Navigational Efficiency of Broad vs. Narrow Folksonomies Denis Helic Christian Körner Michael Granitzer Knowledge Management Knowledge Management Chair of Media Informatics Institute Institute University of Passau Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Passau, Germany Graz, Austria Graz, Austria Michael.Granitzer@uni-
[email protected] [email protected] Markus Strohmaier Christoph Trattner Knowledge Management Institute for Information Institute and Know-Center Systems and Computer Media Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Graz, Austria Graz, Austria
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT Keywords Although many social tagging systems share a common tri- Navigation, Folksonomy, Keywords, Tags partite graph structure, the collaborative processes that are generating these structures can di ffer significantly. For ex- 1. INTRODUCTION ample, while resources on Delicious are usually tagged by all In social tagging systems, users organize information us- users who bookmark the web page , photos on Flickr ing so-called tags – a set of freely chosen words or concepts are usually tagged just by a single user who uploads the – to annotate various resources such as web pages on Deli- photo. In the literature, this distinction has been described cious, photos on Flickr, or scientific articles on BibSonomy. as a distinction between broad vs. narrow folksonomies . In addition to using tagging systems for personal organiza- This paper sets out to explore navigational di fferences be- tion of information, users can also socially share their an- tween broad and narrow folksonomies in social hypertextual notations with each other. The information structure that systems. We study both kinds of folksonomies on a dataset emerges through such processes has been typically described provided by Mendeley - a collaborative platform where users 1 as “folksonomies ” ( fol k-generated ta xonomies ).