Protocol Failure in the Escrowed Encryption Standard Matt Blaze AT&T Bell Laboratories
[email protected] August 20, 1994 Abstract The proposal, called the Escrowed Encryption Stan- dard (EES) [NIST94], includes several unusual fea- The Escrowed Encryption Standard (EES) de¯nes tures that have been the subject of considerable de- a US Government family of cryptographic processors, bate and controversy. The EES cipher algorithm, popularly known as \Clipper" chips, intended to pro- called \Skipjack", is itself classi¯ed, and implemen- tect unclassi¯ed government and private-sector com- tations of the cipher are available to the private sec- munications and data. A basic feature of key setup be- tor only within tamper-resistant modules supplied by tween pairs of EES processors involves the exchange of government-approved vendors. Software implementa- a \Law Enforcement Access Field" (LEAF) that con- tions of the cipher will not be possible. Although Skip- tains an encrypted copy of the current session key. The jack, which was designed by the US National Security LEAF is intended to facilitate government access to Agency (NSA), was reviewed by a small panel of civil- the cleartext of data encrypted under the system. Sev- ian experts who were granted access to the algorithm, eral aspects of the design of the EES, which employs a the cipher cannot be subjected to the degree of civilian classi¯ed cipher algorithm and tamper-resistant hard- scrutiny ordinarily given to new encryption systems. ware, attempt to make it infeasible to deploy the sys- By far the most controversial aspect of the EES tem without transmitting the LEAF.