Humanitarian Law Center Research, Documentation and Memory 67 Makenzijeva, 11110 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro Tel/Fax: +381 11 3444 313 +381 11 3444 314 Email:
[email protected] Home Page: 26 March 2006 Human Rights Defenders in Serbia Throughout the rule of Slobodan Milošević, Human Rights Organizations and Human Rights Defenders were treated as harmless marginal groups and individuals. Between 1991 and 1999 the regime of Slobodan Milošević did not ban a single anti-war demonstration by nongovernmental organizations because they served as proof to the international community of his ‘democratic’ attitude towards the ‘handful’ that did not support him. The regime and its media paid little attention to the reports of domestic human rights organizations on human rights and humanitarian law violations during the armed conflict because the regime felt secure and supported by the majority of citizens. The period of the NATO bombing campaign from 24 March until 9 June 1999 united the opposition, civil society and regime. Nongovernmental organizations led the way in criticizing the international community and urging the citizens to keep their differences with the government aside as long as bombs kept dropping on the country. It was in those circumstances that several Human Rights Defenders and human rights organizations became the target of government media and secret services above all for publicly pointing out that the regime was taking advantage of the NATO campaign to settle with the Albanians. Because of its attitude during the NATO campaign, the Humanitarian Law Centre (HLC) was twice visited by members of the military security service, who threatened to bring charges of espionage against the HLC Executive Director; also, financial police examined the organization’s accounts and financial records for three weeks.