Finns Drown Thousands of Russl

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Finns Drown Thousands of Russl M-i/-:::..:!.;' ;.,:rj..-- ' . ., FINNS DROWN THOUSANDS OF RUSSL ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ Roosevelt Budgets for Treasury Income of Six Billion Dollai Boost Predicted in DJORIHCW For the Holidays—And for the War Soviet Troops Nation’s Returns as BACKS lEM Shelled Trying Business Gain ^oms By LYLE C. W ILSON ^ fllll PREWty To Cross Lake W ASH IN G TON . Dec. 27 tu.FD-Sen, WASHINGTON. Dec. 27 CU.R)—President Roosevelt was D. W o rth C lark. D.. Ida., whose By WEBB MILLER believed today to be budgetin}ir for a federal treasury income vlews-frequently coincide ^-lih those FINNISH ARMY GENERAL HEADQUARTERS, A T ,( of $6,000,000,000 or more for the next fiscal year in expecta­ of hla Republican colleague—Sen. tion of continued business improvement. WHUam E. Botah—said tortay ihal VIIPURI, Dec. 27 (U.R)—BuMian troops, using new methods,"-* Tax revenue at the $6,000,000,000 level would be the third Ben. B u rto n K . Wlieeler, D.. M ont. sought to smash through the Finnish left ^ n g in a nuBI* 'Is a natural" for President in 1940. att^ick on frozen lakes today and make the Mannerheim dft* i largest in treasury experi­ Borah has not namtd his choice fense line untenable. ence, exceeded only by the but la known to be one of WlieeU The Finns had long foreseen such an attack and fiscaKyears 1920 and 1938. Oil Head Dies er's strongest admirers. T h e Indicated upw ard trend In Wheeler, who left his porty In 1824 prepared. Their machine guna had a clear field of fire across''^ ledcra) Income Is accompanletl b> lo run lor vlcc-prcsldtnl on a Pro­ the lake; their field goiui^ reports of budget-paring and con­ gressive ticket headed by the late crashed into the Ice to drown' ;' sideration of naw lax levies at the Sen. Robert M. LaFolletie of Wis­ consin. said recently his 1940 Intcn- whole groups ot attacker^ White Hoa'C. Tlie whole fiscal out­ It waa reported the Bu^___ look. of coursc, dcpendsv upon the ' lions would not be made public un­ CRISIS »EMS IN future coursc of business activity, til President Roosevelt had cleaved casualties on the one>mn« ’ re-employment and national defense up Che th ird term cnigmn. length of Lake. Ladoga developments. ClarJc described Wheeler ; Ideal can d id a te fo r Uie party. mounting into the thousili& '- 1933 Income Up Por three weeki th* Inter-keW uf Secretary of Commerce Harry L. Liberal for 20 Yean Hopkins estimates national Income “Wheeler was fighting the up-lUlt takn had fotvM tbt Attidau • during th e 1930 calendar year ag­ battle of liberalism 20 years ago •tUck along ckntUzed Ud m . S e r m l > gregated *68,500,000,000, an Increase w hen m a n y o f who a rc now so days o f 10 a n d IS d e rrc e t bi Icud In thflr praise-, were In lliclr IMS M of M.500.000,000 over th e national In­ tero weather had ttoten tb* 1 come 5aat year. Even hall lhal Im­ p olitical sw addling cloUics," Clfirk TOKYO. Dcc. 27 ajj9-^ Premier aufflck . - provement next year would raise said, adding the third term question Nobuyuki Abe’a government waa nten. was not involved because "It Is not the national Income flgure-tpc under severe attack from mtjnber* MakaN»OalB» sum repre.senUng the whole nation's to be assu m ed th e President dewven productive earnings—to something a third term. of tbfi lower house of the Diet today, Hence the RnwlinB euayed tbfiff : over $70,000,000,000 for the 1940 c al­ •‘The constitution, and. particul­ but aVove was under way to check new mode of attack, eentotof tte tr.’. endar year. arly. the bill of rlRhts. which pro- demands for Ita rtsignaUoti. effort* on Lake Suvtnto, _ Mr. Roosevelt roughly eatlmatcd tecta our cherlshcd liberties can find A petition, signed t>y 240 I31et Reports rrtmt th« In nis last budget message that DO more gallant or effective cham­ members demanding the resignation were that the Rusalaos.had l ‘ existing tax rat«s would obtain %Ar pion than Wl)ecler,” he said. "He of Abe's cabinet was to be handed no gains. Tlte TinnUli 000,000.000 fo r th e treasury when ts neither a busluess-bakter nor a to Abe today. The lower hoOw of gunners' verB~«we«DloS.'t>r ..jiational. Income reaicljed *10,000.