OAKLEY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY 2nd December 2014 at 7.30pm Minutes

Open question time for Parishioners N.B. The open question time is not part of the Parish Council Meeting • One parishioner queried the affordable housing in Elmwood Close and the recently discussed 106 contract, would there would be more funding for the 106 fund? Mr Mole stated that this 106 contract change concerned sale of Elmwood properties only and does not make a difference to the amount of funding we receive from 106 funds. • Two youths spoke regarding their disappointment in the “phrasing” of the November minutes regarding the “Skateboarding” problem in the Village Hall Car Park, they wished it known that they always tidy up. The Village Hall Car Park after they have used it for skateboarding, and have never left wood or nails lying in the car park. Councillor Mr Finn reported that a letter had been received last month from a Parishioner regarding this matter and this was the reason it had been mentioned in the open question time. He also explained to the youths present that the Parish Council did not name any specific person in record of proceedings because they did not know who was responsible. It was noted that the term regarding “behaviour” could have been misinterpreted; and did not mean that the behaviour of the boys, to whom Mr Finn had spoken to. • One local resident reported that a burglary had taken place at her premises during the last week and although they had tried to gain entry to her house, had not been able to do so. She asked would the Parish Council be prepared to consider CCTV at the Village Hall in the future as this could be a very good deterrent. Councillors said that fortunately there had been no reported problems at the village hall, but the use of CCTV was a consideration. As the ‘open question time’ is not part of the formal Parish Council meeting, the above will be noted in ‘Any Other Business’ for future consideration.

1. Present: Chairman: Mr J Mole. Vice Chairman: Mr D Cherry. Councillors: Mr P Kilpin, Mr A. Finn, Mr D Pearce, Mr R Craddock and Mrs M Daly: Clerk Mrs P Pointer: 10 Parishioners: Mr M Rand (AVDC Councillor) 2. Apologies: Ms A Macpherson (BCC Councillor) 3. Minutes of the last meeting: The minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 4th November 2014 were approved, proposed for signature by Mr D Cherry and seconded by Mr D Pearce, and signed by the Chairman 4. Matters arising: i) BCC Highways Department: Roads Report on meeting between Chairman and Stuart Campbell (Bucks C.C. Highways Local Area Technician) – Mr Mole has not been able to arrange a meeting and apologised and will do so this coming month. a. Reported road defects/potholes The Turnpike –will be resurfaced – road closure scheduled February 2015 Hedges Farm, Worminghall Road on way into village (pothole) – Not actioned Pothole outside Fenemore Farm (Foresters) – any progress? b. Reported pavement defects Pavement Brill Road/Maple Court Defect still outstanding – Awaiting resource availability Pavement either side of 27 Worminghall Road is in need of repair - Low priority as small area only Pavement on Manor Road opposite Manor Farm –crumbling. To be inspected by BCC c. Reported drains, etc. Pot hole at The Foresters (reported to BCC) Sewer covers opp. No. 5 Road - still outstanding - This has been reported to Thames Water. Drains Brill Road – request for jetting - still outstanding - An order has been issued and works will be carried out when the gully emptier is next in the area. Drain Cover corner of Orchard Close and Mill Road collapsed – Completed Drain Cover corner of Fenemore Close and Mill Road cracked – Completed Manor Road Drain Cover. To be inspected by BCC d. Other defects White lining and cat’s eyes at The Foresters - In discussion with supervisor re: need for road closure White railing along Bicester Road (near to Manor Road junction) one railing is broken and in need of repair. Order has been raised for repair

e. Any new defects to report?

