Oceans, Antarctica

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Oceans, Antarctica G9102 ATLANTIC OCEAN. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, G9102 ETC. .G8 Guinea, Gulf of 2950 G9112 NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN. REGIONS, BAYS, ETC. G9112 .B3 Baffin Bay .B34 Baltimore Canyon .B5 Biscay, Bay of .B55 Blake Plateau .B67 Bouma Bank .C3 Canso Bank .C4 Celtic Sea .C5 Channel Tunnel [England and France] .D3 Davis Strait .D4 Denmark Strait .D6 Dover, Strait of .E5 English Channel .F45 Florida, Straits of .F5 Florida-Bahamas Plateau .G4 Georges Bank .G43 Georgia Embayment .G65 Grand Banks of Newfoundland .G7 Great South Channel .G8 Gulf Stream .H2 Halten Bank .I2 Iberian Plain .I7 Irish Sea .L3 Labrador Sea .M3 Maine, Gulf of .M4 Mexico, Gulf of .M53 Mid-Atlantic Bight .M6 Mona Passage .N6 North Sea .N7 Norwegian Sea .R4 Reykjanes Ridge .R6 Rockall Bank .S25 Sabine Bank .S3 Saint George's Channel .S4 Serpent's Mouth .S6 South Atlantic Bight .S8 Stellwagen Bank .T7 Traena Bank 2951 G9122 BERMUDA. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, G9122 ISLANDS, ETC. .C3 Castle Harbour .C6 Coasts .G7 Great Sound .H3 Harrington Sound .I7 Ireland Island .N6 Nonsuch Island .S2 Saint David's Island .S3 Saint Georges Island .S6 Somerset Island 2952 G9123 BERMUDA. COUNTIES G9123 .D4 Devonshire .H3 Hamilton .P3 Paget .P4 Pembroke .S3 Saint Georges .S4 Sandys .S5 Smiths .S6 Southampton .W3 Warwick 2953 G9124 BERMUDA. CITIES AND TOWNS, ETC. G9124 .H3 Hamilton .S3 Saint George .S6 Somerset 2954 G9132 AZORES. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, G9132 ISLANDS, ETC. .A3 Agua de Pau Volcano .C6 Coasts .C65 Corvo Island .F3 Faial Island .F5 Flores Island .F82 Furnas Volcano .G7 Graciosa Island .L3 Lages Field .P5 Pico Island .S2 Santa Maria Island .S3 Sao Jorge Island .S4 Sao Miguel Island .S46 Sete Cidades Volcano .T4 Terceira Island 2955 G9133 AZORES. DISTRICTS, ETC. G9133 .A5 Angra do Heroísmo .H6 Horta .P6 Ponta Delgada 2956 G9134 AZORES. CITIES AND TOWNS, ETC. G9134 .A5 Angra do Heroísmo .H6 Horta .P6 Ponta Delgada .S2 Santa Cruz das Flores .V5 Vila do Porto 2957 G9142 MADEIRA ISLANDS. FUNCHAL (DISTRICT OF G9142 PORTUGAL). REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC. .B8 Bugio Island .C5 Chao Island .D3 Deserta Grande Island .D4 Desertas .F8 Funchal Bay .M3 Madeira .P6 Porto Santo .S3 Salvages .S4 Selvagens Islands 2958 G9144 MADEIRA ISLANDS. FUNCHAL (DISTRICT OF G9144 PORTUGAL). CITIES AND TOWNS, ETC. .B3 Baixo .C3 Calheta .C35 Câmara de Lobos .F8 Funchal .M3 Machico .P6 Ponta do Sol .P65 Porto Moniz .P68 Porto Santo .R5 Ribeira Brava .S2 Santa Cruz .S25 Santana .S3 Sao Vicente 2959 G9152 CANARY ISLANDS. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, G9152 ISLAND, ETC. .A2 Alegranza .F8 Fuerteventura .G6 Gomera .G7 Graciosa .G8 Gran Canaria .H5 Hierro .L2 Lanzarote .L6 Lobos .L8 Luz Harbor .M6 Montaña Clara .P3 Palma .R6 Roca del Este .R7 Roca del Oueste .T4 Tenerife .T5 Parque Nacional de Timanfaya 2960 G9153 CANARY ISLANDS. PROVINCES, ETC. G9153 .L3 Las Palmas .S2 Santa Cruz de Tenerife 2961 G9154 CANARY ISLANDS. CITIES AND TOWNS, ETC. G9154 .A5 Antigua .A7 Arrecife .A75 Arucas .C6 Corralejo .C65 Costa Calma .E4 El Castillo .L3 La Orotava .L345 Las Palmas .L62 Los Cristianos .M2 Maspalomas .P52 Playa de las Americas .P56 Playa del Inglés .P8 Puerto de la Cruz .P88 Puerto del Rosario .P9 Puerto Rico .S2 San Agustín .S22 Santa Cruz de la Palma .S23 Santa Cruz de Tenerife .T4 Telde .V3 Vallehermoso 2962 G9162 CAPE VERDE ISLANDS. REGIONS, NATURAL G9162 FEATURES, ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC. .B6 Boa Vista Island .B7 Branco .B8 Brava .F6 Fogo .G7 Grande .M3 Maio .P6 Porto Grande Bay .R3 Razo .R6 Rombo Islands .S2 Sal .S3 Santa Luzia .S4 Santo Antao Island .S5 São Nicolau Island .S6 São Tiago Island .S7 São Vicente Island 2963 G9164 CAPE VERDE ISLANDS. CITIES AND TOWNS, ETC. G9164 .M5 Mindelo .P7 Praia .R5 Ribeira Grande .S2 Sal Rei .S3 Santa Maria .V5 Vila da Ribeira Brava 2964 G9167 SOUTH ATLANTIC. