International Organization for Migration (IOM) 17 route des Morillons CH-1211 Geneva 19, Tel: +41 22 717 9111 • Fax: +41 22 798 6150 E-mail: [email protected] • Internet: The opinions expressed in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout the report do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IOM concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning its frontiers or boundaries.

IOM is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society. As an intergovernmental organization, IOM acts with its partners in the international community to: assist in meeting the operational challenges of migration; advance understanding of migration issues; encourage social and economic development through migration; and uphold the human dignity and well-being of migrants.

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© 2011 International Organization for Migration (IOM)


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François Gemenne Alexandre Magnan

December 2010


3 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 5 7 9 30 30 28 28 29 30 27 27 31 26 26 25 25 24 23 44 45 45 39 42 45 22 39 39 42 38 46 47 41 42 22 22 35 36 35 21 21 35 11 13 19 33 ...... 3.3.1 Definition of “environmental migration” “environmental of 3.3.1 Definition 3.1.1 Definitions 3.1.2 Vulnerable communities 3.1.2 Vulnerable . adapt? to 3.3.3 A failure . 2.2.3 Comments group of the focus 2.3.2 Results 2.1.2 Results of the focus group of the focus 2.1.2 Results . groups of the focus 2.2.2 Results . site of the profile and socio-economic 2.3.1 Geographical . site of the profile and socio-economic 2.1.1 Geographical . site of the profile and socio-economic 2.2.1 Geographical . 2.3.3 Comments . 2.1.3 Comments . changes environmental and 3.3 Migration 3.2 Vulnerability mapping and scenarios 3.2 Vulnerability . stake? at is what and adaptation: 3.1 Vulnerability 2.3 Tourism 2.4 Conclusion 2.1 Fisheries . cane 2.2 Sugar 1.6 Conclusion 2.3 Tranquebar . changes 1.5 Non-climate-related . des galets 2.1 Rivière 2.2 Petit sable 2.2 Petit 1.3 Temperature rise 1.3 Temperature . patterns 1.4 Rainfall 1.2 Field visits . groups 1.3 Focus . 1.1 Expert interviews 1.1 Cyclones rise. 1.2 Sea-level . and migration adaptation 3. Vulnerability, . environment on the dependent 2. An economy . evidence 2. Empirical 1. Methodology . Context in the Mauritian Nexus The Environment-Migration Introduction: 1. Environmental changes in Mauritius changes 1. Environmental Part I. General introduction I. General Part . of the context overview II. General Part ...... and migration changes III. Environmental Part Acronyms and abbreviations Acronyms List of tables and figures . and figures of tables List Executive summary. Executive . executif Resume Contents 2.4 South East Marine Park Area (SEMPA), ...... 47 2.4.1 Geographical and socio-economic profile of the site...... 47 2.4.2 Results of the focus group...... 48 2.4.3 Comments...... 50 2.5 Other sites of concern...... 50 2.5.1 Cité Lumière (Grand Baie area)...... 50 2.5.2 Mare Chicose...... 51 2.5.3 Agalega islands...... 52 2.5.4. Plaine Corail, Rodrigues...... 52 3. Interim conclusion: a mix of migration drivers...... 53 4. Interim policy recommendations...... 54

Part IV. A framework for pilot projects fostering adaptation to current and future environmental changes...... 57 Introduction...... 59 1. Methodological aspects...... 59 2. Short overview of the Mauritius context...... 60 3. Conditions for the implementation of pilot projects...... 61 3.1 Definition of a pilot project in the context of this study...... 61 3.2 A framework for pilot projects...... 62 3.2.1 Why is a framework needed?...... 62 3.2.2. The general background of the framework...... 62 3.2.3. Detailed features of the framework: Which guidelines?...... 63 3.3 Examples of potentially interesting pilot projects...... 66 3.3.1 A list of possible pilot projects...... 66 3.3.2 How pilot projects fit into the framework ...... 74 3.4 The way forward...... 76 3.4.1 Using “ good practices”: Some recommendations about replication...... 76 3.4.2 Next steps: Towards the implementation of pilot projects...... 79

Part V. General recommendations...... 33 Appendix...... 91 List of key people consulted...... 93 THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE

5 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report Africa Adaptation Programme Adaptation Africa Centre Research Albion Fisheries Unit and Extension Research Agricultural responsibility social Corporate product domestic Gross Facility Global Environment for Migration Organization International Change on Climate Panel Intergovernmental Alimentaire pour l’Autosuffisance Mouvement Maurice Ile Durable Institute Mauritius Oceanography Institute Research Industry Mauritius Sugar Foundation Mauritian Wildlife Foundation Empowerment National organization Non-governmental Area Marine Protected South East Authority Development Small and Medium Enterprises Programme Development Nations United Programme Environment Nations United Change on Climate Convention Framework Nations United AAP AFRC AREU CSR GDP GEF IOM IPCC MAA MID MOI MSIRI MWF NEF NGO SEMPA SMEDA UNDP UNEP UNFCCC Acronyms and abbreviations abbreviations and Acronyms


7 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report The “chain of impacts”: How climate change threatens activities and livelihoods activities threatens change climate How of impacts”: The “chain Mauritius, 1904–2009 over in annual (January–December) rainfall Trend Top nine natural in disasters Top Mauritiusfor the period 1900–2010, sortedby total number of people affected capacity and adaptive for vulnerability influence of factors Key sites study of Characteristics framework change climate to the adaptation the guidelines for of Synthesis pilot projects of potential A list fit with guidelines? projects do the pilot well How Figure 2: Figure Figure 1: Figure Table 1: Table 2: Table 3: Table 4: Table 5: Table 6: Table List of tables and figures and figures tables List of


9 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report and/or and/or it is “community not spirit”– characterized solidarity and strong by support among a majority a links of the of members of a community reduce its vulnerability; and/or it is environmental strongly dependent income; creating for and/or subsistence resources on and/or it is for marginalized in the territory (geographical isolation) its and/ororganization of thecountry (institutional in the isolation); and socio-economic and/or its living conditions because are of fragile a lack of of revenues, education, a lack a lack instance. means, for transportation of ii. iii. iv. v. On a local from scale, environmental changes people through already degradation the of suffer their means environmental by affected those of many livelihoods. of Yet, changes do not have the resources or land that would allow them activity. Some to relocate of those amongst their most the vulnerable feel neglected and abandoned to their fate. It is fundamental to understand that even though could play a environmental major trigger role in factors migration behaviours, these factors will be mediated by their impacts on economic activities. It is environmental the acknowledge to important dimension of internal migration associated with the search for new livelihoods. such From a perspective, national authorities and international cooperation agencies have a significant role to playthrough legislation, territorial planning, and projects. programmes and expected neither are changes Environmental funding to induce mass for migration out of the country nor to create cohorts of internal migrants. They could, however, result in physical or significant professional internal migration/ relocation over time associatedimpacts of environmental changes on some with the key economic sectors. Given that Mauritius is a small island and that it is people to possible commute for to their areas of work migration physical daily basis,voluntary on a is often a decision people do move, they to lastprefer of do so in the resort. Even if same geographical area. Physical migration is usually mobility. associated Internal migration is thus likely to with generational • • it is located in an exposed area, that is, it is it is, that area, exposed an in located is it or hazards, natural by threatened directly when its ecosystems and environmental features in general are degraded and/or stresses; to environmental sensitive i. Despite Despite its relatively highisland of elevation, Mauritius is the highly vulnerablethe to impacts of climate change. The of because risk, at particularly is whole zone coastal a combination of environmental disruptions (sea-level rise, cyclones, tsunamis). coastal Key economic activities could be erosion, affected and economic operators have only timidly started to adapt.relatively The similar inRodrigues where natural situation is and coast the to damage cause often hazards have strong economic impacts. Migration is already a major issue in Rodrigues. Though this migrationis currentlymostly driven by economic reasons, Mauritius, environmental in As situation. this threats exacerbate will has strategy change climate to adaptation no yet been implemented in Rodrigues. Finally, Agalega represents an area of exacerbated islands the of nature the to due vulnerability, (atolls). focused on coastal areas in Mauritius and Rodrigues. The project has vulnerable also local been communities,as focused the perceived on most threatened future by environmental current and changes. the investigations on local a Focusing scale, the two experts considered a local when: vulnerable community as Consequently, Consequently, the project has mainly been • • This document emphasizes the following points: key This report presents work the and analytical results study conducted of by in a 2010 two field experts on and adaptation environmental to climate migration change, within framework of the the project The Other Migrants: Environmental changes the Republic and of Mauritius Organization International the of carried office migrationMauritius out by the in (IOM). Migration for Executive summary Executive THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 10 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report • • the following options: considering propose we migration, possible future to regard With support. of terms These in prioritized be to need disruption. migrants potential environmental face to line assuming in first the scale, be would groups these a local that suggest on population we of solutions, groups vulnerable on efforts initial to focusing regard With changes. demographic these to respond to order in etc.) jobs, (housing, resources new provide and cities in Mauritius will need to adapt and increase will lands internal on pressure The Mauritius. to Agalega and Rodrigues from especially considerably, increase to inparticular, likely is migration, Inter-island time. over changes these of result a as increase societies to cope with future environmental future with cope to societies (preparing adaptation and greenhouse emissions) gases (reducing mitigation change: Therearetwodifferent ways fightclimateto iv. iii. ii. i. communities, so that they canand climate start change. local degradation environmental to they for adapting that projects identification so pilot communities, the relevant in of innovative existBe linkages obvious between thetwo. some though – even mitigation on than rather change climate to adaptation on primarily Focus in situisnotpossible. adaptation when or move, to willing are who populations and for policies integration relocation resettlement, Improve who are unwilling to move. Support adaptation in situ for populations • • • issues intheIndianOceanregion. more comprehensive understanding of these further for studies in the wayregion, which would allow for the a pave could study this that is hoped It migration. climate-induced and adaptation of topic the on cooperation regional for room however,ample is, There This study focused on the intranational level. relevant pilotprojects isprovided. relevant pilot projects. A first list of potentially some identify concretely to started has also Based on this general framework, the project of thisframework. would refinement and application further for allow region Ocean Indian the in studies climate to Further term). long the (in challenge change adaptation the with as well as environmental current degradation, in the short against and medium terms, fight the consistentwith are they that suremake and projects pilot on relevant reflection guide to order in framework general thisstudy a why proposes the reason is This actions. change pragmatic into climate translate to difficult remains to adaptation However, stay where they currently live. terms,long and short the to in allowpeople, aimto that actions pilot identify to sought has project this result, against a As change. fight climate the in communities local for issue key the is adaptation that consider we level, local the at emissions gas greenhouse for reducing be envisaged many also can actions though Consequently, to prevent livelihoods. sustainable promote and seeks migration forced and adaptation, with specifically deals report This degradation). THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 11 qui sont exposées, localisées dans menacées des c’est-à-dire zones par caractérisées directement des par dégradé aléas un ou par environnement naturels, des ; sensibles, etc. écosystèmes très manque un par caractérisent se qui et/ou laquelle », communautaire solidarité « de constitue unde réduction élément de ; communauté la vulnérabilité fondamental d’une et/ou qui est ressources très environnementales dépendante sa subsistance et/ou des pour pour ses ; économiques revenus et/ou qui est marginalisée d’un point de vue géographique, économique social ; et/ou et/ou dont les conditions de vie sont très fragiles du fait d’un manque de revenus, manque d’un de niveau santé, faible d’un de réseaux et de moyens de transport, etc. i. ii. iii. iv. v. environnementales vont avoir un effet sur les sur effet un avoir vont environnementales phénomènes migratoires, cet effet opérera essentiellement au travers de l’impactces de dégradationsenvironnementales les activités économiqueset de sur subsistance. moyens nouveaux de recherche la c’est Ainsi, bien migration, la à pousse qui subsistance de que celle-ci puisse être largement impulsée environnemental. d’ordre problèmes des par nationales autorités les contexte, tel un Dans internationale et les de agences coopération A une communautés échelle souffre locale, déjà liées une problèmes de aux dégradations partieenvironnementales, et des donc d’une dégradation de leurs moyens d’existence. Or, nombre d’entre disposent elles ni ne des ressources et économiques sociales, ni des moyens institutionnels techniques ou qui leurEt parmi certaines activités. délocaliser leurs permettraient de les plus vulnérables se sentent relativement sort. propre leur à abandonnées et négligées Le projet s’est également concentré sur les lesquelles vulnérables, locales communautés sont généralement dégradations les par menacées plus les parmi considérées comme environnementales présentes et A l’échelle futures. locale, les populations-cibles de celles : étant comme définies été ont l’étude Il faut être conscient que si les dégradations • • En dépit grande de et de ses sa est altitudes, l’île surface potentiellement Maurice changement très relativement climatique. L’ensemble vulnérable de du sa risque à particulièrement est côtière zone au côtière, (érosion multitudefait d’une d’aléas cyclones, tsunami, élévationmoyen de du la mer, leurs démultiplier pour combiner niveau se peuvent etc.), qui par effets ailleurs respectifs. Des activités économiques clés sont ainsi menacées, que la et très grande majorité ce des opérateurs d’autant économiques n’ont pas commencé à initier de démarche d’adaptation.bien La que différente situation, sous certains aspects, est équivalente à l’île Rodrigues, elles aussi soumise régulièrement à des catastrophes naturelles qui affectent économie lourdement et la son vie de phénomènes ses habitants. migratoires Des ont à déjà cours Rodrigues, pour des impulsés raisons économiques d’emplois essentiellement (manques sur place), fortement mais qui d’être par risquent amplifiés les (dégradation desressources et événements l’avenir à menaces catastrophiques). Et comme environnementales les démarches à engagées d’adaptation Maurice, aux changements quasi-inexistantes environnementaux à ce jour Enfin, à sont Rodrigues. les présentent probablement îles la plus situation préoccupante, coralliennes même si la elle concerne d’Agalega une populationtrès peu nombreuse (entre 300 et 400 personnes) au de regard celle de millions 1,3 (environ Rodrigues de et Maurice cumulées). de personnes de Maurice expliquent que les experts soient concentrés se sur les zones côtières de de Rodrigues. Maurice et Ces traits de la vulnérabilité de la République République la de vulnérabilité la de traits Ces • Les points suivants doivent être mis en évidence : évidence en mis être doivent suivants points Les Ce rapport présente les résultats de d’un terrain mené travail en 2010 par deux experts et en adaptation environnementales migrations en projet du cadre le dans climatique changement au and changes Environmental : Migrants Other The par porté Mauritius, of Republic the in migration le bureau de l’Organisation Internationale pour (OIM) à Maurice. les Migrations Resume executif Resume THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 12 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report • • sur différents piliers : ainsi repose étude cette de positionnement de cette de fond étude est d’agir en amont de la migration. Le L’objectif particulière. attention d’une priorité en besoin lors dès migrants environnementaux » et qu’elles ont « prochains les potentiellement seront qui au retenue communautés ces sont l’hypothèse ce que étant départ ; et àune locale échelle vulnérables plus de les groupes population les de sur choisi efforts avons les concentrer nous étude, cette Dans de démographiques. et changements à ces d’adaptation logements) stratégies nouvelles de (emplois, fois la ressources à besoin avoir vont souventdestinationde lieux les migrants, de vraisemblablement, s’accroître et les espaces urbains de Maurice, très s’intensifier. La pression sur les terres va ainsi vont Maurice, également, à Agalega et Rodrigues de inter-îles, notammentmigrations Les temps. d’activités à l’intérieur du pays, étalés dans le migratoires significatifs ou des relocalisations mouvements des induire certainement très très cohortes cependantvont migrants. Ils importantesde des ou génèrent pays, qu’ils du même frontières des hors venir massifs à migratoires mouvements des et à conduisent cours en environnementaux Il est peu vraisemblable que les changements diverses à échelles territoriales. projets, de et programmes de financement de termes en également mais du territoire, de planification termes de en et jouer législation à crucial rôle un ont iv. iii. ii. i. nionmnae atels t au et changement climatique ; actuelles des environnementales l’adaptation dégradations aux locales communautés projets- soutenant des être pilotes peuvent que ce de définition la de domaine le dans Innover émissions degaz àeffet deserre ; de le cadre plutôtl’atténuationde celui dans que des climatique, dans changement au l’adaptation efforts les Placer in situn’est paspossible. l’adaptation lorsque partir,souhaitent ou qui populations les pour d’intégration et relocalisation de processus les Améliorer ne souhaitent paspartir; qui populations les pour migration, la de amont en situ, in l’adaptation Privilégier • • • • • permettraient une compréhension plus compréhension globale desprocessus àl’œuvre. une qui région, permettraient la dans études d’autres à la voie ouvrir puisse étude cette que espérons Nous environnementales. migrations des et l’adaptation de domaine le dans soit régionale coopération se de possibilités nombreuses de l’étude que concentrée sur le bien niveau intranational, il existe Finalement, pertinents. projets-pilotes de liste première une établir à appliqué s’est caractérisation projet ce de cadrel’accompagnant, d’analyse grille ce la de de et innovant la base sur pourrait Enfin, dans affinée approche d’autres et territoires del’Océan Indien. répliquée être Cette utilement changement climatique. au l’adaptation de œuvre en environnementales que dans celui de la mise migrationsl’analyse des de domaine le tant dans innovante, approche d’une là s’agit Il les aider climatique (long terme). à changement au et s’adapter à termes) communautés moyen à retenus (court actuelles projets environnementales dégradations les les contre lutter à fois que la à bien contribuent garantir doit caractérisation, de grille d’une accompagné un cadre qui, projets-pilotes ces d’analysede général proposé avons nous pertinents, Peu de projets-pilotes l’identification à préalable mondiale. qu’en explique qui valable l’échelle ce existent, d’exemples constat à concrètes, aujourd’hui par actions à caractériser des difficile changement est climatique au l’adaptation Cependant, de rester làoùellesvivent actuellement. termes, long ou court à communautés, aux Les l’identification de projetspouvant permettre ce rapport. sur concentrées de donc sont se investigations des spécifiques regard au objectifs pertinentes étant comme retenues été n’ontd’atténuationpas elles local, niveau au matière en peuvent envisagées actions être nombreuses de si des dégradations. Ainsi, la vulnérabilité ces à locales de communautés réduction la aussi par mais subsistance, de moyens les sur environnementales pressions des réduction à cherchant la par fois la en à migrations forcées, des éviter ‘adaptation’, volet le sur Le travail mené dans ce rapport s’est focalisé les futurs). environnementales dégradations et (préparer naturels : aléas l’adaptation aux confronter se à et sociétés climatique serre) de à effet changement gaz de émissions (des l’atténuation lutter le pour effet contre en existent voies Deux PART I GENERAL INTRODUCTION

THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 15 change change is directly induced by the climate or not matters very little to the people affected. these For reasons, we have environmental decided changes at to large in consider the context of Mauritius. This report thusthe considers both impacts of types of climate environmental degradation, change projects, development and pollution overfishing, such and as other though these need to specific be approach. considered Specialattention with a is understanding paid to the way these changes interact with each other. environmental by affected most populations The changes are often those vulnerable. who Environmental are climate most the change in disruptionsparticular, are no longer just and environmental issues; economic, they induce consequences. developmental serious As a result some of families and these might lose changes, their livelihoods and Given 1). Figure (see disruption social major face societal that many impacts of climate change have now become unavoidable, adaptation becoming a is key aspect quickly climate of change, and the can fight be environmental applied against changes to as other well. Adaptation to climate change is about preparing changes for and future reacting to this current regard, migrationcan be the In same time viewed as a failure to adapt, a solution of last resort when everything else has failed, as well for those who in itself, as strategy an adaptation have anticipated the changes and have decided to leave. Thus the second goal of the report is to provide alternative solutions to those whose livelihoods are threatened by the climate impacts of change. Following of the vulnerable identification groups, develop the an report provide could that projects pilot of development innovative seeks framework to foralternative livelihoodsto the people by affected the changes, environmental as a way of adaptation. these of some delineate to starts also report The pilot projects. relevant Though “environmental migration”discussed is within often the range wide a by induced be can mobility change, framework of climate of environmental factors, from natural disasters to more gradual, slow-onset transformations. Some of these changes are directly related to climate change, others are not. in Furthermore, the current state of scientific research, impossible it is to attribute events single to environmental climate change, between interactions as complex of result the often these are most global warming environmental whether case, any In degradation. and other environmental Indeed, environmental changes as drivers migration have long been and ignored policymakers by alike. scholars suggests that research, A however, environmental growing body disruptions, of either brutal or progressive, play a (Jäger many of decision migration the in role key et al., 2009). played Though a major environmental role factors in settlement the as such some history, throughout flows major migration of Europe or the Dust Bowl United migration States, in these the were other overshadowed social, political by and economic migration drivers. The impacts of recently climate highlighted change the have major behaviours. migration on importance changes environmental of The first goal of this report environmental is assess to changes how of Mauritius. in the Republic behaviours influence migration Environmental Environmental migration. of drivers important changes as acknowledged are Recognizing this, IOM has long been increasingly in engaged working environmental with changes. The impacts of climate communities change, affected which are already felt in some parts of by the world, have led communitieseither to as migrate, a way to adapt to because they these have failed to impacts adapt in situ. or Most of the time, such field, the On level. intranational the at distances, migrations occur on short adaptation the support to working been has IOM strategies of these facilitating communities, migration either providing or livelihoods. by alternative At the internationalbeen recognition and working to push better for level, it has management of migration movements induced changes. environmental by Environmental changes, changes, Environmental vulnerability and migration THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 16 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report Note: coloured boxes for theimpactsandconsequences. the for applies same The societies. on effects and natural resources on consequences impacts, physical tendencies, climatic Figure 1:The“chain ofimpacts”:How climate change threatens activitiesandlivelihoods to enable Mauritius to become holistically a holistically become “sustainable island” is currently to being developed; Mauritius enable to La Nicolière, and and a wind farm in Midlands Bigara. A new vision in units hydro new residues, of use the optimize households, individual for system water solar a the initiatives alia, inter subsidize, to a fund of of up setting the One developed in the Mauritius. course of the MID initiative was in of greenhouse gases emissions mitigate to initially Durable Île Maurice the 2008, in Launched Republic. the for and vision new to implement a on formalize and strategies change climate builds efforts national project complements the Furthermore, relevant to theMauritian context. PartII. in be shown will as conditions, environmental on dependent highly are economy its of sectors key some that given case the change. especially is climate This of impacts the to vulnerable particularly is Mauritius states, island most Like project The othermigrants The use of different colours and lines for the arrows serves only to facilitate appraisal of the links existing between major project is thus highly thus is projectMigrants Other The bagasse bagasse (MID) initiative aimed initiative (MID) n cn field cane and t pae mns ohr complementary other vulnerability amongst the as such projects, international place finds project its the Furthermore, Mauritius. in Programme Adaptation (AAP), which aims Africa to foster adaptation strategies the of Mauritian cluster the of implementation the started also government Mauritian the recently, More demand for sustainable products. and service supply market increased public (v) and practices; sustainable (iv) recycling; and lifestyles; (iii) for integrated sustainable solid waste management communication and education (ii) construction; and building water, on sustainableenergy, and afocus (i) resources with efficiency includes: use with which plan 2008–2013 action for an programme national a devised Mauritius of Government Programme the (UNEP), Environment Nations United the of of elements support main the With the development. sustainable of one as out singled was and consumption” production of patterns unsustainable “changing 2002, in Johannesburg in World(WSSD) Development Sustainable on Summit the At environment. and employment notably pillars, several on focus will vision this THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 17 Fostering Fostering of sharing dialogue between and the and information- institutions different involved, andbetween ministries the regions and islands. different Awareness-raising Awareness-raising campaigns throughout and Mauritius, the highlighting Republic the importance environmental of of information degradation on behaviours, migration as environmental employment well opportunities on the islands; as the possible Capacity-building Capacity-building local and populations of pilot projects; implementation with training regard to the of Implementation ofprojects; two threeto pilot ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ environmental changes have neither changes have by environmental affected resources nor land to allow them their to activity. And relocate some of those amongst the most vulnerable feel neglected and abandoned to their fate. It is fundamental that to even understand though environmental factors could play a major direct trigger will beoften mediated these factors behaviours, role on migration their activities.impacts by Iton iseconomic also important to acknowledge the environmental dimension of internal with the migration search for associated context, national new authorities livelihoods. international and In cooperation this agencies have a significant to role planning, and territorial legislation, through play the development and funding of programmes and projects. Second phase, conducted by the IOM office in Mauritius: is entirely funded by the Collection and compilationand change information of climate of impacts the to related environmental degradation inpotentialinternal Mauritius, displacement cross- and border migrationflows, potential for adaptation well as to climatechange in the as the creation of activities; income-generating and businesses environmentally based of the impacts of environmental Assessment changes on groups/sites; of vulnerable identification migration behaviours,Identification and of some pilot could provide alternative projects activities for small that and medium enterprises. ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ On a local scale, people are already suffering from from suffering already are people scale, local a On degradation the through changes environmental of their means of livelihood. many Yet, of those It is important to note also includes that the this elaboration assessment of for better assessment framework a of possible pilot projects to adapt to environmental translating adaptationinto changes. pragmatic actions is Indeed, level. the local at challenge a key consultants: by conducted phase, First IOM office inIOM Headquarters Mauritius,in Geneva, as well supportedas IOM’s It Pretoria. for in Southern Africa Office Regional by the steps: different into down broken be can The Other Migrants assessment assessment of currently being conducted by the the Indian Ocean Indian Commission. Ocean region


THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 21 7,500 4,507 2,300 1,050 23,524 25,016 32,000 826,258 105,257 affected Total no. Total of people - 74 280 221 142 190 132 216 228 gust gust (km/h) Highest Highest about a dozen 1 22 25 Date 1975 1979 1982 1967 1991 1989 1972 1994 2002 December December 6 February 6 February 9 February 9 February 16 January 29 January 29 January 22 January 17 February 17 February

2 MauritiusMeteorological Services, 1 December Disaster Interview Interview with Mr Services, 20 July 2010. Meteorological Bebeejaun, Deputy Director, Mauritius Although Mauritius has known intense cyclones priorto 1967 such as Carol (February (February 1962) 1960), and Danielle (January Alix 1964), the (January numbers of available. not are 1960), affected persons Jenny Cyclone Gervaise Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Claudette Cyclone Florine Cyclone Gilberte Cyclone Bella Cyclone Cyclone Eugenie Cyclone Cyclone Dina Cyclone

1 2 Figures Figures from number the in trend increasing an reveal the services Mauritius Meteorological of intense cyclones, that is, cyclones with winds above 165 km/hr Services, 2009). (Mauritius Meteorological of predictions the with consistent are figures Such that evidence exists IPCC, which “clear that note Cyclones are a frequent occurrence in Mauritius. Mauritius. in occurrence frequent a are Cyclones Every year, Meteorological according Services, to the Mauritius Table 1: Top nine natural disasters in Mauritiusfor the period 1900–2010, sorted by total number people affected of 1.1 Cyclones cyclones cyclones pass through the Indian Ocean region, alert cyclone of days six to five about in resulting in Mauritius.Cyclones are, in disaster Mauritius.natural 1900 Between and far, by the major of number most the affected that disasters 2010, cyclones: people were Source: 2010. in Mauritius As is the case for most change poses island serious states, risks for climate Mauritius. In its the Intergovernmental report, assessment latest “small that notes (IPCC) Change Climate on Panel islands, whether located in the tropics or higher latitudes, which have characteristics make them especially vulnerable to the effects of change, climate sea-level rise, and (Mimura et extreme al., events” 2007). The both report commercial agriculture as notes well as tourism that will be adversely affected. As will shown be in the next section, these are two key sectors of the Mauritianeconomy. Thissection delineate how Mauritius is and to aims will be affected these how and change, climate of impacts the by impacts combine with disruptions. other environmental Even Even though the December 2004 tsunami not did lead to important damage in Mauritius, it produced a lastingeffect on theway Mauritians inhabitants, Many threats. environmental regard especially those living on the coast, expressed their fear of a tsunami, which is often mistaken an impact of global warming. for 1. Environmental changes changes Environmental 1. Finally, Finally, the third sectionattempts toreflect on the concepts of vulnerability in and the adaptation Mauritian context, the analysis laying of ground migration behaviours for projects. of pilot identification and the The second section examines Mauritian sectors of the economy they since changes, environmental to vulnerable that are highly dependent are particularly on farming cane sugar fishing, include sectors These climatic conditions. and tourism. This section aims to delineate the key impacts of impacts key the delineate to aims section This changes environmental other and change climate on Mauritianecosystems. This overview is the starting point of study, the asbehaviours migration both and economic depend on this analysis. regarding Uncertainties opportunities will the local impacts of climate change make this analysis more complex however. This difficulty is further compounded measurements. systematic by and/or data statistical the lack of some THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 22 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report has been amplified by the destruction of destruction the such protection, natural by other and mangroves amplified been has phenomenon This littoral. whole the on erosion coastal significant in result could rise Sea-level conducted intheseislands. is monitoring sea-level no that regrettable is It regard. this in Mauritius of Republic whole the in spot vulnerable most the certainly is Agalega, which affect first thus should change. rise climate Sea-level of impacts the to vulnerable particularly it makes Mauritius, of Republic the in islands other unlike atoll, coral of up made is archipelago the for that fact The Agalega. in made made been Rodrigues.have No monitoring, however, has yet been observations Similar century.the of end the should by cm exceed20 greatly Mauritius in rise sea-level case, any In temperature rise. of distribution the obviously, in differences and, changes in ocean circulation, tectonic conditions however, depends highly on other factors such as rise, sea-level Local 2007). (IPCC, century the of end the by cm 58 and cm between19 be should rise sea-level average mean global the though level, local the makeattoeasy not are rise level acceleration an of sea-level rise. Projections indicate for sea- to seem therefore measurements yr, on average (Church et al., 2004). More recent estimated mm/ an 1.5 by risen levelhad sea the century,last the of half second the Over 2009). Services, Meteorological (Mauritius mm/yr 3.5 been has rise sea-level mean the years, five last gauge tide a located with at Trou monitored Fanfaron near is Port Louis. Over level the sea The 1.2 Sea-level rise effects ofheavy gusts ofwindand . combined particularly the of because are cyclones, by affected regions Coastal 2007). al., et (Mimura 1970” since increased have globally 5 and categoriesstormsreaching4 of number the and freshwater availability. on agriculture impact lasting a with reservoirs, saltwater in result freshwater and contaminating soil intrusion, also the could rise Sea-level the infrastructure. by coastal of development aggravatedanarchic further is erosion Coastal that could obstacles obstruct theway to thesea. all removing at aimed is which result of the touristic transformation of beaches, direct the often is destruction This rocks. sea as are asfollows (Mimura et al.,2007): period, 1961–1990 the relative to Ocean, Indian forthe rise temperature of projections IPCC’s touristic activities. affect adversely and waves heat in result could which decade, last the over increased sharply In havetemperatures maximum summer addition, 2009). Services, Meteorological (Mauritius Agalega and Brandon St Rodrigues, in observed been has rise the similar A 1.1°C. over was period same increase observed the Plaisance, In 0.74˚C. by 1951–1960 for that than higher was The decade. 1998–2008 for per Vacoas is at 0.15˚C temperature average of stations rate all the at at rising temperature average decades. last The in the the over increase temperature scattered Republic of Mauritius have revealed a significant stations Meteorological 1.3 Temperature rise (see Figure 2). Mauritius over rainfall annual of amount the in over the last century been running shows a has significant decrease that series time long-term A 1.4 Rainfallpatterns ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ .5C o .7C rm 00 o 2069, to for theprevious projection. 2040 from according to 3.77°C a different model than one used to 1.05°C 0.84°C to 2.10°Cfrom 2040to 2069;or 0.51°C to 0.98°Cfrom 2010to 2039; THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 23 From From 2040 to 2069, changes in precipitation for the region are expected to be between between or cent, per +12.4 and cent per -6.9 -9.8 per cent to +14.7 per cent, according to et al., 2007). models (Mimura different ͳ ͳ 1.5 Non-climate-related changes 1.5 Non-climate-related The sugar cane industry is other a environmental major changes driver in of Mauritius.particular, In the use fertilizers of pesticides and can induce different environmental changes. In the case of floods, these fertilizers carried are and other cultures affect and can with the water spread into the sea. The case of of Petit the Sable, planters described in part of this. an example provides III, section 2, Landslides are landslides occur in times of heavyrainfall in the another result, a As Sable. Petit and Sable Grand of region concern. Regular crops are washed away at sea and houses resulted are have landslides Other damaged. heavily in population displacements Portin Louis. The risk of landslides could be further in aggravated cases where climate change translates into an Mauritius Meteorological Services. Mauritius Meteorological From From 2010 to 2039, changes in precipitation for the region are expected to be between and +6.0 per cent; -5.4 per cent ͳ ͳ The projections ofpatterns the in the IPCC Indianhighly about Ocean ambiguous, rainfall region remain however. contradictions This is due between models. Compared to to the 1961–1990 period, it different is not clear whether precipitations will increase climate or decrease: This trend in decreasing rainfall combines with an with combines rainfall decreasing in trend This increase in the number of heavy rainfall events. Heavy rainfall results in flash floods, whichare are Floods March. and February in common now now increasingly frequent and important as a of this trend. result Similar observations haveRodrigues, St Brandon and Agalega. Decreasing been maderainfall could lead to an increased frequency of for droughts. This trend is reinforced by a dry longer spell between winter now common and for summer rains to summer. start only in It November in start to used is they whereas January, in the 1960s and 1970s. Source: Source: Figure 2: Trend in annual (January–December) rainfall over Mauritius, 1904–2009 Mauritius, over rainfall (January–December) in annual Trend 2: Figure THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 24 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report Map 1:Landslidepotentiality index inMauritius Louis, inter alia,are at highriskoflandslides. Port and Sable Grand around areas appears some It that patterns. rainfall on as well as soil, the of composition geological and slope the on based index, potentiality landslide a shows map following The events. rainfall heavy in increase are encouraged to do so through incentives in incentives through so do to encouraged are they though sea, high the to out venture dare difficult to fish in the lagoon, and only few fishers increasingly become has However, it fish. small seasons largerand formeshes not as to fishnets so catch been fishing has shorter with fishing regulated, highly lagoon Also, problem. mitigate the greatly could which reserves, fishing protected marine and creation areas of the with The government has responded to this challenge marine ecosystems. to damage and overfishing to leading time, long a for unregulated of gone has consequence activity fishing this, a informal As economy. the the within of sector place taken always has activity this of part significant a and Mauritius, of Republic the throughout activity due to traditional a been always partly has Fishing activity. fishing intense decreased, significantly have Rodrigues and Mauritius both of lagoons the in Fish stocks in Rodrigues. especially threat fishers, for a major represents overfishing Finally, Source: Nigel andRughooputh,2009. a new framework. the change, needs fishing be to of activity whole climatereframed in by induced ecosystems in Rodrigues. With the prospect of especially major disruptions to marine example, for fishing, octopus with case the is involve This corals. to damage techniques fishing impact some amajor as corals, on has also Overfishing routes. migratory fish traditional disturb can which sea, Overfishing combines with a warmer and rougher order to alleviate fishing pressures in the lagoon. Different studies and projects should also information. Such projects available include: should of quality projects the improve and studies Different information related to sea-level rise. for as well as Agalega, and Rodrigues to related information for true especially is This variables. monitored and stations monitoring of number the increasing by improved be the population, could however, for provided information The Meteorological areServices alsowell equippedandefficient. Mauritius The Sustainable Development. and Environment of Ministry the by out thankscarried campaigns information public partly to impacts, these about well- informed is reasonably population Mauritian Ocean. The Indian whole the over change of climate impacts the from different radically be not that will Mauritius however,in change climate of assume, impacts the reasonably can One ashore Port Louis. gauge single a by monitored currently is it as rise, sea-level of monitoring incomplete isthe concern for Aspecific Services purposes. forecasting Meteorological Mauritius the to submitted and daily taken are observations that fact the despite Agalega, and Rodrigues in case the especially is This variables. climate crucial compounded by incomplete monitoring of some isfurther be difficulty This Mauritius. of will Republic likethe environments territory asmall in especially local affected, how precisely changes know to possible yet not environmentalis it scale, global a on predict climate Though can local change. models climate the of about impacts remains uncertainty Much 1.6 Conclusion ͳ ͳ the IndianOceanCommission; Indian by conducted the being currently region Ocean of assessment vulnerability a THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 25 A lot of fishersare unregistered 3 Albion Fisheries Research Centre (AFRC). Meeting of2010. 26 July

3 2.1 Fisheries Though there has been a gradual decrease fish production since in 1996 and it currently only product domestic gross of cent per 1.5 represents (GDP), fishing remains a significant There Rodrigues. in so activity more even and Mauritius, in fishing the in employed people 11,000 about are industry in Mauritius and 4,000 total the of cent Rodrigues per in 10 about – is this latter, the for population. drivers drivers from economic and social drivers (Black, 2001; Jonsson, 2010). The reason for this is that these drivers are deeply intertwined with each other; hence, environmental conditions should not be envisioned as separate from their socio- settings. economic This section attempts showto which key extent the economic to sectors of how and variables, environmental on dependent Mauritiusare of Mauritians. the livelihoods affect this can and work in the informal sector. Their number has been on the decline as a result of both the depletion of fishstocks activities and of local purse cessation the seiners. They represent of a social group that is particularly vulnerable and ageing. Climate change is likely to impact have on fisheries. a In particular, significant mortality the rate of juvenile fishcould increase dramatically if the sea surface temperature increases. Such an increase would also result in major changes in fish migratory routes, well as devastating as bleaching, coral a phenomenon that has already been observed in association with research, little the been has There 1998. El Niño in oscillation quantities the between linkages the on however, change. fish and climate of available Overfishing isalso a major concern, especially in the lagoon. In addition, someor fishing fishing areas techniques have been prohibited or discouraged. Marine parks have been created in Blue Bay and Balaclava, as well as six fishing reserves. A similar park, the South East Marine Protected Area (SEMPA), has been established in Rodrigues (see part leisure fishing III, is allowed in marine parks,which section 2.4). Only An economy dependent An economy on the environment the implementation of the AAP, administered administered AAP, the of implementation the by United Nations Programme Development and Environment of Ministry the and (UNDP) Sustainable Development. This programme component, reduction risk disaster a involves whereby areas inundation vulnerable resulting from sea-level rise and to be mapped. flash floods will flooding/

