May 10, 2021

Thai Enquirer Summary

Covid-19 News

 The situation in Bangkok still remains at worrying levels although the total number of cases that were announced this morning saw a slight drop.

 Total number of new infection - 1,630  Total number of new death - 22  Total number of infections in the country - 56,142  Total number of people recovered - 27,782  Total number of people recovered today - 1,603  Sunday saw 2,021 new cases and 17 deaths  Saturday saw 2,419 new cases and 19 deaths

 To make matters worse, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration has come out to admit at the meeting that the number of people being infected is ‘way beyond their ability to manage’.

 The meeting held yesterday saw that BMA coming out to accept that the situation was out of control.

 This prompted Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha to set up a new Covid-19 management committee only for Bangkok.

 If you thought that things were bad, a member of parliament of Phalang Pracharat party that is the party in power, came out to announce on her social media page that despite all the outbreak there were still some illegal gambling dens operating in Bangkok.

 She pointed out to a illegal gambling den in Phayathai area where the owner reportedly has been diagnosed with Covid-19 virus.

 She said that as many as 50 per cent of the more than 20+ people who have been identified as being people who had visited the illegal gambling den have been identified to be infected with the virus.

 The masses who are commuting using public transport are starting to see a rising risk as many of the Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA) employees are starting to test positive for the virus.

 BMTA announced that more infection with conductor and bus drivers have been detected and that includes on bus numbers 62, 12, 47 and 510.

 As part of the move BMTA has said that it will reduce the number of passengers in the buses to 70 per cent of their capacity.

 There was good news from AstraZeneca yesterday after news leaked out on late Friday night that the 1st batch of vaccine produced by Siam BioScience had passed the quality control testing.

 Although the press release was to be released today (Monday), the leak prompted AstraZeneca to push the announcement to Sunday May 9th.

 The statement said that Siam BioScience had passed quality testing at AstraZeneca’s designated laboratories in Europe and in the U.S.

 It said that Siam BioScience passed the full tests and standard at AstraZeneca’s global laboratories in Europe and the US and set by the Department of Medical Sciences (DMS).

 The government of Prayut has been pushing for people to get vaccinated but there is a growing reluctance to taking the Chinese made SinoVac that has been imported by the Ministry of Public Health into .

 The country has so far seen inoculation of 1.74 million doses

 Talking about vaccines, well the number of people who have registered for the vaccines for June 2021 onwards that the government has asked stands at just 1.56 million

o The govt. has launched ‘Moo Prom’ to register people for the vaccine but the reception remains subdued.


 More than 100 gemstone traders from Africa have come down with Covid-19 over four days in Chanthaburi, although none carried the African or Indian variants of the virus.

 The provincial public office said the 109 traders tested positive May 6-9. They are from Guinea, Mali, Cote D'Ivoire and Gambia. Chanthaburi has attracted many traders of precious stones from Africa. Medical workers from hospitals and the provincial health office also set up a testing site at a Buddhist centre targeting 250 residents who came into contact with the African traders.

Economic News

 The Ministry of Finance has come out to defend criticism of why it does not provide a pandemic cash relief fund for restaurant operators amid calls for help from the government in the wake of the 3rd wave of the outbreak.

 Kulaya Tantitemit, director-general of the Fiscal Policy Office (FPO), in her capacity as spokeswoman for the Finance Ministry, said this is because the ministry has launched a series of relief measures such as extensions of the Rao Chana scheme and Mor 33 Rao Rak Kan pay out campaign, with an additional 1,000 baht will be given to 32.9 million eligible people each week for two weeks.

 In addition, Kulaya cited 1 other relief measures approved by the cabinet on May 5 which are:

 The loans, totalling 20 billion baht, will be given through the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives and the Government Savings Bank.

 The extension of debt moratorium by specialised financial institutions (SFIs) a December 31 this year.

 Kulaya’s explanation is a response to restaurant operators’ call for Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha to ease Covid-19 restrictions, including lifting the ban on dine-in services.

