Hittite Journal of Science and Engineering, 2018, 5 (2) 91-96 ISSN NUMBER: 2148-4171 DOI: 10.17350/HJSE19030000078

Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterization of Ancient Ceramic Sherds from Dipsizin Cave (Karaman, )

M. Yavuz HÜSEYİNCA1 Osman DOĞANAY2 1Selçuk University, Department of Geological Engineering, Konya, TURKEY 2Aksaray University, Department of Archaeology, Aksaray, TURKEY

Article History: ABSTRACT Received: 2017/05/05 Accepted: 2017/11/04 Online: 2018/04/06 aw materials of two ancient ceramic sherds (ceramic-1 and ceramic-2) from Dipsizin Rcave were analyzed by SEM-EDS in order to characterize ceramic fabrics. Characteri- Correspondence to: M. Yavuz Huseyinca, zation includes separation of temper and clay paste sections, qualitative determination of Selcuk University, Department of Geological mineralogical compositions and percentage calculations of raw materials by region sketch- Engineering, 42250, Konya, TURKEY E-Mail: [email protected] ing. In this perspective, ceramic-1 is characterized as % 41.83 temper (quartz, albite, rutile, Phone: +90 332 223 2115 lime, organic material) and % 58.17 clay paste. Then, ceramic-2 is characterized to be % Fax: +90 332 241 0635 37.52 temper (quartz, anorthoclase, rutile, lime, organic material) and % 62.48 clay paste. Clay paste sections of both ceramics include mixture of clay minerals belonging to illite and smectite clay groups. In comparison, percentages of temper and clay paste sections of ceramic-1 and ceramic-2 differ % 4.31 from each other and variety of raw materials making up both ceramic bodies are nearly same except feldspars. But individually quartz and lime percentages between ceramics differ nearly two times. In this opinion we realize that raw materials are mixed by tracking two recipes. These recipes can be explained by different pottery making technologies and/or different archaeological provenances.

Keywords: Ceramic Sherd; Characterization; Dipsizin Cave; Region Sketching, Sarıveliler, SEM-EDS


ipsizin Cave is located in the vicinity of Sarıveli- ler District of Karaman Province in Turkey (Fi- In this study raw materials of ceramic-1 (C-1) and Dgure 1). In ancient times the cave was located in Cili- ceramic-2 (C-2) (Figure 4a, b) from the catalog were in- cia Region and to the south of Region (Figure vestigated for characterization under the perspective of 2) [1]. A strata of soil which contains remnants indi- “provenance studies involve characterization of ancient cative of human usage is defined as cultural soil. The ceramics” [3]. Raw materials used for pottery making unique specification distinguishing Dipsizin Cave can be categorized into three parts; clays, tempers and from its analogues in the Taurus Mountains is its glazes. Clay, which is the dominant constituent plays cultural soil as it is found rarely in caves (Figure 3a, b). most important role with two properties. First is the This soil includes numerous ceramic fragments and plasticity for taking shape before firing and the second some of them giving date and form have been catalo- is conservation of its shape while and after firing. Che- ged. Archaeological specifications of these ceramics mically, clays are hydrous aluminum silicates, usually indicate that they are brought from different regions containing minor amounts of impurities such as K, Na, into the cave and this cave was a temporary resting Ca, Mg or Fe [4, 5]. There are three major clay mineral place or a shelter for caravans traveling between the groups (kaolinite, illite and smectite) and they have che- ancient cities like Pharax, Zenonopolis, Lamos and mically distinct compositions. However most ancient Golgosos [2]. pottery was made from a mixture of these clay groups. M. Y. Huseyinca and Osman Doganay / Hittite J Sci Eng, 2018, 5 (2) 91–96 sizin cave cave sizin Some clays are suitable for potting and straightly dug from dug from straightly and for potting suitable are clays Some der to reduce shrinkage of the final product and to improve improve to and product final of the shrinkage reduce to der enough or too plastic [6]. Tempers are additives mixed in or in [6]. mixed plastic Tempers or too enough additives are workability of the clay paste. A wide variety of raw materials materials of raw variety A wide paste. clay of the workability the deposit but some have to be mixed as they are not plastic not plastic are they as mixed be to have but some deposit the Figure 3. Figure 2. Figure 1. Geographic location of Dipsizin Cave Cave Dipsizin of location Geographic Settlement around Dipsizin Cave in ancient ages ages ancient in Cave Dipsizin around Settlement

