' t I"ree.lcS islI ,'a.'. S a;e; 'm.e >e11C C11i;8 ..0 ~ Sj)(teen United-Party can- race because he was npt eligible for the secretary's.I.0111'i.=-:~ Mar- -~~a e 4)~ job; and to :;j,jjtjateg were placed in the run cia Mott]nor, Gamma Phi, who is Named ron]ling for class offices yea- standard be»er for the eyein the,treasurer's ( C position, ..', Il I nnnuttl Greeks I I- itg the fall elec- was Hill t( I d lv Agee.~ off campus, ~ Junior candidates and the posi- I ~ c,j J L,J (jpns tpp]< 3, prOminent pl'tee who was nominated as the senior tion they are seeking include John a I '0]ong citl]]pus activities. class presidential candidate. Fitzgerald, Delt, president; Garth Meanwhile, in the Independent Other senior class students seek- Ir iasser 1 FarmHouse vice-president B r'eplacement was named ing offices carr)p, are Terry White, Fiji, Connie Block Tr]-Delt, treasurer; ~ senior c]()ss officer candid- fcr B who is vying for vice-president; Br~ Lorna Woe]fel Kappa VOLUMR 64, NO. UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, MOSCOW, IDAHO FRIDAY, OCT. 9, 1959 Bte wllo had tp drop out of the Fran Baudeck, off campus, in line (r Annna . ance '..'o University campus politic I a n s '..'a.~es Day Committee ' that it set up ',(,i'.,"::,:':;:::,';:.:J:."::,;;."'";"'::,'':::,;,'s„'inegar, ~pm a bit busier than usua] Ivl]] be just a, '.''.'::::::~~"..'d'.~ "'g"..'i~i" npecial barbershop quartet contest Delta Gamma, secretary; .'::". I K .o:) election Bigot th'.is year. and Augie Arrien, Kappa, treasur-I g Executive Board Tuesday e held in conjunction with other V() e SC- s e t card ates were I Independent Bnd United Parties, (5) Voted to purchase B trophy pe ]n ]el.o.j>er 3 ,ih ()Iim I Bnd literature from the mens living However, Dean For the first time in several ppo,ters 6rpup Intramural de Moore, 1 Gault the Executive Commit- r years, the annual Homecoming University c;Irnpns by G p.m. on the night of bate, Oct. 24. Hall, was named last night to re- de- dance will take to the basketball tee earlier in the week. The election, Opt. 22. place John Raymond, Willis Sweet, ~, cision announced 0 floors as a result of an executive was yesterday, 'I'he parties will also be asked tc as a senior candidate for vice-pres- Homecom- 4 committee decision allowing the according to Bill Agee, use discretion in the postirg oi g A Ie ident. ing general chairman. P ign mat iej, spe i gy on I I e tsrCIIe818 Results of .banoting for five trees on campus. was any last semester, did not .''.':,:.',:,'.:.:.',,",Jy i Homecoming Queen finalists carry -;::,::::::::.'..:::::...All>~pp '. I 1(1'„'" In other action TTuesdays night«h th e ~if k 1 1 ','....''';. I ln Use of the gym was granted aft- o h hn h o b released Wednesday and the quin- bjjggvu moogZOO> eligible to rlln. tet started touring male living. 1 Voted to set up B special stu- JV':~'.::„,,::::::. ': ',.:..;;:,:;;,::::,,:::;:. "'''::;im M,. Homecoming committee petitioned (1) groups last night. l>est-faculty committee to study re- F organization of frosh orientation. JX. WW~CBI m+p'a]te Chosen by all male campus vote were Trenna Atchley, Forney; (2) Asked the Student-Facul t y p '" OHicial From Co(nrnittec Io begin study of the Twe tY-one coeds were selected Independents have started their ', j',.'yp,;;., '."'.',", ',' lslyr'i!I!i":'''i'".:dp.".,":,v .cern .::,Jl '. 'I'.:;tv....„'.,y',:'::.:,,'::,':,,':,."....:ry Carolyn Blackburn, Gamma Phi; pr me bership in > ~ p(>Is ib]]ity of elimination of final Pre-Orchesis, tciurs, according to Dan Watson, Lynne Shelman, Pi Phi; Nadine d rs n„d mt. n dan e gr uP, fottcvvi g Li dley, ca u Pres'ni nt fo his Ift g !::::::::i'i" .::,,:,":,'-,:::,,::-,::,::,::::::::::::::::I Talbot, Kappa; and Phyllis Weeks, fo,; s]s ,':"G lI>I]rma prnveg ting up of comprehensive exams, tryouts conducted by group mern- panty. He said cand dates have Alpha Chi. bers Oct. 1. oi addit)pn oi the comprehen ive been making several dinner date ',: 'he five finalists will have a ' tl pre nt t t s hedule. Phe ne e h are B rc pp-arance mtd als have t ured ' busy dinner schedule for the next I Heard a report by Becky ': (3) BB]dridge Barbara Krol] Dana two and a half weeks through FOR JOE AND IDAHO —Five Idaho coeds smile at Joe the Vandal, whom one will be represent- The deputy .secretary of the up Rnss, Kappa, of the Co-O«]1)at'» Andrews, Jeanne Walkers Alpha "I October 28. All