ͳ ͳ The non-disclosure of flood maps illustrates the importance of perceptions and representations of environmental changes in people’s migration behaviour. Though the importance changes of should actual not of be these denied, changes perceptions by utmost importance. It the is often population on theare basis perceived of changes of (instead of actual changes) 2003; (Castles, made decision is migration a that information public Hence, 2008). al., et Kniveton important. crucially is changes environmental on Numerous migrationhave often studies assumeda direct, causal relationshipbetween on environmental and changes the migration decision. However, such an environmental assumption isoverly deterministic, andneglects the importance of social representationsconstruction and of changes.depart from this deterministic This perspective and report pay special attention shall to the socialof perception environmental changes. This is one reasons why the of focus group method the has been in section 3. chosen, as will be detailed Furthermore, some important documents should documents important some Furthermore, be made available for the general public: flood maps, for example, have been realized in order to identify theregions which are mostat risk of flooding. These maps, however, have not been people that fear the public for to made available might choose to leave these areas, resulting in a drop in real estate prices. Such should information be made available to economic interests the should not public, prevail over the and of the population. and well-being safety The effectsmigration of behaviours will often be felt through environmental economic changes variables. Worldwide, environmental on of many, livelihoods to the crucial are conditions and this is especially When the assessing the case causes in of migration, Mauritius. often it is difficult disentangle to environmental 2. THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 26 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report which used to be standard practice in the in practice standard greatlybeen reducedin trend has be The lowlands. to crops, used of burning which the is cane sugar of environmental impact major Another 2.2. section III, of use part in show be will as fertilizers the herbicides, and on heavily relies also industry The to resilient be cyclones, andthey prevent soilerosion. to tend however, crops, cane were affected by a severe drought in 1999. Sugar 2000 (Mimura et al., 2007). In Mauritius, exports and 1998 between phenomenon Niña La the by severelywereaffected Fiji, in especially exports, environmental changes. For example, sugar cane Sugar cane crops also show some vulnerability to of source a supplementary income. only is cane sugar half, for other industry; the cane sugar the in time ofthem full half work Only 2009). (MSIRI, Mauritius in planters small 24,000 about currently are in2004. There 11 factories from down Mauritius, in factories sugar six were there 2008, In planters. small by harvested was area the of cent per 40 miller byabout whereas planters,corporate and planters harvested was area this of cent per 60 About 2004. in hectares 69,700 from down size, in hectares 62,040 was harvested area The under cane, down from 70,790 hectares in 2004. countrywerehectaresthe 65,440 of 2008, of As in 2008 – has been on the decline for a few years. extractionThe cent 2004. per in 9.98 tonsrate – in Mauritius was 572,316 tons, down cane from 572,000 sugar of production total the 2008, In actual its by economic weight. than island the of history the to more and importance value is probably its symbolic by justified however, significance, Its a Mauritius. of remains economy the cane in sector significant sugar GDP, country’s the to its importance in decline continuing a Despite 2.2 Sugarcane change jobs. 2.4. Furthermore, many of them are reluctant to livelihoods, as find will alternative be explained to in part III, section fishers for difficult fishing seems it new adopt However, lagoon. the to outside fish or techniques fishers encourage inorder to taken been have initiatives Different marine parks have been financially compensated. in fish to used who Fishers reserves. in allowed are lines fishing only whereas zoned, been have f h idsr, cnwegn is economic its significance. acknowledging industry, the has of EU the agreement, worked with the sugar industry towards the a reform the of Following industry. dismantling sugar for loss Mauritian income the EU significant market. a the in to resulted This access preferential benefit from longer no could Mauritius that meant ACP countries for quotas preferential in 2004 forbid to (WTO) Organization Trade World the by Thedecision and (ACP). of States Caribbean Group African, Pacific with Protocol the Sugar of part as implemented been have which measures, company sugar of up made indeed is and partners Union. Much of the EU’s aid budget to Mauritius trade with European the from subsidies and compensation agreements on The sugar cane industry is also highly dependent some in exist places. to continues it but campaigns, recentinformationyears,public tothanks partly 2.3 Tourism the beaches at the same time. An increase in increase seaand An time. the same the at beaches weather, the upon the affect contingent conditions highly These 2005). (Duvat, is conditions environmental tourism Beach coastline, whichisonly322kmlong. onthe and resorts hotels new of the construction imply undoubtedly would This 2015. by 2million – at – visitors the international double of number to aims government The resorts. and hotels 100 roughly in stayed who visitors, Mauritius welcomed about 900,000 international data, government official to according 2009, In their resort outside no venture is to there tourists why for reasonincentive key a be to appears this schemes; package-vacation all-inclusive on come tourists venture Many resorts. tourists beach of few outside only and virtually non-existent, is island the within Tourism on tourism. centred are they luxury beach tourism, with a minor focus on golf diversified: hardly are and however, activities, industry Touristic textile services. financial the to as well as sector, touristic the of development the to lot a owes economy diversified and middle-income a into Mauritius of transformation The 2007). 2005, (Magnan, years Mauritius’ 30 last of the driver over development key a been has Tourism THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 27 Vulnerability, adaptation adaptation Vulnerability, and migration

3. This section aimsto establish the basic notions and elements that will serve as vulnerability the basis for assessment. the delineate to seeks also section this objective, Building on to assess and Mauritius of vulnerabilities specific this adaptation. for future its options Section establish to 3.1 order in adaptation, and vulnerability addresses of understanding comprehensive and coherent a concepts the what the threat of climate change means at the of local level. This section will also seekto define the determinants of a vulnerable community. This constitutes a necessary first per se. the pilot projects on to moving before step Section 3.2 addressesthis report. some In limitations particular, comprehensive data and in maps, it has of not thebeen absencepossible of to include vulnerability mapping and scenarios. Such maps, however, are under currently preparation in thecourse project. of the AAP strong and obvious the shows 3.3 section Finally, linkages between migration and adaptation to climate change. It makes the case for migration to not be systematicallyconsidered as a failure of adaptation, as is often saidand written, but also as an anticipativestrategy. Consequently, andmigration could adaptation also go hand-in- other. each with odds at being than rather hand, Nevertheless, one needs to be aware that that fact the the by characterized is situation current climate change, though it is already occurring, has not yet unleashed its full effects on a local change climate of effects the though Thus, scale. have started to be felt and observed recently, it is difficult at this stage ramifications. This uncertainty about the to assess future future all impacts of climate change can also be regarded as it means communities that as an opportunity, can prepare themselves to address anticipated changes and that they have the timeto choose the options best suited to them. allow for forced This could migration to communities be avoided, can as prepare choice voluntary a make or displacement, forced orderin avoid to to relocate. The aim of this project shall be to either suggest alternative livelihoodsthat can avoid forced migration, orfoster migration on a strategy. basis as an adaptation voluntary , though , adaptation measures are urgently needed for these sectors. Though the fisheries grasped its sector environmental vulnerability and has seems initiated have to a number of policy responses have actions such as similar parks, marine of creation the been timid in the sectors of sugarcane farming and tourism. Both impacts and vulnerability environmental tend to downplay their Fisheries, Fisheries, sugar industry and tourism represent cent per three 5 about key represent sectors fisheries of and the Agriculture its Mauritian of cent per economy. 10 employ and GDP country’s the of represents sector tourism the whereas workforce, together, Combined GDP. the of Mauritius’ cent per 20 of about quarter a generate sectors three these they wealth. However, are all highly dependent on environmental conditions, through different major have also they time, same the At variables. impacts: environmental overfishing, damage to name to erosion, coastal and pollution reefs, coral few. a 2.4 Conclusion Perceptions of these environmental changes and changes environmental these of Perceptions threats, however, are not widespread amongst hoteliers. Adaptation,often when thought of only considered, inshort-term, the as an adjustment is to current practices,rather than as a fundamental reshuffling ofthe industry. Field this assessment. visits confirmed onic cycl activity andrainfall precipitation would have an adverse effect on the touristicsector. A hotter sea temperature could a resultalso proliferation in ofseaweed and jellyfishes and, more importantly, in the bleaching The of world-class diving corals. sites of Mauritiusare a key argument in the country’s touristicstrategy, which would be compromised could erosion beach least, not but if Last bleached. corals were also be significantly detrimentalto thetourism sector. Erosion is exacerbated demographic and by real estate important pressure on coast, as well the as by illegal works and undertaken by rocks sea of removal the as such hotels, some impact significant a has also Tourism mangroves. on coral reefs. Overall, the natural protections been of badly beaches by damaged human have activity; this damage climate change impacts: is mangroves have been conjunction in with removed and access paths to the high sea have made their way through coral reefs, others. amongst THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 28 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report choices, which will in turn influence the evolution good indicator of the effectiveness a of adaptation as seen of be can framework vulnerability change, climate the within and Consequently, changes. area to natural hazards and other environmental adaptation an of of vulnerability the reduce to strategiesaims implementation the future return, In envisioning responses. for pragmatic proposing allow and scenarios then will This level. local the at concepts two these between interplay the understanding in lies assessment vulnerability of essence very the because is this adaptation, with vulnerability links IPCC the If change istheoneproposed by theIPCC: to climate commonly of vulnerability most definition the accepted perspective, this From hinder thisresilience. that those and perturbation a to resilient be to between the characteristics that enable the area the strengths and weaknesses of an area, that is, between relationship the reflects vulnerability Schematically,change. climate of context the in occurs.factorsThese gradualor punctual canbe hazard a natural when is, that perturbation, a refers it to as the factors risk, that to constrain linked a intrinsically system is during Vulnerability and adaptation vulnerability between Interdependence appropriate framework for analysis. some common determinants that can provide an al., 2007; Magnan, 2010a). These concepts share ability to cope with these consequences (Parry et their also and regions, and societies on change analysing both the potential impact(s) of climate for pillars two are adaptation and Vulnerability 3.1.1 3.1 Vulnerability andadaptation: sensitivity, anditsadaptive capacity. a variationsystem which its to is exposed, magnitude, and rate of climate change and Vulnerability is a function of the character, including climate variability and extremes. change, climate of effects adverse with, a system is susceptible to, which or unable to cope to degree the is] [Vulnerability what isatstake? Definitions The sixfactors ofvulnerability are asfollows: Rodrigues. and Mauritius in work field for used been has which vulnerability, of causes general matrix allowing for a better understanding of the analytical an as rather but vulnerability, of grid assessment framework, an as seen be six-factor not should itself, by This 2009). (Magnan, major factors that can be taken into consideration and systemic point of view, we generatingcan emphasize six global a Adopting hazards. geographical natural to exposure territory’s processes the and vulnerability anthropogenic the developed was between intersection the idea at lies disaster a the that 1990s, early the In and adaptation. vulnerability both to common are factors Some capacity adaptive and vulnerability of determinants The and adaptation. vulnerability between motion in is set circle then vicious or virtuous A vulnerability. of 4. 3. 2. 1. sectors that could offset this activity. this offset could other economic that no are sectors key economic there its as affecting activity, crisis a to recover from a struggle will activity plays economic single a on also relying area an role: structuring diversification Economic of implementation the anticipativein strategies. and a situations crisis in to both decisive is which solidarity, of belonging relations community. Indirectly, it refers to individuals the degree characterizes between cohesion Social hazards. to systems coastal of resilience the reduces This Rodrigues. and Mauritius in threatened highly already are areas, mangrove as well as of existing reefs, Coral change. climate of face in the fragility nature potential their and the ecosystems vulnerability integrating of by supplements dimension physical this sensitivity Environmental island imposedmore constraints. of Rodriguesof relativethe and isolationthe of development the tourism. On the contrary, the slopping coasts for provided opportunities have example, the for Mauritius, and of island plains the in beaches of abundance relative Coastal support not development. may or may that framework Spatial configuration provides a geographical THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 29 X X X X capacity Adaptive Adaptive X X X X X X Vulnerability It is not cohesion, characterized that is, by relativelyits of strong majority a among links support strong and solidarity of social Petit in planters of community The members. Sable, for example, shows a strong level of its counterbalance can which cohesion, social highly exposed location. A similarstatement can be made for Rodrigues and Agalega. In Mauritius Island, socioculturalcommunities still play developing social key cohesion. a Social cohesion rolealso bears a maintaining in significant gender or dimension, which is important to take into account. It is located in an exposed exposed area. or An potentially area when is it exposed is either salinization, directly soil submersion, (coastal threatened hazards by natural heavy precipitation, etc.), ecosystems are degraded or and/or sensitive when to environmental stressors. One example in its Mauritius is the Petit region,Sable a where narrow plain is dominated steep by slopes. relatively This could also with be Port Louis, the which is case located in a large but lowland plain. The coast of Rodrigues is less exposed because of the extraordinary development of the lagoon, an important buffer which function. On the plays other hand, the clearing of increased the original vulnerability of the vegetation island to heavy precipitation episodes and associated landslides. Agalega Islands Finally, represent sea hazards. to of exposure case an extreme Influencing factors Influencing ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ Spatial configuration Spatial Environmental sensitivity Social cohesion Economic Economic diversification Governance patterns Governance Living conditions Table 2: Key factors of influence for vulnerability and vulnerability for influence of factors Key 2: Table capacity adaptive communities Vulnerable 3.1.2. to vulnerable as considered be can community A environmental degradation when the following met: are conditions (Magnan, (Magnan, 2010b). Table 2 in adaptation and vulnerability between linkages shows the strong format. a different The diversified appears clearly as a economy positive element in the reduction ofMauritius of vulnerability. This case is with Rodrigues, which not the lacks economic perspectives. mechanisms the to refer patterns Governance region a of areas different the which through (coastlines, hinterlands, urban areas, etc.) are linked to one another. This concept deeply is associated with regional coherence. The existence of governance, good as well a as society, of future shared vision for the is a central element here. In Mauritius, the MID project has been define an opportunity a shared vision to sustainability. of Its implementation needs to improved be order to really concur in with the reduction of vulnerability to natural hazards. A problem lies further in the of remoteness Rodrigues and Agalega, as well as the poor integration of their local of the whole the vulnerability increase could population. This situation country to natural hazards, as marginalized islands will the require support of the whole destructive a from recover to order in country event. Finally, living conditions reflect the general level of development and provide an overall This assessment. vulnerability for framework elements the using appreciated be may level of and transport to access health, demography, employment, housing, the type of energy sources used on a daily education, basis by households. However, in order to avoid the classic misconception that richer societiesare less vulnerable, factor the “living conditions” that remember we to need should not be considered as factor, the as primary the way on dependent highly and ambiguous it remains affects vulnerability to belongs Mauritius specificities. contextual the middle income countries group – major with years recent in made been has progress regard to improving the living conditions of its population, and these effortscontinued. Once again, must be key a challenge for adaptation policy at countrywide the level will also be the between reduction the of main inequalities island (Mauritius)the other islands (Rodrigues and A Agalega). and further could inequalities these of deepening pressures. migratory inter-island increase 5. 6. Furthermore, the last four factors of vulnerability vulnerability of factors four last the Furthermore, capacity adaptive society’s a explain 3–6) (factors THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 30 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 5 4 its of project. context Indian Ocean the the by in and Commission IV) part 2, section the of context the in Government the by both recently, launched been have of gap this study to fill initiatives However, completed. has exhaustive been yet Mauritius of Republic no the in moment, vulnerability the At 3.2

ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ occurring intherest ofthecountry. development from off cut communities feel 2010 with these thatindicate in July Agalegans,conversations with phone as well as Rodrigues, and des Galets visits Rivière Tranquebar, Chicose, Mare in field communities from collected Statements than mento environmental changes. vulnerable more be to tend often Women economic activities. greatlybe reduced through diversification of can communities these of vulnerability activity. The economic main one develop households often only or communities situation when This occurs for revenues. and/or subsistence creating its for resources environmental on dependent strongly is It socio-economic development. and not part of mainstream institutional and It feels geographically isolated in the territory to behigherinurbanthanrural areas. inland. Nevertheless, social inequalities tend than areas tourism and urban around better explainsThis why standardsliving tend to be competition. international to due weakened industry cane sugar the as 2005), (Magnan, areas has emerged over the last four decades developmentpolarization the This of south). recently, (west, more and, north-east, developed north-west, is tourism where areas narrow the in as well as cities, these around expanding. concentrated be to tend activities Economic on kept has Bornes Quatre of the capital, Port Louis, while the conurbation Within vulnerability.economic activity tends to be concentrated ofthe in much of example, for Island, Mauritius factors other Here we shall consider them as one amongst to be seen as the main drivers of vulnerability. oftend transportation elements these that here Note means. alack and education of are livelihoods lack a revenues, of lack and a of because fragile conditions living Its scenarios Vulnerability mapping and 5

4 Acclimate AAP (see AAP definition is also impeded by the conceptual by fuzziness that prevails. impeded is also definition legal a of development the situation: catch-22 a as be seen can This to address migration. environmental exists framework legal specific no the persons, displaced internally or refugees Unlike from the concept.of arises definition legal any difficulty of absence further a Finally, in thecase ofenvironmental migration. between distinction forced and voluntary migrants The is often a fine one 1996). Hugo, 1994; voluntary migration (Renaud et al., 2007; Suhrke, stress, however, authors environmentalthat factors induce also Many migration.” than rather movement refugee-like produce to tends that degradationenvironmental of “somethingnature the about is there whether wonders (1994) Suhrke refugees”. “environmental emphasized term the in assumption an displacements, – environmental that disruptions trigger only is forced – and often brutal assumption A common migration. voluntary and migration forced between Another confusion the in drivers, lies hindrance major migration. migration environmental defining of to obstacle sole the being from far however,is intermingling This thisissueofmulti-causality.clarify to attempts section following The migration? of drivers primary the whether are distinguish factors environmental to possible it Is change? environmental by principally and solely caused flow a migration is of extent what drivers To migration. other from factors environmental key obstacles is linked to ofthe the difficultyOne of isolating difficulties. many by hindered task, atricky is migration” “environmental Defining 3.3.1 3.3 Migrationandenvironmental (UNFCCC), Change Climate on Convention Framework Nations United the to ofMauritius Communication National next to the not of conclusions key the report this in decided include we scenarios, to regard With 6 yet officially available.