Photographs showing interior (a) and entrance (b) entrance and of Dip of - - 92 Antalya) so that they have long tectonic contacts with with contacts tectonic long have they that so Antalya) 14]. Formation of Dipsizin cave within the metacarbo the within cave 14]. of Dipsizin Formation This belt is composed of several tectonic rock slices (na slices rock tectonic of several composed is belt This GEOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK GEOLOGICAL Dipsizin Cave is geographically located in the Central Ta Central the in located geographically is Cave Dipsizin General lithology of these rocks deposited in the Cambri the in deposited rocks of these lithology General color of the glaze directly depends on the type of the flux flux of the type on the depends directly glaze of the color determine producing technologies and/or archaeological and/or archaeological technologies producing determine each other and reflect different basin conditions [9-12]. conditions basin different reflect and other each make them waterproof and to give decorative features. All All features. decorative give to and waterproof them make mely Bolkardağı, Aladağ, Geyikdağı, , Bozkır and and Bozkır Alanya, Geyikdağı, Aladağ, Bolkardağı, mely nates, clastics and ophiolitic rocks. In the central part of part central the In rocks. ophiolitic and clastics nates, urus Mountains which is part of the Taurus orogenic belt. belt. orogenic Taurus of the part is which Mountains urus glazes are consist of mainly silica and some flux agents. The The agents. flux some and silica of mainly consist are glazes provenances of the ceramics which play important role in role in important play which ceramics of the provenances als and their percentages used in obtained ceramics byapp ceramics obtained in used percentages their and als [6]. pot of the temperature firing the agent and to pottery of the surface on the melted coatings glassy are [7, atemper as used be 8]. can Glazes materials organic and an - Eocene age interval include metamorphosed carbo metamorphosed include age interval -Eocene an archaeology. such as quartz sand, fossil shells, calcite, mica, crushed rock, rock, crushed mica, calcite, shells, fossil sand, quartz as such lying non-destructive methods. This procedure will help to help to will procedure This methods. non-destructive lying laid by the post-Eocene aged Mut Basin deposits which which deposits Mut aged Basin post-Eocene bythe laid over unconformably are rocks basement Belt, Taurus the include horizontally bedded clastics and carbonates [13, carbonates and clastics bedded horizontally include Figure 4. This study aims to define above mentioned raw materi raw mentioned above define to aims study This Catalog photographs of C-1 of (a) photographs Catalog and C-2 (b) and

