' t I"ree.lcS islI ,'a.'. S a;e; 'm.e >e11C C11i;8 ..0 ~ Sj)(teen United-Party can- race because he was npt eligible for the secretary's.I.0111'i.=-:~ Mar- -~~a e 4)~ job; and to :;j,jjtjateg were placed in the run cia Mott]nor, Gamma Phi, who is Named ron]ling for class offices yea- standard be»er for the eyein the,treasurer's ( C position, ..', Il I nnnuttl Greeks I I- itg the fall elec- was Hill t( I d lv Agee.~ off campus, ~ Junior candidates and the posi- I ~ c,j J L,J (jpns tpp]< 3, prOminent pl'tee who was nominated as the senior tion they are seeking include John a I '0]ong citl]]pus activities. class presidential candidate. Fitzgerald, Delt, president; Garth Meanwhile, in the Independent Other senior class students seek- Ir iasser 1 FarmHouse vice-president B r'eplacement was named ing offices carr)p, are Terry White, Fiji, Connie Block Tr]-Delt, treasurer; ~ senior c]()ss officer candid- fcr B who is vying for vice-president; Br~ Lorna Woe]fel Kappa VOLUMR 64, NO. UNIVERSITY OF , MOSCOW, IDAHO FRIDAY, OCT. 9, 1959 Bte wllo had tp drop out of the Fran Baudeck, off campus, in line (r Annna . ance '..'o University campus politic I a n s '..'a.~es Day Committee ' that it set up ',(,i'.,"::,:':;:::,';:.:J:."::,;;."'";"'::,'':::,;,'s„'inegar, ~pm a bit busier than usua] Ivl]] be just a, '.''.'::::::~~"..'d'.~ "'g"..'i~i" npecial barbershop quartet contest Delta Gamma, secretary; .'::". I K .o:) election Bigot th'.is year. and Augie Arrien, Kappa, treasur-I g Executive Board Tuesday e held in conjunction with other V() e SC- s e t card ates were I Independent Bnd United Parties, (5) Voted to purchase B trophy pe ]n ]el.o.j>er 3 ,ih ()Iim I Bnd literature from the mens living However, Dean For the first time in several ppo,ters 6rpup Intramural de Moore, 1 Gault the Executive Commit- r years, the annual Homecoming University c;Irnpns by G p.m. on the night of bate, Oct. 24. Hall, was named last night to re- de- dance will take to the basketball tee earlier in the week. The election, Opt. 22. place John Raymond, Willis Sweet, ~, cision announced 0 floors as a result of an executive was yesterday, 'I'he parties will also be asked tc as a senior candidate for vice-pres- Homecom- 4 committee decision allowing the according to Bill Agee, use discretion in the postirg oi g A Ie ident. ing general chairman. P ign mat iej, spe i gy on I I e tsrCIIe818 Results of .banoting for five trees on campus. was any last semester, did not .''.':,:.',:,'.:.:.',,",Jy i Homecoming Queen finalists carry -;::,::::::::.'..:::::...All>~pp '. I 1(1'„'" In other action TTuesdays night«h th e ~if k 1 1 ','....''';. I ln Use of the gym was granted aft- o h hn h o b released Wednesday and the quin- bjjggvu moogZOO> eligible to rlln. tet started touring male living. 1 Voted to set up B special stu- JV':~'.::„,,::::::. ': ',.:..;;:,:;;,::::,,:::;:. "'''::;im M,. Homecoming committee petitioned (1) groups last night. l>est-faculty committee to study re- F organization of frosh orientation. JX. WW~CBI m+p'a]te Chosen by all male campus vote were Trenna Atchley, Forney; (2) Asked the Student-Facul t y p '" OHicial From Co(nrnittec Io begin study of the Twe tY-one coeds were selected Independents have started their ', j',.'yp,;;., '."'.',", ',' lslyr'i!I!i":'''i'".:dp.".,":,v .cern .::,Jl '. 'I'.:;tv....„'.,y',:'::.:,,'::,':,,':,."....:ry Carolyn Blackburn, Gamma Phi; pr me bership in > ~ p(>Is ib]]ity of elimination of final Pre-Orchesis, tciurs, according to Dan Watson, Lynne Shelman, Pi Phi; Nadine d rs n„d mt. n dan e gr uP, fottcvvi g Li dley, ca u Pres'ni nt fo his Ift g !::::::::i'i" .::,,:,":,'-,:::,,::-,::,::,::::::::::::::::I Talbot, Kappa; and Phyllis Weeks, fo,; s]s ,':"G lI>I]rma prnveg ting up of comprehensive exams, tryouts conducted by group mern- panty. He said cand dates have Alpha Chi. bers Oct. 1. oi addit)pn oi the comprehen ive been making several dinner date ',: 'he five finalists will have a ' tl pre nt t t s hedule. Phe ne e h are B rc pp-arance mtd als have t ured ' busy dinner schedule for the next I Heard a report by Becky ': (3) BB]dridge Barbara Krol] Dana two and a half weeks through FOR JOE AND IDAHO —Five Idaho coeds smile at Joe the Vandal, whom one will be represent- The deputy .secretary of the up Rnss, Kappa, of the Co-O«]1)at'» Andrews, Jeanne Walkers Alpha "I October 28. All men's living groups am very pleased at Ghe num- ing as Homecoming Queen during a weekend of festivities Oct. 30.31. From the left are I.ynne ministry of ]and for the Republic Cous«ahe s»d h»ng 'g"oup'v'hi; Judy Groves, Sue Greenleaf, ber will be visited. of strong candidates we have Shelmsn, pi phi; Nadine Talbot, Kappa; Carolyn Blackburn, Gamma phi; phyllis Weeks, Alpha Chi, cf Burma will arrive on campus j(s will begin Sunday. Karen Sassar, Tri Delt; Roberta ! on our la]ate (this year," Watson and Trenna Atchtey, Forlley. today to confer with agriculture Final balloting on the Home- (4) R me ded to th Dad s p t DG; Lynda m Fo - so, J s, aid late ye te d y afte noon "I- coming Queen will be October 28 'ace and results will not be released ido a L Mo r Judy ca- 'ty . oli, ma) f th h ff; 'gns May Appear J eW I>Oar(l pan~a] A»< «< i,.d'n„t...,n, act, until the October 30 issue of th' —mille Johnson, Kappa; Barbara . ~kA .th;s - - Argonaut. The Queen will be hon- .i. Wat,on dec]ared that ]s Bn tp~gggp pI~C(fs ~]]jf y Opptp(S QOQCIp- He is U Tun Tin, who is on the .].'((jr s, p j i--4 HarriSOn, Sue CarnefiX, Sue Sie- I+ $ 'fe11 p first leg of a five month tour that ored at halftime of the Idaho- B ' ' I "there ~ Idaho's football cciach sin- Oregon and during intermis- —- - — is a strong possibaity that is a wil] carry him to Canada and Great game i tg e French; Gay] e Evans, sorority pins in the strangest —,'carce]la, . ' few surprises will be unveiled cere guy... and one who backs sion at the dance that evening. Carolyn by Britain. He recently completed an ~f I 4 'I Stoker, Hays; and Skip e]ecticn day." his team all the way. .,Scvage, off campus. extensive study of Idaho record- The Homecoming dance, a semi- Bob Bernard, Delt, United Party young Idaho coed reached fran- Skip Stahley has been Ivprry keeping and ]and management, formal affair, is for students and p«vi»s Y Are Idaho students getting» ' caucus president. said ticany for her sweater. She had Fifteen new Election 'oard ing for more than a week about Land recording, according to University alumni and guests that members have been accepted after smarter? Or is it just that Bll . just finished a phys]ca] educa- members will begin putting their a pep rally held in the SUB he- Tin, is one of Burma's pressing «Xouts at the beginning of sec- "I feel satisfied with the high The new location of the dance h»nmering by universities to t]pn class and had twp minutes shoulders to the work wheel Mon- fore thc Arizona game. problems. Under its land national- ond semester; however, this year caliber and quality of the candid- should relieve the congestion of, high schools is finally starting to tp reach her next class. day '" prepara ' for c]ass e]ec- I- ization act of 1953 most of thd the group will hold auditions aft- ates placed on the United Pal ly Th e turnoutt was ine an d tie] the Student Union ballroom, where have an effect. Things went along uneventful- nation's 261,000 square miles was «mid-term. This is to allow the slate for class elections and feel splri s g u one ing was the dance has usually been held, It's no longer much of a ques- ly for an hour or two. First meeting for the group, se- ' - taken away from foreign cpntro] ' missing fres h men women, subjec t to the'hey possess the necessary quali- Ior mos t pI tile show, the Agee commented. Jdhnny High Then she was politely tapped ]ected TuesdaY, is scheduled Mo - 'ts lers, and is to be distributed among AWS regulation concerning the fications to take a dominent ma- teamami e.If. "It was so crowded last year," School can read. It's now a ques- on the back by an Idaho male. day at 4 p.m. in confere)(>ce room Burma's 19,000,000 Eitizens. ' I Bctlvltl'es '] s "that were still tipn of how wel] number of the filst nille What are ypu IIplnjg wearing of the'SUB Oui] practice session ran past Agee said, people p l the 'c]t>s]n =, Tin estimates that IIbout 10 Per in 10".30p.m."" "; chief student 'coun weeks, to join the dancing group. Last night Bernard I(nd the can- IIIII OII y{)'ur I>ack he nil+a] g time heca trying to get at ypllr grin Named to the boar d were Dave cen t of e as is comp e e, an se]or Bt the , Concerning future plans of Pre- didates met to 1'ormulate campaign of numerous chan es necessitat- There were 724 couples, oi'448 ned. ra', c ' 's u- Orchesis, Pat Rowe, advisor stat- ed hy injuries. We became so e rge a e or ina ri reported recently, after surveying p]ans Needless tp say, she made the Co]I]ns and Marvin Krueger Wi]- persons, all crowded .into the up- the results of this fall's scholastic: We will work on a Christmas Another meeting sched~ed f'r necessary corrections, after, dis- ', .stairs of the SUB, he said. i ! which will va- rived at the SUB Burma became a republic in aptitude test.", that new students program include a 7 pm. Tuesday m the tnoral] the- creet]y tha~W the helpful man just as the Permission to use the carne 1948 after a gym here are showing "better