a b fud ee here: found be can Information on the Mauritius implication in the UNFCCC process changes migration” Definition of “environmental 6 as this report is not is report this as THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 31 3.3.3. A failure to adapt? A failure 3.3.3. The number of migrants environmental forced to changes move by will on the adaptation largely policiesthat depend developed are to cope with these impacts. can it dual: is adaptation and migration between The relationship represent both a failure to adapt and a genuine migrant. the by implemented strategy adaptation For a development of given adaptation strategies regions environmental in of origin the will be change, the only the way to scale limit the of migration flows. considered onlyresort, will be the last migration many In cases, if different adaptation strategies have The real failed. impact of of success the on depend environmental largely will populations change on these where cases In strategies. adaptation these fail, strategies adaptation will also be needed in the region of destination, which will faced with often be demographic changes in additionto changes. environmental But migration itself,a far failure of from adaptation, cases may representing be developed also as an adaptation strategy in certain in its own right. The decision then to be migrate deliberate will and to will reduce enable their vulnerability migrants to environmental changes, while easing demographic in pressure their region of origin. sometimes Migration, temporary which or is seasonal,enables especially families to diversify their income, and thereby constitutes a kind of insurance against a as migration understand To risk. environmental risk prevention and “climate reduction strategy, migration” must be seen not as a specific type In any case, there is it growing consensus is that impossible to relationship establish a between direct, environmental and causal migration. On change the contrary, environmental changes are separated. be cannot they which from structures embedded in Thus socio-economic it seems that should be envisioned as part of global migration environmental migration dynamics, rather than as a separate category of migration. report this in try not shall we why reason the is This a ofto establish category distinct environmental migrants in the Mauritian context, but to rather assess and understand how environmental changes, associated with other socio-economic behaviours. impact migration can changes, those triggered by gradual by induced sudden those also and disruption, environmental changes; those taking place within the borders of movements; international as well as a country, migration; as short-term as well long-term migration. and forced voluntary Environmental Environmental migrants are persons or groups of persons who, for sudden reasons or of progressive changes environment that in adversely the affect their lives or living conditions,are obliged to have to leave their habitual choose homes, to or do so, within either either move who and permanently, temporarily or or abroad. their territory ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ In order to account for the diversity of migration of migration the diversity for account to In order that can be induced in behaviours the Mauritian context, this is this report. the throughout definition we shall use The question ofcausality relates to the relative importance assigned to environmental factors among other drivers: the rooted former in socio-economic, cultural are and political deeply contexts, and are not easy to disentangle. Even drivers of environmental importance though the is widely acknowledged in remains literature, regarding debate the need to these drivers conceptualize as distinctfrom other migration drivers. Most Most authors stress migration the and multi-causality the(Black, 2001; Castles, 2002; 2008; Brown, Boano of intermingling et factors al., of 2007). Therefore, one can ask legitimately whether isolatingenvironmental drivers is possible, or makes much sense Lassailly-Jacob conceptually. (2006) whether environmental migrants make rightfully up an additional category of questions forced migrants, or are better understood withinexisting categories. conceptual 3.3.2. Multi-causality 3.3.2. This definitionencompasses various movements: typesmigration of In order to overcome these proposed difficulties, in IOM 2008 environmental a migration working that flows: migration definitionthese of complexity the capture attempted for to THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 32 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report and manage migration rather than to try and prevent itfrom to happening. than rather migration manage and facilitate to be therefore will challenge political stay. The to forced being often vulnerable more the with adaptation, can of form a affluent as migration use more the only resources: of lack migrants’ by by and compromised policies public remains inappropriate migration environmental of progressive type this of being, time the for However, case degradation. the effective in particularly be may strategies These processes that have always existed. migration the of version a as but migration, of PART III ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES A N D M I G R AT I O N

THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 35 1. Methodology 1. The fieldmission was conducted over a period of two weeks in July different 2010. components: expert interviews, It direct included three observation through Mauritius, in spent was time fieldthe of Much groups. visits, Rodrigues. visit to with a three-day and focus 1.1 Expert interviews Expert interviews were conducted with about 30 key informants in Mauritius, Rodrigues and conducted in the latter with interviews Agalega, phone. by from representatives included informants Expert well as ministries, and agencies governmental key as community organizers and representatives from internationalin Mauritius. Theorganizations fullAppendix. list Each interview was conducted provided is present face- to-face, with in the the frequent presence of an IOM Ms Preeta Heeralall, who collaborator, arranged for and facilitated the exceptionalcases, the interviewwas conducted interviews. In a than face-to-face. the phone rather over few been a factor in significant population migration within the islands. The release of land near the to by industries, in the coast their sugar strategy facilitated greatly also holdings, their consolidate the on houses of proliferation the accelerated and From residences. secondary them of many coast, then on, beaches would face a very important and ever-increasing demographic pressure. This pressure is a real threat for local Drainage systems ecosystems. remain inadequate in coastal areas. As a result of this, results heavy in rainfall serious often flooding in residential areas, most of which are built on land that is prone to in particular. flooding,wetlands More recently, the 2004 tsunami wake-up call. Though the damages acted sustained by as a not were really important, infrastructure coastal many coastal residents realized how vulnerable they were to sea-level rise, storm coastal surges and erosion. This has concern for hoteliers, been and some of a them have significant moved their bungalows farther away from the sea. As will be shown in subsequent sections of this report, in particular in part III, section 2.1, many coastal residents have been living in fear of another tsunami since then. Local Local micro-climates in Mauritiushave also Notwithstanding these occasional displacements, displacements, occasional these Notwithstanding environmental conditions, weather in particular, also patterns played a majordistribution of population on the island. role Before in the the tourism boom, the wealthy used to live on the central plateau and would go to the shore in the winter, because of the unpleasant on the plateau. temperatures cold Mauritius is also islanders, victims of onethe of cases home the famous most Chagossian of strategy. resettlement limited with displacement, of The deportation of Chagossiansstarted in 1967, development-induced in order to make way for the construction forced of a UK naval base on the island of Diego Garcia, in the . The Chagossians were displaced to Mauritius and the Seychelles. far, So the return of UK and the Mauritian the between dispute of matter Chagossians remains a governments. In 1925, many activities, economic such and meteorological as services governmental and other governmental administration functions, were relocated from Pamplemousse after the city was hit by an epidemic of yellow fever and some of residents ago, Port malaria. years A few Louis were displaced by a landslide hill. place on a nearby that took Climaticdisruptions have conditions long been drivers of migration in Mauritius, and and are intrinsically linked history. The to its Dutch environmental colonization,between 1638 and 1710, was marred by numerous cyclones, droughts and other environmental disruptions. The first Dutch settlement establishedwas were settlers the Soon 1638. by in Gooyer Cornelius faced with cyclones, droughts and bad harvests. They finally decidedto flee the island in 1658, ending the first Dutch attempt colonization. at The Dutch made a second attempt in 1664, but many with too up in 1710, faced gave eventually environmental disruptions and other hardships such related as cattle diseases, infestations and bad harvests. Introduction: The The Introduction: Environment-Migration in the Mauritian Nexus Context THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 36 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report rtra f cesblt, einl aac and the balance on regional relied accessibility, sites of of criteria choice The these environmental to changes. in reaction social attitudes and infrastructure habitats, of also but at play, changes environmental direct of for observation only not allowed they as study, the of component major another were visits Field 1.2 Fieldvisits The interviews were nottaped. length of the interview was about 30–45 minutes. averagethe and once only met wasinterviewee and Each project, (PIC). the Committee Implementation of the Project members actually of were them nature of some overall the of advance in aware made been had Interviewees Map 2:Location of study sites inMauritius

any vulnerability ranking. practicalities of the study, and does not presume the to related solely is latter the and former the utmost importance to of stress that is the distinction It between sites. these at conducted were groups focus no though important, equally as “secondaryas 3 sites”) have identifiedbeen also study.sites(referredother The and 2 Maps toin the for areas research priority the become thus focus groups conduct (see part III, section to 1.3). These sites have possible was it sites, four In direct observation ofsome key policymakers. asa beseen should but environmental Mauritius, in all changes cover to pretend not does sites of selection The diversity. environmental THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 37 was initiated in Partnership Partnership for Marine Protected Areas Tranquebar Tranquebar is a slum on the outskirts Louis, of Port inhabited primarily Rodrigues. by Located on a migrants hill, the slum from is often flooded andthreatened by mudslides.the Unlike two previous a sites, destination Tranquebar point is migrantsfor threatened both by environmental disruptions. and Ita place is inland. is located that also the only primary site South East Marine Protected Rodrigues Area (SEMPA), Republic the in park marine largest the is SEMPA of Mauritiusand the project first in Rodrigues. The in Mauritius andand up set was Rodrigues SEMPA project, this Within 2005. in 2009.gazetted The choice of this site, located in the south-east of Rodrigues, aims to address fish to forbidden are who fishers of concerns the in some parts of the lagoon area following the of the marine park. establishment In additionto these sites, other siteswere also chosen in order to expand the coverage of the study. The latter sites complement former the in that they either represent a issuedifferent or address an environmental issue considered in 7 Note Note that SEMPA is spread over 43 km2 – the red dot simply indicates the location where thestudy was conducted, in the office of the marine park.

7 Petit Sable Petit This site presents an interestingof non-climatic combination environmental changes and the south- the in Located warming. global of impacts east of the island and home to small planters, Petit Sable often faces landslides and flooding. Floodwaters oftencarry silt and pesticidesfrom the nearby sugar cane plantations, whichthey deposit on the fields. The soil is alsoexposed to sea. the nearby from saline conditions Rivière des Galets Rivière The site of Rivière of des Mauritius, Galets, was in chosenbecause the vulnerability to south sea-level of rise and storm its high surges. The village has been flooded numerous times in recent years, and beach erosion is particularly the building of a dike. visible, despite Sites Sites where focus groups have been conducted include: Map 3: Location of study sites in Rodrigues in study sites of Map 3: Location THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 38 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 700 miles north of Mauritius. The islands are islands The Mauritius. of north miles 700 lying islands, two of archipelago an is Agalega Agalega Islands in order to relocate residents inRose Belle. a of site is currently implementing a the resettlement scheme also government is The landfill. It government-managed Belle. Rose of north inland, located village small a is Chicose Mare Mare Chicose the landfor areal estate project. the residents in another area, in order to reclaim The government is currently planning to relocate flooding. to vulnerable highly it makes location Cité Lumière is a slum established on a swamp. Its Cité Lumière, Grand Baiearea These sites include: targeted through conducted interviews ofaffected residents. was Instead, study sites. these the in organized was group focus No area. different a in but sites, previous obtained from field visits. The lack ofusable lack The visits. field from obtained be could information qualitative only and sites, the of profiles socio-economic the of analysis quantitative a conduct to impossible been has it reason, same the For issues. confidentiality of because used be not could information this but register contains data broken down by addresses, did not match the limits of the sites. The electoral however, zones, these of delimitation The zone. administrative each in living people of number the were available data only The sites. affected to know the exact number of people living in the difficult it extremely made limitations Statistical Table 3:Characteristics of study sites sectors Key economic considered Resettlement protection environmental Measures of Pollution Cyclones Floods Location Island Fishing Possibly No No Yes Yes Coastal Mauritius Rivière Galets Farming No No Yes No Yes Coastal Mauritius Petit Sable jobs Low-skill Possibly No No Yes Yes Inland Mauritius Tranquebar Fishing No Yes No No No Coastal Rodrigues SEMPA 3 summarizes thesecharacteristics: on aiming to relocate residents to safer areas. Table measures schemes resettlement at as well protection as livelihoods, environmental of and Agalega. including Case studies also look at the impact country, the coastal of and inland areas, in Mauritius, Rodrigues regions diverse in cover a broad diversity of environmental changes Overall, the combination of different sites aims to on thelivelihoods ofthesandminers. measures protection environmental of impact soon be the at look to aims study case This will out. phased and erosion, coastal significant induced however, activity, sand The important activity. an mining of site the is Corail Plaine Plaine Corail, Rodrigues and droughts as cyclones are alsomajorconcerns. such Other issues rise. environmental sea-level to vulnerable especially small (24 km (24 small very are and inhabitants, 350 just by populated work. statistical data has been a major limitation of the react freely to each other’s opinions. Moderation interactive and participative, and participants can is group of the setting The topic. particular a to reactions and perceptions to ideas, are asked their 15) group discuss to 10 small (about a participants of where research, sociological focus group method is a technique of qualitative was essentially The groups. focus of use the through collected sites primary in Information 1.3 Focus groups jobs Low-skill Yes No No No Yes Inland Mauritius Lumière Cité 2 ) and low-lying, which make them make which low-lying, and ) Diverse Yes No Yes No No Inland Mauritius Chicose Mare (coconut) Farming No No No Yes Yes Coastal Agalega Agalega mining Sand No Yes Yes No No Coastal Rodrigues Plaine Corail THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 39 Geographical and socio- and Geographical of the site economic profile Rivière des galets des Rivière Empirical evidence research research has shown group dynamics the in importance the migration (Castles of decision and Miller, 2003); it was therefore particularly important allowed group focus The dynamics. collective assessto and perceptions the on data of collection the these beliefs of the community, and not individuals. just of

Focus groups were videotaped for the purpose of purpose the for videotaped were groups Focus nothing that told were Participants research. the they say would be used in the press. The focus groups were preceded always or followed up by a couple of personal, in-length interviews with of the community. some members Rivière des Galets is a coastal area located south located area is a coastal des Galets Rivière the on shown As Grenier. Chemin of village the of aerial photograph, the village is tend Waves road. located a by traversed is along and coast, the to be particularly high in the area, which is one surfing where Mauritius in places few very the of is possible. 2. 2.1 2.1.1 Statistical data on regionsthe study under could not be used, required as it would have a laborious manipulation of census surveys (not readily available to the public), impossible which therefore was It possible. not was would which surveys, quantitative conduct to a sampling exercise. required have Given the timeconstraints and the number of sites studied, focus groups were the only way to meet a significant number of people regions. the affected from The technique also allowed the participants to interact, rather than just respond set to of a questions. Therefore, allowedit for greater nuance and precision. It was also a way to test the of strength some beliefs and of some perceptions. the robustness emergence the for allow groups focus Finally, of a collective opinion, rather than just an addition of individual opinions.n Migratio ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ Aerial photograph of Rivière des Galets of Rivière Aerial photograph Credit: Google Earth. The choice of the focus group reasons: several for justified technique was is limited. The focus group discussions organized discussions organized group focus The limited. is for this study collaborator in charge of the were project, Ms Preeta attended by Heeralall, as well as the by a community organizer. IOM The latter was reassuringa participants, presence who were for the thus more inclined questions. to answers truthful provide to THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 40 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report © IOM,July2010,Francois Gemenne Protection wall and gabions inRivière desGalets © IOM,July2010,Francois Gemenne Gabions onthebeachofRivière desGalets THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 41 days days due to rough sea. to This be decline due primarily appears to alsofishers blamerough the overfishing, sea. Though fishers but some receive government compensation on the days they cannot go to sea, compensate it for is loss not of sufficient recent income. in declined greatly to has Overall, situation economic their years, and they do not expect it to get better in the future. are gabions and walls protection that judge Many inefficient against floods, and these people do not Most safe. feel of them settled in the region a long timeago, unaware of environmental its vulnerability. Though social development been has significant, it has been counterbalanced by the Environmental degradation has impacted degradation social of life: fear has spread through thethe village, to the environment. point that women are now afraid to wash their laundry in have the Tourists also river. deserted the area, and parties areno longer held on the beach. Overall, the sea used to be a space of socialization.resent Many has reclaimed what the nearby presence of one luxury participant resorts, pointing with out no longer “[they]free that to go are [to the beach] in our own country.” They complain that the government warns hotels and resorts in case of a tsunami or storm surge by placing phone calls, but not the bulletins. on radio rely who need to inhabitants, Most residents, the elderly unwilling in particular, to are leave government the should the however, so, do to ready area. They would be provide compensation. They also think that the government should forbid the construction of of new heard have They area. houses in the new being houses built that were by the government for relocation, but contacted directly they about it. have They that have never the heard houses were been too small. they In share any the case, opinion that should organize a public the meetingto inform government the residents and discuss resettlement options with them. In their view, each family should get its own house. The refugee centre for cyclones is also perceived as insufficient andill-adapted, as many point out that cyclones are different from tsunamis and that the refugee centre would be inefficient casein of a tsunami. They have not received any specifictraining for evacuation in case of a tsunami, but are entitledto financial aid. This aid, however, is something is which it, for difficultask to have inhabitants get,to and find unfair. they Results of the focus group Results of the focus Fishers Fishers experience a significant decline in fish stocks, as well as an increase in non-fishing Participantsare vulnerability of their village. They acknowledge very that this region is the most vulnerable consciousregion of Mauritius withregard to tsunamis of the and floods. This is due to the absence some by which is judged the river, as due to well of reef barrier, as as a factor of vulnerability and by others floods. against protection as a The perceptions ofenvironmental change are obviously dominated the inhabitants by Many fear. state that they often thinkabout about rising waters, especially at believe that floods night, happen most often at night. since they They force themselves nowhere have they that given afterwards, floods to forget about else the to go. A major differencebetween floods and tsunamis is related to the inhabitants can hear noise: the noise of though rising waters, tsunamis are judged and to surges be storm less has tsunami 2004 The inaudible. and predictable definitely sparked much fear and panic, which event. the after six years present remain All environmental 15 changes. Many have had their houses participants flooded on numerous note have occasions, that the and sea is coming closer. point experienced A seems turning to have been the which triggered 2004 panic in the tsunami, region. Since then, inhabitants have been afraid of a new tsunami, climate of impact an for mistake often they which change. 2.1.2 Historically, Historically, the south of the island has always been the part that was the least developed, and Rivière des Galets is no exception. Most of the inhabitants live in small and houses. fragile A one-level significantproportion fishers.them of The are demographic compositionmiddle- are inhabitants many that reveals village of the village. the in lives their of all spent having aged, school a and though, children 20 about are There in the village. is located Inhabitants Inhabitants years: few last the in degradation environmental have in particular, they point regular to floods noticed most (the significant occurred in 1987, 2001, 2004 and 2006), coastal erosion and a significant decline in fish stocks. THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 42 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report in Rivière desGalets. live to unable be personally would she that and tsunami hitting while she is teaching the children, another dreads she that stated area, the in live not does who schoolteacher, A unaffordable. it consider many as issue, major a be would land of price the relocation, of case In land. state is own they which land, their own not do Though they houses, their place. working their far too from not but coast, the along elsewhere or Grenier Chemin to go would they go, to where have any other choice. In case they could choose not do they believe and so, do to they resigned are leave, to unwilling are residents Though f h patr d nt w ter ad which land, their own not do planters the of become Most fishers. or driverstaxicarpenters, havemasons, and livelihoods forced their been change to have planters some environmentalconditions, of degradation the of Because businesses. family small in small organized are planters, area the of inhabitants the of Most onion of locus principal production inMauritius. the is small and 200 planters, about to home north inthe is It coast, Mahebourg. the of is located on Mauritius, of Sable south-east Petit of region The 2.2.1 2.2 Petit sable recession offlood waters. with indents the hinder which walls, case in made been have that the is as maladaptation, in result sometimes can information of lack This lack anticipatively.adapt to them allow not does this inhabitants and changes, the environmental about information Overall, evacuations. cyclone and tsunami to regard be provided, with especially could information safety better information better be should provided to the is residents. In any case, considered, process being a resettlement indeed If of relocation. conditions the this but about unavoidable, unsure is remain they relocation that fact the assimilated have Residents trauma. deeply significant have floods created and village the other of life social affected the and tsunami The the inhabitants. is its amongst Galets fear of des omnipresence Rivière of feature major A 2.1.3 Comments economic profile ofthesite Geographical andsocio- turn, has had dramatic consequences for the local environment: for consequences dramatic had has This,in often turn, cane. and sugar Planters onions both plantations. cultivate onion have often replaced plantations of cane sugar Because making floods, cultivate. the to March, impossible and land the February in season, especially are flooding severe the regions during flooded Coastal regularly induce for farming. difficulties conditions Environmental Louis. Port or Mahebourg in work to go not really to them allow does transportation as plantations, work in also Women and governmental scarce. are interventions difficult, is transportation Mauritius: within marginalized quite is region The area. the for income of source plantations only the are Crop government. the to belongs to continue to grow sugar cane. This hasalso resultedThis inincreased soilerosion. profitable it cane. sugar grow find to continue longer to no planters as use, agricultural other to converted or abandoned mountain on production areasthese of some haveslopes, gradually been cane sugar high the of and cost prices sugar in drop the to Due ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ lnes ed o etr ter plantations from scratch their afterwards. restart to need Planters washed away by are often heavy rains and flash floods. seeds onion addition, Unit In (AREU). Extension and Research Agricultural the and (MSIRI) Institute Research Sugar Industry Mauritius the both by challenged is and fish, and though the reality of this perception sea, the onions fertilizers kill onto these that feelplanters hill the down carried are plantations cane sugar from Fertilizers of planters. wipe out onion crops and damage the homes thatheavy rains often that mudslides induce some planters perceive that a result of this is solid soil cover except at the time of planting, provides cane Though land. the stabilize to used are which trees, replaced have Canes THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 43 Drains through onion fields, Petit Sable Petit onion fields, through Drains Gemenne © IOM, July 2010, Francois A possible solutionto these problemscould be the setting up grant, drains.the of ThanksMouvement pour Alimentairel’Autosuffisance (MAA)to hasgovernmental a beenable to install couplea of remain insufficient, and the MAA association has These drains. pleas made repeated however, drains, installed. drains more have to the government to Flood sign in the region of Petit Sable of Petit Flood sign in the region Gemenne © IOM, July 2010, Francois THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 44 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report © IOM,July2010,Francois Gemenne Damaged reproductive flowers temperatures have alsodamaged seedcrops. an increasingly scarce commodity, though they are crucial for production. Heavy precipitation and high cross-fertilization, to become seeds have Due recent considerably in decreased years and has yielding have also beendamaged by heavy rains andhotter temperatures. Finally, the local economy has been badly hit by the importation of hybrid seeds. Reproductive flowers l patr hv eprecd significant The years. experienced observed changes include: recent in have changes environmental planters All 2.2.2. Resultsofthefocus groups ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ the timingof rainy season; altered which rainfall, heavy in increase an birds eating seeds; the sea; to soil fertile carries which erosion, coastal rmrl te eut f atae ue and use saltwater saltwater intrusion; of is result contamination the such primarily that insists AREU crops by fertilizers,contamination though of the useofpesticides necessary; grasshoppers mosquitoes, and other insects, of which makes number the in increase an contamination of fertile soil by saltwater soil from thesea. fertile of contamination Very few have become fishers. Current planters Current fishers. become have fewVery instead. education or tourism, and hospitality old, and youths have chosen careers in masonry, planting activity. Most planters are over 40 years and young persons are not interested in pursuing Though planting is now a family business, children of purchase pesticides. the to related those especially – costs production in increase an from suffer also farmers income, their in decline a to addition In Hence, employees.all the work has to be done by the hirefamily. to resources the have not do very difficult; their income has declined, and they as situation economic their plantersdescribe All use to necessary now is pesticides. it and insects, by garlic and chillies. Many of the crops are attacked In addition to onions,planters also grow carrots, THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 45 Geographical and socio- and Geographical of the site economic profile