 Pasinee Pitaknilpradap, president of the Restaurant and Goods Product Association (RGPA), said food and beverage operators have been suffering because of the restrictions imposed by the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration, said

 The Ministry of Finance has confirmed that it has sufficient fund to combat the new wave of the Covid-19 outbreak. It has no plans to seek additional loans despite criticism from

several groups and individuals that its new round of economic stimulus packages is not sufficient.

 The Finance Ministry said the ministry has sufficient funding to cover extensions of Rao Chana (We Win) financial relief scheme and the Section 33 “We Love Each Other” programme with a budget of more than 240 billion baht. The Ministry has plans to inject an additional 855 billion baht to fund the schemes along with other suitable economic stimulus measures to alleviate the impact of the outbreak, according to a source with the ministry.

 If an additional budget is required, the government still the central budget for the 2021 fiscal year earmarked at 99 billion baht in which merely 500 million baht or 5 per cent has been disbursed. Moreover, the government has set aside 40 billion baht to fund several Covid-19 relief project. Of this budget, merely 8 per cent or 3.2 billion has been used, the same source said, adding that there is still sufficient budget for future use to combat the outbreak.

 Today is the 1st day trade of Ngern Tid Lor Co (TIDLOR), a microcredit provider under Bank of Ayudhya (BAY), on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) index under TIDLOR today.

 The 907 million shares sold at 36.50 baht or 26.5x price-earnings-ration (PER) which is higher than the current trading value of its peers that are already listed on the SET.

 Investors have been warned that although the IPO may see the price of the shares rise on its debut, their plans to hold on to the shares in the long-term should be something that they should rethink as the valuation of 36.50 already prices in more than 30 per cent expected growth in 2021.

 Read details of this in-depth writing in

 tidlors-valuation-looks-stretched-compared-to-peers/

 The management of Union Mall has put up an announcement of temporary closure of Union Mall from May 13-27 or until further notice to allow operators to take a break amid the surge of the Covid-19 outbreak.

 However, the Mall will continue to offer take orders for ready-made meals and home deliveries in a bid to help retail operators to “save” them from concerns over operating expenses, fears of infections and risks of spreading the Covid-19 infections to others in society.

 Thai Airways International Plc (THAI)’s creditors want the state enterprise status of Thai Airways International Plc (THAI) to be returned to the airline.

 The resolution was reached during a meeting between THAI and financial institutions, savings cooperatives of state-owned enterprises and those of various universities in which THAI owed around 170 billion baht.

 These creditors asked the government to push the Ministry of Finance and relevant agencies to reacquire the ministry’s major stake in THAI to facilitate the state enterprise state of THAI to be reinstated under the Category 3 without a

labour union. By doing so, these major creditors signalled their approval for THAI’s business rehab plan to go ahead and the possibility for THAI to return as the flag carrier.

 Meanwhile, the Legal Execution Department announced decision to change the creditors’ meeting platform scheduled for May 12 to an electronic creditors’ meeting on the same day.

 A source with the Finance Ministry reported that Krungthai Bank (KTB) and other financial institutions have agreed on plans to give out loans to THAI amounting to 25 billion baht under condition that the Finance Ministry must act as loan guarantor for THAI and the airline’s state enterprise status must be reinstated.

 It is said that the ministry has agreed with this plan and will forward it to the cabinet on May 11.

 However, the State Enterprise Police Office (SEPO) has come out to say that the Finance Ministry will not recapitalise the airline which it is the biggest shareholder, according to a Bangkok Post report.


Political News

 Democrat Party leader Jurin Laksanawisit made clear that his party would stick to the coalition government despite overwhelming calls from its own party MP to pull out of the coalition parties, largely due to the controversy surrounding the Phalang Pracharat Party (PPRP)’s drug convict Deputy Agriculture Minister.

