that I've learned more about the Navy as being the 'mac daddy' of all things nuclear, I think it safe to say that the U.S. Navy may own and operate more nuclear reactors than every other country and branch of the military put together, perhaps even thousands of them. Where do you reckon they dispose of all that high-level waste? They would never just drop it on the bottom of the ocean, would they? Try if you can to imagine what the marine acoustic and chemical environment must be like for hundreds if not thousands of kilometers in every direction from this immense concentration of all-things-deadly. Imagine how many thousands or tens of thousands of cetaceans might have been 'taken', harassed and/or murdered by this ludicrous spectacle of military necrophilia..."to carry out our national security mission."

(...) "With beach landings, 25 naval ships and an air assault, the United States and eight other countries are staging a major amphibious exercise on the US East Coast this week, fighting a fictional enemy that bears more than a passing resemblance to Iran... Bold Alligator is 'the largest amphibious exercise conducted by the fleet in the last 10 years,' said Admiral John Harvey, head of US Fleet Forces Command... About 20,000 US forces, plus hundreds of British, Dutch and French troops as well as liaison officers from Italy, Spain, New Zealand and Australia are taking part in the exercise along the Atlantic coast off Virginia and North Carolina. CLIP



Tar Sands Oil Extraction - The Dirty Truth - MUST WATCH! Environmental Terrorism of Epic Proportions! There are Banana Republics and there is Harper's Canada: The dirtiest, most criminal of all Oil Republics! Environmental devastation of the land, water, and air - the largest industrial energy project in the world is extracting crude oil from bitumen found beneath the pristine boreal forest of Alberta, Canada. Effecting a land mass equivalent in size to Florida or England, Both industry and government are putting money before the health and security of its people and the environment. Tar sands take 3 barrels of water to process every barrel of oil extracted. Ninety percent of this water becomes so toxic that it must be stored in tailing ponds. Unfortunately these ponds regularly leach pollution into the third largest watershed in the world. Water depletion, exploitation, privatization and contamination has become one of the most important issues facing humanity this century. Check out my other video on water issues: and see my other videos to learn about the dark side of fossil fuels. To learn more about tar sands, be sure to check out the featured film sources listed below. Find out more about what you can do and how to support the film makers.

Crude Sacrifice

Dirty Oil (available to watch online)

Downstream -- (available to watch online)



Check out a new promising technology to eliminate tailing ponds: Tar sands development can be minimized by blocking development of pipelines, such as Keystone XL, that carry the sludge of this incredibly polluting energy project. Tell Canada to clean up this mess and join with Bill McKibben and Josh Fox and let your voice be heard Tell Your Senators: Reject the Pipeline! Right now, the Senate is considering legislation to resurrect Keystone XL, overriding President Obama's rejection of the pipeline, and greenlighting construction of this disastrous project. We have a matter of hours to put together a massive response to show them that approving Keystone is unacceptable. We're partnering with dozens of other organizations, media figures and celebrities to blitz the Senate with over 500,000 messages to demand they stop the pipeline.

Obama rejects Keystone pipeline, but leaves door open for tar sands (January 18, 2012) The Obama administration today announced it is scrapping TransCanada's Keystone pipeline after Republicans forced a 60-day deadline on the issue in a Congressional rider. The State Department advised against the pipeline arguing that the deadline did not give the department enough time to determine if the pipeline "served the national interest." The cancellation of the pipeline is a victory for environmental and social activists who fought the project for months, but Republicans are blasting the administration. (...) Reasons against the Keystone pipeline were many and varied, from oil spill impacts to indigenous issues. But for most activists, the largest issue was climate change. Climatologist, James Hansen, has stated that if the full- extent of the tar sands are exploited along with the world's coal reserves "it is essentially game over" for the climate. In terms of carbon emissions, Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) estimated the greenhouse gas emissions of the tar sands was 5-15 percent higher than conventional sources, while the International Energy Agency (IEA) found that emissions were 20 percent higher. Others have given higher numbers. "No one who understands the urgent realities of global climate change could reasonably consider this pipeline in the best interest of the United States, humankind or the planet we all share," said Carroll Muffett, President of the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL). In Canada the exploitation of the tar sands has led to water pollution, political conflict with First Nations people, large-scale deforestation in the Boreal, and alleged cancer clusters. In addition, rising emissions from exploiting the tar sands pushed Canada to abandon the Kyoto Protocol. CLIP

Tar Sands Not Over Yet: Enbridge Northern Gateway Tar Sands Pipelines Heading West to Asia Must Be Stopped Too (November 30, 2011) The proposed Canadian Enbridge Northern Gateway tar sands pipelines seek to export filthy oil to Asia. The delay of the Keystone pipeline - largely due to people power protest - makes this route all the more vital to Canada, if tar sands production and transport to the international marketplace are to grow. Ecosystems will be placed at risk from Alberta's massive clearcut mining of boreal forest, Western Canada's intricate waterways, to British Columbia's precious and fragile temperate rainforests and coastal waters, endangering the First Nations' salmon economy. To keep the anti-tar sand campaign momentum, this pipeline must be delayed and eventually stopped too! With stalwart indigenous opposition, and the magnitude of vital and sensitive ecosystems to be traversed, our chances are good. This alert was first launched and hundreds of thousands of protest emails sent a year ago, and has now been updated. TAKE ACTION HERE!


Forwarded by Judith IAm ([email protected]) on Dec 7, 2011

The national campaign to Abolish Corporate Personhood and Demand Democracy

We did it!

Yesterday the Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to support Move to Amend's resolution calling on Congress to amend the Constitution to clearly establish that only living persons -- not corporations -- are endowed with constitutional rights and that money is not the same as free speech. The vote makes Los Angeles the first major city in the U.S. to call for an end to all corporate constitutional rights!

In a press conference after the vote, Council President Eric Garcetti stated:

"I want to thank Move to Amend and this entire coalition that has come together... Every struggle to amend the constitution began as just a group of regular Americans who wanted to end slavery, who thought women should vote, who believed that if you're old enough to be drafted, you should be old enough to vote. These are how American amendments move forward from the grassroots when Americans say enough is enough.

We're very proud to come together and send a message but more than that, this becomes the official position of the City of Los Angeles, we will officially lobby for this. I also chair a group which oversees all the Democratic mayors and council members in the country and we're going to share this with all our 3,000 members and we hope to see this start here in the west and sweep the nation until one day we do have a constitutional amendment which will return the power to the people."

Click here to watch the press conference video!

Our goal is for 50 towns and cities to put Move to Amend’s resolution on the ballot for the Presidential election in November, 2012. Let's use this great victory in LA to keep the momentum going in the months ahead as more communities step up to take a stand. Let us know if you want to work with us to put a resolution on the ballot in your community.

Congratulations to Mary Beth Fielder, Daniel Lee and the rest of the fabulous team at Los Angeles Move to Amend!

Onward for democracy!

Ben Manski, David Cobb, George Friday, Jerome Scott, Kaitlin Sopoci- Belknap, Laura Bonham, Lisa Graves, and Nancy Price Move to Amend Executive Committee

P.S. - Occupy the Courts (a one day occupation of Federal courthouses across the country, including the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., on Friday January 20, 2012) is taking off! New cities and Occupy partners are coming on board every day. Click here to view the map of participating cities and sign up to join Move to Amend volunteers across the USA as we lead the charge on the judiciary which created — and continues to expand — corporate personhood rights.

P.P.S. - Host or attend an organizing party in your home or community space next week to begin planning your local action for January. We are pleased to announce that a renowned, veteran fighter for democracy, Jim Hightower, will be joining us in a web and telephone address to the guests at your organizing party.

Move to Amend Coalition

P.O. Box 260217 Madison, WI 53726-0217 United States

End Corporate Rule. Legalize Democracy. Move to Amend.

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Stop Online Spying The government is about to push through a set of electronic surveillance laws that will invade your privacy and cost you money. The plan is to force every phone and Internet provider to allow "authorities" to collect the private information of any Canadian, at any time, without a warrant. This bizarre legislation will create Internet surveillance that is: Warrantless: A range of "authorities" will have the ability to access the private information of law-abiding Canadians and our families using wired Internet and mobile devices, without justification. Invasive: The laws leave our personal and financial information less secure and more susceptible to cybercrime. Costly: Internet services providers may be forced to install millions of dollars worth of spying technology and the cost will be passed down to YOU. If enough of us speak out now the government will have no choice but to stop this mandatory online spying scheme. Sign the petition now, and forward it to everyone you know . MUCH MORE on this through including Rick Mercer rants about the online spying bill and National Post: A bill flawed beyond repair

Arrested Development - One-Way Train to Gitmo (December 7, 2011) He nails it as graphically as usual development---one-way-train-to-gitmo Barack Obama will veto the 2012 Defense Appropriations bill because he objects to the Executive Branch not having totally infinite power of detention. - To watch this in Canada go HERE - Note from Jean: As far as I can tell, no one else in the US mainstream media has managed to so explicitly portray the extreme and real consequences of this utterly unconstitutional provision in this huge bill that will, if not vetoed by the Obama regime, precipitate the US and, soon after Canada (count of HarBushper for that!), in the clenching claws of the most despotic and dark era this planet has ever known. Still, despite the tragedy this attempt represents, there is hardly any chance that making us all laugh over this as he does will help muster the kind of public outrage needed to derail this. On the contrary, it might even make it more palatable - as mere poking- fun-at matter lost amidst the daily dribble of the breathless rush into oblivion that characterizes much of today's global and individual preoccupation with instant gratification and frivolous fun no matter what the consequences might be to the Web of Life and everyone else on Earth. The following reminder of the near prophetic warning by President Eisenhower, a giant of his age, enables us to clearly comprehend that what he forewarned his countrymen about is now happening before our very eyes...

Jon Stewart Blasts Senate Defense Bill That Would Allow Americans To Be Detained Indefinitely (VIDEO - 12/ 8/11) bill-detain-americans-video_n_1136307.html When a bill passes through Senate with a 93-7 vote, you wouldn't expect there to be a provision essentially eliminating due process. But that's what happened when the 2012 defense appropriations bill was passed this month, much to Jon Stewart's chagrin. In a two-part segment on Wednesday night's "Daily Show," Stewart slammed the bill, which details expenses for our armed forces, for including a provision that would allow for anyone -- including Americans -- suspected of terrorism to be locked up indefinitely without a trial. You know, because the fourth amendment is more like a "suggestion." CLIP Just a handful of alternative media have covered this infamy as you can see if you search at with the words 2012 Defense Appropriations bill power of detention...

"Wake up America!" Still not convinced were in Martial law? (October 8, 2011) Democracy Now!

Op-Ed: Does US Senate Commit Treason with NDAA Bill? with-ndaa-bill/article16137.html (...) Yet, the entire US Senate voted to retain these unconstitutional and amoral provisions which allow for a military/presidential dictatorship. Only seven senators voted against this bill, namely Senators Coburn, Harkin, Lee, Merkley, Paul, Sanders and Wyden. These seven senators are to be thanked–with the rest of the senate impeached and criminally prosecuted for Treason. (...) Once again, there is no public denouncement of this bill—whether the Senate or House version–no major media figures have brought this critical attack on democracy itself to the public. We finally hear about ‘Occupy Wall Street’ but no one outside of the alternative media has mentioned this developing story.The one point all of these ‘honorable’ legislators fail to comprehend is the simple fact that we shouldn’t be having this conversation at all. The justification of ‘indefinite detention’ for those merely accused but not tried in a legitimate court of law–is beyond obscenity. The use of our own military against our citizens to police and force compliance in a presidential/military dictatorship, complete with powers to wage endless war—is nothing short of a military/political coup—an act of treason. In short, the US Senate and the House of Representatives—are in the process of establishing a military dictatorship. Any senators or congressman supporting this or merely remaining silent are as guilty as Levin, McCain, Graham and McKeon. As Dr. King explained, there comes a time when silence equals betrayal.European law which granted similar powers… Senators Graham, Levin, McCain and Congressman McKeon–along with the US Senate and House of Representatives are in ‘good company’with other alleged ‘republics’—mandating the suspension of civil liberties in the name of national security. In part of what is now called the EU– another law advocating indefinite detention of alleged terrorists while simultaneously nullifying a person’s civil rights to a trial was similarly defended. Corporate manufacturers of military armaments and military supplies used this law to guarantee continued profits through a similar use of continued war. The name of the law was ‘The Notverordnung zum Schutz von Volk und Staat (Decree For the Protection of People and State). The principle architect of this law was Reich President von Hindenburg– under the dictate of Adolf Hitler. - CHECK ALSO POSSE COME AND GET US

US Constitution repealed by traitorous Senators; 'Republican party now the Gestapo party' says observer (December 02, 2011) ense_Authorization_Act.html (NaturalNews) The mainstream media doesn't want you to know about this story even though it is arguably the single most important story of the year in terms of impacting your future as a free citizen. Yesterday as part of the National Defense Authorization Act, the U.S. Senate voted to repeal the Constitution and its Bill of Rights by authorizing the U.S. military to operate on U.S. soil, conduct secret kidnappings of American citizens and throw them in secret military prisons where they will be "legally" tortured, interrogated and murdered. All that is required for this to take place is the allegation that you are somehow linked to something resembling "terrorism." There is no due process and no evidence whatsoever required. And this is all being give the thumbs up by the traitorous U.S. Senate, led by Republicans like Sen. John McCain who should know a thing or two about secret prisons. You won't find any real coverage of this story in the mainstream media, which has predictably sided with tyranny while blacking out this story for reasons you can only imagine. So I've collected some of the more important videos and articles you need to see in order to understand what's happening with this issue and why America is about to descend in an overt, in-your-face military police state run by militant Republican tyrants. If you thought Bush was bad, just wait until a Republican wins the election in 2012 and then uses this law to declare open war on the American people...Here are some videos and articles you need to see: CLIP - Check also Rep. Paul says defense bill assures ‘descent into totalitarianism’

America Just Says No to the Rule of Law (December 19, 2011) In 2005, Michael Greco, the President of the American Bar Association, decided he had to come to the defense of the rule of law in the US. A variety of Bush administration practices, such as signing statements, struck Greco as dangerous transgressions against the constitution, and he commissioned three research reports on the subject from groups of ABA specialists who had deep experience working within the executive branch, including the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Justice Department. Each report identified serious violations of the constitution, and expressed alarm at the gravity of the consequences should they go unchecked. Greco made the reports public, and delivered them to the White House, only to be met with silence from the media and the political establishment. The rule of law, it seems, was no longer a concern to the US establishment, even when the legal profession's umbrella association was weighing in with stern warnings.However indifferent the establishment may have become to the rule of law by 2005, a large proportion of American citizens were not willing to tolerate brazen illegality at the top.Indignation at the Bush administration's disregard for the law played a significant role in delivering the Presidency and majorities in both chambers of Congress by 2008. President Obama's own background as a one-time teacher of constitutional law conditioned optimism that his administration would honor the rule of law, and would hold many Bush administration officials accountable for their transgressions. Such was the spirit of 2008. Alas, Obama moved to temper expectations for justice as soon as he assumed office, famously declaring his preference for "moving forward" rather than dredging up the sins of the just concluded Bush administration. Obama's policy made quite an impression, given the scale of the crimes-which included launching a war of aggression in Iraq on false pretenses, the systematic use of torture on prisoners, and the widespread orchestration of federal prosecutions for partisan (Republican Party) political purposes. The implications of non-prosecution are momentous, of course. It serves to establish the practices of the Bush administration in precedent, and leaves such practices available to future administrations.

(...) Beyond the shielding Bush administration officials and Wall Street banks from liability, the Obama administration has proceeded to inflict a wide a wide variety of new wounds on the rule of law in the US. Consider, for a moment, three of the seven pillars of democratic rights in America, as defined by Bill Goodman, former legal director of the Center for Constitutional Rights: "People can't be detained without good cause and without being charged with a crime in front of an independent magistrate. They can't be tortured or punished in ways that are extreme. They're allowed to protest publicly." Taking these three in reverse order: 1) Very strong indications point to the Department of Homeland Secuirty having orchestrated or at least coordinated crackdowns on Occupy Wall Street encampments (and on journalists) in a number of cities in November. This is a serious violation of Constitutional prohibitions against federalized policing, (and responsibility would appear to rest with Obama, as Homeland Security chief Peter King reports directly to him). 2) Obama has famously embraced the right of the President to order assassinations, including of US citizens. As Glenn Greenwald put it: "...the U.S. Government has seized and exercised exactly the power the Fifth Amendment was designed to bar ('No person shall be deprived of life without due process of law'), and did so in a way that almost certainly violates core First Amendment protections (questions that will now never be decided in a court of law)." 3) The Senate recently approved a National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which awards the military the right to detain anyone, including US citizens, anywhere, including within the US, and detain them, indefinitely, without charges. Where is the Outrage? Public reactions to revelations of selective justice and extra-legal oppression were tepid at best until this year, thanks to so- called "scandal fatigue" and to optimism regarding President Obama's promises to respect the laws of the land. Now that Americans have came out in the streets, however--first in the midwest this winter, and then in the context of OWS this fall-awareness of lawlessness at the top has galloped ahead, and the public is less likely to tolerate abuses. Thus, a high-profile exposure two weeks ago of the fact that members of Congress are not subject to restrictions on insider trading of stocks generated a torrent of disgust, and looks to be getting rapid reaction on Capitol Hill. CLIP

If you ever had any doubt the media is controlled... ever-had-any-doubt-the-media-is-controlled-.html Recommended by DrE ([email protected]) who wrote: "If you have any doubts that the media is both corrupted and controlled by fascist criminals, this should put an end any doubts. This not only includes TV broadcasting, but also “same-owned” newspapers, magazines, andother “supposedly (un)balanced” media news centers, since these news outlets (thanks to the corrupted FCC) are owned by the same,small handful of several individuals who control virtually everything you see and hear over the networks. So, these so called news actors (anchors) get their news, marching orders, and the sensationalized horse-hockey thesenetworks are passing off as news, from centralized news control rooms. So, everyone get’s the same bullsh**t. Hang on to your local, independent public service broadcast if you can; they are usually the only ones who actually provide any real, truthful news. Major media networks like CNN, FOX, NBC, CBS, ABS are propaganda machines, misleading the public with lies,misinformation, and deception in their underlying news casts and messages. Believe these cow pies, and you WILL be very misinformed and brain-washed, as, unfortunately,many of our unthinking (and educated) citizens are Totally sold on the cow-pies !! Amazing. That should be glaringly obvious to those who still can engage in critical thought."


The End of the American Dream - Eisenhower's Warning At the heart of American politics lie greed and fear. These two together have fostered the unfettered growth of the military-industrial complex, which now controls Washington. This monster is gorging itself on American taxpayers' money while at the same time keeping the American people in a constant state of fear of an unseen enemy, who serves as an excuse to engage in never ending warfare against ever new foes. The true enemy, however, as Eisenhower pointed out in the sixties, is the enemy within: unscrupulous corporations who deal in death and need death to maximize profits. Since the corporations that feed off war are the very same corporations that own the US airwaves and feed Americans their daily dribble of CNN, Fox News, and militainment, it is hardly surprising that the average American now finds himself in a world not unlike George Orwell's 1984. When will Americans free themselves of their self-inflicted nightmare? As long as the American populace stays in its ignorant slumber, poverty and social inequality will increase in the USA, democratic institutions will be undermined, and the bombs will keep dropping on innocent people around the world. To see whether successive presidents heeded Eisenhower's warning also watch...

The End of the American Dream - Eisenhower Ignored Despite Eisenhower's dire warning against surrendering power to the military-industrial complex all administrations since have increased military spending and relinquished more and more power to corporate lobbyists. Contrary to popular expectations, war spending has surged under Obama. In fact, Obama has turned out to be as much of a war president as all of his predecessors, happily selling weapons on a massive scale to inhumane regimes such as Saudi Arabia and sending unmanned drones to Afghanistan and northern Pakistan to wipe out so-called insurgents, who more often than not turn out to be wedding parties or other innocents. When will the madness stop?

The End of the American Dream - Drone Murders (German TV - Click on the little cc icon on the left of 360 to get the English subtitles) Under Barack Obama drone attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan have greatly increased. Many of the remote-controlled attacks fail to hit the right targets causing boundless suffering for the innocent victims and causing immense resentment against the USA among the local population. Such attacks are illegal under international law and have been condemned worldwide. Recently a German national was killed by a drone attack in Pakistan. Since such attacks violate German law, Obama would strictly speaking have to be indicted for war crimes in Germany, along with many other members of the previous US administration for engaging in wars of aggression. However, it is highly unlikely that the perpetrators of these crimes will ever have to face justice.

The End of the American Dream - Police State (German TV - Click on the little cc icon on the left of 360 to get the English subtitles) Since the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001, the USA has become a virtual police state. The unconstitutional legislation of the Bush regime, particularly the Patriot Act, now make it possible to spy on and arrest anyone without judicial review. In today's America everyone is deemed an enemy of state until proven otherwise. For this purpose, the US is scouring the internet for every piece of information it can steal in order to build up a gigantic database containing profiles on you and me. The so- called "Land of the Free" has long become the "Land of the Fearful" and the Obama administration, contrary to its promises before the election, has done nothing to return the USA to basic democratic values.

The End of the American Dream - Enemy of Democracy Slowly the world is beginning to realise that far from being a supporter of democracy, the United States is an enemy of democracy, and always has been. There has hardly been a budding democracy in the world (especially in South America), which wasn't immediately undermined and destroyed by the USA to serve its own economic interests, i.e. to provide cheap resources and labour for its corporations through criminal exploitation. Profit maximisation can only be guaranteed by dictatorships since only they happily deny their citizens access to basic human rights such as health care, minimum wages, pensions, maternity leave, holidays, unions, education, healthy work environments, safety regulations, environmental regulations, fair contract law, and so forth. For this reason, the United States has always sought to prevent the development of democracies across the world. Obama's failed attempt to install Suleiman (the CIA's torturer-in-chief for those who had to suffer extraordinary rendition) as Mubarak's successor is just the latest example. Another is the White House's complete inaction with respect to Bahrain and the other countries in the Middle East, which are currently trying to throw off the yoke of dictatorship. All of these countries have puppet regimes controlled by Washington, which is desperately trying to keep them in power, despite all the empty words of Hillary Clinton and other propagandists. Dictatorships are just so much better for business. ..If you enjoyed this clip, why not watch the whole film? (The War on Democracy by John Pilger).

The End of the American Dream - Seeds of Revolution Governor Walker of Wisconsin together with CEOs of large American corporations such as the Koch brothers whose sole desire it is to maximise profits for themselves have decided that the time has come to completely disenfranchise American workers by denying them the right to collective bargaining, that is, to unionise. Teachers, firemen, policemen and many others have joined forces to stop Governor Walker to make his rich friends even richer. The Democratic representatives of Wisconsin even fled the state to Illinois to deny Walker quorum. But Walker passed his law despite all opposition! Here is film-maker Michael Moore speaking in support of the people of Wisconsin in the state capital Madison. Michael Moore clearly describes The End of the American Dream . . . The End of the American Dream - Death of Democracy In this interview on Canadian television Chris Hedges basically states that American democracy is dead and that only 'a revolution of the people' can restore the USA to democratic values. Since this is extremely unlikely, America will further degenerate, and end up as a semi-fascist corporate state, probably culminating in a right-wing backlash in the form of Nazi- like purges against Muslims, immigrants and other minority groups. And, of course, there will be more endless wars on defenceless nations to boost the arms industry and divert attention from the internal rot. Maybe the Americans should learn from the Egyptians rather than vice versa!

The End of the American Dream - Ignorant Lawmakers American lawmaker quotes Bronze Age text to refute Industrial Age, man-made global warming! In an age in which unrestrained technological development and massive worldwide pollution, especially CO2 emissions, are threatening the very survival of the planet, an increasing number of fundamentalist Christians have been taking over the American government on a local and national level, and have nothing more to offer the world than citations from a Bronze Age text. If this trend is not reversed we will soon face extinction, not ascension.

The End of the American Dream - Corporate Fascism Corporations are slowly taking over American society and disenfranchising the American people. Corporations flourish under fascist regimes as such regimes will ensure that the corporations have no responsibility whatsoever towards the people, which translates into no job security, low wages, long working hours, virtually no holidays, no unions, no adequate health care, no retirement plan, no maternity leave, few safety regulations, ineffective environmental protection laws, limited consumer rights, almost no access to independent media, very little accountability, no real democratic redress against powerful interest groups. In other words, America today. The most amazing thing about the United States is that those who are being disenfranchised in this way are the staunchest supporters of those who are implementing such totalitarian policies against them. Brainwashed by the corporate media poor ignorant Americans will actually vote Republican, join the Tea Party and demonstrate against health care reform! Is there hope for the US in the face of such ignorance? If you enjoyed the clip why not watch the whole film? (The Corporation by Mark Achbar)

Don't Frack with Our Water: Support New York State Residents in Maintaining the Ban (December 7, 2011) ban The New York State government is set to end its fracking ban - a dangerous natural gas drilling method - placing its citizens, water and ecology at great risk. Fracking blasts water mixed with toxics at high pressure into the ground to shatter deep bedrock - releasing toxic methane, chemicals and other contamination - while destroying crucial water resources and destabilizing the land. Tell Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo that fracking will never be environmentally acceptable, much less sustainable, and that it needs to be permanently banned. Failure to do so makes him personally responsible for vast water contamination that will forever poison New York citizens he has sworn to serve and protect. TAKE ACTION HERE NOW!


2011 YEAR of the DUPE: One Year into the Engineered "Arab Spring," One Step Closer to Global Hegemony (December 24, 2011) In January of 2011, we were told that "spontaneous," "indigenous" uprising had begun sweeping North Africa and the Middle East in what was hailed as the "Arab Spring." It would be almost four months before the corporate-media would admit that the US had been behind the uprisings and that they were anything but "spontaneous," or "indigenous." In an April 2011 article published by the New York Times titled, "U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings," it was stated:"A number of the groups and individuals directly involved in the revolts and reforms sweeping the region, including the April 6 Youth Movement in Egypt, the Bahrain Center for Human Rights and grass-roots activists like Entsar Qadhi, a youth leader in Yemen, received training and financing from groups like the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute and Freedom House, a nonprofit human rights organization based in Washington."The article would also add, regarding the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED):"The Republican and Democratic institutes are loosely affiliated with the Republican and Democratic Parties. They were created by Congress and are financed through the National Endowment for Democracy, which was set up in 1983 to channel grants for promoting democracy in developing nations. The National Endowment receives about $100 million annually from Congress. Freedom House also gets the bulk of its money from the American government, mainly from the State Department. "It is hardly a speculative theory then, that the uprisings were part of an immense geopolitical campaign conceived in the West and carried out through its proxies with the assistance of disingenuous foundations, organizations, and the stable of NGOs they maintain throughout the world. As we will see, preparations for the "Arab Spring" and the global campaign that is now encroaching on both Russia and China, as predicted in February 2011's "The Middle East & then the World," began not as unrest had already begun, but years before the first "fist" was raised, and within seminar rooms in D.C. and New York, US-funded training facilities in Serbia, and camps held in neighboring countries, not within the Arab World itself.The Timeline - 2008-2010 Preparing the Battlefield.

(...) In Myanmar (Burma) "democracy icon" Aung San Suu Kyi, whose entire movement is a creation of Wall Street and London, received Hillary Clinton as well as Thailand's proxy-PM Yingluck Shinawatra in a globalist show of support designating her as the de facto leader and point of contact within the Southeast Asian country. Clinton's visit coincided with a successful campaign led by US NGOs to oust Chinese interests in the nation that resulted in the halting of a dam that was to provide electricity, revenue, flood control and irrigation for the people of Myanmar. Meanwhile in Russia, Wall Street and London attacked more directly, attempting to interfere with Russian elections in December and resulting in several street protests led by overtly linked NED, Soros, and Rothschild operatives. NED-funded NGO "Golos" played a key role in portraying the elections as "rigged" and constituted America's extraterritorial meddling in Russia's sovereign affairs. A concerted effort by the corporate-media to misrepresent the unrest in Russia was pointed out in, "Russian Protests: Western Media Lies ," illustrating just how coordinated the overarching global destabilization being carried out actually is. In "Wall Street Vs. Russia," it was concluded: "It is quite clear that the National Endowment for Democracy, Freedom House, the Foreign Policy Initiative, and even the US State Department whose new foreign affairs advisory board is full of think-tanks representing overt corporate-financier interests, are not interested in "democracy," "human rights," or "freedom" in Russia, but rather removing the Kremlin out of the way, and reestablishing the parasitic feeding on the Russian people and its economy they enjoyed after the fall of the Soviet Union."

In late December it would be confirmed that the same Al Qaeda militants that ravaged Libya with NATO's aid, were on their way to Syria to help overthrow the Assad government. LIFG leader Abdel Hakim Belhaj was confirmed to be on the Syrian border preparing troops of the so-called "Free Syrian Army."This wasn't the only recent example of the West operating in tandem with listed terrorist groups. It was also reported in, "EXPOSED: US Troops Guarded Terrorist Camp in Iraq," that the US has been guarding a terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq training camp inside Iraq with US troops and is planning to relocated them, possibly in a freshly abandoned US military base in Iraq while D.C. lobbyists work feverishly to have them de-listed, armed, and sent to conduct terrorist operations in Iran. Shocking comments are made in the Brookings Institution's report, "Which Path to Persia?" where US policy experts conspire to use the terrorist organization against the government of Iran. In essence, corporate-funded policy makers have transformed the US into a state- sponsor of terror.


The year 2011 was surely the year of the dupe. Youth enamored with lofty, naive notions of "freedom" sold to them by corporate-fascist funded NGOs were brought into the streets to create chaos and division which was then capitalized on by covert political and even military maneuvering by the West and its proxy forces. In Egypt the nation is teetering on the edge of being fully integrated into the Wall Street/London international order, while a big-oil representative is enjoying his new position as prime minister of Libya. In Tunisia a life-long stooge of Western machinations is now president, and an alarming campaign of NATO-backed violence and terrorism is gripping Syria.With the encirclement of Russia and China, these dupes have witlessly brought the world to the edge of World War III, and clearly done nothing at all to improve their own state of being. As their nations fall under the control of increasing Western influence, the resources once used to placate them and defend their nationalism will now be diverted into the bottomless maw of the parasitic banking combines that are currently destroying both North America and Europe. February's "The Middle East & then the World" is well worth reading again - to see how far we've come over the last year since it was written, and what is left for the globalists to do. As the globalists come ever closer to China and Russia's doorsteps the stakes will continue to rise and the placid spectating Americans and Europeans have enjoyed this year will forever be lost. Finally, consider what was written in one of the last articles of this year, "The End Game Approaches:" "Complacency will kill, apathy is complicity: as the elitist-engineered "Arab Spring" reaches its conclusion, we stand on the precipice of being meshed into an inescapable, corporate-fascist, scientific planetary regime.... the End Game approaches. Now more than ever, "we the people" must steel ourselves against this immense corporate-fascist empire as it sprawls death, destruction, and domination, militarily and economically, across the planet. We must, our very survival depends on it, boycott and replace entirely the corporate- financier interests that drive this dark, expansive agenda. It has been literally spawned of our apathy, complicity, and ignorance, fueled by us - the very source of corporate fascism's power - and it must be our activism, resistance, and intellect that brings it to an end. CLIP

Jeremy Rifkin at Charlie Rose (MOST interesting interview - Must watch!) (...) Mr. Rifkin is the principle architect of the European Union's Third Industrial Revolution long-term economic sustainability plan to address the triple challenge of the global economic crisis, energy security, and climate change. The Third Industrial Revolution was formally endorsed by the European Parliament in 2007 and is now being implemented by various agencies within the European Commission as well as in the 27 member- states.Mr. Rifkin is also the founder and chairperson of the Third Industrial Revolution Global CEO Business Roundtable, comprised of 100 of the world's leading renewable energy companies, construction companies, architectural firms, real estate companies, IT companies, power and utility companies, and transport and logistics companies. Mr. Rifkin's global economic development team is the largest of its kind in the world and is working with cities, regions, and national governments to develop master plans to transition their economies into post-carbon Third Industrial Revolution infrastructures. CLIP

Check Rifkin's latest book The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power Is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World "The Industrial Revolution, powered by oil and other fossil fuels, is spiraling into a dangerous endgame. The price of gas and food are climbing, unemployment remains high, the housing market has tanked, consumer and government debt is soaring, and the recovery is slowing. Facing the prospect of a second collapse of the global economy, humanity is desperate for a sustainable economic game plan to take us into the future. Here, Jeremy Rifkin explores how Internet technology and renewable energy are merging to create a powerful "Third Industrial Revolution." He asks us to imagine hundreds of millions of people producing their own green energy in their homes, offices, and factories, and sharing it with each other in an "energy internet," just like we now create and share information online.Rifkin describes how the five-pillars of the Third Industrial Revolution will create thousands of businesses, millions of jobs, and usher in a fundamental reordering of human relationships, from hierarchical to lateral power, that will impact the way we conduct commerce, govern society, educate our children, and engage in civic life. Rifkin's vision is already gaining traction in the international community. The European Union Parliament has issued a formal declaration calling for its implementation, and other nations in Asia, Africa, and the Americas, are quickly preparing their own initiatives for transitioning into the new economic paradigm.The Third Industrial Revolution is an insider's account of the next great economic era, including a look into the personalities and players - heads of state, global CEOs, social entrepreneurs, and NGOs - who are pioneering its implementation around the world."

(...) "The Third Industrial Revolution" offers a fascinating look at Jeremy Rifkin's views on the future of energy and the economy. Rifkin believes we are on the verge of a new industrial revolution that will transform the economy and society in a similar way to the major changes that occurred in the 19th and 20th centuries. Rifkin's "third" industrial revolution is based on "five pillars:" (1) A general shift to renewable energy. (2) Micro- generation of clean energy in homes, offices and other buildings. (3) Hydrogen and other forms of energy storage in homes and throughout the economy (4) an "Internet-like" smart energy grid that would allow individuals to generate power and then distribute it, and (5) Conversion of transportation away from fossil fuels to electric plug-in or hydrogen fuel cells.

NOTE from Jean: In his interview with Charlie Rose, Rifkin describes how Germany, under his guidance, is now successfully implementing his "energy internet" vision . This is a most fascinating visionary accomplishment that ought to be replicated worldwide. More through - It will spell the end to centralized energy production and help initiate a whole new era, in synch with the global paradigm shift now underway, whereas the 1% cease to control everything and share their power with the 99%. I also predict that soon replication technology (similar to what is featured in the Star Trek TV series), along with infinite free zero-point energy sources, will become widely available and put a permanent end to scarcity, hunger, pollution and most other global ills rooted in soon-to-be obsolete technologies.



The Awakening (Full Movie)

Change For A Dollar Is he asking for Change, or is he asking for CHANGE? Follow a man as he affects multiple peoples' lives with just one dollar, proving that it doesn't take much to be the change in someone's life. -- Winner - Best Short Film - Maryville Film Festival Winner - Audience Choice Award - Gateway Film Festival Winner - Audience Choice Award - Moonlight Film Festival -- IF YOU ENJOYED THIS FILM, PLEASE HELP ME MAKE MY NEXT ONE! CLICK THE LINK BELOW AND DONATE A DOLLAR. LET'S KEEP MAKING FILMS THAT INSPIRE THE WORLD!

Occupy Wall St - The Revolution Is Love MANY more inspiring thoughts through - Check also Sacred Economics - The Short Film and online/

Louie Schwartzberg - Gratitude (Watch in HD full screen) Louie Schwartzberg is an award-winning cinematographer, director, and producer whose notable career spans more than three decades providing breathtaking imagery for feature films, television shows, documentaries and commercials. This piece includes his short film on Gratitude and Happiness. Brother David Steindl-Rast's spoken words, Gary Malkin's musical compositions and Louie's cinematography make this a stunningly beautiful piece, reminding us of the precious gift of life, and the beauty all around us. CLIP Many more fascinating videos by Louie Schwartzberg through - Watch especially Wings of Life

Amazing Grace, by Wintley Phipps At Carnegie Hall, gospel singer Wintley Phipps delivers perhaps the most powerful rendition of Amazing Grace ever recorded. He says, "A lot of people don't realize that just about all Negro spirituals are written on the black notes of the piano. Probably the most famous on this slave scale was written by John Newton, who used to be the captain of a slave ship, and many believe he heard this melody that sounds very much like a West African sorrow chant. And it has a haunting, haunting plaintive quality to it that reaches past your arrogance, past your pride, and it speaks to that part of you that's in bondage. And we feel it. We feel it. It's just one of the most amazing melodies in all of human history." After sharing the noteworthy history of the song, Mr. Phipps delivers a stirring performance that brings the audience to its feet!

David Attenborough - Wonderful World - BBC

A Vision of A Beautiful New World Check the text under the video...

What Would It Look Like? (Feb 19, 2009) What if the world embodied our highest potential? What would it look like? As the structures of modern society crumble, is it enough to respond with the same tired solutions? Or are we being called to question a set of unexamined assumptions that form the very basis of our civilization? This 25-minute retrospective asks us to reflect on the state of the world and ourselves, and to listen more closely to what is being asked of us at this time of unprecedented global transformation.

Egypt - Virtual tour over Gizah Pyramids - Sensational! Pyramids/start_e.html

Amazing pictures...with descriptions pictureswith.html

Dog, Cat and Rat

Happy New Year - Auld Lang Syne by Sissel (Watch full screen in HD)

Man dies, comes back to life, what he saw vrec&context=G2d67865RVAAAAAAAACw

A coronal mass ejection hit Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 24nd, sparking a geomagnetic storm (Kp=5) and bright auroras around the Arctic Circle. (spectacular pictures)

Aurora Borealis over Abisko National Park

A happy aurora watcher!

The Aurora Borealis Experience in Abisko National Park A compilation of time-lapse video and still images of the aurora borealis as seen from Abisko National Park in northern Sweden.

Google Sky Many fascinating views of our universe such as this one (make sure to zoom in!), or this one

Setting History Free – Graham Hancock And David Wilcock (Video - May 25, 2010) hancock-and-david-wilcock-video/ In this fascinating interview, cosmic researcher David Wilcock interviews researcher and author Graham Hancock about his lifetime of studying ancient earth civilizations. Graham discusses some of his amazing journeys to the most beautiful places on earth where ancient structures point to either a different race inhabiting the planet, or the idea that humans had significant intuitive powers that were at some point lost to mankind. Graham also discusses his experience with the deep forest Shamanic medicine Ayahuasca and gives us the idea that by reinventing our understanding of our past we can change course toward a more balanced and harmonious future.

Cannabis - Weed - Pot - Marijuana - Kills Cancer cells finds UCLA research and others - FASCINATING! Research Shows That Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells Research demonstrates that compounds within Cannabis specifically target and kill malignant body cells while protecting beneficial body cells. Pot smokers have been found to have fewer cases of lung cancer than even people who smoke nothing at all. Could it really be that one of mother nature’s most persecuted weeds carries with it the cures for cancer that have eluded modern science for decades? Perhaps we will see the de-stigmatization of this herb soon and witness an evolution in our culture as it becomes more willing to subvert cultural taboos in order to conquer serious social issues.

PIONEERS OF DAWN - Trailer (5:45) MOST EXCELLENT AND VERY INSPIRING! Amazing accomplishments despite most difficult odds. More on Auroville through and

Auroville Documentary - Journey to the City of Dawn Scenes from the documentary Journey To The City of Dawn based in Auroville, India produced by Paul Kakert of Storytellers International. Visit the film's website at - With a population of about 2200 people from approximately 40 nations, "Auroville wants to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity."

Auroville une expérience remarquable

MOTHER (Mira Alfassa)- PRAYERS & MEDITATIONS The Mother was born Mirra Alfassa in Paris on 21 February 1878. A pupil at the Academie Julian, she became an accomplished artist, and also excelled as a pianist and writer. Interested in occultism, she visited Tlemcen, Algeria, in 1905 and 1906 to study with the adept Max Theon and his wife. Her primary interest, however, was spiritual development. In Paris she founded a group of spiritual seekers and gave talks to various groups.

In 1914 the Mother voyaged to Pondicherry to meet Sri Aurobindo, whom she at once recognised as the one who for many years had inwardly guided her spiritual development. After a stay of eleven months she was obliged to return to France due to the outbreak of the First World War. A year later she went to Japan for a period of four years.

In April 1920 the Mother rejoined Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry. When the Sri Aurobindo Ashram was formed in November 1926, Sri Aurobindo entrusted its full material and spiritual charge to the Mother. Under her guidance, which continued for nearly fifty years, the Ashram grew into a large, many-faceted spiritual community. In 1952 she established Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education.

In the 1960s, it was Mother's dream to create a place where humanity could seek the Divine without having to dredge for food and shelter. Mother wanted a place where "normal people" from all over the world could live together in harmony, a place where people can seek spirituality and bring it into the world. She named this place Auroville or City of Dawn. It now has a population of more than 2,300 people.

The Mother left her body on 17 November 1973.

PRAYERS & MEDITATIONS 313 prayers and meditations, most of them written between 1912 and 1917. Selected by the Mother from her diaries, these prayers are a record of her spiritual experiences at that time. You can find this book (and others) in pdf, free on line at

Sri Aurobindo's Radical Social Vision: The Possibility of Telepathic Utopia (...) Our political salvation, according to Aurobindo, lies in the establishment of psychic unity which has its grounds in religious truth, but would also be different from current religious understanding. Towards the end of The Ideal of Human Unity Aurobindo describes what this might look like. "A spiritual religion of humanity is the hope of the future. By this is not meant what it ordinarily called a universal religion, a system, a thing of creed and intellectual belief and dogma and outward rite. Mankind has tried unity by that means; it has failed and deserved to fail, because there can be no universal religious system, one in mental creed and vital form. The inner spirit is indeed one, but more than any other the spiritual life insists on freedom and variation in its self-expression and means of development. A religion of humanity means the growing realisation that there is a secret Spirit, a divine Reality, in which we are all one, that humanity is its highest present vehicle on earth, that the human race and the human being are the means by which it will progressively reveal itself here. It implies a growing attempt to live out this knowledge and bring about a kingdom of this divine Spirit upon earth. By its growth within us oneness with our fellow-men will become the leading principle of all our life, not merely a principle of cooperation but a deeper brotherhood, a real and an inner sense of unity and equality and a common life." CLIP - See also Sri Aurobindo's Writings

Amazing huge cloaked UFO next to Mercury MUST SEE!!! Huge cloaked UFO next to Mercury on SECCHI HI1-A on 12/01/11, appears when a CME hits it. Go to SECCHI and record this before it disappears.

UFOs Over London BBC Radio 1 Building Footage of several starfleet ships -- including three scout ships and what looks like a small mothership -- seen and photographed directly above the BBC headquarters building in London in broad daylight.

UFO on White House Xmas card: Not a hoax and proof of the cover-up OdTso More on this HERE And check UFO Survey Reveals Many Americans Believe the Obama White House is Lying When it Says the Government has "No Evidence" That Extraterrestrial Beings Do Exist

Solar UFO December 03, 2011 WOW!

UFO Sightings Skyrocket Into 2012 (January 10, 2012) WITH VIDEOS run_n_1194310.html During the first week of 2012, UFO reports streamed in from around the world as numerous eyewitnesses described and videotaped strange things in the sky. Whether they were balloons, conventional aircraft or misidentified astronomical objects, the new year of UFO sightings is off and running as the worldwide proliferation of digital video cameras and phone cams makes it easier than ever to photograph unusual sights in the sky above us. The Colorado-based Mutual UFO Network, the largest UFO investigative organization in the world, received many reports of UFOs during the first week of the year from eyewitnesses in 36 out of 50 states. The 14 states that haven't reported in so far are Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming -- but the year is young. "For the entire month of January 2011, MUFON recorded around 500 reports, and we're already up to 233 after just the first week of 2012," said MUFON international director Clifford Clift."For December, we had 810, compared to about 500 in December 2010," Clift told The Huffington Post."Last year, we averaged over 6,000 total sightings, and if it continues at this pace, we'll be up 50 percent, with about 10 percent of those reports ending up as unexplained after our investigation," he said.According to New Zealand's, in the first 24 hours of the new year, it received "almost 80 reports and they're still flooding in at about 10 an hour." "Many people around the world have been outside celebrating the new year. In the U.S., where most of the sightings came from, conditions were fairly mild and dry in many areas, so more people were outside to see things," weather analyst Philip Duncan said in a statement. CLIP

Who On Earth Built This?

Alien Hybrid Or Starchild Discovered In China? 2012 (February 14, 2012) or-starchild-discovered-in-china-2012/ A boy has stunned medics with his ability to see in pitch black with eyes that glow in the dark.Doctors have studied Nong Youhui’s amazing eyesight since his dad took him to hospital in Dahua, southern China, concerned over his bright blue eyes. Dad Ling said: “They told me he would grow out of it and that his eyes would stop glowing and turn black like most Chinese people but they never did.” Medical tests conducted in complete darkness show Youhui can read perfectly without any light and sees as clearly as most people do during the day. Could Nong Youhui be a Hybrid or Starchild? A new and growing generation of extraordinary and gifted children are springing up across our planet, is the human species evolving, or possibly our Extraterrestrial visitors tinkering with our DNA?The question arises, is Nong Youhui a Starchild blessed with extraordinary abilities or is Nong Youhui an alien-human reproduction which occurred during an abduction and is his DNA mixed with ‘Alien DNA’? Or is his mother abducted and inseminated with ‘alien sperm’…thus having a relatively short gestation period then giving birth to a hybrid being? CLIP

Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA 88.html Do civilizations of advanced human beings exist scattered in the Galaxy? - A group of researchers working at the Human Genome Project indicate that they made an astonishing scientific discovery: They believe so-called 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms. The non-coding sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from moulds to fish to humans. In human DNA, they constitute larger part of the total genome, says Prof. Sam Chang, the group leader. Non-coding sequences, originally known as "junk DNA", were discovered years ago, and their function remained a mystery. The overwhelming majority of Human DNA is "Off-world" in origin. The apparent "extraterrestrial junk genes" merely "enjoy the ride" with hard working active genes, passed from generation to generation. CLIP

Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies (December 12, 2011) reprogrammed-by-words-and-frequencies/ The human DNA is a biological internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes.

Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. It is this subset of DNA that is of interest to western researchers and is being examined and categorized. The other 90% are considered “junk DNA.” The Russian researchers, however, convinced that nature was not dumb, joined linguists and geneticists in a venture to explore those 90% of “junk DNA.” Their results, findings and conclusions are simply revolutionary! According to them, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage and in communication. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code, especially in the apparently useless 90%, follows the same rules as all our human languages. To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar and do have set rules just like our languages. So human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.

The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of the DNA. [For the sake of brevity I will give only a summary here. For further exploration please refer to the appendix at the end of this article.] The bottom line was: “Living chromosomes function just like solitonic/holographic computers using the endogenous DNA laser radiation.” This means that they managed for example to modulate certain frequency patterns onto a laser ray and with it influenced the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since the basic structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and of language (as explained earlier) are of the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary.One can simply use words and sentences of the human language! This, too, was experimentally proven! Living DNA substance (in living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to language- modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies are being used. CLIP

Decoded Alien Message Hd5Bkw In 1974, the scientist Carl Sagan developed a binary message in a scroll type top to bottom fashion. The binary code is the simplest and most universal language known possible. This binary message was transmitted repeatedly into space, explaining that we are carbon based life forms about 6ft tall, living on the 3rd planet from our sun amongst other things. In 2001 on August 14th, a crop formation appeared in the fields of England with a binary message in EXACTLY the same format as was sent by Carl Sagan all those years a go. It explained to us that these aliens were silicone based life forms, occupying the 2nd, 3rd and 4th planets of their solar system. It also went on to explain they are 4ft tall and have larger heads and eyes than ours. Message left to us: Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there. We oppose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING. -- Did Scientists in 2001 translate an Extraterrestrial message implicitly designed to warn humanity about the '9/11 deception'?...

Walt Disney UFO Documentary: Full Uncut Version Rare Disney UFO documentary, this documentary was only broadcast once in five US states, then it was shelved and never broadcast again. This version is the complete uncut feature, recorded to VHS video when it was first broadcast on celestial tv.

Top 10 Places You Aren't Allowed To Visit Find out where the worlds highest security locations are. Many are top secret - And yet that are the most obvious ones - There are far more secret places deep underground and even on Mars that you'll never hear about...

