"Education in the Nature of Human Sexuality and the Relations and 7, 8
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DOCUMENT RF SUME AA 000 315 ED 022 972 24 By -Broderick, Carlfred B . *And 0 ther s The Individual, Society andSEX.Background Readings for SexEducators. Sex Information and EducationCouncil of United States, New York ,N.Y. Bureau No-BR -7 -0294 Pub Date [May 69] -1594 Contract -OEC -1 -7 -070294 December 1968 Issiue of Note -215p.; This document waspreviouslyannounced as ED020 448 in the Research o.n Education" EDRS Price r1F -St 00 HC -51085 History, Descriptors -Agency Role, BehaviorStandards,*CourseContent,Course Obiectives, Educational (Characteristics). SexDifferences, *Sex !nstructional Materials, InterpersonalRelationship, School Role, *Sex TeacherRole, *Teaching Methods, Education, Social Development,Social Values,StudentCharacteristics, Textbooks preparing to teach This book is. designed as a textprimarily for college students "education in the nature ofhuman sexuality andthe relations sex education or made by the between the sexes" inelementary and secondaryschools..An attempt is sociologists or psychologists,to distinguishbetween the 13 writers, most of them .knowledge which he knowledge which the teachertransmits to hisstudents and the himself needs in order to do it.The first 5 chaptersconcentrate on someof the of sex. "Trends in Sex pedagogical peculiarities whichcharacterize teaching in the area to introduce it intothe school curriculumand surveys Education" reviews the movement with in "One the current scene. The:how" and "what" of sexeducation are dealt Approach to the Age Placementof Concepts and Materials:The students' own stages the focus of 'NormalSociosexual Development.""Some of lifelong human growth are teacher Social and PsychologicalAspects of Sex" distinguishesbetween the roles of and counselor, and "SexEducation in the Community"discusses the role of agencies Chapter 6 on masturbationand 7, 8, and 9 onpremarital sex other than schools. and standards and interpersonalrelationships attempt foprovide both information guidance. Broader sociological aspects arecovered in the last 3chN)ters--'Sex in the Concepts of Masculinityand Feminity," and the"Impact of Culture of Poverty," 'Changing the Culture and Values:* Lists ofreferences and suggestedreadings follow most of chapters. The book will bepublished in May 1969 byJohn Hopkins P: ess.Baltimore, Md. 21218,in paperback and hard cover.(JS) Ast~31110. The Individual, Society and Sex: Background Readings for Sex Educators Project No. Contract No. OEC-1-7-070294-1594 Carlfred B. Broderick and Jessie Bernard Editors March 1968 The project of which this book is the pro- duct was conducted pursuant to a Contract' with the Office of Education, U. S. Depart- went of Health, Education, and Welfare. Contractors undertaking such projects under Government sponsorship are encouraged to . express freely their professional judgMent in tbe conduct of the project. Points of view or opinions stated do not, therefore, necessarily represent official Otfice of Educ'ation position of policy. Zex Information and EduCation CdUncil, o the United States 1855 Broadway New York, New York *,-- CONTRIBUTORS Professor of Sociology JESSIE BERNARD, Ph.D.,for many years was and now is.retired at The PennsylvaniaState University Scholar, ponoris-Causa with the uniquestatus of Research as a free- at that institution. She currently operates with her home base lance scholar,writer, and consultant she has authored in Washington, D.C. Among the many books Elating, Mating, andkiarriage; or co-authoredarm Remarriage; Marriage and the FamilyAmongawes;and, currently The Sex Game. She is a member ofthe SIECUS Board. Professor of Family CARLFRED B. BRODERICK,Ph.D., is Associate Relationships at theCollege of HumanDevelopment, The has done Pennsylvania StateUniversity. A sociologist, he research and writing in the areasof fqmily structure, Arerican courtship, andchildren's normalheterosexual SIECUS Board. social development. He is a member of the is Chief of theResearch CATHERINE CHILMAN,Ph.D., a psychologist, Utilization and DevelopmentBranch of theDivision of Service, H.E.W., Intramural Research,Social Rehabilitation articles Washington, D. C. She is the author of numerous -Among her including a number ofgovernment publications. become a standard recent writings,Growing a Poor, has reference on theproblems of childrearing and family the relationships among the very poor. She is a member of field of marriage SIECUS Board andformerly taught in the and the family atSyracuse University. CHRISTENSEN, Ph.D., Professor ofSociology at PUrdue HAROLD T. Council on University, is a paetpresident of the National and Family Family Relations and wasthe editor of Marriage Marriage Living for several years. fieis the author of Analysig-ind editor ofthe