 To the question of whether the controversy surrounding the Constitutional Court ruling that allowed convicted drug dealer in Australia and incumbent Deputy

Agriculture Minister Thamanat Prompaw to keep his MP and cabinet seats, Jurin has come out to shrug off Democrat Pattani MP Anwar Salae’s call for the party to leave the coalition government. Jurin said his party listens to the voice of a majority of party members. The issue does not reflect rifts inside the party.

 He said the controversy surrounding Capt Thamanat is the issue that rests with the PPRP to clear with the public. The Democrat Party is only a coalition party, Jurin said, he declined to answer the question regarding the drug convict minister.

 Parliament speaker has come out to confirm the House’s new session on May 22 as scheduled amid rising numbers of Covid-19 cases in the capital and adjacent provinces. He said he will call a meeting of officials to discuss prevention measures for parliament this week.

 Chuan said it is inevitably that parliamentarians must work in parallel with the outbreak regardless of whether infections are rising or dropping. He said there are many important items of legislation awaiting deliberations in parliament, especially the laws related to the 2022 budget appropriation bill.

 The Samakkhi Prachachon group called for the country’s top-20 richest to pick sides whether they will support the government under the 3 generals or the general public.

 At the Peace TV Station, during an online forum called “Thai Mai Thon” (Thailand will not tolerate this), Metha Matkhao, secretary-general of the Campaign for Popular Democracy or Kor Ror Por in Thai, appealed to all Thais and the private sector to echo their calls to the 3 generals: Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha, his deputy Gen Prawit Wongsuwan and Gen Anupong Paojinda to step down. Metha said he did not want the 3 generals’ clinging on to power to be the reason that compels the new-generation to move out of the country. From now on, the Kor Ror Por said it will campaign for the public to

beep horns and bang pots and pans when seeing cabinet ministers of the coalition parties and government supporters.

 Metha also called on Thailand’s 20 richest to express their stance on whether they will side with the 3 generals or the public. He also asked state officials including police and military personnel to stop providing services to the government.

 The opposition Pheu Thai Party has come out to confirm that Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccines have been imported to Thailand to be administered to officials of the US Embassy in Thailand as reported by the New York Times. However, the New York Times later removed Thailand from its infographic listing the countries acquiring the vaccines from the company.

 Over this matter, Yutthapong Charassathienhas Pheu Thai MP for Maha Sarakham and deputy leader, has come out to seek the government’s reassurance that all Thais should have equal access to all vaccine brands. Yutthapong proposed the government to coordinate with the US Embassy to get through a short cut for the procurement of Pfizer vaccines for Thais before the 3rd quarter this year (July-September).

 Yutthapong said he did not try to find fault with the government but said he wants Thais to stay safe from the outbreak. Yutthapong said he did not trust Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha’s promise to administer 200 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines by the end of this year. He said it is impossible for the government to inoculate Thais with as many as 400,000 doses per day.

 Dr Surapong Suebwonglee, former public health minister and ex-finance minister, lambasted the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) for its incompetence in dealing with the Covid-19 outbreak.

 During an online discussion on the topic of “Thailand will not tolerate, Sammakhee Prachachon for Thailand (United for Thailand) on Facebook, Dr Surapong compared the Covid-19 outbreak situation with the outbreak of Sars, avian flu, and the H5N1 influenza in 2009. He praised then-governments for their competence in dealing with these previous outbreaks without an emergency decree without the CCSA, in which he questioned for its existence because the outbreak is not a security issue.

 Dr Surapong went on to express his concern about the rapid surge of infections in Bangkok which reflects the crisis of the Thai public health system. He said the outbreak has proven that the Public Health Ministry does not hold full power but it is the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) that holds greater power to deal with the outbreak although the BMA’s public health services are plagued with problems. At the same time, the CCSA is proven to lack power in dealing with the outbreak situation since March last year. He said the CCSA’s operations did not meet the goal setting of delivering swift solutions to the outbreak. He asked whether it is better to set up a CCSA under the BMA to be headed by Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha.