prepara- riety of themes: some religious in the and sending him pn .his way. ' rally d]shanded," Stahle said, being part of the I ater to discuss Greeks'olicies Kl H through cooperation of the ath- some and ein «op,f, a S'h'igma i; oe Moe, British Empire. Today the coun- tion." nature, light, also procedures in the e]ections. "I want ypu to know that the letic department, which will haVe some(and Gau;lt. Ch ar]es pec,k Uph am. try is sorting out the best gov- He attributes it is harder work g The Greeks'our schedule is as ]Q' 't In y all ev ' to rei'inish the floor during Christ- ~ + Myrna I,atham and Orlnda Ha- t I d d t. on the part-of the students them- A spring plogl'Bm Is also on the fo]]pws ~ g mas vacation, and basketba]l I+ejIII I.JQI nS011 mon, Foi'ney; Joyce FI'lsch andi 9 methpds pf larger cpuntries selves, their Parents, and Primarily schedule for the members who will A]] candidates w]]] Cathy Wood Hays Vangle Glbbs Please accePt my s.ncere thanks Coach Dave Strack, who willing- Men's Association their lugh school teachers. work with the Orchesis and ad- meeting at 7:30 gl Alpha Gam and Sharon Lan and humble aPO]ogy," the Vandal ly consented to move the Vandal .m. lMonda in the SUB. ~ g $ +++ mentor vanced dancing gitoups on both P. said. hoop team to Pullman to prac- As we see it, the reason stems ggeSI~C Of the country 1n genera] Tm from today's all-encompassing programs. Main function of the board is ta- tice at WSU. Tri-Delt .and Alpha Phi at noon Commanding the Cadet Brigade TICKETS AV ABLE feeling of preparedness and readi- bulation of ballots at class and ~ machinery and get some industry This will make the fourth dance of tlhe Army ROTC urdt at Id aho ness or more frankly the "beat Monnd ay anand Ga~a ,P]Ii,1 Al phaa ASUI elections each fall Student tickets for the Idaho- to be held in the gym during the CHAIRMANSHIP OPEN st i C d t Col. Kent and spring. going, but it is a long process." Russia" attitude. Fall elections this year are sched- WSU football game Oct. 24 are now The deputy secretary will spend year. A resolution passed by the Persons interested in assistant Sophomores and S ruors to Al- Harrison, Phl Delt This is fine as far as it goes, go . Bled Oct. 22. available at the Student Union or five days on the Idaho campus. University executive committee chairmanshi p of the Blood Drive phah Gam and Teke at noon Mon- Cadet Deputy Commanding Offi- but it tends to make the Univer- at the Memorial Gymnasium tick- From here he will go to Spokane, only last February limited the use Committee should contact Laird day andKappasig DeltaCh] and cer is Cadet Lt. Col Glen Potter, sity strictly a vocational school, et office. Student price is $2 if an Vancouver, B.C., and then to Lon- of the gym to three dances. The Noh the ASUI ~ Delt. Heading Col. Harrison's staff 4 ' and loses sight of another primary at office. SAF in'eninthe evening. . Ir three are the Moscow Firemen's C det Lt, Col Bill May s, off IghgfdhCI>Iaatidhng ABCl a d s=nted.. d h fo tu i g home purpose of B university, the cul- ~ ~ Ball, Junior-Senior Prom and the t I, h d t aint g f the in- Donation earn 6 Fn'St Military Ball. dividual. I Opponent 0 4 di cussed at th Student-Faculty retreat last week- ~1II gte COInmIngt Ij)II$m J C ' end was vocational versus cultura X H o Y ]ast year's1 team. The members off campus S3; and Major Wayne Even with the dazzle of new automobile models splashing on the Play I4t Set education. Qg I~0 market, a revival of a different transportation trend is to back are: Jess Walters, Van Bas- ' beginning Agreement was pretty general Columbia Basin Junior ma kIc itselfi the College, . Thee BrigadeB e ~m org»I]zed into two University officials said yester- felt on c University'da hoo campus. that is now be- ser, Mike McNichols, ' Phi Delt; ~ Some of the students are returning to bicycles as a preferred far more emphasis at Pasco, Washington, has been ', offi- ln One Certain . Bajtt]e Groups. Commanding day that law enforcement officers mo d of ing given to the vocational side of tentatively scheduled as the Uni- e trave . Charlotte Marte]],M ] Forney;. Warren cer of the 1st Battle Group is Cadet are still investigating two fires at According to married students gain and Elaine Baxter, there is education. versity. debate team's first op- 'l ' no Lt. Co]. (".ranston Goff, Sigma Nu. Lindley hall which occurred Sept. better way to get around this town of 12,000. Nearly every course on the col- ponent. "If we need groceries we can pedal right to the front door of the Historical Time store and be back in our apartment before a shopper in a car would ]cge level is aimed at making The tournament as Pasco, set 'ies; A, commanded by Cadet They added that the general "This story could be a fairy tale the rather Kappa. Gordon Chester, Phi Delt, student a craftsman for Oct. 23 and 24, will be followed Capt Bil]Overholser,off campus., opinionistheincidentwas ade * * * and it could happen," said Edmund than will be manager of this year' a thinking individual. As long by the Columbia Valley Tourna- B, commanded by.Cadet Capt. Tom plorable prank" and if th(i persons Chavez, director of the play "The as the with the wor 1d con-n- group which includes 30 debaters., race ment, Nov. 6 and 7 at WSU accord- 'Schroeder, Upham; ai)d C, corn- involved are caught, they will Sleeping Prince." "That's why the tinucs much Each team, ' consisting of two n~ there will not be ing to faculty advisor Albert manded by Cadet Capt Leroy suffer the consequences. costumes and set wiH not be of a change. Whitehead, chairman of speech.,"E... Trupp, Willis Sweet.wee . ..Countyo y officials,o ic state police certain historical period," he added. live firmative and negative side of the I Only when men learn tp Debaters are looking forward to The Commanding Officer of the from Boise, and arson experts question: "Should Congress have The play will be presented to together, if theY ever do, will the four tournaments the first semes- 2nd Battle Group Is Cadet Lt. Ccf from Spokane have all aided in the ri ht to reverse the decisions university students on Oct. 23 and real meaning of the university „, ' Bruce Summers, Nu. Com- Sigma the case. t d ct to ta k] lx o „''. 24 in the auditorium. th d bate Wh he the to his- * * * t d epprts that ar Cadet C pt Dean]s McLe when t 'f Rather than tie play A bid to the national debate there will„..be entries in extempo- " ': ',',.:12'L tory, Chavez said he would just let An activity which contributes Beta, Company A; Cadet Capt Bob the same dormitory in a ]ittle ': fQ,':, g(Mj~I~~n'" "I::": )'.»"<@P~s in the ', tournament at West Point raucous speech, original the time element as there are unto]d to the Un]vers]ty got under- oratory, ~ „::::;:: be, (Hanee, ]3eta, Company (B; and over a week. Both had indications .. Jp.df. s~~~d",; . ".." '.:,. o.,:,.Js q Spi i th go] pf th q d i pt - always coronations»td political ht ]- g po p h, do ]I t Cdet Cpt. D D i o, Up-ofbi g t tdby o o . ~'~ '. ''"g'sh~j'.;:+„"c ''B"i:"'y,c dpliI gets the cecpgnit;o„ lt should which has 10 debaters back from pretation. ham, Company C. conflicts happening. sar: but ia goes right on doing top , )Costumes are being selected drawer job, nevertheless. ~ ~ on the from among those in stock and ..'dd Ir 1 yh.t ....,....i..xaytor IsILtctnes roretgII Joo upportuntttes only the military uniforms will be which has had more ParticiP " rented, Chavez'aid. Ance] Tay]or, ('.]uef of the Em- for Dec. 5, was not given last of compensation for emp]oyees of ployment Division of the Foreign year, leaving many vacancies to the Service,'he base pay starting Photo Staff, 10 a.m., SUB The single-set is in London and Service department of the US Gov- be filled. Taylor f)pinted out that darkroom 1 could date from the me- It's hard to describe just what at $5285 with an automatic $300 therefore ernment, mct with Idaho students accepted candidates can, as a re- em- SUB Bowling Clinic, 9:30 to dieval to modern, he explained, the appeal is, but if ]t can be year increase. In addition, the last Friday and outlined job op- suit, expect to be positioned sooner 11 B.m., bowling alley "Therefore one of the Re- pinned down, it would have to be ployees receive a rent, light and I chose ". portunities abroad. than usually. fuel allowance, temporary yg-- I gency period which is not as ornate competition. 