Secret U.S. Mars program & Life on Mars space-centre-secret-us-mars-program-life-on-mars- httpexopoliticsblogscomexopoliti.html

Zabel/Dolan Petition (11-8-11) - Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel have simultaneously submitted a petition to the White House which approaches the issue from a different angle. PRG strongly encourages all supporters to sign. These two petitions are sufficiently different to likely receive separate responses from the White House if they reach the 25K threshold. The more responses the better. The first URL above is a direct link to this petition. Below is the text: WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Investigate Unidentified Aerial Phenomena as Reported by Citizens, Police, Astronauts, Pilots and the Military.Searching for microbes on Mars and radio signals from space is not enough. We must explain Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, or UAP, right here on Earth. For six decades worldwide, credible witnesses (including Presidents Carter and Reagan) have consistently described objects with flight capabilities beyond our technology. UAP are often verified by radar and even seen at nuclear sites by military officers. Given the national security implications, the United States should conduct an independent investigation. This inquiry must transparently review the key unsolved UAP reports with access to classified documents. It must have the power to call witnesses and grant immunity. The findings should be publicly presented. Instructions to Sign the Petitions: Disclosure Petition II: Zabel/Dolan Petition : To sign this petition is very simple CLIP

Galactic Plane, 2012, Precession, Bloch Wall, EM pulse, Consciousness Shift In this second part in the series I present my latest computer animation using the completely free, open source, Blender 3D animation software. I show how Earths precession is connected to its position relative to the galactic core, and how it moves in a wave pattern as it revolves around the galactic central sun. At regular intervals the Earth and our entire solar system crosses the Galactic Plane which carries with it a very strong electromagnetic pulse, which will not only destroy most circuit boards on the planet but will kill a lot of people that can't handle the vibrational jump upward that goes along with the pulse. (magnetic shielding could be used to protect your computers and such from the pulse, for example, a box made out of sheet stainless steel and copper sheets which you could place your computer into)We are nearly at the end of a great cycle and completion of one phase of the "grand play." Nature has run its course and now we come to the implosion point of the Universal Pattern/Torsion field. Thats what the Bloch Wall is of a magnetic field, and thats what we will experience in late 2012. A dramatic consciousnesss shift will accompany this transition when the pulse hits, and time itself will stand still for a brief moment as the creation refreshes itself for the next stage of the game.

20 Minutes for Peace 20 Minutes for Peace was founded on November 17, 2011, as a response to the Canadian Government announcement to hold a special day of celebration in Ottawa, on November 24, to honor the role of Canada's military during NATO's War in Libya. A number of Canadian citizens dedicated to the cause of Peace and against war are amongst the initial sponsors. If you would like to assist us with this project, please contact us at [email protected]. Initial Goals of 20 Minutes for Peace: 1 - To mobilize as many Canadians as possible, and in as many Canadian communities as possible, to publicly or privately observe 20 minutes of silence, meditation or prayer for the people of Libya and for Peace on November 24th, 2011. 2 - To draw to the attention of as many Canadians as possible the matter of:(a) The deaths, suffering and multiple injustices inflicted on the majority of Libyans by the NATO-backed "humanitarian war" and the so-called "people's revolution" financed and supported by NATO;(b) The need of the world for the dismantling of NATO and other engines of hyper-militarism that will never solve the world's problems but only exacerbate them; and(c) The need to return to the values of truth, justice and peace for all on Planet Earth. 3 - To establish a template for future similar events either in response to government or corporate war- making and resource theft, or as positive stand-alone statements of sympathy and/or solidarity with peoples being robbed or attacked by military force and/or economic means, or in imminent danger of such attack.

THANK YOU CANADA AND NATO: You Murdered My Precious Family - The dismal consequences of so-called "collateral damages" brough to the conscience of Canadian voters who foolishly empowered the Harbushper regime to do what it pleases for 4 abject years. Unfortunately, the Zionist-controled braindead media of Canada will never bring this to anyone's attention... I say Quebec should secede from Canada ASAP! Editor’s Note: By the time I had put together all the photos, uploaded them and got the text of the article checked over I was pretty well exhausted and overcome emotionally and mentally by a gnawing, nauseating sense of the grossly sordid and evil nature of what Canadian has done to the innocent, gentle people of Libya. I have never felt so ashamed of my country in my entire 65 years of living here. The utter disgust and loathing that I now feel for Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and all those MPs who voted to go along with the criminal, Zionist-controlled North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) agenda of war and destruction goes beyond any descriptive words that I could possibly dredge up from the darkest, foulest thesaurus in existence. Harper’s actions, as the so-called “leader” of this once semi-civilized nation, have so degraded the country in the eyes of the non-NATO world that I am literally embarrassed to call Canada my home any longer. CLIP

EXPOSED: Scientology Child Labour Camp in Australia 2012 Right in the middle of a quiet suburb is a place where children are separated from their parents, and forced to work full time for no pay, and live in squalid conditions.

Gov. Entrapment in Underwear Bomber Case: Kurt Haskell Reports 1/2 by Alex Jones (Sept 21, 2011) The government planted the underwear bomber and he did not have a realbomb, It was just an excuse to sell airport scanners and employ TSA andteach you to be a slave to government types the same as OKC and 9/11 was!

Kurt Haskell Exposes Government False Flag Operation During Underwear Bomber Sentencing (February 16, 2012) false-flag-operation-during-underwear-bomber-sentencing/ (...) In closing I will just say that regardless of how the media and government try to shape the public perception of this case, I am convinced that Umar was given an intentionally defective bomb by a U.S. Government agent and placed on our flight without showing a passport or going through security, to stage a false terrorist attack to be used to implement various government policies. The effect this matter has had on my life has been astounding and due to this case, I will never trust the government in any matter, ever. CLIP CHECK ALSO Kurt Haskell Exposes Government Deception In Underwear Bomber Case

Judge Napolitano laying down 4 minutes of truth - Pretty eye-opening "What if" questions for FOX...

The George Bush You Forgot - Same pre-electoral deception as Obama did on all of us... is-a-fraud/the-george-bush-you-forgot.html

32000 Scientists More such videos through such as The Anti Science Lobby and “a new Dark Era” which says a LOT about the incredible bunch of lunatics involved in the Republican Party which is devolving ever more into the realm of corporate fanaticism no matter the cost to the Earth and her inhabitants. It also says a lot about the amazing brainwashing and reality-denial conditioning that has been achieved in the mind of millions of people who just can't think for themselves anymore or who are too afraid of even trying because it would destroy the paradigm upon which their whole life is built... Check also Climate Change Consensus: A Simple Table for Comprehension

Sarah Kay: How many lives can you live? ml

Sarah Kay: If I should have a daughter ... l Subtitles available in 31 languages

World's shortest woman aspires for stardom (6 pictures) stardom-1324045838-slideshow/

Robin Williams Has A Tickle Fight With A Gorilla gorilla.htm

Exciting Media Reports on Suppressed Energy Inventions Give Great Hope (2 Dec 2011) (...) If an invention surfaces which suddenly doubles gas mileage, oil companies stand to lose literally billions of dollars. Is it really surprising then that numerous exciting inventions which could have revolutionized the energy industry have been suppressed over the years? The major media articles below present many breakthrough inventions which should be making top headlines. It is only a matter of time until one of these amazing suppressed inventions breaks through.

40,000 Laws Passed In The U.S. In 2011 (December 30, 2011) ASTOUNDING! bzyfY

Ultimate Weapons- X-47B Check also the other Ultimate Weapons videos in the right-hand column... Sickening!

Map: Where all the junk in the ocean ends up (January 28, 2012) junk-in-the-ocean-end-up.html

Japanese tsunami debris: Where is it headed? (February 24, 2012) debris.html

Putin Protesters Form Human Chain Enveloping Central Moscow chain-moscow_n_1302144.html

CONFIRMED OBAMA BIRTH CERTICATE IS A FAKE ! (March 2, 2012) Hard to ignore this one...

Protest Belizean National Park Being Opened by Corrupt U.S. Oil Exploration to Illegal Logging (December 13, 2011) oil_logging Belize's renowned rainforests, beaches, and Mayan homelands are threatened with a resource rampage by a corrupt government confronted with massive foreign debt. With the Prime Minister's permission, Colorado-based oil company US Capital Energy is drilling seismic testing lines through the ecologically spectacular Sarstoon-Temash national park - against international treaty commitments and Belizean Supreme Court ruling. These cleared lines are now being used by poachers to ransack the rainforest, with stolen timbers transported to Guatemala and onward to China. TAKE ACTION AGAINST FRACKING HERE

Oil from algae; salvation from peak oil? (2009-05-01) oil Abstract: A review is presented of the use of algae principally to produce biodiesel fuel, as a replacement for conventional fuel derived from petroleum. The imperative for such a strategy is that cheap supplies of crude oil will begin to wane within a decade and land-based crops cannot provide more than a small amount of the fuel the world currently uses, even if food production were allowed to be severely compromised. For comparison, if one tonne of biodiesel might be produced say, from rape- seed per hectare, that same area of land might ideally yield 100 tonnes of biodiesel grown from algae. Placed into perspective, the entire world annual petroleum demand which is now provided for by 31 billion barrels of crude oil might instead be met from algae grown on an area equivalent to 4% of that of the United States. As an additional benefit, in contrast to growing crops it is not necessary to use arable land, since pond-systems might be placed anywhere, even in deserts, and since algae grow well on saline water or wastewaters, no additional burden is imposed on fresh- water - a significant advantage, as water shortages threaten. Algae offer the further promise that they might provide future food supplies, beyond what can be offered by land-based agriculture to a rising global population.

Algae fuel Algae fuel might be an alternative to fossil fuel and uses algae as its source of natural deposits. Several companies and government agencies are funding efforts to reduce capital and operating costs and make algae fuel production commercially viable. Harvested algae, like fossil fuel, release CO2 when burnt but unlike fossil fuel the CO2 is taken out of the atmosphere by the growing algae. High oil prices, competing demands between foods and other biofuel sources, and the world food crisis, have ignited interest in algaculture (farming algae) for making vegetable oil, biodiesel, bioethanol, biogasoline, biomethanol, biobutanol and other biofuels, using land that is not suitable for agriculture. Among algal fuels' attractive characteristics: they do not affect fresh water resources, can be produced using ocean and wastewater, and are biodegradable and relatively harmless to the environment if spilled. (...) The United States Department of Energy estimates that if algae fuel replaced all the petroleum fuel in the United States, it would require 15,000 square miles (39,000 km2) which is only 0.42% of the U.S. map, or about half of the land area of Maine. This is less than 1⁄7 the area of corn harvested in the United States in 2000. However, these claims remain unrealized, commercially. According to the head of the Algal Biomass Organization algae fuel can reach price parity with oil in 2018 if granted production tax credits. CLIP Some info on Biogeometry The success of architectural design is not only in the creation of a beautiful building, but also in using the form inside and outside as a means to create a space that reverberates with a healing and energetic force. In ancient civilizations such as Egypt this was a well-known practice. BioGeometry revives these ancient principles and integrates them with new energetic discoveries by Dr. Ibrahim Karim. (...) Buildings designed to BioGeometry parameters actually enhance the energy of the users, inducing calm, well- being and clearance. The clearance comes from changing the quality of forces, such as EMF, detrimental Earth magnetic frequencies, chemicals in buildings, etc, and restoring the balance that Earth is imbued with naturally. Applying BioGeometric principles does not limit the creative vision of the architect or designer, rather it enhances the intention to achieve beautiful, harmonious and elegant spaces. CLIP - More on this fascinating science through and WHAT THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS KNEW...AND MODERN SCIENTISTS CAN’T EXPLAIN - and also google "Ibrahim Karim"

Rain Forest for Ransom (Dec. 19, 2011),9171,2101884,00.html (...) Yasuni National Park - a 10,000-sq-km reserve on the western fringes of the Amazon basin - is indeed a paradise, considered by many scientists to be the single most biodiverse spot on the planet. But it's a paradise in danger of being lost. Oil companies have found rich deposits beneath the park's trees and rivers, nearly 900 million barrels of crude worth billions of dollars. That's money that Ecuador - a small South American country in which a third of the population lives below the poverty line and petroleum already accounts for more than half its export revenue - badly needs, money that oil companies and consumers will be only too happy to provide if drilling is allowed to go forward. If Ecuador follows the usual path of development, that's exactly what will happen - with disastrous consequences for the park. "Yasuni is a truly unique place in the world," says Gorky Villa, an Ecuadorian botanist who works with the conservation group Finding Species. "Our concern is that it will be ruined before we can even understand it."(See photos of the polluted area in Ecuador.)But there may be another way. Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has told the international community that his country would be willing to forgo drilling and leave Yasuni largely intact in exchange for donations equal to $3.6 billion over 13 years, or about half the expected market value of the park's oil deposits. The plan - known as the Yasuni- ITT Initiative, after the name of the reserve's oil field - would conserve Yasuni's unique biodiversity and prevent the emission of over 800 million tons of carbon dioxide, an amount equal to Germany's annual greenhouse- gas footprint. The Yasuni plan would be a first for global environmental policy: recognition that the international community has a financial responsibility to help developing nations preserve nature. "Oil is by far the most important part of Ecuador's economy," says Carlos Larrea, a professor at Andean University and a technical adviser on the Yasuni project. "But we are willing to keep that oil indefinitely unexploited if the international community contributes."CLIP

URGENT: Chief Raoni and the Kayapo Under Attack! (February 13, 2012) kayapo-under-attack A shocking crisis unfolded last week on the Kapot Nhinore ancestral territories of the Kayapo people in the Xingu River Basin in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso – the birthplace of legendary Kayapo Chief Raoni.Crooked ranchers and illegal settlers have sent armed thugs to try to intimidate Kayapo and Juruna communities in attempts to encroach upon their lands. However, rather than being intimidated, armed Kayapo warriors have gathered in a nearby village, heightening the specter of violence and bloodshed. Yet legendary Chief Raoni and his people want to avoid violent confrontation at all cost. He has called for support from people around the world to pressure the Brazilian government to respect their rights and protect their lands.For several years, Marcio Meira, the President of the Brazilian government's National Indigenous Foundation (FUNAI), has assured the Kayapo that this land would be demarcated as an indigenous territory, but the Kayapo have only seen broken promises and persistent threats to their territory, including land invasions, illegal fishing and logging activities. To make matters worse, government- sanctioned repression has begun: Recent reports have emerged that rather than disarm armed thugs, local police have badly beaten two indigenous Juruna men peacefully demonstrating the land invasions before themselves being driven away by Kayapo warriors.These tragic events follow an alarming and growing pattern of violations of the rights of indigenous peoples aided and abetted by the Brazilian government, such as its illegal and authoritarian decision to proceed with the disastrous Belo Monte dam on the Xingu River. As is their determined way, the Kayapo have chosen to defend their rights and their land but they need your support today. Take action now! Send a letter to the President of FUNAI Marcio Meira demanding he act swiftly to restore order and honor his promise to demarcate the Kapot Nhinore territory! The threat to territory is not a simply an affront to the integrity of the protected areas, forests and rivers, that the Kayapo steward, it's an affront to their enduring physical and cultural survival. Land is life, and the loss of these lands is paramount to a condemnation of cultural disintegration. CHECK ALSO Stop the Belo Monte Monster Dam!

TAKE ACTION TO END NGO REDD+ PRIMARY FOREST LOGGING GREENWASH logging Earth is facing the twin global ecological emergencies of abrupt climate change and land being scoured of natural ecosystems. Sadly, corporate American NGOs and the United Nations are responding to these crises by further promoting logging ancient forests. The United Nations REDD+ program to protect primary and old growth forests as a climate change and deforestation solution has been hi-jacked by logging interests and their big pro-logging NGO friends, and will instead subsidize primary forest logging for new plantations. REDD has become a gravy train for consultants, greenwashing NGOs and charlatans of many sorts - claiming logging ancient rainforests for the first time protects them! Old standing natural forest ecosystems are key to sustaining climate, ecosystems, biodiversity, local livelihoods humanity and the Earth System. Corporate NGOs supporting REDD+ must be compelled to stop their old forest logging greenwash - or face ridicule, protest, and an end to public support, until they do.

Save the Prey Lang Forest in Cambodia (August 17, 2011) cambodia.html Please help save Cambodia's Prey Lang (pronounced ‘Pray Long’) forest, the last large primary forest of its kind on the Indochinese peninsula. About 200,000 people, mostly indigenous Kuy, live in or around the forest and are dependent on it for their livelihoods and culture. Attacks on the forest and its peoples are accelerating. Plantation and mining companies are clear-cutting and mining Prey Lang’s community-use forest areas and its ancient forest areas. New roads are ushering in migrants and illegal loggers. (...) At this point, the best hope for saving Prey Lang is if people around the world contact Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen in support of the requests of the local Kuy communities. Let him know that the whole world is watching, and urge him to do everything in his power to protect the Prey Lang forest. CLIP All necessary info to send letters provided at this URL above. Check also this petition: Help Save Cambodia's Prey Lang Forest - MANY MORE SIGNATURES ARE URGENTLY NEEDED!!! (Only 500 so far) - you need to have an account at to sign this. More in PREY LANG | ONE FOREST, ONE FUTURE (video) Prey Lang is the largest primary lowland dry evergreen forest remaining in both Cambodia and the Indochinese Peninsula. With an estimated 600,000 people relying on the forest for survival, logging and mining interests have the potential to destroy this critical, fragile and ancient forest habitat. This 12 minute video documents the struggle of locals against the logging and the remarkable Prey Lang forest.

Biodiversity in Prey Lang Forest - THIS UNIQUE HABITAT MUST BE PROTECTED! forest/ (...) This heavily forested landscape has particularly high conservation values. The areas have a particularly high potential for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. These values stem from: - It being the largest primary lowland dry evergreen forest remaining in both Cambodia and Indochinese Peninsula. - The existence of the range of critical and fragile habitats including swamp forests that may acts as repositories of ancient forest lineages and species with narrow ecological tolerances. - The existence of healthy wildlife populations including endangered species such as elephants, gaur, banteng, tiger and Asiatic black bears. All of the forest types described here warrant some form of protection. This is particularly true for the lowland dry evergreen forests and the evergreen swamp forests. These forests are rich in biodiversity and rare species. Both of these forest types are quintessentially Cambodian in origin and character. The evergreen swamp forests appear to constitute a forest formation that is endemic to Cambodia. CLIP READ ALSO Biodiversity ‘lost in Southeast Asia’ (Sept 20, 2011) "South-East Asia has suffered the greatest losses of biodiversity of any tropical region in the world over the past 50 years, according to new research involving the University of Adelaide. Researchers found that South-East Asia has the lowest remaining forest cover, highest rates of deforestation, and the highest human population densities among all of the major tropical regions. The study, published today in the journal Nature, highlights the importance of natural forests undisturbed by humans – known as ‘primary forests’ – in sustaining tropical wildlife.“The study compares human impacts on biodiversity across the world’s key tropical forested regions, and the conclusion is very clear: undisturbed primary forests are the only ones in which a full complement of species can thrive,” says Professor Corey Bradshaw, Director of Ecological Modelling with the University of Adelaide’s Environment Institute and one of the co-authors of the study."

One company behind U.S.'s top three biggest greenhouse gas emitters (January 16, 2012) (...) The Atlanta-based Southern Company owns the top three biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. according to recent data released by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Three of Southern's coal-fired plants—two in Georgia and one in Alabama—account for around 64.74 million metric tons of total greenhouse gas emissions, higher than all of Finland's carbon emission in 2008. The EPA's report listed the top 100 "big emissions sources" in U.S., 96 of which were power plants. The top 20 were largely made up of coal plants. Another company, American Electric Power, also owned three coal-fired plants in the top 20. CLIP

Targeting methane, black carbon could buy world a little time on climate change (January 12, 2012) A new study in Science argues that reducing methane and black carbon emissions would bring global health, agriculture, and climate benefits. While such reductions would not replace the need to reduce CO2 emissions, they could have the result of lowering global temperature by 0.5 degrees Celsius (0.9 degree Fahrenheit) by mid-century, as well as having the added benefits of saving lives and boosting agricultural yields. In addition, the authors contend that dealing with black carbon and methane now would be inexpensive and politically feasible."Ultimately, we have to deal with CO2, but in the short term, dealing with these pollutants is more doable, and it brings fast benefits," explains lead author Drew Shindell, a researcher at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and Columbia University’s Earth Institute. "We have identified practical steps we can take with existing technologies. Protecting public health and food supplies may take precedence over avoiding climate change in most countries, but knowing that these measures also mitigate climate change may help motivate policies to put them into practice."

Black carbon, which is essentially soot, is produced by inefficient burning of wood, dung, coal and other fuels. A major health-issue, soot also impacts rainfall patterns. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas produced by cattle, landfills, and fossil fuel mining and production. When interacting with other gasses, methane forms ground-level ozone, which hurts both agriculture and human health. Both clack carbon and methane are short- lived in the atmosphere: black carbon lasts only a few days to a couple weeks while methane lasts about a decade. In contrast, carbon stays in the atmosphere for around a hundred years."These are largely separate and complimentary to reductions in carbon dioxide," Shindell says in the podcast. "Given their fairly short life times in the atmosphere these pollutants don't have such a drawn out impact the way CO2 does, and that's what gives them such powerful leverage in the near term when you don't have powerful leverage from CO2 reductions. But that means in the long term, what happens to climate is really going to be a function of CO2."Looking at over 2,000 ways to deal with black carbon and methane, the scientists eventually selected the 14 most effective. Black carbon could be tackled by replacing inefficient cook stoves in the developing world, filters on diesel vehicles, and banning the burning of farmlands, which occurs largely in the tropics. Methane emissions can be significantly lowered by capturing the emissions from coal mines, fossil fuel-producers, and landfills. In addition, setting regulations on agricultural manure, frequently draining rice paddies, and updating wastewater treatment facilities would further mitigate methane emissions.The scientists estimated that their recommendations on methane and black carbon would, in addition to slowing global warming, save between 700,000 to 4.7 million people annually due to health benefits and increase annual crop yields by 30 to 135 million metric tons by 2030. The measure would also mitigate regional warming in places like the Arctic and the Himalayas. CLIP

We Agree With Sec Of State: "If The Internet's Not Broke, Don't Fix It" We sure weren't expecting it: Yesterday Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave a truly visionary speech about Internet freedom -- about the human right to a free Internet. It culminated in these profound words about how governments should engage with the Internet: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."Some forces in the Obama administration support Internet freedom. Others want to ram through the Internet censorship bills backed by Hollywood, Big Pharma, and the Chamber of Commerce. As our government considers instituting its own Internet censorship regime, we need to support those who stand with us. Let Clinton -- and her boss, Obama -- know that we stand with her sentiments: They need to keep the Internet free. Will you sign our petition to Clinton and Obama? You'll generate an email to the White House that says this: PETITION TO PRESIDENT OBAMA AND SEC OF STATE CLINTON: Secretary Clinton's remarks on Internet freedom were prescient and profound. We need to stand by her sentiments: If the Internet's not broke, don't fix. Please ensure continued Internet freedom by opposing the PROTECT IP Act and the Stop Online Piracy Act. - For more on this read Internet Piracy Bill Criticized as Internet Censorship - The House is set to vote on the Stop Online Piracy Act next week. Will you use this link to call you congressmember? It'll only take a few minutes, and we'll give you a short script to use.

Jailed 9/11 Whistleblower Who Made News Now Free and Speaking Out: Susan Lindauer

War Agenda - Media Articles Reveal Corrupt War Agenda

Key News: Gas Prices Set by Wall St., Nuclear 'Myth of Safety,' Major New Wikileaks Revelations, More myth

Key News: Sugar Pills Work Miracles, Cancer Cure Suppressed, Urban Food Forest, More

Key News: Elites Coordinating Crackdown on OWS, Bush and Blair Found Guilty, G20 Police Spy Operation ty_police_spy

Key News: Widening Child Abuse Scandal, Lyme Disease Link to Secret Laboratory, US Pays Millions in Anthrax Suit, More m_laboratory

Key News: Protester is 'Person of the Year,' Top Bosses Get Big Raise, Japan Redefines Cold Shutdown, More te_cold_shutdown

Key News: NIH Funds Genetic Engineering of Lethal Flu, Fukushima Deaths in US, Moms Fight Nukes, More eaths_moms_nukes

Key News: Rampant Rape in U.S. Military, 'Shoot First' Soldier Set Free, After SOPA, PIPA, Now ACTA, More

Key News: JFK Mistress Tells All, US Jobless Rate Over 30%, Miracle Material Graphene Turns Salt Water Fresh cle_material_graphene

Key News: 249 Millionaires in US Congress, 550 New Abuse Claims in One City, Bankers Going Wild on Derivates

Top Censored Press Stories of 2011 11 Project Censored specializes in covering the top stories which were subjected to press censorship either by being ignored or downplayed by the mainstream media each year.

Alarm as Dutch lab creates highly contagious killer flu (December 20, 2011) creates-highly-contagious-killer-flu-6279474.html A deadly strain of bird flu with the potential to infect and kill millions of people has been created in a laboratory by European scientists – who now want to publish full details of how they did it. Some scientists are questioning whether the research should ever have been undertaken in a university laboratory, instead of at a military facility. For the first time the researchers have been able to mutate the H5N1 strain of avian influenza so that it can be transmitted easily through the air in coughs and sneezes. Until now, it was thought that H5N1 bird flu could only be transmitted between humans via very close physical contact. Dutch scientists carried out the controversial research to discover how easy it was to genetically mutate H5N1 into a highly infectious "airborne" strain of human flu. They believe that the knowledge gained will be vital for the development of new vaccines and drugs. But critics say the scientists have endangered the world by creating a highly dangerous form of flu which could escape from the laboratory. The H5N1 strain of avian influenza has killed hundreds of millions of birds since it first appeared in 1996, but has so far infected only about 600 people who came into direct contact with infected poultry. What makes H5N1 so dangerous, though, is that it has killed about 60 per cent of those it has infected, making it one of the most lethal known forms of influenza in modern history – a deadliness moderated only by its inability (so far) to spread easily through airborne water droplets. CHECK ALSO Research on Bird Flu May Be Censored on Security Concern (December 27, 2011) AND Too late to contain killer flu science, say experts - "Attempts to censor details of controversial influenza experiments that created a highly infectious form of bird-flu virus are unlikely to stop the information from leaking out, according to scientists familiar with the research. "

Fed Faces New Scrutiny for Trillions in Assistance to Banks After Crisis (29 nov. 2011) $7.7 trillion given to the banks!! Fy-Dk A report published Monday raises new questions about money that the Federal Reserve provided to banks in the wake of the financial crisis. Judy Woodruff discusses the report with Bob Ivry of Bloomberg News.

Mammoth piece of driftwood washes ashore in La Push driftwood-washes-ashore-in-la-push/ Topiaries Montreal gardens

60 spectacular snow sculptures to mesmerize onlookers sculptures-to-mesmerize-onlookers/

$2 Trillion Sunstorm Coming, NASA Warns - Recovery time period estimated at 10 years (Dec 4, 2011), _NASA_Warns.html (...) "We know it is coming but we don't know how bad it is going to be" acknowledges Richard Fisher, director of NASA's Heliophysics division. A storm maximum today could result in large-scale blackouts affecting more than 130 million people and would expose more than 350 transformers to high-risk or permanent damage.Without taking adequate protective measures between now and the time of the expected "severe geomagnetic storm scenario," experts agree the cost from space weather-induced outages that in turn could cause "non-space-weather-related events" could run from $1 trillion to $2 trillion during the first year alone, with a recovery time taking anywhere from four to 10 years.

NASA Finds 2011 Ninth Warmest Year on Record (Jan. 19, 2012) Check the eye-opening animation The global average surface temperature in 2011 was the ninth warmest since 1880, according to NASA scientists. The finding continues a trend in which nine of the 10 warmest years in the modern meteorological record have occurred since the year 2000. (...) The carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere was about 285 parts per million in 1880, when the GISS global temperature record begins. By 1960, the average concentration had risen to about 315 parts per million. Today it exceeds 390 parts per million and continues to rise at an accelerating pace.The temperature analysis produced at GISS is compiled from weather data from more than 1,000 meteorological stations around the world, satellite observations of sea surface temperature and Antarctic research station measurements. CLIP

Half Million Birds Swarm Over Sacramento Kevin Kelly and Steven Johnson on Where Ideas Come From (September 27, 2010) Say the word "inventor" and most people think of a solitary genius toiling in a basement. But two ambitious new books on the history of innovation- by Steven Johnson and Kevin Kelly, both longtime wired contributors- argue that great discoveries typically spring not from individual minds but from the hive mind. In Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation, Johnson draws on seven centuries of scientific and technological progress, from Gutenberg to GPS, to show what sorts of environments nurture ingenuity. He finds that great creative milieus, whether MIT or Los Alamos, New York City or the World Wide Web, are like coral reefs-teeming, diverse colonies of creators who interact with and influence one another.

Seven centuries are an eyeblink in the scope of Kelly's book, What Technology Wants, which looks back over some 50,000 years of history and peers nearly that far into the future. His argument is similarly sweeping: Technology, Kelly believes, can be seen as a sort of autonomous life-form, with intrinsic goals toward which it gropes over the course of its long development. Those goals, he says, are much like the tendencies of biological life, which over time diversifies, specializes, and (eventually) becomes more sentient. Wired brought these two big brains together in New York, and the result was a conversation that covered everything from technological evolution to retweets to the value of Internet crap.

Steven Johnson: We share a fascination with the long history of simultaneous invention: cases where several people come up with the same idea at almost exactly the same time. Calculus, the electrical battery, the telephone, the steam engine, the radio-all these groundbreaking innovations were hit upon by multiple inventors working in parallel with no knowledge of one another. Kevin Kelly: Our books are another case in point. We independently came up with not just similar ideas but a lot of the same examples. Johnson: Actually, I just hacked into your computer. [Laughs] Kelly: It's amazing that the myth of the lone genius has persisted for so long, since simultaneous invention has always been the norm, not the exception. Anthropologists have shown that the same inventions tended to crop up in prehistory at roughly similar times, in roughly the same order, among cultures on different continents that couldn't possibly have contacted one another. Johnson: Also, there's a related myth-that innovation comes primarily from the profit motive, from the competitive pressures of a market society. If you look at history, innovation doesn't come just from giving people incentives; it comes from creating environments where their ideas can connect. CLIP

CDC Calls Morgellons Nanoworms A Delusion, Protects DARPA (30 janvier 2012) (...) What the CDC didn’t say in the public report is that those fibers are alive and motile. They grow and reproduce, and have been shown to do so in a petri dish using certain visible light frequencies. If delusions are creating them, that would be a first in human evolution.Research conducted by Cliff Carnicom indicates that the still-unidentified fibers seen in Morgellons patients are the same as those collected after an aerial spray of chemtrails. After being cultured for five days, the fibers produced a sheen across the wine medium, right before explosively reproducing hundreds of new fibers in a 24-hour period. He later explored how these nanoworms feed on the iron in human blood, explaining that, “changes in iron and the utilization of iron in a pathogenic sense are at the heart of the Morgellons issue.” An arduous course of research led Carnicom to conclude that the nanoworms present in Morgellons patients represent an entirely new life form, and one that was engineered using features from each of the three Domains of life (Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya). To bolster his argument, he refers to a Feb. 2010 disclosure by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) “to develop immortal ‘synthetic organisms’, as outlined in the unclassified version of the 2011 budget,” citing As part of its budget for the next year, Darpa is investing $6 million into a project called BioDesign, with the goal of eliminating ‘the randomness of natural evolutionary advancement.’“… The project comes as Darpa also plans to throw $20 million into a new synthetic biology program, and $7.5 million into ‘increasing by several decades the speed with which we sequence, analyze and functionally edit cellular genomes.’ If these unidentified fibers are some sort of top-secret nanotech military weapon, that would explain why no answer and no help will come from the CDC or the military.Using Carnicom’s research, and others, documentarian Sofia Smallstorm (9/11 Mysteries) raised a singularly spectacular question at a speech last year: Is it possible that Morgellons sufferers are those whose bodies are genetically rejecting these nano- engineered life forms, while our bodies are integrating them? That question must be noodling the brains over at the CDC and DARPA. They must be wondering what is different about those 4 in 100,000 people whose bodies reject these synthetic life forms. The report they didn’t reveal to the public is the one I want to read. CLIP



Gaz de schiste : aussi polluants que le charbon, selon une étude (10 février 2012) az_de_schiste___aussi_polluants_que_le_charbon__selon_une__tude_10_02 _2012 Une nouvelle étude remet en question l'avantage des gaz de schiste dans la lutte contre les changements climatiques. Les résultats de cette étude réalisée par la National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), une agende fédérale américaine, ont été dévoilés hier dans la revue Nature. L'étude a porté sur un gisement d'hydrocarbures du Colorado, où le gaz est extrait à l'aide de la fracturation hydraulique, le même procédé utilisé pour l'extraction des gaz de schistes. Les chercheurs ont conclu que les fuites dans les puits gaziers étaient deux fois plus importantes que ce que reconnaît l'industrie. Les puits perdraient ainsi environ 4% de leur méthane, un gaz à effet de serre dont les effets sont 20 fois plus importants que le gaz carbonique.Ces émissions de GES reliées à l'exploitation des gaz de schiste seraient donc aussi élevées que celles du charbon, selon l'étude. Il s'agit de la première étude réalisée à partir de données récoltées sur le terrain, plutôt que sur des modèles théoriques.

THRIVE – Que faut-il sur Terre pour prospérer ? (Version française) francais/ Film sorti le 11 Novembre 2011 aux Etats-Unis -- Gamble suggère que le tore est la forme la plus importante dans l’Univers. Par ailleurs le film couvre : les théories du complot relatifs à la censure de l’énergie libre, les ovnis, le système de réserve fractionnaire, et les crop circles. Ce documentaire non-conventionnel de plus de 2 heures lève le voile sur ce qui se passe « réellement » dans ce Monde ; en suivant notamment l’argent qui nous gouverne actuellement et en remontant à sa source – la découverte de la consolidation mondiale du Pouvoir dans presque chaque aspect de nos vies. Les remèdes à ces conditionnements contre-nature ? Commençons par tisser des liens plus avancées entre la véritable Science, la Conscience, le militantisme… car NOUS sommes la Solution… et THRIVE nous propose des idées concrètes, l’autonomisation, des stratégies audacieuses sans précédents, afin de récupérer le Pouvoir sur nos vies et notre avenir. À EXPLORER AUSSI: ET

Charte du Monde Libre Cette charte propose dix principes fondamentaux sur lesquels fonder une toute nouvelle société mondiale reposant sur l’équité, le bon sens et la survie. S’ils sont respectés, ces principes réaliseront dans une juste mesure l’égalité entre les hommes, réduiront la souffrance et l’injustice, créeront une société collaborative encourageant le progrès et la technologie, tout en garantissant un monde sain, diversifié et durable pour l’ensemble des espèces.Voici le détail de ces dix principes fondamentaux :

Pour un assouplissement des lois funéraires au Québec - IMPORTANTE PÉTITION À SIGNER Proposée par François Drouin, coordonnateur du projet "Mourir en conscience" funeraires-au/ Le Ministre de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec, suite aux recommandations d'un comité de travail, s'apprête à déposer un projet de loi pour modifier les lois funéraires au Québec. Dans ce contexte, nous voulons affirmer que les règles existantes devraient être assouplies, pour permettre aux individus qui le souhaitent une plus grande latitude dans la planification de leurs funérailles. Comme la mort fait partie de la vie, il y a fort à parier que tout ce qui entoure "le grand passage" sera de plus en plus remis en question. Les baby-boomers, qui ont participé à créer la révolution tranquille, voudront certainement davantage de souplesse dans les lois funéraires afin de vivre une mort conforme à leurs valeurs. CLIP - SVP lire le reste de la pétition en ligne et la signer.

Baroud d’honneur pour les opposants à la fluoration à Mont-Joli (6 Décembre 2011) Avec vidéo article&id=5178:baroud-dhonneur-pour-les-opposants-a-la-fluoration-a- mont-joli&catid=39:politique&Itemid=205 (...) La porte-parole du comité Eau Courant, Maryse Plante-Couture s’était vêtue de noir pour l’occasion. « La démocratie est morte à Mont-Joli », dit- elle. Comment ne pas tenir compte des 2 714 signatures [sur une population de 6568 habitants!] en défaveur de ce projet et pourquoi ne pas tenir un référendum sur cette question si vous êtes aussi certain que la majorité des mont-joliennes et mont-joliens sont d’accord avec vous, de déclarer en substance Mme Plante-Couture. « On ne fera pas de référendum. Nous avons été élus démocratiquement pour prendre des décisions », de répondre le maire Jean Bélanger. CLIP

Date: 11 Dec 2011 De: Gilboux Françoise ([email protected]) Sujet: Beau cadeau. La matrice vivante - film sur la science de la guérison... sur bien d'autres choses!

The living Matrix : Un Nouveau film sur la Science de la Guérison (83 min 46 sec)

Voici un reportage fabuleux où l’on commence à comprendre (à nouveau) comment fonctionne vraiment la guérison, même la guérison à distance !

Loin du modèle mécaniste qui a fait tant de dégâts, voilà que l’on redécouvre que nous existons dans une matrice vivante et que tout est relié !

Les anciens peuples le savaient, tout comme ils savaient que le cœur est le grand orchestrateur et prime sur l’esprit.

Ce film se penche sur la manière dont notre corps fonctionne réellement. Et c’est comme si le cœur d’abord, et l’esprit ensuite avaient accès un champ d’information non limité par l’espace et le temps.

Comment nous serions un « système d’information » et ce système ne serait pas entièrement localisé dans notre corps.

La maladie serait un défaut dans le système d’information. Réflexion déduite : si la mémoire (comme nous l’apprend le modèle quantique) n’est pas située dans le cerveau, mais dans le Champ dans lequel nous baignons, il n’est pas étonnant que les graves perturbations artificielles des champs électromagnétiques naturels endommagent la mémoire et que l’on assiste à une explosion des « maladies d’Alzheimer »… même s’il y a une différence d’importance des différents champs...

Et au passage, il est intéressant d’avoir à l’esprit la question suivante : Au vu de ces découvertes et de ces possibilités, quel est le véritable but des antennes dites de « téléphonie mobile » ? Téléphoner ne serait-il pas qu’une application mineure destinée à expliquer leur présence et à les faire payer par les victimes…. Et si ce n’est voulu (?) , à la lumière de la compréhension exposée dans ce film, que de dommages ces signaux artificiels ne doivent-ils pas apporter aux Champs Morphogéniques nécessaires à la vie !

Si cela ne cesse rapidement, l’avenir de tout ce qui vit sur terre est plus que compromise.

Pour aller plus loin :

Guérir par la lumière Barbara Ann Brennanérir-par-lumière-Barbara- Brennan/dp/2710705362

Sr Ruppert Sheldrake morphiques.htm

L'oligarchie des incapables (livre choc qui vient de paraître) Coignard/dp/2226238603/ref=pd_rhf_se_shvl1 Ils monopolisent les postes les plus importants, cumulent les privilèges et font de l'argent leur principale passion. Ils se servent de l'Etat pour aider leurs amis, fabriquent des lois sur mesure pour leur bon plaisir et laissent le pays aux mains de bandes rivales. Patrons, hauts fonctionnaires, élus ou experts, ces oligarques nous gouvernent avec un mélange d'incompétence et de lâcheté. Après L'Omerta française, Sophie Coignard dont les enquêtes font trembler le monde politique et Romain Gubert, journalistes au Point, nous révèlent vingt ans de compromissions et d'affaires cachées, qui ont permis à une caste de maintenir son règne malgré ses échecs répétés. En toute impunité. VOIR aussi «L'oligarchie des incapables » vs « la France est un pays plutôt vertueux » La situation de l'oligarchie française offre un bel exemple de ce qui se passe partout ailleurs dans le monde politico-corporatif pourri et corrompu qui entraîne cette planète à sa perte. Il est grand temps que les peuples se réveillent de leur torpeur soigneusement entretenue par la propagande médiatique et fassent tomber les élites qui détruisent tout pour s'enrichir sans vergogne.



S&P Warns of Broad EU Downgrade Over Debt Crisis (5 Dec 2011) Standard & Poor's on Monday warned it may carry out an unprecedented mass downgrade on the credit ratings of euro zone countries if EU leaders fail to reach an agreement on how to solve the region's debt crisis in a summit later this week.S&P placed the ratings of 15 euro zone countries on credit watch negative - including those of top-rated Germany and France, the region's two biggest economies - and said "systemic stresses" are building up as credit conditions tighten in the 17-nation region. While a credit watch negative typically signals a possible downgrade in no more than three months, S&P said it expects to conclude its review "as soon as possible" following a crucial summit of EU leaders on Friday.Investors hope to see a comprehensive crisis response from policy makers, including the European Central Bank, at the EU summit. "Systemic stresses in the euro zone have risen in recent weeks to the extent that they now put downward pressure on the credit standing of the euro zone as a whole," S&P said in a statement. The higher interest rates that euro governments have been forced to pay to sell sovereign debt as a result of greater perceptions of risk and a rising chance of economic recession in the region next year are also weighing on the ratings, S&P said. If a downgrade does materialize, countries such as Germany, Austria, Belgium, Finland, the Netherlands and Luxembourg would likely see ratings cuts of only one notch. The other nine countries could suffer downgrades of up to two notches, S&P said. CLIP

Israel-US Largest-ever Missile Defence War Games (December 21, 2011) US Navy commander in Israel to finalize missile drill -- Israel, US to hold largest ever missile defense exercise this spring; thousands of US soldiers will be deployed in Israel. Talkbacks (100) Israel is moving forward with plans to hold the largest-ever missile defense exercise in its history this spring amid Iranian efforts to obtain nuclear weapons.Last week, Lt.-Gen. Frank Gorenc, commander of the US's Third Air Force based in Germany, visited Israel to finalize plans for the upcoming drill, expected to see the deployment of several thousand American soldiers in Israel.The drill, which is unprecedented in its size, will include the establishment of US command posts in Israel and IDF command posts at EUCOM headquarters in Germany - with the ultimate goal of establishing joint task forces in the event of a large-scale conflict in the Middle East. The US will also bring its THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) and shipbased Aegis ballistic missile defense systems to Israel to simulate the interception of missile salvos against Israel.The American systems will work in conjunction with Israel's missile defense systems - the Arrow, Patriot and Iron Dome. CLIP

Libya: New York Times Drip Feeds Truth on NATO's Civilian Atrocities (December 20, 2011) Reporting War Crimes AFTER the Facts. Ex Post Facto Investigative Journalism by the 'Paper of Record'. -- Nearly two months after NATO warplanes ended their bombing campaign in Libya, the New York Times has now published "an investigation" by its staff writers that purports to show that "civilians were killed in several distinct attacks" [1]. The so-called "paper of record" goes on to say in its article published 17 December that it has found evidence that the "air campaign was not as flawless as NATO has described" - nor, it should be added, as the New York Times itself tended to report at the time of the atrocities.NATO powers, led by the United States, Britain and France, began bombing Libya on 19 March, supposedly with a United Nations Security Council mandate to "protect civilians". Western mainstream media, including the New York Times, enthusiastically endorsed the NATO military onslaught, even though technically and legally it went well beyond the mandate to set up a "no-fly zone" over Libya purportedly to protect civilians, who were allegedly coming under attack from the state forces of Muammar Gaddafi.The NATO bombing campaign - involving cruise missiles, fighter jets and unmanned drones - escalated over seven months until its cessation on 31 October, when it had succeeded in its unofficial objective of overthrowing the Gaddafi government, having served as the air force for anti-Gaddafi insurgents. Indeed without the might of NATO air power, it is unlikely that the rabble of so-called rebels would have made much progress beyond their stronghold in Benghazi in the far east of the North African country. Some 8,000 strike sorties were carried out by NATO warplanes, according to the Western alliance's own admission. The true figure is probably much higher.

(...) With nearly 8,000 strike sorties admitted by NATO and taken as a conservative estimate of the actual number, it may be reasonably estimated that the actual number of civilian deaths inflicted by NATO across Libya amount to several thousand. This is a damning conclusion to Western government militaries acting with what was supposed to have been a mandate to "protect civilians". Indeed, it is evidence of massive war crimes committed by NATO.Yet the New York Times, far from displaying truthful, investigative journalism, appears to be concealing the real extent of the war crimes committed by NATO.The NYT admits that its figures for civilian casualties are not "complete accounting". It goes on: "Survivors and doctors working for the anti-Qaddafi interim authorities point to dozens more civilians wounded in these and other strikes, and they referred reporters to other sites… "because the Times did not examine sites in several cities and towns where the air campaign was active, the casualty estimate could be low."The question is: why did the New York Times not follow up on leads that point to more accurate and much greater accounting of the total number of the civilian death toll caused by NATO? The answer is obvious: because it would show the kind of massive casualties deduced above, the criminality of NATO governments and the complicity of Western mainstream media, such as the New York Times itself, in endorsing this military operation under the fraudulent pretext of R2P (responsibility to protect). CLIP

The Trial of Bradley Manning - Rule of Law or Rule of Intimidation, Retaliation and Retribution (December 17, 2011) Yesterday, December 16, 2011, 40 supporters of Bradley Manning saw him in person in the military courtroom at Fort Meade, Maryland and another 60 saw him on a video feed from the court, the first time Manning has been seen by the public in 19 months. Over 100 other supporters, including 50 from Occupy Wall Street who had bused down from New York City, were at the front gates of Fort Meade in solidarity with Manning.Hundreds of supporters will gather today, Saturday, December 17, for a large rally and march.

(...) Despite the military's mantra of having the best military legal system in the world, the past treatment of Manning-keeping him in solitary confinement, forcing him to stand naked while in pre-trial confinement and the lack of compliance with the norms of the military legal system of a "speedy" trial have added to the low points of Abu Gharib and Guantanamo in the history of military "justice."The federal courts have long established mechanism of dealing with classified information in national security cases. The military's contention that it took 19 months to figure out how to try him while protecting classified materials reeks of intimidation, retribution and retaliation.

The Return Of Debtor's Prisons: Thousands Of Americans Jailed For Not Paying Their Bills (Dec 13, 2011) debtors-prisons-thousands-of-americans-jailed-for-not-paying-their-bills/ Federal imprisonment for unpaid debt has been illegal in the U.S. since 1833. It's a practice people associate more with the age of Dickens than modern-day America. But as more Americans struggle to pay their bills in the wake of the recession, collection agencies are using harsher methods to get their money, ushering in the return of debtor's prisons.NPR reports that it's becoming increasingly common for people to serve jail time as a result of their debt. Because of "sloppy, incomplete or even false documentation," many borrowers facing jail time don't even know they're being sued by creditors CLIP - MANY MORE related and unrelated news through

Sent by Larry Stell ([email protected]) on 7 Dec 2011 The economy is about ready to crash! New World Government taking over! Multi-Millionaire Investor Jim Rogers Tells The Truth 1/3 This is part 1, length 15 minutes, 22 seconds This is part 2, length 13 minutes, 20 seconds This is part 3, length 9 minutes, 24 seconds JIM ROGERS: Worldwide Crisis - The Next Global Recession Will Be Worse Than 2008! Length 3 minutes, 53 seconds

Max Keiser: Time to Get The Hell Out of Dodge! 1/3 This is part 1, length 15 minutes, 25 seconds This is part 2, length 14 minutes, 2 seconds This is part 3, length 8 minutes, 43 seconds

Turkish Military On War Preparedness After Syrian eparedness_After_Syrian_Scud_Ds_Moved_To_Border.html War tensions around Syria rose alarmingly Thursday night, Dec. 15, when Turkey's top military council convened "to review the armed forces' preparedness for war" in response to the deployment of Syrian missiles, some tipped with chemical warheads, on their common border. DEBKAfile's military sources report the meeting was led by Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan. The Assad government also rushed armored units in two directions - to the Turkish frontier and also to the Jordanian border opposite the US special operations units from Iraq newly deployed to defend Jordan against a Syrian attack, as DEBKAfile reported on Dec. 13. Our sources report that 21 Syrian missile launchers, five of them Scud D with chemical warheads, are deployed in northern Syria opposite the Turkish Hatai (Alexandretta) district. They were moved up in broad daylight to make sure Western spy satellites and Turkish intelligence surveillance saw them. More are on the way. In Israel, the IDF announced it was reconstituting the special command for operations behind enemy lines under the command of Brig. Gen. Shay Avital. Before the military council convened in Ankara, Turkey placed its border contingents, air force and navy on war preparedness. The official statement said the high military council had "assessed Turkish army needs and necessary steps to address these requirements…" CLIP

Lord James of Blackheath $15,OOO,OOO,OOO,OOO FRAUD EXPOSED (February 16 2012) Lord James of Blackheath, House of Lords February 16 2012Breaking news Lord James of Blackheath has spoken in the House of Lords holding evidence of three transactions of 5 Trillion each and a transaction of 750,000 metric tonnes of gold and has called for an investigation. CLIP

Bush, Fed, Europe Banks in $15 Trillion Fraud, All Documented (February 21st, 2012) dollar-terror-exposed/ Below is one of the strangest stories in financial history, one involving the US government lying about hundreds of thousands of tons of imaginary gold, illegal wire transfers and loans totalling $15 trillion. The video, from the House of Lords, is amazing in itself. What it doesn’t express is where the money came from though Lord James of Blackheath proves conclusively that an effort was made to say it came from a gold reserve in Brunei that, in fact, never existed.At surface, it appears we have stumbled upon the largest terrorist organization in the world and have found original documents tracing its funding to the Secretary of the Treasury and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, two of the top financial officers in the US. A cursory review of terrorism statues in the US indicate that all transactions we will learn about are, in fact, to be assumed “terrorist money laundering” and that the only thing preventing the immediate arrest of hundreds of top financial officials is their political connections alone.

(...) On February 16, 2012, Lord James of Blackheath, member of Britain’s House of Lords presented evidence of an illegal scheme begun, he has thus discovered, in 2009. His documents including originals signed by Alan Greenspan and Timothy Geithner, show the illegal “off the books” transfer by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York of $15 trillion to, initially, HSBC (Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation) London and then to the Bank of Scotland.The Bank of Scotland, under royal charter but restricted from involvement in any such transactions, simply “gave” the money to 20 European banks to use in a highly profitable scheme of co-trading “fresh cut” MTN’s (mid-term notes), generating trillions of dollars in profits over 3 years, none of which is shown on books, none has been taxed or has benefited shareholders in those banks.