 The public’s trust in independent organisations under the 2017 constitution has been severely eroded, according to a survey conducted by Super Poll.

 When asked to rate their confidence in independent bodies, the Election Commission (EC), the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), the Constitutional Court and the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) fare worst for citizens’ trust, namely 41.23 per cent; 42.28 per cent; 43.47 per cent and 48.62 per cent out of the score of 100.

 Only the Office of the Ombudsman and the Office of Auditor-General received score more than half, 54.01 per cent and 55.65 per cent out of 100.

 The poll was conducted during May 1-8, 2021 on 1,293 respondents.

Political News Headlines in Thai Media

 There has been a growing movement within the United States to fight back against the rise of anti-Asian prejudice and hate crimes.

o Link- unwilling-to-tackle-systematic-racism/

 Over the past five months, the political and social atmosphere in Thailand has been on edge. With the pandemic resurgent, government mismanagement of the economy apparent, and a political situation akin to a tinderbox, it is understandable how many Thais have felt a tinge of hopelessness.

o Link- in-these-unprecedented-times/

 Allowing more non-violent and pre-trial prisoners out on bail would reduce overcrowding and help contain the recent surge of Covid contagion in the country’s prisons, opposition MPs said Friday.

o Link- overcrowding-and-covid-in-prisons-opposition-says/

 The Thai government will provide Covid-19 vaccines for foreigners living and working in Thailand by June, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Friday.

o Link- foreigners-from-june/

 Detained protest leaders Parit "Penguin" Chiwarak and Arnon Nampa, have been hospitalised, Justice Minister Somsak Thepsuthin said on Saturday.

o Link-

 The Pha Muang Task Force is strictly patrolling the Thai-Myanmar border after Tachileik entertainment venues located across the border from Mae Sai district in Chiang Rai province reopened.

o Link-

 The Digital Economy and Society (DES) Ministry says it will file a defamation lawsuit against the Move Forward Party (MFP) over its harsh criticism of the prime minister following a Constitutional Court ruling on whether Deputy Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Thamanat Prompow was qualified to serve in the cabinet.

o Link- defamation-case-against-mfp-after-thamanat-ruling

 As an academic, Anek Laothamatas made his name with a “Tale of Two Democracies”, which explores the divide in Thai society between the rural and urban sectors. But in his role as a minister, Anek has become an enemy of the student-led movement that is seeking democratic change to Thailand’s status quo.

o Link- student-activist-to-enemy-of-student-protesters/

 Nine student nurses at have suffered side effects following inoculation with the Chinese-made Sinovac vaccine, According to the Student Organization of Thammasat University’s Facebook page.

o Link- sinovac-vaccination/

 The new round of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has seen a surge in the numbers of infections and deaths, has led to feelings of depression in most Thai people, a survey by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University,or Suan Dusit Poll, reveals on Sunday.

o Link- about-covid-19-poll

 The Royal Thai Police is seeking to update its conventional khaki uniform, in the hopes of making its officers more agile in their pursuit of criminals.

o Link- the-works

Economic News Headlines in Thai Media

 The concept of Gross National Happiness is well known, as a fun fact that has become a staple of introductory economics classes.

o Link- a-country-with-no-hope/

 As the 3rd wave of Covid-19 takes Thailand closer to a crisis stage and despite the doom and gloom caused by the quasi lockdowns, border closures, lack of vaccines, the rising demand for medical supplies, one thing can has continued to perform well – initial public offerings (IPO).

o Link- pandemic-or-not/

 Retail investors have been hoping to take a punt on TIDLOR, a micro-loan company that is lists on the SET Monday. In anticipation, investors had been selling some of their holdings in the other stocks to possibly participate in the initial public offering that took place late last month.

o Link- tidlors-valuation-looks-stretched-compared-to-peers/

 Don Muang Tollway (DMT), an elevated toll road operator, entered its first day of trading on Friday by rising 10 per cent to 17.60 baht from the initial public offering (IPO) price at 16 baht.