Economic hardships combine with environmental environmental with combine hardships Economic problems. These themselves are environmental associated with non-climatic climatic factors. problems Planters and sharesense of abandonment by certain a the government and would like to receive more help, include which funding could for more drains. It that planters is would abandon unlikely their job though; most of them are already quite and elderly, it is likely that their activity will not pursued be by role important an play rights Land children. their in their decision not to move; who except was for already one cultivating in higher grounds, elsewhere. to plant had no option all planters Tranquebar 2.3 2.3.1. Tranquebar is a slum located on a outskirts hill on of the Port Louis (see details). It is mostly Map inhabited by migrants from 4 for more Rodrigues, most of whom are below in work others unemployed, 30 are some While old. years low-skill jobs such as masonry. All residents are though poor, many would define themselves as richer than those in Rodrigues. 2.2.3. Comments 2.2.3. Credit: Google Maps. Map 4: Map of Tranquebar There is little outmigration from the region. Most Most region. the from outmigration little is There believe planters that their children will continue to live in the area, even though some of them urban areas. to move to intend All planters feel neglected by the government. that They are under their the impression community that the example an As them. in than is government fishers in interested is more of this, they mention thefact that they do not receive any governmental compensation on the They fishers. unlike work, cannot they when days also claim that the government should launch an initiative lower to the pricesand seeds. The AREU has initiatedof pesticides several tests for more resistant seeds, tolerant crop varieties, but including thetests have been drought- rather would they that say Planters inconclusive. receive financial rather than material aid from AREU. have have no intention of changing their and activity, have never thought of doing so. Some of them received their parcel of land from their parents; activity their abandoned have might they say they that believe They land. for pay to had had they if their land will be abandoned when they cease too and affordable not are Greenhouses activity. cyclones. to vulnerable THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 46 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report can badlydamage houses. which winds, heavy and by mudslides poor. very affected often are is conditions Tranquebar Housing to stay in Rodrigues though. Some of them would If they had been able to, all would have preferred work isoften irregular. their though even Rodrigues, in than Mauritius in work to easier is it that consider to tend They bank. the or post the via year, remittances the throughout them inRodrigues send and frequently, families quite their They visit inRodrigues. to than continue Mauritius in better migrants state the that their economic of situation is significantly most slum, a in living Despite to beableto afford aplaneticket toMauritius. order in months four to three about for money savefewtolast years. had the They in jobs their lost or changed had migrants the of Manydays. non-fishing for allocation government’s the of out phasing the as well as stocks fish in decline a from suffered who fishers were migrants the there if or,of Some ones. paid badly were jobs Rodrigues,these were, in jobs no were there Most of the migrants came to Mauritius because 2.3.2 Resultsofthefocus group © IOM,July2010,Francois Gemenne Houses inTranquebar no other choice eventually. They are, however,are, They eventually. choice haveother no will they feel but move, to unwilling are is scheduled for May 2011. Most of the residents its of resettlementThe government. the contact with All slum. the anyhowever, inhabitants,of absence relocatethe resent to a planning government of the is Louis, construction Port around planned road ring the of Because of climate the impacts change. about informed little differentalong bring diseases. Participants seem that mosquitoes by invaded is slum the rain, of case In through. go to ambulances for allow not does and practicable, hardly is road The slum. the in often electricity no which is There mudslides. wind, induce and rain the with notably The slum faces many environmental issues, most in Mauritius. crimes more are particular, there in – Mauritius are there that and Rodrigues in differences out cultural significant point They Rodrigues. in save many themselves for house a and build to order in money Rodrigues, to back go to like THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 47 east part of the island, between Anse Quitor and and Quitor Anse between island, the of part east Anse Bouteille. The park consultationswith fishers was operating in the area. established There are about 950 afterfishersconcerned with the extensive park, and they participate in its management. fishing in certain continue to allowed are Fishers zones of the been park, designed as while conservation been have zones other fishers that Given andfishing. to forbidden are areas have experiencing significant fishstock decline, the project aims to protect fish stocks and marine resources. The lagoon has sufferedfrom legal illegal overfishing.and Fishers, in turn, suffered have not only from declining fish stocks, butan alsoimportant cut in allocationsfor bad from weather. been have of consultations years than two More necessary to proposal their get upon is It area. their the of management involvement with the critical declared zones, certain that approval and by an ecological monitoring assessment, have been zoned. However, because of drastically resources this their seen zoning, have fishers some decrease, resulting in Some economican problem. livelihood alternatives should fostered in order to now support the success of be the marine park, with a view to helping fishers find lagoon the from fishers now, For revenues. other are also encouraged to venture out to the high fishing. sea for Also supported by the by supported Also

8 . Partnership for Marine Protected Areas in Marine Protected for Partnership Geographical and socio- Geographical of the site economic profile South East Marine Park Area Area South East Marine Park Rodrigues (SEMPA), , Rodrigues Marine Park is the largest marine largest the is Park Marine Rodrigues , 2 The framework is the The framework Mauritius and Rodrigues Mauritius and

Regional Regional Assembly of Rodrigues, the Rodrigues project wider a of part a is Area Protected Marine that also includes the Blue Bay marine and Balaclava parks (Mauritius Island).km Covering 43 8 The creation of SEMPA was set up and gazetted in gazetted and up set was SEMPA of creation The Environment Global the of project joint a as 2009, Facility (GEF) implemented by UNDP Mauritius. of Government and the 2.4.1. 2.4.1. 2.4 Many Many plan to return to Rodrigues and eventually, save money to build has a house. certainly Rodrigues attachment not and relationships their and migrants, been abandoned with by their the home island in Mauritius, and this marginalized feel Migrants remains very strong. marginalization is further compounded by the possibility of further resettlementresettlement of prospect This road. ring the with associated is met with anxiety of Tranquebar. residents and resignation by the Though economic factors and unemployment, in unemployment, and factors economic Though migrants of drivers key the be to seem particular, from Rodrigues to factors cannot be Mauritius, completely ruled out. Indeed, environmental a key reason for unemployment in has Rodrigues been the decline living of fish in stocks. a Despite slum asphalt road, migrants seem to with agree that their neither electricity living conditions nor are better in Mauritius than in Rodrigues. This also corresponds to an attempt of self-justification of oftenconceived migrationthe as an investment. process, In anycase, it underlines the importance of perceptions and process. in the migration representations 2.3.3. Comments 2.3.3. informed informed very little about the conditions resettlement. future possible of a park in the Republic of Mauritius. As indicated in indicated As Mauritius. of Republic the in park south- the in area lagoon the comprises it 5, Map THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 48 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report Map 5:ofSEMPA All fishers qualify their economic situation as about thought already have Many difficult. verysituation economic their qualify fishers All reefs. tocoral very damaging are octopus, tothe of fishing related those particular in techniques, fishing traditional some that acknowledge They washedaway of torrentialis times in atsea rain. reefs, and the pollution of the lagoon by soil that by some coral destructionof the fishers, sea, the rougher overfishing situation: this for different factors blame They sea. high the in also but lagoon, the in only not declined, also considerably have stocks Fish week. per day at one sail least to impossible now is sea they the that tsunami; state the since especially ever, than they rougher particular, now is sea the In that fact the out years.single recent in changes Fishers have all noticed important environmental 2.4.2. Source: SEMPA.

Results ofthefocus group that believe all islands are doomed to disappear because they Eventually, higher. even become believe situation is going the to get worse, will tides and They routes. which migratory personally seasons, fish the impacted have in change they a experienced and change, climate about heard have fishers Most ecosystems. for higher much destructive are and be, to are used they what than tides that acknowledge to agreement strong a is There opinion. same the met focus fishers groupthe contextshare of not outside did other the creation though park, marine with the satisfied of be to claim They saline production. in work and fishing stop to intend fishers the of Some saline. of creation possible the with seems lie to coast the on opportunity employment other only The regions. other in house a donot have they and regions, other in possibilities a option; therepossible are employment other no be to seem not does this but jobs, changing THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 49 migration to Mauritius and is that this cannot a risky be considered endeavour, a solution. Most see migration to Mauritiuschoice made as forced a by some, would avoid. They rather point out the a difficulty choice which they of bringing along one’s family, as numerous well as difficulties the facing All new immigrants. have family members who to have Mauritius, and migrated all agree that their mentality they seem to changed. Overall, has considerably have a rather negative perception of migration to Mauritius, which is associatedproblems, economic hardships, and a change of with social in people that think they enough, Oddly lifestyle. Mauritius are happier than those inRodrigues, and that employment opportunitiesare more numerous. However, they also think that they would be unhappy in Mauritius, because of the different culture, the lack and their of their families and the abandonment of proper housing, lands. t © IOM, July 2010, Francois Gemenne © IOM, July 2010, Francois SEMPA viewed from the road from viewed SEMPA Some have already given some thought about immigrating to Mauritius,attached to their land. but One fisherman declares remain many that it is his intention to migrate Mauritius, to a statement that sparks railing and scepticism amongst the others. They point out tha There There are many complaints government’s policy about to the revise new of financial aid the compensate to allocation for days of bad weather. Whereas aid was previously granted when winds were above 55 km/h, it is now only granted when winds are above 75 km/h. Not all registered be to needs one as aid, receive fishers it. to entitled be to order in government the with Fishers also complain that weather forecasting is made in Mauritius and sometimes does not take into account the specificities of Rodrigues climate. of the melting of ice sheets. There seemsto be this belief. about argument strong THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 50 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report noe t wih ay o o hv access have not do because ofrecently implemented rules. many which to income, additional essential an represents government the from aid financial stocks, fish in decline the the and conditions With environmental trend. of degradation the reversing of possibility anyreal without situation employment the their of degradation accept of them lack makes which the opportunities, clearly is concern A major situation. their to of regard with sense fatality a have to seem Rodrigues in Fishers and possibly resentmentenvy towards those who have mixes gone. which one, isa negative rather toMauritius migration of perception The 2.4.3. Comments © IOM,July2010, Francois Gemenne The Cité Lumière slumin Grand Baie and precarious housing. conditions dire very in live Families risks. health serious posing days, several for stagnant stays typically water The cm. 60 to up rise can that levels water with flooded, regularly is slum the a wetland, on location its of Because families. 19 by inhabited was it 2010, August of As area. wetland a on established slum a is Lumière Cité 2.5.1 2.5 Other sitesofconcern area) Cité Lumière (GrandBaie cannot afford the repayments. they claim they because move to unwilling are many expensive; too is that price a to amounts Families argue that the increase is too sharp and 13 years. next the for 2021, in to3,000 starting rupees increases amount this year, in first rupees the 800 only is instalment monthly the NEF to the families living in Cité Lumière; though the by offered contract standard is the of Below copy a slum. their of endure flooding rather constant would the and Sottise few to move first to unwilling are the families present, after At instalments. sharply rise for the instalments repayment as seems house them, to new unaffordable their own occupy to ultimately pay and to need would they price The them. upon complain imposed being is they scheme the that and resettlement, this about Families claim that they have not been consulted under way. well is already work Construction resettled. be would families the away,where kilometres few Empowerment National a Sottise, in houses building is (NEF) Foundation The for families. scheme these a resettlement process the implementing in of currently is government The in Cité Lumière for theresettlement scheme. Copy of the contract offered by NEF to families living THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 51 It appears that villagers welcome the decision of the government to relocate them, as well as the way the whole process has been a for long so took it handled, that regret they though even satisfied seem villagers The made. be to decision with the choice of compensation they willreceive adequate. Some Rose-Belle and findof them had considered moving but before, had the a of heard they as soon as decision their delayed ago. years scheme possible resettlement Overall, the resettlement Chicose appears process as a model to follow: principles all Mare of key recommended by the and the International World Finance Corporation (IFC) Bank have been respected, such as prior consultation adequate of provision the and residents the with and compensation, residents the seem perfectly satisfied with 2002). (IFC, being resettled to forward the schemeand are looking The Mare Chicose landfill site Chicose The Mare Gemenne © IOM, July 2010, Francois Following numerous complaints, the government government the complaints, numerous Following in village whole the resettle to decision the made provided be will Villagers Rose-Belle. of town the with land and a significant amount to build money of a new house. The will amount of match money the value of their which previous will house, be reclaimed The by the villagers government. have been the choice consulted of Rose-Belle regarding as their resettlement location. The Mare Chicose landfill site was inaugurated in inaugurated was site landfill Chicose Mare The the late 1990s, next to the small rural village of Mare Chicose. Immediately after the opening of the site, nearby residents started to experience major inconveniences such a proliferation as of flees, odours and other health problems. as infections well and fever, as skin 2.5.2. Mare Chicose Mare 2.5.2. THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 52 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report s rsl, osa eoin a bcm an become has erosion important issue,affecting coconut trees. coastal result, a As become much higher, and the sea much rougher. havewaves sea: the in changes major observed tsunami. Since the 2004 tsunami, residents have 2004 waves,the fearby liveanother in now of people the spared relatively was was Agalega Though point tsunami. turning major Another people have been afraid of cyclones since then. cent of the inhabitants leaving the archipelago,migration and towards Mauritius ensued,per 75 with completely, casualty.Island Massive one South causing the flooded cyclone cyclone The 1983. following in André happened exodus major A they are coral atolls. that fact the to due elevation, low very their all, is their small size (24 km (24 size small their is vulnerable climate particularly changeto islands the makes What oil. coconut of production the is activity economic main The inhabitants. about 350 to home is It located. are villages three where islands, two of comprised is archipelago the most is vulnerable to the impacts of climate that change. The Mauritius of Republic the of part the as appears Agalega of archipelago The interviewswith current residents. telephone on as well as residents, previous of testimonies on based thus is section reserved for medical emergencies. The following Agalega, and planes were either too expensive or and Mauritius between service boat regular no to possible not was conduct a field it study in reasons, Agalega. Indeed, material there was For 2.5.3. Agalega islands 2 2 in total) and, most of most and, total) in ee rise. level sea- by concerned increasingly feel Residents ebr, hp o so te sad o their to island children. the show or shop, members, family visit to either years), two every once or People staying. travel to regularly to Mauritius though (once a year alternative an be to seem not however,nowdoes Forthere youth. the for true especially is This leaving. of possibility the offer government the should would they that likely is it but Mauritius, to move to option the At the moment, people are not really considering the French television channelM6. on Bangladesh in satelliterise sea-level on documentary a of broadcast the through since Bangladesh, of people change the with situation their compare and television climate about lie oal s h st o sn mnn, an mining, sand activity of site economic the is Corail Plaine 2.5.4. PlaineCorail, Rodrigues 10 9 tides have changed. and month, per weeks two to up rough be now can sea The 2004. of tsunami the since rougher Miners have noticed that the sea has been much extensive damage itcauses to thelagoon. be phased out in the near future, because of the to doomed is activity their that aware very are it miners extract about 180 tons of sand a day, and Sand Cocos. aux Ile as and Crabes aux Ile of islets however, the on particular in erosion, coastal accelerates damage, major induces activity environmental The miners. 50 about