(...) WHERE DID THE MONEY COME FROM - There is no record of the Federal Reserve being authorized to “create” $15 trillion, equal to the entire national debt of the United States. There is, however, proof that funds that totalled, at one time, $27 trillion had been earned surreptitiously, disposed of as part of an intelligence operation against the Soviet Union and then later stolen with accusations made against George H. W. Bush as being the perpetrator.I have spoken with two individuals, one President Reagan’s intelligence coordinator and the other Chief Legal Cousel for the Central Intelligence Agency regarding these funds. Both have indicated that former President Bush had asked that these funds, totalling $27 trillion, be transferred to his control, that threats were made by Bush and that many involved in this operation suffered, issues including murder, illegal arrest, torture and detention among them.The individuals I am speaking of repeatedly met with President Bush over these funds, disputed his claim to them, and indicate that the majority of the funds are the property of the people of the United States.

(...) The transfer of Wanta funds, they can be assumed to have no other origin as they track into the Federal Reserve banking system while in escrow and are currently awaiting payment based on the orders of President Obama in accordance with findings of the federal court, is complicated by the Scottish transfer.Either Wanta has claim to the entire amount or it is the property of the US government. That no effort has been made to secure the funds or enforce criminal and civil remedies to recover enough money to pay the entire US national debt and more, as with earnings, we are nearing well over $30 trillion by this time, is an indication that a criminal conspiracy with enough influence to overrule our own government is involved. Whether that “conspiracy is, as noted, the Bush family, rogue sections of the CIA or a secret society such as P2, one we can prove or others we only suspect exist, is another story. The lack of action, here or as requested by Lord James in Britain, is, in itself, proof of both the seriousness and actuality of these events and the powers that can prevent any inquiry when irrefutable documents such as SWIFT transfers are available. In fact, Lord James has offered a wealth of documents which, when combined with the 2000 pages of Wanta “discovery” from the Federal Court, constitutes more than prima facia evidence of money laundering, conversion, terrorism or worse.Thus, the inaction in the face of overwhelming and unquestioned proof is inexplicable. CLIP

Why the red dragon may soon be seeing nothing but red: China going broke faster than the U.S. (November 30, 2011) dragon-may-soon-be-seeing-nothing-but-red-china-going-broke-faster- than-the-u-s/ BEIJING - China's debt is about $36 trillion yuan (or $5.68 trillion USD). This number is astronomical considering that it is just a little more than one-third of the U.S. total debt, but the difference between the U.S. and China is that the U.S. national income per capita is $47,140, whereas China's national income per capita is $4,260 - not even one-tenth of the U.S. amount. To be on par with the U.S., China's total debt should be around $1.5 trillion USD, but it is three times that! Considering that the U.S. has an unsustainable debt position, China's is ridiculously out of control and puts that country in extreme danger of a financial collapse of epic proportions. In reality China's inflation is 16 percent. This is eerily similar to the United States as well. The U.S. official inflation of around 3 percent is nowhere close to unofficial inflation estimates of 10-13 percent. What does this mean for China? This means that cost of living, wages and cost of goods sold in China will have to rise, and instead of exporting deflation, China will be exporting higher priced goods, thus affecting the rest of the world that purchases its goods. The world is on the verge of an inflationary cycle like we have never seen. Additionally, central banks around the globe are printing money on a massive scale to try to stimulate liquidity and spending (this is the definition of inflation!). Add to this a rising price structure in China, the major exporter to the world, and we could be preparing for a global hyperinflation. There is an economic tsunami about to engulf China, and because of the size of China's economy and its manufacturing might, the impact of the tsunami will be felt far and wide. The United States will feel it in the form of inflationary pressures that we can't afford right now. Periphery countries to China may feel its military might or cower to political pressure as governments that run out of money start to do irrational things (look at the United States, or Greece, or the European Union)." Europe Bans Airport X-Ray Scanners that U.S. Still Uses (November 17, 2011) THE SAME CANCER-CAUSING SCANNERS ARE USED IN CANADIAN AIRPORTS!! scanners-that-u-s-still-uses/ The European Commission adopted new rules Nov. 14 regarding X-ray, or backscatter, body scanners at all airports in Europe. A press release ordered members of the European Union to remove X-ray scanners from its airports to avoid risking “citizens’ health and safety.” The release does not, however, cite specific reasons for the safety concern. But the news does bring into question the continued use of the very same X-ray scanners in U.S. airports.While the Transportation Security Administration also employs millimeter-wave scanners in U.S. airports, X-ray scanners are the ones that have received more criticism from public-safety advocates. Although the TSA did not respond to the European ruling, it has repeatedly defended the safety and efficacy of both kinds of scanners. According to studies cited on the TSA’s website, X-ray scanners expose passengers to the same amount of radiation as two minutes of flying on an airplane. While it is true that the amount of radiation exposure from X-ray machines is very low, several studies have shown that a small number of cancer cases could result from scanning millions of passengers every year. (The TSA has also vigorously responded to these various findings.) Some critics of the scanners say that any small amount of cancer is too much to tolerate. Although the TSA doesn’t show signs of budging on the use of X-ray scanners, Europe will instead use machines that rely on radio frequency waves, which have not been linked to cancer.

Coffee, Tea or Cancer? Almost Half of Americans Oppose X-ray Body Scanners (Dec. 7, 2011) cancer-americans-oppose-x-ray-body-scanners Even if X-ray body scanners would prevent terrorists from smuggling explosives onto planes, nearly half of Americans still oppose using them because they could cause a few people to eventually develop cancer, according to a new Harris Interactive poll conducted online for ProPublica.S lightly more than third of Americans supported using the scanners, while almost a fifth were unsure. The Transportation Security Administration plans to install body scanners, which can detect explosives and other objects hidden under clothing, at nearly every airport security lane in the country by the end of 2014. It's the biggest change to airport security since metal detectors were introduced more than 35 years ago. The scanners have long faced vocal opposition. Privacy advocates have decried them as a "virtual strip search" because the raw images show genitalia, breasts and buttocks – a concern the TSA addressed by requiring software that makes the images less graphic. But in addition to privacy objections, scientists and some lawmakers oppose one type of scanner because it uses X-rays, which damage DNA and could potentially lead to a few additional cancer cases among the 100 million travelers who fly every year. They say an alternative technology, which uses radio frequency waves, is safer.Some travelers like Kathy Blomker, a breast cancer survivor from Madison, Wis., have decided to forgo the machines altogether and opt for a physical pat-down instead. "I've had so much radiation that I don't want to subject myself to radiation that I can avoid," she said. "I decided I'm just not ever going to go through one of those machines again. It's just too risky."After ProPublica published an investigation, reported in conjunction with PBS NewsHour, showing that the X-ray scanners had evaded rigorous safety evaluations, the head of the TSA told Senator Susan Collins that his agency would conduct a new independent safety study. He subsequently backed off that promise, prompting the senator to write the TSA pressing the agency to go ahead with the study and asking it to post larger signs alerting pregnant women that they have the option to have a physical pat-down instead of going through the X-ray scanners. CLIP


US Police State wants right to lie! Freedom watch spotlight - IT WAS BLOCKED! US police state tried to pass law making it legal to lie to people requesting information via the freedom of information act.Now it wants to make it hard to impossible for you to get such information.

In race for campaign funds from billionaires, Romney outpaces Obama (Dec 5, 2011) from-billionaires-romney-outpaces- obama/2011/12/01/gIQAxQLsXO_story.html The Republican presidential primary contest isn’t over, but in the race to line up the richest donors, it’s Mitt Romney vs. President Obama.Romney has drawn the most support from billionaires, with at least 42 donating to his campaign. Obama is not far behind, with at least 30 billionaire supporters. Rick Perry and Jon Huntsman Jr. follow with 20 and 12, respectively, according to donor rolls and the current Forbes magazine list of 412 American billionaires. Very wealthy donors are likely to play a greater role in this election cycle in the wake of recent court decisions that have loosened rules for campaign contributions. That will only heighten one of the dominant narratives of the 2012 campaign: the nation’s rising income inequality and the outsize political influence of the super-wealthy. CLIP

FCC Repeats previous mistake (23 Dec 2011) Today the FCC proposed a new set of rules that would unleash a wave of media consolidation across the country.If the agency's proposal sounds familiar, that’s because it’s nearly identical to rules the FCC proposed during the Bush administration:... those rules were so bad that 99 percent of the public comments to the FCC opposed them.... those rules were so bad that a bipartisan majority in the Senate voted to overturn them.... those rules were so bad that a federal appeals court threw them out this summer.The rules didn’t get any better over time.1 By announcing these proposed rules today — while many of you are busy getting ready for the holidays — the FCC is hoping you won’t notice that it’s airing a rerun.It’s an outrage that the FCC announcement is calculated to slide under the radar as Congress and the rest of us take time off. Rules this important shouldn’t be written for corporations. The public must have a voiceContact Information:Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SWWashington, DC 20554Phone: 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225- 5322)TTY: 1-888-TELL-FCC (1-888-835-5322)Fax: 1-866-418-0232Email: [email protected] 1. READ ALL THE DETAILS IN FCC's Holiday Fruitcake — Ownership Rules - National Journal, Dec. 22, 2011:

Privacy concerns lessen value of new border pact (December 8, 2011) new-border-pact/ (...) Where the ideal of a more open border gets a bit sticky is when it runs into the elephant and mouse problem of Canada-U.S. relations. Establishing a common set of criteria for determining who is or is not a security threat will mean adopting American standards. Period.For Canadians who don’t run afoul of American or Canadian authorities, this deal could lead to easier travel, with expanded NEXUS access. But when American authorities decide a Canadian is a threat, we’ve seen what that can mean. In Canada, Maher Arar has been completely cleared of all links to terrorism and given $10.5-million compensation for the treatment he received. American authorities, who sent him to Syria where he was held for a year and tortured, continue to keep his name on a no-fly list.Why do Americans still consider him a threat? They won’t say.While Arar’s case is extraordinary, it illustrates the trouble Canadians may find themselves in if the joint security arrangements we agree to with the U.S. do not contain far better safeguards than are now available. If you don’t know what information the Americans are acting on, you can’t defend yourself against it, even if it is demonstrably false.In a recent blog, Canada’s Information and Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart warned that the American privacy legislation only protects Americans and permanent residents. She also noted that the Patriot Act provides sweeping exemptions that may allow personal information to be abused.I’m also wary of the idea that both the governments of Canada and the U.S. will keep track of my whereabouts when I enter or leave Canada. This is another measure, like the installation of security cameras, that proponents argue shouldn’t matter to anyone who hasn’t done anything wrong.By that same logic, I shouldn’t mind if the government goes snooping around in my computer or through my closet. Yet somehow that offends me. The fact that the deal is on Stod-dart’s radar already is encouraging, since the details of how this will all work have yet to be determined and appropriate safeguards could make it a lot more palatable. The fact that not all Americans are happy with the enhanced powers the government has given itself to snoop into their lives may also help.

End of Nations: Canada, the US and the "Security Perimeter" (Dec 15, 2011) VXFu8 TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Harper have unveiled a new border security agreement that has received scant attention in the American media. However, far from being a new arrangement, what this accord represents is only the latest in a chain of usurpations of national sovereignty. Find out more about the path toward the North American Union on this week's GRTV Backgrounder.

Coca-Cola Accused of Propping Up Notorious African Dictator (3 January 12) cola-accused-of-propping-up-notorious-african-dictator Swaziland's King Mswati III accused by activists of human rights abuses and of looting national wealth -- Coca-Cola has been accused of propping up one of Africa's most notorious dictators.The multibillion dollar beverage company owns a concentrate-manufacturing plant in Swaziland, an impoverished kingdom ruled by Africa's last absolute monarch, Mswati III.The king has travelled to Coca-Cola's headquarters in Atlanta in the US, much to the disgust of Swazi political activists who blame him for human rights abuses and looting the nation's wealth.Mary Pais Da Silva, co-ordinator of the Swaziland Democracy Campaign, called for Coca-Cola to pull out of the country immediately. "Coca-Cola must know they're doing business with the wrong people," she said. "At the end of the day it doesn't benefit the economy in any way. Their profits don't help the average Swazi, while the king is getting richer by the day." She added: "The king is milking the country. This is entrenching him more and more, giving him economic strength to crush opposition. Nobody should do business with the regime in Swaziland. They should cut ties and take their business elsewhere." Mswati III has 13 wives and hosts an annual dance where he can choose a new bride from tens of thousands of bare- breasted virgins. With a fortune of about $100m (£64m), he presides over one of the worst-off countries in the world, with most people living in absolute poverty. Political parties are banned and activists are regularly arrested, imprisoned and tortured.Coca-Cola says that Mswati III does not receive any profits or dividends from its Swaziland operation, its biggest in Africa. But some activists estimate that Coca-Cola, the world's biggest beverage company, contributes as much as 40% of the country's GDP. The company admits it cannot account for how the money it pays in taxes is used by the Swazi government. CLIP

Unanimous agreement among scientists: Earth to suffer major loss in species (November 09, 2011) The thylacine, the dodo, the great auk, the passenger pigeon, the golden toad: these species have become symbols of extinction. But they are only the tip of the recent extinction crisis, and according to a survey of 583 conservation scientists, they are only the beginning. In a new survey in Conservation Biology, 99.5 percent of conservation scientists said a serious loss in biodiversity was either 'likely', 'very likely', or 'virtually certain'. The prediction of a significant loss of species is not surprising—scientists have been warning for decades that if global society continues with business as usual the world will suffer from mass extinction—what is perhaps surprising is the practically unanimous expectation that a global biodiversity decline will occur."Understanding the degree of consensus within the scientific community will help policy makers to interpret scientific advice, improving the likelihood of successful of conservation initiatives," said study author Murray Rudd with the University of York. "The extremely high level of consensus demonstrated by these results underlines the urgency of preventing further damage to the natural world."In addition, nearly 80 percent of respondents agreed that it was 'virtually certain' that human activities were accelerating species loss. Deforestation, habitat loss, climate change, pollution, overexploitation for food or medicine, disease, and invasive species are among a few of the big drivers of biodiversity decline worldwide.

According to the survey, tropical coral reefs are the most likely to see extinctions. Eighty-eight percent of respondents familiar with coral reefs—the most biodiverse marine ecosystems on Earth—predicted that a serious loss was 'very likely' or 'virtually certain'. While coral reefs are suffering from pollution and overfishing, perhaps the most drastic impact is the ongoing rise of greenhouse gas emissions. Ocean acidification from rising carbon levels hurts a coral reef's ability to calcify, imperiling the ecosystem. In addition, rising sea temperatures and sea levels due to climate can cause coral bleaching, which has devastated whole reef systems.Around half of the researcher (50.3 percent) would like to see criteria laid out for 'conservation triage'. Conservation triage is a controversial idea whereby conservation priorities—much like triage in an emergency room—would be more strictly determined given limited funds and resources. The idea, however, portends that some species would be allowed to go extinct without conservation-efforts because their situation would be perceived as too dire to 'waste' resources.According to the IUCN Red List, over 19,000 species are currently classified as Vulnerable, Endangered, and Critically Endangered. However the Red List has only had the capacity to date to analyze around 3 percent of the world's known species. Even more alarming no one knows just how many species inhabit Earth with estimates ranging from 3 million to 100 million (currently almost 2 million have been described).

Cara Hoffman: Direct action is 'the only real solution' to environmental problems (December 20, 2011) ryking_intreview_hoffman.html Our generation of ecological writers, scientists, and activists confront a situation without historical analog. 21st Century naturalists and environmentalists genuinely concerned about enjoying and preserving wilderness are forced to accept the harsh realities that what little remains of untouched nature is increasingly subjected to seemingly unstoppable destructive forces. The magnitude of the situation is difficult to accept and understand. The perceptive abilities of the human mind and collective consciousness are thrust into a surreal and uncertain future. Even industrial society’s cornerstones of technological progress and institutionalized science have proven insufficient. Especially since the dramatic “big melt” of arctic ice in 2007, scientists have been forced to admit their models and predictions of climate change have been grossly understated. In response, contemporary voices in environmental writing have adopted a variety of anti-civilization themes, from the revolutionary rhetoric of Derrick Jensen and the Green Anarchist movement to the post- industrial fiction and philosophy of Ran Prieur and the The Dark Mountain Project.I had the opportunity to discuss the role of radical writing in the age of environmental collapse with author and friend Cara Hoffman (

(...) Ryan King: You recently mentioned attending the Occupy Wall Street event in your blog as “the most successful horizontally organized movement this country has ever seen.” What do you feel the next few months might have in store for the Occupy movement? What are your thoughts on the rapid success of emerging horizontally-organized movements such as Occupy?

Cara Hoffman: One of the main tenants of anarchist thought is the idea of building within the wreckage. Thanks to unchecked capitalism and criminal environmental policies, this is no longer a quaint philosophical idea or an alternative lifestyle option. The more the world is sold and stolen out from under us, the more we are forced to manage our lives within the narrow confines of a toxic and restrictive environment. We are all looking at the specter of building within the wreckage now, getting by on shrinking resources, relying more on ourselves and one another for the things we need. I think the general population is realizing that horizontally organized groups are more practical and ethical. We’ve watched the impact of top down control, the hypertrophied, testosterone-driven irrationality which tanked our economy, and it wasn’t pretty. No one in their right mind wants that anymore. It’s day is done.

Occupy expresses the only rational response to living in a world where the dominant organizing principals force whole sectors of society to struggle with basic human needs and to become intellectually and economically subjugated. I don’t know what if any impact the movement is going to have in the coming months. I do know it’s the first sane response to the denial Americans take part in every day. Occupy—with its foundations in mutual aid and solidarity – provides us with a template to move forward and I have hope that this will make things brighter—We’ve already seen more direct action and more folks working outside the state to get things done. And that hopefully will give us a sense of where to go from here. That said, I have no illusions whatsoever about the nature of authoritarian control. Particularly at this late stage in the game with this much at stake. People who are culpable for the decisions that have poisoned air and water and land for all of human and animal life are obviously dangerous and not concerned with basic logic. Our approach needs to be steeped in fact, in science. As Orwell said freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted then all else follows.

Depleting The Seas Of Fish (2-19-12) In November 2006, Washington Post writer Juliet Eilperin headlined, " World's Fish Supply Running Out, Researchers Warn," saying:International ecologists and economists believe "the world will run out of seafood by 2048" if current fishing rates continue.A journal Science study "conclude(d) that overfishing, pollution and other environmental factors are wiping out important species" globally. They're also impeding world oceans' ability to produce seafood, filter nutrients, and resist disease. Marine biologist Boris Worm warned:"We really see the end of the line now. It's within our lifetime. Our children will see a world without seafood if we don't change things."Researchers studied fish populations, catch records, and ocean ecosystems for four years. By 2003, 29% of all species collapsed. It means they're at least "90% below their historic maximum catch levels."In recent years, collapse rates accelerated.

(...) On September 7, 2011, Field and Stream writer Chad Love headlined, "Scientists: Industrial-Scale Deep-Sea Fishing Depleting Oceans," saying: A Marine Policy scientific journal paper says deep sea industrial fishing should be banned. Productive areas were targeted sequentially. As a result, fish species were depleted and deep-sea corals destroyed. Then new areas are targeted.As a result, the ocean's now "a watery desert." Popular species were overfished, "only to crash in a matter of years." Marine Conservation Institute president Elliot Norse said deep-sea fishing flourished "out of desperation," not realizing stocks there take much longer to recover. Vessels use Global Positioning Systems and trawlers. They scrape large metal plates across sea bottom areas. From 1960 - 2004, catches increased seven-fold, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Mean depth fishing more than tripled since the 1950s from 492 feet to 1,706 in 2004, according to Unversity of the Azores Department of Oceanography and Fisheries' Telmo Morato.Fishing subsidies sustain the practice. Annually, high-seas trawlers get about $162 million. It's about one-fourth of catch value at taxpayer expense. On September 7, 2011, Science Daily headlined, "Deep Sea Fish in Deep Trouble: Scientists Find Nearly All Deep-Sea Fisheries Unsustainable," saying:Leading marine scientists recommend ending most deep sea commercial fishing. With rare exceptions, "deep-sea fisheries are unsustainable.... When bottom trawlers rip life from the depths, animals adapted to life (there) can't repopulate on human time scales. Powerful fishing technologies are overwhelming them."As coastal fisheries got overexploited, commercial fleets moved further offshore into deep waters. The effects on local species are devastating. Globally, deep-sea fishes are collapsing, including sharks and orange roughy. Fishing outside 200 mile Exclusive Economic Zones prevent effective government control.

(...) "The maximum long-term potential of the world marine capture fisheries has been reached." It's all downhill ahead. FAO assessed 584 fish stocks and species globally. More than three-fourths are fully exploited, overexploited, depleted or recovering. As a result, expanded commercial fishing can't be sustained. Only 17% of world fisheries have potential for higher catches. In six FAO regions, accounting for half the global catch in 2005, "at least 85% of stocks are already fully fished or overfished."Moreover, in Western Central Atlantic, Northeast Atlantic, Eastern Central Atlantic, and Western Indian Ocean, "more than 95% of fish stocks cannot sustain any further expansion of fishing."Nonetheless, governments keep subsidizing biologically unsustainable practices. Doing so adversely impacts ecosystems, food security and economic development.

(...) Nine of the top 10 marine capture species can't withstand further exploitation. They account for 30% of total world fishing. They include Peruvian anchoveta, Alaska pollack, Japanese anchovy, blue whiting, capelin and Atlantic herring, and yellowfin tuna. Other troubled species include the largehead hairtail and skipjack tuna. Notably, industrial fishing removed 90% of large predatory fish populations, including sharks, tuna and marlin. In the past 30 years, North Atlantic stocks of bull, dusky, and smooth hammerhead sharks declined up to 99%. Other predator fish losses, including groundfish, altered the composition of remaining catches. Declines in Northwest Atlantic bottom dwelling fishes increased mollusk and crustacean catches.In 1989, yields peaked at about 90 million tons annually. Since then, they declined or stagnated. Valued species like bluefin tuna, orange roughy and Chilean sea bass collapsed. Overfishing, pollution, habitat destruction, and acidification produced systemic ecological destruction. As a result, world oceans and valuable food stocks hang in the balance.

Top 10 Environmental Stories of 2011 (December 22, 2011) Excellent and comprehensive - Many embedded links provided at... People flex their strength, climate change accelerates, and Indonesia works to stem deforestation. Below is a review of some of the biggest environmental stories of 2011. People power: activism makes good (Hance) Many of 2011's most dramatic stories on environmental issues came from people taking to the streets. With governments and corporations slow to tackle massive environmental problems, people have begun to assert themselves. Victories were seen on four continents: in Bolivia a draconian response to protestors embarrassed the government, causing them to drop plans to build a road through Tipnis, an indigenous Amazonian reserve; in Myanmar, a nation not known for bowing to public demands, large protests pushed the government to cancel a massive Chinese hydroelectric project; in Borneo a three-year struggle to stop the construction of a coal plant on the coast of the Coral Triangle ended in victory for activists; in Britain plans to privatize forests created such a public outcry that the government not only pulled back but also apologized; and in the U.S. civil disobedience and massive marches pressured the Obama Administration to delay a decision on the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, which would bring tar sands from Canada to a global market. However, expect some of these battles to rear their heads again: already the U.S. Congress is moving to force the Obama Administration to make a determination on the pipeline quickly. Despite overwhelming problems, 2011 was a year in which people proved worldwide they still have a voice.

Running out of time on climate change (Hance) When our children look back on this decade they will likely seek to answer only one question: what was done to stem rising temperatures on Earth? Many of the world's scientists and experts are pointing to the next ten years as a make-or-break moment on global climate change. A recent study found that if world governments are to have any chance (66 percent probability) of keeping their pledge to hold the rise global temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius, emissions would need to peak by the end of the decade and drop swiftly thereafter. But a two-in-three chance is no guarantee. For a 90 percent chance, we would need to cut total emissions before the end of the decade. Meanwhile, the International Energy Association, not known for alarmism, agrees, arguing that emissions must begin declining in just five years. Yet despite decades of increasingly dire warnings—not to mention an uptick in devastating extreme weather like droughts and floods—many scientists say governments are moving much too slowly and timidly. Last year saw greenhouse gas emissions worldwide hit a new record, jumping 6 percent from the previous year. Meanwhile greenhouse gases are taking up record space in the atmosphere with carbon now at 389 parts per million. Still, the climate war isn't lost yet. What's needed? Rapid deployment of renewable energy, drastic improvements in efficiency, early retirement of fossil fuel plants unless carbon capture proves rapidly viable, and a global halt on deforestation and peatland destruction. Recent research has shown that solar and wind alone could provide 90 percent of the world's energy needs, with cars and planes running on alternate fuels. How about politically? Cutting all fossil fuel subsidies, tough cap-and-trade programs, and an ambitious international climate agreement wouldn't hurt. It cannot be forgotten: our children will view us as either the greatest generation or the vilest depending on the outcome.

(...) Seven billion people (Hance) Sometime in the late, 1960s when the baby boomers were just coming into their own, an astounding 3.5 billion people graced the planet. This record was the culmination of millions of years of human expansion over almost every environment on Earth. Just over 40 years later—with baby boomers on the verge of retirement—and the global human population has doubled. According to the UN, this year marked the first time seven billion hearts have beat on Earth all at once. The impact is unmistakable as cities swell, forests fall, and the blinking lights of humanity are captured each night by satellite. What does seven billion mean? It means feeding, clothing, housing, and educating twice as many people as before 1970. It means tackling climate change, mass extinction, deforestation, and poverty in a world where the human population continues to grow. It means raising more food on the same land, making freshwater stretch further, and watching wilderness continue to decline. It means added pressure on every ecosystem on Earth from the abyssal ocean, to the most remote Amazon stand, to the glaciers of Greenland. Seven billion requires the need for creative, innovative, at times, wild solutions to global problems. Of course, one could also address overpopulation head-on: proven methods include empowering women, better education, universal access to contraceptives and family planning, reducing poverty, and mitigating child mortality—with all of these non-draconian, non-compulsory methods bringing additional benefits to the community and the world. CLIP THE OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL STORIES COVERED ARE... Two steps forward, one back in Indonesia on forests - Fukushima meltdown - Extinction hits rhinos - Mixed signals from Brazil on deforestation - East African drought and famine - Sharks see progress worldwide - Extreme weather everywhere - Honorable Mentions Durban sets "road map" - Arctic rush to drill, drill, drill - Serengeti Road still on

Earth systems disruption: Does 2011 indicate the "new normal" of climate chaos and conflict? (December 21, 2011) ryanking_earthsystemsdisruption.html The year 2011 has presented the world with a shocking increase in irregular weather and disasters linked to climate change. Just as the 2007 "big melt" of summer arctic sea ice sent scientists and environmentalists scrambling to re-evaluate the severity of climate change, so have recent events forced major revisions and updates in climate science.Climate experts James Hansen and Ken Caldeira have newly announced that the formerly proposed acceptable level of warming to avoid dangerous climate change could be catastrophic. Hansen explains, "The dangerous level of climate change is less than we thought a few years ago...a target of two degrees is actually a prescription for long-term disaster."In the modern, globalized world the stability of individual nations and bioregions is intimately connected. The boundaries and delineations we accept in terms of geopolitics and cartography do not reflect the reality of the Earth System, nor its sensitivity and intense interconnectivity. The incredible cascade of events leading up to the revolutions of the Arab Spring exemplifies the importance of this connectivity.While many regions of the Middle East and North Africa were already suffering from severe circumstances due to multiple factors, the climate-linked droughts in Russia during the summer of 2010 appear to have been a major contributing aspect to food price hikes, increased social tension and eventually revolutions. CLIP

India’s Air the World’s Unhealthiest, Study Says (February 1, 2012) unhealthiest-study-says/ India has the worst air pollution in the entire world, beating China, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh, according to a study released during this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos.Of 132 countries whose environments were surveyed, India ranks dead last in the ‘Air (effects on human health)’ ranking. The annual study, the Environmental Performance Index, is conducted and written by environmental research centers at Yale and Columbia universities with assistance from dozens of outside scientists. The study uses satellite data to measure air pollution concentrations.India’s high levels of fine particulate matter (a subject we’ve been looking at on India Ink, albeit just in Delhi) are one of the major factors contributing to the country’s abysmal air quality. Levels of so-called PM 2.5, for the 2.5 micron size of the particulates, are nearly five times the threshold where they become unsafe for human beings.Particulate matter is one of the leading causes of acute lower respiratory infections and cancer. The World Health Organization found that Acute Respiratory Infections were one of the most common causes of deaths in children under 5 in India, and contributed to 13% of in-patient deaths in paediatric wards in India.When it comes to overall environment, India ranked among the world’s “Worst Performers,” at No. 125 out of the 132 nations, beating only Kuwait, Yemen, South Africa, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Iraq. Neighboring Pakistan, in contrast, ranked 120th and Bangladesh was listed as No. 115 on overall environment. Top 20 banks that finance big coal (November 30, 2011) A new report from civil and environmental organizations highlights the top 20 banks that spend the most money on coal, the world's most carbon- intensive fossil fuel. Released as officials from around the world meet for the 17th UN Summit on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa, the report investigated the funding practices of 93 major private banks, finding that the top five funders of big coal are (in order): JPMorgan Chase, Citi, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, and Barclay's.Funding from the top 20 banks (see list below) represents 44 percent of the world's coal production and half of coal-fired energy."We chose to look into coal financing as coal-fired power plants are the biggest source of man-made CO2 emissions and the major culprit in the drama of climate change," explains Heffa Schuecking of urgewald, an environmental group. "In spite of the fact that climate change is already having severe impacts on the most vulnerable societies, there is an abundance of plans to build new coal- fired power plants. If banks provide money for these projects, they will wreck all attempts to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius." Coal producers rely on banks for funding given the massive cost to build a new coal plant. However, the study only looks at private banks, while significant funding for coal also comes from public banks. Recently the World Bank has announced it is taking another look at its funding practices in relation to coal."Our figures clearly show that coal financing is on the rise," notes Tristen Taylor of Earthlife Africa Johannesburg. "Between 2005 and 2010, coal financing almost doubled. If we don’t take banks to task now, coal financing will continue to grow."Not only is burning coal one of the most significant inputs of global greenhouse gas emissions, coal also has impacts on human health and on water and land pollution. A recent study found that the hidden environmental and health costs of coal on US society reached $523 billion annually—that's $1,698 per person in the US every year."This is not borne by the coal industry, this is borne by us, in our taxes," Paul Epstein the study's lead author, told Reuters at the time. "The public cost is far greater than the cost of the coal itself. The impacts of this industry go way beyond just lighting our lights."

Texas loses half a billion trees to epic drought (December 21, 2011) A punishing drought in Texas has not only damaged crops, killed cattle, and led to widespread fires, but has also killed off a significant portion of the state's trees: between 100 and 500 million trees have perished to drought stress according to preliminary analysis. The estimate does not include tree mortality caused by fires. The drought has been linked to La Niña conditions, which causes drying in the Southern U.S., and has likely been exacerbated by global climate change.In all around 10 percent of Texas' forests may have been lost to the drought—so far. Trees are expected to continue suffering and dying in Texas even if rain comes, however forecasters predict dry conditions will remain in Texas for another six months at least."This is a generational event," Barry Ward, executive director of Trees for Houston told Reuters. "Mature trees take 20 or 30 years to re-grow. This will make an aesthetic difference for decades to come."A recent study looking at tree ring data found that Texas had not seen a drought of this magnitude since 1789 when the territory was contested between the Spanish and Native Americans."[The drought] is basically off the charts. CLIP

Accelerated warming: more evidence of destabilization at the southern pole (November 29, 2011) warming-more-evidence-of-destabilization-at-the-southern-pole/ ANTARCTICA - New research shows the Southern Ocean is storing more heat than any other ocean in the world. The study, carried out by Tasmania's Antarctic Climate and Ecosystem centre, has found that carbon dioxide levels in the Southern Ocean will be corrosive to some shellfish by 2030 if current trends continue. Scientists say deep moving currents around Antarctica are the reason why the Southern Ocean is warming faster than other oceans. The Southern Ocean occupies about 22 per cent of the area of the total ocean, and yet it absorbs about 40 per cent of the carbon dioxide and about half the heat that's stored by the ocean," climate scientist Steve Rintoul says. Dr. Rintoul says the warming extends for four kilometres, from the ocean surface to the sea floor. He says satellite measurements show the Southern Ocean has been warming by about 0.2 degrees Celsius per decade. "One of the impacts of a warming ocean may be that the ice that flows off Antarctica into the ocean may melt more rapidly," he said. CLIP

Another record breaker: 2011 warmest La Niña year ever (November 30, 2011) As officials meet at the 17th UN Climate Summit in Durban, South Africa, the world continues to heat up. The UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has announced that they expect 2011 to be the warmest La Niña year since record keeping began in 1850. The opposite of El Nino, a La Niña event causes general cooling in global temperatures."Despite La Niña, it was a very, very warm year to the point that it is the warmest decade on record," explained WMO Secretary- General Michel Jarraud during a press briefing in Geneva. Even with the cooling impact of La Niña, this year is on track to becoming the 10th warmest yet. In fact, the 13 warmest years on record have all occurred in the last 15 years with the 2000s being the warmest decade to date."Our science is solid and it proves unequivocally that the world is warming and that this warming is due to human activities," Jarraud said.

The effects of this heat are being felt far-and-wide. This year saw the Arctic's sea ice hit its lowest volume on record and have its second lowest extent. Ice shelves in Canada have halved in the last six years. Meanwhile, with wider recognition of the impacts of climate change on severe weather, this year was also notable for an unusually large amount of extreme weather events. For example, 2011 saw drought and famine in East Africa, killing over tens-of-thousands of people; massive floods in Asia and the Americas with a record-breaking deluge in Thailand, dubbed its worst natural disaster in history; a wide-variety of extreme weather events in the US, including an extended drought and heatwave in Texas; as well as a below-average year for tropical cyclones. Meanwhile, the UN has reported that concentration of greenhouse gases have hit a new high in the atmosphere, and emissions levels for last year beat worse-case- scenarios.“[Greenhouse gas emissions] are very rapidly approaching levels consistent with a rise of 2 to 2.4-degree Centigrade rise in average global temperatures which scientists believe could trigger far-reaching and irreversible changes in our Earth, biosphere and oceans,” Jarraud warns.

Despite this, many observers expect little progress at the Climate Summit in South Africa, where one of the main issues is what to do with the Kyoto Treaty—the only legally binding treat focusing on emissions reductions—when it expires next year. Some industrial nations, such as the US, are pushing to hold off any new treaty taking effect until 2020. Yet, scientists warn that emissions must peak this decade and decline rapidly if nations are to meet their previous pledges of holding down warming to 2 degrees Celsius.Despite widespread pessimism that Durban will accomplish what is needed to stem catastrophic climate change, South African president, Jacob Zuma, said on the first day: "Nothing is impossible in Durban over the next two weeks."

Philippines disaster may have been worsened by climate change, deforestation (December 20, 2011) As the Philippines begins to bury more than a 1,000 disaster victims in mass graves, Philippine President Benigno Aquino has ordered an investigation into last weekend's flash flood and landslide, including looking at the role of illegal logging. Officials have pointed to both climate change and vast deforestation as likely exacerbating the disaster."We have no desire to engage in finger-pointing or to assign blame at a time like this. Yet, we have an obligation to find out exactly what has happened," Aquino said, according to the Christian Science Monitor.On Friday, Typhoon Sendong brought 12 hours of continuous rain to Mindanao Island; reports say rivers flooded and villagers were crushed by logs or drowned. The Philippines has declared a national disaster with the storm affecting 338,000 people in 13 provinces. The storm is now the deadliest of 2011.President Aquino stated that he was concerned a logging ban was violated, worsening the disaster. In February, following flooding that killed around 40 people, Aquino banned logging across the Philippines arguing that deforestation had made much of the country dangerously prone to landslide and flooding. However, a priest who worked in the area, Sean McDonagh, told The Universe Catholic Weekly that decades of deforestation was to blame for the scale of the disaster. Much of the region was converted from rainforest into pineapple plantations."The deforestation was literally criminal," he said. "If the rainforest in the area had been left intact, even 12 hours of continuous rain would not cause this devastation. The rainforest canopy would stop the torrential rain from hitting the ground directly. Trees would also absorb the water. While you might have local floods, you would not have the disaster which happened the other night."Father McDonagh said the deforested mountain-sides were now being sold-off for open-pit mining which would only worsen future flooding impacts."Ten or twenty years from now, the disastrous floods will kill hundreds more almost every year and contain mercury, cyanide and other heavy metals. This is the time to stop the madness of the plunder of the Philippines," Father McDonagh said.He added there must be a "serious effort" to reforest the mountains. CLIP

Droughts could push parts of Africa back into famine (December 19, 2011) Drought and erratic rains could lead to further food scarcities in Africa warns the United Nations World Food Program (WFP). The WFP singles out South Sudan, the world's newest nation, and Niger as nations of particular concern. Earlier this year famine killed scores of people, including an estimated 30,000 children, in Somalia. In South Sudan drought and ongoing conflict threaten food supplies for 2.7 million people."A gathering storm of hunger is approaching South Sudan, caused by crop failure and market disruption," said WFP director in South Sudan, Chris Nikoi. "Food prices have already doubled or tripled in some areas, leaving hundreds of thousands of children vulnerable to malnutrition at a key developmental stage of their young lives."The WFP states it is upping operations to feed more people in the new nation in 2012, but warns that lack of infrastructure and land mines makes travel difficult. It says it needs emergency funds of nearly $100 million for food services in South Sudan for the first quarter of 2012.Meanwhile, rising food prices in Niger also threatens food security on the continent. Ongoing droughts hit crops this year, raising prices during a season when they are usually expected to fall. Higher prices have put 750,000 people on the government's list of "severely food insecure." Niger is located in the dry Sahel region, just south of the Sahara Desert. The WFP warned that Sahel nations, such as Mauritania, Mali, and Chad, could also face food issues in the coming year.Drought is a regular occurrence in both South Sudan and the Sahel and communities have long-adapted to dry conditions, however some say recent droughts may be worsening due to climate change. A recent study in Climate Dynamics found that climate change is likely creating more drought conditions in East Africa."Global temperatures are predicted to continue increasing, and we anticipate that average precipitation totals in Kenya and Ethiopia will continue decreasing or remain below the historical average," said co-author and USGS scientist Chris Funk. CLIP

For poor, climate change "a matter of life and death" (November 29, 2011) In opening the 17th UN Climate Summit in Durban, South Africa yesterday, Jacob Zuma, president of the host country said that delegates must remember what is at stake."For most people in the developing world and Africa, climate change is a matter of life and death. Change and solutions are always possible. In these talks, states, parties, will need to look behind their national interests to find a solution for the common good and human benefit," Zuma said at the meeting, which hosts 190 different nations attempting to come up with a global agreement to tackle climate change. Zuma pointed to droughts in East Africa and Sudan that have led to famine and conflict, respectively, as consistent with climate change predictions. Tens-of-thousands perished in Somalia this year from a famine caused by severe drought and political failure. CLIP

The comet and the great drought of 2011-2012: Rain disappears from skies from China to South America (January 8, 2012) and-the-great-drought-of-2011-2012-rain-disappears-from-skies-from- china-to-south-america/ BEIJING - China's largest freshwater lake has shrunk to its smallest size in years due to drought, state media and officials said Thursday, endangering the ecology in the area and fishermen's livelihoods. After a dry spell of more than a decade, Poyang Lake in east China's Jiangxi province is drying up fast as scant rainfall has sent water levels in the Gan River - which feeds the lake - to record lows, the Xinhua news agency said. CLIP - Texas worst drought on record - Argentina's worst drought in almost a century - Mexico's worst drought in 70 years - Wildfires, floods, droughts across Latin America - Drought plagues Israel for 8th year CLIP

Ecuador makes $116 million to not drill for oil in Amazon (January 02, 2012) A possibly ground-breaking idea has been kept on life support after Ecuador revealed its Yasuni-ITT Initiative had raked in $116 million before the end of the year, breaking the $100 million mark that Ecuador said it needed to keep the program alive. Ecuador is proposing to not drill for an estimated 850 million barrels of oil in the Ishpingo-Tambococha-Tiputinin (ITT) blocs of Yasuni National Park if the international community pledges $3.6 billion to a United Nations Development Fund (UNDF), or about half of what the oil is currently worth. The Yasuni-ITT Initiative would preserve arguably the most biodiverse region on Earth from oil exploitation, safeguard indigenous populations, and keep an estimated 410 million tons of CO2 out of the atmosphere. However, the initiative is not without its detractors, some arguing the program is little more than blackmail; meanwhile proponents say it could prove an effective way to combat climate change, deforestation, and mass extinction. CLIP Monsanto's GMO Corn Approved Despite 45,000 Public Comments in Opposition (January 10, 2012) public-comments-in-opposition/ As previously reported, while people were de-stressing and enjoying their much needed time off during the holidays, the United States Department of Agriculture announced its approval of Monsanto's 'drought tolerant' genetically engineered corn. The decision to give the green light to Monsanto regarding their GE corn didn't seem too difficult for the Obama Administration, despite receiving nearly 45,000 public comments voicing opposition and only 23 comments in favor since comments opened. Prepare to see this new GE corn unleashed into the environment as well as the American food supply. Monsanto Continues Expansion Despite Massive Public Opposition - The news comes after experiments with the seeds were conducted in five African nations, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Monsanto's drought-resistant corn seeds were given to African farmers facing drought conditions, replacing traditional and sustainable farming with Monsanto's GMO crops. Bill Gates himself has purchased 500,000 Monsanto stocks as of August 2010, and has heavy ties with Monsanto and even genetically modified mosquitoes which could be released in Florida early next year. "President Obama and Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack just sent a clear message to the American public that they do not care about our concerns with genetically engineered food and their questionable safety, adverse environmental impacts, and detrimental effects on farmers, especially organic farmers," says Mark A. Kastel, Senior Farm Policy Analyst with The Cornucopia Institute.How could Monsanto successfully obtain more power and release new genetically modified seeds when opposition so clearly rises above GE support? Monsanto is not simply a company who sells genetically modified products to those seeking them. This massive corporation is actually very much involved with the passing and proposals of regulations concerning the very GM ingredients they are responsible for. You may think those helping to pass the GMO bills truly believe that genetically engineering the food supply is beneficial to public health, but the scary truth is that many of said individuals couldn't care less about humankind or the future of the planet. As far as many government regulators are concerned, Monsanto can expand to the high heavens as long as financial interests are being properly taken care of.


Would You Believe… Specific Frequencies Block Growth of Cancer Cells (December 1, 2011) A couple of months ago, the British Journal of Cancer published a paper detailing some extraordinary results: very specific types of weak electromagnetic (EM) fields were able to stabilize and shrink liver tumors in advanced cancer patients who had exhausted other treatment options. A press release was issued describing how the EM treatment was far more effective than the only available FDA-approved drug. It was pretty much ignored. No one believed it. Today, the British Journal of Cancer is releasing a follow-up paper by the same research group, led by Boris Pasche of the University of Alabama medical school in Birmingham. It should help convince skeptics that EM cancer therapy is more than pie in the sky. CLIP More related EMF-cancer news through

Warning: High Frequency (Nov. 30, 2011) KEY ARTICLE! h_frequency (...) We now live in a wireless-saturated normality that has never existed in the history of the human race.It is unprecedented because of the complexity of the modulated frequencies that carry the increasingly complex information we transmit on our cell phones, smart phones and wi- fi systems. These EMFs are largely untested in their effects on human beings. Swedish neuroscientist Olle Johansson, who teaches at the world- renowned Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, tells me the mass saturation in electromagnetic fields raises terrible questions. Humanity, he says, has embarked on the equivalent of “the largest full-scale experiment ever. What happens when, 24 hours around the clock, we allow ourselves and our children to be whole-body-irradiated by new, man-made electromagnetic fields for the entirety of our lives?”

(...) “Radiofrequency radiation has a number of biological effects which can be reproducibly found in animals and cellular systems,” says David O. Carpenter, director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the State University of New York (SUNY). (...) “We also know that RF-EMF causes generation of free radicals, increases production of things called heat shock proteins, and alters calcium ion regulation. These are all common mechanisms behind many kinds of tissue damage.”Double-strand breaks in DNA – one of the undisputed causes of cancer – have been reported in similar tests with animal cells. Swedish neuro-oncologist Leif Salford, chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at Lund University, has found that cell phone radiation damages neurons in rats, particularly those cells associated with memory and learning. The damage occurred after an exposure of just two hours. Salford also found that cell phone EMFs cause holes to appear in the barrier between the circulatory system and the brain in rats. Punching holes in the blood-brain-barrier is not a good thing. It allows toxic molecules from the blood to leach into the ultra-stable environment of the brain. One of the potential outcomes, Salford notes, is dementia.

(...) Other effects from cell phone radiofrequencies have been reported using human subjects. At Loughborough University in England, sleep specialists in 2008 found that after 30 minutes of cell phone use, their subjects required twice the time to fall asleep as they did when the phone was avoided before bedtime. EEGs (electroencephalograms) showed a disturbance of the brain waves that regulate sleep.

(...) Published meta-reviews of hundreds of such studies suggest that industry funding tends to skew results. According to a survey by Henry Lai, a research professor at University of Washington, only 28 percent of studies funded by the wireless industry showed some type of biological effect from cell phone radiation. Meanwhile, independently funded studies produce an altogether different set of data: 67 percent of those studies showed a bioeffect. The Safe Wireless Initiative, a research group in Washington, DC that has since closed down, unpacked the data in hundreds of studies on wireless health risks, arraying them in terms of funding source. “Our data show that mobile phone industry funded/influenced work is six times more likely to find ‘no problem’ than independently funded work,” the group noted. “The industry thus has significantly contaminated the scientific evidence pool.”The evidence about the long-term public health risks of exposure to RF-EMFs may be contradictory. Yet it is clear that some people are getting sick when heavily exposed to the new radiofrequencies. And we are not listening to their complaints. (...) The government of Sweden reports that the disorder known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity, or EHS, afflicts an estimated 3 percent of the population. A study by the California Department of Health found that, based on self-reports, as many as 770,000 Californians, or 3 percent of the state’s population, would ascribe some form of illness to EMFs. A study in Switzerland recently found a 5 percent prevalence of electrosensitivity. In Germany, there is reportedly a 6 percent prevalence.

(...) Swedish neuroscientist Olle Johansson was one of the first researchers to take the claims of electrosensitivity seriously. He found, for example, that persons with EHS had changes in skin mast cells – markers of allergic reaction – when exposed to specific EM fields. Other studies have found that radiofrequency EMFs can increase serum histamine levels – the hallmark of an allergic reaction. Johansson has hypothesized that electrosensitivity arises exactly as any common allergy would arise – due to excessive exposure, as the immune system fails. And just as only some people develop allergies to cats or pollen or dust, only some of us fall prey to EM fields. CLIP

Smart meter rebellion (May 31, 2011) Video Australian householders are rebelling against rising power bills and the new "smart" meters being installed against their will. The Victorian government has already been forced to review their new power meter rollout, after residents discovered a shocking rise in their power bills and began fighting back.

Costly smart meters yield fuzzy savings: Ontario environment commissioner (Dec 7, 2011) fuzzy-savings-ontario-environment-commissioner/ TORONTO — A multibillion-dollar investment in a social engineering experiment has yielded unknown results, Ontario’s environment commissioner said Wednesday.Smart meters, which measure both the amount of electricity consumed as well as the time it is used, have been installed in an estimated 4,320,000 residences across Ontario. The meters pave the way for time-of-use pricing, which rewards consumers for using energy at night and on weekends when it is cheaper and more abundant.That shift alleviates pressure on the system during daytime hours, when heavy industrial users are online.Gord Miller, environmental commissioner of Ontario, says time-of-use isn’t working everywhere in Ontario yet. Only about 70% of those households have been switched to the new billing regime, according to his report.“And I can’t report how much energy the time-of-use system is saving where it is working because the Ontario Power Authority has just started developing (a system for measuring it),” he said.The meters cost an estimated $500 each. CLIP

Safe Phone Instructions /Instructions2.13.pdf

Use of laptop computers connected to internet through Wi-Fi decreases human sperm motility and increases sperm DNA fragmentation - by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (Nov 26, 2011) Conclusion(s): To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the direct impact of laptop use on human spermatozoa. Ex vivo exposure of human spermatozoa to a wireless internet-connected laptop decreased motility and induced DNA fragmentation by a nonthermal effect. We speculate that keeping a laptop connected wirelessly to the internet on the lap near the testes may result in decreased male fertility. Further in vitro and in vivo studies are needed to prove this contention. (...) To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the effect of portable computers on human spermatozoa in vitro. In the present study we demonstrate that laptop computers connected wirelessly to the internet decrease sperm quality by a nonthermal effect. We evaluated vitality, motility, and DNA fragmentation in sperm selected by swim up after incubation under a laptop connected to the internet by Wi-Fi. The results demonstrate a significant decrease in sperm progressive motility and a significantly higher proportion of sperm with DNA fragmentation when samples were incubated for 4 hours under the laptop. These differences were seen in comparison with aliquots of the same semen samples incubated under similar conditions but outside the proximity of any computer or electronic device. Several lifestyle and environmental factors may adversely impact human health and, in particular, reproductive performance (18). Approximately 15% of the sexually active population is affected by clinical infertility and in 50% of the cases a male factor is involved, either as a primary problem or in combination with a problem in the female partner. In this regard it has been proposed that the increased use of certain new technologies may decrease fertility potential by increasing long-term exposure to nonionizing radiation. CLIP

Radiation From Cell Phones and WiFi Are Making People Sick -- Are We All at Risk? (December 2, 2011) es_and_wifi_are_making_people_sick_--_are_we_all_at_risk?page=entire We are now exposed to electromagnetic radio frequencies 24 hours a day. Welcome to the largest human experiment ever.

