
Generally, native stone work is left should be sturdy, long-living species the natural color of the stone itself. that grow relatively fast and produce Stucco can be tinted any color to give the size and shape desired. If yours is the desired appearance. Brick can be a one-story house on a small lot, you left natural or painted. If you know should small . For example, you are going to paint the brick, you the following can be recommended for could use a less expensive brick to small properties: begin with. A caution on painting brick: Once SMALL SHADE TREES you have painted the brick you have RECOMMENDED made a lifetime decision. A few final thoughts on selecting Trident (Acer buergerianum) exterior siding materials. I would rec- maple () commend you go to your local material FuUmoon maple (Acer japonicum) supplier ( dealer or hardware Manchurian maple (Acer mandshuri- store) and seek his advice. Get the cum) product literature from such companies Nikko maple (Acer nikoense) as Masonite Corporation, Bird Vinyl European hornbeam (Carpinus hetulus Siding, Evans, Abitibi, American Ply- 'Globosa') Association, Alcoa, U.S. Plywood American hornbeam {Carpinus caro- Association, Southern Forest Products, liniana) or U.S. Steel to know what prod- Eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis) ucts are available and then use this Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) information to make any needed Russian-olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia) comparisons. Balkan ash (Fraxinus holotricha) Flowering ash (Fraxinus ornus) For further reading: Golden-rain- (Koelreuteria panicu- lata) U.S. Department of Agriculture, Exterior Saucer magnolia (x Magnolia soulan- Painting, Home and Garden Bulletin No. geana) 155, Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, Sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum) D.C. 20402—Price 10 cents. Chinese (Ulmus parvifolia) On the other hand, if you have space for a larger tree, you might desire one of the following:

Do's and Don'ts LARGE SHADE TREES RECOMMENDED For Shade Trees European (Fagus sylvatica) Sugar maple (Acer saccharum) Littleleaf linden ( cordata) I ou HAVE MOVED into a new Red maple (Acer rubrum) home, and begin discussing with your Northern red (Quercus borealis) husband or wife the need for several Tuliptree (Liriodendron tulipifera) shade trees. Perhaps you would like to Pin Oak (Quercus palustris) plant and care for the trees yourself, but you really don't know much about which of the wide variety of trees is best for your property. You should take AUTHOR A. M. TOWNSEND is Research into consideration the following factors Geneticist, Shade Tree and Ornamental Laboratory, Agricultural Research before buying and planting the trees. Service, Delaware, Ohio. Keep in mind the mature height and COAUTHOR CHARLES L. WILSON is Re- spread of the tree. Shade trees ideally search Leader of the laboratory. 179 White Oak (Quercus alba) The above species are not only adapt- Cucumbertree (Magnolia acuminata) able but quite attractive. For example, Consider the planting site and its soil the Dahurian (Betula davurica) type, compaction, and drainage. Select which does well even on gravelly sites, only those trees which will be hardy has curling, reddish brown bark, and enough to survive summer heat as well shows beautiful yellow autumn foliage. as winter cold. Many species when The Japanese pagodatree (Sophora planted north of their adapted range japónica) blossoms in late summer with are killed by early fall or late spring large pyramidal clusters of yellowish, frosts. U.S. Agriculture Handbook 425, pealike . As with all of the spe- Shade Trees for the Home, gives the cies listed above, the pagodatree grows adaptive range of shade tree species. quite well even under severe city con- Depending on the location of the ditions. seed sources, most species are quite Beware of trees with undesirable variable in their response to cold. A red characteristics or with unusual pest maple seedling from Florida, for exam- susceptibility: ple, will not survive when grown in Ohio, Seed collected from plants grow- NOT RECOMMENDED ing near the northern-most hmits of SHADE TREES their range is likely to give rise to Silver maple (Acer saccharinum) seedlings that will prove hardier than Horsechestnut (Aesculus hippocasta- will seedlings grown from milder parts num) of the range. Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila) For wet soils, plant one of the species White mulberry (Morus alba) which is naturally adapted to such Tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) conditions: Weeping (Salix babylonica) Poplar (Poptdus species) RECOMMENDED Ginkgo (female) (Ginkgo biloba) SHADE TREES American elm (Ulmus americana) FOR WET SOILS Trees such as the female ginkgo and Red maple (Acer rubrtim) mulberry produce unpleasant, messy Sweetgum (Liquidambar styracifiua) . Other species (such as silver ma- Black túpelo (Nyssa sylvatica) ple, Siberian elm) have brittle wood Swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor) with V-shaped crotches which make Sweetbay (Magnolia virginiana) them subject to storm damage. The In contrast to the above, many spe- poplars, , and silver maple clog cies will grow well on dry, sterile soils: sewers and heave sidewalks. The Amer- ican elm* is susceptible to Dutch elm RECOMMENDED disease. SHADE TREES Select those trees which are relative- FOR DRY SOILS ly disease and insect free in your area. AND THE CITY The following species are the most like- Dahurian birch (Betula davurica) ly to be pest free under reasonably good Velvet ash (Fraxinus velutina) growing conditions: Golden-rain-tree (Koelreuteria panicu- lata) SHADE TREES Seedless green ash (Fraxinus pennsyl- RELATIVELY FREE vanica ) OF INSECT OR California black oak (Quercus kelloggii) DISEASE PESTS Japanese pagodatree (Sophora japó- American hornbeam (Carpinus caro- nica) liniana) Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) Katsuratree ( Cercidiphyllum japoni- Sawtooth oak (Quercus acutissima)