already classicHandbook of Mmilimand the Famdly.He spent 1957-58studying the recipient xc Scandinavian family system. In 1967 he was the National Council on of tlie covetedBurgess Award of the to the person Family Relations,given every alternate year to:the field of who has made thegreatest contribution the SIECUS Board. family research. He is ca member of t4 ' m.. -- '*{- 1,4-,k NELSON N. FOOTE, Ph.D., is a ociologist currently employed in research on community developmentsin New York City. Pre- viously he was Director of the Family Study Center at the' Uftiversity of Chicago. He is do-author of Identity, and Interpersonal gompetencl., pousehold Decision-making., and maigaa Choices and Constraints, as well as numerous articles on consumer behavior and family relations. His essay on "Sex as Plan" has been widely reprinted in several languages. WARREN R. JOHNSON, Ed.D., is professor of Health Education at the University of Maryland.He has been the director of institutesof sex education for the Washington School of Psychiatry and for the National Association of Independent ' Schools. He is the author of numerous articles and several books, including Human Sex and Sex Education, and Health Contepts for College Students. He is a fellow of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex and is a member of the SIECUS Board_ LESTER A KIRKENDALL, Ph.D., Professor of Family Life at Oregon State University since 1949, was one of the founders of SIECUS. BR has authored and co-authored many articles several books, including Premarital Intercourse and Inter- personal Relationships, Sex and Our Societx, and Sex Education as Human Relations. He ha& served as specialist in sex education in the U. S. Office of Education arl as Director of the Association for Family Living in Chicago. ROGER W. LIBBY is at present a graduate assistant in the Depart- ment of Child Development and Family Relations at the . University of Connecticut. His- learch interest in parental attitudes toward adolescent sex education in high -sehools grows partly out of his experience as a high.school teacher in Pasco High School, Pasco, Washington. 4 iii ;:" HELEN MANLEY, Executive Director of the Social Health Association of Greater St. Louis, has been writing articles on the need for sex education since 1930.As a result ofler work in this and related fields, she was ehe recipient of ate Gulick Award of the American School Health Association. ` Among her many endeavors in the field has been the develop- ment of A Curriculum Guide in Sex Education. ESTHER MIDDLEWOOD, Chief of the Education ffection of fhe Michigan Department of Mental Health, has been involved with communi- ty programs Of sex education for a great part of her career. JAMES E. MOORE, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor of Child Develop- ment and Family Life at Purdue where he is attempting to develop an undergraduate curticulum which integrates the humanities and the social sciences. .1n, 1966-67 he was - awarded an NIMH Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Marriage Counseling at the University of Minnesota.His wife is a public health educator and they do their sex education seminars as a husband-wife team. S. LEE RAINWATER, Ph.D., is Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, and a research associate in its Social Science Institute.Among the many articles and books which he has authored or co- authored are Family, lasig..n, And the Poor Get Children, and Workingman's Wife. IRk L. REISS, Ph.D., is Professor of Sociology at the University of Iowa. His major interests are in sociology of the . family, deviant behavior and sociological theory. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Marriage_ and the Family and of Social Problems and is on the Board of Directors of the National Council on Family Relatians, and SIECUS. He is the author of many articles and two books, Premarital Sexual Standards in America and The Social Context of Premarital Sexual Permissiveness. -. 4:1yr FOREWORD 'HEALTHY SEXUALITY, AN EMERGING CONCEPT SIMS (Sex Information and Education Council ofthe . U. S.) was formed as a voluntary health organization inMay of 1964, and the public first heard of itin January, 1965. It has operated (and will continue to do so),on a modest scale, to fulfill its functions as an informational and educational . resource, with a staff that has grown.from one professional and one clerical worker to five professionals and twelve clerical workers. SIECUS! greatest asset is its Board of Directors,a remarkable group of man and women fromeveny category of disci- plines, whose convictions, ranging widely between "right"and "left" de not interfere with achievingconsensus. Rotating three year terms bring each year to the Boardnew minds and personalities, and the interaction at Board Meetingsis an, exhilarating study in clash