Changes of Clinically Important Neurotransmitters under the Influence of Modulated RF Fields (Rimbach Study) (September 4, 2011) Just because many governments the world over pretend that there is no new RF research to warrant any rethinking of current exposure limits does not mean that this is true. One of the latest pilot studies from Germany on cell tower radiation and stress hormone levels was discussed in the EMF report by the Standing Committee on the Environment of the European Council, which in May 2011 adopted a resolution on The Potential Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields and Their Effect on the Environment, recommending “to take all reasonable measures to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields.” In this study from Bavaria (Germany), urine samples of 60 study participants were taken to be analyzed for their adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine, and phenylethylamine (PEA) levels before and after the activation of a new GSM base station. After the activation of the GSM base station, the stress hormone levels increased significantly during the first six months while dopamine and PEA levels decreased substantially. Even after one and a half years, the initial levels were not restored. Sleep problems, headaches, allergies, dizziness, and concentration problems occurred more often. Please note that the cutoff for the highest exposure group was only 100 µW/m2, for the lowest exposure group 60 µW/m2. Though the number of participants was small, the findings are very disturbing. PEA levels, for example, continued to decrease over the entire exposure period. Over the past decade not only has the use of wireless devices greatly increased, but the prescription for methylphenidate or Ritalin, whose chemical structure is related to PEA, as well. The complete study by Dr. Buchner and Dr. Eger is now available in English: Changes of Clinically Important Neurotransmitters under the Influence of Modulated RF Fields Nonthermal Effects Confirmed; Exposure Limits Challenged; Precaution Demanded (July 21, 2009) The Austrian AUVA insurance company commissioned a renowned team of researchers from the Vienna Medical University to take another look at biological effects associated with cell phone radiation. This latest report shows that there are cells that are most sensitive to cell phone radiation and others less so. Sensitive cells respond with a significant increase in protein synthesis, indicating an increased level of cell stress—at SAR levels as low as 0.1 W/kg. Since affected cells include especially those that are metabolically active, children and youth seem to be most susceptible to the possible health effects.

Options to Minimize Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation Exposures (EMF/RF/Static Fields) in Office Environments (14 November 2008) pdf Offices are abuzz with electromagnetic hazards. Do health regulations protect us? From acute, thermal effects: yes. From long-term effects of low-level exposures: no. In this 150-page paper, find out what the natural background levels are, how much energy the electronic devices you are using emit, and what you can do to lower your exposure (pages 39-66). After taking a closer look at documented health effects and electromagnetic hypersensitivity, it becomes clear why it is so important to follow the precautionary approach. (...) "As the ambient level of EMF and RF radiation continues to increase, the number of persons who attribute their health symptoms to low-level EMF or RF radiation exposures in the workplace or at home is also on the rise, from approximately ca. 1% in the mid-1990s to 5% to 13% ten years later." - Based on the progression of electromagnetic intolerance observed in a number of countries over the years, the percentage of people with self-reported electrohypersensitivity problems – Sleep disorder (58%) Headache (41%) Nervousness/Distress (19%) Fatigue (18%) Concentration Difficulties (16%) Tinnitus (14%)Dizziness (11%) Limb pain (11%) Heart disease (11%) Arthropathy (7%) Skin rash (6%) Oculopathy (6%) – is projected to increase to 50% by 2017. CLIP

Electromagnetic intolerance elucidated (January 17, 2012) research/190-electro-mag-intol-elucidated (...) WHO will be forced to revise its decision in the coming months. It is a societal denial that does not take account of current knowledge which is constantly evolving. [read Microwave News's coverage of conflicts of interest at WHO]. The oncologist argues the causal link between exposure to magnetic fields and leukemia is no longer in doubt. When we increase the dose, it increases the rate of leukemia. Dozens of laboratory toxicological studies have demonstrated this most clearly, in vitro as well as in animals. For her part, Ontario researcher Magda Havas of Trent University said EHS studies with negative results have major biases. The researchers assumed that reactions to EMFs are immediate, while there is often a delay between exposure and response. People are not switches that can be turned on and off. These studies incorrectly insinuate that if you can not feel anything, it can't harm you. We know very well that we can't detect the taste of arsenic, lead, DDT nor asbestos, but they are all toxic.

10 Things you can do to reduce the cancer risk of cell phones reduce-the-cancer-risk-from-cell-phones/

“The Cell Phone Poisoning Of America” a.pdf “Electromagnetic pollution may be the most significant form of pollution human activity has produced this century, all the more dangerous because it is invisible and insensible.”This powerful and striking statement was made by prominent physician Andrew Weil, MD, best-selling author of eight books, a Harvard Medical School graduate, and internationally recognized expert on medicinal herbs and integrative medicine. When you read the rest of this report you’ll understand why his statement is both accurate and valid.

Facts About Cell Phone Use

• Talking on a cell phone as little as 500 minutes a month can increase the probability of brain cancer by 140% to 300% (1) • Cell phone radiation has been shown to damage and break living DNA (2) • Cell phone radiation causes leakage of the blood-brain barrier allowing toxins todamage sensitive brain tissue (3) • Cell phones worn by men on a belt clip can reduce sperm count by 30% (4)(5) • After using a cell phone for six years the risk of developing an acoustic neuroma( tumor of the auditory nerve) increases by 50% (6) • Cell phone radiation increases estrogen and adrenaline levels in the bodydisrupting hormonal balance (7) • A two-minute cell phone call alters a child’s brain function for an hour (8) (9) • Cordless phones have even higher cancer risks than cell phones (10)


Health Effects Are Linked To Electromagnetic Radiation It is indeed naïve to think that all the radiation that moves invisibly through our body on a daily basis is not harmful. Quite the contrary. If these invisible EMR waves can move easily through the concrete walls of buildings, as we know they do, they will easily pass through the soft tissue of your body. Think about it. You can make a cell phone call from the basement of a building in New York City and easily connect to someone in a building in Los Angeles, CA. That signal moves through many barriers and obstructions as it connects from one tower to the next. And as this microwave signal moves invisibly through us the ICRW that is attached to it wrecks havoc on our biochemistry. Consequently, our society is becoming sicker and sicker. In fact, numerous studies have linked long-term EMR exposure to increased risk for many, many conditions. Here are a few:

• Alzheimer’s disease (15) • Autism (16) • Parkinson’s disease (17) • Heart disease (18) • Miscarriage (19) • Brain tumors (20) • Leukemia (21) • Fatigue (22) • Depression (23) • Immune system disorders (24) • Learning disabilities (25) • Memory loss (26) • Sleep disorders and insomnia (27) • Headaches and migraines (28) • Loss of concentration (29) • Lowered sperm counts (30) • Increased blood pressure (31) • DNA damage (32) • Blood-brain barrier damage (33) • Hormonal imbalance (34)

The list of symptoms and conditions being linked to cell phone radiation and wireless technology is lengthy and this short list represents only a few of the conditions now linked to cell phone radiation and EMR. CLIP

Smart Meters: Separating Fact from Fiction (September 13, 2011) Fiction,25,1259 Commonly Made Statements: What's the Real Story? -- When asked about the impacts that "Smart Meters" will have on B.C., representatives of Hydro have a standard set of responses-- a scripted "mantra" intended to justify their decision to install these meters. In form letters and interviews, advertisements and news reports, the statements are repeated and repeated again. To explain their inaccuracies and clarify facts is a highly repetitive exercise, problematic when Hydro representatives and government officials make the same false statements over time, and when reports in the mainstream media continue to present these inaccuracies as truth. The following collection of "Frequently Asked Questions and Statements made about Microwave/ Radiofrequency Radiation" contains information that helps to separate the fact from the fiction. Hopefully it will answer any questions regarding "Smart Meters": their safety and their health effects, their costs and impacts on B.C. and beyond. Download pdf

66% of the population suffer from Nomophobia the fear of being without their phone (16th February 2012) from-nomophobia-the-fear-of-being-without-their-phone/ Berkshire (UK) First identified in 2008, it would appear nomophobia – the fear of being out of mobile phone contact, is sharply increasing in the UK. A recent survey of 1,000 people in employment, conducted using OnePoll, discovered two thirds of respondents fear losing or being without their mobile phone.The study, sponsored by SecurEnvoy – the global leader of Tokenless® two-factor authentication, reveals that 41% of people interviewed, in an effort to stay connected, have two phones or more. (...) “There is another study into mobile phone usethat found people check their phones, on average, 34 times a day so it wouldn’t take long for you to realise if you’d misplaced your device.” CLIP

EMF-Omega-News 26 November 2011 6.html The Role of Electromagnetic Energy in the Regulation of Life Processes - A Matter of Risk: Radiation, Drinking Water and Deception - Immune System suppressed by EMFs - How mobile phones cause cancer - Natick neighborhood concerned power lines could be causing cancer cluster - 'Electro-oversensitive' man in mobile phone blackout threat - Conservatives call on province to end 'ill-advised' smart meter program - Health concerns form main focus of smart meter meeting - Smart meters are making people sick - Activists want referendum on B.C. Hydro smart meters - Why iPads And iPhones Are Not Kids’ Toys

EMF-Omega-News 3 December 2011 3.html Experts say pollutants in atmosphere endangering lives - Use of laptop computers connected to internet through Wi-Fi decreases human sperm motility and increases sperm DNA fragmentation - Melatonin and Alzheimer - Cell Phone Mast Dangers - Wireless Health Damage is No Joking Matter - Smart Meter Nightmare - Smart meters bring fear to cancer patient - Shops are secretly tracking your every move by snooping on your mobile WITHOUT asking permission - Revealed: The 'secret' app installed on millions of mobile phones - Next-up News Nr 1863 - News from Mast Sanity

EMF-Omega-News 10 December 2011 0.html Electropollution and the Decline in Health of a Nation - Radiation From Cell Phones and WiFi Are Making People Sick: Are We All at Risk? - How does long term exposure to base stations and mobile phones affect human hormone profiles? - Cell/Cordless Phones and the Link to Malignant Brain Tumours - Cancer cluster seeks answers - Dangers of Wi- Fi in Schools - Health Canada bans herbal remedies but allows dangerous radiation levels - What IARC missed and the Italians did not - Smart meters an uncontrolled experiment on public health in B.C. - Class Action Suit Seeks to Limit Smart Meter Use - The Eskimo family cell-phone - Overflow crowd turns out to fight cell tower - Group calls for electromagnetic waves regulation

EMF-Omega-News 17 December 2011 7.html Biological Impacts, Action Mechanisms, Dosimetry and Protection Issues of Mobile Telephony Radiation - Brain tumour increase in Denmark - Study warns of higher myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) rates among pupils - Cell phone health effects in children - December 2011: Science Update - Towers dialing up a Quagmire - Woman Says PG&E Smart Meter Was Causing Health Problems - Citizens spark smart-meter protest - Next-up News - News from Mast Sanity

EMF-Omega-News 24 December 2011 4.html Electronic Media Toxicity in Children - Increasing incidence of glioblastoma multiforme and meningioma - Finland: increase in brain tumors - Gill Disease and EMFs - Radiation from cell towers is a serious concern - Degredation of Human Biology - Experiencing electro-sensitivity - Freedom from cell tower radiation soon? - SCENIHR is about to product a new report, asking for info from scientists - Soon, mobile phones in India will carry radiation tags - Warminster residents concerned about Phone Mast - Opposition to smart meters begins to grow - Electronics Can Interfere With Airplanes

EMF-Omega-News 31. December 2011 1.html Radiation and health - The Potential Impact of Mobile Phone Use on Trends in Brain and CNS Tumors - Mobile phone cancer connection - Wireless radiation and Fluoridation - Phone mast illness claims - Health Canada Admits Studies on Cell Phones Convincing Enough to Promote Limited Use - The Economist: Inaccurate Coverage of Cell Phone and Wireless Risks, Call for Retraction - Festive boost as Great Barr mast plan rejected - Concern over planning application for 50ft mobile phone mast next to Carlton Green - Residents furious over plans for ‘eyesore health risk’ phone mast by Birchfield Gardens in Widnes - Roadside mast refusal victory for protesters - Residents' joy and despair over phone masts - Another volley fired at smart meters - Smart meters made us ill, says resident - Next-up News - News from Mast Sanity

EMF-Omega-News 7 January 2012 7.html Electromagnetic hypersensitivity - Increased brain tumours from mobile phones - Kids play Wii so doctors can learn more about seizures - Dozens of dead blackbirds have fallen from the sky over a small Arkansas town for the second year in a row - New Year 2012: Science Update - Shrewsbury residents' concern at mobile mast plan - Smart Meter Near Top of List for Dumb Ideas - Smart Meter Troubles

EMF-Omega-News 14 January 2012 4.html Microwave radiation affects the heart - Finsbury Park scientist questions safety of mobile phone masts - Dr Stephen Sinatra: Wireless Health Dangers - Mobile communications and health of population: the risk assessment, social and ethical problems - Wi-Fi Gets More Dangerous - What to do with the epidemiology, cell phones and brain cancer? - Irish Governmental investigation into the effects of EMFs - Wi-Fi in Schools: Civil Action - Join cell tower fight, your neighbourhood may be next - EMF Safety Network files lawsuit against Sebastopol 4G cell tower - Double delight for mast campaigners - We must fight smart meters for our health - Next-up News - News from Mast Sanity

EMF-Omega-News 21 January 2012 1.html Electromagnetic intolerance elucidated - UN study shows cell phone use may increase cancer risk - 12-year-old girl who blogged cancer fight has died - Mobile alert: Government sets alarm bell ringing on phone hazards - Dangerous wireless devices - Honeybee problem nearing a 'critical point' - Outrage as mast ruling overturned - Health fears over Longridge phone mast plan - Aurora School Removes Wi-Fi to Protect Children Health - Mix-up calls for a new phone mast - Smart meter foes file brief in appeal - Dr Carlos Sosa: European Tour - Putting North-South interconnector underground more expensive

EMF-Omega-News 28 January 2012 8.html India spells out the truth on mobile phone radiation levels - Center to research effects of electromagnetic radiation - Swedes fear exposure to electromagnetic fields - Rapid Aging Syndrome - Skin cancer rates in Spain rise alarmingly - 'Cancer' mast finally comes down in Spain - Alwyn Lewies: EHS story from South Africa - Bullying attempt against Prof. Livio Giuliani by INAIL management - Families furious over farm plans - City asks for moratorium on cell towers - Residents fight plans for mast - Top health official bolsters SmartMeter foes - My Fight Against the 'Smart' Meter - BC communities are requesting a moratorium on smart meters - Next-up News + News from Mast Sanity

EMF-Omega-News 4 February 2012 20120204.html The WHO IARC Listing of RFR as a Possible Human Carcinogen - Swedish police officer got brain tumour (glioma) after using Tetra handset - Telecom towers pose risk of radiation - Electricity and Cancer - January 2012: Science Update - Legality of cell towers queried - Cell phones to carry radiation level tag - Mobilitie Shelter Valley Cell Tower appeal - Taverham woman pledges to leave her home of over 45 years if phone mast gets the go-ahead - Cell Phone Report Calls for More Responsible Management to Protect Children and Pregnant Women - Anger over Chester park phone mast plan - Smart meter objections notable at municipal level

EMF-Omega-News 11 February 2012 20120211.html Cell Phones Shown to Negatively Influence Fetal Brains - The Epidemic of Mental Illness: Why? - Electrosensitivity: A Personal Story - Wi-Fi risks are recognized by Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association - Answer to outages raises worries in Franklin - Plymouth residents' anger over 50ft phone mast near homes - Timperley residents say 'no' to phone mast plan - Smart meter victory for Formby campaigners who expressed concerns over health effects - South Redondo Beach Residents Believe Stray Voltage Is Causing Unexplained Illnesses

EMF-Omega-News 18 February 2012 2/2/newsletter_20120218.html Cellphone masts damaging our brains? - Comparing Lung Cancer Risks in Sweden, USA, and Japan - Cell tower follows woman from coast to desert - Sick red-zoner forced to sleep outdoors - Cancer Alert: Beware of These 5 Home Appliances - New study finds infertility rates on the rise for Canadian couples - New Swedish radiation protection agency council, a scandal - Setting limits for mobile-tower radiation - What price the info frontier? - BAA boss receiving loud and clear now - Electric smart meter dangers - EMR Action Day 21st April 2012

EMF-Omega-News 25. February 2012 20120225.html Single-strand DNA breaks in human hair root cells exposed to mobile phone radiation - Electromagnetic Radiation and Fields - Californian Firefighters living under phone masts - Mobile danger - Inquiry asks why five babies in same street have rare birth defect - Letter of Dr. Robert Baan from IARC - Cell Towers Could Pose Threat to Children - The Dangers of Wi-Fi - Ban mobile phone masts next to schools to stop exposing children to harmful radiation, says expert - Phone mast bid under fire - Parents up in arms over mobile phone mast in new £9.7m Larkhall primary school - Not-so-smart meters are a restriction on daily life - We must speak up against smart meters - Public Utilities Commission Investigating New Smart Meters

EMF-Omega-News 3. March 2012 20120303.html Mobile phone mast linked to 50 cases of cancer - Scientists lied about inquired data in largest study on mobile phone brain tumour risks - Raising awareness around disorders that are underdiagnosed, underfunded, and undertreated - Professor Belpomme: Opinion on the French EHS study - Minister to consider health effects of telephone masts - February 2012: Science Update - Network Rail built mast near Blackhill Lane - Fury over proposed mobile phone mast - Bid to erect phone mast fails - Rallying against smart meters - Texans demand freedom from smart meters - Why people need to band together to stop DAS rollout




From: Valentina Kneppers ([email protected]) Date: 28 Nov 2011 Subject: Re: Special Action Alert

Dear Jean,

I am in awe of the THRIVE movie, precisely because of the emphasis on the Tube Torus that Mr. Foster Gamble spends so much time educating us about. I'm very happy to see discussion being generated because of it.

20 years ago, I had a very lucid dream where I was introduced to, educated in and fully experienced something very similar to how the movie opens with introduction to all the systems of the earth and how interconnected we all are through a unified field, all the way from the crystaline core at the center of the earth which generates the magnetic field and then fountains out the poles and rotates, just as described in the movie in a magnificent toroidal flow. I was shown that every system in creation is based on this same pattern - as Mr. Gamble says - the universe is a toroidal manufacturing plant. I was shown the toroidal systems in the exteme outer limits of creation and the exact same thing inside our own bodies - whole universes, from the most macroscopic down to the most microcosmic levels, without end.

The most outstanding impression I had of all this was that power is at the core of each toroid. There is no need to go outside to reach everywhere and everyone else. The whole system is a nesting pattern, everything within and connected to everything and everyone. Although Mr. Gamble focuses on how the money elite have usurped power in the outer world, imagine how stealing people's understanding of and connection to, their individual identity and ability to connect to All That Is and to generate power has affected humanity and all the world's systems? All based on the Toroid. Once we GET this - it's game over: Duality ends! This is no small thing!

When Mr. Gamble says that the toroid is the beginning of individual energy and freedom for everyone, please take this in and take it deeper.

I'm sure from what he says about his vision on the schoolbus and the way he reproduced it in the movie Thrive, that he also was instructed by his expanded, connected, aware level self in a similar way about the wonder and importance of understanding the toroidal pattern. This toroidal information does not seem like an egoic creation. It is coming from an innocent place of sharing a profound gift he's been entrusted with.

By relaxing our minds and allowing our heart to move awareness inside with appreciation and gratitude; allowing the power (magnetism, LOVE) to grow and expand from our heart center, our natural toroidal field grows and more consciously connects with all other resonant fields, expanding the field of creation. This allows consciousness to move from fear based defense and aggression war focus to a coherent reality where dissonant elements are able to begin to resonate with the now stronger force field of unifying Love in diversity. The potential in this is enormous.

Many masters have taught this in different ways over the millenia, without the technology, universal means of communication, science or graphics to help our understanding. Everything, from free energy to healing on all levels, physics, mathematics, arts, psychology, society, climate etc., individual joy and satisfaction is based on this pattern.

With Deep Appreciation, Awe and Wonder,


TO WHICH I REPLIED: Dear Valentina

Thanks a lot for sharing with me/us your invaluable personal experience with toroidal systems, something I never personally experienced, which makes a difference for me of course as to why I did not resonate immediately with this.

I've included your letter in my next compilation so others may also realize what potential this form holds for a greater, deeper understanding of how our universe works.

Light and blessings to you


PS Being so hard-pressed with tons of urgent things to do I could not spend the necessary relaxed time to enjoy the beginning of this movie and thus jumped ahead to see what the buzz was all about. I was then captivated till the end but didn't make time yet to go back to actually watch the entire introduction on the torus.


Dear Jean,

It's a joy and privilege to share the journey with the light you are, along with all the fellow travelers whose paths you so diligently connect and illuminate. In a combined field, we are no longer alone and the field is pulsing and growing... anything is possible!

What a gardener of souls you've turned out to be... what a magnificent garden with such fertile fruits is growing.

With Deep Appreciation for you and every soul....and the creation we're participating in.


--- Check also...

A New Scalar Model of Physics - Part One The Standard Physics Model is reviewed and 23 fundamental flaws are corrected opening the door to a new era of science; especially new energy technology! Recommandedby Trevor Osborne (Trevor@world- who wrote: "The video was recorded at an informal inaugural meeting of GLOBAL INNOVATION ALLIANCE (GIA) at the property of former Apollo Astronaut the late Dr Brian O'Leary in Vilcabamba, Ecuador in February, 2010. This explains how and why the "Big Bang" model is not only flawed but has taken science on a path of having to "explain away" an endless series of anomalies (exceptions to the rules) in order for the current theories of the Standard Model of Physics to be accepted. This New Scalar Model of Physics is not only far simpler to understand but also fundamentally explains how physicality comes into existence and, what is more important, how and why it is now possible to "extract" an inexhaustible supply of non-polluting, very cheap energy that can power ALL our equipments, machinery, transportation, factories, etc. without the use of fossil fuels. Imagine that! This would mean that we could also produce unlimited clean water from the oceans or even from the moisture in the air in arid desert areas. By the way, don't worry if you don't understand the technicalities discussed because you will understand the "guts" of this brilliant presentation... and believe me this is mind- boggling and ground-breaking information. Hopefully, humankind is ready to grasp and embrace this because if, and when they do, this will provide the tools to rapidly solve the majority of ecological, humanitarian and global problems.

On December 29, 2011 Tom Bearden ([email protected] - wrote: "We can have free energy from the vacuum (EFTV) anytime the World Order (Control Groups) will permit it. The RIGOROUS PROOF of free EFTV has been working at Los Alamos National Lab for more than 5 years. The Russians more than 5 years ago sent a Russian scientist, Viktor Klimov, to LANL where he was accepted, and set up his own important group. He immediately made powerful free EFTV nanocrystalline systems -- self-powered -- that are still there and still working. His group also published it in physics journals and in nanocrystalline journals worldwide. So it is rigorous, already working beautifully, confirmed by two great U.S. National Laboratories (LANL and NREL), and accepted and published worldwide in some leading physics journals and nanocrystalline journals.

Yet eerily, the normal news media have completely ignored it, and it is unknown even to most of our scientists and to our national leaders. Apparently it is going to be used to power some small hand-held ultralaser pistols. A self-powering nanocrystalline unit about the size of one's thumb will power much more power laser blasts, and one can shoot over and over forever, without reloading. An ultralaser pistol will let go a blast that can kill people, knock them down, etc. in groups at 3 miles distance. So it will be used to power such ultralaser pistols, which are rolling off the assembly lines right now, apparently. They will be given to the million-man civilian security force hired by our Homeland Security.

But the points are these: (1) Free energy from the vacuum -- easily and in quantity in self-powering devices -- has been rigorously proven. (2) It has been validated by two great U.S. national labs, LANL and NREL. (3) It has been checked and accepted by important physics journals and nanocrystalline journals, and printed worldwide openly. (4) So we never have to AGAIN "prove" that free energy from the vacuum is possible, since it is already scientifically and rigorously proven and accepted scientifically worldwide. Below are some write-ups and references for you to validate the above yourself."

Klimov photo-electric effect: A microscopic solar cell, when struck by a proper photon, emits an electron which immediately dives into the virtual vacuum sea, takes on additional energy, and emerges as a highly excited entity which decays to produce from two to seven electrons. Thus the special nanocrystalline solar cell emits 200% to 700% more electron energy than the normal solar cell's photoelectric effect. This effect, validated at both Los Alamos National Laboratory and the National Recoverable Energy Laboratory, rigorously proves and demonstrates that real physical systems can be built which directly extract and use excess EM energy from their surrounding active virtual state vacuum. The nanocrystalline systems also produce some photons, hence produce their own INPUT trigger signal freely as well. Hence they are “self-powering”.

Brody, Herb. Victor Klimov in Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico has constructed a solar cell which can absorb the light of a specific wave length in such a way, that one photon can energize more than one electron. As soon as the electron absorbs a photon, it disappears for a very short moment into the quantum field. Being in the virtual state the electron can borrow energy from the vacuum and thereafter appears again in our reality. Now the electron can energize up to 7 other electrons. This leads to a theoretical coefficient of performance (COP) of 700%. A COP = 200% and greater can be readily achieved and it has been. The experiment has also been replicated successfully by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden Colorado. [Herb Brody, "Solar Power - Seriously Souped Up" New Scientist, May 27, 2006, p 45].


Quoting: "Now Victor Klimov and colleagues at the Alamos National Laboratory have designed nanocrystals with cores and shells made from different semiconductor materials in such a way that electrons and holes are physically isolated from each other. The scientists said in such engineered nanocrystals, only one exciton per nanocrystal is required for optical amplification. That, they said, opens the door to practical use in laser applications." ["Scientists Create New Type of Nanocrystal," PHYSORG.COM, Nanotechnology, May 24, 2007.

Quoting Klimov, Victor - "Carrier multiplication actually relies upon very strong interactions between electrons squeezed within the tiny volume of a nanoscale semiconductor particle. That is why it is the particle size, not its composition that mostly determines the efficiency of the effect. In nanosize crystals, strong electron-electron interactions make a high-energy electron unstable. This electron only exists in its so-called 'virtual state' for an instant before rapidly transforming into a more stable state comprising two or more electrons." [Lead project scientist Victor Klimov, quoted in " Nanocrystals May Provide Boost for Solar Cells, Solar Hydrogen Production," Green Car Congress, 4 Oct., 2008.]

L'ENERGIE LIBRE, ILLIMITEE ET NON POLLUANTE, DISPONIBLE POUR TOUS (05/05/2011) illimitee-et-non-polluante-disponible-pour-tous.html

About BlackLight Power (You may remember that several years ago, this looked like a promising technology) BlackLight Power, Inc. is the inventor of a new extremely economical, sustainable, primary energy source that is autonomous from conventional energy infrastructure, applicable to essentially any application of any scale, and produces no pollutants whatsoever. It is based on a new chemical process of releasing the latent energy of the hydrogen atom, the BlackLight Process, with the formation of a prior undiscovered form of hydrogen called "hydrino." (More...) Check also BlackLight Power, Inc. Announces Production of Electricity from a New Form of Hydrogen AND Commercial Applications of the Hydrino. Yet according to this Wikipedia entry... (...) Mills' ideas of "CQM" and "hydrinos" have been criticized by mainstream physicists as "pseudoscience" and rejected as "just silliness". (...) IEEE Spectrum magazine listed Blacklight as a "loser" technology in its 2009 report because "Most experts don't believe such lower states exist, and they say the experiments don't present convincing evidence." (...) June 6, 2008: Robert L. Park, of the University of Maryland, writes a follow- up:"BlackLight Power (BLP), founded 17 years ago as HydroCatalysis, announced last week that the company had successfully tested a prototype power system that would generate 50 KW of thermal power. BLP anticipates delivery of the new power system in 12 to 18 months. The BLP process, (WN 26 Apr 91) , discovered by Randy Mills, is said to coax hydrogen atoms into a "state below the ground state," called the "hydrino." There is no independent scientific confirmation of the hydrino, and BLP has a patent problem. So they have nothing to sell but bu ll sh it. The company is therefore dependent on investors with deep pockets and shallow brains." ... there is still a lack of consensus as to the validity of the inventor's claims.

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Date: 28 Nov 2011 From: SGoodstone ([email protected]) Subject: Re: Special Action Alert

Hi Jean,

I just read your below article from a news source I received this afternoon. Unfortunately, if this bill passes as law, things are even worse than we can imagine, as, under George W. Bush, the Military Commissions Act was passed which re-routes all terrorist cases before a Military Tribunal, thereby by-passing all your rights as an American citizen to fight your case before a court of law. Under the Military Commissions Act, you are guilty until proven guilty..that is if you are fortunate enough to even be charged and get a hearing.

We currently have a young man (22 years old), PFC Bradley Manning who has been tossed into a detention hole (tortured for well over a year) because he was accused of sending military information to Wikileaks. PFC Manning has yet to be charged for any crime but has been imprisoned and tortured for almost two years now. This is America? This is American Justice? The citizens of America need to wake up to the fact that our country is operating under the laws of the Fourth Reich. We have become a Fascist country and it is spreading quickly to other countries. The Euro is now getting ready to collapse. A planned event by the world's bankers when they collected the various European countries into the European Union. We will all be marching to the goose-step of the Fourth Reich before too much longer...unless we fight back and that is what Occupy Wall Street has been doing...what the protesters in Egypt have been doing. The world is waking up to how our governments have shafted us and plan to put a ring through our noses and the slavery noose around our necks.

There is still hope that we can win this fight. The laws of metaphysics says "For every action is a reaction". So, when the world's people fight back for equality, the opressors fight back too, so this has to be expected. We will win this peaceful protests and standing right in their faces so they can't ignore our presence. It is really the only way to put up the good fight:)

Thanks for your commitment to inform everyone of what is happening all around the world. You are appreciated:)

Love, Light and Blessings,

Sandra <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>



EMP - Another Threat

By John D. McCann - January 12th, 2012

We have many threats that could can could turn our day upside down. These can be caused by nature to include blizzards, hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, etc. They can be man-cause, such as power outages, the collapse of our monetary system, nuclear or normal war, etc. As Self-Reliant people, we endeavor to prepare for such emergencies so that we are not at the mercy of other people, or the government, for assistance.

We must be aware of threats in order to be prepared for their possibility or eventuality. One of those threats, that you hear very little about. is EMP -Electromagnetic Pulse. It is just another threat to our existence. An EMP occurrence could, within a matter of seconds, shut down and destroy our electrical grid and electronic devices, which many are so reliant on. In reality, such an occurrence could put our society back 200 years, and for many, that would be the dark ages. And, it could takes years to recover from such an incident, and life as we know it will change drastically.

This article isn't an attempt to teach you about EMP, but to make you aware of it as a possible devastating threat. It is up to you to research and learn about its causes and effects. But, this a REAL THREAT and if such an event occurs, you need to know how to prepare now, not later.

What could cause an EMP? The first could be as simple as a Solar Flare. A severe solar storm causing electromagnetic disturbances could destroy most of the worlds power grids. Another possibility is a nuclear weapon detonated in or above the earth's atmosphere. Both North Korea and Iran are attempting to construct such a weapon and could be launched from a ship off one of our coasts or the Gulf of Mexico. A burst over a mid-west state could literally destroy all electronics in the US, Canada, and Mexico. In the event of an EMP incident, Power Lines would become nothing more than metal sculptures on the horizon to remind us of the days when electric was plentiful!

There is a lot of information out there about EMP threats, but be careful. Much of the information is theory, some is conflicting, and some is just wrong. Some say solar panels will survive, some say they won't. Some say they will if they are not connected to anything and are kept stacked in a shed with a metal roof. The same goes with theories on batteries. The only thing most agree on is that anything that has a microchip will be useless, which will include most vehicle manufactured after about 1969. Shielding against EMP is another area of conflict. Many say that shielding such as with a Faraday Cage will work, but some say it must be grounded and others say it shouldn't. Again, lots of conflicting information. Our job is to learn as much as we can by verifying that information that is real and useful from that which is false or inaccurate.

There are many books available on the subject and just a few are "EMP Survival - How To Prepare Now and Survive When an Electromagnetic Pulse Destroys Our Power grid" by Larry Poole, "Solar Flare Survival: Protect Yourself and Your Electronics From the Sun and EMP's with Faraday Cages" by Marc Remillard, and "Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack" by the Critical National Infrastructures.

There are some fictional books out there that provide scenario based information that can give you an idea of what might happen if an EMP incident occurred. The two best of have read are "Light Out" by David Crawford (598 pages), and "One Second After", by William R. Forstchen (511 pages) and a NY Times Bestseller.

The bottom line here is that an EMP incident could change the face of our country, continent, or world, as we know it. Imagine life without electricity indefinitely. Imagine no phones, no cell phones, computers, Television, even radio. Most vehicles would stop running (diesels have the best chance of survival), no food being delivered, riots from those who are entitled and their entitlements cease. Most water would stop pumping, most furnaces would stop heating, air conditioners would stop, supplies would cease to be replenished. No medical supplies, no hospitals, no electric from your power company. Keep in mind that without electric, there will be no manufacturing. Electric companies will not be able to replace the tens of thousands of blown transformers on poles as they will not have the means to re-manufacture them. Those spares setting in wait for eventual emergency need will already have been destroyed by the EMP.

The threat, like all threats, is not imminent, but a real possibility. As a Self- Reliant person, why not take the opportunity now, while you still have electric lights, to study the subject of EMP and become aware of the ramifications to your existence. It beats reading by candle light. This might also be a good time to study Passive Solar techniques for heating, cooling, and electrical energy. Just saying…


Related information:

Preparing forEMP - What is EMP? EXCELLENT REFERENCE (...) Communications. A simple thing called a "Faraday Cage" is nearly a fool proof protector of electronics from an EMP. You can find the plans on line and purchase the material to make one for just a few dollars from any hardware store. Make sure it is properly grounded. If you then buy a couple of simple hand held two way radios, plus a good short wave radio and place them inside the Faraday Cage (make sure they rest on a non conductive surface such as a ceramic bowl) they will survive even the worst EMP hit. In your family survival kit be certain you have plenty of batteries to support them since you might be relying on these things for months. You now have communications with your family, or neighbors and news from the outside world. If you are one of those types who is a "handy-person" think further. You have an emergency generator. Don't plug it in to your home because the "surge" will blow it out. Instead, disassemble any delicate components and put them in the Faraday cage. If a regular emergency such as power failure due to a storm happens, you can always pull them out, reinstall and you'll have power anyhow. In the event of an EMP, that generator might be a life saver. What about an old moped, or even extra parts for an old car? The few real life experiences of EMP, dating from nuclear tests in 1962 showed that even then, car ignition systems burned out. If you know how to repair these components, get the parts now and just store them away. You might be the only person driving in your community the day after we are hit. CLIP

Using a Faraday Cage to Protect Electronics from an EMP Triggered by a Nuclear Blast 2419228301

Science of Dark Angel This site is devoted to a discussion of the real science and technology behind the Dark Angel television series -- Dark Angel was another one of those science fiction shows that became more popular after it was cancelled. Since it was cancelled in 2002, it has often been shown in reruns on the cable/satellite channels, and all of the shows are available on DVD. Dark Angel deals with all of the issues that are likely to affect us most during the first half of the 21st century, including the threat of EMP attacks, genetic engineering, stem cells, nano-medicine, and bigotry against people who have been genetically or technologically modified.

(...) Today, if just one of these 500 kiloton bombs like the Mark 18 were detonated 300 miles above the central United States, the economy of the country would be essentially destroyed instantaneously. Very little of the country's electrical or electronic infrastructure would still be functional. (This is not to say that every device would be destroyed, but the interdependence of different electrical and electronic infrastructures makes it possible to stop nearly all economic activity with only limited damage to critical infrastructures.) It would likely be months or years before the electrical grid could be repaired because of the destruction of large numbers of the largest transformers in the electrical power grid. Spares for these large and very heavy transformers are not kept on hand, and they are no longer made in the United States. Several countries today have the ability to produce a weapon similar to this 1952 bomb, and send it to the necessary altitude. (England tested an even larger single-stage weapon with a yield of 720 kilotons, called Orange Herald, on May 31, 1957.) The number of countries with this ability will undoubtedly be increasing in the coming years.The instantaneous destruction of the power grid would occur primarily because of the widespread use of solid-state SCADAs (supervisory control and data acquisition devices) in the power grid. These would be destroyed by the E1 pulse, but could probably be replaced within a few weeks. The greater problem would be in re-starting the power grid. (No procedures have ever been developed for a "black start" of the entire power grid. Starting a large power generating station actually requires electricity.) The greatest problem would be the loss of many critical large power transformers from geomagnetically induced currents, for which no replacements could be obtained for at least a few years. The loss of many of these power transformers would greatly complicate the re-start of the parts of the grid that could be more quickly repaired.The consequences of the potential dangers to the electric power grid have changed dramatically over the past few decades -- as the availability of electricity has changed from being a convenience to something upon which our lives now depend. This transition of electricity from a convenience to a necessity for sustaining human life has happened so gradually that most of us haven't noticed this profound change. The knowledge and the technology of earlier times for surviving for long periods of time without electricity has been mostly lost in modern societies.

(...) The time that it would take to recover from an EMP attack has generally been estimated to be anywhere from two months to ten years or more. There would almost certainly be a time of great economic hardship. Whether this time of economic hardship is of short or long duration will depend upon the reaction of the American people. In widespread power outages of the past in the United States, people have reacted with behavior ranging from rioting and looting (as many did during the July 13, 1977 New York power outage) to patiently waiting for the crisis to be over (as has occurred with some more recent power outages such as the widespread August 14, 2003 outage in the northeastern U.S.). The Power Grid DVD from the History Channel examines the electric power grid with special emphasis on the August 14, 2003 blackout.If the recovery period were long, and especially if electronic communication were down for a period of months, civilization in the United States could reach a tipping point where a 10+ year depression, with the conditions depicted in Dark Angel, could actually occur. Many people who have thought about the problem believe that the Dark Angel scenario is actually overly optimistic.The electric power grid in use today has changed very little from the system devised by Nikola Tesla and implemented by Westinghouse, beginning in the 1890s, as described in the Mad Electricity DVD, which describes the power grid from the historical perspective of Tesla's early battle against Thomas Edison for the adaption of alternating current. This adaption of alternating current made modern electrification possible, but also made the power grid very vulnerable to geomagnetically induced currents, which includes the E3 component of an EMP, as well as severe solar storms. CLIP

Gaffney: EMP Attack on US Means 9 Out of 10 Dead Within 12 Months (December 20, 2011) within-12-months Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney states that an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack would be "catastrophic" for the United States. While all terrorist attacks concern him, he offers special attention to the destruction from an EMP. He says such an attack on the U.S. could cause nine out of ten deaths within a year, from factors such as starvation, particularly in urban areas.

BERMAN: Electromagnetic pulse a real threat (December 15, 2011) pulse-a-real-threat/ Is electromagnetic pulse a real threat to American security? On the heels of recent Republican primary debates, the danger to U.S. electronics and infrastructure posed by a high-altitude nuclear blast suddenly has emerged as a campaign issue. So has concerted opposition to it, with both liberal and conservative skeptics ridiculing the idea as an overblown, even fabricated, distraction. Yet there is ample evidence that the danger is both clear and present. Far and away the most authoritative assessment in this regard is that of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States From Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, colloquially known as the EMP Commission. That blue-ribbon panel, convened by Congress a decade ago, outlined the nature of the challenge as follows: "EMP is one of a small number of threats that can hold our society at risk of catastrophic consequences. EMP will cover the wide geographic region within line of sight to the nuclear weapon. It has the capability to produce significant damage to critical infrastructures and thus to the very fabric of U.S. society, as well as to the ability of the United States and Western nations to project influence and military power."America's vulnerability to such an attack is growing. As the EMP Commission explained, our heavy - and mounting - dependence on high technology, from cellphones to laptops to GPS, makes the United States disproportionately vulnerable to the disruption that would result from an EMP event. The commission concluded its work in 2004 with a dire warning: "The current vulnerability of our critical infrastructures can both invite and reward attack if not corrected."This fact has not gone unnoticed. A number of rogue states and strategic competitors are actively investing in the development of precisely this sort of capability. Thus, Russia, which during the Cold War carried out extensive experiments relating to EMP, has actively contemplated its use on a number of occasions since the Soviet collapse. China, too, is investing in EMP weapons as part of its "assassin's mace" - an asymmetric military arsenal through which Beijing seeks to challenge U.S. primacy in the Asia-Pacific region. North Korea, for its part, is believed to have tested a "super-EMP" weapon powerful enough to create massive disruption in the continental United States back in 2009. Iran, which carried out EMP-related ballistic-missile tests in the Caspian Sea in the late 1990s, has since publicly explored the possibility of using such a capability against America. The United States, meanwhile, is only marginally closer to remedying its vulnerability to EMP than it was in 2004. CLIP

100 Items That Disappear First In A Disaster/Crisis Check also

Mysterious Siberian Blasts Warned Point To Rapid Pole Reversal (February 27, 2012) warned-point-to-rapid-pole-reversal/ An unsettling report prepared by Viktor Seleznyov, director of the Geophysical Institute at the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS), on the 6.8 magnitude earthquake that struck the Tyva Republic in Russia’s East Siberia earlier today warns that more seismic activity should be expected within the coming weeks and that this event is part of an ever increasing body of evidence pointing to a “rapid” shifting in our Earth’s magnetic poles.Director Seleznyov, and other SB RAS scientists, have been increasingly concerned over the past fortnight about this region after the 9 February and 12 February “mysterious blasts” in the Kemerovo Region reminiscent of the 30 June 1908 Tunguska Event that remains the largest explosion of its type in modern times that for over a century has yet to be fully explained.The “common linkage” between these mysterious explosions and increasing seismic events in Siberia, this report says, is due to the rapid shifting of our Earth’s magnetic North Pole that has doubled in the last 50 years, and in the 1990s “picked up speed in a big way,” bolting north–northwest into the Arctic Ocean at more than 55 kilometers per year.To the most immediate effect upon our Earth due to this “magnetic pole anomaly,” this report continues, has been the “strange disruption” of the jet stream over the Northern Hemisphere that on the North American side has produced the driest and warmest winter weather in recorded history, but on the European side has caused record- setting cold and snow that has claimed over 650 lives. CLIP

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Note from Jean: Just one among a plethora of doomsday prophets that proliferate at the moment. I predict that none of the brutal outcomes featured in the following article will come to pass. Somehow good people with good hearts firmly in synch with God's Plan for this planet will overcome all obstacles and help pave the way towards a complete renewal of this world, a true spiritual renaissance will take hold and a Golden Age of Love, Peace and Harmony will rise from the ashes of the collapsing Old World Order. It is simply a matter of choice. And it starts in our very own heart. Time to BE All That We each Are...


Unrelenting Global Economic Crisis: A Doomsday View of 2012

The economic, political and social outlook for 2012 is profoundly negative by Prof. James Petras


The economic, political and social outlook for 2012 is profoundly negative. The almost universal consensus, even among mainstream orthodox economists is pessimistic regarding the world economy. Although, even here, their predictions understate the scope and depth of the crises, there are powerful reasons to believe that beginning in 2012, we are heading toward a steeper decline than what was experienced during the Great Recession of 2008 - 2009. With fewer resources, greater debt and increasing popular resistance to shouldering the burden of saving the capitalist system, the governments cannot bail out the system. Many of the major institutions and economic relations which were cause and consequence of world and regional capitalist expansion over the past three decades are in the process of disintegration and disarray. The previous economic engines of global expansion, the US and the European Union, have exhausted their potentialities and are in open decline. The new centers of growth, China, India, Brazil, Russia, which for a 'short decade' provided a new impetus for world growth have run their course and are de-accelerating rapidly and will continue to do so throughout the new year.

The Collapse of the European Union

Specifically, the crises wracked European Union will break up and the de facto multi-tiered structure will turn into a series of bilateral/multi-lateral trade and investment agreements. Germany , France , the Low and Nordic countries will attempt to weather the downturn. England - namely the City of London, in splendid isolation, will sink into negative growth, its financiers scrambling to find new speculative opportunities among the Gulf petrol-states and other 'niches'. Eastern and Central Europe, particularly Poland and the Czech Republic , will deepen their ties to Germany but will suffer the consequences of the general decline of world markets. Southern Europe ( Greece , Spain , Portugal and Italy ) will enter into a deep depression as the massive debt payments fueled by savage assaults on wages and social benefits will severely reduce consumer demand.

Depression level unemployment and under-employment running to one- third of the labor force will detonate year-long social conflicts, intensifying into popular uprisings. Eventually a break-up of the European Union is almost inevitable. The euro as a currency of choice will be replaced by or return to national issues accompanied by devaluations and protectionism. Nationalism will be the order of the day. Banks in Germany , France and Switzerland will suffer huge losses on their loans to the South. Major bailouts will become necessary, polarizing German and French societies, between the tax-paying majorities and the bankers. Trade union militancy and rightwing pseudo 'populism' (neo-fascism) will intensify the class and national struggles

A depressed, fragmented and polarized Europe will be less likely to join in any Zionist inspired US-Israeli military adventure against Iran (or even Syria ). Crises ridden Europe will oppose Washington 's confrontationalist approach to Russia and China .

The US : The Recession Returns with a Vengeance

The US economy will suffer the consequences of its ballooning fiscal deficit and will not be able to spend its way out of the world recession of 2012. Nor can it count on 'exporting' its way out of negative growth by turning to previously dynamic Asia, as China, India and the rest of Asia are losing economic steam. China will grow far below its 9% moving average. India will decline from 8% to 5% or lower. Moreover, the Obama regime's military policy of 'encirclement', its economic policy of exclusion and protectionism will preclude any new stimulus from China .

Militarism Exacerbates the Economic Downturn

The US and England will be the biggest losers from the Iraqi post war economic reconstruction. Of $186 billion dollars in infrastructure projects, US and UK corporations will gain less than 5% (Financial Times, 12/16/11, p 1 and 3). A similar outcome is likely in Libya and elsewhere. US imperial militarism destroys an adversary, plunging into debt to do so, and non- belligerents reap the lucrative post-war economic reconstruction contracts.

The US economy will fall into recession in 2012 and the "jobless recovery of 2011" will be replaced by a steep increase of unemployment in 2012. In fact, the entire labor force will shrink as people losing their unemployment benefits will fail to register.

Labor exploitation ("productivity") will intensify as capitalists force workers to produce more, for less pay, thus widening the income gap between wages and profits.

The economic downturn and growth of unemployment will be accompanied by savage cuts in social programs to subsidize financially troubled banks and industries. The debates among the parties will be over how large the cuts to workers and retirees will be to secure the 'confidence' of the bondholders. Faced with equally limited political choices, the electorate will react by voting out incumbents, abstaining and via spontaneous and organized mass movements, such as the "occupy Wall Street" protest. Dissatisfaction, hostility and frustration will pervade the culture. Democratic Party demagogues will scapegoat China ; the Republican Party demagogues will blame the immigrants. Both will fulminate against "the Islamo-fascists" and especially against Iran.

CLIP - To read the rest, please go at

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From: Dr. Sircus - IMVA ([email protected]) Date: November 29, 2011


Fukushima Will Not Go Away

Should the public discover the true health costs of nuclear pollution, a cry would rise from all parts of the world and people would refuse to cooperate passively with their own death. _ Dr. Rosalie Bertell

It is hard to address the continuing nuclear nightmare happening in Japan. It is far easier to relegate the disaster to the back chambers of our minds so we do not have to get disgusted with what we and our leaders have done to our civilization and planet. The news continues to be bad and is threatening to get worse.

The molten core of several reactors is sinking through the Earth’s crust and appears to be in early stages of a “total China Syndrome meltdown.” [3] Architect of Fukushima Daiichi’s Reactor No. 3, Uehara Haruo, the former president of Saga University, admitted Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s explanation of nuclear events does not make sense and that the China syndrome is inevitable. He stated that considering eight months have passed since March 11th without any improvement, it is inevitable that melted fuel went out of the container vessel and sank underground, which is called the China syndrome.

Links: 3. warns-massive-hydrovolcanic-explosion Haruo added, if fuel has reached an underground water vein, it will cause contamination of underground water, as well as soil contamination and sea contamination. Moreover, if the underground water vein continues to be heated for long time, a massive hydrovolcanic explosion can be caused. He also warned that radioactive debris is spreading in the Pacific Ocean. Paul Gunter of Beyond Nuclear agrees with Uehara Haruo also warning of the increasing threat of a nuclear explosion.

1600 millisievert per hour at Unit No. 3 [4] reported on Tokyo Broadcasting System, which is the highest reading to date for Reactor No. 3. Links: 4. svh-from-reactor- 3/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3 A+FukushimaDiary+%28Fukushima+Diary%29

[5] Tokyo Electric Power Co. announced early in November that there is the possibility that criticality, a sustained nuclear chain reaction, had occurred “temporarily” and “locally” in the No. 2 reactor. It detected radioactive xenon-133 and xenon-135, products of uranium or plutonium fission, in gases collected from the reactor. Because the half-life of xenon- 133 is 5.25 days and that of xeon-135 is 9.14 hours, criticality is very likely to have occurred just before the gases were analyzed. Links: 5.