------nates of the basement rocks can be explained by karstic maps are manually placed on top of each other to search dissolution mechanism. for overlapping in colors. Then it is found out which ele- ments constitute the areas where the overlaps occur. In MATERIAL AND METHODS the next step mineralogy is determined by comparing the found element association with the contents of proper This work is focused on the application of Scanning EDS points and known minerals. Defining mineralogy is Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive important step for calculating raw material percentages Spectroscopy (EDS) techniques to C-1 and C-2 obtained which is valuable for evaluating production technologies from Dipsizin cave. SEM is a high magnification micros- of ceramics. In this concept characterizations of C-1 and cope which the image is generated by the interaction of C-2 are explained under separate titles. generated high energy electrons and sample atoms. With it, EDS is a micro-analytical technique conventionally Characterization of C-1 used in SEM for the local determination of chemical ele- ments in solid samples [15]. In this technique a special SEM secondary electron image (SEI) and backscattered energy-sensitive detector adapted to SEM receives the electron image (BEI) with EDS locations are shown in generated X-rays and sorts them according to energy. A Figure 5a, b. SE and BE images help to understand sur- computer software analyzes the spectrum and looks for face topography and element distribution of the scanned characteristic peaks indicative of certain elements. Be- area respectively [19]. Color coded ED maps of Si (white), sides determining elemental composition of individual Ti (blue), Na (turquoise), C (red), Ca (purple), Al (cyan), points on the sample, EDS analysis can be used to map K (brown), O (green), Mg (violet) and Fe (olive) are also out the lateral distribution of elements from the imaged shown in Figure 5c- l. High brightness of a color indicates area. These maps can give accurate results of relative ele- a high concentration of related element or vice versa. The ment proportions to understand the material properties black color means no concentration of related element in [16]. On the overall the EDS microanalysis is regarded as the map [15]. a non-destructive technique and applied to many prob- lems of archaeological ceramics [17-21]. To find qualitative composition of white colored regi- ons in ED map of Si (Figure 5c) we superpose other ED maps In the study, the samples were bombarded with high for overlapping colors. Then we conclude that there is only energy electrons produced by tungsten filament emitter green colored regions in O map (Figure 5j) indicating Si and under accelerating voltage of 15 keV in SEM-EDS. Element O are the main constituents of our white regions. For mi- distribution (ED) map images of silicon (Si), titanium (Ti), neralogical determination, beside proper overlapping in ED sodium (Na), carbon (C), calcium (Ca), aluminum (Al), po- maps we look for a mineral whose chemical composition is tassium (K), oxygen (O), magnesium (Mg) and iron (Fe) are close to point 5a (Table 1) in terms of defined element vari- taken under the magnification level of 400X. Then each ce- ety. In this concept quartz mineral (% 46.74 Si) has very close ramic fabric is investigated under the sections of temper and composition to point 5a (% 45.72 Si) and suggest that our clay paste. Sections are separated according to the grain size white colored regions are quartz. Distribution of Na con- contrast between them. Noticeable contrast indicates ma- centration is represented by the turquoise colored regions nual addition of temper to clay [8]. After separation process, in ED map (Figure 5e). When manually superposed, colors element distribution (ED) maps, EDS analysis and composi- overlapped with the mentioned regions belong to Al, Si and tions of standard minerals are evaluated for mineralogical O maps (Figure 5h, c, j). Therefore, our candidate mineral considerations. Region sketches and percentages are obtai- qualitatively includes Na, Al, Si and O elements. In order to ned from image analyzing software (Image-Pro). identify this mineral, the similarity between the quantita- tive compositions of point 2a (% 6.82 Na, % 10.89 Al and % 32.92 Si) and a mineral with standard formula is compared RESULTS AND DISCUSSION in terms of defined elements. Here, albite (% 8.77 Na, % 10.29 Al and % 32.13 Si) is suggested which has closest content to An ED map specifies a single element content and dist- 2a point (Table 1). Ti concentration is represented by blue ribution in the defined area with a color code. Colors of colored regions in ED map (Figure 5d). When superposed, ED maps are assigned automatically by the computer to overlapping colors with related regions are only in O map a single chemical element. Accordingly, the total element (Figure 5j) indicating that our mineral contains Ti and O content in the defined area is separated to numerous elements. Comparison between point 9a (% 58.80 Ti and % single element maps. On the contrary to this definition, 0.86 Fe) in Table 1 and rutile content (% 58.43 Ti and % 1.83 starting from the induction method our theory is to arri- M. Y. Huseyinca and Osman Doganay / Hittite J Sci Eng, 2018, 5 (2) 91–96 Fe) verifies similarity of contents and suggest that our blue ve at the total element content in that area by the proper colored grains are rutile. We know that rutile is stable in combination of each element map. To do this, element

93 M. Y. Huseyinca and Osman Doganay / Hittite J Sci Eng, 2018, 5 (2) 91–96 Chemical compositions of points 1a to 10a (wt%) for C-1. for (wt%) 1a 10a to points of compositions Table 1.Chemical calcium carbonate (CaCO carbonate calcium and colored purple our Therefore O but not C. and Ca des regions [22-24]. colored clay by purple shown content is Ca map overlaps with these regions. So, element variety inclu element variety So, regions. these with overlaps map with mix can generally and environments weathering most red colored regions in ED map (Figure 5f). When superpo When 5f). (Figure map ED in regions colored red pellet shaped regions should be lime rather than grounded grounded than rather lime be should regions shaped pellet sed there is no other element color overlapping with these these with element overlapping color no other is there sed for C-1for Si Si for C-1for in ED map (Figure 5g). When superposed, green color of O of color O green superposed, 5g). When (Figure map ED in Figure 6. Figure 5. hes of quartz (b) quartz of hes (c) , Ti , Ti Element/ Point 10a 4a 9a 2a 5a 3a 8a 6a 1a 7a (d)