Sand mining has been banned in Mauritius since 2001, with 2001, since former sandminers getting financial compensation. Mauritius in banned been has mining Sand Based onaphoneconversation withAgalegans onJuly2010. 9 hy e mc o ter information their of much get They 10 ht rvds os to jobs provides that THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 53 Interim conclusion: a Interim conclusion: mix of migration drivers Many Many of those affected by changes environmental do not have the resources or land that would allow them activity. to relocate their Environmental Environmental changes economic already hardships suffering. Too cause and many environmental issues and not be need mitigated. to addressed are psychological If they cannot livelihood be options or mitigated, resettlement options alternative populations, affected to provided be to need over timethe and focus of gradually. this report Thisof on the alternative justifies provision sustainablecommunities. affected livelihoods for Despite Despite impacts the its to vulnerable greatly is Mauritius relatively of change. climate The is whole zone coastal high combination a of because risk, at particularly elevation, of environmental rise, disruptions cyclones, coastal (seal-level erosion, Key tsunamis). economic activities could affected, be and economic operators have only timidly adapt. to started ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ 3. 3. Migration does not either, primarily seem because of family and housing to avoid rather would they that state They reasons. an option be operation an as it consider would but migration, of last resort. They would only go to Mauritius when it is no longer possible to find a new job in Rodrigues, as they think that people are less in Mauritius. and poorer happy They They all know that they will soon need to be to look soon is mining sand as livelihood, new a for livelihood, new a choose could they If forbidden. they think they inland, less exposed to would environmental changes. prefer There are a no other possible livelihoods livelihood for the moment, except for the saline production that should open soon. Miners Miners describe their economic difficult, situationbecause as of both weather and the recurrent the cost bad of fuel They earn little and for they also have no means their to boats. save part of their earnings. They feel that they are given less consideration than fishers, help from any do they not that complain receive and the government, even for some basic items like jackets. life-saving Sand mining in Plaine Corail Gemenne © IOM, July 2010, Francois THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 54 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ h ms vleal fe ngetd and neglected feel abandoned to theirfate. vulnerable most amongst the those of Some government. the the from assistance and attention enjoy of level same populations vulnerable all Not dp t tee eorpi cags and provide new resources jobs, etc.). (housing, changes demographic these to need to adapt will inMauritius Cities to Mauritius. Agalega and Rodrigues from especially considerably, increase to likely is particular, in migration, Inter-island changes. these of migration is thus likely to increase environmental as a result of impacts sectors.economicInternal some on changes the migration/relocation to in linked internal result however, significant could, They people. displaced internally of cohorts create to nor country the of out people drivemassively to Environmental changes are neither expected their socio-economic profile. about known is little very Rodrigues, in than Island Mauritius on living Rodriguans more are there Though migration. inter-island on however,available information, is little Very o cnweg te environmental the with thesearch for new livelihoods. associated migration internal of acknowledge dimension to thereforeeconomic is It activities. important on impacts their by mediated be factorswill these behaviours, migration on role major a play could factors environmental Though be madewidelyavailable to thepopulation. should information this of and change, climate impacts local the about should undertaken be research More experience. actual as an than concept theoretical a as rather appears change Climate changes. these of impacts of climate change and the time frame people remain little informed about the likely information campaigns, despite and Overall, environmental risks. of variety wider a about population, the for is needed, as well as appropriate information preparation More cyclones. than other risks Mauritius is not really used to environmental developments. economic followed always has population country, the the across of distribution the as major changes to the population distribution environmental conditions. This could result in to linked are sectors economic key because primarily is This changes. environmental to could due the country reshuffling and changes major undergo in activities Economic This could bedonethrough thefollowing: environmental information better could be and provided to robust, the more populations. be need to projections and data Climate informed. of theimpacts climate change and therefore needs to be better about confused is population The Mauritius. of context the to scaled poorly and partial remains the change climate of on impacts information Services, Meteorological Mauritius the of dynamism the despite Overall, Environmental monitoring andinformation 4. ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ

recommendations Interim policy submission before the Adaptation Fund Adaptation Board. the before submission to Change Climate of Management Impacts the Address Zone Coastal Adapting the under considered being is events extreme other and surges storm for system warning ofa up However, setting the that rise. noted be should it sea-level monitor Better the population willbecome inadequate. warn to frame time the future, near the in the intensity of tropical If cyclones system.continues to rise warning cyclone the Revisit be acknowledged andaddressed. to needs brutal fact This environmentaldisruption. of fear permanent in live hinder people of greatly number could A significant strategies. adaptation as they to attitudes, regard attitudes proactive more into transformed or be should These with resigned changes. environmental attitude a adopt frightened islanders Many have been livinginfear ofanothertsunami. residents coastal many then, Since country. in point the in environmental risks of perception turning the a was tsunami environmental 2004 The to related protection. measures out because of phased are activities those forwhose needed be will policies Support would needto beharmonized. They standards. same the apply not do and disparate are schemes resettlement Current consulted. be systematically to need will Populations processes have already started in some areas. moved out for their own safety. Resettlement be to need will populations places, some In Adaptation Fund Board project entitled project Board Fund Adaptation for THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 55 - Existing andshould be future betterintegrated. Formigration instance, people whose policies livelihoods are affectedenvironmental changes ought by to take more Migrationflows between Rodrigues and Mauritius islands the should of better be planned and managed. people There from Rodrigues are living more in (about Mauritius 70,000) than in 30,000). Rodrigues (about Very hence, Island; Mauritius on living Rodriguans little there isis an urgent need to conduct a socio- known economic mapping about of social policies. this improve to order population in Harmonize schemes, using the Mare Chicose example as standard practice, so asto prevent social resettlement/relocation set be should guidelines of set A inequalities. prox the of importance the as such forward, sites. imity of resettlement Develop Develop a strategy that comprehensive enables and work. live currently they where people adaptation to remain Establishing Establishing programmes, adequate especially light for of the fact that empowerment the women, gender dimension of in vulnerability into is account. greatly insufficiently reduce Such the vulnerability of affected taken programmes communities. could Addressing Addressing and recognizing health impacts the of mental and/or environmental change degradation. High have been observed in Rivière des Galets, in levels fear of particular. Setting up ofsupportingwelfare a vulnerable groups fund affected board gradual and and sudden changes, environmental by of criteria. a set by as determined Organization ofsome with regard to tsunami evacuation.Though trainingthe sessions population is relativelyabout well-informed cyclone evacuation, tsunamissome have specific characteristics that need practices Best be sessions. training in addressed should be replicated, using a template that Galets. des Rivière in developed be first could ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ Better migration policies migration Better Inter-island migrationflows could managed. At better be the potential. full their unleashed yet not have flows moment, these migration The following could be undertaken in order to policies: migration improve Early consultations and organization of public of organization and consultations Early meetings of information Many aboutre-conversions. professional or options relocation communities feel poorly informed their about possibilities of relocation.also be useful It would to designate focal a community point communities. for Overall, focus should each be put on the empowerment of local communities, of the aiming at developing pragmatic and realistic affected approaches that changes. address environmental Systematicdata collection intranational of migration patterns through the census. This information could be supported produced by the Mauritius Statistical Office. maps by Rodriguans on put be should focus specific A living in Mauritius. Data collection should also aim capture to information on the inter-island processes. migration Improve Improve climate impacts particular, makeflood information. maps public. Overall, In informationregardingextreme events could be improved, both in terms of monitoring warning. and population Study the impacts of sectors. economic key different climate change on Improve Rodrigues. meteorological Possibly, forecasting station services could be a set up on the island. in meteorological These last three items are currently being under the considered AAP the of at level the Ministry of Environment and Development. Sustainable ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ Many Many of the most vulnerable populations feel that they do from not the government. receive This situation enough could through: improved be attention Addressing Addressing the populations concerns of the affected Very few quantitative data exist on intranational exist ondata intranational quantitative few Very migrationflows in Republicthe There of Mauritius. is a information real on migration, need to as it facilitate the improve greatly would design of statistical social policies aimed at migrant communities. Some include: improvement suggestions for Documenting migration Documenting THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 56 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report Implementing adaptation strategies ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ disruptions. environmentalof risk areatmost who those to livelihoods alternative providing at aimed be also remittances could example, for send, to mobilized diaspora Mauritian Members the . of and developed, Columbia exists between that further agreement the after be modelled could migration schemes labour International schemes. migration labour existing of advantage take s el s h mta saig f practical of experiences. sharing mutual the as well as region, the in nexus environment-migration with scale should better regional management and apprehension of the a cooperation fororderallowto countries,in neighbouring on engaged further be Finally, lo ae no con te yais of dynamics the internal account migration processes. into take also should policies planning Land-use planning. land-use in importantly most policy, public of areas different into mainstreamed be to needs Adaptation prioritized. be should situ to in adaptation movements, migration related forced be likely most migration will changes environmental intranational As Include populations affected by Integration affected as vulnerable groups, so that they NEF and the portfolio of the Ministry of Social populations the of agenda the in environmentalchanges Include ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ but they do not offer a comprehensive offer overview ofvulnerability not inMauritius. do they but settings, vulnerability different of examples are report that this in stressed studied communities be the should it regard, this In even the less visible vulnerable communities. include to order in vulnerability, of defining criteria the per as mapped and analysed Vulnerable populations should be thoroughly developed – this point is addressed in part IV. further be should example, for Ecotourism, beach on solely tourism and focus touristic activities not are diversified. does it and that so awareness revisited,be strategyalso tourismcould The education, changes networking. environmental of through impacts the manage to to capacity communities’ ways Enhance the of some strengthen communities. are pens poultry backyard and gardening Kitchen livelihood. climate change, and the associated means of their to vulnerable less them making of for objective cater the with sources, to multiple from skills food alternative basic the given finding be to of need Communities context livelihoods. sustainable the in communities vulnerable for autonomy security and food of importance the on Focus etc.) villages, integrated reintegration, (professional training, incentives from benefit can PART IV A FRAMEWORK FOR PILOT PROJECTS FOSTERING ADAPTATION TO CURRENT AND FUTURE ENVIRONMENTAL C H A N G E S

With a special focus on environmentally based businesses

THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 59

13 and 12 the communities they identify as being the vulnerable. most the challenges and the barriers to adaptation adaptation to barriers the and challenges the changes environmental future and current to of Mauritius); and in the context (in general their definition(s) climate change of strategy”, or at “adaptation an least what they to consider an “environmentally friendly action”; Dr. A. PhD Magnan’s (2002–2005) Dr. dealt with the links between Maldives, the and Mauritius in development and tourism coastal Indian the of part western the in tourism island of hotspots two Ocean. Furthermore, Dr Magnan has in conducted time long a for living been work has he and (2003–2006) Seychelles in the La Réunion. In particular, Dr. A. Magnan has conducted work on resilience and resilience on work conducted has Magnan A. Dr. particular, In anticipation mechanisms, well as as on ”maladaptations” the “‘maladaptation’” (2010), O’neill and Barnett to According issue. are actions taken ostensibly avoidto to or reduce climate change vulnerability that impacts adversely on, or increases the or social groups. sectors of other systems, vulnerability ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ

13 12 1. Methodological aspects Methodological 1. A key challenge only now, for – projects concrete into translation of adaptation isa its few examples actual of adaptation exist therefore was study this onof challenge key A scale. local a to move forward and fill in thisgap through the identification of some pilot projects that could be implemented in the local context. This is the general a build first to important is it why reason they sure and make pilot projects for framework are consistent with adaptation challenges. This study. of the innovation is a key framework A first draft of thisframework had been initially developed before conducting the field missions in October 2010. This firstdraft basedwas on the team’s experience with regard to both the implementation of adaptation strategies environmental environmental degradation and future climate impacts. It provides a relevant first list pilot potentially of experiences these of transferability of conditions projects, and and sectors. in other areas discusses the This initial phase of from the a work very wide benefited also literature review. was The consolidated draft during the Mauritius field mission and in Rodrigues, through and meetings. interviews These interviews and meetings provided a great opportunity to local discuss institutions and with stakeholders receive and about: their feedback the geographical context of the Indian Ocean.

11 ed in the previous section, seek to prevent forced migration; forced prevent seek to change; to climate on adaptation focus be innovativecommunities,in and order to enable adapt relevant to them to environmental degradation change; climate and local to be consistent with the MID new vision and and Sustainable on Programme on-going the for Mauritius. Production Consumption Though mitigation can also be should not be their prime focus. part of thepilot projects, it ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ

This sectionpresents innovativean framework for the development of such pilot projects. The projects pilot the that ensure to seeks framework are consistent with adaptation to both current There There are two ways to mitigation, which fight is about reducinggreenhouse climate change: gases emissions, and adaptation, which at aims preparing project this of goal key societiesA changes. environmental to dealis with to future prevent forced sustainable migration livelihoods; and promote the focused report on adaptation actions that can has already thus be implemented on a local scale. These options do not include actionsmitigation challenges,however important these that focus solely be. may challenges on 11 We We decided to focus our effortscommunities on These scale. vulnerable local a on communities will experience higher migratory pressure, and need to be made a priority in terms of support in order should: pilot projects Consequently, to avoid potential displacement. As discuss environmental changes are not massively expected drive to people nor out create cohorts of of internal the migrants. could, They however, country result in migration or significant relocation internal linked of to environmental the impacts changes on some economic sectors. Consequently, the pressure on internal lands is likely to increase and local communities will need to adapt and find newresources and of the climate as most Nevertheless, livelihoods. impacts have not yet types of environmental degradation are known, occurred and forced avoiding at aim should current policies adaptation migration. Introduction THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 60 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report their experience ofatoll contexts. on relies actions these of relevance the islands, Agalega, but since the experts could not visit the for identified been also have Actions synergies. necessary create subsequently and and Rodrigues, Mauritius in both implemented be could actions these of some that fact the emphasizes also It Mauritius. Republicareavailableof the in that options of diversity the demonstrate to is list this of goal key A 3.3. section in provided is developed in section 3.2. The list of pilot projects section 3.1, in as is provided it is a basis perspective for adaptation the framework an that is from action a relevant be should what of definition A based businesses”. “greenabout talkenvironmentallyto or decided “greenjobs”,about talking was of it instead and considered, been also have options economic economic of development. According project to this conception, non- community’s larger a in donot they create immediate economic benefits, though participate actions, We such that awareness. argue association environmental a local to of dedicated creation the be example could One revenues. economic immediately generating without changes environmental future and current to adapt community a help could however, projects, of Some the emergence activities. new to favour or communities local and vulnerable poor of activities existing an had that the consolidate to either component, actions economic on focused was the project project Initially, outputs. potential the and their feasibility including framework, projects, pilot this some identified on Building starting the the implementation of concrete actions. emphasized beforeapproach conceptual a such relevanceof also agencies cooperation international and institutions with Discussions 14 a short adaptation for to provide opportunities the of overview attempts section This inthe adaptation country. for strategies foster to pragmatic order in experiences trigger should be as 3.2 seen in section listed actions the All 2. archipelagos, as well asinTuvalu (Central Pacific). In the Maldives (Indian Ocean) and Kiribati (Central Pacific) coral Mauritius context overviewShort ofthe 14 adaptation action and to guarantee long- to guarantee and early action promote to adaptation Africa, across countries 21 of capacity adaptive the enhance UNDP. to is by goal Its administered and million) 92 (USD fossil fuels fossil on dependent less Mauritius render to one key is – goal of sustainability a model Mauritius make to is vision long-term The development. sustainable promote that initiatives and policies Île Durable (MID) project consists of a number of Française de Développement (AFD), the Agence the by supported and 2008 in Launched Maurice ÎleDurable here. are presented initiatives and major Some strategies options. change climate to adaptation also have enhancing for conditions the They addressing started model. growth low-carbon a towards shift the facilitate to aim that policies and strategies national supported and place in put organizationsinternational indeed have and Government context. Mauritius the in projects 15 The AAP is funded by the Government of Japan Programme (AAP) The Africa Adaptation model ofconsumption andproduction. sustainable more a towards economy Mauritian the of transition the facilitate to is programme this of goal key The 2008–2013. period the for Consumption and Production In (SCP) was launched MID programme. Sustainable on Programme National a the addition, the of leader of principal implementation the is Sustainable Development and Environment of Ministry The with national consultations in 2010. February and started process The model. economic development social sustainable a for mechanisms and principles guiding providetoclear aims that to develop initiated a National Policy for Maurice was Île Durable process a 2009, December In fluorescent lamps) andawareness campaigns. compact and heaters water solar (notablyprojects studies, schemes, of number a specifically created in June 2008 in order to fund rupees) Mauritian billion (1.3 Fund was MID The renewablesources.energyof use the increasing

Japan International Cooperation Agency.

by enhancing energy efficiency and efficiency energy enhancing by

Maurice 15

THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 61 when 17 in the context of this study in the context The adaptation perspective: prevent forced order In migrationmovements to and betterfor prepare voluntary migration, pilot projects should reduce the vulnerability of local communities to current environmental perturbations. Schematically, and future addressing current threats ability refers of communitiesto beresilient to the The local-scale dimension: study, pilot In projects the in communities local should vulnerable for designed primarily IOM be Rodrigues and Agalega. Mauritius, To To limit movements that could be induced by these potentialchanges. forced migration To To support vulnerable local communitiesto cope with current and future environmental degradation. a disruption occurs environmental or when degradation progressive starts causing tangible problems. On addressing the future threats other refers the hand, anticipation more ofevents thathave notyet to occurred. This means that a should pilot fit project into thecurrent environmental Resilience is Resilience usually defined asto the absorb ability ofsystem a and stresses external disturbances as a result of social, political 2000). (Adger, change and environmental ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ

Beyond Beyond this, it is definition important to have a environmentally clear whatof based adaptation call we to climate change”. pilot Such a project should “local-scale a project therefore elements: for incorporate three key- 17 3. Conditions for the Conditions for 3. of pilot implementation projects of a pilot project 3.1 Definition The main objectives of the pilot projects are as follows: development development of pilot communities’ vulnerability projects and that improve economic their reduce situation livelihoods. or Thus, synergies between should develop the guidelines CSR the and pilot framework project alternative be – fostered for example, CSR guidelines could pilot projects. into be incorporated that help people to The Other Migrants 16 : : at Available

By By gathering economic issues and and trying to CSR environmental make represents an them operational compatible, context for the better fit in with the official expected business standards. 16 Corporate social Corporate responsibility (CSR) is a concept developed by the Government in order of to Mauritius favour economic the connections between development preservation. and Under environmental 2 per pay “to of cent their companies have book the profit towards programmes that contribute framework, CSR to the social and environmental development of the CSR country.” encourages economic sectors and activities to on aware be social aspects of and collected the their impacts funds environment. are The used to programmes, support agencies national and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) dedicated to social environmental and issues. beyond goes that one is CSR in highly performing Finally, “a compliance with the to legal framework actively company pursue positive impacts localon communities and its environmental footprint.” The NEF has established CSR guidelines CSR (Corporate social responsibility) Complementing theAAP, project aims to go one further step by designing and implementing pilot projects enable vulnerable that communities would to climate change. deal It with is thus in line AAP objectives with of identifying the bestpractices and key experiences for the implementation of climate- sectors. policies in key resilient term term investments to climate increase change across resilience the It African to will notably: continent. (i) enhance dynamic change climate long-term manage to mechanisms planning uncertainties; (ii) build leadership develop and institutional frameworks change risks to manage and opportunities; (iii) climate implement priority in measures and policies climate-resilient sectors; (iv) financeoptions meet to adaptation national costs; and (v) mainstream change climate risks and opportunities processes. development into national THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 62 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report location and/or to another community, or project should favour: community, to another shifting it to longer term. This means that a pilot and/or location another to vulnerability moving without is, that effects, collateral having without vulnerability current reduce should project pilot relevant A in alocal context. the assessed be projectonly canrelevancepilot a of that implies This 3.1). the section II, part of (see vulnerability majority of the components least key community’s at addresses only it and if if community local a for relevant as key features suggests that a three pilot project would be considered these of combination The ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ both resilience and long-term anticipation. between they are uncertain). Adaptation thus requires a compromise if (even ones future and challenges current finding means change climate to Adapting it. worsen even could and frame, time longer a on problem lead to maladaptations could that will not solve goal) the resilience the (here dimension Solutions that solely consider the short-term open. adjustment for options conditions, some the keeping of current considering evolution also potential but risks and cyclone landslide account into taking context, ones. economic as valuable as and important as considered then arefeaturesenvironmental because sustainable solutions, most the find to communities with allow also environment the linkages Strong disruptions. prevent preserve and means both economic and subsistence their environment their care that about communities this, to communities. According healthy favour ecosystems “ecosystem-based with international adaptation” and deals relies the on the idea that that in healthy arena thought of current environmental with changes. This hypothesis fits within deal a general to able be will it is to its neighbouring environment, the better the hypothesis is that the closer a community Here,environmentallyphilosophy: An based ecosystems sensitivity); and configuration spatial of terms in (both environmental features of consolidation the h cnoiain r eulig ofsocial cohesion (solidaritybetween rebuilding individuals); or consolidation the the diversification of livelihoods and/ current changing practices and/or introducing new ones); of livelihoods (by model economic or diversification the to supportandfund. projects which identify to agencies cooperation international and authorities for (ii) and actions, both guidelines (i) and for communities providing and local NGOs adaptive to by design communities building resilient in importance of major be to appears therefore framework a Such relevant for adaptation.are most that projects the identify to order in framework could also be used by donor agencies contextthe in purpose primary study,this of the avoids its and not is it though Furthermore, maladaptation. adaptation a for that relevant is sure project makes framework The ofpilot projects. identification the to general prior a framework develop to important whyit deemed the reason was the is This Thus other replicate is limited. to scale. initiatives project local this for a possibility on implemented projects adaptation of lack a currently is There 3.2.1 Why isaframework needed? 3.2 A framework for pilot implementation), the framework should framework of their prioritize actionsthat are: the in terms feasible implementation), are that (supporting actions objectives general its of terms In the on following elements: relies framework to The adaptation change. enhancing climate for goal crucial a is and environment direct their and communities local approach links between the consolidating a comprehensive that affirming Adopting vulnerability. community’sthe keywith of componentsline in be imperatively should project the that means “Feasibility” feasible. and realistic be to needs As a major prerequisite, a pilot project necessarily 3.2.2. The general background of ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ h porsie mrvmn o living of improvement conditions. progressive the into to climate change (AAP, MID, etc.); community the regional and national of dynamics of adaptation integration the projects the framework THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 63