Clearly the reactor has not yet been stabilized. The fact that Tepco cannot deny the possibility of criticality irrespective of its scale is a grave situation.

Japanese local newspapers have [6]attributed sickness in children to Fukushima’s nuclear meltdowns, the radioactive levels now elevated throughout eastern Japan. Children over 32 miles from ground zero are suffering fatigue, diarrhea, and nosebleeds, the three most common of eight radiation sickness signs, the three in the earliest stage. Links: 6. Radiation-Found-Near-Tokyo,-Vast-Area-of-Japan- Contaminated?via=siderec

“Japan is dangerously contaminated by radioactivity over a far larger area than previously reported by TEPCO and the central government according to new reports from multiple sources,” the Daily Kos reported. “The prefectural government of Iwate released new data that shows [7]radioactive contamination of grass exceeds safety standards at a distance of 90 to 125 miles from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plants.” Links: 7.

Children’s Vulnerabilities

Dr. Tatsuhiko Kodama, head of the University of Tokyo Radioisotope Center Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology in Meguro-ku, said, “Radiation has a high risk to embryos in pregnant women, juveniles, and highly proliferative cells of people of growing ages. Even for adults, highly proliferative cells, such as hairs, blood, and intestinal epithelium cells, are sensitive to radiation.” [8]Radiation and Public Health Project (RPHP) members Joseph Mangano and Janette Sherman have published a report with information showing rising infant deaths in areas hardest hit by Japanese fallout. Using CDC data, the researchers found a 35% rise in the Pacific Northwest and a 48% rise in Philadelphia. Links: 8.

RPHP analyzed official EPA data on Japan radiation that drifted to the U.S. and found it is 20 times above normal in the air and in precipitation. Levels in Idaho are about 100 times above normal. This suggests that Americans born later in 2011 will have higher rates of infant deaths, low- weight births, cancer, and other conditions, which is what occurred after the Chernobyl plume drifted over the U.S. in 1986.

“Low-birth-weight babies, born too soon and too small, face a lifetime of health problems, including cerebral palsy and behavioral and learning problems, placing an enormous physical, emotional and economic burdens on society as a whole and on those caring for them,” said Mangano and Sherman.

Six years ago a study published in the International Journal of Health Services found that childhood cancer is linked with normal nuclear reactor operations. Cancer cases in children living near the Oyster Creek nuclear reactor rose after increased levels of radiation entered their bodies. Study results were obtained by comparing trends in Ocean and Monmouth County cancer incidence rates of children under age 10 with radioactive Strontium-90 found in baby teeth of children. Lab measurements in over 300 New Jersey baby teeth were used in the study. “These findings document a link between reactor emissions entering the human body and increased cancer incidence. It also reaffirms the well-established principle that there can be a short period between radiation exposure to the fetus and infant and the appearance of cancer,” said study author Joseph Mangano.

In the normal operations of nuclear plants, the evidence exists for rising infant mortality and damage to the newborn. “Infant mortality is the most sensitive indicator of radioactive pollution,” according to Leuren Moret. Moret reported that when the nuclear plant at Rancho Seco was shut down, children’s mortality dropped 20 percent, and when the Diablo Canyon plant was turned on the local population was exposed to enough radiation to drive up the childhood cancer rates in the local area by 80 percent.

Doctors Alexey V. Yablokov, Vassily B. Nesterenko, and Alexey V. Nesterenko said, “When children have the same menu as adults, they get up to five times higher (radiation) dose burdens from locally produced foodstuffs because of their lower weight and more active processes of metabolism. Data from [9]Chernobyl, which exploded 25 years ago, clearly shows increased numbers of sick and weak newborns and increased numbers of deaths in the unborn and newborns, especially soon after the meltdown. These occurred in Europe as well as the former Soviet Union. Similar findings are also seen in wildlife living in areas with increased radioactive fallout levels.” Links: 9. hmaga

On Site Nuclear Nightmare

The Economist: Fukushima engineer reveals workers “often keeled over” while clearing radioactive rubble, heat blamed taken away in ambulance, “usually” they returned.

Hiroyuki Watanabe, an Iwaki official reports there are “many safety breaches.” “Workers wading through contaminated water complain that their boots have holes in them—Some are not instructed when to change the filters on their safety masks,” according to Watanabe. “The air of secrecy is compounded when you try to approach workers involved in the nightmarish task of stabilizing the nuclear plant. Many are not salaried Tepco staff but low-paid contract workers lodging in Iwaki, just south of the exclusion zone.”

“It is easy to spot them, in their nylon tracksuits—They seem to have been recruited from the poorest corners of society”: * One calls home from a pay phone because he can’t afford a mobile phone. * Another has a single front tooth. * Both are reluctant to talk to journalist (condition of employment is silence). * They share their concerns about safety. * One said he got 30 minutes of safety training. * He said almost everything he learned about radiation risks came from TV.

Dr. Mark Allan Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) Director International Medical Veritas Association Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine -


Related articles:

Reactor Core Melted Fully, Japan Says (December 1, 2011) 99204.html Japan's tsunami-stricken nuclear-power complex came closer to a catastrophic meltdown than previously indicated by its operator [which on November 30] described how one reactor's molten nuclear core likely burned through its primary containment chamber and then ate as far as three-quarters of the way through the concrete in a secondary vessel. The [new] assessment—offered by Japan's government and Tokyo Electric Power Co., ... marked Japan's most sobering reckoning to date of the nuclear disaster sparked by the country's March 11 earthquake and tsunami. But it came nearly six months after U.S. and international nuclear experts and regulators had reached similar conclusions. For the first time, Tokyo Electric ... said that nuclear-fuel rods in the complex's No. 1 reactor had likely melted completely, burning through their so-called pressure vessel and then boring through concrete at the bottom of a second containment vessel. That brought the fuel closer than previously believed to breaching the containment vessel and foundation and continuing to burn through the ground below — a scenario sometimes described as the "China Syndrome." The findings are the latest reminder of how much remains unknown about the extent of the mid-March Fukushima Daiichi accident. Note: For further information on the developing understanding of the severity of the meltdowns at Fukushima, see these reports at The Guardian and The New York Times.

Medical Journal Article: 14,000 U.S. Deaths Tied to Fukushima Reactor Disaster Fallout (Dec. 19, 2011) Impact Seen As Roughly Comparable to Radiation-Related Deaths After Chernobyl; Infants Are Hardest Hit, With Continuing Research Showing Even Higher Possible Death Count. WASHINGTON -- An estimated 14,000 excess deaths in the United States are linked to the radioactive fallout from the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear reactors in Japan, according to a major new article in the December 2011 edition of the International Journal of Health Services. This is the first peer-reviewed study published in a medical journal documenting the health hazards of Fukushima. CLIP

Japan releases ambitious 40-year roadmap to fully close crippled Fukushima nuclear plant (December 20, 2011) new-40-year-plan-to-fully-close-crippled-nuclear- plant/2011/12/21/gIQA9YqM8O_story.html Japan’s government [has said] that it could take 40 years to clean up and fully decommission [the Fukushima reactors]. Plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. will start removing spent fuel rods within two to three years from their pools. After that is completed, TEPCO will start removing the melted fuel, most of which is believed to have fallen to the bottom of the core or even down to the bottom of the larger, beaker-shaped containment vessel, a process that is expected to begin in 10 years and [be] completed 25 years from now. Completely decommissioning the plant would require five to 10 more years after the fuel debris removal, making the entire process up to 40 years. The process still requires the development of robots and technology that can do much of the work remotely because of extremely high radiation levels inside the reactor buildings. The operator and the government would also have to ensure a stable supply of workers and save them from exceeding exposure limits while keeping the long process going. They also have to figure out ways to access each containment vessel and assess the extent of damage, as well as locate holes and cracks through which cooling water is leaking and flooding the area. Another problem is huge volume of radioactive waste and debris that will come out of the plant during its dismantling process. Officials said they have not decided what to do with them and that part is not covered by the 40-year roadmap.

Japanese mothers rise up against nuclear power (December 22, 2011) mothers-rise-nuclear-power Japan's nuclear power industry, which once ignored opposition, now finds its existence threatened by women angered by official [secrecy] on radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. More than 100 anti- nuclear demonstrators, most of them women, met with officials of the Nuclear Safety Commission this week and handed over a statement calling for a transparent investigation into the accident and a permanent shutdown of all nuclear power plants. Groups of women, braving a cold winter, have been setting up tents since last week preparing for a new sit- in campaign in front of the ministry of economic affairs. The women have pledged to continue their demonstration for 10 months and 10 days, traditionally reckoned in Japan as a full term that covers a pregnancy. "Our protests are aimed at achieving a rebirth in Japanese society," said Chieko Shina, a participant, and a grandmother from Fukushima. "The ongoing demonstrations symbolise the determination of ordinary people who do not want nuclear power because it is dangerous. There is also the bigger message that we do not trust the government any more," said Takanobu Kobayashi, who manages the Matsudo network of citizens' movements. Distrust stems primarily from the fact that the meltdown of the Fukushima reactors was not reported to the public immediately, causing huge health risks to the local population from radiation leaks.

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McCain says American Citizens Can Be Sent to Guantanamo by Matthew Rothschild

U.S. citizens beware: A bill being debated on the Senate floor this week is likely to pass, and if it becomes law, you could be sent to Guantanamo Bay.

The bill is the National Defense Authorization Act, S. 1867. Section 1031 of the bill gives the President and the Armed Forces enormous power to detain people they believe were involved in the attacks of Sept. 11 or supported Al-Qaeda, the , or “associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners.”

Guantanamo Bay

That section empowers the President to detain such persons indefinitely without trial or to try them before a military court or to transfer them “to the custody or control of the person's country of origin, any other foreign country, or any other foreign entity.”

Sen. Mark Udall introduced an amendment to modify this section, and his amendment was voted down on Tuesday.

Sen. Rand Paul has introduced an amendment to delete this section entirely, and on Tuesday, he had the following exchange with Sen. John McCain, who is co-sponsoring the bill:

Sen. Paul: “My question would be under the provisions would it be possible that an American citizen then could be declared an enemy combatant and sent to Guantanamo Bay and detained indefinitely.”

Sen. McCain: “I think that as long as that individual, no matter who they are, if they pose a threat to the security of the United States of America, should not be allowed to continue that threat.”

There has been some confusion on the Internet as to whether the National Defense Authorization Act really applies to U.S. citizens. But Sen. McCain’s answer should clarify that once and for all.

The confusion stems from Section 1032, which deals with the military detention of the people the Armed Forces captures “in the course of hostilities.” Part of Section 1032 states: “The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.”

Christopher Anders, senior legislative counsel of the ACLU, explains the problem:

“The exclusion on Section 1032 only applies to 1032. It doesn’t apply to 1031,” he says. “And that only makes it worse, because any judge is going to say, ‘Of course, members of Congress meant for American citizens to be detained, because if they didn’t, they would have put in the exception they put in one section later.’ ”

Anders also noted that Sen. Lindsey Graham, a backer of the bill, has said multiple times on the Senate floor, including on Tuesday, that American citizens should be put into military detention without a lawyer. Here’s what Sen. Graham said in the Senate on Nov. 17:

“1031, the statement of authority to detain, does apply to American citizens and it designates the world as the battlefield, including the homeland.” Anders is troubled by an additional aspect of Section 1031—the part that mentions transferring someone “to the custody or control of the person's country of origin, any other foreign country, or any other foreign entity.”

The implication, says Anders, is that

“if you’re an American citizen and were born somewhere else, you can be sent to the country where you were born, which you fled, which is out to persecute you.”

I’d like to add that the way the clause is constructed—note the use of the conjunction “or”--it could mean that even a person born in the United States could be sent overseas. And what, may I ask, is a “foreign entity”? Would that include Erik Prince’s new mercenary company in Abu Dhabi?

Rep. Ron Paul calls this bill “one of the most anti-liberty pieces of legislation of our lifetime.” He says it’s “destructive of our Constitution.”

His son Sen. Rand Paul says, “There is one thing and one thing only protecting innocent Americans from being detained at will at the hands of a too-powerful state - our constitution, and the checks we put on government power. Should we err today and remove some of the most important checks on state power in the name of fighting terrorism, well, then the terrorists have won.”

In Congress, at least, they are winning. The House passed a similar bill in the spring. And the Senate is likely to pass this one.

Then it’ll be up to President Obama, who has threatened to veto it--and not solely for high-minded reasons, as my colleague Elizabeth DiNovella outlined yesterday. The ACLU is counting on Obama.

“The veto threat has to be taken seriously,” says Anders. “Our expectation is the president will follow through with this.”


Related articles:

Battlefield America: US Citizens Face Indefinite Military Detention in Senate Defense Bill - DEMOCRACY NOW! kAdDU The Senate is set to vote this week on a Pentagon spending bill that could usher in a radical expansion of indefinite detention under the U.S. government. A provision in the National Defense Authorization Act would authorize the military to jail anyone it considers a terrorism suspect -- anywhere in the world -- without charge or trial. The measure would effectively extend the definition of what is considered the military's "battlefield" to anywhere in the world, even within the United States. CLIP

Senate Considers Bill Authorizing More Torture (November 30, 2011) authorizing-more-torture.html The same Senate which today passed a bill allowing indefinite detention of American citizens on American soil for suspicion of being terrorists is now considering a bill to repeal the prohibitions against torture: The ACLU and over 30 other organizations sent a letter to the Senate asking them to oppose an effort in Congress that threatens to revive the use of torture and other inhumane interrogation techniques. If passed, an amendment introduced by Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) to the Defense Authorization bill would roll back torture prevention measures that Congress overwhelmingly approved in the 2005 McCain Anti-Torture Amendment, as well as a 2009 Executive Order on ensuring lawful interrogations. It would also require the administration to create a secret list of approved interrogation techniques in a classified annex to the existing interrogation field manual. In a related development, republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann renewed her attack on the prohibition of waterboarding and other forms of torture ….Glenn Greenwald pointed out last week: Andrew Sullivan … today noted that the U.S. under Obama imposes even less accountability for abuse of power and war crimes than does Bahrain: Bahrain's Sunni government promised "no immunity" for anyone suspected of abuses and said it would propose creating a permanent human rights watchdog commission. "All those who have broken the law or ignored lawful orders and instructions will be held accountable," said a government statement, which says the report acknowledges that the "systematic practice of mistreatment" ended shortly after martial law was repealed on June 1.As Andrew put it: "So a Middle East dictatorship has more democratic accountability for abuse of power, including torture, than the US under Obama." Beyond things like this and the facts set forth in the last paragraph here, perhaps Andrew could use today's post of his to help clear up the towering mystery he raised yesterday of liberal disenchantment with Obama. That American war criminals are being aggressively shielded from any and all accountability is not an ancillary matter but one of enduring historical significance. That's okay, though, because - according to top military, intelligence and civilian experts on interrogation - torture:(1) Doesn't produce actionable intelligence(2) Reduces national security(3) Creates more terrorists(4) And is only useful for:(A) Producing false confessions; and(B) As a way of terrorizing the population.

AMONG the comments posted there... "When I first read about the secret meeting and the policy attached to the Defense Authorization Bill violating the Constitutional rights to due process in the Senate Bill now passed, I literally felt SICK to my stomach and was moved to tears. Do people not see the horror show going on in Washington? Do they just not care? Don't they realize what has just happened? Senators who took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution have committed what, by any definition, constitutes TREASON.I am so disgusted. I despair for my country. I will vote for Ron Paul in the primary, but basically, I'm not even sure I will vote at all in the general election. What is the point? We have a government of criminals and traitors, and there is not a damn thing we can do about it."

The spy who loved Ron Paul (January 3rd, 2012) (...) In a lengthy column on his website entitled, "Iowa's Choice: Dr. Paul or U.S. bankruptcy, more wars and many more dead soldiers and Marines," Scheuer touted the Texas Congressman for taking principled stands against foreign intervention."Dr. Paul's non-interventionist policy will allow foreigners to work out their political destiny in their own way and at their own pace; prevent unnecessary additions to America's growing list of enemies; and save countless young lives," Scheuer said.He criticized the other Republican candidates and President Barack Obama for supporting policies that will only "motivate more Muslims" to fight against U.S. interests. CLIP

Ron Paul May Have Secretly Won The Iowa Caucuses strategy-201201 DES MOINES — Ron Paul may have officially come in third tonight, but if the campaign's caucus strategy went off as planned, then Paul may actually be the real winner of the first Republican voting contest. That's because Paul's massive organizational push in Iowa focused on both winning votes, and also on making sure that Paul supporters stuck around after the vote to make sure they were selected as county delegates — the first step towards being elected as a delegate to the Republican National Convention. That's because Iowa's Republican caucuses are non-binding — they are technically just a straw poll, so once selected, delegates are free to vote for whichever presidential candidate they choose. "Part of what we've been training the Ron Paul people to do is not to leave after the vote," Dan Godzich, a senior campaign advisor, told BI. "Stay and get elected to the conventions and get us those delegates."

Ron Paul wins poll, Chris Matthews leaves him out (Feb 16, 2012)

Ron Paul wins poll, Chris Matthews leaves him out (Feb 16, 2012)

Maddow: Proof Ron Paul Was Robbed In Maine (Feb 15, 2012)

CNN Shocked by New Poll About Ron Paul In a recent CNN poll, it was found that Dr. Paul is believed to have the best policies that would help the middle class, better than the other three GOP candidates and President Obama.

Ron Paul on Jay Leno with Joe Rogan Endorsement 12-16-2011

Urge the Senate to Oppose a Return to Torture id=3881 The U.S. Senate is considering the unthinkable: a return to torture and other cruelty. Amendment 1068 to the 'must-pass' Defense Authorization bill, offered by Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), would undermine American values, American security and American military missions abroad by rolling back existing measures that are essential to torture prevention. Urge your Senators to oppose Ayotte Amendment 1068 to the Defense Authorization bill.


Action to take!!

Obama has days to decide whether to veto the National Defense Authorization Act. It's an unimaginable violation of due process: The Senate just voted to allow the military to detain American citizens indefinitely -- without even charging them with a crime -- if they are said to be suspected of terrorism.

Will join more than 80,000 others by urging President Obama to veto this legislation? He only has a few days to make up his mind.

As Senator Dianne Feinstein put it, "Congress is essentially authorizing the indefinite imprisonment of American citizens, without charge," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein."

Thankfully, President Obama has threatened to veto the bill, noting that:

Applying this military custody requirement to individuals inside the United States, as some Members of Congress have suggested is their intention, would raise serious and unsettled legal questions and would be inconsistent with the fundamental American principle that our military does not patrol our streets. Obama only has a few days to make up his mind: Will you urge him to make good on his veto threat? Just click here -- we're already 80,000 strong.

We live in interesting times.

-Demand Progress PS: Obama only has a few days to make up his mind. Will you urge your friends to pressure him too?

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From: year-old-why-the-indefinite-detention-bill-does-apply-to-u-s-citizens-on-u- s-soil.html

Explaining to a 5-Year Old Why the Indefinite Detention Bill DOES Apply to U.S. Citizens on U.S. Soil

Posted on December 14, 2011 by WashingtonsBlog

You Don’t HAVE to Lock up Joey For The Rest Of His Life Because He Called You A Mean Name, But You CAN Lock Him Away And Throw Away The Key And Then Falsely Accuse Him Of Being a Suspected Bad Guy If It Would Make You Happy

In response to my essay documenting that the indefinite detention bill does apply to American citizens on U.S. soil, a commentator posted: Can somebody explain to me like I am 5, why [one of the bill's provisions - which discusses U.S. citizens] does not protect citizens? Yes, let me explain it in words that even a 5-year-old can understand …

The bill says that the military must indefinitely detain anyone SUSPECTED of helping bad guys.

One provision says that the mandatory (“must”) indefinite detention doesn’t apply to U.S. citizens … but the government CAN indefinitely detain any U.S. citizen it feels like without trial, without presenting evidence, without letting the citizen consult with a lawyer, and without even charging the citizen.

This would destroy our Constitutional rights to trial, to face our accuser and to consult with an attorney.

Indeed, it would destroy rights created in England in 1215.

In other words, it’s like saying “you don’t HAVE to lock up Joey for the rest of his life because he called you a mean name, but you CAN lock him away and throw away the key and then falsely accuse him of being a suspected terrorist if it would make you happy”.

That is why Congressman Justin Amash wrote:

Senators McCain and Levin have teamed up to promote one of the most anti-liberty pieces of legislation of our lifetime, S 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act. This bill would permit the federal government to indefinitely detain American citizens on American soil, without charge or trial, at the discretion of the President. It is destructive of our Constitution.

… A few commenters have suggested that the dangerous provisions in S 1867 (discussed in my previous post) do not apply to American citizens because of this language in Sec. 1032: “The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.” This language appears carefully crafted to mislead the public. Note that it does not preclude U.S. citizens from being detained indefinitely, without charge or trial, it simply makes such detention discretionary.

Amash subsequently wrote:

Pres. Obama and many Members of Congress believe the President ALREADY has the authority the bill grants him. Legally, of course, he does not. This language was inserted to keep proponents and opponents of the bill appeased, while permitting the President to assert that the improper power he has claimed all along is now in statute.


They will say that American citizens are specifically exempted under the following language in Sec. 1032: “The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.” Don’t be fooled. All this says is that the President is not REQUIRED to indefinitely detain American citizens without charge or trial. It still PERMITS him to do so.

The ACLU notes:

Don’t be confused by anyone claiming that the indefinite detention legislation does not apply to American citizens. It does. There is an exemption for American citizens from the mandatory detention requirement (section 1032 of the bill), but no exemption for American citizens from the authorization to use the military to indefinitely detain people without charge or trial (section 1031 of the bill). So, the result is that, under the bill, the military has the power to indefinitely imprison American citizens, but it does not have to use its power unless ordered to do so.

NOTE: make sure to check the many comments posted there including the long one beginning with "How does Congress get away with passing legislation that defies the Constitution? The 14th Amendment created the United States Citizen, a previously non- existent form of citizenship. Prior to this amendment, the only American citizens were those of the sovereign states of the republic."

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From: iran/

Slip-Sliding to War with Iran

December 29, 2011

Exclusive: Having apparently learned nothing from the Iraq disaster, many of the same political/media players are reprising their tough-guy roles in a new drama regarding Iran. These retread performances may make another war, with Iran, hard to avoid, writes Robert Parry

By Robert Parry

With the typical backdrop of alarmist propaganda in place, the stage is now set for a new war, this time with Iran. The slightest miscalculation (or provocation) by the United States, Israel or Iran could touch off a violent scenario that will have devastating consequences.

Indeed, even if they want to, the various sides might have trouble backing down enough to defuse today's explosive situation. After all, the Iranians continue to insist they have no intention of building a nuclear bomb, as much as Israeli and American officials insist that they are.

So, this prospective war with Iran - like the one in Iraq - is likely to come down to intelligence assessments on Iran's intentions and capabilities. And, as with Iraq's alleged WMD, the many loud voices claiming that Iran is on pace to build a nuclear bomb are drowning out the relatively few skeptics who think the evidence is thin to invisible.

For instance, the recent report from the International Atomic Energy Agency about Iran's supposed progress toward a nuclear bomb was widely accepted as gospel truth without any discussion of whether the IAEA is an unbiased and reliable source.

In framing the story in support of the IAEA, the major U.S. newspapers and TV networks ignored documentary evidence that the IAEA's new director-general was installed with the support of the United States and that he privately indicated to U.S. and Israeli officials that he would help advance their goals regarding Iran.

These facts could be found easily enough in WikiLeaks cables that the U.S. news media has had access to since 2010. Yet, the Big Media has ignored this side of the story, even as the IAEA report has been touted again and again as virtually a smoking gun against Iran.

This pattern of ignoring - or downplaying - evidence that runs counter to the prevailing narrative was a notable feature during the run-up to war with Iraq. It is now being repeated not just by the right-wing news media, but by the New York Times, the Washington Post, MSNBC and other centrist-to-left-leaning outlets. [Update: The IAEA report was cited again on Friday in another bellicose editorial in the Times.]

The IAEA Cables

Thus, very few Americans know that U.S. embassy cables from Vienna, Austria, the site of IAEA's headquarters, revealed that the U.S. government in 2009 was celebrating its success in installing Japanese diplomat Yakiya Amano to replace Egyptian Mohamed ElBaradei, who famously had debunked some of President George W. Bush's claims about Iraq's supposed nuclear ambitions.

CLIP - To read the missing part, please go at

In other words, the emerging picture of Amano is of a bureaucrat eager to please the United States and Israel regarding Iran's nuclear program. Wouldn't that evidence be relevant for Americans deciding whether to trust the IAEA report? But the Big Media apparently felt that the American people shouldn't know these facts whose disclosure has been limited to a few Internet sites. [See's "America's Debt to Bradley Manning."] Similarly, the U.S. press corps is now reporting the dubious allegations about an Iranian assassination plot directed against the Saudi ambassador as flat fact, not as some hard-to-believe accusation comparable to Vice President Dick Cheney's claims in 2002 that Iraqi officials had a hand in the 9/11 attacks. [See's "Petraeus's CIA Fuels Iran Murder Plot."]

Dangerous Cascade

There is now a cascading of allegations regarding Iran, as there was with Iraq, with the momentum rushing toward war.

Just as with Iraq's Saddam Hussein, the U.S. news media treats Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a designated villain whose every word is cast as dangerous or crazy. Even left-of-center media personalities, like MSNBC's Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow, talk tough against Ahmadinejad, just as many "liberals" did regarding Hussein.

Also, as happened with Iraq - when harsher economic sanctions merged with a U.S. troop build-up, making an escalation toward war almost inevitable - tougher and tougher Western sanctions against Iran have pushed the various sides closer to war.

In November, Iranian anger at escalating sanctions and other hostile acts led to an assault on the British Embassy, which then prompted new European demands for a full-scale embargo of Iranian oil. As tensions have grown, the U.S. Senate tossed in its own hand-grenade, voting 100-0 in favor of hitting Iran with ever more stringent sanctions.

In turn, Iran has threatened to retaliate against the West's economic warfare by blocking the Strait of Hormuz, through which one-fifth of the world's oil flows, thus driving up oil prices and derailing the West's already shaky economies. That threat has led to even more bellicose language from many U.S. political figures, especially the Republican presidential hopefuls who have denounced President Barack Obama for not being tougher on Iran.

With the exception of Rep. Ron Paul, virtually all the leading Republican contenders including Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich - have signaled a readiness to join Israel in a war against Iran. Romney has farmed out his foreign policy agenda to prominent neoconservatives, and Gingrich has gone so far as to suggest a full-scale U.S.-Israeli invasion of Iran to force "regime change."

As the U.S. news media and politicians mostly reprise their performances on the Iraq invasion in regard to Iran, the principal obstacles to a new war appear to be President Obama and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. Both are said to privately oppose a war with Iran, which was not true of how President George W. Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld felt about Iraq.

Though Obama and Panetta have talked tough about "all options on the table," the Obama administration slipped loopholes into the Senate's anti- Iran legislation, to allow the President to waive Iranian sanctions if he deemed them a threat to national security or to the economy.

One intelligence source told me that Obama is playing a delicate game in which he must placate hawkish anti-Iranian sentiments in Israel and on Capitol Hill while he continues to seek a broader Middle East security arrangement that would include Iran in the mix. On Wednesday, administration officials sought to tamp down alarmist anti-Iran reports in the U.S. press.

Still, whether Obama can head off a violent conflict with Iran remains to be seen. As the presidential election grows nearer - and the likely GOP's nominee hammers at Obama as soft on Iran - a preemptive Israeli attack or a miscalculation by Iran could make war unavoidable.

For its part, the major U.S. news media has done its best, again, to line up the American people behind another war.


Related videos and articles:

Iran threatens oil artery shut-off if sanctioned (Dec 29, 2011) Oil prices have surged after Iran threatened to block shipments through one of the world's busiest waterways, if new Western sanctions cripple its own exports. And the country's navy commander says the cutoff will be easy to inflict. RT gets some analysis from political analyst Chris Bambery in London.

Iran spots US Navy near drill, 'ready for confrontation' (Dec 29, 2011) The threats are being ramped up over a vital oil shipping route which Iran's threatening to block. Tehran is holding large-scale wargames in neutral waters near the Hormuz Strait. The U.S. has its own contingent in the region, mainly to ensure passage remains free.

Iran announces long-range missile test amid Strait of Hormuz row with U.S. (30.12.11) ss range-missile-test-amid-strait-of-hormuz-row-with-u-s-1.404591 Ten-day Iranian military drill overshadowed by Iran-U.S. verbal row over an Iranian threat to close the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf, through which 40% of the world's ship-borne crude oil is passed.

Israel, U.S. discuss triggers for military strike on Iran (28.12.11) triggers-for-military-strike-on-iran-1.404106 Israel and the U.S. are discussing "red lines" in Iran's nuclear program, that if crossed would justify a preemptive strike on its nuclear facilities, the Daily Beast website reported on Wednesday. (...) The Daily Beast also reported that as part of the strategic dialogue between Israel and the U.S. that took place earlier this month, Israel presented new information about Iran's efforts to build secret reactors for nuclear fuel production, and showed that these efforts were further along than the U.S. thought. Some of the intelligence was based on soil samples collected near the suspected sites.I srael and the U.S. disagree about how far along Iran's uranium enrichment program has developed, making it difficult for the two sides to formulate "red lines" concerning the Islamic Republic's nuclear program.

Urging Obama to Stop Rush to Iran War (December 30, 2011) iran-war/ Exclusive: A torrent of war propaganda against Iran is flooding the American political scene as U.S. neocons and Israeli hardliners see an opening for another war in the Middle East, a momentum that ex-CIA analysts Ray McGovern and Elizabeth Murray urge President Obama to stop. -- President Obama needs to put an abrupt halt to the game of Persian Roulette about to spin out of control in the Persian Gulf. If we were still on active duty at the CIA, this is what we would tell him:This informal memorandum addresses the escalating game of chicken playing out in the waters off Iran and the more general issue of what can be done to put the exaggerated threat from Iran in some kind of perspective. CLIP

Faking It: How the Lame Stream Media Manipulates the World into War (2 janv. 2012) As the drums of war begin to beat once again in Iran, Syria, the South China Sea, and other potential hotspots and flashpoints around the globe, concerned citizens are asking how a world so sick of bloodshed and a population so tired of conflict could be led to this spot once again.

To understand this seeming paradox, we must first understand the centuries-long history of how media has been used to whip the nation into wartime frenzy, dehumanize the supposed enemies, and even to manipulate the public into believing in causes for war that, decades later, were admitted to be completely fictitious.

The term "yellow journalism" was coined to describe the type of sensationalistic, scandal-driven, and often erroneous style of reporting popularized by newspapers like William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal. In one of the most egregious examples of this phenomenon, Hearst's papers widely trumpeted the sinking of the Maine as the work of the Spanish. Whipped into an anti-Spanish frenzy by a daily torrent of stories depicting Spanish forces' alleged torture and rape of Cubans, and pushed over the edge by the Maine incident, the public welcomed the beginning of the US-Spanish war. Although it is now widely believed that the explosion on the Maine was due to a fire in one of its coal bunkers, the initial lurid reports of Spanish involvement stuck and the nation was led into war.

In many ways, the phrase infamously attributed to Hearst in reply to his illustrator "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war," apocryphal as the story may be, nevertheless perfectly encodes the method by which the public would be led to war time and again through the decades.

The US was drawn into World War I by the sinking of the Lusitania, a British ocean liner carrying American passengers that was torpedoed by German U-boats off the coast of Ireland, killing over 1,000 of its passengers. What the public was not informed about at the time, of course, was that just one week before the incident, then-First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill had written to the President of the Board of Trade that it was "most important to attract neutral shipping to our shores, in the hopes especially of embroiling the United States with Germany." Nor did reports of the attack announce that the ship was carrying rifle ammunition and other military supplies. Instead, reports once again emphasized that the attack was an out-of-the-blue strike by a maniacal enemy, and the public was led into the war.

The US involvement in World War II was likewise the result of deliberate disinformation. Although the Honolulu Advertiser had even predicted the attack on Pearl Harbor days in advance, the Japanese Naval codes had already been deciphered by that time, and that even Henry Stimson, the US Secretary of War, had noted in his diary the week before that he had discussed in a meeting with Roosevelt "how we should maneuver them [the Japanese] into the position of firing the first shot without allowing too much danger to ourselves," the public were still led to believe that the Pearl Harbor attack had been completely unforeseen. Just last month, a newly-declassified memo emerged showing that FDR had been warned of an impending Japanese attack on Hawaii just three days before the events at Pearl Harbor, yet the history books still portray Pearl Harbor as an example of a surprise attack.

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Target Iran: Washington's Countdown to War by Tom Burghardt November 25, 2011 (...)

Countdown to War

We can conclude that Israel, NATO and the United States are doing far more than placing "all options on the table" with respect to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Along with ratcheting-up bellicose rhetoric, moves to collapse the economy, an assassination and sabotage campaign targeting Iranian scientists and military installations, cyberwarriors are infecting computer networks with viruses and "beacons" that will be used to attack air defense systems and civilian infrastructure.

After all, as Dave Aitel, the founder of the computer security firm Immunity told BusinessWeek, "nothing says you've lost like a starving city."

As Global Research analyst Michel Chossudovsky warned last year, now confirmed by CIA and Pentagon leaks to corporate media: "It is highly unlikely that the bombings, if they were to be implemented, would be circumscribed to Iran's nuclear facilities as claimed by US-NATO official statements. What is more probable is an all out air attack on both military and civilian infrastructure, transport systems, factories, public buildings."

With the global economy in deep crisis as a result of capitalism's economic meltdown, and as the first, but certainly not the last political actions by the working class threaten the financial elite's stranglehold on power, the ruling class may very well gamble that a war with Iran is a risk worth taking.

As Chossudovsky warned in a subsequent Global Research report, "there are indications that Washington might envisage the option of an initial (US backed) attack by Israel rather than an outright US-led military operation directed against Iran."

"The Israeli attack--although led in close liaison with the Pentagon and NATO--would be presented to public opinion as a unilateral decision by Tel Aviv. It would then be used by Washington to justify, in the eyes of world opinion," Chossudovsky wrote, "a military intervention of the US and NATO with a view to 'defending Israel', rather than attacking Iran. Under existing military cooperation agreements, both the US and NATO would be 'obligated' to 'defend Israel' against Iran and Syria."

This prescient analysis has been borne out by events. As regional tensions escalate, the USS George H.W. Bush, "the Navy's newest aircraft carrier, has reportedly parked off the Syrian coast," The Daily Caller reported.

Earlier this week, the financial news service Zero Hedge disclosed that "the Arab League (with European and US support) are preparing to institute a no fly zone over Syria."

"But probably the most damning evidence that the 'western world' is about to do the unthinkable and invade Syria," analyst Tyler Durden wrote, "and in the process force Iran to retaliate, is the weekly naval update from Stratfor."

According to Zero Hedge, "CVN 77 George H.W. Bush has left its traditional theater of operations just off the Straits of Hormuz, a critical choke point, where it traditionally accompanies the Stennis, and has parked... right next to Syria."

In an earlier report, citing Kuwait's Al Rai daily, Zero Hedge warned that "Arab jet fighters, and possibly Turkish warplanes, backed by American logistic support will implement a no fly zone in Syria's skies, after the Arab League will issue a decision, under its Charter, calling for the protection of Syrian civilians."

The BBC reports that the Arab League "has warned Syria it has one day to sign a deal allowing the deployment of observers or it will face economic sanctions."

"Meanwhile," BBC averred, "France has suggested that some sort of humanitarian protection zones," à la Libya, "be created inside Syria."

American moves towards Syria are fraught with dangerous implications for international peace and stability. As analyst Pepe Escobar disclosed in Asia Times Online the Arab League, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Saudi Arabia and repressive Gulf emirates, dances to Washington's tune. "Syria is Iran's undisputed key ally in the Arab world--while Russia, alongside China, are the key geopolitical allies. China, for the moment, is making it clear that any solution for Syria must be negotiated," Escobar wrote.

"Russia's one and only naval base in the Mediterranean is at the Syrian port of Tartus. Not by accident," Escobar notes, "Russia has installed its S- 300 air defense system--one of the best all-altitude surface-to-air missile systems in the world, comparable to the American Patriot--in Tartus. The update to the even more sophisticated S-400 system is imminent."

"From Moscow's--as well as Tehran's--perspective, regime change in Damascus is a no-no. It will mean virtual expulsion of the Russian and Iranian navies from the Mediterranean."

"In other words," Zero Hedge warned, "if indeed Europe and the Western world is dead set upon an aerial campaign above Syria, then all eyes turn to the East, and specifically Russia and China, which have made it very clear they will not tolerate any intervention. And naturally the biggest unknown of all is Iran, which has said than any invasion of Syria will be dealt with swiftly and severely."

Despite, or possibly because no credible evidence exists that Iran is building a nuclear bomb as a hedge against "regime change," belligerent rhetoric and regional military moves targeting Syria and Iran simultaneously are danger signs that imperialism's manufactured "nuclear crisis" is a cynical pretext for war.


Related articles:


World War III Scenario. America's Hypersonic Missile: Who is the Target? (November 28, 2011) The first thing that is on everybody's minds is President Medvedev's statement regarding NATO. Why at this late date exactly, at this juncture? In a rather alarming manner we've seen an expanding recruitment for the U.S. missile system in Europe, through the mechanism of NATO, in the last couple of months where, in addition to the countries where we know there are going to be US interceptor missiles stationed, the deployment of a Forward-Based X-Band Radar facility in Turkey has been confirmed. We've also seen the recruitment of nations like Spain, the Netherlands and others into what the White House and the Pentagon refer to as the European Phased Adaptive Approach missile system, one that is going to proceed in four phases, the third and fourth phases with the introduction of very advanced-stage Standard Missile-3 land-based interceptors, with the understanding that these can be employed not strictly for defensive purposes but to target all Russian strategic deterrent forces and capabilities in Europe. Recently, the U.S. and NATO conducted tests for their new hypersonic missile. Could you tell the listeners a little bit about that? Earlier this month, the US DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) did just that. It's actually an interdepartmental weapon system, its part of what's called Conventional Prompt Global Strike, or sometimes simply Prompt Global Strike. Last year, for example, the Obama administration asked for somewhere in the neighbourhood of a quarter of a billion dollars for this year to develop the capacity. It's meant to deliver conventional weapon attacks to any site on the planet within no more than 60 minutes. And what happened earlier this month was that the U.S. Army tested the Advanced Hypersonic Weapon (AHW), which traveled an estimated 7,400 km/h, which is over six times the speed of sound. In August, an unsuccessful test of an AHW-related component was to have traveled at 27,000 km/h, which is over MACH 20 - that is 20 times the speed of sound. To be hypersonic one has to exceed MACH 5, or five times the speed of sound.

The day before President Medvedev's statement about moving mobile ISKANDER missiles into the Kaliningrad District, but also potentially into Belarus and into the southern Krasnodar region, which would be closer to US missiles in Romania and to the NATO radar facility in Turkey, Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov mentioned that Russia's new air- defense systems are capable of intercepting any kind of missiles, including U.S. interceptor missiles but also, he explicitly mentioned, hypersonic weapons. He said that explicitly? Hypersonic? Yes, he said it specifically in reference to the test that had been conducted a week earlier by the U.S. You mentioned earlier this was a part of the Prompt Global Strike system? Is this a first-strike system? I'll read you a comment that was made a couple of years ago by a person who is now retired, then-Vice Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Cartwright, who stated that the proclaimed intent of the Prompt Global Strike program was to deliver strikes by conventional missiles or heavy bombers - long-range bombers - anywhere on the face of the Earth within an hour. Marine General James Cartwright stated: "At the high end, strikes could be delivered in 300 milliseconds," which is a fraction of a second. There was also a comment by another person who is now retired, Deputy Secretary of the Department of Defense William Lynn, who stated roughly the same thing a year and a half ago. He said: "The next air warfare priority for the Pentagon is developing a next-generation, deep-penetrating strike capability that can overcome air defenses," meaning again that a first-strike capability or part of a general first-strike capability that would permit the US to strike fast, deep and undetected presumably into the interior of countries that have advanced air defense systems. I can only think of three countries that would match that description - Iran, to a lesser extent, and Russia and China, to a greater. CLIP

Rampant Militarization of the World: West Risks New Arms Race In Europe (November 30, 2011) (...) And we have, as you know, President Medvedev's statement on Wednesday, the fact that Russia may be compelled to suspend its activities in or withdraw from the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START). This is a very momentous week in terms of security in Russia with the fear of not only a new arms race, a new missile race, but something perhaps even more ominous than that. What we are looking at is brinkmanship, lawlessness - I don't know what other words to use to describe it - very bold and threatening actions by the U.S. and its NATO partners to move missiles up to Russia's borders, in the case of Poland, which adjoins Kaliningrad, and perhaps Aegis-class warships equipped with Standard Missile-3 interceptors in the Baltic Sea off the coast of Russia and, of course, the 24 Standard Missile-3 land-based interceptors that are going to be placed in Romania, directly across the Black Sea from Russia. I believe that President Medvedev mentioned precisely that - "on our borders and in waters bordering Russia" and so forth. What we are seeing is an almost calculated provocation, as I would characterize it. That's the best interpretation. The worst is that the U.S. and NATO are building up the military capability for neutralizing Russia's strategic deterrent capability in the west and the south of the country. And I suspect that, having this year a military budget of some $730 billion, which in constant dollars is at a World War II level, the highest since 1945, I'm reminded of the old expression that the abuse of power inevitably results from the power to abuse.

As long as the U.S. has built itself into, in Obama's terms, "the world's sole military superpower," it feels it can operate with impunity. Would you say it's time for the world to be very concerned here? It's way past time to be very concerned. I don't know if it occurred at this year's General Assembly session at the UN but I know that in preceding years Russia and China jointly went to the General Assembly and introduced resolutions addressing yet another threat, which is the militarization of space by the U.S. This is the ultimate facet of the so-called global missile shield. So there will be a space component to this in addition to land-, air- and sea-based interceptor missiles and radar. The world has sounded the alarm, at least major nations have. But I would like to see both the Security Council and the General Assembly convene on an emergency basis, to be honest about it, to demand that this rampant militarization of the world stop. Two years ago, the Financial Times talked about a $123 billion arms package for Saudi Arabia and three of its Persian Gulf allies with the U.S. The Saudi portion of that is estimated at $60-67 billion, which is the single largest bilateral military deal in human history. We've seen comparable buildups with countries like Canada, Australia and Japan. You don't build up this kind of military capability unless, at the very least, you are going to use it to blackmail somebody. CLIP

Flashback Nov. 11: Euro collapse plus Iran strike equals Armageddon (November 30, 2011) 11-euro-collapse-plus-iran-strike-equals-armageddon/ TEHRAN - It's starting to look like all those crazy 2012 prophecies might not be so wide of the mark after all. Even as the world is transfixed by the slow-motion implosion of the Eurozone, reports are emerging that Israel might strike Iran's nuclear facilities early in the New Year. The unpredictable interaction of two such epochal events could cause a global catastrophe like something out of a bad science fiction novel. The most recent data shows that the Eurozone, and much of the world, may be slipping rapidly into recession. Property and commodity bubbles are bursting even in China. Not only that, but there is no more fiscal stimulus to be had. The global economy's life raft is gone. The combination of the onset of a second global Great Depression, a devastating banking crisis in Europe, fragmentation of the Eurozone and rolling sovereign debt crises across the US and Europe is bad enough. This scenario is, in itself, a total catastrophe. Yet some serious economists say such outcomes are very possible within the next 12 months. However, few have thrown into the mix the ramifications of an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities - also likely within the next 12 months. The Eurozone crisis and Iran's nuclear weapons program are widely seen as discrete and unrelated events. However, they could interact in potentially horrific ways. Jeffery Goldberg of The Atlantic magazine says there is a "better than 50 percent chance that Israel will launch a strike by next July." Israel simply cannot tolerate a nuclear armed Iran. Sanctions have failed miserably and the recent International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report suggests that Iran could begin building a nuclear weapon within months. The Daily Mail has recently cited UK Foreign Office sources as saying that the British government expects Israel to attack Iran "sooner rather than later … We're expecting something as early as Christmas, or very early in the New Year." Israeli President Shimon Peres has said: "The possibility of a military attack against Iran is now closer to being applied than the application of a diplomatic option."

Target Iran: Tehran has threatened to respond with "an iron fist," and has warned about "aggressors and invaders being smashed from within." A massive onslaught on Israel could be expected via Syria and Hamas. Simultaneously, terrorist attacks could happen in cities across the Western world. The political consequences of an attack across the Muslim world are incalculable, but one immediate effect of an Israeli attack would be on oil supply. The first thing Iran will do if attacked is blockade the critical oil- shipping lanes through the Strait of Hormuz. This would instantly send the price of oil skyrocketing to between $175 and $500 a barrel, depending on whose estimates you believe. America's National Defense magazine says that "Under a worst-case scenario 30 day closure of the Strait of Hormuz … the U.S. would lose nearly $75 billion in GDP." The effects on Europe would be similarly disastrous. Iran's Navy is no match for the US Fifth fleet, but all Iran need do is slip a few mines into the water and the straits could be closed for months. Additionally, Iran might attack Saudi Arabia's oil facilities in Dhahran, and the price of oil would instantly reach the stratosphere. Even in a best-case scenario, more stringent sanctions against Iran are now almost inevitable and these will seriously exacerbate the turmoil in financial markets, already reeling from the euro crisis. In our interconnected world, events in Brussels and Tehran can interact like never before.

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From: from-foreign-domination.html

Iraq: not free from foreign domination

U.S. retaining thousands of troops, wants colonial relationship

By Richard Becker -- DECEMBER 18, 2011

"Our war there will be over. All of our troops will be out of Iraq," President Barack Obama said in his Dec. 17 weekly radio address.

But while combat troops are leaving, for now at least, the U.S. government is creating a staff of 16,000 for its newly constructed embassy in the heart of Baghdad. Although Iraq has only 28 million people, the new U.S. embassy is the largest in the world. It is a massive compound that is one and a half square miles--an enormous complex of 22 buildings and the size of 94 football fields. Half of the 16,000-person staff will consist of a private military army made up of mercenaries under the control of the State Department. The State Department budget for the embassy is estimated at $25-30 billion over the next five years.

In addition, the Pentagon retains a vast network of bases, sea and air power surrounding Iraq. Washington's intention clearly is to dominate Iraq for many years to come in a colonial-type relationship. Iraq possesses the second largest oil reserves in the world.

Obama's speech was the latest in a series of appearances seeking to bolster the president's re-election prospects by associating himself with "the end of the war in Iraq." The dishonesty of this presentation would be considered breathtaking except for the fact that his deception fits exactly into the pattern of lies and deceit practiced by all other Democrats and Republicans who have served as the CEO of the U.S. imperialist state.

While trying to ingratiate himself with the service members, veterans and their families, Obama vastly underestimated the real damage done to them, stating that "tens of thousands have been wounded." The official Pentagon figure of U.S. wounded is around 32,000. But a Brown University 2011 study reported that, of the 1.25 million service members who had been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan at that time, nearly half had filed disability claims-in others words, 600,000, a big majority Iraq veterans. Nor did the president mention that many thousands of returning vets are now homeless, living in the streets-a number that grows daily.

No mention either that the war in Iraq has already cost more than a trillion dollars and will likely end up costing more than $3 trillion in the end due to long-term interest, disability and health cost. But the most glaring omission was the catastrophic impact of the war on Iraq and its people. "For nearly nine years, our nation has been at war in Iraq," said Obama. In reality, the war in Iraq has been going on for more than two decades: The 1991 "Desert Storm" destruction of the country's infrastructure and a lethal 13-year sanctions blockade preceded the 2003 invasion and occupation.

More than two million Iraqis have died as a result of war and sanctions, an estimated 4.5 million have been displaced and an unknown number, but one which must be counted in the millions, wounded. There are over one million widows in Iraq. All this in a country of just 28 million people.

The U.S. occupiers disbanded the entire government and shut down all vital service systems, such as health care and food distribution. The occupation deliberately pitted religious and ethnic groups against each other, using the classic methods of colonial divide-and-rule. This policy greatly exacerbated sectarian violence that took a toll in the hundreds of thousands and continues to plague Iraq today. A once relatively stable society was ripped to shreds.

There is not a single reference in the president's proclamation about the horrific crimes committed against Iraq. Just colonialist-style statements like, "Iraq's future will be in the hands of its own people." As if the U.S. occupation had, instead of inflicting untold destruction, been a training session for the Iraqi people in self-government.

Iraq had been an independent country for 45 years after kicking out the British colonizers in 1958, and was one of the most economically and socially advanced countries in the Arab world prior to the 1991 war. Despite all that they have suffered, the Iraqi people have a long and proud history of struggle against imperialism and injustice, a struggle that will continue.


Related video and articles:

Iraq Withdrawal is Smokescreen: Confronting Obama's Hypocrisy (December 19, 2011) confronting-obamas-hypocrisy Announcing the Iraq war was ended, Barack Obama told US troops on 14 December 2011, "The United States military is the finest fighting force in the history of the world." What he didn't say is that since 1945 the US military has been directly responsible for the deaths of over 10 million people and that America has in that time overthrown 50 governments, including democracies, and intervened in at least 30 more. John Pilger has something to say about that.