1 lodging MONDAY The Foreign Service,' Taylor ex- a'.]owa ;t, as Victorian or as stark as some A ]ot of pressures and make- . ". The Service is extreme]y infer- allowance, cost vmg ce Blue Key, 12:30 p.m., Borah plained, carries out the job of re- contemporary." an" t'c]icvc more ogres can bui]d up over'a " ested in economics, according to and manyman other benef'tsbenefits mcludingmcludin Theater e medical and children's education. sohcol year Bad the p]acc where .' . the Service head. "Many pf today s ld and ofiers'..interesting and well TUESDAY most of them can be lost, com- most pertinent problems lie in this In a humorous vein, Taylor ad- compensated employment for qua- SUB Exhibits Committee, 1>(.'titively, is in ii>tramura]s. field," he stated, "and the econom- ded that expense accounts include Scores Available lified applicants. G:30 p.m., Pine Room Next time you see a guy run- 1st may expect to advance rapid- "Whiskey money" to overcome the To qualify for Foreign service * * * * * * On Guidance Tests ning back Bnd forth up a footba ly." otherwise prohibitive cost of lavish be able to find a parking place"1 say the Baxters. fiie]d Bad panting like Dagwood posts, according to a recent U. S. ~ ~ Freshmen and tranfer students Department of State bulletin, an sys m o ro a ion has een set ut tIt~s Other attractive advantages are the quick skoots from one end of after a stveetcar, doa't .think he's issue.... the campus to the other for B class and the fact that a bike takes who took guidance tests during crazy. Ai)d (]pn't feel sprl fpr applicant must be between the j~p «k«p Service emp»y« Interested students shou]d sub- nothing but ambition and energy to operate. Freshman Orientation Week may y "Americanized" him eith r. He'eM havin ages of 21 and 31, with no formal and retaining the mit their app]ications by Oct. 19 queen candidates named page 1 The Baxters, Ivho were among'he first to begin using the once- now have these scores explained U in oopu]ar bike again, indicate the switch to the two-wheelers is fUn... Bi)d re]easing spiire pf the education required. If an applicant .S.po»t of «ew " " S " 'c for the Dec. 5 examinations ac- Lowdown on mining ..., . page 2 by a student counselor. ]icies employees tensions that might otherwise be has received a B.S. degree or will p B« the]«»II- cording to Taylor. Additional in- The social whirl ...... „,. page 3 "Env~elg day we notice different hikes on ihe campus, so morestu- They shouldreport to the Stu- i]les chanreled into some popular sport receive one in June, the minimum B««»spp" " e e "y formation can be obtained from Dr. A western shpwg B sorority, The exam, whi h is scheduled Taylor pointed out the high rate Social Science. A big game ...... ,...... ,....page 6 of their free periods. t LITTLE MAN OrN'CAMrPUS- " ", o Si ver-Go c n e case grees to a last spring only of He's ficlicious or existant friend. Wet four'he engineering. This becortres Got Problems year before. Why? a vicious 10I30 Sharp It's known. that the mining in- circle which squeezes mining schools P a fact She Iras ta leave a meeting in the dustry at present is not in good shape. out of the picture. The guying and seihng of dances ah It's iri the doldrums. Engineering in general is made quite shmp yet can b parked ivay. Way i'cr( The metal 'inarket has its ups and attractive to college students. But min- h I 4 th Cdtfer Pcrcte Del downs just like the prices of wheat, ing engineering is not played up. m ed on Friday. lumber and cattle rise and fall. When the Mining schools cannot do this all alone. ing these young foramen ta dance the This means that in the end PAGE 2 THE ARGONAUT prices are high and rising, students are In actuality, high school seniors often re- with ~rl~ d ks and ta } the A thi~-day celebration this anxious to enter the profession and gard touring college professors merely as Iaoked over and found nat warth a question of whether a coed is going month will mack the 50th anni- ta be "good" or "bad" is when prices are'ow prospects are re- "recruiters" for their own department. nickeI hvhen compare'd svith their always ! versary af the University af cuter is nat accept- ecided by herself and not by the luctant.,This is an understandable No, the industry has to do its part, Idaho'ollege s~rity sisters, reason. '.: anil the fact that Idaho mining has put of Forestr~. able. laws dictated by the ivyless block on the hill. ttih But Dean Cook sees'two other reasons up $250,000, half of the cost of Idaho's The golden year observance will Let those who don't mind this The Idehe+AigOmlIItf. why mining engineering enrollment is low. future $500,000 Mines Building, shows begin Thursday, Oct. 22 and end stay, hut dory't require the pres- The only excuse for these rules Bdetnhoo IlOU (1.) People have a tendericy to think of its interest in the problem. Saturday the 24th with the Ida- once of those wtho cyhject. In strort is that tthey satisfy those PeoPle miining in terms of the past. They remem- With a new building, the College of ho-Washington State football show the coeds some consideration, around the state still suffering Assochled Coile5idle Prem ber the early miner they. saw on the late Mines ought to be able to demonstrate game at Pullman. a Ptii'Iran hangavcr'hat we Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Qttc show are taking measures issued every Tuesday and Friday of the college year. Entered TV last week with, his donkey, pick that mining and its allied sciences are Many special guests and several al. ta combat Idaho be knd sluice box. don': modern and "original sin." as second class matter at the past office at Moscow. Idaho. They realize that, require modern and compli- former deans will be on Pasture que as one of the important basic cated campus industries, equipment. to commemorate the school's be- Aryother event I think the coeds We should tell.them that we have "That You Shall I%now c~ all construction materials except wood And Dean Cook ought be Shit to proud first, ginning in 1909. have just demand in beinvg Put on here a grouP of young hvomen who The Truth come from the earth, that he will have one of the best equippecl are soon ithc The Argonaut is planning a spe- an optional basis is the freshman ta become the mothers (2.) Aborrt the only news or publicity mining schools in the country, and second, and wives ottr And The Truth Shall Make Haj cial section on the anniversary posture test. If thLs is as helpful as of nation, and who of'ining today is of tits economic prob- that the industry is interested in selling are ont of school You Freerv Sue celebration to be included in the it is claimed most will probably high now sa lems. In other words, the industry itself itself to career-niinded youths. —D. E. As could be on their own in Illis Oct. 20 issue. make use of it. it stands, many working DWight Chapin Editor feel they gain nolthing from it but any town in the country. Jim Fianigan...... Associate Editor son an embarrassing experience and Tell them that we feel,they are Don Erickson Acting Managing Editor D.C Neil ...... 'he ~and Acting News Editor ol feeling of being treated like old enough intelligent enough Leiiner...... - Gary Randaii Acting Sports Editor calttle show. themselves ...... Pai Money Given at a stock ta take care of and Bell Ikiaepfcr...... Acting Advertising Manager NNIs III'o The biggest cause for indignation malce their awn decisions. If laws Mike Anderson...... Acting Asst. Ad Manager ty I on the part of the coeds is the are to be made, let them be prac- Bruce Wendie Photo Editor tLip For Research Saiiy Nelson The thaught of professiorial football at A decision by the University of Wash- .hours they are required to keep. tical ones with some real value, Ja Aoting Copy Editor A 2,500 Nation- Barbara Stivers Asst. Copy Editor Neale Sta'dium is about as likely as palm ington Regents recently then, is especial- $ grant from the Who are we trying to convince? not just ...... thre propaganda. Bill Groentwaad Night Editor trees in Alaslca. ly significant. al Science Foundation has been ..... fact But in ottr neighboring stpte of Wash- After a strong recommendation,.by received by the University of Ida- ...... , Gec ington at, Seattle, the question ofrsfetghig .President Charles Oregaard, they voled ho for support of basic chemistry Bel pro grtid .sport in,a UniverIBity, Stadium ,to decline to permit tlie irse:of- the Pni- , Iesearch by DF. Janus, H. vCapley, D was.recently a very real ori'e. versity stadium:::,'for" comrrierciai pro- "t%ssistant prafe&or adI'" elie'ritfftip. As things now stand, the cleats fessional football. The study will be called "Alf- ON8 A of'rofessional 0 football players won't grind What does the decision mean? phatic Esters of Hydroxamic into the turf of tlie University of Wash- To us it means a step toward separation Aolds." The compounds are fatty irigtori Stadium, at least on a regular of amateur athletics from professional acids and are prepared from a And Get basis, in the irrimediate future. sports. nitrogen compound related to am- The matter, one of the hottest subjects The backers of pro football in Seattle monia. in Washitrgtotr in recent months, might have the green light from the city to "Little seem a bit fir'st has been done in the way ~~e AcqUalnted pretentious at glance, be- build their oivn xe stadium. And they cer- of preparing and characterizing cause Seattle doesn't have a football tainly have pro the cash. these substances," said Dr. team. The riearest pro squads are in San Perhaps theii Cooley. only reason for wanting 'he substances and their practi- Fraricisco'and Los Angeles. the University Stadium is to realize a But with cal uses, .if any, are unknown." the pro football pot of gold quicker financial investment. ' graduate of Middlehury Col- overflowing more each year into the poc- We send a hearty well done to CUB WISHES TO 'of the Wash- lege and the University of Min- INTRODUCE ketir millionaire owner's, expansion ington Regent's for their decision. As looms ever larger and Seattle could support it may seem here, their decision struck a nesota, Dr. Cooley joined the Ida- the sport solid blow for amateur athletics. —D.C. ho physical sciences faculty in 1957. YOU TO THE NEW MANAGER