o Link- first-day-of-listing/

 The Government Housing Bank (GHB) granted two additional measures Friday to help customers amid the latest Covid-19 crisis.

o Link- further-covid-relief-measures/

 The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) on Friday extended until May 17 lockdown measures on some businesses and public places that carry high risk of spreading Covid-19.

o Link-

 Covid-19 vaccine shots provided by private hospitals will be charged at a standard price including insurance for any side effects, according to the Private Hospital Association (PHA).

o Link- jabs

 Aeronautical Radio of Thailand (Aerothai) has adjusted down its estimates of total domestic and international air travel in 2021 to 323,093 flights, a 38 per cent drop from its 518,790 flights estimate at the start of the year.

o Link-

 The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) recently published its annual report on the adequacy and effectiveness of US trading partners’ protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights.

o Link-

 Customer protection police, together with Food and Drug Administration officers, raided several candy shops in Bangkok’s Yaowarat area selling eye jellies, a candy suspected of making children sick.

o Link-

 A group of oil palm growers vowed to hold an anti-government protest at Krabi Provincial Hall on Tuesday as the price of oil palm in Thailand is likely to drop further.

o Link-

 The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) Index closed at 1,585.03 on Friday, up 13.12 points or 0.83 per cent. Total transactions amounted to THB93.87 billion with an index high of 1,589.21 and a low of 1,577.19.

o Link-

 Myanmar’s military has received hundreds of millions of dollars from natural gas sales through a financial scheme linked to the Myanmar-Thailand pipeline, a French newspaper has reported.

o Link- cashes-in-on-thai-pipeline

 Restaurant operators have asked Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha to ease Covid-19 restrictions, including lifting the ban on dine-in services.

o Link- ease-covid-measures

 SCG Chemicals Business, a petrochemical arm of SET-listed Siam Cement Group, expects its Map Ta Phut Olefins Co (MOC) to reach full olefin production capacity of 2.05 million tonnes a year, up from 1.7 million tonnes, thanks to a debottlenecking project.

o Link-

 The government's new relief packages are expected to generate spending of up to 400 billion baht, which could increase GDP growth by one percentage point, says Kulaya Tantitemit, director-general of the Fiscal Policy Office (FPO).

o Link- spending

 NSL Foods, a manufacturer of bakery goods and distributor of packaged meals, announced its initial public offering (IPO) yesterday at a price of 12 baht per share, with a subscription period set for May 11-13.

o Link- a-share

 B.Grimm Group has launched a medical clinic to provide basic medical services and treatment for chronic illnesses.

o Link- clinic

 SET-listed Ratch Group has acquired a 50% share in Singapore-based energy firm Nexif Energy BT Pte in a 272.58-million-baht deal to expand its wind power business in Vietnam.

o Link- stake-in-nexif-energy

Issues to be watched out for

 March 31-June 30, 2021 – The deadline extension to file personal income taxes for the 2020 tax year.

 May, 2021 – The 66th Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair (BGJF) Virtual Trade Fair is set to be held.  May, 2021 – The new parliament house will be officially inaugurated.

 May 12, 2021 – Thai Airways International Plc (THAI) is expected to hold a creditors meeting to inspect and vote for the rehab plan.

 May 13, 2021 – The public prosecutor set a new hearing of 13 people involved in the protest in front of the German Embassy in Bangkok on 26 October 2020. The hearing has been postponed as the prosecutor said it had yet to finish the paperwork needed to file the case against the protesters.

 May 15, 2021 – Nok Airlines Plc was granted the extension of the submission period of the rehabilitation plan, from original schedule on April 15, which is the last extension of time as permitted by law.

 May 22, 2021 – the parliament convenes for an extraordinary parliamentary meeting.

 May 27-28, 2021 – the parliament is to deliberate a budget bill for the 2022 fiscal year.