Our view on modern Iraq: An anti-colonial revolution in perspective iraq.html "You have given Iraq the opportunity to stand on its own," President Barack Obama told hundreds of cheering U.S. troops in Baghdad on April 7, 2009, his first visit to the country after being elected. He added that now, "Iraqis need to take responsibility for their country." For brazen hypocrisy and condescension, these words-repeated in essence by virtually all the top civilian and military officials of the Bush and Obama administrations over the past eight years-are hard to beat. The implication is that before the U.S. invasion and occupation in 2003, Iraq was not able to "stand on its own," and now the Iraqi people must be prodded to "take responsibility for their country." This theme is really no different than the racist propaganda used by the colonial powers to justify their murderous exploitation in Africa, Asia, the Americas and the Middle East over hundreds of years.The real history of Iraq is deliberately distorted or completely ignored by the corporate media and officials here for the simple reason that it utterly demolishes this colonialist narrative. July 14, 2011, marks the 53rd anniversary of the Iraqi Revolution. The 1958 revolution ended four decades of British domination and marked the beginning of Iraqi independence. The fall of Baghdad on April 9, 2003, reduced Iraq once more to colonial status, now under U.S. rather than British rule.

(...) Despite the numerous internal and external conflicts, Iraq made rapid strides forward in development after the 1958 revolution and particularly following the complete nationalization of oil operations in 1972.Billions of dollars of oil revenue paid for development of water and sewage treatment facilities, modern roads, ports, railways and airports, and electrification even for many remote areas of the country.Iraq created the best health care system in the region, and health care was free. So, too, was education through university. Food was subsidized and food imports greatly increased in order to meet the needs of the population. By virtually all indices that measure social progress-literacy, infant and maternal mortality, life expectancy, etc.-Iraq's progress was extraordinarily dramatic. Many students from Africa and poorer Arab countries received scholarships that covered all expenses to attend Iraqi universities. Iraq educated and trained hundreds of thousands of doctors, engineers, nurses, scientists and other personnel needed to lead and operate a rapidly modernizing society. Women, particularly in the urban areas, made major gains. At the same time, Iraq was still a developing country and highly dependent on one commodity: oil. When the sanctions blockade was imposed on Iraq in 1990, it was importing 65 percent of its medicine, 70 percent of its food and up to 100 percent of infrastructure and other goods, paying for them with oil revenues.

(...) In the 1991 war, more than 88,500 tons of bombs were dropped on Iraq. While U.S. leaders justified the war on the basis of Iraq's occupation of Kuwait after a long and bitter dispute, U.S. military tactics showed that the main aim was to destroy Iraq. The civilian infrastructure throughout the country-water, power, phone and sewage systems, food and medicine production, storage facilities, schools and hospitals, roads and bridges, and more-were targeted, often many times over. Military targets and troops were also hit, with an estimated 125,000 Iraqi soldiers killed. Blockaded and bombed for 13 years - The sanctions passed by the UN Security Council at the behest of the United States on August 6, 1990, were killing people even before the bombing began five months later. The sanctions on Iraq were the most comprehensive in history; in reality, it was a blockade of the country, enforced by military means that was to last for 13 years, killing more than 1 million people, half of them children under the age of five. Through the presidencies of George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush up to the 2003 invasion, Iraq was bombed several times per week, with several periods of intense assault. There were numerous coup attempts organized by the CIA. And the death toll from the blockade was relentless, as U.S. officials were well aware. On May 12, 1996, then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine Albright, appeared on the TV show "60 Minutes." Albright was asked by reporter Leslie Stahl, who had just returned from Iraq, about the impact of the sanctions: "We have heard that a half million children have died, I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?" Albright's response was a rare exposure of the real thinking of the imperialist policymakers: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price-we think the price is worth it." Still, the desired goal of regime change, which became official U.S. policy when Clinton signed the "Iraq Liberation Act" in 1998, was not achieved. It became clear that regime change could only be achieved by a military invasion. CLIP

The "Official End" of the Bush-Cheney Disaster in Iraq? (December 20, 2011) The Obama administration officially put an end to the Iraq war on Thursday December 15, 2011, close to nine years after the March 20, 2003 military invasion of Iraq, dubbed "shock-and-awe."I had not intend to comment on the end of this most unnecessary war, but since I wrote a book to explain how it all came about, I feel that I must say something.Analysts have begun to describe this war, launched on false pretenses, as "the Biggest Mistake In American Military History." (...) But here we are with that most unnecessary war and what are the results? This is a war that destroyed a country, killed hundreds of thousands of its inhabitants and drove, 4500 American soldiers to their death and severely injured 30,000 more. This was a war that did not improve U.S. National Security to any extent, because it has now made Islamist Iran the primary influence in the Middle East region. Moreover, this is a war that seriously diminished the United States' global credibility and moral posture around the world. Finally, this is a war that has also contributed in breaking the U.S. economy, because it caused the U.S. government's fiscal deficit to spiral out of control and because that deficit was mainly financed with foreign debt. All considered, except for the war profiteers who filled their pockets, this so-called Iraq war was an unmitigated disaster.

Fallujah Remembered By A US Marine Who Helped Destroy It In 2004 (December 23, 2011) It has been seven years since the 2nd siege of Fallujah -- the American assault that left the city in ruins, killed thousands of civilians, and displaced hundreds-of-thousands more -- the assault that poisoned a generation, plaguing the people who live there with cancers and their children with birth defects.It has been seven years and the lies that justified the assault still perpetuate false beliefs about what we did.The American veterans who fought there still do not understand who they fought against, or what they were fighting for.I know, because I am one of those American veterans. In the eyes of many of the people I "served" with, the people of Fallujah remain dehumanized and their resistance fighters are still believed to be terrorists. But unlike most of my counterparts, I understand that I was the aggressor, and that the resistance fighters in Fallujah were defending their city.It is also the seventh anniversary of the deaths of two close friends of mine, Travis Desiato and Bradly Faircloth, who were killed in the siege. Their deaths were not heroic or glorious. Their deaths were tragic, but not unjust.How can I begrudge the resistance in Fallujah for killing my friends, when I know that I would have done the same thing if I were in their place? How can I blame them when we were the aggressors?It could have been me instead of Travis or Brad. I carried a radio on my back that dropped the bombs that killed civilians and reduced Fallujah to rubble. If I were a Fallujan, I would have killed anyone like me. I would have had no choice. The fate of my city and my family would have depended on it. I would have killed the foreign invaders.Travis and Brad are both victims and perpetrators. They were killed and they killed others because of a political agenda in which they were just pawns.

(...) History has defined the American veteran as a hero, and in doing so it has automatically defined anyone who fights against him as the bad-guy. It has reversed the roles of aggressor and defender, moralized the immoral, and it has shaped our societies present understanding of war. I cannot imagine a more necessary step towards justice than to put an end to these lies, and achieve some moral clarity on this issue. I see no issue more important than to clearly understand the difference between aggression and self-defense, and to support legitimate struggles. I cannot hate, blame, begrudge, or resent Fallujans for fighting back against us. I am sincerely sorry for the role I played in the 2nd siege of Fallujah, and I hope that someday not just Fallujans but all Iraqis will win their struggle.

On the Dark Side in Al Doura - A Soldier in the Shadows (Dec 15, 2011) WARNING: Graphic and disturbing photos between 38:40 and 40:45. U.S. Army Ranger John Needham, who was awarded two purple hearts and three medals for heroism, wrote to military authorities in 2007 reporting war crimes that he witnessed being committed by his own command and fellow soldiers in Al Doura, Iraq. His charges were supported by atrocity photos which, in the public interest, are now released in this video. John paid a terrible price for his opposition to these acts. His story is tragic. CBS reported obtaining an Army document from the Criminal Investigation Command suggestive of an investigation into these war crimes allegations. The Army's conclusion was that the "offense of War Crimes did not occur." However, CBS also stated that the report was "redacted and incomplete; 111 pages were withheld." This video is placed with the context of Vice President, Dick Cheney, insistence that this nation's efforts "must go to the dark side;" which included ignoring the Geneva Conventions. John's story is told, here, by his father, Michael Needham. It is produced in the spirit of the public interest and towards promoting justice and the rule of law.

Iraq "After" the War: What is Iraq's Future? What are America's Intentions? Part II (December 24, 2011) President Obama emphasizes that he ended the Iraq campaign but he actually fulfilled the withdrawal agreement to pull out by the end of 2011 that was signed in December 2008 by outgoing President Bush and the Baghdad government. The Bush Administration labored long to compel President Nouri al-Maliki to agree that many thousands of U.S. troops could remain in the country after the bulk of forces withdrew, but the Iraqi leader ultimately refused. As a compromise the concord contained a stipulation allowing U.S. troops to remain if requested by Iraq's government.The Obama Administration then applied pressure on Maliki to "request" that 20,000 or so American troops remain indefinitely, but its plans fell through in October. Reflecting the views of the Iraqi people, Baghdad politicians insisted that only a small number of troops may remain to train the Iraqi army. They added, however, that the troops would now be subject to the Iraqi legal system if they broke laws. The U.S. does not permit this in the many countries where its military is stationed. Washington thus was obliged to give up on retaining the troops. The decision was an important setback for the Obama administration but a victory for Iraqi independence and a most agreeable outcome for neighboring Iran, which has considerable influence in Iraq. Washington's principal concern is that Shi'ite Iran and majority Shi'ite Iraq will in time enter in a close and relatively powerful alliance that would oppose U.S. hegemony in the Persian Gulf, perhaps backed by China and Russia. According to IPS news analyst Gareth Porter Dec. 16: "The real story behind the U.S. withdrawal is how a clever strategy of deception and diplomacy adopted by Prime Minister Maliki in cooperation with Iran outmaneuvered Bush and the U.S. military leadership and got the United States to sign the U.S.-Iraq withdrawal agreement." CLIP

Iraq War "ends" with a $4 trillion IOU (December 15, 2011) Veterans' health care costs to rise sharply over the next 40 years WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - The nine-year-old Iraq war came to an official end on Thursday, but paying for it will continue for decades until U.S. taxpayers have shelled out an estimated $4 trillion. Over a 50-year period, that comes to $80 billion annually. CLIP

IRAQ: Maliki Government Issues 'Terrorism' Arrest Warrant Against Sunni Vice President (December 20, 2011) Facing Coalition Collapse, Officials Seek to Arrest Top Rival -- Tensions are soaring inside Iraq tonight, as Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, whose government is on the brink of collapse, has ordered his Vice President, Tareq al-Hashemi, arrested on terrorism charges. "An arrest warrant was issued for Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi according to Article 4 of the terrorism law and is signed by five judges," confirmed an Interior Ministry spokesman. Of course Iraq has no permanent Interior Minister, as this along with the Defense Ministry have been kept under Maliki's de facto control. Maliki ordered Hashemi detained at an airport only yesterday, claiming they thought his bodyguards were responsible for assassinations. Since then the state-run media has been broadcasting confessions of bodyguards linking Hashemi to the scheme. Hashemi has been vice president since 2006, and one of the nation's most influential Sunni politicians. This makes the potential of his arrest even more controversial for the Shi'ite-dominated government, as it is liable to fuel more sectarian anger.

Baghdad bombings leave at least 60 dead, nearly 200 injured (December 22, 2011) baghdad-bombings.html A string of explosions ripped through the Iraqi capital on Thursday, killing at least 60 people and injuring nearly 200 just days after the last U.S. troops left the country, police and health officials said. The attacks came in the midst of a political standoff between the country's main Shiite and Sunni Muslim factions, heightening fears of a return to the sectarian bloodletting that devastated the country a few years ago. Authorities said more than a dozen bombs exploded in different parts of Baghdad in a seemingly coordinated assault during the morning rush hour. Most of the targeted neighborhoods were predominantly Shiite, but some Sunni areas were also hit. In the deadliest attack, a suicide bomber detonated an ambulance packed with explosives in front of a government anti- corruption office in the Karada neighborhood, shattering windows and setting cars ablaze. A police officer at the scene said at least 16 people were killed and 45 injured. Iraq's health ministry put the morning's death toll at 60 and said at least 180 people were injured. But unofficial tallies collected by news services from police and health officials suggested that the number of casualties was higher. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. But the seemingly coordinated attacks bore the hallmarks of Sunni insurgents linked to Al Qaeda, who regularly target Shiites and have previously sought to capitalize on political tension to ignite sectarian strife. CLIP

US "Withdrawal" In Iraq Paves Way for US-Israeli Strike on Iran (December 18, 2011) paves-way-for-us.html Global elite maneuver into position for final leg of Middle East campaign, one year into "Arab Spring," one step closer to global hegemony. -- Nearly every option described within the Fortune 500-funded Brookings Institution 2009 "Which Path to Persia?" report in regards to US-initiated regime change in Iran has been carried out to the letter. From proposals to fund and arm terrorist organizations like the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), to fomenting foreign-backed "color revolutions" in the streets of Tehran, to carrying out covert US-Israeli military operations within Iran itself, it is clear that the Brookings Institution either was writing the playbook on conquering Iran or was reading from it when compiling "Which Path to Persia?" The only remaining options left are airstrikes and invasion.The report extensively details using Israel as a US-proxy in attacking Iran in an attempt to cripple its nuclear program as well as destroy much of its security apparatus while maintaining "plausible deniability" for the attack's US architects. It is also hoped that the airstrikes incur a sufficient Iranian retaliation (or at least the opportunity to stage a false flag operation in Iran's name) to allow Israel and the United States to carry out a more extensive follow-up military operation against the Islamic Republic.The primary hurdle described throughout the report's examination of using a "unilateral" Israeli strike, however, was a US-occupied Iraq and the complications an Israeli airstrike would cause passing through the nation's airspace on its way to bombing Iran. However with the US' recent rushed "exit" from Iraq, this complication is no longer an issue. CLIP

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From: "" ([email protected]) Date: 1 Dec 2011 Subject: News: Building sustained community and actions

Because a sustainable future depends on the people willing to see the truth for what it is, and for those to stand up in unison in order to make a difference.

— Jake Edward Keli'i Eakin

Dear Friends,

We want to begin by expressing our solidarity and concern for the occupations in Los Angeles and Philadelphia which were recently cleared, as well as for New York and other occupations that have been cleared out. Our hearts and thoughts are with those brave people who were injured and arrested trying to hold their occupations.

We became concerned this past week when the Park Service came through Freedom Plaza with notices. They had warned us previously that this would be a first step towards eviction. On Tuesday, Jefferson Morley of spoke to the Park Service and was told that eviction is not imminent, but we remain on the alert.

We are doing our best to keep Freedom Plaza a clean and safe place so that we can continue our activities there as long as possible. It feels like holding Freedom Plaza in the heart of the nation’s capital is important. New people are coming daily. We welcome all who can, to join us, even if it is just for a few days. There is a lot of work to do.

The sense of community on Freedom Plaza is strong. After two very wet and cold days, we came together last Thursday and prepared a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner that built our community even stronger.

On Black Friday we traveled to a local mall to give gifts to the employees to show solidarity with them. We also did a ‘mic check’ for the shoppers to remind them that holidays are really about family, friends and community.

We continued to pressure the Congress for its lousy economic policies, protesting at both the Senate and House when the "supercommittee" failed. This builds on our efforts to put forward real solutions to the economic crisis the country faces with The 99%’s Deficit Proposal: How to create jobs, reduce the wealth divide and control spending. The New Priorities Network, made up of scores of organizations is now promoting the plan.

On Saturday a group of Buddhist monks performed a ceremony for compassion on the plaza. We participated in a global day of action for the medical professionals in Bahrain who are in jail for providing treatment to protesters. Then we held a community discussion in Freedom Plaza on the values and vision of this movement and how we make them manifest.

This week we did a whistle blower action to encourage civil servants to report violations of law and ethics.

We invite you to join us for these actions and discussions. Check the calendar and daily schedule to find out what is happening. On December 6, we will light our 25 foot tall 100% post-consumer recycled plastic Christmas tree. We will light our tree at the same time that Congress lights theirs.

We are working on creating structures that will get us through the winter. We want to thank George Ripley for loaning a 20 foot diameter yurt. We want to thank all of you who have brought us warm clothing and blankets. As our community grows, our expenses for food and supplies grow too. We need your continued support in order to continue to meet the needs of people on Freedom Plaza. Please donate now.

We are building towards the National Occupation ofWashington, DC (NOW DC) starting on March 30th. It will consist of 2 weeks of actions, teach-ins and workshops. Please visit the Facebook page, spread the word and we will provide more details as we have them.

Thank you for your continued support. Please visit us at Freedom Plaza.

In peace and solidarity, Occupy Washington, DC at Freedom Plaza/October2011

Our mailing address is:

October 2011 PO Box 102011 Washington, DC 20001


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"It is never wrong to take freedom for yourself... It is never right to take the freedom of another."


That term comes from the idea that freedom is never given, but inherent and resident in the individual if the individual is willing to protect his/her rights, powers and freedoms against constant attacks, denials and temptations.

The idea that freedom can be granted or that it is a "benefit of citizenship" is based on defective logic. Anything that must be granted to you cannot be your freedom because someone apart from you is controlling the granting of it.

The only true freedom is that which you imagine, take and protect for yourself. If you look to someone else for your freedom you are admitting that you do not understand what freedom is. Freedom is taken.

This does not mean freedom should be taken rudely or selfishly. Of course we must have the wisdom to know the boundaries of our freedoms and have respect for the freedoms and rights of others.

When to Compromise?

We compromise with the most valuable and important people in our lives, our family members and our trusted friends. There should be no compromise with strangers and institutions that make claim on our rights and property.

"No compromise" means all parties who wish to have any relationship or transaction with us must act in absolute transparency and accessibility, with high integrity, full accountability, never presuming contracts with us, honoring our rescissions of contract without question or hesitation, getting fully informed and voluntary consent from us for everything they do that affects us or that costs us, upholding EVERY provision of our Constitution and disregarding any and every unconstitutional statute, code, regulation and policy. This level of freedom does not currently exist in America or any other country, but it is the ideal, and it can easily achieved when a large enough fraction of the population demand it ... without compromise. Not everyone understands or agrees with these positions. To some, the taking of power and rights is considered a natural function of government and a corporate entitlement. They believe we must forfeit rights and freedoms to have a "civil and orderly" society. We at FREEDOMTAKER believe otherwise. Honor and accountability is only found in individuals, not in institutions.

To see if you agree with the purposes of this site visit the above link to "FreedomTaker Philosophy" and see the paragraphs below...


Our "protectors" have created an endless and growing series of crises, disasters and wars and dangers as a means to cause fear and to hold power. As governments, globalists, banks, courts, corporate oligarchs, bureaucracies and wealthy elites watch their frauds come unraveled, their debt obligation charts turn vertical and their currencies fail, as the public begins to recognize that not just politics, but even terrorism, wars and disasters are calculated mechanisms of public manipulation and control by the same small cabal of moneyed elite, as those power players demonstrate ever more desperation to control, tax, exploit, "suspect" and penalize everyone and everything in sight, basic freedoms and rights have been disappearing faster than we have been defending them, and that trend is now accelerating rapidly.

It is impossible to please the countless policies and false masters who seek to control and exploit us. Their hope is that we fail to comply and thereby be subject to even more control and economic exploitation.

They entice us to "consume" to preserve the economy and pay more taxes while they penalize us for depleting the planet's resources and polluting.

They zone our jobs far from our homes, then condemn us for commuting and polluting.

They say we must have "economic growth" while taxing us at every opportunity.

As we are bombarded with technology we are blamed for our use of it causing "global warming". We are being squeezed into impossible traps of control and penalization by irrational collectivist agendas and ideologies.

By declaring a contrived crisis of "man-caused global warming", elites empower themselves to criminalize us for merely breathing. At the same time, each one of those elites who lecture us consume hundreds of times the resources of the average person for maintenance of their personal lifestyles.

Centralized control and policies that serve only the policymakers must be put away. Stale assumptions about "authority" must be seriously questioned for their failures, incompetence and corruption. Our "authorities" have created a public debt so massive that it can never be settled. In spite of the fact they did that without our consent and knowledge. they have the control mechanisms in place to cause us to be held personally responsible for the debts.

Society's "planners" and "leaders" have caused millions of people to die in senseless and counterproductive wars, they have enslaved three-quarters of the world to the service of fraudulent fiat currency-based debt while they use schools and media to condition us to believe they are "competent leaders" against all evidence.

Between 2008 and 2012 a major percent of America, an astonishing 23% of all homeowners stand to lose their the roofs over their heads due to bank fraud and government corruption, failures and defective policies and official enforcement and protection of corporate agendas.

Police are becoming militarized and committing atrocities unheard of just a few years ago. Unmanned drone aircraft are being deployed within our borders to monitor a supposedly free populastion.

In the name of "security" our "authorities" are putting global peace and stability at greater and greater risk every day with utterly sensless military actions while causing country after country to fear, hate and swear vengeance upon America and Americans. Our "authorities" have now shown themselves to be total failures, if not our most determined enemies.

We do not need centralized control and institutional seizures of our power, wealth, rights, property and future.

This web site exists to search for and offer REAL SOLUTIONS to the major challenges and assaults upon the individual's rights, wealth, property and self-determination by "the collective", the institutional and political puppets and their puppetmasters behind the curtain.

If you have a solution that RETURNS power and rights to individuals, make sure to send us something about it that we can post. And if you need a solution like that, this will be a good place to look.

Please look over the topics to the right and contact us if you have any knowledge or connections to empower free individuals in those areas. We WANT to put a link up for your solution if it can be verified.

We want your video, redacted court filing documents, your proven ideas and methods of fighting the beasts called "corporate-controlled government", globalists, police states, monopolies, and institutional force and control.

On this site we plan to minimize theory and speculation and maximize real answers and solutions. The times have changed. People need help and they need results. People need remedies against predatory lenders, excess taxation, property seizures, personal control and manipulation by government, currency-controlling banks and globalist agendas., like millions of other people and organizations, intends to be part of the solution, a resource and benefit to anyone who values freedom, individual sovereignty and self-sufficiency. We are losing these things at this point in history, but those losses are waking a lot of people up, and many of us are waking up angry.

Sadly, fighting for freedom is not generally done by only those who are materially comfortable or who cannot see the dangers ahead of them. Those who are blind and complacent are the first to be defeated and destroyed at the crest of the collapse. Those who are hungry and desparate are more likely to drive a revolution. Hunger and desperation is currently a growth industry nearly everywhere.

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From: occupation

The Winter of Our Occupation by Michael Moore, - 6 December 2011

And now it is winter. Wall Street rejoices, hoping that the change of seasons will mean a change in our spirit, our commitment to stop them.

They couldn't be more wrong. Have they not heard of Washington and the troops at Valley Forge? The Great Flint Sit-Down Strike in the winter of 1936-37? The Michigan Wolverines crushing Ohio State in the 1950 Blizzard Bowl? When it comes to winter, it is the time historically when the people persevere and the forces of evil make their retreat!

We are not even 12 weeks old, yet Occupy Wall Street has grown so fast, so big, none of us can keep up with the hundreds of towns who have joined the movement, or the thousands of actions -- some of them just simple ones in neighbourhoods, schools and organizations -- that have happened. The national conversation has been irreversibly changed. Now everyone is talking about how the 1% are getting away with all the money while the 99% struggle to make ends meet. People are no longer paralyzed by despair or apathy. Most know that now is the time to reclaim our country from the bankers, the lobbyists -- and their gofers: the members of the United States Congress and the 50 state legislatures.

And they're crazy if they think that a little climate chaos (otherwise known as winter in the 21st century) that they've helped to bring about is going to stop us.

I would like to propose to my Occupying sisters and brothers that there are many ways to keep Occupy Wall Street going through the winter months. There is perhaps no better time to move the movement indoors for a few months -- and watch it grow even bigger! (For those who have the stamina to maintain the outdoor occupations, by all means, keep it up - - and the rest of us will do our best to help you and keep you warm!)

The winter gives us an amazing opportunity to expand our actions against the captains of capitalism who have occupied our homes with their fraudulent mortgage system which has tossed millions of families out onto the curb; a cruel health care system that has told 50 million Americans "if you can't afford a doctor, go F yourself"; a student loan system that sends 22-year-olds into an immediate "debtors' prison" of working lousy jobs for which they didn't go to school but now have to take because they're in hock for tens of thousands of dollars for the next two decades; and a jobs market that keeps 25 million Americans un- or under-employed -- and much of the rest of the workers forced to accept wage cuts, health care reductions and zero job security.

But we in the Occupy Movement reject this version of the "American Dream." Instead, I suggest we shift our focus for this winter to the following actions:

OCCUPY THE WINTER A proposal to the General Assembly of Occupy Wall Street from Michael Moore

1. Occupy Our Homes. Sorry, banks, a roof over one's head is a human right, and you will no longer occupy our homes through foreclosure and eviction because well, you see, they are our homes, not yours. You may hold the mortgage; you don't hold the right to throw us or our neighbours out into the cold. With almost one in three home mortgages currently in foreclosure, nearing foreclosure or "underwater," the Occupy Movement must form local "Occupy Strike Forces" to create human shields when the banks come to throw people out of their homes. If the foreclosure has already happened, then we must help families move back into their foreclosed homes -- literally (see this clip from my last film to watch how a home re-occupation is accomplished). Beginning today, Take Back the Land, plus many other citizens' organizations nationwide, are kicking off Occupy Our Homes. Numerous actions throughout the day today have already resulted in many families physically taking back their homes. This will continue every day until the banks are forced to stop their fraudulent practices, until homeowners are allowed to change their mortgage so that it reflects the true value of their homes, and until those who can no longer afford a mortgage are allowed to stay in their homes and pay rent. I beseech the news media to cover these actions -- they are happening everywhere. Evictions, though rarely covered (you need a Kardashian in your home [??] as you're being evicted to qualify for news coverage) are not a new story (see this scene I filmed in 1988). Also, please remember the words of Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur of Toledo (in 'Capitalism: A Love Story'): Do not leave your homes if the bank forecloses on you! Let them take you to court and then YOU ask the judge to make them produce a copy of your mortgage. They can't. It was chopped up a hundred different ways, bundled with a hundred other mortgages, and sold off to the Chinese. If they can't produce the mortgage, they can't evict you.

2. Occupy Your College. In nearly every other democracy on the planet, students go to college for free or almost free. Why do those countries do that? Because they know that for their society to advance, they must have an educated population. Without that, productivity, innovation and an informed electorate is stunted and everyone suffers as a result. Here's how we do it in the U.S.A.: make education one of our lowest priorities, graduate students who know little about the world or their own government or the economy, and then force them into crushing debt before they even have their first job. That way has really worked well for us, hasn't it? It's made us the world leader in … in … well, ok, we're like 27th or 34th in everything now (except war). This has to end. Students should spend this winter doing what they are already doing on dozens of campuses -- holding sit-ins, occupying the student loan office, nonviolently disrupting the university regents meetings, and pitching their tents on the administration's lawn. Young people -- we, the '60s generation, promised to create a better world for you. We got halfway there -- now you have to complete the job. Do not stop until these wars are ended, the Pentagon budget is cut in half, and the rich are forced to pay their taxes. And demand that that money go to your education. We'll be there with you on all of this! And when we get this fixed and you graduate, instead of being $40,000 in debt, go see the friggin' world, or tinker around in your garage a la the two Steves, or start a band. Enjoy life, discover, explore, experiment, find your way. Anything but the assistant manager at Taco Bell.

3. Occupy Your Job. Let's spend the winter organizing workplaces into unions. OR, if you already have a union, demand that your leaders get off their ass and get aggressive like our grandparents did. For chrissakes, surely you know we would not have a middle class if it weren't for the strikes of the 1930s-1950s?! In three weeks we will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the workers in my hometown of Flint, Michigan taking over and occupying the General Motors factories for 44 days in the dead of winter. Their actions ignited a labour movement that lifted tens of millions out of poverty and into the middle class. It's time to do it again. (According to the Census Bureau and the New York Times, 100 million Americans either live in or near poverty. Disgraceful. Greed has destroyed the core fabric of our communities. Enough!) Here are two good unions to get your fellow workers to sign up and join: UE and SEIU. The CWA are also good. Here's how to get a quick primer in organizing your place of employment (don't forget to be careful while you do this!). If your company is threatening to close down and move the jobs elsewhere, then it's time to occupy the workplace (again, you can get a lesson in how to successfully occupy your factory from my movie).

4. Occupy Your Bank. This is an easy one. Just leave them. Move your chequing and your credit card to a nonprofit credit union. It's safe and the decisions made there aren't based on greed. And if a bank tries to evict your neighbour, Occupy the local branch with 20 other people and call the press. Post it on the internet.

5. Occupy the Insurance Man. It's time to not only stand up for the 50 million without health insurance but to also issue a single, simple demand: The elimination of for-profit, privately-controlled health insurance companies. It is nothing short of barbaric to allow businesses to make a profit off people when they get sick. We don't allow anyone to make a profit when we need the fire department or the police. Until recently we would never allow a company to make a profit by operating in a public school. The same should be true for when you need to see a doctor or stay in the hospital. So I say it's long overdue for us to go and Occupy Humana, United Health, Cigna and even the supposed "nonprofit" Blue Crosses. An action on their lawns, in their lobbies, or at the for-profit hospitals -- this is what is needed.

So -- there are my ideas for the five places we can Occupy this winter. Help the foreclosed-upon to Occupy their homes. Occupy your college campus, especially the student loan office and the regents' meetings. Occupy your job by getting everyone to sign a union card -- or by refusing to let the CEO ship your job overseas. Occupy your Chase or Citi or Bank of America branch by closing your account and moving it to a credit union. And Occupy the insurance company offices, the pharmaceutical companies' headquarters and the for-profit hospitals until the White House and Congress pass the true single-payer universal health care bill they failed to pass in 2010.

My friends, the rich are running scared right now. You need no further proof of this than to read this story from last week. The Republicans' top strategist met privately with them and told them that they had better change their tune or they were going to be crushed by the Occupy Wall Street movement. They didn't have to change their greedy actions, he assured them -- just the way they talk and PR the situation. He told them never to use the word "capitalism" -- it has now been made a dirty word by the Occupy movement, he said. Only say "economic freedom" from now on, he cautioned. And don't criticize the movement -- because the majority of Americans either agree with it or are feeling the same way. Just tell the Occupiers and the distressed Americans: "I get it." Seriously.

Yes, in just 12 short weeks we have killed their most sacred word -- Capitalism -- and we have them on the run, on the defensive. They should be. Millions are coming after them and our only goal is to remove them from power and replace them with a fair system that is controlled by the 99%. The 1% have been able to get both political parties to do their bidding. Why should only 1% of the population get to have two parties -- and the rest of us have none? That, too, is going to change. In my next letter, I will suggest what we can do to Occupy the Electoral Process. But first we must start with those who pull the strings of the puppets in the Congress. That's why it's called Occupy Wall Street. Always better to deal with [the] man in charge, don't you think?

Let's Occupy the Winter! An #OWS Winter will certainly lead to a very hopeful American Spring.

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From: fisk-bankers-are-the-dictators-of-the-west-6275084.html Bankers are the Dictators of the West

By Robert Fisk -- 10 DECEMBER 2011

The banks and the rating agencies have become the dictators of the West. Like the Mubaraks and Ben Alis, the banks believed - and still believe - they are owners of their countries.

Writing from the very region that produces more clichés per square foot than any other "story" – the Middle East – I should perhaps pause before I say I have never read so much garbage, so much utter drivel, as I have about the world financial crisis.

But I will not hold my fire. It seems to me that the reporting of the collapse of capitalism has reached a new low which even the Middle East cannot surpass for sheer unadulterated obedience to the very institutions and Harvard "experts" who have helped to bring about the whole criminal disaster.

Let's kick off with the "Arab Spring" – in itself a grotesque verbal distortion of the great Arab/Muslim awakening which is shaking the Middle East – and the trashy parallels with the social protests in Western capitals. We've been deluged with reports of how the poor or the disadvantaged in the West have "taken a leaf" out of the "Arab spring" book, how demonstrators in America, Canada, Britain, Spain and Greece have been "inspired" by the huge demonstrations that brought down the regimes in Egypt, Tunisia and – up to a point – Libya. But this is nonsense.

The real comparison, needless to say, has been dodged by Western reporters, so keen to extol the anti-dictator rebellions of the Arabs, so anxious to ignore protests against "democratic" Western governments, so desperate to disparage these demonstrations, to suggest that they are merely picking up on the latest fad in the Arab world. The truth is somewhat different. What drove the Arabs in their tens of thousands and then their millions on to the streets of Middle East capitals was a demand for dignity and a refusal to accept that the local family-ruled dictators actually owned their countries. The Mubaraks and the Ben Alis and the Gaddafis and the kings and emirs of the Gulf (and Jordan) and the Assads all believed that they had property rights to their entire nations. Egypt belonged to Mubarak Inc, Tunisia to Ben Ali Inc (and the Traboulsi family), Libya to Gaddafi Inc. And so on. The Arab martyrs against dictatorship died to prove that their countries belonged to their own people.

And that is the true parallel in the West. The protest movements are indeed against Big Business – a perfectly justified cause – and against "governments". What they have really divined, however, albeit a bit late in the day, is that they have for decades bought into a fraudulent democracy: they dutifully vote for political parties – which then hand their democratic mandate and people's power to the banks and the derivative traders and the rating agencies, all three backed up by the slovenly and dishonest coterie of "experts" from America's top universities and "think tanks", who maintain the fiction that this is a crisis of globalisation rather than a massive financial con trick foisted on the voters.

The banks and the rating agencies have become the dictators of the West. Like the Mubaraks and Ben Alis, the banks believed – and still believe – they are owners of their countries. The elections which give them power have – through the gutlessness and collusion of governments – become as false as the polls to which the Arabs were forced to troop decade after decade to anoint their own national property owners. Goldman Sachs and the Royal Bank of Scotland became the Mubaraks and Ben Alis of the US and the UK, each gobbling up the people's wealth in bogus rewards and bonuses for their vicious bosses on a scale infinitely more rapacious than their greedy Arab dictator-brothers could imagine.

I didn't need Charles Ferguson's Inside Job on BBC2 this week – though it helped – to teach me that the ratings agencies and the US banks are interchangeable, that their personnel move seamlessly between agency, bank and US government. The ratings lads (almost always lads, of course) who AAA-rated sub-prime loans and derivatives in America are now – via their poisonous influence on the markets – clawing down the people of Europe by threatening to lower or withdraw the very same ratings from European nations which they lavished upon criminals before the financial crash in the US. I believe that understatement tends to win arguments. But, forgive me, who are these creatures whose ratings agencies now put more fear into the French than Rommel did in 1940?

Why don't my journalist mates in Wall Street tell me? How come the BBC and CNN and – oh, dear, even al-Jazeera – treat these criminal communities as unquestionable institutions of power? Why no investigations – Inside Job started along the path – into these scandalous double-dealers? It reminds me so much of the equally craven way that so many American reporters cover the Middle East, eerily avoiding any direct criticism of Israel, abetted by an army of pro-Likud lobbyists to explain to viewers why American "peacemaking" in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be trusted, why the good guys are "moderates", the bad guys "terrorists".

The Arabs have at least begun to shrug off this nonsense. But when the Wall Street protesters do the same, they become "anarchists", the social "terrorists" of American streets who dare to demand that the Bernankes and Geithners should face the same kind of trial as Hosni Mubarak. We in the West – our governments – have created our dictators. But, unlike the Arabs, we can't touch them.

The Irish Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, solemnly informed his people this week that they were not responsible for the crisis in which they found themselves. They already knew that, of course. What he did not tell them was who was to blame. Isn't it time he and his fellow EU prime ministers did tell us? And our reporters, too?


Related article:

Bankers have seized Europe: Goldman Sachs Has Taken Over by Paul Craig Roberts (November 26, 2011) (...) Who will rule the New Europe? Obviously, the private European banks and Goldman Sachs. CLIP

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Note from Jean: If you read Obama's signing statement, you'll see that he signed this bill despite numerous reservations about its content and pledged to wisely use the powers vested into the presidency in the sole pursuit of nabbing and eliminating so-called "bad guys", whomever his military advisers deem them to be. This is a limited reassurance and can be relied upon as long as one trusts the judgement of those to whom will be delegated the enforcement of these extraordinary, extra-judicial and, to many, unconstitutional powers. The valid concern one may justifiably have though is that now that this is the law of the land, any future US president that will have no qualm about using the provisions of this law to repress any form of internal dissidence will unleash a tyrannical era that will be nearly impossible to counter, considering the ever-increasing might and sophistication of the means at the disposal of the US government. For this reason, I contend that, in an ideal world, Obama should have vetoed it, no matter the consequences to US military readiness and commitments. But we don't live in an ideal world and this was an ideal entrapment by the Republicans and those in the Democratic party who've associated themselves with these hawkish pawns of the Zionist establishment and other Illuminati agents that still weight disproportionate power and influence over what most Western governments do and over whatever little true information seeps through the haze of manipulative disinformation their tightly controlled propaganda media distills non-stop.

Interestingly, I just happened to stumble upon a lengthy comment I wrote a little over a year ago on Obama's difficult position regarding the undue influence and covert shenanigans of those who apparently succeeded at derailing his can-do, hope-filled agenda. With his re-election campaign soon to shift into high gears, and with the general disenchantment over his broken - and/or unachievable - promises, we are all going to have to go into considerable soul-searching to decide whether we should cast our lot once again with this soul and somehow hope that in his second term he would have greater success at implementing the agenda of positive changes for which he was initially voted into power. Many currently pin their hopes on Ron Paul as a more propitious choice to govern this thinly disguised military regime - after all, it's the Pentagon and its associated corporate profiteers that run this union of states. But frankly, it would be a big surprise to me if he succeeds at overcoming the media blackout against him and, if once elected, he manages to fare better than Obama. For the moment, and unless a true democratic, incorruptible leader emerges, my preference would be towards a massive boycott of the presidential election to thoroughly de-legitimize it and expose it for the fraud it is, and for a realignment of the democratic forces towards establishing, in the wake of the Occupy movement, a new form of totally decentralized government whereby the People would claim back their power from the clenching claws of the moneyed elite... in short, a true, second democratic revolution that would lead to the dismantlement of the current oligarchic system, the federal apparatus and the entire military industrial complex and all its associated corporate accomplices, such as those in the various resource extracting industries (oil, coal, etc), which is the true cancerous plight that kills this planet and threatens world peace right now .

From: president-obama-signs-national-defense-authorization-act-into-law

President Obama Signs National Defense Authorization Act into Law


President Barack Obama signed a law on New Year's Eve granting himself absolute power to indefinitely detain American citizens suspected (by him) of being "belligerents." He promises he won't use it, however.

On December 31, 2011, with the President's signing of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the writ of habeas corpus - a civil right so fundamental to Anglo-American common law history that it predates the Magna Carta - is voidable upon the command of the President of the United States. The Sixth Amendment right to counsel is also revocable at his will.

The United States, as Senator Lindsey Graham declared during floor debate in the Senate, is now a theatre in the War on Terror and Americans "can be detained indefinitely ... and when you say to the interrogator, 'I want my lawyer,' the interrogator will say, 'You don't have a right to a lawyer because you're a military threat.'"

Don't worry, though. Although the President now wields this enormous power, he adamantly denies that he will ever "authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens." That guarantee is all that stands between American citizens and life in prison on arbitrary charges of conspiring to commit or committing acts belligerent to the homeland.

The President continued by explaining that to indefinitely detain American citizens without a trial on the charges laid against them "would break with our most important traditions and values as a nation."

Ironically, the signing statement in which President Obama gave these assurances is itself violative of the Constitution, the separation of powers established therein, and only demonstrates his proclivity for ignoring constitutional restraints on the exercise of power once those powers have been placed (albeit illegally) by a complicit Congress at his disposal.

Once development of it begins in the body politic, the muscle of tyranny never atrophies.

Supporters of the law (including President Obama) point to the "undeniable" success achieved against "suspected terrorists." Although President Obama claims that the section of the NDAA (1021) authorizing the President to detain these suspects "breaks no new ground and is unnecessary," the President's interpretation of just who inhabits the universe of likely suspects (as explained in the signing statement appended to the NDAA) includes "al-Qa'ida and its affiliates and adherents...."

Since the beginning of hostilities in the wake of 9/11, the federal government has often had problems proving membership in al-Qaeda of those arrested as "enemy combatants" in the War on Terror, so imagine the difficulty they would face in presenting evidence of affiliation or adherence to that shadowy, ill-defined organization.

The danger of the of crucial terms of the NDAA was addressed by current Republican presidential contender Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) during a phone conference with supporters in Iowa:

The dangers in the NDAA are its alarmingly vague, undefined criteria for who can be indefinitely detained by the US government without trial. It is now no longer limited to members of al Qaeda or the Taliban, but anyone accused of "substantially supporting" such groups or "associated forces." How closely associated? And what constitutes "substantial" support? What if it was discovered that someone who committed a terrorist act was once involved with a charity? Or supported a political candidate? Are all donors of that charity or supporters of that candidate now suspect, and subject to indefinite detainment? Is that charity now an associated force?

The Bill of Rights has no exemption for "really bad people" or terrorists or even non-citizens. It is a key check on government power against any person. That is not a weakness in our legal system; it is the very strength of our legal system. The NDAA attempts to justify abridging the Bill of Rights on the theory that rights are suspended in a time of war, and the entire Unites States is a battlefield in the War on Terror. This is a very dangerous development indeed. Beware.

Fortunately for the President, the NDAA absolves him of the requirement of gathering and presenting to an impartial judge evidence probative of such evil associations. The mere suspicion of such suffices as a justification for the indefinite imprisonment of those so suspected.

As if the foregoing roster of Stalinist-style authoritarianism isn't an imposing enough threat to freedom, there is an additional aspect of the new law that places the civil liberties of Americans in greater peril.

The NDAA places the American military at the disposal of the President for the apprehension, arrest, and detention of those suspected of posing a danger to the homeland (whether inside or outside the borders of the United States and whether the suspect be a citizen or foreigner). The endowment of such a power to the President by the Congress is nothing less than a de facto legislative repeal of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, the law forbidding the use of the military in domestic law enforcement.

Again, the aforementioned Senator Lindsey Graham has no qualms shredding that parchment protection from tyranny, either. Said Graham: "I don't believe fighting al Qaeda is a law enforcement function. I believe our military should be deeply involved in fighting these guys at home and abroad."

The undeniable unconstitutionality of the National Defense Authorization Act and its violation of the Posse Comitatus Act is likely to result in the necessity of states nullifying those sections of the law that exceed the enumerated powers of Congress. This remedy would be applied by the legislatures of the states in an effort to protect its citizens from arrest and extradition by armed members of the federal armed forces. This effort to resist unfettered federal authority would rival the intensity of the Nullification Crisis of the 1830s - a confrontation that culminated in the Civil War and the death of at least 600,000 Americans.

While the frightening abolition of civil liberties contained in the NDAA could not have been codified were it not for the signature of President Obama, the complicity of the Congress in easing our Republic's "slip into tyranny" should not be overlooked.

Sixty-eight percent of the House of Representatives voted for this measure, for example. Perhaps in the elections of 2012 those lawmakers who voted in favor of the measure will be held accountable by their constituents for such an inexplicable violation of the congressional oath of office and its requirement that members protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Other sections of the 500-plus-page, $662-billion law authorizes the continued expenditure of money on the perpetuation of two unconstitutional foreign conflicts (Iraq and Afghanistan), as well as greasing the skids for the deployment of the American military into Iran if economic sanctions fail to persuade Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to see things our way.

While the NDAA's effect on the Constitution is all but ignored by the administration and Congress, its effect on oil prices is taken very seriously. Under applicable provisions of the new law, President Obama may punish international firms which buy oil from Iran. President Obama has an out, however, if he believes that the imposition of such penalties is driving up the price of crude.

The New York Times quotes an unnamed administration official who explains the importance of vigilantly protecting the stability of the volatile oil market: "We have to do it in a timely way and phased way to avoid repercussions to the oil market, and make sure the revenues to Iran are reduced."

Finally, President Obama signed the NDAA, and the depth of the impact of this law on the freedom of Americans and the perpetuation of our Constitution cannot be measured. Promises to restrain oneself from abusing power are unreliable. As Thomas Jefferson once warned:

Free government is founded in jealousy, not confidence. It is jealousy and not confidence which prescribes limited constitutions, to bind those we are obliged to trust with power.... In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.

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From: now-a-war-zone-s-1867-passes-the-senate-with-massive-support/

The entire United States is now a war zone: S.1867 passes the Senate with massive support

By Madison Ruppert - Dec 2 2011

This is one of the most tragic events I have written about since establishing End the Lie over eight months ago: the horrendous bill that would turn all of America into a battlefield and subject American citizens to indefinite military detention without charge or trial has passed the Senate.

To make matters even worse, only seven of our so-called representatives voted against the bill, proving once and for all (if anyone had any doubt remaining) that our government does not work for us in any way, shape, or form.

S.1867, or the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for the fiscal year of 2012, passed with a resounding 93-7 vote.

That's right, 93 of our Senators voted to literally eviscerate what little rights were still protected after the PATRIOT Act was hastily pushed in the wake of the tragic events of September 11th, 2001.

The NDAA cuts Pentagon spending by $43 billion from last year's budget, a number so insignificant when compared to the $662 billion still (officially) allocated, it is almost laughable. The bill also contained an amendment which enacts strict new sanctions on Iran's Central Bank and any entities that do business with it, a move which will likely have brutal repercussions for the Iranian people - just like the sanctions on Iraq did.

Not a single Senator voted against this amendment, which was voted on soon before the entirety of S.1867 was passed, despite the hollow threats of a veto from the Obama White House.

Based simply on historical precedent, I trust Obama's promises as much as I trust the homeless man who told me he was John F. Kennedy.

I wish that I could believe that the Obama administration would strike down this horrific bill but I would be quite ignorant and naïve if I did so.

Furthermore, the White House's official statement doesn't even say that they will veto the bill. In fact, it says, "the President's senior advisers [will] recommend a veto."

As Glenn Greenwald points out, the objection isn't even about opposing the detention of accused terrorists without a trial, instead it is the contention that, "whether an accused Terrorist is put in military detention rather than civilian custody is for the President alone to decide."

Obama's opposition has nothing to do with the rule of law or protecting Americans, in fact, Senator Levin disclosed and Dave Kopel reported that, "it was the Obama administration which told Congress to remove the language in the original bill which exempted American citizens and lawful residents from the detention power".

As I have detailed in two past articles entitled Do not be deceived: S.1867 is the most dangerous bill since the PATRIOT Act andS.1253 will allow indefinite military detention of American civilians without charge or trial, the assurances that this will not be used on American citizens are hollow, evidenced by the fact that the Feinstein amendment to S.1867, amendment number 1126, which, according to the official Senate Democrats page, was an attempt at "prohibiting military authority to indefinitely detain US citizens" was rejected with a 45-55 vote. Let's examine some of the attempts to convince the American people that this will not change anything and that we will still be protected under law.

Florida's Republican Senator Marco Antonio said, "In particular, some folks are concerned about the language in section 1031 that says that this includes 'any person committing a belligerent act or directly supported such hostilities of such enemy forces.' This language clearly and unequivocally refers back to al-Qaida, the Taliban, or its affiliates. Thus, not only would any person in question need to be involved with al-Qaida, the Taliban, or its surrogates, but that person must also engage in a deliberate and substantial act that directly supports their efforts against us in the war on terror in order to be detained under this provision."

While this might sound reassuring to some, one must realize that the government can interpret just about anything as engaging "in a deliberate and substantial act that directly supports their efforts against us in the war on terror".

Consider the fact that the Homeland Security Police Institute's report published earlier this year partly focused on combating the "spread of the [terrorist] entity's narrative" which sets the stage for the government being able to declare that spreading the narrative amounts to "a deliberate and substantial act that directly supports their efforts against us in the war on terror".

At the time I wrote:

Part of these domestic efforts highlighted in the report is combating the "spread of the [terrorist] entity's narrative" but never addressed is why exactly extremist groups have the ability to spread their narrative.

A frightening conclusion that can be drawn from the focus on the "spread of the entity's narrative" is that such claims could be used to justify limiting the American right to free speech.

It would be very easy to justify eliminating free speech if much of the United States was convinced of the danger of spreading terrorist narrative.

The report doesn't specifically explain what the narrative is or why it is so dangerous, but one could assume that any anti-government, anti-war, anti-corporatist and pro-human rights speech could be squeezed under this umbrella. Essentially, anything that criticizes or questions the United States could easily be demonized because it is allegedly spreading "the entity's narrative".

This raises an important question: could my work and the work of others devoted to exposing the fraud that is the "war on terror" and the intimate links between our government and the terrorist entities they are supposedly fighting be considered to be supporting these entities?

Unfortunately, the only conclusion I can come to is that it is possible for the following reasons:

1) The Department of Defense actually put a question on an examination saying that protests are an act of "low-level terrorism" (which they later deleted after the ACLU sent a letter demanding it be removed).

2) Anti-war activists and websites are deemed worthy of being treated as terrorists and being listed on terrorist watchlists.

3) We likely will never even be told how exactly the government is interpreting S.1867.

In the case of the PATRIOT Act (which is overwhelmingly used in cases that are unrelated to terrorism in every way), there is in fact a secret interpretation of the PATRIOT Act, as revealed by Senator Ron Wyden back in May.

In October, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit (read the PDF here) in an attempt to force the government to reveal the details of the secret interpretation of the PATRIOT Act.

As of now, we still do not know how the PATRIOT Act is interpreted by the government, meaning that we have no idea how it is actually being used.