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4 BEL AIRS —Priced just above Chevy'B thriftiest models! Like all Chevies, they give you the famed Hi-Thrift 6 or a new Economy This Is A Complete New Department In The Turbo-Fite VS as Standard equipment. 4-door Bel Air sedan above. Tnm Wutrth, the personahlo'young addition to the camplcte Music Center. Bringing You Even More Com- Music Stare. Tom )us lud three years of experience in the Radio-Electronics field and has graduated from the Spokane Technical and Vocational School. To add ia Tam's many pIete Service ln Your Music Listening Pleas- other accomplishments he holds his socond class Radio- Telephone license from the FCC. Come in and meet Tom ure. We Will Repair All Audio Sound and discuss your component, steroo, audio or repair prob- Nearest to perfection a loytr-priced Equip- lems. car el ar camel ment and Sell the Finest Lines of Compon- Components ents And Sound Equipment! AnEI Kits 8 BISCAYNES —These (honest to are the '60 gosh) lowest priced of the 'EATH 'ICG Chevrolets. They bring you the same basic beauty and relaxing roominess as the other models. 4-door Biscayne sedan above. 'LFCTRG Remember Cub"s large selection of Stereo, VGICE Hi-I'i Records, Classical 8 Popvlar —Jazz 'ARRARD 'TEVENS