men's living groups am very pleased at Ghe num- ing as Homecoming Queen during a weekend of festivities Oct. 30.31. From the left are I.ynne ministry of ]and for the Republic Cous«ahe s»d h»ng 'g"oup'v'hi; Judy Groves, Sue Greenleaf, ber will be visited. of strong candidates we have Shelmsn, pi phi; Nadine Talbot, Kappa; Carolyn Blackburn, Gamma phi; phyllis Weeks, Alpha Chi, cf Burma will arrive on campus j(s will begin Sunday. Karen Sassar, Tri Delt; Roberta ! on our la]ate (this year," Watson and Trenna Atchtey, Forlley. today to confer with agriculture Final balloting on the Home- (4) R me ded to th Dad s p t DG; Lynda m Fo - so, J s, aid late ye te d y afte noon "I- coming Queen will be October 28 'ace and results will not be released ido a L Mo r Judy ca- 'ty . oli, ma) f th h ff; 'gns May Appear J eW I>Oar(l pan~a] A»< «< i,.d'n„t...,n, act, until the October 30 issue of th' —mille Johnson, Kappa; Barbara . ~kA .th;s - - Argonaut. The Queen will be hon- .i. Wat,on dec]ared that ]s Bn tp~gggp pI~C(fs ~]]jf y Opptp(S QOQCIp- He is U Tun Tin, who is on the .].'((jr s, p j i--4 HarriSOn, Sue CarnefiX, Sue Sie- I+ $ 'fe11 p first leg of a five month tour that ored at halftime of the Idaho- B ' ' I "there ~ Idaho's football cciach sin- Oregon and during intermis- —- - — is a strong possibaity that is a wil] carry him to Canada and Great game i tg e French; Gay] e Evans, sorority pins in the strangest —,'carce]la, . ' few surprises will be unveiled cere guy... and one who backs sion at the dance that evening. Carolyn by Britain. He recently completed an ~f I 4 'I Stoker, Hays; and Skip e]ecticn day." his team all the way. .,Scvage, off campus. extensive study of Idaho record- The Homecoming dance, a semi- Bob Bernard, Delt, United Party young Idaho coed reached fran- Skip Stahley has been Ivprry keeping and ]and management, formal affair, is for students and p«vi»s Y Are Idaho students getting» ' caucus president. said ticany for her sweater. She had Fifteen new Election 'oard ing for more than a week about Land recording, according to University alumni and guests that members have been accepted after smarter? Or is it just that Bll . just finished a phys]ca] educa- members will begin putting their a pep rally held in the SUB he- Tin, is one of Burma's pressing «Xouts at the beginning of sec- "I feel satisfied with the high The new location of the dance h»nmering by universities to t]pn class and had twp minutes shoulders to the work wheel Mon- fore thc Arizona game. problems. Under its land national- ond semester; however, this year caliber and quality of the candid- should relieve the congestion of, high schools is finally starting to tp reach her next class. day '" prepara ' for c]ass e]ec- I- ization act of 1953 most of thd the group will hold auditions aft- ates placed on the United Pal ly Th e turnoutt was ine an d tie] the Student Union ballroom, where have an effect. Things went along uneventful- nation's 261,000 square miles was «mid-term. This is to allow the slate for class elections and feel splri s g u one ing was the dance has usually been held, It's no longer much of a ques- ly for an hour or two. First meeting for the group, se- ' - taken away from foreign cpntro] ' missing fres h men women, subjec t to the'hey possess the necessary quali- Ior mos t pI tile show, the Agee commented. Jdhnny High Then she was politely tapped ]ected TuesdaY, is scheduled Mo - 'ts lers, and is to be distributed among AWS regulation concerning the fications to take a dominent ma- teamami e.If. "It was so crowded last year," School can read. It's now a ques- on the back by an Idaho male. day at 4 p.m. in confere)(>ce room Burma's 19,000,000 Eitizens. ' I Bctlvltl'es '] s "that were still tipn of how wel] number of the filst nille What are ypu IIplnjg wearing of the'SUB Oui] practice session ran past Agee said, people p l the 'c]t>s]n =, Tin estimates that IIbout 10 Per in 10".30p.m."" "; chief student 'coun weeks, to join the dancing group. Last night Bernard I(nd the can- IIIII OII y{)'ur I>ack he nil+a] g time heca trying to get at ypllr grin Named to the boar d were Dave cen t of e as is comp e e, an se]or Bt the University of Idaho, Concerning future plans of Pre- didates met to 1'ormulate campaign of numerous chan es necessitat- There were 724 couples, oi'448 ned.
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