SEI SEI SEI SEI , Na , Na (a) (a) , albite (c) , albite (e) , EDS locations of points 1a to 10a 10a 1a to points of locations , EDS , BEI adapted with EDS locations locations EDS with adapted , BEI 4.35 9.25 9.70 3.20 12.17 12.05 77.86 0.00 C 6.09 6.56 , C (f) , Ca , Ca , rutile (d) , rutile 43.21 43.53 41.40 41.15 46.32 47.56 43.91 31.79 37.00 12.08 O (g) 3 ). C distribution is represented by by represented is ). Cdistribution , Al , Al , lime (e) , lime (h) , K 0.00 0.12 0.27 7.35 0.60 0.45 0.44 0.00 0.21 6.82 Na (i) and organic material (f) material organic and , O (j) (a) (b) 4.79 2.87 1.16 0.25 0.18 0.23 0.26 0.04 0.10 0.00 Mg , Mg , Mg and region sketc region and and ED maps of of maps ED and (k) and Fe Fe and 9.64 1.26 10.67 10.11 16.51 11.08 10.39 10.89 Al 0.74 0.65 (l) - - - 94 45.72 28.00 23.24 20.82 33.84 32.92 13.64 1.83 17.33 1.55 Si (brown), Al (cyan), K ( magenta), O (green), Mg (violet) Mg (cyan), K(magenta), O(green), (brown), Al Characterization of C-2 of Characterization SEI, BEI including EDS locations and color coded ED ED coded color and locations EDS including BEI SEI, quartz (SiO quartz maker bypottery mixture to added be or can naturally clay calculated as % 12.00, % 0.73, % 0.85, %18.10 %0.85, %10.15 %0.73, and %12.00, as calculated only with green colors of O map (Figure 7j) indicating that that 7j) indicating (Figure of Omap colors green with only elements as clays are hydrous aluminum silicates. After ve After silicates. aluminum hydrous are clays as elements maps of Si(white),maps Ti (turquoise), Na(blue), C(red), Ca ween quantitative compositions of point 5b (% 44.77 Si) in Si) in (% 5b 44.77 of point compositions quantitative ween neralogy. Finally, C-1 is characterized to be % 41.83 temper temper %41.83 be to C-1 characterized Finally, is neralogy. regions. Mono elemental variety and high C(% 77.86) high con and variety Mono elemental regions. respectively and summed to % 41.83 according to image image to according %41.83 to summed and respectively nerals [5]. Therefore clay section of C-1 seems to be the mix the ofbe C-1 to [5]. seems section clay nerals Therefore rifying this we see that overlapping of K, Mg and Fe occurs Fe occurs and Mg of K, overlapping that we see this rifying group [25], whilst Mg and Fe prefer smectite group clay mi clay group Fe prefer smectite and Mg [25],group whilst analysis (Figure 6). Above mentioned raw materials are all all are materials raw 6). mentioned Above (Figure analysis are constituents of these Percentages material. organic and and Fe (olive) belonging to C-2 are shown in Figure 7a, Figure in C-2 to Fe shown (olive)and are belonging and remaining %58.17 paste. clay remaining and sections, identification of minerals and percentage calcu percentage and of minerals identification sections, paste clay and of temper Table in Separation shown 2. tent in point 6a (Table-1) suggest that these regions should should (Table-1) 6a regions point in tent these that suggest l. Chemical compositions of points 1b also 10b to are of points compositions Chemical l. be organic material. Organic material can be found with with found be can material Organic material. organic be these regions include Si and O elements. Consistency bet Consistency Oelements. Siand include regions these C-1. done in as C-2 performed are within lations temper section we obtain proper overlapping of Al, Si and O O Siand of Al, overlapping proper we obtain section temper take place in clay minerals. Especially, K prefers mainly illite illite mainly Kprefers Especially, minerals. clay in place take can that impurities probably are l). k, 5i, These (Figure too ture of clay minerals belonging to illite and smectite group. smectite and illite to belonging minerals of clay ture in order to improve plasticity and firing conditions [6]. conditions firing and plasticity improve order to in included into the temper section as they are not clay in mi in not clay are they as section temper the into included Accordingly, temper section of C-1 is composed of of of C-1 composed is section temper Accordingly, White colored regions in Si map (Figure 7c) (Figure Simap in overlap regions colored White To determine clay paste section remained from the the from remained section paste To clay determine 4.26 1.02 1.89 0.44 0.34 0.08 0.00 0.12 0.44 8.87 K 2 ), albite (NaAlSi ), albite 1.30 17.81 1.17 1.45 0.29 0.78 0.00 0.11 0.21 0.19 Ca 58.80 Ti 1.11 1.02 0.16 0.41 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.27 0.31 3 O 8 ), rutile (TiO ), rutile 2.01 2.28 16.35 1.79 0.86 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.78 8.79 Fe 2 ), lime (CaO) (CaO) lime ), 100.00 99.98 99.99 99.95 99.84 99.97 99.97 93.02 99.73 99.77 Sum ------Table 2. Chemical compositions of points 1b to 10b (wt%) for C-2. Element/ C O Na Mg Al Si K Ca Ti Fe Sum Point 1b 64.07 17.95 0.23 0.18 2.67 12.84 0.69 0.67 0.27 0.00 99.57 2b 9.45 41.77 5.49 0.13 9.88 28.66 2.72 0.33 0.25 0.99 99.67 3b 7.94 42.15 0.00 5.60 11.26 20.19 0.50 0.75 0.31 11.06 99.76 4b 9.24 39.63 0.54 0.25 20.48 23.71 3.55 0.41 0.15 1.69 99.65 5b 6.72 46.75 0.09 0.06 0.64 44.77 0.07 0.16 0.01 0.24 99.51 6b 0.00 41.27 0.72 1.32 3.10 27.59 2.62 3.01 0.00 0.00 79.63 7b 12.60 38.77 0.36 0.08 9.46 29.32 7.69 0.00 0.26 1.33 99.87 8b 3.62 44.26 0.45 0.88 12.02 20.42 1.65 14.23 1.23 0.00 98.76 9b 3.02 40.97 0.17 0.60 8.07 14.13 1.49 0.40 25.81 5.21 99.87 10b 6.69 41.45 0.13 3.93 13.12 16.54 1.36 0.80 1.17 14.37 99.56