Oakley Parish Council Minutes for Meeting to be held on 2nd December 2014

PP Pavement has collapsed on Oxford Road just passed the gates to the Village Hall as you are leaving the village. Clerk to report to BCC. PP In Worminghall Road, opposite Bradley Close junction – Pot hole in road. Clerk to report to BCC ii) Highways mowing Mr Finn has been given the mowing map for Worminghall Road – Mr Finn is waiting on quotation from Countrywide Maintenance for the mowing of the village. iii) Bucks County Council (BCC) – Update on Devolution and Cluster JM Mr Mole informed all that he will add information on devolution to “Papers to Note” for all to read and comment on. PP Discussion took place regarding whether OPC should join a cluster of local parishes or remain on our own. The general consensus was we probably would be better on our own. Mr Mole gave several details from BCC for villages in our would-be cluster and remuneration costs to cover the work being devolved. Mr Mole said Oakley would receive £3,095 to complete work requested in 2015/2016 and £2,281 in subsequent years. The Clerk to ask BCC/AVDC how Oakley figures such as hedge length (7,298 metres) and pavement ‘siding out’ length (6,000 m), areas of grass cutting (16,622 m2) and rights of ways length (4,509 m) were computed. 5. Play Area/Playing Field: i) Playing Field Survey Presentation was given regarding the results of the Playing Field Survey (all results will be available in the “Oakley Informer”). They also informed all that they will be holding an “open meeting” in January to report the findings to residents of the village. JM Mr Mole thanked the Survey Group for their time and effort in completing the Survey for the Parish Council and it was decided that all Councillors will read the full report and at the next Parish Council Meeting in January they will report back to the Survey Group. Mr Mole to distribute to all councillors. ii) Receipts for Cost of Survey: (request for payment) Laminating Pouches £15.89 2 x £24 cost of Online Survey £48.00 Total Costs: £63.89 It was agreed to pay the expenses for the cost of the Playing Field Survey, Proposed by Mr P Kilpin and Seconded by Mr D Cherry iii) Acorn Trail (footpath) Report from RSH on weeds growing through new footpath - RSH Contractors will sort the problem. PP/DC A quotation had been received from RSH Contracting (£2,400) for completing the footpath from the Playing Field to Worminghall Road. It was proposed by Mr D Cherry and Seconded by Mr D Pearce and agreed by all to accept this quotation. Clerk to inform RSH Contractors and also to mention to them that we wish to add at some point lighting to the path so ducting will need to be laid. Mr Cherry will speak with Richard Haynes. Clerk to also ask for a date to start the path. DC Quotes for lighting of path – Mr Cherry to give Clerk information on who to approach for quotations. iv) Bins, signs and posts RC Dog waste signs are in place but the post has not yet positioned. Mr Craddock to action Confirmation from AVDC on bin-emptying contract change – this will apply once Waste Bin is erected. MD Clerk stated that she had been informed by the litter picker for the playing field that “Dog Waste” is being put into ordinary waste bins instead of the Dog Waste Bins provided. This was noted and also Mrs Daly will put a piece in the Oakley Informer. PP Clerk also asked for permission to order two new “inserts” for Litter Bins at the village playing field that are rusted and broken. Permission was given. v) Emergency signs in play area Mr Finn is still waiting information on quote. vi) Bowling Green Letter of confirmation guarantee OPC covering grant shortfall. Letter has been completed. Update on grant submission – One grant has been sanctioned for £20,000 and Bowling Green Group are awaiting the decision from Wren as it has been delayed to mid-December due to illness. 6. Street Lights defects: i) Enquiry underway for quotations for following new lamps: Clerk has resent enquiry – waiting for reply to letter sent to Highways Department, Griffin Way, . • Bicester Road, Churchfield House, between: Bicester Road 7 (BT7) – The Nap turn and Bicester Road (BT8) – Church entrance – Bicester side. There is an electricity pole in the right place. • Middle of Ashfield Rise – no electricity nearby • 17 Brill Road – no electricity pole nearby ii) Any new to report? Clerk has reported to BCC that the tree (next to BT10 – opposite Rambler Cottage) needs cutting

