Volume XXII, Issue 8 February 24, 2016
[email protected] Manchester, NH clinton rallies at snhu after nh primary Nicole Clark News Editor Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) was once again host to Hillary Clinton as she waited to hear the re- sults in the New Hampshire Primary on Feb. 9. This time though, the results didn't go in February 24: Clinton's favor. By the end of Inconvenience Yourself Day the night it was Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump who were celebrating their resounding victories in New Hampshire. Clinton came to the stage Cyan lisadouthit.com to address the crowd with her Tyler Leighton husband, Bill Clinton, as well Cyan as their daughter, Chelsea Magenta Clinton. Hillary was met with many boisterous supporters Magenta and wall-to-wall press. Even Clinton's campaign met unexpected road bumps in New Hampshire. though she did not beat candi- What's Inside: date Sanders, she still congrat- change is what this nation Michigan and their serious “No bank could be too ulated him in the beginning of needs in order to be success- water issue as well as the wage big to. fail. and. .no . .executives . News | Front & 4-7 her speech ful. difference between men and Black Clinton expressed how She on the topic of Flint, women. Please continue to page 2. Editorial | 2 Black Penmen Abroad | 8-9 Penmen pink day basketball games Arts & Entertainment | 10-12 Addison yng Even when the game was go- lets, all dressed in pink to show ment for the energetic crowd. Sta Writer ing on there was always some- their support.