18 Pilot projects should be consistent with the nature and the As ecosystems. we previously mentioned, dynamics of local ecosystems provide numerous kinds productive water, fresh of services(supply of soil conservation, resistance to invasive pests, plants pollination, fishreproduction, resources moderation erosion, prerequisite a constitutes coastal them of Preserving micro-climate for reducing regulation). current this vulnerability, and goal emphasizes of the preserving importance conditions. current ironmental env Existing skills are indeed consistent with the local context of a community and its history, environment and cultural values. of capabilities current the reflect also They people from this community and thus the out. carry able to are they kind of projects This does not mean that new skills could not be developed but rather within that the action should the appear project, feasible to the community. Yet, in most situations, thisfeeling of feasibility always capabilities. on acknowledged relies On the one hand, the project should not be not should project the hand, one the On features cultural basic with contradiction in and should respect cultural traditions,for habits. eating to regard with example, On the other hand, weaken it should the also not for example, by community, forcing young social structure separated be and far very move to workers of the and their families. the village from This is, for example, the case in Maldives. the tourism industry in the

18 Pilot projects communities’ capabilities should and should be based also and skills. knowledge on existing correspond to (1.3) (1.4) Here again, one major underlying conditionfor the success of a pilot project is its capacity for appropriation. Ideally, the community of the project. ownership take should dimension (2) The environmental (2.1) ture ture struc of its the living community, conditions and its cultural references, to cite a few, could goal. its initial overlook likely indeed very (1.1) (1.2) the framework: Which the framework: guidelines? Appropriable: Appropriable: The action (i) shouldline with be in the of social vulnerable and local cultural should communitiesbe based on individual and collective values and (ii) current knowledge and skills. The aim is for and develop to communities local vulnerable manage the pilot project according to their of it; ownership gain needs so as to Appropriate: The action should notor move reinforce existing vulnerabilities, neither in space (from one community to another and/or from one ecosystem nor sector to (from another) one economic another) nor sector time (from present to to near or far future). Pilot projects should not result in maladaptations (which solutions). adaptation of long-term instead are short-term Adjustable: Ideally, the of one experimentation specific reproduce to (i) project communities local vulnerable should encourage it elsewhere and/or (ii) experiences. based on previous projects to develop new ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ Pilot projects should be in line with the features social and the cultural values of people from vulnerable local communities. An the account action into social that does nottake exogenous (1) The sociocultural dimension (1) The sociocultural These guidelines can main be categories divided dealing environmental, into with four economic sociocultural, aspects. administrative and institutional/ Guideline description The aim of the sectionfollowing isto an provide overview of the main guidelines that constitute the framework (see Table overview). These 4 guidelines should for be seen a as formal synthetic elements in order to help identify what is a relevant “local-scale environmentally based pilot project for adaptation to climate change” (though this makes for a the long expression, words all are important the in relevance of order the action). to According to this define framework, a pilot project could be judged as relevant in terms of adaptation if and only if it addresses at least a majority of the guidelines. following 3.2.3. Detailed features of features Detailed 3.2.3. THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 64 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report (2.5) (2.4) (2.3) (2.2) ial, n mr eeet hud be should goal should adaptation the element emphasized: more one Finally, potential consequences ofsalinization. the as well as groundwater, on pressure the for the reduces water. This tanks rain of collection water providing with of households consists vulnerability to reduce this way one salinization; of case in vulnerability of source a represent can groundwater on dependence Another too-heavy A shore. supply. freshwater the concerns example from agricultural or back houses fields the moving by avoided be can that dangers entails sea activities on areas that are too close to the new houses or developing new agricultural building example, For dimension. risk the integrating taken, be already can options regret” “no Some studies. scientific more for wait and nothing do to excuse an be not should impacts these of magnitude and groundwater, etc.). The relative gap in knowledge soils on the of salinization of low-lying coastal areas, marine erosion, (submersion known is risks the of nature of climate change on a local scale, the global uncertainties regarding the future impacts are many there though Even conditions. environmental accounton threats change climate into take should projects Pilot seen asadaptation actions. be can replanting coral or mangrove and zones, buffer extraordinary coral also are reefs and impacts areas change Mangrove climate (long-term). to and (short- term) hazards natural current to vulnerability both reduce help vegetation greatly with adapted could least dunes at of or original replanting that the actions favour case, this In zones. inland sheltered previously submerge then can sea the as surges, storm of consequences the exacerbates area) agricultural new a for creating for or (e.g. houses, or hotels dunes building coastal example, of For levelling the threats. change climate regarding ecosystems current natural the hazards and, consequently, of function Pilot projects should favour the protection and communities. areas neighbouring of ecosystems the on means pressure transfer not should they This of dynamics ecosystems. the neighbouring and nature the consistent with be also should projects Pilot the project isto create jobs. of objectives the of one when notablyfeatures, to market according opportunities businesses account into take should they viable. that means economically This be should projects Pilot (3) Theeconomic dimension to thefoundations ofthe targeted framework. projectsarethatrelevant funding/developing of local entrepreneurs are aware of the importance both national and international funders as well that as abovethe crucial really is put It goal. reduction be pollution should goal diversification crop the but emphasized, be course of should mitigation and adaptation between Synergies also could diversification include the development of renewable energies. crop with dealing aspect mitigation project a example, Forpriority. a this be not should but emissions, gases greenhouse reduce to tries also project the that possibility the exclude not does It project. pilot the of goal main the be thus should Adaptation 19 (3.1)

obviously, paying particular attention to poor communities topoor constitutes a no-regret strategy. attention particular economic paying the but, vulnerability,obviously, 3.1), of determinant section main the I, not is part dimension (see said previously As be clearlylinked to migration issues. unavoidable). This is why adaptation could already indeed are impacts the of (some to change resilient climate effects of unavoidable the be communities limiting helping to to rather dedicated but emissions, not gases greenhouse is it path: another represents adaptation However, options. change” climate to “adaptation that means as presented often are actions mitigation This gases reduction. greenhouse emission to reduced often is study’s this in change climate against fight context).The mitigation optional is the (which goal over precedence take ieso pas n motn role. guidelines, important the with fit to order an in Thus, plays economic the dimension framework, this is in This why wealth. communities’ increase or maintain to order in jobs”, “green of studywasthe to favourof emergencethe to this choice, one of the major initial goals h poet a tree poor targeted has project communities The 19 as relevant ones. According THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 65 ). 20 induces a form of social marginalization that explains why such communitiesare often notcomfortable with officialadministrative and important is procedures, it situation, this Despite forms. rules and that pilot projects respect administrative procedures. Doing so will local also communities enable to funding international and national diverse be eligibleschemes. for However, depending on community’s context, the envisaged pilot the action should ideally berelatively easy to formalize, or at least would benefit from administrative support. some agencies already In Mauritius, exist small that entrepreneurs help build their SMEDA instance, (for project and cultural values (what people expect from the from people expect (what values and cultural the future). and for present of living place, and do not induce displacements periods of long (or a part of it) for the community time. sociocultural avoid to (in order competencies maladaptation). be developed. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority. Development Small and Medium Enterprises

(1) Sociocultural dimension (1) Sociocultural Pilot projects should be consistent with the social and cultural values of people and should correspond to the communities. of capabilities/competencies/knowledge with social features consistent are (1.1) Pilot projects near the family/community’s located are (1.2) They and knowledge based on existing are (1.3) They skills to new complicated too do not require (1.4) They 20 A synthetic view of the framework view A synthetic Table 4: Synthesis of the framework change to climate adaptation guidelines for the Pilot projects should fit into the national entrepreneurship framework, particularly into the Mauritius context section 2) IV, (see part framework of the CSR Pilot projects should also national fit legalinto framework. the Though might seem obvious, it this is important that rules, existing breach not do projects pilot land-use to regard with those particular in planning. Vulnerable local communities are usually marginalized, from both and an economic geographic viewpoint. This also Uncertainties about climate impacts on a local scale impose it upon communities to keep economic options terms, as for we saw (see adjustment. previously part In I, ensuring a section certain level of diversification 3.1), thisof activities means andsources Here, though revenues. of we economic specifically activities, we also refer need to to be aware of the importance of subsistence activities. Maintaining and/or developing gardening on household propertiescould prove to be of major importance both in times of crisis environmental (as it allows for partial self-sufficiency) as well as for incomes. supplementary providing Finally, relevant pilot take into projects account future should environmental change projections, particularly climate change. The objective here of require the activitiesdevelopment that is avoid to proportionally but important investments will prove obsolete with regard to future changes in For environmental example, conditions. crop sensitiveto production salt salinization (groundwater is very and marine spindrifts).Proper attention should be given here to the possibility of maladaptation, as avoiding this problem is at least as friendly actions. environmentally important as developing a pilot action should local communitiesto allow improve orat least vulnerable their revenues. maintain (4.2) (4.3) (4.1) Pilot projects should be national consistent legal, with administrative the institutional and framework. (3.3) (4) The institutional,legal and administrative dimension (3.2) THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 66 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report projects that could fit into the framework. In framework. the into fit could that projects 5 Table 3.3.1 A listofpossible pilot projects an could fitintoprovides the general framework. examples different these table way the synthetic of overview a Then table). (descriptive provided is changes environmental the into fit could future and current to adaptation that forframework projects pilot of list First, a sections. two into organized is part This 3.3 (4.3.) Ideally, they shouldberelatively easy to formalize, (4.2) They shouldfitinto thenational legal framework. (4.1) Pilotprojects shouldfitinto thenational national the with legal, administrative andinstitutional framework. consistent be should projects Pilot (4) Institutional, legal andadministrative dimension (3.3) They are consistent withfuture environmental (3.2) They ensure acertain level ofdiversification of (3.1) Pilotprojects allow vulnerable local communities Pilot projects shouldbeeconomically viable. (3) Economic dimension (2.5) They are notfocused onreducing greenhouse (2.4) They take into account therange ofuncertainties (2.3) They favour theprotection functionof ecosystems (2.2) They donotdegrade theindirect environment (2.1) Pilotprojects donotdegrade thedirect should to and threats environmental conditions. ecosystems change climate potential local account into of nature take the dynamics with the consistent and be should projects Pilot (2) Environmental dimension maladaptation). change projections (inorder to avoid economic activities andsources of revenues to improve orat least maintain theirrevenues support. or at least would benefit from administrative entrepreneurship framework environmental changes. gases emissions,butrather onadapting to adjustment. local scale, thuspreserving somepossibilities for concerning theimpactsofclimate change ona coasts). change threats (suchasbuffer zones onthe with regard to current natural hazards andclimate either. maladaptation). habitats, etc. -ideaofavoiding environmental degradation of resources, destruction of environment (through overexploitation, interesting pilotprojects Examples ofpotentially rvds n xedd it f 3 pilot 13 of list extended an provides or is provided: followinginformationthe project, pilot each For provided. guidelines the of majority the address to needs specific framework. Each project needs to be envisioned in a context- based businesses and start adapting to climate change. environmentally develop communities localvulnerable help both could thatprojects of types the of examples simple as seen be should do not represent a one-size-fits-all solution. They Finally, note here that the following pilot projects objective oftheproject. key a term, short the in incomes generate also could 13 to 7 projects Pilot it. preserving in role a their awareenvironmentof be the and with link maintain pandanus to as people encourages (such also leaves) products local on ecosystem based and the services). Finally, developing on a handicraft activity (biodiversity effects long-term environment strong have that gardening products organic use to people encourages roof also Developing lifestyles. their of impact environmental the about conscious be to people encourages indeed recycling Waste cases, some in between individuals within the community itself. and, environment, their communities local and between relationship a of that favours the reinforcement or the emergence way a in goal adaptation the achieving towards participate even They threats. change climate population awareness about natural hazards or and ecosystems increasing their neighbouring resilience, nor for increasing local preserving designed neither for primarily production. are sectors handicraft These and gardening) waste (roof of sectors self-production food (manufacturing), the recycling changes to example, environmental for refer, future and to adaptation current to contributors indirect These them. with indirectly deal 12 to 7 projects pilot whereas issues, change climate the to with adaptation directly deal 6 vulnerabilityreduction of naturalto hazards and to 1 projects Pilot ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ der to be relevant for adaptation, a project adaptation, for relevant be to der the mainexpected outputs. insights aboutpotential support; a brief description; its income-generation potential; and/or Rodrigues and/or Agalega); the context to which it corresponds (Mauritius THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 67 Short description been launched in Mauritius. This option requiresseveral years b Laboratory of the university of La Réunion) ; of La Réunion) university of the Laboratory corals onto the affected areas of the reef where live coral cover is at a minimum; is cover coral live where reef of the areas the affected onto corals Mauritius and Shoals in Rodrigues could be relevant; could be Rodrigues Mauritius and Shoals in people (fishers, tourists) access to its resources; to its access tourists) people (fishers, awareness of natural history; history; of natural awareness and frequenting of climate change impacts on biodiversity and landscapes). impacts on biodiversity change of climate and frequenting - Several experiences in different parts of the world; parts of the in different experiences - Several of Fisheries and Rodrigues Ministry (AFRC), Centre - Albion Fisheries Research of Mauritius; Development and Sustainable of Environment - Ministry Rodrigues; in Mauritius, Shoals in Conservation NGOs: Reef - Local (MWF). Foundation - Mauritian Wildlife - Awareness of local populations about the importance of maintaining the health of corals; the health of of maintaining about the importance populations local of - Awareness opportunities subsequently). - Ecotourism (job creation Support from: - Coral ecosystems experts with experience in coral planting (such asECOMAR, Marine Ecology (laboratory phase, replanting in natural environments, and waiting for coral growth). growth). coral for waiting and environments, in natural replanting phase, (laboratory Outcomes: - Preserving the environment (biodiversity and bufferzone) with the possible transplantation of Background: Developing easily appropriable techniques for replantingcorals in orderto rehabilitate degraded areas. The idea is to life regenerate back on reefs that have been severely affectedby etc. inland sediments, bleaching,pollution from species, coral exogenous cyclones, recent Objectives: a restore zonenatural buffer To and many vitalAttentionresources. should be paid localcoral to stresses. climate and future to current both resistant potentially are species that in order reefs of the assessments health in of making coral regular people be Local could involved to monitor the global functioning of the wholecoral area. phase. the laboratory People from and downstream both upstream could then“subcontractors”, help scientists as Time frame: Some actionshave already - Local specialists (scientists and others) on the traditional management of the resources; of the management traditional on the and others) (scientists specialists - Local of Fisheries and Rodrigues; Ministry - AFRC, - UNDP office in Mauritius. - Ecotourism perspectives. - Ecotourism Support from: - Local specialists (scientists and others) on the ecosystem; local NGOs likeReef Conservation in - Ensuring that the park remains a diverse, resilient and productive ecological system while allowing allowing while system ecological productive and resilient diverse, a remains park the that Ensuring - - To help enforce marine park regulations in their areas. marine park regulations help enforce - To Time frame: the of (knowledge have partly already they which of some skills, of range broad a need will Rangers functioningecosystem’s andof diverse species) and some they will haveto acquire (assessment and monitoring methods, climate change impacts and signals). However, acquired. these rapidly skills could be year. one after be operational could but they training, rangers’ necessary for are months Several Outputs: and wildlife); (vegetation ecosystems preserving and - Protecting encouraging and environment, coastal the and communities between link cultural a Maintaining - Background: In collaboration with marine park authorities, local rangers could be responsible for theday-to- day management of the protected area and could area). protected in the south-east persons (four be in Rodrigues started This has already progressively wardens”. being recognized as “local Objectives: - carry To out upstream assessments and monitoring (of species evolution, of people’s practices a c rangers Income- AGALEGA AGALEGA generating MAURITIUS, MAURITIUS, MAURITIUS, Marine park Coral planting planting Coral and restoration RODRIGUES and RODRIGUES RODRIGUES and RODRIGUES Pilot project The Ministry of Fisheries and Rodrigues (Fisheries Division) embarked Oceanography Institute (MOI) on in 2008, with a the MOIexperimenting pilot with land-based farming project in culture on tanks and the coral Fisheries Division farming jointly with working on the ocean-based farming. Mauritius Coral farming involves fishermen the involving of use possibility the with of sites, small different at scale coral larger fragments a on sampled project this on from embark soon the will Division Fisheries the wild. results, Following promising reefs. of rehabilitation for the in the future, communities Meetings were organized with Reef Conservation, AFRC and Shoals Conservation and Mr Alexandre Magnan (October 2010). Magnan (October Alexandre and Mr and Shoals Conservation AFRC Conservation, Reef with organized were Meetings Meetings were organized with SEMPA coordinators and Shoals Conservation and Mr Alexandre Magnan (October 2010). (October Magnan Mr Alexandre and and Shoals Conservation coordinators with SEMPA organized were Meetings 2 1 Direct linkages with climate threats with climate linkages Direct

c a b Table 5: A list of potential pilot projects pilot potential of 5: A list Table THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 68 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report f e d