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, G9167 ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC. .A7 Argentine Basin .B6 Bouvet Island .D7 Drake Passage .S37 Scotia Sea .S5 Signy Island .S6 South Orkney Islands .S65 South Shetland Islands 2965 G9172 SAINT HELENA (COLONY). REGIONS, NATURAL G9172 FEATURES, ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC. .F3 Falkland Islands .S2 Saint Helena .S65 South Georgia Island .S68 Sandwich Land 2966 G9177 FALKLAND ISLANDS. REGIONS, NATURAL G9177 FEATURES, ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC. .A5 Annenkov Island [South Georgia Island] .C8 Cumberland Bay [South Georgia Island] .O5 Onion Camp .P6 Port Egmont .R6 Royal Bay [South Georgia Island] .S2 Saint Andrews Bay [South Georgia Island] .S3 Sandwich Land .S6 South Georgia Island .S8 Stromness Bay [South Georgia Island] 2967 G9179 FALKLAND ISLANDS. CITIES AND TOWNS, ETC. G9179 .S7 Stanley 2968 G9182 INDIAN OCEAN. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, G9182 ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC. .A5 Amsterdam Island .A6 Andaman Sea .A7 Arabian Sea .A8 Ashmore Reef .B4 Bengal, Bay of .C3 Cartier Island .C4 Christmas Island .C5 Crozet Islands .G7 Great Channel .H4 Heard Island .H5 Heard and McDonald Islands .I4 Al Ikhwan .L2 Laccadive Sea .M2 Malacca, Strait of .M25 Mannar, Gulf of .M29 Marion Island .M3 Mascarene Islands .M35 McDonald Islands .M6 Mozambique Channel .P3 Palk Strait .P4 Persian Gulf .P6 Possession, Ile de la (Crozet Islands) .P7 Prince Edward Island .S2 Saint Paul Island .S5 Shag Island .S6 Socotra .T5 Timor Sea 2969 G9187 MAURITIUS. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, G9187 ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC. .C3 Cargados Carajos Shoals .C6 Coasts .R6 Rodrigues Island 2970 G9189 MAURITIUS. CITIES AND TOWNS, ETC. G9189 .P6 Port Louis .V3 Vacoas-Phoenix 2971 G9192 RÉUNION. ISLE DE BOURBON. REGIONS, NATURAL G9192 FEATURES, ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, DEPENDENCIES, ETC. .F6 Fournaise, Piton de la .P55 Plaine des Galets .R4 Réunion 2972 G9194 RÉUNION. ISLE DE BOURBON. CITIES AND TOWNS, G9194 ETC. .C5 Cilaos .L3 La Montagne .L35 La Possession .L4 Le Brûlé .L45 Le Port .L48 Le Tampon .S2 Saint-Andre .S25 Saint-Benoît .S3 Saint-Denis .S32 Saint-François .S35 Saint-Gilles-les Bains .S4 Saint-Louis .S45 Saint-Paul .S5 Saint Pierre 2973 G9197 BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY. REGIONS, G9197 NATURAL FEATURES, ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC. .A8 Assumption Island .A82 Astove Island .C5 Chagos Archipelago .D4 Desroches Island .D5 Diego Garcia .F3 Farquhar Group 2974 G9202 SEYCHELLES. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, G9202 ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, DEPENDENCIES, ETC. .A3 African Banks .A57 Aldabra Islands .A58 Alphonse Island .B6 Bird Island .B65 Boudeuse Cay .C6 Coasts .C62 Coëtivy Island .C65 Cosmoledo Group .D3 D'Arros Island .D4 Denis Island .D45 Desnoeufs Island .E8 Étoile Cay .L3 La Digue Island .M3 Mahé .M4 Marie Louise Island .P58 Platte Island .P6 Poivre Islands .P7 Praslin Island .P72 Providence Group .R4 Remire Island .S2 Saint François Island .S22 Saint Joseph Island .S3 Sand Cay .S5 Silhouette Island 2975 G9204 SEYCHELLES. CITIES AND TOWNS, ETC. G9204 .V5 Victoria 2976 G9207 COCOS ISLANDS. KEELING ISLANDS. REGIONS, G9207 NATURAL FEATURES, ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC. .D5 Direction Island .H6 Home Island .H62 Horsburgh Island .N6 North Keeling Island .S6 South Island .W4 West Island 2977 G9212 COMOROS. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, G9212 ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC. .A5 Anjouan Island .G7 Grande Comore .M3 Mayotte .M6 Moheli Island 2978 G9214 COMOROS. CITIES AND TOWNS, ETC. G9214 .M2 Mamoutzou 2979 G9217 MALDIVES. REGIONS, ATOLLS, ARCHIPELAGOES, G9217 ISLANDS, ETC. .M3 Male Atoll 2980 G9218 MALDIVES. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS G9218 .K3 Kaafu 2981 G9219 MALDIVES. CITIES AND TOWNS, ETC. G9219 .M3 Male 2982 G9232 PACIFIC OCEAN. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, G9232 ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC. .E4 El Niño Current 2983 G9237 NORTH PACIFIC. REGIONS, ATOLLS, G9237 ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC. .A44 Aleutian Trench .B32 Balabac Strait .B4 Bering Sea .B42 Bering Strait .C45 Celebes Sea .C5 China Sea .E3 East China Sea .I95 Izu-Ogasawara Arc .J3 Japan, Sea of .J6 Johnston Island .K67 Korea Bay .K7 Korea Strait .K85 Kuril Island Arc-trench .L3 La Perouse Strait .L5 Liancourt Rocks .L87 Luzon Strait .M5 Midway Islands .O4 Okhotsk, Sea of .P3 Paracel Islands .P54 Philippine Sea .P6 Po Hai .S25 Sakhalinskiy Zaliv .S4 Senkaku Islands .S5 Singapore Strait .S6 South China Sea .S7 Spratly Islands .S85 Sulu Sea .T3 Taiwan Strait .T33 Tatar Strait .T35 Thailand, Gulf of .T65 Tonkin, Gulf of .W3 Wake Island .Y4 Yellow Sea 2984 G9252 SOUTH PACIFIC. OCEANIA. REGIONS, NATURAL G9252 FEATURES, ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC. .A73 Arafura Sea .C66 Coral Sea .G7 Great North East Channel .T3 Tasman Sea .T65 Torres Strait .W3 Wanganella Bank 2985 G9262 MELANESIA. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, G9262 ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC. .B57 Bismarck Sea .N6 Norfolk Island .S65 Solomon Sea 2986 G9282 SOLOMON ISLANDS. REGIONS, NATURAL G9282 FEATURES, ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC. .B6 Bougainville Island .B8 Buka Island .C5 Choiseul .F5 Florida Islands .G7 Green Islands .G8 Guadalcanal Island .M2 Malaita .N4 New Georgia Group .S2 San Cristobal .S3 Santa Isabel Island .S5 Shortland Islands 2987 G9292 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS. QUEEN CHARLOTTE G9292 ISLANDS. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC. .A5 Anuta Island .D8 Duff Islands .R4 Reef Islands .T4 Tikopia .U8 Utupua 2988 G9302 VANUATU. NEW HEBRIDES ISLANDS. REGIONS, G9302 NATURAL FEATURES, ARCHIEPLAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC. .E8 Espíritu Santo Island .M4 Méré Lava 2989 G9304 VANUATU. NEW HEBRIDES ISLANDS. CITIES AND G9304 TOWNS, ETC. .L8 Luganville .P6 Port-Vila 2990 G9342 NEW CALEDONIA (ISLAND OR TERRITORY). G9342 REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, DEPENDENCIES, ETC. .L5 Lifou Island .P5 Pines, Isle of 2991 G9344 NEW CALEDONIA (ISLAND OR TERRITORY). CITIES G9344 AND TOWNS, ETC. .N6 Noumea 2992 G9382 FIJI. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, G9382 ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC. .K3 Kandavu .K6 Koro .K62 Koro Sea .L2 Lakemba Island .L28 Lau Group .L6 Lomaiviti Group .M62 Moala Group .N5 Ngau .O9 Ovalau .R6 Rotuma Island .T3 Taveuni .V3 Vanua Levu .V5 Viti Levu .Y3 Yasawa Group 2993 G9384 FIJI. CITIES AND TOWNS, ETC. G9384 .L3 Lambasa .L35 Lautoka .M3 Mba .N3 Nadi .N38 Nausori .S5 Singatoka [Western Division] .S9 Suva .T3 Tavua [Viti Levu] 2994 G9402 MICRONESIA. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, G9402 ARCHIPELAGOES, ISLANDS, ETC.
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