Table 2 and quartz (% 46.74 Si) suggest that our regions are (Figure 7d, j). So, chemical variety include Ti and O for the quartz grains. Blue colored regions in Na map overlaps with candidate mineral. Close chemical compositions of point 9b Al, Si and K elements when superposed (Figure 7e, h, c, i). (Table 2) and rutile suggest that mentioned regions could be So, Na, Al, Si and K elements are main constituents of blue rutile. Brown colored regions in Ca map overlap with green colored regions. Consistency between chemical compositi- color of O map (Figure 7g, j) but don’t with C map indicating ons of point 2b (% 5.49 Na, % 2.72 K, % 9.88 Al and % 28.66 that these pellet shaped regions are lime rather than groun- Si) and anorthoclase (% 5.45 Na, % 2.47 K, % 11.71 Al and % ded limestone. C distribution is represented by red colored 29.35 Si) suggest that these regions are anorthoclase grains. regions in ED map (Figure 7f). High C content of point 1b Turquoise colored regions in Ti map overlap only with O (% 64.07) in Table 2 and no overlapping of any element with these regions indicate organic material origin.

Accordingly, temper section of C-2 is composed of qu-

artz (SiO2), anorthoclase (K,NaAlSi3O8), rutile (TiO2), lime (CaO) and organic material. Percentages of these constitu- ents are calculated as % 20.10, % 0.55, % 0.62, % 8.25 and % 8.00 respectively and summed to % 37.52 according to re- gion sketches (Figure 8). Then C-2 is characterized to be % 37.52 temper and remaining % 62.48 clay paste section.

In clay paste section of C-2 we see overlapping of Al, Si and O elements indicating clay mineral existence. We see also overlapping of K, Mg and Fe (Figure 7i, k, l) which could be evaluated as impurities in clay minerals. As a result we can suggest that clay paste section of C-2 is a mixture of clay minerals belonging to illite and smectite groups as in C-1.