In The Lovver Level Gf— Mfarranty Repair Gn CAI'ITGL 5 STATION WAGONS —Styled to carry you away, with the CGLUMBIA cargo kind of space to carry away most anything you want l,o take with you! Thrifty 2-door Brookwood above. RE8CGR IIIIGTQRGI.A Top entertainment-The --;,NnsiIC HI-FI AND Dinah Shore STEREO Chevy Show-Sundays NBC.TV-Pat Boonene Chevyevy (enter Shoowroom-Weekly hBC-TV-Red Skeiton Chevy Special Friday, Octoher 9, CBS-TV 206 South Main, Moscow, Idaho "The House of Music" House Calls See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer During Store Hours ie I 'eg4='-. jeff'rfftf]TL Ctitb Pjd]IN Tfr Visit Riess . (Sigs, Pi llS I 0 C nltlBt'IOA 'a LaPTftai CItildreft'ft 'Home By MARSHA IIUROKER attend the Joseph' fifth quariter Water fight The Newman Club ss planning to St. was play- 'd Mrs. William Snider, Professor Ar- Arg Society Editor Children Home in Lftpwai. A fireside is planned by L.S.A. hasn't betweBSL the TKE's and IAlpha thur Howe and Misses Gigi Graf A week of ra]n dampened — Westminster jt oundsti'ontrhfts a hfty ride scheduled for Fri- Gams. The. D]Jt]ter was invaded arid Linda Haight, Pi Phi. Guests . .:TRa'lsf fp]rits of most of the Univers- ~ 'presenting EL the Wednesday dfty evening ttnd the Canterburiftns me panel continue night with the TKE- for Wednesday dinner were Pro- ity students as they plans Sunday evening, Alpha Ch];exchange George Rob- fessor William Baker, chairman of discussion for their fall activities. A few dry leave at 11 a.m. Coeds are asked eMon, Willis, Sweet, was a dinner the Botany Department, and Mrs. CANTERBURY Cj,UB ]tours were found by some to en- sweaters. guest Wednesday. CHARLENE Sunday evening at 6 p.m., Can- to wear skirts and in football games and numer- Howard Gage. By PETERS gaffe PI PHI initiated 11 new mem- THE ARGONAUT PAGE 3 terburians will gather for supper L SA otts serertades. The independent mixer held at .ENGAGEMENTS bers Saturday. IInitiated were: Jean at the House. Bob 5]tevenson will The L.S.A. will meet Sunday, at Stew names have been add- FORNEY HALL September 30, Dried in p]nk, with pink and Cen- Anderson, Marsha Buroker, Lynda te]] of his coming trip to Portland 4:45 at the CamPus Christian to the ro]] call of the KAPPA drew a large crowd. Sigma Chis iwhite. decorations to officially an- -meeting. Skits @ Brown, Joan Carnefix, JoAnn Fin- where the Spring Conference of ter for a fireside SIGS with the ]TL!ttat]on of Herbert exchanged with Forney Wednes- nounce their summer engagttmehts Promoting the gerson, Sue George, Gloria Gowan- NorthVyest Beg]orna] Canteibury will be Presented I]p]]]tiger Robert Quesrie], Gerald day. The ihall has a new secretary, were DGs Berg Wohletz to Frank "Frontiers," lock, Linda Haight, Karen Kelly, wi]j be organized. The Chap]ain coming retreat and I]o'wers, Joseph Dunn and Jackson Carol Grove, arid 'historian., Evelyn Hunter, Plhi Delt; Joynce White to The mairL Dona Newman and Sharen Nie- wil] present a pane] of d]scuss]on the student magazine. SwafforK]. The K<]gs i]ried their Petenson. Monday night a Frosh Dick Wyatt,.Beta; and Neela Mc- will "The land. Pi Phi pledges had breakfast on the problems of interfaith mar- toPic for discussion be: football .skill against the Gamma I honorary plaque was presented to Cowan to Ivan Berndt„Salt Lake God' exchanges with the K-Sigs Satur- riages with case examples from Affairs of the WOE]d are phi p]e4]]es Sunday afternoon, but Forncy iFIa]] by Judy Abernathy. City. The traditiona] poem was day and i]he iDelts Sunday. A Wed- the nat]on Concern." Therefore if a Christian found

