Finns Drown Thousands of Russl
M-i/-:::..:!.;' ;.,:rj..-- ' . ., FINNS DROWN THOUSANDS OF RUSSL ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ Roosevelt Budgets for Treasury Income of Six Billion Dollai Boost Predicted in DJORIHCW For the Holidays—And for the War Soviet Troops Nation’s Returns as BACKS lEM Shelled Trying Business Gain ^oms By LYLE C. W ILSON ^ fllll PREWty To Cross Lake W ASH IN G TON . Dec. 27 tu.FD-Sen, WASHINGTON. Dec. 27 CU.R)—President Roosevelt was D. W o rth C lark. D.. Ida., whose By WEBB MILLER believed today to be budgetin}ir for a federal treasury income vlews-frequently coincide ^-lih those FINNISH ARMY GENERAL HEADQUARTERS, A T ,( of $6,000,000,000 or more for the next fiscal year in expecta of hla Republican colleague—Sen. tion of continued business improvement. WHUam E. Botah—said tortay ihal VIIPURI, Dec. 27 (U.R)—BuMian troops, using new methods,"-* Tax revenue at the $6,000,000,000 level would be the third Ben. B u rto n K . Wlieeler, D.. M ont. sought to smash through the Finnish left ^ n g in a nuBI* 'Is a natural" for President in 1940. att^ick on frozen lakes today and make the Mannerheim dft* i largest in treasury experi Borah has not namtd his choice fense line untenable. ence, exceeded only by the but la known to be one of WlieeU The Finns had long foreseen such an attack and fiscaKyears 1920 and 1938. Oil Head Dies er's strongest admirers. T h e Indicated upw ard trend In Wheeler, who left his porty In 1824 prepared. Their machine guna had a clear field of fire across''^ ledcra) Income Is accompanletl b> lo run lor vlcc-prcsldtnl on a Pro the lake; their field goiui^ reports of budget-paring and con gressive ticket headed by the late crashed into the Ice to drown' ;' sideration of naw lax levies at the Sen.
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