Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon)
Ardha Chandraasana – Balancing Triangle / Half Moon Pose Inspiration Ardha = half and chandra = moon Balancing postures give us the opportunity to explore focus and concentration, making them highly meditative if pracriced right. This posture takes its inspiration from the moon, being our cool, feminine gentle side. At the same time we can explore and strengthen our hot, masculine, powerful side by the challenging nature of the pose. Benefits of the pose Physical Mental Energetic Whole body pose – 5 limbs of flow all Increased focus and concentration Activates manipura chakra and engaged. Improves full-body Increased confidence releases prana through sushumna coordination. (which in turn strengthens Mild inversion with the heart slightly digestive organs and tract) Strengthens back, neck, legs, feet and above the head which relieves stress ankles and anxiety Activates swadisthana Stretches inner thighs and psoas, Increases mental equalibrium Stimulates central nervous system hamstrings, calves, spine and shoulders through which sushumna runs Opens chest, heart and hips enabling nervous and pranic impulses to pass directly up to Improves overall sense of balance higher centres Tones and massages abdominal and Increase body awareness and pelvic, and creates heat, aiding sense of body’s position in space digestion (proprioception), bringing more Helps reduce fat around the waist poise to our daily activities Relieves sciatica and backache Relieves menstrual pain Drishti To the raised middle finger Chakra • Swadisthana • Manipura Alignments • Standing foot pointing towards front of the mat • Legs straight, raised leg parallel to the floor. Feet flexed • Top shoulder and side stacked over bottom shoulder and side, as if leaving against a wall • Hips open and stacked – rotate upper hip outwards and tuck lower hip under.
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