Applying the Classification of Finite Simple Groups: A User's Guide (draft3, as submitted to AMS, 12sept2017) Stephen D. Smith Department of Mathematics (m/c 249), University of Illinois at Chicago, 851 S. Morgan, Chicago, Illinois 60607-7045 E-mail address:
[email protected] 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 20D05, 20D06, 20D08, 20Bxx, 20Cxx, 20E25, 20E28, 20Jxx, 05E15, 05E18, 55Uxx Abstract. This book surveys a wide range of applications of the Classification of Finite Simple Groups (CFSG): both within finite group theory itself, and in other mathematical areas which make use of group theory. The book is based on the author's lectures at the September 2015 Venice Summer School on Finite Groups; and so may in particular be of use in a graduate course. It should also be more widely useful as an introduction and basic reference; in addition it indicates fuller citations to the appropriate literature, for readers who wish to go on to more detailed sources. v To Judy|for exemplary patience Contents Preface xi Origin of the book, and structure of the chapters xi Some notes on using the book as a course text xi Acknowledgments xii Chapter 1. Background: simple groups and their properties 1 Introduction: statement of the CFSG|the list of simple groups 1 1.1. Alternating groups 2 1.2. Sporadic groups 3 1.3. Groups of Lie type 5 Some easy applications of the CFSG-list 20 1.4. Structure of K-groups: via components in F ∗(G) 20 1.5. Outer automorphisms of simple groups 23 1.6. Further CFSG-consequences: e.g.