Oakley Parish Council Minutes for Meeting to be held on 2nd December 2014

Two lights (C4 and C5) in College Crescent reported out Light outside 95 College Crescent (C1) Light on Hedges Farm, Worminghall Road (W2) 7. Common Land: i) Layby Opposite “IBS Site” Road PP Work has been delayed due to discovery of “Japanese Knotweed”. It was decided to get a quotation on removing the weed. It was also decided to “hold off” on the decision to level the layby until knotweed has been sorted. Clerk to inform RH Contractors and to ask for their invoice for the mornings work. 8. Anti-Social Behaviour Break in at Lynnens View and van in College Crescent (all tools taken) 9. Churchyard Extension DC/DP Mr Pearce and Mr Cherry to meet at the weekend to sort planned work and timetable.. 10. Donation to Bernwood Residents Group Dr Helen Weaver (Chairman of Worminghall Parish and Council) addressed the Council. Firstly she thanked all for the support Worminghall had received from OPC and Oakley residents, and then gave an update on the proposed Gypsy Site between Worminghall and Oakley. The AVDC Planning Committee had not come to a decision at their November Committee meeting and had deferred until a site visit was made. The members attended the site last week and a new Planning Committee Meeting will go ahead on Thursday 11th December 2014 where a decision will be made. She urged all villagers to attend this meeting to support Worminghall’s case. Simon Collier of the Bernwode Residents Group informed OPC of the costs so far for the campaign against the Planning Application, he asked if OPC could possibly donate funds to help with the progress of the campaign. Mr Cherry said that he felt sure that majority of Parishioners would want the Parish Council to make a donation towards the costs. It was Proposed by Mr D Cherry and seconded by Mr P Kilpin that a donation of £1,500.00 should be made to the Bernwode Resident Group and it was unanimously agreed by all present. 11. Precept: Mr Kilpin informed all that he had attended the Workshop on The Precept and now had a better understanding of what the Precept was. Mr Kilpin asked if there were any particular needs to be taken into consideration within the coming year to be added to the Precept before he completes it. The following was noted. • Clearance of ditches in the Playing Field – Rough estimate for work £2000.00 • Election next year will cost £1,000.00 The following was also noted: • Field Draining – will not go ahead next year • There are no Legal Fees or Land to buy within the next year • Devolved responsibility will not happen until 2016 12. Defibrillator for Oakley Village: Mr Mole reported that the Relief Need Charity has agreed to pay the outstanding £95 towards the cost of the defibrillator machines and also consider funding the annual upkeep of the defibrillator machines. The defibrillator machines have now arrived and decisions need to be made as to where to place them in the village. PP Clerk to speak with Andrew Durndell with regards to his progress with obtaining a Defibrillator for the Football Club, which would be placed on the outside by the changing rooms at the Village Hall. If this occurs, we would not need to consider another centrally location machine. Report to be given at next meeting. 13. Play around the Parishes: Information has been sent to Mr Finn 14. LAF bid for Youth Theatre Group MD Progress report – Councillors are concerned that the grant from LAF has still not been used, Mrs Daly to speak with Theatre Group. The meeting with youths in the village will now take place in January. 15. SID/Traffic Calming Measures: MVAS team are going to speak with SWARCO regarding reading on MVAS machine not being. 16. War Memorial Clerk has taken photographs of War Memorial and filled in form for Grant – no progress Waiting for waiting for two quotations for Inscription renewal of War Memorial, one outstanding 17. Local Area Forum It was noted that no Minutes have been received from the last LAF meeting. 18. Hastoes Update on 106 Contract negotiations – Support for this has been followed up 19. AVDC Local Plan JM Review of Scope of the Plan, Vision, Settlement Hierarchy and SA Objectives (via e-mail) - notes from Mr Mole to be added to “Papers to Note”.