 June, 2021 – Siam Bioscience to start mass production plan of Covid-19 vaccines.

 June, 2021 – Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC)’s debt holiday is due to expire.

 June, 2021 – Thai Airways expects the bankruptcy court to hold hearings to consider and approve the plan and also appoint an administrator.

 July, 2021 – TMB-Thanachart Bank (TMB-TBank) expects to complete the integration of the 2 financial entities.

 July 1, 2021 – Vaccinated tourists can visit Phuket without undergoing mandatory quarantine.

 July 27, 2021 – The Criminal Court for Corruption and Misconduct Cases scheduled for a hearing in a lawsuit filed by BTS Group Holdings against the governor of the Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand (MRTA) for illegally amending the bidding terms and cancelling bidding for the construction of the western extension of the Orange Line.

 September 1, 2021 – The government will collect value-added tax from Netflix, Youtube, Google, Facebook as well as other e-commerce services.

 October, 2021 – Bangkok governor election is set to be held.

 October 1, 2021 – The quarantine measure will be lifted in Krabi, Phang Nga, Pattaya and Chiang Mai.

Key Data

SET Index 1,585.03 +13.12

 Link -

Global Commodities

 Metal -Link

 Energy -Link -

 Baltic Dry Index (BDI)-Link -

Global Equity Market’s Movements

 Link -

Asian Equity Markets Movement

 Link -

Information on May 7, 2021

Buying, Selling or Transfer of shares by Owners/Management

Stock Code Volume Value Action

AIRA 100,000 2.3 Sale L&E 60,000 2.26 Sale L&E 140,000 2.28 Sale SK 100,000 1.49 Purchase SK 100,000 1.54 Sale SKY 125,200 11.7 Sale SKY 4,800 11.8 Sale SKY 40,000 11.7 Sale SKY 25,000 11.7 Sale SFLEX 100,000 6.65 Sale WAVE 2,000,000 0.62 Sale

XD, XE or XM or other notifications

For list of Companies that have dividend payment and AGM meeting schedules click on

Trading Breakdown on the Stock Exchange of Thailand

Daily as of 7 May 2021 Unit: M.Baht Investor Type Buy Sell Net Value % Value % Value % Local Institutions 5,544.16 5.91 6,230.64 6.64 -686.48 - Proprietary 8,567.17 9.13 8,114.73 8.64 452.44 - Trading Foreign Investors 34,791.15 37.06 31,508.81 33.56 3,282.34 - Local Individuals 44,975.02 47.91 48,023.32 51.16 -3,048.30 - Monthly Cumulative between 1 - 7 May 2021 Unit: M.Baht Investor Type Buy Sell Net Value % Value % Value % Local Institutions 16,931.29 5.42 17,929.04 5.74 -997.75 - Proprietary 28,999.12 9.29 31,396.23 10.05 -2,397.10 - Trading Foreign Investors 115,099.92 36.85 121,115.40 38.78 -6,015.47 - Local Individuals 151,277.61 48.44 141,867.28 45.43 9,410.33 - Yearly Cumulative since 1 Jan - 7 May 2021 Unit: M.Baht Investor Type Buy Sell Net Value % Value % Value % Local Institutions 563,128.14 7.41 601,124.47 7.91 -37,996.33 - Proprietary 797,200.57 10.49 796,118.61 10.47 1,081.96 - Trading Foreign Investors 2,673,511.2 35.17 2,712,555.2 35.68 -39,044.01 - 7 8 Local Individuals 3,568,491.8 46.94 3,492,533.4 45.94 75,958.38 - 2 5

Total Trading Value 93,877.50 Million Baht

Background Information –

The strength of each party in the Thai Parliament as of May 8, 2019 as per the report by the Election Commission of Thailand. Elections took place on March 24, 2019


 List of MPs -

Information provided here is copyright of ThaiNews Corp and no part maybe reproduced in any form without the prior written permission. The opinions expressed are only those of the writer’s and is analysed based on the situation.