180 Cornelian-cherry (Cornus mas) SHADE TREES WITH UNUSUAL BARK Golden-rain-tree (Koelreuteria panicu- Name lata) Bark Characteristic Paperbark maple cinnamon- Scotch laburnum (Laburnum alpinum) ( Acer griseum ) brown, peels Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) off Hophornbeam ( virginiana) American hornbeam gray, "muscled" Amur corktree (Phellodendron amu- ( ) trunk rense) Chinese paper birch bright orange, Japanese pagodatree (Sophora japóni- (Betula albo-sinensis) peels off ca) longitudinally American yellowwood (Cladrastis lú- Red bark cherry brilliant (Prunus serrula) glossy red tea) Striped maple green and white Maidenhair tree-male (Ginkgo biloba) ( Acer pensylvanicum ) stripes Plant at least a few shade trees which Amur corktree (Phello- mature bark display unusual esthetic features, such dendron amurense) corky Russian-olive ( Elaeagnus brown, shreds as foliage and bark color, large flowers, angustifolia ) off and presence of attractive fruit. Literal- longitudinally ly hundreds of unique varieties or cul- tivars are available. Although your local nurseryman may not have a par- Before you make a final purchase of ticular tree in stock, he will be glad to a tree, seek professional advice. Nur- order it for you from another nursery. serymen, arborists, and landscape hor- ticulturists can offer valuable advice on selecting the tree most suited for a RECOMMENDED SHADE TREES WITH COLORED given location and purpose, when and THROUGH TWO OR MORE SEASONS how to plant, and how to prune the Name Foliage color newly planted tree. Also, they are fa- Russian-olive (Elaeagnus gray miliar with the growth rates of trees, angustifolia ) relative sizes and shapes at maturity, Silver linden ( Tilia tomentosa ) gray and the requirements for best growth. Purple- sycamore maple ( Acer purple pseudoplatanus *Purpureum' ) Now let's turn to the protection of Weeping purple beech ( Fagus purple existing trees. Contractor, spare that sylvatica *Purpureo-pendula' ) bulldozer! If you are lucky enough to FuUmoon maple ( Acer japonicum yellow have a naturally wooded setting for 'Aureum' ) your house, it will take extreme care to Golden oak ( Quercus robur yellow maintain it following construction. De- 'Concordia' ) tails on protecting shade trees during Japanese maple ( Acer palmatum red home construction can be found in 'Atropurpureum* ) USDA Home and Garden Bulletin No. Norway maple ( Acer platanoides red 'Crimson King') 104, Protecting Shade Trees During Home Construction, Many homeowners are aware of trees While you are enjoying the excite- which show a conspicuous autumn col- ment of the groundbreaking for your or. Some tiees, however, can be used new house and thinking about how you for their colored foliage throughout the will decorate it inside, heavy equipment spring and summer. may be causing irreversible damage to Remember that the bark of many your landscape outside. You may have trees can be quite conspicuous, espe- failed to realize that the sturdy-looking cially on trees in the winter. trees that attracted you to your lot The , cherries, and are have a very delicate relationship with all valued primarily because of their the soil and humus around them. Soil bark. An accompanying list names some and humus are essential for the uptake of the shade trees which show an inter- and retention of water and nutrients. esting bark. The compaction and scalping of soil