I do not believe that it would be reasonable to make the assumption that S.1867 would be interpreted in a straightforward manner, meaning that all of the assurances being made by Senators are worthless. Glenn Greenwald verifies this in writing the following as an update to the post previously quoted in this article, "Any doubt about whether this bill permits the military detention of U.S. citizens was dispelled entirely today when an amendment offered by Dianne Feinstein - to confine military detention to those apprehended "abroad," i.e., off U.S. soil - failed by a vote of 45-55."

Furthermore, as I detailed in my previous coverage of S.1867, Senator Lindsey Graham clearly said, in absolutely no uncertain terms whatsoever, "In summary here, [section] 1032, the military custody provision, which has waivers and a lot of flexibility doesn't apply to American citizens. [Section] 1031, the statement of authority to detain does apply to American citizens, and it designates the world as the battlefield including the homeland."

The fact that the establishment media continues to peddle the blatant lie that is the claim that S.1867 will not be used on American citizens is beyond me.

This is especially true when one considers the fact that lawyers for the Obama administrations reaffirmed that American citizens "are legitimate military targets when they take up arms with al-Qaida," although we all know that no proof or trial is required to make that assertion.

As evidenced by the case of Anwar al-Awlaki, no trial is needed for our illegitimate government to assassinate an American citizen.

We can only assume that it is just a matter of time until American citizens are declared to be supporting al Qaeda and killed on American soil without so much as a single court hearing.

CNN claims, "Senators ultimately reached an agreement to amend the bill to make clear it's not the bill's intent to allow for the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens and others legally residing in the country."

Yet, of course, they fail to cite the amendment, and quote Senator Feinstein in saying, "It supports present law," even though Feinstein's amendment was not passed.

The Associated Press reported, "Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich., repeatedly pointed out that the June 2004 Supreme Court decision in Hamdi v. Rumsfeld said U.S. citizens can be detained indefinitely."

Yet they still quoted senior legislative counsel for the ACLU Christopher Anders who said, "Since the bill puts military detention authority on steroids and makes it permanent, American citizens and others are at greater risk of being locked away by the military without charge or trial if this bill becomes law."

The fact that the corporate-controlled establishment media is barely covering this - if at all - is just another piece amongst the mountains of evidence showing that they are complicit in the criminal conspiracy that is dominating our government.

Every single Senator that voted for this amendment is a traitor. It's that simple. 97 of our so-called representatives, which you can see listed in full here, are actively working against the American people.

They are turning the United States into such a hellish police state that the world's most infamous dictators would be green with envy.

Unsurprisingly, the top stories on Google News makes no mention of the atrocious attack on everything that America was built upon that is embodied by S.1867.

This legislation is clearly being minimized and marginalized in the press, as if it is some minor bill that will never be invoked in order to detain Americans indefinitely without charge or trial.

That is patently absurd and to assume such would be nothing short of ignorant to an extreme degree, given that the American government utilizes every single possible method to exploit, oppress and assault Americans who stand up for their rights.

Furthermore, the Senators who voted against S.Amdt.1126, the amendment to S.1867 which would have limited "the authority of the Armed Forces to detain citizens of the United States under section 1031" should be considered traitorous criminals of the highest order, not to say that all 97 of those who voted for S.1867 are any better. These Senators are not only defying their oath of office in waging war on the Constitution, they are also fighting to destroy the most critical rights we have in this country and in doing so are desecrating everything that our forefathers gave up their lives for.

Instead of British troops patrolling the streets in their red coats, it will be American soldiers who have the authority to detain you forever without a shred of evidence if they decide you're a terrorist or supporting any organization affiliated with al Qaeda.

How they define that is anyone's guess, but given that the entire interpretation of the PATRIOT Act is regarded as a state secret, we can assume that we will never even get to know.

Moreover, the fact that no charges or trial are needed under S.1867, the government needs no proof of supporting, planning, or committing terrorism whatsoever.

Since no evidence will ever be presented given that no trial or charges will ever be filed, they need not worry about that pesky thing called habeus corpus or anything resembling evidence of any kind.

All they need to do is declare that you're an enemy combatant and suddenly you're eligible to be snatched up by military thugs and locked away never to see the light of day again.

As far as I have seen, there are no detailed requirements set forth in the bill which have to be met before the military can indefinitely detain, and torture (or conduct "enhanced interrogation" if you'd prefer the government's semantic work-around), Americans and people around the world.

What is stopping them from creating accounts for Americans who are actively resisting the fascistic police state corporatocracy which our once free nation has become on some jihadi website and using it has justification to claim these individuals are involved with terrorists?

What is stopping them from manufacturing any flimsy piece of evidence they can point to, even though they never actually have to present it or have it questioned in a court of law, in order to round up American dissidents?

The grim answer to these disturbing questions is: nothing. I regret having to say such a disheartening thing about the United States of America, a country I once thought was the freest nation in the world, but it is true.

I must emphasize once again that our government considers even ideology and protest to be a low level act of terrorism, so if you're anti-war, pro- peace, pro-human rights, pro-justice, anti-corruption, or even worse, if you're like me and expose the criminal government in Washington that supports terrorism while criminalizing American citizens, you very well might be labeled a terrorist.

Keep in mind that the House sister bill, H.R.1540, was passed with a 322- 96 vote on May 26th, now all that is stopping this ludicrous from utterly eliminating the Bill of Rights is resolving the differences which will be done by the following appointed conferees: Levin; Lieberman; Reed; Akaka; Nelson NE; Webb; McCaskill; Udall CO; Hagan; Begich; Manchin; Shaheen; Gillibrand; Blumenthal; McCain; Inhofe; Sessions; Chambliss; Wicker; Brown MA; Portman; Ayotte; Collins; Graham; Cornyn; Vitter.

Unsurprisingly, not a single person who voted against S.1867 is included in that list.

I do not hesitate in saying that what our so-called representatives have done is an act of treason that represents the single most dangerous move ever made by our government.

Every single square inch of the United States is now a war zone and you or I could easily be declared soldiers on the wrong side of the war and treated as such.

No proof, no charges, and no trial are required. They do not even have to draw spurious links to terrorist organizations in order to indefinitely detain you as they could easily declare the evidence critical to national security and thus withhold it for as long as they please.

I will continue to hope that Obama decides to go against every single thing he has done after being sworn in but I think the chances are so slim that it is almost delusional to believe that he will do this.

After all, the only reason his administration is opposing it is because it doesn't give the executive enough power, not because it strips away every legal protection we have.

If this is not the most laughably illegitimate reason to oppose the attack on all Americans that is S.1867, I don't know what is.

The most important question that remains unanswered, for which I am not sure that I have a viable solution, is: how do we stop this? Is there any way we can bring down a criminal government packed to the brim with traitorous co-conspirators in a just, peaceful manner?

After all, if the American people resort to violence, we are no better than those bloodthirsty members of our armed forces and law enforcement who kill and beat human beings around our nation and the world with impunity.

However, if our military and police forces realize that at any moment they too could be deemed enemy combatants and treated like subhuman s c u m and thus decide to refuse all unlawful orders and arrest the real terrorists in Washington, we might be able to reinstate the rule of law, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which once defined our nation.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with your ideas, comments and information for future articles on this subject and any other issue for that matter. You can get in touch with me directly at [email protected] and hopefully I will be able to read and respond if I'm not deemed an enemy combatant and shipped off to a CIA black site to be tortured into confessing to killing the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1914.


Related articles:

Congress endorsing military detention, a new AUMF BY GLENN GREENWALD (Dec 1, 2011) ion_a_new_aumf/singleton/ (...) One of the nation's most stalwart war cheerleaders and one of the bill's most vocal proponents, Sen. Lindsey Graham, made clear what the provision's intent is: "If you're an American citizen and you betray your country, you're not going to be given a lawyer . . . I believe our military should be deeply involved in fighting these guys at home or abroad." As Graham made chillingly clear, one key effect of the provision is that the U.S. military - rather than domestic law enforcement agencies - will be used to apprehend and imprison accused Terrorists on American soil, including U.S. citizens.In doing so, Graham and the bill he supports - exactly like all those who supported Obama's due-process-free assassination of Anwar Awlaki - have apparently decided simply to dispense with Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution, which provides that nobody can be punished for treason without heightened due process requirements being met. In that regard, compare (a) Graham's pronouncement (widely shared by those supporting Awlaki's assassination) that "if you're an American citizen and you betray your country, you're not going to be given a lawyer" to (b) the Constitutional requirement in Art. III, Sec. 3 that "No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court." To deny a citizen the right to a lawyer and go to court on the ground that they've "betrayed their country" and thus deserve to be imprisoned without a trial (or, worse, to be assassinated without one) is as violent a betrayal of the U.S. Constitution as one can imagine, literally.

(...) But even there, the essence of this bill - that the entire world is a battlefield, including (by definition) U.S. soil - has long been (as I've always argued) the most important and most dangerous component of the Bush/Cheney War on Terror, because it means the President can exercise "war powers" anywhere in the world against anyone he accuses of being a "belligerent." And that premise is one that has been fully embraced by Obama officials as well. Indefinite, charge-free military detention of people accused - accused - of Terrorism has been fully embraced by both the Bush and Obama administrations (it's one of the reasons some of us have been so vocally critical). The Obama administration has gone even further and argued that it has the power not merely to detain accused Terrorists (including U.S. citizens) without due process, but to kill them. It is true that the Obama DOJ has chosen to try some accused Terrorists in civilian courts - and this bill may make that more difficult - but the power of military detention already rests with the Executive Branch. And while it would be worse for Congress to formally codify these powers and thus arguably overturn long-standing prohibitions on using the U.S. military on U.S. soil, the real legal objections to such detention are grounded in Constitutional guarantees, and no act of Congress can affect those. In sum, this bill would codify indefinite military detention, but the actual changes when compared to what the Executive Branch is doing now would be modest. That's not a mitigation of this bill's radicalism; it's proof of how radical the Executive Branch under these two Presidents has already become. CLIP

Must we permit the US military to detain Americans without trial? (9 December 2011) -military-detain-citizens-without-trial The National Defense Authorisation Act before Congress threatens further erosion of US citizens' civil liberties (...) As it is currently written, this bill sanctions excessive military power without due process, demonstrating a total disregard for the US Constitution, specifically Article 3, Section 3, which ensures that nobody can be punished for treason without due process. Notably, all but two Republican senators supported the provisions. The Republican party is fond of rhetoric about the evils of "Big Government" – yet seems to have few qualms about passing a multibillion-dollar bill that escalates the powers of the military to confer an extraordinary grip on civilian life.Surely, though, since this bill was written in the name of national security, experts in the field would come out in droves in support. Well, about that…FBI Director Robert Mueller, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper have all publicly opposed the bill, arguing that it only serves to endanger us further and might even prevent effective counter- terrorism measures. A group of 26 retired generals and admirals recently wrote a letter to senators saying the bill would "do more harm than good".Collaborative efforts in domestic law enforcement (mostly the FBI and Department of Justice) have allowed the successful prosecution of more than 400 terrorism cases, with high conviction rates, whereas military commissions have only tried a handful of cases, with few convictions. If this bill becomes law, it would mean that if the FBI was interrogating a terrorism suspect, the Justice Department might have to stop the investigation and turn him over to the military.An obstruction of justice and a debilitating blow to our democracy's touted freedoms, these provisions are shackling the American people, quite literally, on the pretext of national security. Furthermore, these policies do not make us safer. Unless we are prepared to embrace oppressive measures that allow our military to imprison indefinitely our own citizens without charges, we must urge President Obama to veto these assaults on our constitutionally- granted civil liberties.

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From:'s-1033-program- giving-free-military-equipment-to-police-departments-around-the-u-s/

The Pentagon's 1033 program: giving free military equipment to police departments around the U.S.

By Madison Ruppert - December 5, 2011

The police in the United States have been steadily militarized over the past decade to the point of absurdity, as recently exemplified by police rolling out an armored personnel carrier (APC) to the Occupy Tampa protests.

Benjamin Carlson of The Daily covered one of the more unsettling recent developments in this militarization of police, the Department of Defense's obscure "1033 program" which has given away almost $500 million in leftover military equipment to law enforcement in the fiscal year of 2011.

This year's total is more than double the amount of equipment handed out in 2010, which was $212 million worth of military gear, setting a new record for the program.

Included in this distribution of military equipment are: armored vehicles, like the one seen at Occupy Tampa and in towns and cities across the nation, along with M-16 assault rifles, grenade launchers, helicopters and even military robots.

Yet the 1033 program looks like it is getting even worse, with orders for the fiscal year 2012 being up 400% over the same period in 2011 according to data provided by the Pentagon's Defense Logistics Agency to The Daily.

If it keeps at this pace, that would mean $2 billion in equipment for American police departments in the fiscal year 2012.

The 1033 program was passed by Congress in 1997, which I found quite interesting as most of these programs have been pushed in the wake of September 11th, 2001, under the pretext of fighting the so-called "war on terror."

However, even then, their justification was that it would be used to fight drugs and terrorism and since it began, over 17,000 law enforcement agencies have accepted $2.6 billion in military equipment, only having to pay for the cost of delivering the gear.

While the gear is practically free, the costs of maintaining the equipment and insuring it fall on the respective law enforcement agencies, meaning it falls directly on the taxpayer.

These costs can be considerable, given that in 2010 city officials in Tupelo, Mississippi considered returning the police helicopter after spending almost $274,000 in maintenance costs in only five years.

Considering that the helicopter was used only 10 missions per year on average, the cost of nearly 54,800 per year, or almost $5,480 per mission (not including personnel, fuel, etc.) hardly seems justified.

The Daily cites unnamed "experts" who say that the recent surge in acquisitions is just the continuation of a decades-long trend of increasing usage of military tactics and gear by domestic police departments.

We have seen these tactics and equipment most recently in the many crackdowns on the legal and peaceful Occupy Wall Street demonstrations across the nation, which were a coordinated effort as revealed by Oakland Mayor Jean Quan.

The director of the Cato Institute's project on criminal justice, Tim Lynch, addressed my surprised reaction to seeing that this program was enacted long before September 11th, 2001, in a statement to The Daily.

"The trend toward militarization was well under way before 9/11, but it's the federal policy of making surplus military equipment available almost for free that has poured fuel on this fire," Lynch said.

The Daily cites some examples of this insane militarization effort in mentioning that in Cobb County, Georgia, incidentally one of the most educated and wealthy counties in all of the United States, now have an amphibious tank.

Similarly, the sheriff of South Carolina's Richland County is now in possession of what he fondly calls "The Peacemaker," an armored personnel carrier (APC) outfitted with a machine gun.

The most absurd aspect of the 1033 program is that it is in addition to the Department of Homeland Security grants which allow police departments to purchase vehicles like the "BearCats" I covered briefly many months ago.

Various models of the BearCat weigh in around 16,000 pounds, are bulletproof and outfitted with gun ports, battering rams, tear gas dispensers and radiation detectors, among many other bells and whistles which police never use and never actually needed in the first place.

The Orlando Sentinel reported that more than 500 of these vehicles - which inarguably bear a remarkable resemblance to military tanks - have been sold by their Massachusetts-based manufacturer, Lenco.

This is even more ridiculous when one considers the justification utilized by police departments for acquiring such unnecessary equipment: safety of police and violent crime.

Why is this an incredibly ludicrous justification? Well, as the New York Times and others reported in May of this year, violent crime is at a 40-year low nationwide.

In populations under 10,000, the number of homicides dropped by over 25% last year alone, which totally nullifies the justification given by small town police departments who gladly accept this equipment. Yet Bill Hutton, sheriff of Washington County, Minnesota, which has a population of 238,136 according to the 2010 census, purchased a $237,000 BearCat a month ago with a federal grant.

He has also obtained grants to purchase a 3-foot-tall $70,000 robot and a $75,000 riverboat and claims that the BearCat has already been used in a kidnapping situation.

He claims that the BearCat allowed the SWAT team to recover the victim safely while "Previously, we would have pulled up in a van, which would not have protected anybody or anything."

Another official, Bill Partridge, Chief of Police of the 50-person police department in Oxford, Alabama, cited cost savings as justification for his pursuit of the 1033 program.

Partridge says that his department has acquired equipment worth $2-3 million over the past several years, regardless of the fact that his jurisdiction includes only 14,592 people according to the 2000 census.

He says that they have received M-16 assault rifles, infrared goggles mounted to helmets, four inspection robots operated by remote-control, not to mention a $270,000 mobile command unit and a "Puma" armored tactical vehicle.

Partridge says that his department is on the website trying to get the gear on a "weekly or daily" basis, regardless of the fact that it is outright laughable for such a small police department to have an arsenal more suited to a military unit than a small town police department.

This is just a microcosmic example of the larger trend towards turning our domestic police force, which is supposed to protect and serve, into a domestic military force to be used against the American people.

As I have previously pointed out, this is a move toward de facto martial law, which means that martial law would never have to be formally declared since the police could act as military forces instead of actually having to roll out the military. Of course, S.1867 would erase that need as it would indeed spell the end of the Posse Comitatus Act by allowing the military to capture and indefinitely detain American citizens without charge or trial.

Furthermore, under 1301 it would allow any American citizen to be transferred to any foreign country or foreign entity, allowing for torture or extrajudicial execution.

Lynch of the Cato Institute, seems to agree with my assessment in telling The Daily, "[Acquiring military hardware has] kind of had a corrupting influence on the culture of policing in America. The dynamic is that you have some officer go to the chief and say, people in [the] next county have [military equipment], if we don't take it some other city will. Then they acquire the equipment, they create a paramilitary unit, and everything seems fine."

"But then one or two years pass. They say, look we've got this equipment, this training and we haven't been using it. That's where it starts to creep into routine policing," Lynch added.

Lynch and others point to the many incidents of SWAT teams, which have become outright paramilitary forces, have injured or even slaughtered totally innocent people.

Take, for instance, earlier this year when a grandfather of 12, who was not even suspected of any wrongdoing, was "accidentally" murdered by a SWAT team member in Framingham, Massachusetts.

He was described by neighbors as the "nicest guy in the world," and the search warrant was not even the targeted at the man, named Eurie Stamps, Sr.

Another example that comes to mind is Jose Guerena, father and ex-U.S. Marine, who was literally liquefied by a SWAT team that was carrying out a wholly unconstitutional search warrant on his home that was not directed at any particular person, made no mention of his home, and instead was targeted at anyone who happened to be inside the residence.

The Cato Institute has compiled a fantastic interactive map showing the disturbing amount of botched paramilitary police and SWAT team raids across the United States which you can find here.

>From the few thousand raids per year in the 1980s, the number of raids conducted by SWAT teams has made a staggering rise to 50,000 per year in the 2000s, and with each raid there is the real possibility of innocent people being slaughtered for no reason at all.

Yet there are some - in reality far too little - in the law enforcement community speaking out against this trend.

Joseph McNamara, the former Chief of Police in Kansas City, Missouri and San Jose, California, said, "It's totally contrary to what we think is good policing, which is community policing. The profile of these military police units invading a neighborhood like the occupation army is contrary to what you want to do as a police department. You want the public to feel comfortable calling you to report crime and supporting you in working against crime and coming forward as witnesses."

"The idea that some police have that by being really super tough and military and carrying military weapons is a way to prevent crime - this is false," McNamara added. "We have a lot of evidence on how to prevent crime and the major component is to win support for police, that we're not this aloof occupation army."

I find his choice of words to be disturbingly accurate. What we are seeing is indeed an "aloof occupation army" that is treating us like enemy combatants in a war zone and if S.1867 is put into action it will become an explicit reality.

Arthur Rizer, a lawyer in Virginia who has served as both a military and civilian police officer, also made a fantastic point in asking the following question, "If we're training cops as soldiers, giving them equipment like soldiers, dressing them up as soldiers, when are they going to pick up the mentality of soldiers?"

"If you look at the police department, their creed is to protect and to serve. A soldier's mission is to engage his enemy in close combat and kill him. Do we want police officers to have that mentality? Of course not," he added. Of course this is exactly what we are seeing, police thinking that they are somehow above the law or a military force that is there to intimidate, control and oppress, instead of protect and serve.

The greater trend towards militarizing domestic police forces shows that our illegitimate government is increasingly treating all Americans as the enemy, effectively turning the bloody military "counterterrorism" apparatus around and redirecting the resources to the United States.

Seeing how the so-called "war on terror" has affected foreign nations, I don't think that any sane American who actually keeps up on the news would be comfortable with having that machine turned back towards us.


Related video and article:

Pentagon provides military grade weapons to local police n6VOhM Local law enforcement has been getting assistance from the Pentagon. The recent militarization of the police at the Occupy protests has proved this true. The Pentagon program is getting military-grade weapons in the hands of local law enforcement in the US to use on American citizens. The Department of Defense has handed over $500 million worth of weapons this year. Is the government gearing up for mainstream to rise up? Max Blumenthal, writing fellow for The Nation Institute, joins us to answer some of these questions.

The Pentagon Is Offering Free Military Hardware To Every Police Department In The US (Dec. 5, 2011) police-2011-12

85-year-old Woman Strip Searched at JFK Airport (Dec 4, 2011) old_Woman_Strip_Searched_at_JFK_Airport.html 'I really look like a terrorist?,' 110-pound Long Island grandmother says -- Lenore Zimmerman, 85, shows injury she says came during strip search by security at JFK Airport.An 85-year-old Long Island grandmother says she plans to sue the TSA after a humiliating strip search on Tuesday by agents at JFK Airport.Lenore Zimmerman, who lives in Long Beach, says she was on her way to a 1 p.m. flight to Fort Lauderdale when security whisked her to a private room and took off her clothes."I walk with a walker - I really look like a terrorist," she said sarcastically. "I'm tiny. I weigh 110 pounds, 107 without clothes, and I was strip-searched." TSA spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein said a review of closed circuit TV footage from the airport shows "proper procedures were followed." But Zimmerman, whose hunched back puts her at 4-foot-11, said her ordeal began after her son, Bruce, drove her to the JetBlue terminal for the Florida flight. She lives in warm Coconut Creek during the winter.S he checked her bags, waited for a wheelchair and parted ways with her doting son - her only immediate relative. When Zimmerman reached a security checkpoint, she asked if she could forgo the advanced image technology screening equipment, fearing it might interfere with her defibrillator. She said she normally gets patted down. But this time, she says that two female agents escorted her to a private room and began to remove her clothes."I was outraged," said Zimmerman, a retired receptionist. CLIP

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From: funded-by-the-us-military/?mid=54

Smart Meters Being Funded by the US Military?

December 8, 2011

Was the US Military involved in 'smart' meter R&D? New documents suggest just that.

The utility companies have described their installation of ‘smart’ meters as a “deployment.” They have called those of us peacefully defending the safety and health of the public “insurgents.” At times, scenes of the public physically blocking military-style smart meter installations conjure up images of wartime. But is the smart meter program actually being funded by the military? Is the “smart grid” somehow linked with military research and development? That’s what documents unearthed and analyzed by Las Vegas activist and firebrand Angel de Fazio would seem to suggest.

Under a FOIA request, Angel obtained a document that details a nearly 300 million dollar grant from the federal government to NV Energy to install smart meters. On the “authorization” line it refers to two funding sources: 31 USC 6304 and 10 USC 2358. “31 USC 6304? is a relatively straightforward designation on “using grant agreements.” But do a search for “10 USC 2358? and you will find it identified as “US Armed Forces Research and Development Projects”.

Now at StopSmartMeters.Org we’re not the first ones to call “conspiracy” at the slightest suspicion of impropriety. Yet this discovery raises important questions about the hasty and undemocratic smart meter installations, about the smart meters that have been spying on people and making thousands sick in their own homes from pulsed radiation.

It’s become fairly clear to anyone involved in this fight- that this is not just simply a utility meter upgrade. There is more to these devices than meets the eye.

Given recent events, we believe there are valid reasons to be rather alarmed by Angel’s chance discovery, and at the very least the public deserves an explanation of why the military would be involved in a domestic utility project. Some of those recent events include:

1. Last week the US Senate approved the National Defense Authorization Act which would allow the military to detain any US Citizen indefinitely without trial or charges within the United States.

2. Within the last month, the US Army has stationed an active unit on domestic duty within the United States- in order to deal with “civil unrest” and crowd control.

3. There is growing evidence that US Homeland Security helped to coordinate the brutal crackdowns on the Occupy encampments in major US cities over the past few weeks.

We stated publicly in August 2010 that we believe the smart meter program is an attack on the public, and that we the people must mobilize to defend ourselves. Today, thanks to the diligent investigative efforts of grassroots activists, we have evidence that the US military may in fact be linked with this “deployment.”

What do you think?

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From: health-nation?q=content/electropollution-and-decline-health-nation


The biggest health threat to the US is electropollution. The explosion of iPhones, Blackberries, WiFi, WiMax, video game consoles and even remote-control toys has fundamentally changed our electrical environment. You can’t see it, you can’t taste it, you can’t touch it; but the air all around us is increasingly filled with electromagnetic radiation (EMR) that is penetrating our bodies and disrupting our body chemistry – perhaps forever.

Every moment of every day, invisible fields of electrons are striking our bodies like tiny darts, triggering dozens of bio-chemical reactions, which undermine our health and stealthily lay the groundwork for disease.

How does this happen? As Nobel-prize nominee, Dr. Robert Becker described in “The Body Electric,” our brains; our hearts and every one of the seven trillion cells in our bodies operate on electrical impulses. These minuscule electrical fields can easily be disrupted by the electropollution around us, especially when frequency wavelength is in the brainwave region (0-33 hertz), or matches up with and resonates with electrically- charged particles like ions and chemicals or organs of the body. Becker also found that healing only takes place if the current at the point of injury is negatively charged. When it turns positive, the healing process shuts down. So, even our ability to heal is fundamentally dependent upon electrical fields and thus subject to interference from ambient EMR. In the 1960s NASA found that astronauts would lose up to 50% of their bone mass in just weeks without the presence of the earth’s natural electromagnetic field. Later an artificial version of the earth’s electromagnetic field was added to the spacecraft, which reduced the problem.

Human life could not exist without the presence of natural electromagnetic fields. But what about the explosion of artificial magnetic fields around us, how are these burgeoning signals affecting us? Since the early 1960s, there has been an ongoing debate between scientists, government, industry and the military as to the health impacts on humans from electromagnetic radiation. In fact more than 16,000 studies have tackled the issue. Now, more than 6000 studies connect wireless and other EMR with more than 122 biological effects. Another 10,000 fail to find the connection. US regulators and policy-makers are using these numbers as a rationale to continue to approve the deployment of unproven technologies. They typically claim that there is no consensus in the science. Despite the science showing a better than 1 in 3 chance (38%) that wireless technologies are causing bio- effects, these regulators and policy-makers are betting that these ‘untested’ technologies won’t make us sick. But how do they know?

The US government is neither tracking the health effects of these newly adopted technologies nor has it funded a single non-classified study on the biological effects of wireless technologies since the late 1990’s. During that time twelve new ubiquitous technologies have been rolled-out, including public WiFi, 3rd generation (3G) cell phones, 3G Cellular networks, Bluetooth, WiMax, DECT cordless phones, 4G cell phones and broad deployments of GPS in cars, phones and devices. Meanwhile the fourteen international scientists, who produced the BioInitiative Report ( document more than two thousand, mostly independent studies, which connect wireless and other EMR with the following: DNA damage, brain cancer, Alzheimer’s, breast cancer, children’s cancers (leukemia), immune system dysfunction, cardiac symptoms, alteration of melatonin production, inflammation and electromagnetic sensitivity. The 630 page report also links numerous modern age symptoms such as headaches, sleep disturbances, concentration issues, fuzzy thinking, joint and muscle pain and memory loss to wireless.

As science is often crippled by abstract experiments with unproven simplifying assumptions, a better way to judge and validate scientific findings may be to look at the key health trends:

Beginning in the 1980’s at the advent of the ‘wireless revolution’ a profound change in our national health began to quietly unfold. It began with the emergence of a bevy of previously-unknown auto-immune diseases like chronic fatigue (CFS), lupus, environmental illness (EI) and fibromyalgia. Soon an explosion in neurological disorders began with Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s all showing a dramatic increase. Next, the incidence of certain cancers began to suddenly rise such as melanoma, testicular, lymphoma, breast and prostate cancers. Then, in the 1990s, ailments like diabetes, attention deficit disorder (ADD/ ADHD) and Autism began to explode.

In the past fifteen years sleep disturbances and mood disorders have sky- rocketed. In the 1970s only about 4% suffered from sleep issues. It is now closer to 60%. Meanwhile more than 18 million Americans are clinically diagnosed as depressed. Depression in children is growing at 23%. It should be no surprise that the top selling pharmaceutical drugs are for pain, depression, and sleep.

What has happened to our health?

It might surprise you to know that the 1950s, when there were few health clubs; the American diet was loaded with fat; vitamin supplements were rare; executives downed three martinis at lunch and everyone smoked like a smokestack, may have been the healthiest decade ever. Expectations for getting cancer were only 1 in 6; it is now 1 in 2 for men. Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis and most modern autoimmune diseases were unheard of. Neurological disorders like Parkinson’s and ALS were rare. Diabetes was only beginning to emerge and heart disease for young people was unusual.

In the previous three decades, we had extended the average life expectancy from 55 to 72 years – a 31% gain. Well here’s the good news: we now live to 80 – 8 more years. But more than half of that eight year gain is spent in a nursing home, suffering from either dementia, or Alzheimer’s.

What has happened to our health?

Despite the many advances in medicine during the 20th century, the US and other industrialized nations have been experiencing explosions in disease and pervasive ill-health. While many scientists and the pharmaceutical industry are rushing to find drugs to manage the symptoms of these illnesses, almost no progress has been made to find root causes. Theories abound on the causes and underlying factors for the big six diseases: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, neurological disorders (Alzheimer’s et al), autoimmune disorders and allergies (asthma). But none are conclusive.

We’ve gotten really good at managing symptoms the past two decades but no one can explain the spontaneous explosion of the six major disease groups with no obvious connection that began in the 1980’s. Almost everyone agrees that these diseases are closely associated with environmental, and/or lifestyle choices. We hear incessantly about the importance of diet and exercise; the impacts from smoking; and exposures to chemicals and other toxins in our environment. But are these the lead causes, or simply supporting actors in the emerging health drama?

Millions are spent each year on research, attacking the possible causation of the big six diseases. Most of this research is approached from either a purely biological or chemical angle. Sometimes there is an interdisciplinary approach, involving experts in biology and chemistry. Yet the human organism is clearly much more than simply the sum of body parts, operating in a bio-chemical paradigm. The missing factor is the role of electrical energy and the tiny electromagnetic fields that are triggering our heart, our brain, our endocrine system and constantly transmitting messages to every cell in our body. As few scientists are trained across biology, chemistry and electricity, we are left in the dark as to the interrelationship of all three key factors. More importantly we are blinded by continuing to ignore the pivotal role of electrical disturbances transmitted from our environment that is setting off a chain of bio-chemical events that are leading to an epidemic of disease.

Is electropollution the unifying factor in the exploding diseases that are making us all so sick?

New Evidence

In the past several months, there have been two potentially landmark events that shed new light on the science, linking EMR from wireless technologies to broad health impacts, dozens of biological effects and virtually all of the currently exploding diseases.

In July 2010, a previously unrecognized collection of nearly 5000 studies linking low-level wireless signals to bioeffects was discovered by noted scientist, Magda Havas, PhD of Trent University in Ontario, Canada. More than 2300 of these studies, concerned with radio-frequency and microwave radiation, were compiled by Dr. Zorach Glaser, PhD, an officer in the US Navy at the request of the Naval Medical Research Institute. Many of these studies were previously classified and others originated in Eastern Block nations such as the USSR, Poland and Czechoslovakia and have only recently been translated. Here is a sampling from Dr. Glaser’s report on the 122 biological phenomena (effects) and clinical manifestations attributed to microwave and radio-frequency radiation:

This treasure trove of “lost” science that was compiled at the request of the US Navy opens the door for a real renaissance in research for scientists, who are examining the link between wireless technologies and impacts to our health. But will it be enough to awaken the US government to this call to action?

Meanwhile in a spectacular announcement that got very little coverage in August 2010, noted epidemiologist, Samuel Milham, MD makes the link between the growth of electrification and the incidence of four of the big six diseases. In "Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization" Dr. Milham connects dirty electricity with heart disease, cancer, diabetes, neurological disorders like ALS and suicide.

Dirty electricity refers to unusable electrical energy, which is caused by the interference of electronics on the power lines within your home, office or public building. It is virtually everywhere. Dirty electricity is created by fluorescent lights, dimmer switches, cell phone chargers, plasma TVs, laptop computers and the dramatic increase of electronics all around us. Seven studies have shown that what is considered electrical noise on power lines is also biologically-active. (Havas, Milham, Morgan et al). These studies, many of which were performed in schools, shows that this electrical noise may be causing, or worsening health conditions such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), chronic fatigue, diabetes (glucose rise) and asthma.

Eerily four of the diseases most associated with inflammation – cancer, heart disease, diabetes and neurological disorders are directly linked to dirty electricity. Both Dr. Zorach Glaser’s bibliography and the BioInitiative Report ( separately connect electrical fields from wireless technologies with inflammation.

If the inflammation connection can be confirmed, then we may have solved the most important health issue of our time. If wireless technologies cause inflammation and inflammation leads to:

- cancer - heart disease - autoimmune disease - diabetes - Neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS and MS - Attention Deficit Disorder

As TIME Magazine proposes in “The Fires Within,” then the mystery of these diseases, which have been exploding since the advent of the wireless revolution in the 1980’s may be finally solved!

Meanwhile a nationwide roll-out of the smart grid, super WiFi and 4G cellular networks is about to begin. With these three powerful and ‘untested’ wireless technologies poised to be deployed, the time has never been better to pause and ask the question:

Are we willing to take the bet that these wireless technologies won’t make us sick?

And what will we tell our children, if we are wrong?

- Alex Richards

--- Related material: impacts?q=content/biological-impacts

US GOVERNMENT REPORTS a sampling of biological effects from low- level microwave radiation. (US Naval Research Institute):

Changes in physiological Function (29) - Alteration of diameter of blood vessels - Liver enlargement - Decreased fertility - Altered sex ratio of births (more females) - Altered blood flow - Altered menstrual activity - Structural changes in cerebral cortex - Myocardial necrosis - Dehydration - Alteration in sensitivity to light, sound and olfactory stimuli - Altered rate of calcification

Central Nervous System Effects (9) - Headaches - Insomnia - Cranial nerve disorders - Vagomimetic action of the Heart; sympaticomimetic action

Autonomic Nervous System Effects (4) - Alteration of the heart rhythm - Fatigue - Structural alteration of the synapses of the vagus nerve - Stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system (Bradycardia).

Psychological Disorders (17) - Depression - Impotence - Anxiety - Lack of concentration - Dizziness - Sleepiness - Insomnia - Increased irritability - Memory loss - Chest pain

Vascular Disorders (2) - Thrombosis - Hypertension

Blood Disorders (14) - Blood and bone marrow - Blood glucose concentration (increase) - Blood Histamine content (inflammatory marker) - Cholesterol and lipids - Albumin/ globulin ration (decrease)

Enzyme and other biochemical changes (13) - Alteration in cell division - Change in concentration of Glycogen in Liver - Tissue cultures killed

Metabolic Disorders (4) - Gastro-intestinal disorders (4) - Anorexia - Constipation - Epigastric pain - Altered secretion of stomach (digestive juices

Endocrine Gland Changes (8) - Altered pituitary function - Hyperthyroidism - Thyroid enlargement - Altered adrenal cortex activity - Decreased corticosteroids in blood - Hypogonadism (decreased testosterone production)

Histological Changes (2) Genetic and Chromosomal Changes (5) - Chromosome aberrations - Mutations - Mongolism - Tumors - Cellular changes (somatic alterations)

Miscellaneous Effects (10) - Metallic taste in mouth - Loss of hair - Sensations of buzzing, vibrations, pulsations, tickling about head and ears - Copious perspiration, salivation - Changes in circadian rhythms

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Forwarded by Dan Stafford ([email protected])

Subject: Discovery Channel backs down!

Big news! For weeks, the Discovery Channel refused to show the stunning conclusions of its own Frozen Planet documentary series that showed the devastating effects that climate change has had on the North and South Poles -- and the danger it portends for the rest of the planet.

But just hours after Claudia Abbott-Barish's petition hit 75,000 signatures, Discovery backed down, and agreed to air the final episode (all about climate change) in its entirety!

It's another sign that something different is happening all over the world. Every day, people are taking a stand on local, state and national issues that matter to them, and they're winning. has a simple goal -- enable anyone, anywhere, to start, join and win campaigns about issues that are important to them. We're a community of more than 5 million people, and together we've achieved some amazing victories. In the last few weeks, people have used the platform to stop young people from being deported, save homes from foreclosure, and force big banks to drop outrageous fees for using a debit card. A Burmese monk living in Brooklyn successfully petitioned Hillary Clinton to speak out forcefully about political prisoners in his home country. An animal lover stopped a shelter in North Carolina from slaughtering thousands of dogs. A Syrian activist got Western tech companies to stop supplying spying technology to the violent Syrain regime. Two LGBT teens in Michigan pushed their state legislature to drop a harmful exemption from an anti-bullying law.

It's amazing to watch. And, if you're like me, you can't wait to see what happens next.

Start your own petition by clicking HERE

We're so proud to help you win.

- Patrick and the team

P.S. Not ready to start your own campaign? Take action on some of these crucial campaigns.

The Milton Hershey School, a boarding school for disadvantaged youth, rejected a 13-year-old boy just because he is HIV positive. Join the campaign to get Milton Hershey to reverse their illegal decision.

The daughter of Leslianne Bouchard, a disabled teacher in California, is fighting to save her mom's home from foreclosure by First Mortgage Corporation.

Jo Hederson is petitioning North Carolina wildlife officials to investigate the killings of nine tame deer and to establish new protections for tame deer.

Alex Sahlen, a defender for the Western New York Flash, launched a petition to save Women's Professional Soccer from being disbanded.

Delly Mawazo Sesete, a refugee from the war-torn Democratic Republic of the Congo, is asking Apple to stop using minerals mined under horrible abuses in his homeland.

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December 10, 2011


The Eclipse of Dreams and the Zombie Global Financial System

On the level of the collective consciousness of Lightworkers, this Full Moon Selenelion Eclipse indicates that we have integrated many of the lessons of the last few years of inner work and have also absorbed many of the tough new lessons we’ve been learning since the Financial Meltdown of 2007 about social inequalities and disequilibriums that are destroying the global middle classes, triggering destructive nationalistic war-mongering, destroying humanity’s habitat, and creating a new, parasitic class of super-wealthy individuals who have seceded from the human race, and repudiated all social responsibilities.

We are now well into a period of disillusionment, a period in which many dreams are being eclipsed and dying.

The American Dream is dying. In California, where the American Dream was born, immortalized on totally impermanent celluloid, and sold to billions around the world, the middle class is shrinking, according to today’s San Francisco Bay newspaper reports.

The dream of the Enlightenment -- the dream of continuous human progress resulting from the application of rational mind, logical thought and scientific methodology to any and all problems and issues that may arise in any sphere of human activity -- is likewise apparently dead. Science brought us the Industrial Revolution, which has brought us a planet warming to the point where humanity may lose its only habitat. The dream of the one, true religion is perhaps also dying. Religions around the world have become more and more fundamentalist and belligerent. Religious warfare among Moslems, Christians, Hindus and Jews is considered normal and likely to increase in severity.

This last week in an article on The Huffington Post website the Dalai Lama said, “Today, however, any religion-based answer to the problem of our neglect of inner values can never be universal, and so will be inadequate. What we need today is an approach to ethics which makes no recourse to religion and can be equally acceptable to those with faith and those without: a secular ethics.”

The dream of unlimited resources, unlimited growth, and of essentially unlimited exploitation of people and countries possessing valuable natural resources, has become less and less credible to more and more people around the world the last few years -- for obvious reasons.

The dream of a world increasingly composed of peaceful democracies who would not war upon one another, predicted by neo-conservative theoretician Francis Fukuyama in his book The End of History, is coming to an end.

Instead, it appears that the existing democracies in Europe, North and South America and elsewhere in the world, are all in a state of advanced political decay, with a tremendous polarity between the government and the citizens that is increasing in intensity all the time.

That’s partly because the dream of the Euro is dying. The Euro is a currency based upon a fatally flawed multi-nation-state financial system, which has no institutional mandate or tools to deal with the scope of the current global financial crisis.

There is no European wide democratically elected government of any kind, just a central bank and a big bureaucracy. And the European central bank can do only one thing. Fight inflation. Even in the middle of a Depression. No matter what. Whether it works or not.

It is as if the Federal Reserve had no power to adjust monetary policy in order to deal with emergencies requiring the infusion of money into the financial system. If the Fed had not bailed out big banks and investment firms in the US a few years ago, it is definitely possible that the resulting shock to the financial system would have destroyed confidence in the dollar. That is why there was such widespread agreement among politicians and financial elites about what to do.

However once the system was stabilized with trillions of dollars worth of taxpayer contributions, Washington failed to audit the banks and Wall Street firms, deliver a fair and open accounting, and mark assets to fair market value.

At that point, it would be possible to conduct meaningful investigations into the causes of the financial crisis, and the financial markets would force appropriate adjustments in value of stocks, bonds, derivatives and other assets owned and owed by and to banks and other investment firms.

None of this was done, or even contemplated as an option. As a reporter who covered the S&L crisis, I can tell you that approach worked to minimize losses and resulted in investigations of improprieties by several Senators and thousands of cases of financial fraud brought to court against S&L bankers, real estate developers, real estate brokers, appraisers, accountants, attornies and others.

Best of all it restored the markets to a new equilibrium with lowered valuations. At the same time a lot of debt obligations were wiped out. That is just part of the process of creating a viable financial equilibrium in the wake of financial crashes triggered by the collapse of financial and real estate bubbles fueled by excessive debt created by reckless bankers.

The current approach hides losses and creates a Zombie financial system in which those who created trillions of dollars in losses are not brought into court, but rather given trillions of dollars by taxpayers so they will suffer no interruption of their normal activities, free of oversight by the representatives of their new benefactors.

Governmental bailouts of financial institutions should always require accountability on the part of those receiving the funds. Those who created the problem should lose their jobs, at the very least, and if individuals and institutions profited from fraudulent lending practices, they should be forced to disgorge those stolen profits and be brought to court to answer for these crimes.

To restart the stalled economy, Washington should tax the super-rich 1%, and the financial institutions receiving trillions of dollars from Washington should be forced to return the money with interest to taxpayers.

Instead Washington insists on balancing the now bloated budget by slashing Medicare, Social Security, and other social programs, banning unions, and essentially ripping the heart out of the government infrastructure that created and sustains America’s middle classes.

These are the same policies that in Europe have elevated unelected bankers with strong ties to Goldman Sachs to be the political leaders of Greece and Italy, and which have resulted in what appears to be a wave of deflation and monetary crisis spreading across Europe that threatens to throw the entire world’s financial engines into reverse. Growth has stopped in India and China shows signs of fatigue, and the worst of the Euro-crisis is yet to come.

The public in Europe objects strenuously to the current political consensus which locks political parties of all Euro-states and left-wing-right-wing identifications into identical policies of total capitulation to the demands of financial capital, which is determined to bankrupt the Euro-zone to protect its financial privileges and its ill-gotten profits.

Existing democracies around the world, in advanced countries, developing countries, and in poor countries, are all experiencing popular revolts against rule by entrenched elites who seem unresponsive in times of global financial crisis, unable to do anything except re-create the failed conservative policies of the 1930s that prolonged the Depression -- guaranteeing unlimited profits to financial sector players, and unlimited financial pain to the other 99% of the population.

This same program of forced austerity and social repression was imposed on debtor countries in Latin America in the 1980s. These countries had been targeted to be recipients of loans from the world’s biggest banks in the 1970s, because the banks were overflowing with recycled petro- dollars deposited by Middle Eastern Sheikhs who profited obscenely from the Oil Crisis of that decade. Latin American countries happily took on more debt than they could really afford, just as happened in Europe in the last decade.

In Latin America in the 1980s the result of enforced austerity after the bursting of a credit-fueled financial bubble was popular revolt followed often by election of extremely left-wing elements, followed by military coups aided by the United States, and subsequent military dictatorship, and mass murder of political opponents.

Now of course, a few decades later, the left wing rules in Latin America and seem set to do so for the foreseeable future.

As we ponder the way international conferences of elected officials and unelected international bankers in Brussels are now imposing the same type of austerity program in Europe in the wake of the bursting of the global credit bubble, we can only hope that history does not repeat itself.

As we approach this Gemini Full Moon Eclipse people all over the world are far past the beginning stages of a painful awakening to a new reality -- a 21st century world which is unstable, characterized by recurring and increasingly severe financial and environmental crises. A world full of increasingly open conflicts between races, nations, religions, classes, and political systems.

These conflicts, which were brewing under the surface of things, were intensified by the abrupt collapse of the neo-liberal capitalist financial system in 2007-2008. As discussed above, the current financial system is now a Zombie financial system, being vivified only temporarily through constant infusions of trillions more of tax dollars, bonds and guarantees extracted by compliant governments in Washington and Brussels, from Americans and European taxpayers being hammered by austerity policies crafted for the benefit and ongoing bail-out of the financial industry that caused the original crisis.

Over the next few years the world will awaken to the fact that this Zombie financial system cannot continue. It does not serve anyone but those who control it directly through their ownership of the financial giants that constitute its highly networked and distributed global brain. The way that financial system is owned, controlled and structured will change.

Most change comes from human suffering. For myself, I will testify that my worst habits were totally intractable until they caused me so much pain I suddenly decided to simply change. Then anything was possible, even the change I had feared so much. And change was actually good.

As we meditate upon this magical Gemini Full Moon, we can ponder the idea that human suffering too is an essential part of the civilization wide transformation being triggered by the Long Term Cosmic Weather Pattern of the 2010s, which roughly began with the Economic Meltdown.

Out of suffering comes better understanding.

Now we understand that the 1% who got us into this mess and their enablers in governments and news media worldwide will not be the ones to find solutions to humanity’s most pressing problems.

In fact it is the economic and political leadership of the world’s advanced societies that constitute the biggest obstacle to effective engagement with these pressing problems of global warming, peak oil, the collapse of the current version of global capitalism and the crisis of democracy sweeping the world today.

Where people around the world have gone into the streets at great personal risk and sacrifice, to demand that balance and equity, democracy and fair play be restored to our political, economic and social systems, they have been met with tear gas, rubber bullets, firehoses, dogs, batons, and in some cases, live ammo and cold steel.

A strategy of arrogance relying upon the application of naked force in response to popular demands for freedom, financial democracy, political democracy, and fair play for all is evident throughout the Middle East; on the streets of Oakland and New York; in China; in Russia where fraudulent elections just robbed the communist party of a huge comeback win, and Mikhail Gorbachev has asked for an investigation; and in Europe, where the armies of NATO and the police who are armed like occupation forces of a foreign invader engage in violent confrontations with the forces of popular democracy in revolt against the theft of their savings and their national sovereignty by the Brussels-based financial- political elite that now govern Europe as if they were a new aristocracy of the financial markets, an unelected political ruling class operating without being subordinate to any wise Royal Sovereign or democratically elected Euro-President.

The world’s elites continue their Marie-Antoinette strategy of denial and repression, while the 99% continue to use this opportunity to look deeply within ourselves, to seek the truth, to connect with our spiritual and political family, and to prepare for the transformative changes coming our way like a moment of high historical tide -- the moment that will define the 21st Century as a time of accelerating darkness or a moment of accelerating dawn.

CLIP - To read the rest please go at

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From: deal-014244802.html

Climate conference approves landmark deal

Dcember 11, 2011

DURBAN, South Africa (AP) - A U.N. climate conference reached a hard- fought agreement Sunday on a far-reaching program meant to set a new course for the global fight against climate change.

The 194-party conference agreed to start negotiations on a new accord that would ensure that countries will be legally bound to carry out any pledges they make. It would take effect by 2020 at the latest.

The deal doesn't explicitly compel any nation to take on emissions targets, although most emerging economies have volunteered to curb the growth of their emissions.

Currently, only industrial countries have legally binding emissions targets under the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. Those commitments expire next year, but they will be extended for at least another five years under the accord adopted Sunday - a key demand by developing countries seeking to preserve the only existing treaty regulating carbon emissions.

The proposed Durban Platform offered answers to problems that have bedeviled global warming negotiations for years about sharing the responsibility for controlling carbon emissions and helping the world's poorest and most climate-vulnerable nations cope with changing forces of nature.

The United States was a reluctant supporter, concerned about agreeing to join an international climate system that likely would find much opposition in the U.S. Congress.

"This is a very significant package. None of us likes everything in it. Believe me, there is plenty the United States is not thrilled about," said U.S. climate envoy Todd Stern. But the package captured important advances that would be undone if it is rejected, he told the delegates.

Sunday's deal also set up the bodies that will collect, govern and distribute tens of billions of dollars a year for poor countries. Other documents in the package lay out rules for monitoring and verifying emissions reductions, protecting forests, transferring clean technologies to developing countries and scores of technical issues.

U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said the deal represents "an important advance in our work on climate change."

But the deal's language left some analysts warning that the wording left huge loopholes for countries to avoid tying their emissions to legal constraints, and noted that there was no mention of penalties. "They haven't reached a real deal," said Samantha Smith, of WWF International. "They watered things down so everyone could get on board."

Environmentalists criticized the package - as did many developing countries in the debate - for failing to address what they called the most urgent issue, to move faster and deeper in cutting carbon emissions.

