1996 Summer.Pdf
MOSSMOTORING Is published A DECADE OF HAVE YOU REGISTERED YET? by Moss Motors, Ltd. MEMORIES ^1 Own «a Editor: Ken Smith HURRY, ONLY 60 DAYS TO GO! Contributing Writers:Mike Chaput, Ron • "^b. Bob Consoll, Robert Goldman, Bob move last year to (new premisescaused Classic •iday,Robert Koval,Harry Newton,Scott Nielsen. ChrisNowlan, RonPhillips, Bob Oct disturb the Rothstein, JohnSprinzel. SusanScott inevitable dust in quite a Thompson, and EricWilhelm. • few comers. In one of these Production: JillLee-Jones,IdealImages fur Hung alcoves of memo '"Only ries we came across a num Althoughwe makeeveryeffortto ensure the ber of very early copies of correctness of technical articles, Moss Motors, AfossMotoring. I'm sure you Ltd. assumes no liability forthe accuracy, safe know bow it is when you ty,or legality oftnese contributions. All techni $ 1595 come to throw out all those I rUC II UP FARMS, JULY 18-21, 1996 calmaterial shouldbe weighed againstcom monly accepted practice. Anyopinions old car magazines that you expressed in this magazineare those ol the never read. Something 4TH ANNUAL authors and do not necessarily reflectthe opin catches your eye and before ions or policiesol Moss Motors. you know where you are, hall the day has been spent reminiscing over MOSS MOTORS Mass Moloringis© 1996 Moss Motors, Ltd. times, cars, and events long past. Al rights reserved. Well, this happened to me with those back Issuesof Moss Motoring. BRITISH CAR FESTIVAL All I really wanted to do was to put them away somewhere where they CONTRIBUTIONS INVITED would not be ravaged by the natural phenomena that prevails in the JULY 18-21, 1996 Contributions are greatlyappreciated and Golden Stale such as earthquakes.
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