Oakley Parish Council Minutes for Meeting to be held on 2nd December 2014

20. BCC Consultation Feedback on County Council’s Consultation on Budget Priorities for 2015 – opportunity to feedback was missed. 21. Habitation at ‘Scrapyard’ Clerk has reported this to the Enforcement Officer and was informed that it is already under investigation, he will keep Clerk informed of progress. 22. Land rented from AVDC Map of land given to Councillors, and it was decided to keep renting the small piece of land, which is along Worminghall Road. 23. Wickstead Repair to Children’s Playground Charges PP Clerk reported that the invoice price was double what we expected because we had missed the line which read “Labour Costs £320.00”. It was agreed to pay the invoice. Clerk asked to check on progress of the balance equipment with Wickstead. 24. Meetings: Reports from meetings attended by Parish Councillors since last PC meeting Tuesday 11th November 2014 AVDC Precept workshop (Aylesbury) (PK) Monday 17th November 2014 Oakley Informer meeting (Oakley) (JM) Future Meetings: Wednesday 17th December 2014 Local Area Forum (at Cuddington) (JM, DC) Tuesday 24th February 2015 Bucks Funding Fair 5.30pm @ Gateway, Aylesbury 25. Correspondence: i) Papers to Note: The Buckinghamshire County Council (Public Footpath No.9 (Part) Parish of Oakley Devolution Papers Review of Scope of the Plan, Vision, Settlement Hierarchy and SA Objectives ii) Papers for Circulation: Open Space magazine Bulletin Magazine 26. Planning: 13/001970/APP – OAKLEY Royal Oak, Worminghall Road, Oakley Buckinghamshire HP18 9QY Demolition of public house and construction of five houses. OPC – objection – PLANNING INSPECTORATE – Refusal of application - Appeal turned down 14/00519/APP – WORMINGHALL Land at Worminghall Road, Worminghall, HP18 9UN The use of land for the stationing of caravans for residential purposes for 3 no. gypsy pitch together with the formation of additional hard standing and 3 no. utility/dayrooms ancillary to that use and Stable block for the stabling of horses. OBJECTION from OPC – Site visit by AVDC Development Committee – New Committee meeting 11/12/2014 14/02846 – OAKLEY 21A Manor Road, Oakley, HP18 9QD Insertion of roof lights in front and rear elevations (Part retrospective) OBJECTION from OPC if height too low 14/02880/AOP – OAKLEY Land rear of 25 Oxford Road, Oakley Buckinghamshire HP18 9RD Outline planning application with access, layout and scale to be considered and all other matters reserved for the erection of five dwellings with associated parking and amenity space provision. OPC – supported the outline planning permission 14/03216/APP – OAKLEY Jericho Farm, Oxford Road, Oakley Buckinghamshire HP18 9RG Variation on conditions 3 of planning permission 09/01672/APP relating to extension of two year period from July 2014 for construction of earth bunds. OPC - pending

27. Accounts: EON paid by Direct Debit £153.89 (paid on 12.11.2014 by DD) Cheques written for month of October & November 2014 Clerks Salary & Expenses (stamps) ...... 232.44 Gift of recognition for Oakley Informer to Frank Ashurst (to John Mole) ...... 50.00

Oakley Parish Council Minutes for Meeting to be held on 2nd December 2014

William Green Litter Picking ...... 15.00 WEL MEDICAL Defibrillator machines and Defib Safes ...... 3,316.20 Bernwode Resident Group ...... 1,500.00 Ms S Collier (expenses for Playing Field Survey)...... 63.89 TOTAL: ...... £5,331.42

Proposed for payment by Mr D Cherry and Seconded by Mrs M Daly Please note: Total Amount of £2,616.50 has been banked into the Oakley Parish Council Lloyds Bank Account this money is the money raised for the Defibrillator fund, (£110.00 has been paid out to Oakley Social Centre for hire of hall for K Brown’s tribute night) Amount of £26.50 still to be banked. 28. Any Other Business: It was noted that proceedings concerning the “Open Question Time” for parishioners was not working as expected and that as from next month’s meeting Open Question Time will be reduced to 10 minutes only and only one parishioner will be able to speak on a subject at one time. Also the discussion will not be minuted as Open Question Time takes place before the actual Parish Council Meeting starts, and only the minutes of the actually meeting should be recorded. If items mentioned by parishioners need to be discussed and are not on the current meeting agenda, then the subject will be added to the following month’s agenda. A note to this effect will be added to the January Agenda. Mr Finn reminded all Councillors that the Christmas tree lighting will go ahead this coming Saturday 6th December 2014 and asked if Councillors could attend to help “shake the buckets” The Charity being collecting for is “Young Carers” (same as last year). PP It was noted that Parking on the Pavements on Oxford Road is becoming a major problem. It seems visitors are parking on the pavement and not the road when visiting residents. It is becoming increasing more difficult to walk on the pavement when this occurs. Clerk to report to PC Jones and also invite her to come along to the next Parish Council meeting, to give an update on what is happening in this area. DC Mr Cherry offered to gain quotations on CCTV Cameras. (from Open Question Time)

Meeting closed at 10:00pm


Oakley Parish Council Minutes for Meeting to be held on 2nd December 2014