New cigarette paper "air-softe Nem even the pap

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4 Old Spice Stick Deodorant brings you safe, sure, all-day protection! 4 Better than roll-ons ]bat skip. ~ Better than sprays that drip. NEW PLASTIC CASE 4 Better thon creams that are greasy PRESET UV~ QPf FOR INSTANT LTSE "'ca h TIE o o modern filter, too otooor'"'.00 h „ ff o 1 o of, f . menthol fresh rich tobacco taste and messy. even more flavorful smoke. pius an

By land or by sea —you need this Social Security.~ IIFIVIIFFFFIIFFFVFF . Sje — I ef le&lies]foUI tas]8 W g gg M of.the- Sarah AMONAUT hr boys and, girls-club tactlvitfes Iso the'Univerffity Blind Fund slpon. Itutchlneari +~ PACC 4 THE a Bla tsorsoir- ~ 'W sored by ch De ta The Npitfh Idaho'~ received ''hf~ 'the Wm~ ~ ~ 't gave $75 for tthe" spur "ase Del- Water Power comP'any. The Mrs. Je sie H Smith, pocatello, of ia w~h > b ed Soardof Re entsApproves ta Gamma Motfher'ts club gave $36 presented $100 for fthe coyktinuacion "etfA'SC hI 6$t8f6 SC 19C 0 8't'Qjtfour account! NO other charges financial traffsactions —together with cancel- -,. grpup metering of hydrologic data. UB.' . of payment. tit( "Oii'tCthb'e fprrf tWikt IOVe and Seemed tO be One Of the "all rpustd The IdahO COOppfsafttVe COuneil oi'any kind. Wc even supply ypu with postage led checks, which are legal proof Th i ' hi h t G > 'raig Ko'sober, Fiji,...,vtfill head gr duty, sposin' Ipse my fatrv h'afr- strongest which has'ever audition- cpntriibtsted $1,20'0'for awards to 4- paid envelopes for making dcposirs by mail. 'Cd." the sP'ecial everfts: subcommittee do ed lse'Outy.'r . '.::; He added that the former H and Future Farmers of'mer- He related ths nekvs to liis;bride, style of the gr'uP would'be chang- handling tbe danpeS, coming under . ~Its ~y»~+ ~7~'+]+~'~ ~ a strict'uaker w'oman'n'd'fter ~ ~ edi and'he use of flags this year the SUB Special:Events Committee. M For system'ailc control ot your money —come in and ope'n a CHECKWAY account. f tpi he'cWvpn't ce would'be "The Five" .willi mu- tears, she decides that if ~7 gT's eliminated. play dance $10 f w~ d $2586 sic.and alterriati yc leave with'er she'l go a'lone. On W Ilt'CS' 1~$ Girls who auditioned and were .with some jazz added tp +e L~~a Chi Alpha the snot selected, w'ere eliminated, ex- renditions. stage with her gpeo.a'prrnan 'rWpmen s prganiz t of ill repute; an ex-friend pf . plained Bellis, "because their style . sti sent an essential type of a'ssoci- same fund William G. Gnaedinger marshal of Preseritation did not work with ' W( the,ation for the women;" This is theh presented $1P.29. " Th'e marsh'al search'es frantical- „.. tlhe way the group plans to fu c- ~4f,sh gr conviction'' of Dr.D Mhyra S. Minnis,... ~cts~~cM~c'p<, Fult'on G. Gale Jr. Spokane fo'i' - ly posse tp help him as he ' 'pn ~s yern." $100 for use by the depart- Cc assistant professor 'ave'c II' i f uri uud urchii ciurc. Gift IS gy Cc REALM& new book "Community Structure ff '~ I . DeaD of $100 for the tidaho School Trust- Bonk of Utah, N.A. First Security Bank of Rock SprinSs Analysis." Crpsicss PseeefVeS A un long fumi1iur wxfv fgu As u. awards Ronald oshu First Secufity Bonk of Idaho, N.A. First Security m gI'I'ILf„mu Members Federal Deposit Insbranco Corporation ho's'umber iFla., the com- fic Dr. Minnis, who returned re- QQII Fegg~ghj~ industry has been of Vcro Beach; for .. Ip appointed dean of the University ing year was received from Dave One of the more attractive rc- 'Iggfg f- f~IIIkh " of IWashingfton graduate school. Peterson, assn. president. 19 'earcli fellowship available this'e is A gift of 500 to tihe University he covers in the chapter the signif- Dr Joseph I,. Mccarthy v $ Tfte Army ROTC ufrit won the . year in wildlife management has cance, types, social prestige, rank, who received a master of scienbc praise of Maj.'en. Gilman C. '.. awarded to Glen L. Crouch, a 'nd activities of women's ','eenclubs. in wood chemfstry degree'rom Mudgett, fDeputy Command i n g . '959 University graduate. the University Idaho 1936. The report'.',is based on her study of in bl Gclieral; 6th -Arm'y, after Ibis in- Crouch, who graduated with also . of women's voluntary organizations He spent several summers spectipn tour of A'(mjf'acilities . honors this year, has been given a (tforking in ibltster of ~ ~ ~ in New Haven, Conn. fa rust control Just four years out college here yesterday. fellowship in the Colorado Wild- program in the Clearwater and ~ Durifffg Mudgett's morning with life Researcn unit at Colorado Coeur d'Alene National Forests, an RIOTC XT R. IIIlI'v frx . State University at Ft. Collins. acid for a time was associated y( Drill Team honor guard, visited + I cm III< ~+ with'Potlatch Forests Inc., at Lew- IHe Iheada a team CC President Tbe'pphilus, attended a "I suppose you heard that Al istpn 'f Q I Q I CC cadet brtiefing, and hlspeoted lcillcd his wife." A chemical engi- tile, professor of H The A gpnaut e~ed in stating Corps m the Ad Audito rium at il -Rerilly, hpw?" neermg, fDr. MCC~y had se~& that Veterans could a.m. pick up their «With a golf clu'b." as:head of fthe sriins pulp research'urhig ctt 8S Pec3Ple subsistence checlts the assembly at 11 a.m. the first of "Oh? Hpw man'y Strokes?" program at thp University of Wash- I iMudgett presented DiStinguished the month. 'r rrl Mfhtary Student awards'o Charles The notice should have read: At A iEckery, off campus; Allen Boss, the first of th'e mphth veterans on L. Dean Darbe graduated from Kansas State U. in 1055'ith a p( Upham; Kent Harrison, Pili Delt; the GI Bill must report to the B.r S. degree in electrical engineering. Today he is Supervising Gordon Gpff a'n'd Bruce Su'mmers, Campus Counseling Center to sign 1WBBT Service F


20th Century-Fax presents lllllN JOIIIIFQ IIONN.J0IIIB~ '

~ Il>~BF «3:- aia3 "8:30a.m. I moot with pnp of pur I-prpmdn ai ihc plant garagp gs10:15 a.m. My boss, District t lant Superintendent Randy ge k ~PEP 5$= VijkQ tp discuss a cable-pressurizing jpb. Wo'ro putting all aerial Bur(up, ap(l I gp pvpr plans for an addition topur dial central ~Imrtg~elLeef rri faBSRSm cablp in Hutchinspn under air prpssuro ip kpop put mpisturp pgico. Several piocps of largo and cpmplpx switching opuipmpnt —2nd Feature— which causes cablo failurp and costly service intorrupiippsuo will havo tp bo rparraitgod tp tip in with thp npw facilitiesvu