181 -100 o - 73 - 13 around trees by heavy equipment, and another tree may become flooded. It the placing of fill dirt near trees, results is important to realize that excavation in tree decline and often death. The some distance from your trees may in- effects of such treatment may not be fluence them through changes in drain- realized until 1 or 2 years after con- age patterns. struction when trees show early signs All of these possible difficulties need of decline and death. Removal of such to be anticipated in the early planning trees is distressing and costly. of your house. They should influence The functional root system of most the placement of your house on the lot trees is in the top 2 to 3 inches of soil. and your instructions to the contractor. The small feeder rootlets have a deli- Protection of newly planted trees is cate relationship with soil particles another matter. that allows the uptake of water and After you have selected and planted nutrients. new trees, you have the job of main- Compaction of soil around trees de- taining and protecting them. stroys air spaces between soil particles The most frequent cause of death to and deprives roots of essential oxygen. newly established shade trees is the Excavation destroys and wounds roots. lack of ample water. There is a critical Wounded roots provide entrance ways period following transplanting before for root rotting fungi which may pro- an adequate root system is established gressively destroy the root system after to maintain the plant. During this your house is built. period, ample water must be provided Cuts and fills on your lot may pro- to allow maximum efficiency for those foundly influence water movement and roots that are functional. moisture levels in the soil. A tree that The soil around each tree should be has enjoyed near optimum moisture saturated deeply but not flooded. The conditions for the past 100 years may number of times you water will depend suddenly be in a drought situation, or on rainfall and the soil conditions. For

Shade trees enhance an apartment house.

182 the first two months following planting Nitrogen- it may be necessary to water twice a )hosphorus- Amount week. Soil around the root system potassium per hole should be kept moist. A mulch around 10-10-10 1/2 cup the tree consisting of organic material 12-12-12 1/3 cup (coarse peat moss, bark, tan bark, ground corncobs, or peanut hulls) will Your plants may show various symp- help prevent water loss through toms of decline such as diebacks, wilt- evaporation. ing, yellowing, streaking, spotting, etc. Even after your plants are well estab- Many times the symptoms result from lished it will be necessary to water insect and disease attack or perhaps them during periods of drought. In arid adverse environmental conditions. regions, permanent irrigation systems Diagnosis of such problems and rec- are recommended. ommendations for their treatment gen- In newly established yards it is a erally require an expert. good practice to fertilize your plants Don't use chemical sprays until you every year until they are well estab- know you have the right compound and lished. Liquid premixed fertilizers are that you are applying it properly. Some available at garden centers. They are chemicals can cause severe injury to advantageous in that they are available your plants as well as to those of your immediately to the plant and no fer- neighbors. Always read the label on tilizer residue is left to burn the plant chemicals that you use to control dis- roots or grass. Follow the directions on eases and insects, and store these com- the label in applying these fertilizers. pounds in a safe place which is away Established trees should also be fer- from children. tilized at least once every three years. It is obvious that a beautiful land- The fertilizer should be applied to the scape does not just happen, but requires area around the tree that is shaded by careful planning and maintenance on the branches. Measure the area to be your part. As with all endeavors that fertilized and determine its size in require effort, there are rewards. Also, square feet. you are not left without friends who Nitrogen, in the form of ammonium can give you good advice. Among nitrate or urea, is the nutrient most these are your county agricultural agent, needed by trees. Nitrogen fertilizers city park superintendent or arborist, can be applied to the soil surface at State horticulturist or State experiment the rate of 6 pounds per 1,000 square station horticulturist, or local nursery- feet. A spreader commonly used to man. These people are more familiar apply lawn fertilizers can be used. Fer- with your local growing conditions and tilizers are most effective when applied can give more specific answers to your in the fall or spring. problems. Fertilizers containing phosphorus or potassium should not be used in surface For further reading: applications to trees. They should be applied only if a soil analysis shows it Landscape for Living, the 1972 Year- is necessary. If needed, application can book of Agriculture, Superintendent of be made in dry holes 12-15 inches deep Documents, Government Printing Office, made with a crowbar at 2-foot intervals Washington, D.C. 20402, $3.50. in parallel lines 2 feet apart in the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Pro- area shaded by the tree. The following tecting Shade Trees During Home Con- quantity of fertilizer should be placed struction, Home and Garden Bulletin 104, Washington, D.C. 20250, 1971. in each hole, depending on the pro- U.S. Agricultural Research Service. Shade portion of nitrogen to phosphorus to Trees For the Home, Agriculture Handbook potassium (for example, 10-10-10 or 425, Superintendent of Documents, Wash- 12-12-12): ington, D.C. 20402, 1972, 75 cents.