Ee.Lcs Isli ,'A.'
' t I"ree.lcS islI ,'a.'. S a;e; 'm.e >e11C C11i;8 ..0 ~ Sj)(teen United-Party can- race because he was npt eligible for the secretary's.I.0111'i.=-:~ Mar- -~~a e 4)~ job; and to :;j,jjtjateg were placed in the run cia Mott]nor, Gamma Phi, who is Named ron]ling for class offices yea- standard be»er for the eyein the,treasurer's ( C position, ..', Il I nnnuttl Greeks I I- itg the fall elec- was Hill t( I d lv Agee.~ off campus, ~ Junior candidates and the posi- I ~ c,j J L,J (jpns tpp]< 3, prOminent pl'tee who was nominated as the senior tion they are seeking include John a I '0]ong citl]]pus activities. class presidential candidate. Fitzgerald, Delt, president; Garth Meanwhile, in the Independent Other senior class students seek- Ir iasser 1 FarmHouse vice-president B r'eplacement was named ing offices carr)p, are Terry White, Fiji, Connie Block Tr]-Delt, treasurer; ~ senior c]()ss officer candid- fcr B who is vying for vice-president; Br~ Lorna Woe]fel Kappa VOLUMR 64, NO. UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, MOSCOW, IDAHO FRIDAY, OCT. 9, 1959 Bte wllo had tp drop out of the Fran Baudeck, off campus, in line (r Annna . ance '..'o University campus politic I a n s '..'a.~es Day Committee ' that it set up ',(,i'.,"::,:':;:::,';:.:J:."::,;;."'";"'::,'':::,;,'s„'inegar, ~pm a bit busier than usua] Ivl]] be just a, '.''.'::::::~~"..'d'.~ "'g"..'i~i" npecial barbershop quartet contest Delta Gamma, secretary; .'::". I K .o:) election Bigot th'.is year.
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