Cat Ber fqn Rad Chmfr wgsuti 7ECKF(ldOtCNII

Fw(:,Qscy Fine Arts Vanity GUILD "ff30 p.m. After lunch, I drive put tp the new plapil of a plobilp "3:00p.m. At pur loll coitter we'l soon bp adding another FRIDAY —SATURDAY —SUNDAY gg geefsgtseegsfr home manufacturer. My mon arp completing installatinrt pf B tpsl dosk tp increaso pur facilitips for 'trouble shooting,'ong npw-typo cprdloss switchboard. I discuss features of tho ppw Dislapcp circuits. Here, with pur Chiof Tpstbpardman, I gp firm's . equipment with thp Vice President apd Plant Managor." ov(tr Rorno of the board changes which will have to be made." A story eoLLE of people , trap'peri See our "That,'s about it, for one day. Tomorrow'5 schedule lvill bc Un!vers! diff'erent:. I'm doing interesting, challenging wpi'k iil! the timc- and I'm given plenty of responsibility. That's wh;it I like ifhmft, A well-liked my joh." University F butiondown Thcrc;irc cmfnt,jess young mcn lik( I>c;tn Dariie wh(I;irc COMPANIES we still have —2n'd Featuye- moving ahead in supervisory ciirccrs with lh(. Ibell Tc!(phon(. solid colors. Fernandel's Finest Comedy Companies. You could he one of them. Tiilk it, over with t.hc Bell interviewer when he visits your c;impus —;in(1 r(;td the "3 Bell Telephone booklet. on file in Jour I'I;tccmcnt, Ofhce. FEEI IN A BEB" V. N. Ram THE ARGONAUT |.S05 Ort gcrtgt fzrrte GOvtpl's lXts piet@et't T4'SU~ i 5 C%VR11C18lTrRCk 4RCI1 BlaStg fIICDjyy A collection of original. paintings TIME has also featured the works ry Belafonte by Henry Koerner is Qse iii LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS for the cover of TIME, The Weekly of such artists as Andrew Wyeth, . the .ii u e m e exhib a e Newsmagazine, will be on display Bernard Buffet, Henry Koerner and, I'hat Athletes Are Bmmb througII Oct. 16 at the SUB. The Robert Vickrey. A poitrait pf Har- Gallery. Just An1IIIs collection was secur'ed by the SUB By DWIGHT CHAPIN in Brooklyn duving the days and country and track c o a c h. He Art Exhibit Committee through Argonaut Editor working at NBC at night. knows. he faces a big rebuilding special arrangement with TIME, Idaho To Hold Wool 4IItest Forget aiiy notions you may have And to be cosmopolitan, he Hved job but is optimistic. Twenty-two portraits of news fig- of the'tiiiete who can only in Greenwich Village., "There is a world of talent here. ures in many fields include Kon- The accent. will be on woplens in r "It's ia held fabrics at the state level and schol- Ii weave pretty colored baskets and really not too different from We just have to get ii,hem interest- rad Adenauer, David Ben-Gurion, ta be in the dolls, anywhere University ~Hcme Econamics build- arslbips in the national contest. else. ~ Ii cut out paper Of course, there ed," Sorsby declared. Red China's Lo Jui-Ching, Rosa-, Ttwa grand prize wimievs will re- Idaho's new track and cross are characters wandering around He added that he planned to lind Russell, Thurgood Mash all, ing Saturday, Nov. 7. Idaho youths here and will be vying for a share in $45,000 ceive allwxpense paid trips to the I=( country coach, Bill Sorsby, makes there, but the real sight stick wit!h "mainly home state tal- the Shah of Iran, Jacques Barzun in prizes in the 13th annual nation- fashion capitals of the United Stat- that theory look pretty silly. You ent." and Albert Einstein. al "Make It Yourself With Wool" es and Europe. could, even eall'him cultured and By 1981, he figures, Idaho will be Paintings are the works of five con(est. not be far wrong. beating many of the teams it nmv artists —Boris Artzybasheff, Ern- consistently Entered in the district contest for To prove the point, Sorsby has finds too tough to est Hamlin Baker, Boris Chaliapin stop. all counties nartih of Idaho county II48 Choose 13 dope such things as: and Guy Row (who signs his worlcs Sorsby has determination. Right will be sub-teens, 13 to 16 years of Worked on a bridge construction Giro). Mew now he's learning, by himself, to age; junior class, '14 to 17 years Soph@mere 7,000 feet in the air; drawn Separate Styles crew pia> the Spanish guitar. of age, aiid senior class, 18 through Thirteen sophomores were tap-. fot a cavtography firm; took Each has his own style, but all maps Maybe he's planning to back 22 years of age. ped for the Idaho chapter of In- tour cf Central Am- go have become identified with the sii extensive to Central America. Norchern district chairman Mrs. tercollegiate Knights Wednesday wanted to"; "journalistic portraiture" which erica "because I Duane ILeTouvneau, Moscow, said night. worked as a page supervisor for has created such a stir in artistic tbih the style review will opec) to The new IK group includes two / the National Broadcasting Compa- as well as journalistic circles. Per- the public stavtintg at 2 p.m. transfer students, Dave Polage in New York; and sang in a Through its early years TIME intevested in entering ny sons may from the , Sigma quintet, "The Pages." used sketches or photographs (a cantact Mrs. LeTourneatu for entry Chi, and Ran Flel.Her from Boise between, he found time to run copy of the first cover of TIME is blanks. Deadline for information In Junior College, Sigma Chi; a re- 100-yard dash in 9.6, only .3 A University home economics included in the exhibit) —first jovms is midnight, Oct. 24. the turnee, -Roger Barr, Kappa Sig; the world's record, and coach graduate, Dr. Alberta'. Hill, has black and white, then color—for its First prizes for both senior and off and Jerry Boyd, Chrisman; Terry ai. two high schools and a Univers- joined the staff of the U. S. Be- covers. junior winners will be an expense Mix, Phi Delt; Peter Schmidt; Bob partment of Hea]th Education 'and «WEIali IF $0Ã SY8& M RAY fP4 WH Not until the Christmas issue of paid trip ta IBoise fpr the state ity. Bradley, Upham; Pete Fredrickson He's Been Busy 1940 did the present style of four- contest, The 10 state contestants and Bill Tiger, ATO; Bob Brownp hasn't been color covers with interpretive from the state districts will be en- To say that Sorsby and Mul- A n tive oi i annual Idaho Wool Beta; Shern. Hanson Jim wearing out the material on the parette i t r 0 Acrete LiVrt+it backgrounds emerge. tertained at the conventtion in Boise in No- der, Gault; and Richard Steiner, seat of Ibis pants twould be like say- The trials and tribulations of a Backgrounds which helped the Growevs ceived a bachelor of science in his girlfriend, played by Miss Two state winners will he Shoup. ing that Brigitte Bardot isn'... movie star aren't so hard to take, reader identify cover subjects and vember. home economics 'ynch, didn'tmakeit across. repre- Brigitte Bardot. BILL SORSBY degree from the Bill Agee, off cam- highlighted their current news in- chosen at the convention to well, according to The which may be com- From Hollywood Guatamala University of Idaho in 1939. She film, terest became an integral part of sent Idaho in tihe national style Patrordze Argonaut Advertisers Sorsby, 29, originally from North to pu,s. ., in earned a mastei s degree from next month will be kept review. Calif., is graduate of Agee,..along with another Uni- TIME's covers, HoQywood, a is the busloads of gawking tour- Columbia University col- I 'lcted. permanent Union Pacific files, and total 45,000, ranging from Teachers Man's Prizes, $ University of Oregon. But he ~versity student, Christine Lynch, One Views the ists who pull in every Friclay and loge and a doctorate in cducationIG . . 'f it proves good enough, cpuld sewmg. accessories at the district "Too much to Gamma Phi,Ph hheldld starringt rolesI in This is how Ernest Hamlin Bak- graduated in stages. Saturday night," he said. from shown on a national TV hook- and wool the University of IHinois. 