*: He Insists big buM- the Diet has 460 members: hence, the ice aa the ahella of t 000.000. T h ftfin co m e would be .pro­ HENRY L. DOHERTY ■ behave iUel/, and when it does, those demanding the government ffuns amashed onto It, to I . vided from these sources: he wanta to sea it prosper and help rcsSsnaUon consUluttd a maJoiWy. th e alow moTlBK R m t t e a f Corporate and Individual Incomc maXe America great. He is able, The petltlon.said the cabinet had formatloiu. The weather.« UXM, *2,300.000,000. honest, eotirageou*." been “\insatlsfactory" and cited par­ cloudy, waa oC «draataa» MUcellaneous internal revenue. Backs Garner ticularly its “price and rice policies." Finns. It kept down RonSu timOOO^XH. ‘ Praise tor WhcoUr aUo waa volc«d Tlie cabinet was expected to coni and promised now. cu sto m s. 1400.000.000. by Sen. Edward B. Burke, D.. Neb., fer informally late today afl« the The n nns h*v» pot aettM of tl ^ e l l a n e o u A rocelptj. $200,000,000 who said, however, Vice-President Diet adjourns for tJie New Year night &trola cm aka^-w bkh" P l ^ U t u e a . t700.000.000. John N. Oamer was his choice for VM)UiJfts. I t te to n v en e a »>. abled'thiem te gUto * “ " PUoa Spccia) Tax the prealdency. cabinet waa to devlae means theidetd.thaF I n BdcUUoa t o ' Inccme expectable H[NRy DOHERIK"I leel ceruin at the proper tjme of prevenlMiE tii'e AnU>gDvemment to t a u t ^ ■ •• r U*,nU«. I' “ the President, will announce he has feeling sp re a d in g ,. C i r s o T s m m t PHILADCUailA, See. 37 UJ!)- US .tn tt n U m o ( Ketklng % tM M does n*t .ngafd tt aa serious now. yioaWi ornom Tdi netity'llif '“B pe£-_........ ...................... term." Burke aaid. However, the spread of dlssatisfae> ralM >500,000.000; In cn a ses In m id­ night In thtPtiosplial bad from which In addition t« Clark. Sent. Edwin tlon easily ebuld forc» the oablnit dlmlSttt at 1, he had directed hLi billlon-d61lar dle bracket Individual Incomc tAx C. Johnson. D., Colo., Pat McCarran, 7,000 woundMl, t a d ] bitelncss R((alr6 and phUanthroplo rales. esUite taxes and manutacvur- D.. Nov., and Elmer Thomas^ D.. : waa regarded as at a,000 klUed ami iOMO M._______ caases for three end a half years. er's excljie taxes have been augiicstcd Okla.. have announced support for unorganised and l It U a mnitanr ulom . tte K am Doherty, who bcgsn life as a ' BK a likely source. A^oUicr and sim­ Wheeler. Thomas qualified hla en­ era wanted to keep It that way. said, that the attacker lOM pler method would be to Uix-thc-tftx newsboy in Columbus. O.. and dorsement by basing It on the as­ RyuUrq Nagal, minister of rfUways thaa the defender. Itiui, b«ilD« ‘-7, am assed a fortune of *300,000,000 In —th a t Is. Impose ft five or 10 pei sumption the President would not and Communications, and " other thetr iUteinents on the BilNlia . ^ public utllltle.-i, died of bronchial cent levy on ench IndlvWual’.s net run, while McCarran accompanied party men were working vigorously mtmlque, the Finns said Bti»< pneumonln, with which he was tox liability. A person whose Incomc his with praise for Gamer. to effect an “understanding" wlU S caaualUea must U fat Wihtf ' fitvlcken two weeks aao. A life-long ' tox at exlathiR mws was compuU'd ALL ROADS OPEII opponenU. a t 1100 wo'Uld add five or 10 |)cr cent sufferer from rheinnatlsm. his con­ Meantime, Foreign Minister Ad­ Fiona rrepw e Bvprise to that sum. mnklns hU tax llnbllliy dition develo|H-d Into nrthrllls In miral Klchlsaburo Nomura waa said Finland te prepartat tn seent .ta SIOS o r 9110. 1927 a n d In '1936. h e c.siabllshed an to have told the cabinet that the iipnrlmcnt In Temple university npleasant surprise for the BuiriM EV SniDENI IN SWIIH l i United 8UICS' attitude toward Ja­ air force, whleh is tNmUoi ttaft. „ hospital. p a n Is "Im proving” because it la Hl.t widow. Ihe form er M rs. Percy Although a light snow was gen­ Reflecting the better business southern part of the eounrtr t'4 “recognUlng Japan’s slncertty." F ran k Ennies, •widow of nn In ln -- eral over this section of Idaho lB.^t dUlons which were noted In Twin Increasins Intensity. I leanied todiv. nlgtit, all roads of Uie Twin Falls (By United Press) mils stores during the ChrlstmBs It U Impoe^ble for me a m te VOLyNlEERSGO KILLED IN CRJIS highway district as welt as main K irsten H a g sla d , fam ed Nur> season, officials of the local post* indicate the nature of the retort , dniighler.
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