Figure 7. : SEI (a), BEI adapted with EDS locations (b) and ED maps of Si (c), Ti (d), Na (e), C (f), Ca (g), Al (h), K (i), O (j), Mg (k) and Fe As a result of the study, following items can be arranged: (l) for C-2 1- C-1 is characterized as % 41.83 temper (quartz, albite, rutile, lime, organic material) and % 58.17 clay paste. Also, C-2 is characterized to be % 37.52 temper (quartz, anorthoc- lase, rutile, lime, organic material) and % 62.48 clay paste.

2- When compared, percentages of temper and clay paste sections in C-1 and in C-2 seem to be close in % 4.31 vicinity. But individually quartz and lime percentages of C-1 (% 12.00 quartz and % 18.10 lime) and C-2 (% 20.10 quartz M. Y. Huseyinca and Osman Doganay / Hittite J Sci Eng, 2018, 5 (2) 91–96 Figure 8. (a) : EDS locations of points 1b to 10b and region sketches and % % 8.25 lime) differ nearly two times from each other. of quartz (b), anorthoclase (c), rutile (d), lime (e) and organic material (f) for C-2 Noticeable diversity in percentages of quartz and lime sug-

95 M. Y. Huseyinca and Osman Doganay / Hittite J Sci Eng, 2018, 5 (2) 91–96 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1. The authors thank the editor and anonymous reviewers reviewers anonymous and editor the thank authors The 4. 3. 2. dicate common or close geological provenance. geological close or common dicate of clay minerals belonging to illite and smectite groups. smectite and illite to belonging minerals of clay of diffe meaning the within makers pottery distinct or two rent archaeological provenance. rent archaeological and/ technologies production different of indicative recipes portant data for characterization of ancient ceramics and and ceramics of ancient for characterization data portant different following mixed are materials raw these that gest for their constructive comments to the manuscript. the to comments constructive for their addition of these. of addition albite and C-2 and anorthoclase. have albite 5. study. structure of lime in both ceramic textures indicate manual manual indicate textures ceramic both in of lime structure they are not manually added. not manually are they be done non-destructively by the procedure applied in this this in applied procedure by the done non-destructively be makers. pottery of behavior improve plasticity of the mixture [6]. mixture of the plasticity improve of it to addition or manual deposit alake from of clay input have nearly same qualitative compositions except C-1 except have compositions qualitative same nearly have 10- We suggest that characterization of ceramics could could of ceramics characterization We10- that suggest 4- Clay paste sections of ceramics both reflect mixture mixture reflect both of ceramics sections paste Clay 4- 9- Percentage calculation of raw materials can give im give can materials of raw calculation Percentage 9- 7- Low percentages of feldspars and rutile indicate that indicate rutile and of feldspars 7- percentages Low 6- Grain size contrast of quartz and pellet shaped pellet and of quartz contrast size Grain 6- 3- In comparison, temper sections of both C-1 C-2 of both and sections temper comparison, In 3- 5- Similarity between the varieties of raw materials in materials of raw varieties the between Similarity 5- 8- High organic material content may indicate direct indicate content may material organic High 8- 131. Tite, MS. The impact of electron microscopy on ceramic on microscopy electron of impact The MS. Tite, collection, Dietrich Reimer, Berlin, 1903. (1995) 255-256. (1995) seramik: Adiller Dipsizin mağarası, in: Ş. Dönmez (Ed.) Ş. Dönmez in: mağarası, Dipsizin Adiller seramik: studies. Proceedings of the British Academy 77 (1992) 111- 77 Academy British the of Proceedings studies. Guggenheim, S, Martin, RT. Definition of clay and clay and clay of RT. Definition Martin, S, Guggenheim, Sümer Atasoy'a armağan yazılar, Hel Yayınları, Ankara, pp. Ankara, Yayınları, Hel yazılar, armağan Atasoy'a Sümer nomenclature committees. Clays and Clay Minerals 43 Minerals Clay and Clays committees. nomenclature CMS and nomenclature AIPEA the of report Joint mineral: India, 2013. India, 83-94, 2013. Doğanay, O, Duman, B. Isauria bölgesi’nden bir grup bir bölgesi’nden Isauria B. O, Duman, Doğanay, map historical Rumsey David in: citerior, Asia K, Heinrich, Mukherjee, S. The science of clays, Springer Netherlands, Springer clays, of science The S. Mukherjee, References - - - 96 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 7. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 9. 6. 8.

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