"The good news is we avoided a train wreck," said Alden Meyer, recalling predictions a few days ago of a likely failure. "The bad news is that we did very little here to affect the emissions curve."

Scientists say that unless those emissions - chiefly carbon dioxide from power generation and industry - level out and reverse within a few years, the Earth will be set on a possibly irreversible path of rising temperatures that lead to ever greater climate catastrophes.

Sunday's breakthrough capped 13 days of hectic negotiations that ran a day and a half over schedule, including two round-the-clock days that left negotiators bleary-eyed and stumbling with words. Delegates were seen nodding off in the final plenary session, despite the high drama, barely constrained emotions and uncertainty whether the talks would end in triumph or total collapse.

The nearly fatal issue involved the legal nature of the accord that will govern carbon emissions by the turn of the next decade.

A plan put forward by the European Union sought strong language that would bind all countries equally to carry out their emissions commitments.

India led the objectors, saying it wanted a less rigorous option. Environment Minister Jayanthi Natarajan argued that the EU proposal undermined the 20-year-old principle that developing countries have less responsibility than industrial nations that caused the global warming problem through 200 years of pollution.

"The equity of burden-sharing cannot be shifted," she said in angry tones.

Chinese negotiator Xie Zhenhua gave heated support for the Indians, saying the industrial nations have not lived up to their promises while China and other developing countries had launched ambitious green programs.

"We are doing whatever we should do. We are doing things you are not doing. What qualifies you to say things like this," he said, raising his voice and waving his arm.

The debate ran past midnight and grew increasingly tense as speakers lined up almost evenly on one side or the other. Conference president Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, who is South Africa's foreign minister, called a recess and told the EU and Indian delegates to put their heads together and come up with a compromise formula.

Coming after weeks of unsuccessful effort to resolve the issue, Nkoana- Mashabane gave Natarajan and European Commissioner Connie Hedegaard 10 minutes to find a solution, with hundreds of delegates milling around them.

They needed 50 minutes.

The package gave new life to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, whose carbon emissions targets expire next year and apply only to industrial countries. A separate document obliges major developing nations like China and India, excluded under Kyoto, to accept legally binding emissions targets in the future.

Together, the two documents overhaul a system designed 20 years ago that divide the world into a handful of wealthy countries facing legal obligations to reduce emissions, and the rest of the world which could undertake voluntary efforts to control carbon.

The European Union, the primary bloc falling under the Kyoto Protocol's reduction commitments, said an extension of its targets was conditional on major developing countries also accepting limits with the same legal accountability. The 20th century division of the globe into two unequal parts was invalid in today's world, the EU said.

The difficult clause in the documents called on countries to complete negotiations within three years on "a protocol, another legal instrument, or a legal outcome" that would succeed the Kyoto Protocol. It would need about five years for ratification.

But the EU objected to the late addition of the phrase "legal outcome," which it said would allow countries to wriggle out of commitments. The final compromise, reached at 3:30 a.m., changed the final option to "an agreed outcome with legal force."

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From: talks-ending-polluters-won-people-lost-greenpeace-africa/

Durban climate talks ending: Polluters won, people lost (Greenpeace Africa)

DURBAN, South-Africa, December 11, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ - On the closing of the latest round of UN climate talks in Durban Greenpeace today declared that it was clear that our Governments this past two weeks listened to the carbon-intensive polluting corporations instead of listening to the people who want an end to our dependence on fossil fuels and real and immediate action on climate change.

"The grim news is that the blockers lead by the US have succeeded in inserting a vital get-out clause that could easily prevent the next big climate deal being legally binding. If that loophole is exploited it could be a disaster. And the deal is due to be implemented 'from 2020? leaving almost no room for increasing the depth of carbon cuts in this decade when scientists say we need emissions to peak," said Kumi Naidoo, Greenpeace International Executive Director.

"Right now the global climate regime amounts to nothing more than a voluntary deal that's put off for a decade. This could take us over the two degree threshold where we pass from danger to potential catastrophe."

"Our atmosphere has been loaded with a carbon debt and the bill, carrying a Durban postmark, has been posted to the world's poorest countries especially here in Africa. The chance of averting catastrophic climate change is slipping through our hands with every passing year that nations fail to agree on a rescue plan for the planet."

According to Greenpeace Africa the South Africa, as host of the COP 17 tried to ensure a meaningful deal. "The type of deal that has been reached has been strongly influenced by the blockers led by US", said Ferrial Adam, Climate and Energy Campaigner for Greenpeace Africa.

Distributed by the African Press Organization for Greenpeace Africa. For more information contact

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From: -Listen-to-the-Polluters-at-UN-climate-talks/

Politicians Listen to the Polluters at UN climate talks

December 11, 2011

UN climate talks in Durban have ended the same way they began, in failure. Governments at the UN climate talks have chosen to listen to the polluters over the people and failed to reinforce previous climate saving measures and have steered clear of new global rules for tackling climate change.

Despite the rallying calls that filled the hallways of the conference center yesterday, polluters have won this round of talks with politicians making little progress on a global deal to tackle climate change.

Two years ago in Copenhagen, politicians promised a US $100 billion fund would be set up to help the poorest countries adapt to and mitigate climate change. They came to Durban two years later only planning to design a way to collect and distribute the money. It turns out they could not even manage to do that. While the details of the talks may be complex the truth is simple. We are nowhere near where we need to be to avert catastrophic climate change.

Chief among the blockers for a success at the negotiations by far is the US, which is clearly operating at the bidding of the carbon cartels. Its negotiators have no place in the room. Other powerful governments and blocs, like the EU, China, and India should have already outmaneuvered them, joining together to side with the most vulnerable to make real progress. "The grim news is that the blockers lead by the US have succeeded in inserting a vital get-out clause that could easily prevent the next big climate deal being legally binding. If that loophole is exploited it could be a disaster. And the deal is due to be implemented 'from 2020' leaving almost no room for increasing the depth of carbon cuts in this decade when scientists say we need emissions to peak," said Kumi Naidoo, Greenpeace International Executive Director.

"Governments departing the UN talks should be ashamed. When they return home we wonder how they will be able to look into the eyes of their children and grandchildren. They have let us down and their failure will be measured in the lives of the poor, the most vulnerable and least responsible for the global climate crises."


Related articles:

CTV "Canada to pull out of Kyoto Protocol next month" south-africa-slimate-conference-setup- 111127/20111127/?hub=CalgaryHome

Related articles:

Stern's Rebuke (DECEMBER 6, 2011) 95404.html Lord Nicholas Stern's views on climate change are stark and controversial -- In 2006, Lord Nicholas Stern's eponymous review of the economics of climate change for the U.K. government added a quantitative framework to reinforce the growing lobby for concerted, coordinated action on carbon emissions. The stark findings of the report led to accusations of double-counting and an overstating of the risks of anthropogenic climate change. Five years on, Lord Stern says that, in hindsight, his team may have actually underestimated the risks.

(...) With the developed world facing a financial crisis that has paralysed policy, the short-term necessities of economic management seem to have overtaken the grander visions that came out in the middle of the past decade, when Lord Stern himself was at the forefront of both the international development and climate agendas. He was responsible for two of the defining global policy texts of the last decade-first, in 2005, the Africa Commission's report for the Gleneagles summit of the G8 and, in 2006, the comprehensive review of the economics of climate change. The Stern Review was almost unique at the time in its ability to transcend the social and ecological affects of anthropogenic climate change and calculate the economic cost of mankind's failure to address carbon emissions. The review offered a compelling argument that the benefits of immediately addressing the root causes of global warming far outweighed the costs of inaction.

(...) After redrawing the way in which climate risks were estimated, the review's numbers painted a grim picture of the impact of higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. At 550 parts per million [of carbon dioxide equivalent in the atmosphere], the likelihood of a two degrees celsius rise in global temperatures would be 99%. At that point, 40% of the species on the planet would face extinction, according to the Stern Review. The cost, in terms of dramatic increases in the incidence of severe weather events, would be colossal. Furthermore, failure to act rapidly risked locking in effects and speeding up the process."The concentrations [of CO2] are building up faster than we thought, and the absorptive capacity of the planet is less than we thought. Some of the effects are coming through faster than we thought," Lord Stern says. "You're seeing examples, such as the Pakistan floods, such as the droughts in the Horn of Africa as being very fierce reminders of the consequences of climate change."While these severe events can capture the public imagination and fit neatly into the narrative, Lord Stern, like many climate scientists, cautions that attributing any individual catastrophe to anthropogenic climate change is problematic. Outlier climate events can and will happen regardless of the effects of human action. The current science shows that the incidence and severity of these events is likely to increase in the event of rising global temperatures. As with all meteorology, the science is based on probabilities. CLIP

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From: exclusive/2012/02/17/africas-hidden-hunger/

Africa’s hidden hunger

Chronic malnutrition fails to capture headlines, but is no less devastating for that, says Stefan Simanowitz. ‘When you arrive in a village, everything may seem normal at first but then you start to notice things,’ explains Assumpta Ndumi. ‘It is lunchtime but there is no food on the fire. There are children in the village but no laughter or play. These are some of the signs of chronic malnutrition.’ For Assumpta, Save the Children’s nutrition adviser for East Africa, chronic malnutrition is a problem every bit as serious as acute malnutrition, even if it seldom captures the headlines. ‘In Kenya last year, the acute malnutrition that followed the drought was widely reported, but even before the rains failed there was a hidden hunger and children were dying because of it,’ she explains.

Assumpta has witnessed firsthand the situation faced by children in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Darfur and Kenya. ‘Many families eat just one meal day, but it is often the quality rather than the quantity of the food that they eat that leaves them dangerously weak,’ she says, pointing to reliance on staples such as maize and cassava, which have low nutritional value, as well as the lack of fresh fruit and vegetables.

But she has also seen how simple, low-cost interventions can have a significant positive impact, transforming lives and preventing unnecessary deaths. According to ALife Free From Hunger, a new report by Save the Children, nearly two in five children in Africa – 60 million in total – are chronically malnourished. The report argues that malnutrition is the underlying cause of one third of child deaths worldwide, although it may not appear on their death certificates. Secondary illnesses such as diarrhoea, pneumonia and malaria, rather than chronic hunger, are usually put down as the cause of death.

Pressing concerns

As well as causing fatalities, chronic malnutrition is having a devastating impact on children’s development. Without the necessary protein, vitamins and minerals, children’s bodies and brains do not develop properly. In Niger, for example, recent World Health Organization research shows the average two-and-a-half-year-old will be more than 8 centimetres shorter than a well-nourished child, and a 2011 UNICEF study found that one in three children in Zimbabwe suffers from chronic malnutrition.

Nearly two in five children in Africa – 60 million in total – are chronically malnourished

Malnourished children often suffer from diminished IQs, and if they survive to adulthood are more likely to suffer from heart disease, diabetes and renal damage as well as being far less productive members of society. Despite a significant global reduction in child deaths, progress on tackling chronic malnutrition has been painfully slow. While over the past 20 years the number of deaths from tuberculosis fell 40 per cent globally and deaths from malaria fell by over 30 per cent in Africa, levels of stunting across the continent have dropped by just 1 per cent over the same period. There are now growing fears that a combination of trends – including rising food prices, climate change and demographic shifts – could reverse even this modest gain. In a recent survey, also by Save the Children, half of families polled in Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, India and Bangladesh said they were forced to cut back on food last year. The poll also found that 1 in 6 parents asked their children to skip school in order to work to help pay for the families’ food. In Nigeria, a quarter of all parents surveyed said their children sometimes or often go without food for an entire day, and 94 per cent pointed to rising food prices as their most pressing concern.

According to Assumpta, tackling chronic malnutrition is neither difficult nor expensive. ‘I have seen how encouraging breastfeeding and fortifying basic foods with essential minerals or vitamins can have an immediate and dramatic impact on children’s health,’ she says. Back in 2008, the Lancet medical journal identified an affordable package of 13 direct interventions – including vitamin A and zinc supplements, iodized salt, and the promotion of healthy behaviour such as breastfeeding – that were proven to have an impact on the nutrition and health of children and mothers. It is estimated that it would cost little more than $10 billion per year to implement this package and help protect 90 per cent of the world’s most vulnerable children from hunger. Integrating strategies

According to a 2011 report from the Food and Agriculture Organization, three quarters of Africa’s malnourished children live on small farms and 43 per cent of agricultural work is carried out by women. Key to improving nutrition is therefore improving agriculture among small holders, sharecroppers and agricultural labourers, particularly women, by ensuring increased access to vital inputs such as land, tools, fertilizers and seeds, credit, agricultural services, markets and water.

Integrating strategies on health, nutrition and agriculture has been shown to produce positive effects. In Mozambique, for example, where the Food Security and Nutrition Strategy is overseen by the Ministry of Agriculture, a significant decline in malnutrition rates has been achieved.

It would cost little more than $10 billion per year to protect 90 per cent of the world’s most vulnerable children from hunger

But despite some limited successes, nutrition-focused agricultural interventions are not able to address the underlying causes of malnutrition – such as chronic poverty and maternal health. In Rwanda, despite efforts to promote balanced diets and the introduction of specific structural anti- poverty interventions, including the provision of school milk and kitchen- garden projects, rates of malnutrition remain stubbornly high. ‘The roots of malnutrition are anchored in poverty and behaviour,’ Rwandan health minister, Agnes Binawahlo, explains. ‘Only sustainable development based on education and economic growth can beat it.’

For Assumpta, who has worked to tackle malnutrition for nearly two decades, the fact that chronic malnutrition can be alleviated with simple interventions gives her hope, but it also increases her frustration when she sees its devastating effects: ‘Last February, an old woman arrived at an outreach centre in Wajir, north eastern Kenya, carrying a listless child. I thought the girl was about two years old but the woman, her grandmother, told me she was five. The girl – who was very thin and had a cough and breathing difficulties – did not survive the night.’

Stories like this are all too common and highlight the urgent need for a concerted global effort to tackle malnutrition. Save the Children's report, A Life Free From Hunger, can be downloaded here.


Related article:

Could you live on $2 a day? (Feb 15, 2012) A story that’s recently been doing the rounds in India is about two young men of Indian origin who returned from the US because they decided they wanted to experience poverty. To live on what the poor in India live on. They wanted to understand their home country. I salute them. Economic statistics indicated that India’s Mean National Income was Rs. 4,500 ($92) a month, or Rs. 150 ($3) a day. Economists also told them that on average people spend about a third of their incomes on rent. So, deducting rent, they decided to live on Rs. 100 ($2) each a day. They struggled to live on this amount: it meant never eating out, never buying processed foods or even ordinary bread, cutting out meat and only buying basic food. They could not travel very far from home – the budget wouldn’t allow it. They began to really understand what life is like when you’re poor.Yet controversially, the Indian Planning Commission recently informed the Indian Supreme Court that our rural poor exist on even less. Apparently, they subsist on approximately Rs. 26 (53 cents) per day. So the duo went to a village in Kerala and tried to live on this amount instead. They were hungry all the time, drank black tea (as milk was unaffordable), restricted food to strictly locally available rice, tubers and vegetables. They shuddered when they imagined what would happen if they became ill and needed medical care. For the first time they could empathize with the poor. CLIP

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Date: 25 Feb 2012 From: Palden Jenkins Subject: Israel-Palestine - current situation It's a summation of the current situation in Israel and Palestine by a man well qualified to make it, and he's very lucid in a complex field. Jeff Halper is an Israeli who runs ICAHD, which campaigns against demolitions of Palestinian houses (one of the major ways in which the occupation of Palestine happens). He's one of the true heroes in this conflict.

If you're interested in grasping the current state of play in this land, this covers it well. My only reservation concerns the last four paragraphs - but no one can get everything right! And I'm a tad more optimistic about the situation, since I believe there are more 'Factor X' surprise options around the corner, inshallah. - Greetings from Bethlehem, Palden




Jeff Halper -- February 18th, 2012

Even as I write this, the bulldozers have been busy throughout that one indivisible country known by the bifurcated term Israel/Palestine. Palestinian homes, community centres, livestock pens and other “structures” (as the Israel authorities dispassionately call them) have been demolished in the Old City, Silwan and various parts of “Area C” in the West Bank, as well among the Bedouin – Israeli citizens – in the Negev/Nakab. This is merely mopping up, herding the last of the Arabs into their prison cells where, forever, they will cease to be heard or heard from, a non-issue in Israel and, eventually, in the wider world distracted from bigger, more pressing matters.

An as-yet confidential report submitted by the European consuls in Jerusalem and Ramallah raises urgent concerns over the “forced expulsion” of Palestinians – a particularly strong term for European diplomats to use –from Area C of the West Bank (the 60% of the West Bank under full Israeli control but which today contains less than 5% of the Palestinian population). Focusing particularly on the rise in house demolitions by the Israeli authorities and the growing economic distress of the Palestinians living in Area C, the report mentions the fertile and strategic Jordan Valley (where the Palestinian population has declined from 250,000 to 50,000 since the start of the Occupation), plans to relocate 3000 Jahalin Bedouins to a barren hilltop above the Jerusalem garbage dump and the ongoing but accelerated demolition of Palestinian homes (500 in 2011).

At the same time the “judaization” of Jerusalem continues apace, a “greater” Israeli Jerusalem steadily isolating the Palestinian parts of the city from the rest of Palestinian society while ghettoizing their inhabitants, more than 100,000 of which now live beyond the Wall. Some 120 homes were demolished in East Jerusalem in 2011; over the same period the Israeli government announced the construction of close to 7000 housing units for Jews in East and “Greater” Jerusalem. “If current trends are not stopped and reversed,” said a previous EU report, “the establishment of a viable Palestinian state within the pre-1967 borders seems more remote than ever. The window for a two-state solution is rapidly closing….”

In fact, it closed long ago. In terms of settlers and Palestinians, the Israeli government treats the whole country as one. Last year it demolished three times more homes of Israeli citizens (Arabs, of course) than it did in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The demolition of Bedouin homes in the Negev/Nakab is part of a plan approved by the government to remove 30,000 citizens from their homes and confine them to townships.

None of this concerns “typical” Israelis even if they have heard of it (little appears in the news). For them, the Israeli-Arab conflict was won and forgotten years ago, somewhere around 2004 when Bush informed Sharon that the US does not expect Israel to withdraw to the 1967 borders, thus effectively ending the “two-state solution,” and Arafat “mysteriously” died.

Since then, despite occasional protests from Europe, the “situation” has been normalized. Israelis enjoy peace and quiet, personal security and a booming economy (with the usual neoliberal problems of fair allocation). The unshakable, bi-partisan support of the American government and Congress effectively shields it from any kind of international sanctions.

Above all, Israeli Jews have faith that those pesky Arabs living somewhere “over there” beyond the Walls and barbed-wire barriers have been pacified and brought under control by the IDF. A recent poll found that “security,” the term Israelis use instead of “occupation” or “peace,” was ranked eleventh among the concerns of the Israeli public, trailing well behind employment, crime, corruption, religious-secular differences, housing and other more pressing issues .

As for the international community, the “Quartet” representing the US, the EU, Russia and the UN in the non-existent “peace process” has gone completely silent. (Israel refused to table its position on borders and other key negotiating issues by the January 26th “deadline” laid down by the Quartet, and no new meetings are scheduled). The US has abandoned any pretence of an “honest broker.” Months ago, when the US entered its interminable election “season,” Israel received a green light from both the Democrats and Republicans to do whatever it sees fit in the Occupied Territory. Last May the Republicans invited Netanyahu to address Congress and send a clear message to Obama: hands off Israel.

That same week, Obama, not to be out-done, addressed an AIPAC convention and reaffirmed Bush’s promise that Israel will not have to return to the 1967 borders or relinquish its major settlement blocs in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. He also took the occasion to promise an American veto should the Palestinians request membership in the UN – though that would merely amount to an official acceptance of the two- state treaty that the US claims it has been fostering all these years. No, as far as Israel and Israeli Jews are concerned, the conflict and even the need for pretence is over. The only thing remaining is to divert attention to more “urgent” global matters so that the Palestinian issue completely disappears. Voila Iran.

Oh, but what about the “demographic threat,” that “war of the womb” that will eventually force a solution? Well, as long as Israel has the Palestinian Authority to self-segregate its people, it has nothing to worry about. While the Palestinian Authority plays the “two-state solution” game, Israel can simply herd the Palestinians into the 70 tiny islands of Areas A and B, lock the gates and let the international community feed them – and go about placidly building a Greater Land of Israel with American and European complicity.

Indeed, nothing demonstrates self-segregation more than Prime Minister Salem Fayyad’s neoliberal scheme of building a Palestinian ...something… “from the ground up.” By building for the well-to-do in new private- sector cities like Rawabi, located safely in Area A, by building new highways (with Japanese and USAID assistance) that respect Israeli “Greater” Jerusalem and channel Palestinian traffic from Ramallah to Bethlehem through far-away Jericho, by expressing a willingness to accept Israeli territorial expansion in exchange for the ability to “do business,” Fayyad has invented yet a new form of neoliberal oppression-by-consent: viable apartheid (viable, at least, for the Palestinian business class).

And as in the Bantustans of apartheid South Africa, the Palestinian Authority maintains a repressive internal order through its own American- trained/Israeli-approved militia, a second layer of occupation. (During the 2008 assault on Gaza, one of the few places in the world in which there were no demonstrations was the West Bank, where they were forbidden by the Palestinian Authority. Then-Prime Minister Olmert crowed that this was evidence of how effectively the Palestinians had been pacified.)

Indeed, by clinging to the two-state solution and continuing to participate in “negotiations” years after they have proven themselves a trap, the Palestinian leadership plays a central role in its own people’s warehousing. The reality – even the fact – of occupation gets buried under the diversions set up by the fraudulent yet unending “peace process.” This only enables Israel not only to imprison the Palestinians in tiny cells; witness today’s mini-ethnic cleansing, just one of thousands of micro- events that have the cumulative effect of displacement, expulsion, segregation and incarceration.

It also enables Israel to then blame the victims for causing their own oppression! When a Palestinian leadership assumes the prerogative to negotiate a political resolution yet lacks any genuine authority or leverage to do so, and when, in addition, it fails to abandon negotiations even after they have been exposed as a trap, it comes dangerously close to being collaborationist. For its part, Israel is off the hook. Instead of going through the motions of establishing an apartheid regime, it simply exploits the willingness of the Palestinian Authority to perpetuate the illusion of negotiations as a smokescreen covering its virtual imprisonment of the Palestinian “inmates.” Once the current mopping up operations are completed, the process of incarceration will be complete.

Today the only alternative agency to the Palestinian Authority is segments of the international civil society. The Arab and Muslims peoples for whom Palestinian liberation is an integral part of the Arab Spring, stand alongside thousands of political and human rights groups, critical activists, churches, trade unions and intellectuals throughout the world. Crucial as it is for keeping the issue alive and building grassroots support for the Palestinian cause that will steadily “trickle up” and affect governments’ policies, however, civil society advocacy is a stop-gap form of agency, ultimately unable to achieve a just peace by itself. We, too, are trapped in the dead- end personified by the two-state solution, reference to a “peace process” and their attendant “negotiations.” There is no way forward in the current paradigm. We must break out into a world of new possibilities foreclosed by the present options: a “two-state” apartheid regime or warehousing.

In my view, while advocacy and grassroots mobilization remain relevant, several tasks stand before us. First, we must endeavour to hasten the collapse of the present situation and subsequently, when new paradigms of genuine justice emerge from the chaos, be primed to push forward an entirely different solution that is currently impossible or inconceivable, be that a single democratic state over the entire country, a bi-national state, a regional confederation or some other alternative yet to be formulated. The Palestinians themselves must create a genuine, inclusive agency of their own that, following the collapse, can effectively seize the moment. Formulating a clear program and strategy, they will then be equipped to lead their people to liberation and a just peace, with the support of activists and others the world over.

A necessary and urgent first step towards collapsing the otherwise permanent regime of oppression in Israel/Palestine is that we stop talking about a two-state solution. It’s dead and gone as a political option – if, indeed, it ever really existed. It should be banned from the discourse because reference to an irrelevant “solution” only serves to confuse the discussion. Granted, this will be hard for liberals to do; everyone else, however, has given up on it. Most Palestinians, having once supported it, now realize that Israel will simply not withdraw to a point where a truly viable and sovereign state can emerge. The Israeli government, backed by the Bush-Obama policies on the settlement blocs, doesn’t even make pretence of pursuing it anymore, and the Israeli public is fine with the status quo. Nor does the permanent warehousing of the Palestinians seem to faze the American or European governments, or the Arab League. Even AIPAC has moved on to the “Iranian threat.”

Behind the insistence of the liberal Zionists of J Street, Peace Now, the Peace NGOs Forum under the umbrella of the Peres Center for Peace and others to hang on to a two-state solution at any cost is a not-so-hidden agenda. They seek to preserve Israel as a Jewish state even at the cost of enforcing institutional discrimination against Israel’s own Palestinian citizens. The real meaning of a “Jewish democracy” is living with apartheid and warehousing while protesting them. No, the liberals will be the hardest to wean away from the two-state snare.

Yet if they don’t abandon it, they run the risk of promoting de facto their own worst nightmare of warehousing while providing the fig-leaf of legitimacy to cover the policies of Israel’s extreme right – all in the name of “peace.” This is what happens when one’s ideology places restrictions on one’s ability to perceive evil or to draw necessary if difficult conclusions. When becomes policy, it not only destroys your effectiveness as a political actor but leads you into positions, policies and alliances that, in the end, are inimical to your own goals and values. Jettisoning all talk of a “two-state solution” removes the major obstacle to clear analysis and the ability to move forward.

The obfuscation created by the “two-state solution” now out of the way, what emerges as clear as day is naked occupation, an apartheid regime extending across all of historic Palestine/Israel and the spectre of warehousing. Since none of these forms of oppression can ever be legitimized or transformed into something just, the task before us becomes clear: to cause their collapse by any means necessary. There are many ways to do this, just as the ANC did. Already Palestinian, Israel and international activists engage in internal resistance, together with international challenges to occupation represented by the Gaza flotillas and attempts to “crash” Israeli borders.

Many civil society actors the world over have mobilized, some around campaigns such as Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS), others around direct actions, still others engaged in lobbying the UN and governments through such instruments as the Human Rights Council, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) and international courts. There have been campaigns to reconvene the Tribunal that, under the Fourth Geneva Convention, has the authority and duty to sanction Israel for its gross violations. Dozens of groups and individuals alike engage in public speaking, mounting Israel Apartheid Weeks on university campuses, working through the media and much more.

And here is where Palestinian civil society plays a crucial role, a role that cannot be played by non-Palestinians. If it is agreed that the Palestinian Authority must go if we are to get beyond the two-state trap – indeed, the dismantling of the PA being a major part of the collapse of the present system – then this call must originate from within the Palestinian community. Non-Palestinians must join in, of course, but the issue of who represents the Palestinians is their call exclusively.

Non-Palestinians can suggest various end-games. I’ve written, for example, about a Middle East economic confederation, believing that a regional approach is necessary to address the core issues. The Palestinian organization PASSIA published a collection of twelve possible outcomes. It is obvious, though, that it is the sole prerogative of the Palestinian people to decide what solution, or range of solutions, is acceptable. For this, and to organize effectively so as to bring about a desired outcome, the Palestinians need a new truly representative agency, one that replaces the PA and gives leadership and direction to broad-based civil society agency, one that has the authority to negotiate a settlement and actually move on to the implementation of a just peace.

As of now, it appears there is only one agency that possesses that legitimacy and mandate: the Palestinian National Council of the PLO (although Hamas and the other Islamic parties are not (yet) part of the PLO). Reconstituting the PNC through new elections would seem the most urgent item on the Palestinian agenda today – without which, in the absence of effective agency, we are all stuck in rearguard protest actions and Israel prevails. Our current situation, caught in the limbo between seeking the collapse of the oppressive system we have, and having a Palestinian agency that can effectively lead us towards a just resolution, is one of the most perilous we’ve faced. One person’s limbo is another person’s window of opportunity. Say what you will about Israel, it knows how to hustle and exploit even the smallest of opportunities to nail down its control permanently.

“Collapse with agency,” I suggest, could be a title of our refocused efforts to weather the limbo in the political process. Until a reinvigorated PNC or other representative agency can be constituted, a daunting but truly urgent task, Palestinian civil society might coalesce enough to create a kind of interim leadership bureau. This itself might be a daunting task. Most Palestinian leaders have either been killed by Israel or are languishing in Israeli prisons, while Palestinian civil society has been shattered into tiny disconnected and often antagonistic pieces.

At home major divisions have been sown between “’48” and “’67” Palestinians; Gaza, Jerusalem and the West Bank have been effectively severed; and within the West Bank restrictions on movement among a bewildering array of “areas” – A, B, C, C-Restricted, H-1, H-2, nature reserves, closed military areas – have resulted in virtual, largely disconnected Palestinian mini-societies. Political divisions, especially among secular/traditional and Islamic factions, have been nurtured, not least by Israel. Overall, the Palestinian population, exhausted by years of sacrifice and resistance, impoverished and preoccupied with mere survival, has been left largely rudderless as many of its most educated and skilled potential leaders have left or are forbidden by Israel to return.

For its part, the Palestinian leadership has done little to bridge the wider divisions amongst those falling under PA rule, Palestinian citizens of Israel, residents of the refugee camps and the world-wide Diaspora, divisions that have grown even wider since the PLO and the PNC fell moribund. Indeed, major portions of the Palestinian Diaspora (and one may single out especially but not exclusively the large and prosperous communities of Latin America), have disconnected from the national struggle completely. The Palestinians possess some extremely articulate spokespeople and activists, but they tend to be either a collection of individual voices only tenuously tied to grassroots organizations, or grassroots resistance groups such as the Popular Committees that enjoy little political backing or strategic direction.

Ever aware that the struggle for liberation must be led by Palestinians, our collective task at the moment, in my view, is to bring about the collapse of the present situation in Palestine in order to exploit its fundamental unsustainability. The elimination of the Palestinian Authority is one way to precipitate that collapse. It would likely require Israel to physically reoccupy the Palestinian cities and probably Gaza as well (as if they have ever been de-occupied), bringing the reality of raw occupation back to the centre of attention. Such a development would likely inflame Arab and Muslim public opinion, not to mention that of much of the rest of the world, and would create an untenable situation, forcing the hand of the international community. Israel would be put in an indefensible position, thus paving the way for new post-collapse possibilities – this time with an effective and representative Palestinian agency in place and a global movement primed to follow its lead.

But given the underlying unsustainability of the Occupation and the repressive system existing throughout historic Palestine – the massive violations of human rights and international law, the disruptive role the conflict plays in the international system and its overt brutality – collapse could come from a variety of places, some of them unsuspected and unrelated to Israel/Palestine. An attack on Iran could reshuffle the cards in the Middle East, and the Arab Spring is still a work in progress. Major disruptions in the flow of oil to the West due an attack on Iran, internal changes in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, instability in Russia and even the fact that China has no oil of its own could cause major financial crises worldwide.

Sino-American tensions, environmental disasters or Pakistan’s nuclear weapons falling into the hands of the Taliban with unpredictable Indian reactions may all play an indirect yet forceful role. Who knows? Ron Paul, President Gingrich’s newly appointed Secretary of State, might end all military, economic and political support for Israel, in which case the Occupation (and more) would fall within a month.

Whatever the cause of the collapse – and we must play an active role in bringing it about – it is incumbent upon us to be ready, mobilized and organized if we are to seize that historic moment, which might be coming sooner than we expect. Effective and broadly representative Palestinian agency will be critical. Collapse with agency is the only way to get “there” from “here.”

Jeff Halper is the Director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD).

--- Related article:

A Palestinian Take on the Mideast Conflict'The Pursuit of a Two-State Solution Is a Fantasy (02/21/2012) 0.html Prominent Palestinian philosopher Sari Nusseibeh believes it is too late for a two-state solution to the Middle East conflict. In a SPIEGEL interview, he outlines his vision for an Israeli-Palestinian confederation and why he mistrusts the new moderate stance taken by the Islamic militant group Hamas. (...) SPIEGEL: So we should admit to ourselves that the two-state solution is dead?

Nusseibeh: Mathematically speaking, a two-state solution is an excellent solution. It causes minimum pain and it is accepted by a majority on both sides. Because of this, we should have brought it into existence a long time ago. But we did not manage to do so.

SPIEGEL: Who is to blame for that?

Nusseibeh: First of all, it took Israel a long time to accept that there is a Palestinian people. It took us, the Palestinians, a long time to accept that we should recognize Israel as a state. The problem is that history runs faster than ideas. By the time the world woke up to the fact that the two- state solution is the best solution, we had hundreds of thousands Israelis living beyond the Green Line (ed's note: the 1949 Armistice Line that forms the boundary between Israel and the West Bank). There is a growing fanaticism on both sides. Today, the pursuit of a two-state solution looks like the pursuit of something inside a fantasy bubble.

SPIEGEL: What are the alternatives?

Nusseibeh: The final political form doesn't matter that much. The important thing is that both sides can agree on it and that the basic principles of equality and freedom are upheld. They can be upheld in the context of one state, of two states, of three states, or in the context of a federation or a confederation of states. SPIEGEL: In your book you propose that, in a joint single state, Palestinians should be given civil rights, but no political rights. "The Jews could run the country while the Arabs could at last enjoy living in it," you write. Could that work?

Nusseibeh: Yes, as a transition. Ever since the occupation began, we have been denied basic civic rights, on the promise that a solution or a state is around the corner. For 20 years, we have been promised that. But they should not keep the Palestinians living in the basement until a solution is found. I suggested we be allowed to have basic rights. Allow us freedom of movement, allow us to live and work wherever we want. Allow us to breathe.

SPIEGEL: Where do you want to draw the borders? Along ethnic lines?

Nusseibeh: Yes, I am proposing a federation between Israel and a Palestinian state based upon the demographic placement of populations in the country.

SPIEGEL: And you think Israelis would accept that?

Nusseibeh: Oh yes, they would love that. Israelis who wish for a predominantly Jewish state may well find this a reasonable solution, because even if they somehow manage to get rid of the Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza, which they regard as a demographic burden, they will still feel in the long term that they have a problem with the Arabs in Israel. What I am suggesting is not totally crazy. This idea has always been there. If you go back in Jewish history, you will find Israelis suggesting it right from the beginning, like (the prominent intellectual and cultural Zionist) Martin Buber.

SPIEGEL: What would be the benefit for Palestinians in such a federation with Israel?

Nusseibeh: They would have freedom of movement -- they could settle and work wherever they want. That's a huge benefit. And more than that: According to the classical two-state solution, there is no return of (Palestinian) refugees to Israel, only to the West Bank or Gaza. But in a future map which is solely drawn the way I am proposing it, chunks of what is now Israel could become part of a Palestinian state. And therefore, many refugees might actually be able to go back exactly to their hometowns.


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From: deaths-door-turns-up-the-heat-on-israel-and-on-the-palestinian- leadership/

A Hunger Striker at Death’s Door Turns Up the Heat on Israel — and on the Palestinian Leadership

By Tony Karon -- February 21, 2012

Update 2.21.2012: Palestinian detainee Khader Adnan has reportedly agreed to end his hunger strike on its 66th day, following a deal under which the Israelis have agreed to release him in April and not seek an extension of his detention.

“The West Bank’s Bobby Sands” is how some in the British media have begun referring to Khader Adnan, as the 33-year-old Palestinian detainee marks Monday as his 65th day of refusing food from his Israeli jailers. The world knew the name and face of Bobby Sands long before, on the 66th day of his own 1981 hunger strike, he became the first of 10 Irish Republican Army (IRA) fighters to die in a British prison after starving themselves to demand POW status. The IRA’s political wing, Sinn Fein, made the prisoners an international cause célèbre, even getting Sands elected to the British Parliament during a Northern Ireland by-election held in the course of his hunger strike. (Needless to say, he never took his seat.) By contrast, Adnan’s hunger strike appears to have been a solo act of defiance by a lone detainee with no other recourse, and only as his death appears to draws near has his plight begun to register on the international radar.

Israel has not charged Adnan with any crime, but its security forces say the baker from the town of Arabeh near Jenin — who is widely reported to be a member of Islamic Jihad, the more radical Islamist competitor to Hamas that has engaged in terrorist strikes in Israel — had been engaged in “activities that threaten regional security” when they detained him last December. Israel deals with such cases using a legal framework based on emergency laws left over from British colonial rule to detain any suspect for six months at a time without needing to provide evidence or lay charges against them. When a detainee’s six-month spell has expired, the detention can simply be renewed. Human-rights groups have urged Israel to charge or release Adnan, and a petition for his release goes before Israel’s Supreme Court on Thursday.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has recently urged other countries to intercede on Adnan’s behalf, and European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Saturday urged Israel to “preserve” the health of the detainee, who remains shackled to his hospital bed and although on a drip, is said by doctors who have examined him to be at risk of death at any moment now. Hamas’ Gaza leader Ismail Haniyeh issued a statement of solidarity with Adnan’s hunger strike on Friday. But it appears to have been left largely to grassroots activists, including rank- and-file members of Fatah and Hamas, as well as others affiliated with neither, and even a handful of Israeli leftists, to organize street demonstrations against Adnan’s detention. Several thousand Palestinians turned out at demonstrations in the West Bank and Gaza on Friday to highlight his plight. A number of other Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails are believed to have begun refusing food in solidarity with Adnan.

The case is reported to have caught Israel in a bind, the authorities recognizing that his death in custody could trigger a massive backlash in the West Bank, but also fearing that releasing him would inspire many of the more than 4,000 Palestinian prisoners and detainees currently held by Israel (according to the Israeli human-rights group B’Tselem) to follow his example.

Adnan’s current spell behind bars is his seventh since 1999, having spent a total of at least four years of his life behind bars — including a 12-day spell when he was detained by the Palestinian Authority in 2010, prompting his first hunger strike. His decision to refuse food this time is said by supporters to have started spontaneously as a protest against the conditions of his detention and the abuse he claims to have suffered at the hands of his captors.

The case has drawn attention both to continuing Israeli security control of the West Bank and its use of administrative detention, and also to the disarray in Palestinian national politics, where the leadership of both Hamas and Fatah appear preoccupied with their long-running power struggle and the adjustments — including a recently concluded agreement on a unity government — forced on both by a turbulent year of Arab rebellion that has swept aside Abbas’ main Arab patron, Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak, and has prompted Hamas to withdraw its headquarters from Syria, raising tensions with its key donors in Tehran. Even as they struggle over managing their respective shares of what remains of the Palestinian patrimony, Fatah and Hamas increasingly become mirror images of each other in their authoritarian administration of a population whose fate remains principally decided by Israel. The Palestinian Authority that they have agreed to jointly administer was set up 18 years ago as an interim administration to prepare the way for statehood, but with the peace process under which it was established having effectively stalled 12 years ago, it has become an administrative institution of the status quo.

Neither Fatah nor Hamas is offering a clear strategic response to the increasingly bleak scenario in which the Palestinians find themselves: negotiations with Israel under U.S. auspices remain a cul-de-sac; and the option of “armed struggle” has been a catastrophic failure that weakened the Palestinians’ political and diplomatic positions. Leaders on both sides now talk about “popular struggle” — unarmed protest action and civil disobedience backed by pressure on Israel from international civil society — as a viable alternative, but such efforts as are currently under way in that arena are organized independently of the Fatah and Hamas leadership at local level by grassroots activists (even if some are members of those organizations).

All of this comes amid a tightening Israeli grip on territories occupied since 1967 and reports of a growing incidence of violence by settlers against surrounding Palestinian communities. And the Palestinians are in danger of falling off the regional agenda altogether at a moment when the Middle East is focused on the drama of the Arab rebellion and on the threat of confrontation between Israel and Iran. It may be telling, in fact, that it has taken Adnan’s hunger strike to get the Palestinian plight back into the headlines at all, right now.

A groundswell of public outrage over Adnan’s plight obviously puts pressure on Israel, but it is unlikely to be comfortable for President Abbas, who, after all, controls a West Bank Palestinian security apparatus that operates in conjunction with the Israelis’ own security structures. The Hamas leadership, also, may struggle to keep up with the tide of popular anger, focused as it is on an increasingly apparent internal split and on competition with Fatah over control of such levers of power as are available to those elected to lead the Palestinians.

Indeed, the real danger of Adnan’s hunger strike for the Palestinian political establishment is that he might turn out to be less of a Palestinian Bobby Sands than a Palestinian Mohamed Bouazizi, the Tunisian fruit vendor whose suicide by self-immolation triggered the rebellion that has rocked autocratic regimes across the Arab world.

Also related...

More than 4,000 Palestinian prisoners held by Israel (Feb 21, 2012) 9060.html JERUSALEM (AFP) - There are currently 4,357 Palestinians being held in Israeli prisons, the vast majority of whom are serving time for security offences, according to statistics from the Palestinian prisoner affairs ministry. Figures compiled at the end of January show that 3,734 of the prisoners are from the West Bank, 462 are from Gaza and 161 are from annexed east Jerusalem. They are being held at 18 facilities located across Israel and the West Bank.Included in the total number are 166 minors, all of them male, 25 of them under the age of 16.

Egypt to provide electicity to struggling Gaza (Feb 21, 2012) 9068.html CAIRO (AFP) - Egypt is to provide 22MW of electricity to the Israeli- blockaded Gaza Strip, where the sole power plant has shut down after running out of fuel, the electricity minister said on Tuesday.Egypt 'will begin boosting the Gaza Strip with around 22 megawatts of electricity at the start of next week, to confront the crisis there and ease the suffering of the Palestinian people,' Mr Hassan Yunes said.He said the move was part of a larger plan that would see the impoverished strip connected to a regional grid. The power plant, which supplies around a third of Gaza's electricity, suffers frequent outages, leading to daily blackouts across the Hamas-run territory

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Earth Federation Movement: A Year Zero Message

By Kiara Windrider

January 1, 2012

In a world where 1% of humanity, composed of a financial elite, corporate interests and attendant ruling classes have become a law unto themselves, supported by the overwhelming force of military might and financial clout, what hope do we have to restore justice, peace, and true democracy to the world?

I was recently invited to participate in the 12th International Conference for Chief Justices of the World. It was convened by Dr. Jagdish Gandhi of the City Montessori School in Lucknow, India in December 2011. About 175 active and retired supreme court and high court justices from approximately 60 countries were in attendance, along with a number of peace promoters in various capacities, as part of an effort to facilitate a global climate of peace and justice for all citizens of the earth, including the poor, oppressed and underprivileged, and especially women and children (for detailed reports please go to

My own invitation to participate came following the publication of my book, 'Year Zero: Time of the Great Shift', a blueprint for creating the new earth based on multi-disciplinary research into evolutionary cycles of earth transformation.

During the course of the Conference I was touched and pleased to see the number of delegates who truly held a global vision of peace and justice for all, and their attempts to further these aims. The delegates came together with a conviction that the world's judiciary may well be the last great hope for humanity in a world riddled with economic imbalance, social injustice, and war, and that in coming together as an international force there was truly an opportunity to make a difference. This extended not only to humanity but to all life on the planet. The accomplishment of the Honourable Chief Justice Mr. Hilario Davide from the Philippines, in passing legislation which accorded legal rights to the earth's ecosystems as well as to future generations of humans - thus protecting indigenous forests from being indiscriminately harvested by lumber companies -- was a prime example of this.

We cannot thrive as a planetary culture as long as nations retain sovereign rights to invade and oppress other nations, pollute and destroy our planetary home, or put corporate profits before basic human rights such as food, clothing, shelter, health care, clean air, clean water, and a clean earth. One way to safeguard against this is through the creation of a democratically elected World Parliament, which would provide legal grounds for protecting human rights as well as earth rights as needed, with the authority to punish crimes against humanity and the earth when required.

One of the most notable accomplishments of the past few decades, highlighted during the Conference, has been this movement towards a World Parliament, World Constitution, and World Judiciary, which would directly represent the world's people, bequeathed with the power to initiate and enforce basic human rights, peace strategies, and environmental protection in place of the incessant climate of war-making and ecological destruction which only supports and serves a few corporate interests. This international body would have the power to address crimes against humanity or against the earth, and be able to enforce a climate of peace and justice.

There have been over 20 organizations around the world working on this issue through a variety of strategies. The Earth Federation Movement, along with the Democratic World Federalists, are two organizations that were represented at the Conference to address a rapidly growing demand for enforceable peace, ecological sustainability and social justice. In direct contradiction to the aims of the New World Order imposed by the ruling classes for the benefit of the ruling classes, these organizations are committed to a world government of the people, by the people, and for the people, supporting their common dream for a world where nobody needs to go hungry, where justice is available for all, where ecological sustainability is a priority, and where nobody needs to go fight another man's wars.

There have been about 150 World Constitutions proposed since the end of World War II in an effort to implement a lasting peace on earth. The one which has come furthest in its development and implementation was proposed by the Earth Federation Movement in 1968. Finally completed in 1991, it awaits only the ratification of enough world leaders to provide it with official world status.

The broad functions of the Earth Federation are to prevent war, eliminate weapons of mass destruction, protect universal human rights, end poverty, regulate international processes, protect the biosphere, and solve world problems that are beyond the capacity of national governments.

A Collegium of World Judges has been further proposed by the Earth Federation Movement, consisting of retired Supreme Court justices from all over the world, in order to initiate and staff a World Supreme Court under the authority of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth.

Our survival today, and the survival of the Earth, depends on our ability to promote values of sustainability, justice, and peace in an increasingly chaotic world. The honourable chief justices from around the world who were present here in Lucknow have joined their voices with the 99% who are yearning for change, ready to disengage from the tyranny of war and oppression, and willing to commit their lives and resources to shape a new earth. It is time for us now to occupy our place as responsible and empowered world citizens, pledging our allegiance to the earth which sustains us, to the values of peace and human dignity, and to freedom and prosperity for all, irrespective of race, gender, or national origin.

To learn more about the Earth Federation Movement, please check out:, and Please also check out, which provides an overview of the World Federalist Movements, of which the Earth Federation Movement is a part. The Earth Federation website also includes a 30 page document crystallizing the demands of the 99%, as being voiced by Occupy movements springing up around the world. ------

Kiara Windrider, MA, MFT, has an undergraduate degree in Peace Studies, and a graduate degree in Transpersonal Psychology. He is a licensed psychotherapist, peace educator, and author of several books on the journey of planetary awakening, including 'Year Zero: Time of the Great Shift', which was released in November 2011. He can be reached at [email protected].

Note from Jean: Long-time ERN subscriber and planetary peacemaker Richard Fletcher (website HERE and bio details HERE) is inviting us to join into a most exciting visionary project. Please contact him if you can assist in any way. More through

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Gathering of All Nations 2012 Australia

From: "Richard A Fletcher" ([email protected]) Subject: RE: Solstice Meditation: Ninth Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditations Date: 9 Dec 2011

Dearest Jean,

Thank you for your wonderful World Peace support over the last eleven years of your Meditation work and in thanking you as part of my Christmas wishes for World Peace; I call on all those who have encouraged me and supported me in the past to now unite in helping me create “Gathering of All Nations 2012 Australia” to take place between 11 and 21 December 2012.

Just imagine a total of 11 Days of Peace Solutions (SOUL-utions) gathering as part of the celebrations. I can see people from around the world contributing Peace Solutions to our “Soul-utions Peace Bank.” These Solutions would be proven to work because they have helped families, Suburbs and or their whole nation to have peace after they applied those solutions. And we will gather them so we can share them with others who may need to overcome similar problems.

My goal is to have people from every; Culture, Nation, Political, Spiritual and Religious organisations represented without any discrimination as we are all one!

I believe this annual international event will be possible, as I already have responses from other NGO Peace Organisations, Royalty Members, World Known Entertainers, Politicians, Religious & Spiritual Leaders , Hiroshima Survivor, Indigenous Leaders and People from around Australia and the world, etc. who have indicated their participation.

As you are aware I was “Spiritually Guided by God” to start sending peace messages around the world under the name “World Peace 2000, on 11 September 1999. And to my surprise became aware of the coincidence between my e-mail and the website name “World Peace 2000” that Robert Alan Silverstein had created, when he invited me to join forces with Pathways to Peace / One Day in Peace team on 11 October 1999.

Throughout the last twelve years of my work there have been many spiritual coincidences that have supported and inspired me to continue my global peace work which from 2007 have continued under the name “Universal Peace Society.”

However my World Peace work would have never lasted this long without the support and inspiration of a few people such as; You and your Earth Rainbow Network, Mr Robert Alan Silverstein; The late individuals and families of Former Assistant Secretary General United Nations Mr Robert Muller, Mr Steve Diamond and Mrs Linda Grover who gave up to the last days of their lives, to support our combined Global team that created the success of our 1 January 2000 Global Peace Celebration on the First Day of the New Millennium of Peace Successes.

I am also most grateful for the encouraging support I have received from Leaders such as; H.H. Dalai Lama, HRH Prince Frederick von Saxe- Lauenberg, H.H. Prince Ratu, H.R.H Princes Marianne, Prince I Gusti Made Hiswara, Universal Peace Founder, Reverend Moon, President Jose Ramos Horta, various Australian Government Leaders including The Former Australian Prime Minister Mr John Howard, Mr Peter Costello, Various Australian State Premiers, many Australian and international organisations in addition to the peace inspiration I received from John Lennon, Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi who demonstrated that one individual can make a difference to create peace around the world.

Once again! Thank you Jean Hudon for you been a peace inspiration around the world!

Richard A Fletcher Founder Universal Peace