'e er sums up the "journalistic por- level to tsewing maciunes between," hc says. y; do in Scrsby supervised audience seat- in 1948 Union '.Pacific railroad this sum- traiture" on view at the SUB gal- He started out at Oregon '. ing at the shows of sucih television member af the University off (Con- his- mel. lery show: DURING and finally completed work (in persoiialities as Perr yComo, Jack rtae to i th part i an av r- "TIME covers reflect the char- tory) in 1955. After that came a personalities as Perry Corno, Jack too little IQIOT To @to year of graduate study. age college kid who paid acter of the magazine. As TIME Allen. Rodgers, hc says, is the state adviser of thc Idaho Asso- ~ ~ attention to railroad safety pre- ~ k V%1 tries to bring out the news in terms SUITED Between 1948 and 1955 came .the greatest and most personable he ciation of Future Homemakers of . ~Is FOR as a bridge construction worked America. ~~ of personalities, so TIME's covers stints with., empha- SUCCESS THE and a carto- Throughout the picture, KUOI went on the air last night bring out the character of.the cov- ... worker, in Colorado, Sings Too s I4 Placed uPo n the coflege ~ the ion s er subject through complete cover- 30 on sta reg l grapher, for H. M. Gousha Map Hc also found time to sing in a at 7 pm tttAN IN GENTppp. rid' ossa Si tt ntio t rrors- „ia„dde net age of his facial forms —forms that ItfEIIItf Co., in 1950-51. rather impromtu singing group, '9 ILtMifeieiitete pe have been stamped there by count- ONTH Sorsby was one of the Pacific "The Page-," which was composed While station officials say that Jn t anent th d f th isn't less deeds and intentions, Coast Conference's better track- of fellow NBC p"rsonnel. They di, p p a in till eorripiete, good, aIkg Pii,iiitterI the college kid threw caution to form- bad and indifferent; forms that men from 1953-55. When Joe Graf- made two I.rial records, but had to I a full day's schedule will be Enlarge your'ollection of the winds and neglected to look show the subject's heedings to in- fio of USC set the PCC record in disband when new jcbs came call- Addresses given by the PrinciPal ulated witnin the next week of both ways down a railroad track. his expedi- HI-Fl RECORDS the 100-yard dash, 9.5 seconds, in iiig, Sorsby said. sPeakers at the 1959 Borah Con- br~ad~~~t~~g tegrity; yieldings to ference have ben and are Naturally, there was a train com- wfll a new in- ency. Finest Artists 1954, Sovsby was second at 9.7, An Sorsby now is looliing ahead to printed The Station begin Recorded by the ing the other way, and Agee and "It is the job of the TIME cover the Companies he ran the high hurdles in 14.7. his new job as Idaho head cross now availaiile free at the ASUI ovation starting Monday evening in Music by Couldn't Get Together office. in the Classical Hour., planned artist to set down every perceptible known for Hi-Fldelityl At— E E E form the resulting cover "The hurdles were my favorite The theme of the conference last Monday through Thursday eve- so that William T. Tenney, associate the portrait is actually a 'reporting il- but the sprhits were my best March was "Integrity and Ex nings, and will again broaclcast Ha(ldock 8 laughlin Professor of humanities at the Un lustration'." events. Too bad I couldn't get pediency in Foreign Policy." Jazz in the Bucket series in the 5th and Main Moscow versity of Idaho, has been namedlSUB with myself," Sor s b y Principal speakers were Prof as it did last year. In recent years the cover of together co-chairman of the comParative laughed. Malcolm Moos, assistant to the staff literature section of the Rocky After graduation, hc served a President atthe White House i En- Mountain Modern Language assoc- year at Oregon as assistant track Frosh and Varsity basketball Charles B. Maishali, Carnegie coach to Bill Boiwcrman, then players will turn out Oct. 15 to domnent for International Peace; coached and taught at Jefferson start preparation for the comhig and Charles Malik, then president Dn You Tiiinkkr PburselfP the High School at Portland until 1958. season, Coach Dave Strack an- loi the General Assembly of University of Washington is of- Last October he took oi'f on a nounced yesterday. United Nations. fering six., courses by television Seems impossible, buf "bus, boat, air, hitch-hiking and The varsity ballplayers turning cluring the autumn quarter. Patronize Argonaut Advertisers the fact remains this suit mostly walking" tour of Central out who will have experience in- which he calls, the "high America, clude Bruce McCowan; Bailie Wil- th P is just $2995! Rich full point of my life." Jim Prestel; John liams; Fleming; bodied wool, wrinkle-re- Included were everything from ing; Joe ICing; Bob Walton; Ken cating black beans, rice, mush and Maren; ICarl Sorman; Chuck Lan- sisiant Dacrono"... and a banana i'r breakfast in Guaita- ge; Roger Watis; Gai~ Floan; Ro- Penney s tailors it in slim mala City to a full wack's Christ- an Zwitter; and Tom Gwilliam. celebration in San Jose, Costa mas Thc Frosh ball piayers ivho have 3-button style, pays close Rica. shown interest so fai are: Clair A bachelor, Sorsby admits that attention to detail! Gray, Rich Porter, and Jeff Wom- Central America can be justly bolt all from Kellogg; Lyle Parks, regulars, shorts, longs proud of its women. Kendrick; Stan Briggs Prince Al- What Did She Say? Saskatchewan; Dan Hcag, "It's kind of hard to know what bert, Mich.; Steve Tracy, Car- they are saying though," he said. Flint, "Adios in their Spanish means rington, North Dakota; Bruce I just can't bring myself *o and some- Meyer, Banning, Calif.; Steve both hello aiid goodbye take oH these Winthrop it's whether you Fulk, Alexandria, Iii.; Darrel Ol- times hard to tell shoes from arc making any progress." sen, Orofino; Tom Ford, Wallace; On returning from Central Amer- Lynn Smith, Grace; Ron Ipikc, MYKLEBUST ica, Saisby began,tcachiiig school San Diego, Calif. SHOE STORE Most of your life is spent in your shoes. SHOE REPAIRING ICeeps them looking like new. Meet All Your believe that "what's good enough to avoid spending money? (C) a statement Do you ultra-conserv- for your father is good enough for you" unconsciously revealing an FRIENDS an admission that STEWART'S SHOE REPAIR is (A) a remark indicating that Father had ative attitude? (D) income as 509i/ South Main things pretty fancy? (B) a parental trick you deserve as big an Pop? And Enioy One of A B CQDQ THE NEST'S FAMOUS SPECIALS FOR HALLOWEEN MILKSHAKES ever developed, for lICORICE 8 PUMPKIN ICE CREAM If you saw a man on his is the best of its kind hands and knees in the finest tobacco taste. A tkinking ncan's filte. street, searching for some- And know Viceroy delivers a rich, BARBECUED BEEFBURGERS thing, would you (A) try to they GIANT SHAKES (16 Flavors) find it before he does? (B) satisfying taste that's never been equaled. tell him it isn't worth get- A smoking man's taste. for? ask ting run over (C) man's smoking him what he's doing down A thinking filter... a THE ICE CREAM BAR there? (D) offer to buy it man's taste. How about you trying it? 327 West 3rd —Ph. 2-5622 from lum when he finds Viceroys? Open to 10 p.m G D Orders To Go A B *By tice uiay, if you checked (C) in three ant tkese questions... man, you think Do you think that t,he old offour of saw "an apple a day keeps for yourself I i away" is (A) I the doctor simply a trick to get you to eat apples? (B) rough on :i ,o the doctor? (C) a health precept, that can apply to ~~i- ot.her fruit, too? (D) ap-

Ptth plesauce? A BQG D

Vt auld ttou choope s filter cigarette because (A) of what is said about the to- bacco? (B)you could hartily tell the filter is there? (C)

it, has the most advanced p'he filter design? (D) it claims well because it r to filter tastes weak? A B G D Modern-Day Marge has nt more time for fun and ' '6'hy do men and women who think for f fh >h themselves usually smoke Viceroy? Iie- cause they'e found out the Viceroy filter Man Who Thinks for Himself Knows- MAN'S FILTER...A SMOKING MAN'S TASTE! ~ ONLY VICEROY HAS A THINKING

ps ~~~L~ 4 ~M

S@ prc They'e a "must" because ail they'e "most"l lbe the I 11lg

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