4 3 Suggestion provided by resource persons at the Rodrigues Regional Assembly. environment and (mitigation goals RODRIGUES and (“People for the Natural seasalt Climate change climate change ambassadors Creation ofa the society”) MAURITIUS, RODRIGUES production association generating generating AGALEGA included) Income- Income- or d - Maintaining sociocultural cohesion among the population. This activity could lead, withthe lead, could activity This population. the among cohesion sociocultural Maintaining - (key for environments neighbouring their and communities local between links Reinforcingthe - dissemination challenge environmental change climate of and chain the in link major Creating a - - Developing awareness ofclimate change threats amongpopulations; Outputs: - Adaptation funds. - International agencies (suchasAFD, UNDP); - Local andinternational NGOssuchastheMWF; - TheGovernment ofMauritius; Support from: are neededto create theassociation and find first core funding. In the webeginning, can expect the creation of one to three jobs per district. Only several months Time frame: and humanitarian NGOs, local and international scientist conducting field work, etc. government (in order to communicate with people about new severalstakeholders:policies),forimportance the major international of be “climateambassadors”couldchangeThese environmental byclimate presented theopportunities and the threats about citizens Mauritian Informing - - Promoting local community participation; - Organizing schoolvisits; Three kindsofmissionscould bedeveloped: Objectives: for needed future well-being). effort the make to (ready strategy adaptation the with accordance in is population thewhole that (ii) guarantee and options, adaptation realistic and of relevant identification the guarantee (i) to: order in links, cultural and social strong requires change climate to Adaptation Background: - TheConservatoire duLittoral (aFrench agency that manages the Pointe auSelinLa Réunion) - ExperiencedpeopleinLaRéunion andRé island; - Local andnational authorities (labour, trade, agriculture, tourism); Support from: - Participation inthe promotion of Rodriguesculture and savoir faire. - Maintaining astrong linkwiththesea(alsoanopportunityfor fishers); - Valorization of rare resources (Rodrigues seasaltasan “authentic product”) of revenues loss avoid could that production) salt to mining sand transformation (from Activity - Outputs: and economic efficiency). Several years are needed to start producing salt and to structure the activity (in terms of marketing Time frame: this In rise. sea-level by threatened severely be not will areas production salt sea that Ensuring - Sea saltproduction salt production. of project initial the to component marketing a Adding - hygienethatand Ensuring quality Rodrigues- the with line in is salt sea standards required by the be met: should that several challenges are there perspective, this to According salt. naturalRodriguesfor The tourism industry (first in Mauritius, but maybe also elsewhere) could serve as the main market workers could benefit from the experiences of Ré islandandLa Réunion. nin sl pns xs i Rdius Te cud e eard n pt ak o s fr the another activity. Such an activity has been carried for out and has proved fruitful in Ré island, use develop to persons) 50 to nearly (currently community miners’ back the help then put and value, economic and repaired be real with product” “authentic an could to lead could honey,it Rodrigues’ Like They salt. sea of manufacture Rodrigues. in exist ponds salt Ancient This activityisalready inthepipeline Rodrigues, ontheinitiative ofthesandminer community. Background: Atlantic coast of . Sea salt is also produced in La Réunion case, itcould have income-generating benefits (suchas ecotourism). to“the dedicated an eco-museum change”. climate and people this islands, In the and people Mauritius: environmentin changing of creation the to NGOs, and government the of support adapting to climate change); (adaptation andmitigation); change (onlivelihoods, onnatural resources, onspatial planning); due to thebanning ofthecommercial useofsand; case, solutions could bethought ofandimplemented upstream before problems occur. producers, andmaybe could become partofthemarketing component ofthehoney activity; view,this In producersRodriguessalt sea couldbenefit from the of honeyexperience Rodrigues buyersfind should order in job implies This developing marketing procedures. tourism industry; f (an eco-museum also). Rodrigues e on the THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 69 (13 hectares) of the coastal 2 Bruguiera , gymnorhiza grow around Rhizopora mucronata and i

h of mangroves; strip, strip, with a survival 80 exceeding rate per cent. The total mangrove cover around the island has Report, June atstands someClassification (ESA and 145 increased significantly presently hectares 2009). Time frame: Techniques could be easily learned months), but they solely aconstitute preliminary phase in the whole which programme, requires with the support Kiribati in example, for developed, been had experience an Such years. several over investigations of scientists (training during (Central several Pacific) andin assessments many regular othermaking in places phase around laboratory thethe from world. downstream Hereand again, upstream localboth people Mauritius, involved In could requires. be step this that areas mangroves of functioning global the of monitoring the for technical advice on propagation is already givento NGOs, fishermen, local communities and the sector. private - Ecotourism opportunities. - Ecotourism Support from: experts; ecosystems - Mangrove world; parts of the in different experiences - Several Rodrigues; of Fisheries and Ministry - AFRC, of Mauritius; Development and Sustainable of Environment - Ministry - MWF. Outputs: zone); and buffer (biodiversity the environment - Preserving amongawareness local populations about- theGenerating of importance the maintaining health Mauritius. Over theyears, the extent of cover around mangrove theisland has decreased. This is passage. boat providing for and purposes construction for firewood, for cut are mangroves because In light of the on pressure constant exerted this a seedlings programme ecosystem, mangrove propagation mangrove 220,000 around of total a date, to Division; Fisheries the by 1992 in started was have been successfully planted on an area of more than 130,000 m Background: Along the same lines as coral replanting,replanting mangrove shouldprovide many benefits: the availability of a bufferzone against thewaves, stabilization of the shores (sediment fixing), fish nursery, etc. Mangrove ecosystems are indeed an important asset for fisheries and the marine environment, and they are protected species under 2007. Two species the of mangrove, Fisheries and Marine Resources Act Background: Tourism is an important economic activityinternational level, for the environmental sensitivity Mauritius of tourists isgrowing, Rodrigues.and and touristsare more paying and In addition, more attention to at the environmental the dimension ecotourism. for emerging of holidays. their A is thus market However, specialized eco-guides in coastal fauna, marine coastal as flora,as well or evolution, and origins even landscape about information geomorphology Interesting Mauritius. are lacking in be provided. the sea), could from (seeing the shore and landscapes ecosystems Objectives: issues. of coastal awareness tourists’ develop - To the specificities of the islands). (presenting tourism local-based promote - To Time frame: operators tourism whether on depends it Afterwards, training. for necessary are months few a Only their panel of activities. into include eco-visits to volunteer would Outputs: job loss); to sea-related (alternative of jobs - Creation community); among the local but also indirectly (among tourists, awareness - Environmental tourism activity. of Mauritian - Diversification Support from: of Tourism; - Ministry - SMEDA; associations; operators - Tourism AFD. - UNDP, j g Income- AGALEGA Mangrove Mangrove generating Eco-guides MAURITIUS restoration RODRIGUES, replanting and replanting MAURITIUS and MAURITIUS Meetings were held between IOM and local ecotourism companies such as Incentive Partners – Chazal Ecotourisme. – Chazal Partners companies such as Incentive ecotourism IOM and local held between were Meetings Meetings were organized with Reef Conservation, AFRC and Shoals Conservation and Mr Alexandre Magnan (October 2010) Magnan (October Alexandre and Mr and Shoals Conservation AFRC Conservation, Reef with organized were Meetings Elements provided by the AFRC, Ministry of Fisheries and Rodrigues. Ministry the AFRC, by provided Elements Information provided by the AFRC, Ministry of Fisheries and Rodrigues. of Fisheries and Ministry by the AFRC, provided Information 5 6

i j g h THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 70 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report l k

Indirect links withclimate change threats 8 7 Meetings were organized withAREU, UNDPandMinistry andMrAlexandre ofHousingandLands Magnan(October 2010). Meetings were organized withAREU, AFRC andMrAlexandre Magnan(October 2010). RODRIGUES and MAURITIUS and Changes incrop Local house- building and RODRIGUES production MAURITIUS generating generating Income- Income- upkeep l k - Expertsfrom thescientific “community-based adaptation” community. - MSIRI; - AREU, Ministry ofAgriculture; Support from: - InRodrigues: fighting unemployment, soil erosion andmarine ecosystems degradation. - Maintaining thelong-term competitiveness oftheMauritius cropindustry; - Possibly creating new jobs, or at least avoiding long-term lossof revenues for existing farmers; Outputs: also needed,andcould bevital from along-term perspective. for the appropriation of new practices by local farmers). Expert advice and monitoring systems are cultural onlyoption newalso identifying and (not an requiresfor crops but time Such techniques, Time frame: - To limittheeconomic effects ofclimate change (on revenues andonjobs). - To fight the future adverse effects of climate change on agriculture (returns and gross production). Objectives: decades. Thispoint concerns thewholeisland. past over practices agricultural in decline massive a to due life) lagoon threatens (which erosion soil problem of major tofight the projecteconomicand have an not in jobsdo who youths some to involve both an opportunity constitute also could option this Rodrigues, of case specific the In and supported by theNGOMouvement pourl’Autosuffisance Alimentaire. Sable in Petit undertaken project diversification a crop is experience interesting an Mauritius, In needed for change andtheleverages (andbarriers) for getting thesupportofpopulations. information,provideexperiencesuseful time couldvery frames these the notably but concerning with rice species. Rice is Thailand, probably in not example,the formost worldwide, relevant implemented crop already to are develop changes in crop Mauritiusof andexamples Rodrigues, Many in crop production. changes some initiate to be could idea the Then adaptable. cultivatedresistantand very prove could today not are that crops some hand, other the could On crops conditions. future cultivated to currently maladapted prove some threats, these to According crops. devastate could that and moisture. Changing conditions will also probably favour the expansion or emergence of insects Climatecertainlyprecipitationchangehavewill on impacts serious air temperatures and volumes Background: - UNDP. - Ministry ofHousingandLandsMauritius; - AREU, Ministry ofAgriculture; Support from: - Improvement oflocal housing(could concern thewholepopulation). - Environmental protection (replanting plotswilllimitsoils erosion andlagoon pollution); - Creation ofjobs (alternative tosea-related jobloss); Outputs: years to befullyimplemented. several take could option This resource. this for for plans management plots as well new as create production, wood to government the from support as well as wood, existing of use and rational tools some the are in relies need activity this they of sustainability the what Nevertheless, trucks). business; (small means a transportation such for skills main the have already Fishers Time frame: - To limit cement and concrete importsandenhancethesustainable useoflocal resources. - To support alocal-based architectural style. Objectives: and rains, for instance. manyin housing of type worldwide,islands woodand could prove very resistant to cyclone winds main the are houses Wood 4). project pilot (see production salt to mining sand from shift the of wood could also help limit the pressure on sand resources, and indirectly contribute to the success using by houses, local local materials in of order to partly upkeep avoid cement and and concrete imports (external building dependency). Using the in fishers involve to be could possibility One alternative livelihoods for fishers inSEMPA regions. defining of consists thus challenge crucial One revenue. and subsistence of source important an the Rodriguansome of fishers beeninvolved had as“marinepark rangers”, most lose themwill of If be forbidden. will fishing where areas of restricted definition the to led UNDP-Mauritius) with The creation of a Marine Protected Area in Rodrigues and Mauritius (SEMPA project, in cooperation Background: THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 71 . ). Once the techniques are successfully Stichopus chloronotus Actinopyga echinites, Actinopyga mauritiana Actinopyga milaris, Bohadschia milaris, Actinopyga mauritiana Actinopyga echinites, Actinopyga and already developed in Agalega, Rodrigues and Mauritius lagoons? Are these Are lagoons? Mauritius and Rodrigues Agalega, in developed already n sensitive to pollution, for instance). to pollution, sensitive perfectly adaptable to these expected temperatures (then they could support a more sustainable sustainable more a support could they (then temperatures expected these to adaptable perfectly production)? Rodrigues, due to the extraordinary extension of its lagoon) extension the extraordinary due to Rodrigues, species valuable in terms of consumption? Are their stocks sufficient to support a business? sufficient stocks their Are of consumption? in terms species valuable Background: a Industries massive(notably amountin generate such ofwaste textiles) as cuttings. Some of this raw material could be reused in patchwork. One very interesting activity has been inin existence Mauritiusfor severalyears. Women making for from them reuse the and “Magicover, them pick Fingers”factories, (Rosetextile by out Hill) thrown are association that fabric of salvage pieces kids, etc. for toys curtains, tablecloths, blankets, sheets, Women very This tools,activityexpensive and does skills require can not purchased. relatively be often already have some basic sewing skills, andfood unlike production (such as sea salt and sea cucumbers), patchwork does not need to fit with international qualitystandards. Manufactured work could even reach a special value in the especially market, among tourists international who hand-made. things are few very where in countries live One market opportunity in Mauritius is the open dayfor and sell their products. intermediary) (without any local customers meet to directly artisans allowing artisans that some hotels hold, consciousness environmental both of emergence the to contribute seriously activities such Finally, and community consciousness. Here, the perspective main is not benefit direct, as patchwork of does not reduce environmental vulnerabilityadaptationan to hazards natural or establishment reinforce progressive resistance climate to the to and communities environmental change local poor disruptions.and However, vulnerable patchwork from favours people the of gathering of links between them. These community links are of importance both extreme in case of natural adaptation an develop to necessity the considering when and recovery) favours (solidarity hazards generation). next of the benefit the for generation current the from efforts requires (which strategy acquired, sea ranching of baby sea cucumbers would be undertaken to help towards the sustainable sustainable the towards help to undertaken be would cucumbers sea baby of ranching sea acquired, resource. of this exploitation Sea cucumber exploitation presents an important potential for the redeployment of vulnerable local communities, as it needs it does 4), project not (pilot production requiresalt sea complex for case skillsthe is as andbut jobs, expensiveof number tools.certain a provide This businesscan standards processes and fitwithand it marketing needs to project be included in to a commercial (quality of the etc.). This challengesproduct, hygiene, areactivity’s the same asfor those sea salt stage: previous in a answered should be questions several In addition, production. species the are Which - Background: collected, This be activitycan is developed and worldwide and areas provides numerous islandreef communities withcoral significant on live cucumber Sea Kiribati). Abemama, in as (such revenues (they reputation good a have they where China), (notably markets Asian to sold and dried cleaned, a high value. command can and longevity) favour said to are In Mauritius, sea cucumber fishing for export purposesstarted in 2006and the totalcatch of sea fishing on imposed been has moratorium two-year A weight. live tons 493 to amounted cucumbers In addition, under the Fisheries the stock. conserve to in 2009 order October from sea cucumbers shall person no 2009, of 110 GN 2009, Regulation cucumbers) sea of (fishing Resources Marine and 2011. September to 30 2009 1 October sea cucumber from fish any development/ the on project a implementing of phase the in also is Division Fisheries Mauritius The establishment of hatchery techniques for seed production andfarming of sea cucumberfor two species (Holothuria scabra Support from: world; in the - Experiences elsewhere ecosystems. in marine and coastal NGOs specialized - Local Time frame: Training people and organizing the activity some Mauritius had initiated already as previously, mentioned (infrastructure However, years. to months several and market) requires maybe time, actions (with the support of the Fishing Division). Outputs: of jobs; - Creation exportation; national - Developing - Forcing local communitiesto caretake of the marine (because environment sea cucumbers are - Are these species threatened by the expected elevation in sea temperatures, or are these species these are or temperatures, sea in elevation expected the by threatened species these Are - - Which new valuable species could be implanted without damaging the existing ecosystem? without damaging the existing be implanted species could valuable - Which new probably and Agalega (maybe Mauritius? of Republic the in areas promising most the are Where -

o m Income- Income- farming included) AGALEGA, generating generating MAURITIUS RODRIGUES Sea cucumber Sea cucumber MAURITIUS and MAURITIUS Textile recycling Textile (mitigation goals (mitigation Meetings were organized, thanks to SMEDA with Magic Fingers and Mr Alexandre Magnan (October 2010). Magnan (October and Mr Alexandre with Magic Fingers to SMEDA thanks organized, were Meetings Species of sea cucumber that currently exist in Mauritius are: are: Mauritius in exist currently that cucumber sea of Species marmorata, Holothuria atra, H. leucospilota, H pervicax, H. scabra, Stichopus chloronotus, S.variegates, Thenelota ananas and H nobilis Thenelota Stichopus chloronotus, S.variegates, H pervicax, H. scabra, Holothuria atra, H. leucospilota, marmorata, Activity suggested by the AFRC, Ministry of Fisheries and Rodrigues. of Fisheries and Ministry by the AFRC, Activity suggested 9 10

n o m THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 72 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 11 MAURITIUS and Local handicraft RODRIGUES generating Income- - Thetourism sector, particularlyAssociation Hôteliers et Restaurateurs del’IleMaurice(AHRIM). - SMEDA; - “MagicFingers”; Support from: isolation, social avoid people help links these communities; in links cultural and social Favours - - Favours theemergence ofanenvironmental consciousness; - Waste recycling (free accessto raw material); - Revenue-generation; Outputs: - To participate in waste reduction (reuse). - To supportcommunity links. - To supportincome-generation by households. Objectives: - Local NGOslike Mouvement pourl’Autosuffisance Alimentaire - International organizations (UNDP, AFD); of Ministry Development, Sustainable and Environment of Ministry Agriculture, of Ministry - Support from: - Strengthening oftheresilience andadaptive capacity ofthe community. - Development ofastrong linkbetween thecommunity anditsneighbouringenvironment; - Environmental preservation (ontheslopes,inplain, sea); - Revenue-generation anddiversification of the economicscheme; Outputs: ofthe in-depth transformation the that effort, butthebenefits are long term. shows it as of years several requires environment the one to relationships its and community the of agood functioning is example Sable Petit The Time frame: encountering future problems. Avirtuouscycle hasbeenengaged. gooda position understandin to is future environmental threats define and relevant solutions for it model, economic based environmentally an in involved already is community the However,as the changes in possible (becausesalinization) of slopes soil rainfall pandanus and on and regime). the of idea precise surges storm rise, sea-level more of (because fields a onion on both change get climate of impacts potential to now is point crucial one project, Sable Petit the Concerning changes. Inthisway, favouring handicraft could belabelledasanadaptation project. perspective, in what is maybe the key challenge in adaptation to current and future environmental This example shows that protecting and developing economic means could fit into an- supportlocal identity: onionisindeedanimportant component ofthe community’s identity.environmental - findasustainable manner to protect onionfields from inland natural hazards; - start diversifying itsactivitiesand revenues; In thePetit Sable example, theproject allowed the community to: Objectives: materials. lacked simply handicraft;raw they formaking skills the had already people local said, project this in involved NGO local the As (leaves). handicraft for material raw with community the supplying and slopes the stabilization of allowing pandanus, with slopes the replant to decided community the problem, major tothis asolution find to order in and scientists, of support the gaining After production. onion threatening and landslides) and (erosion problems environmental to leading located progressively were were cleared,fields onion and village the where coastalplain thin the tendedto living conditions time, Over deteriorate, threatening the species. sustainability of endemic onion wasonion production. Mauritian In activity parallel, specific the economic slopes very that main dominate with the farming, poor. Originally, very and marginalized was Sable Petit Alimentaire andUNDP/GEF funds. l’AutosuffisanceMouvementpour NGO local the of support yearsthe 15 with past overthe Sable community the case, Petit in experience the the been has handicraft-making. This not for needed plants the cultivate is also can this If materials. raw to access open has activity that this community develops the when occurs situation best The households. of revenues of to the diversification sources the of least contribute at or communities, local to revenues interesting provide Likelocal food production project (pilot patchwork and 4) project (pilot local 10), handicraft could Example No.1 Background: which inturncontributes to solidarityinthecommunity. Tourism; THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 73 Ombre; do not require much investment. do not require Background: In Mauritius, largea majority of people live individual in constitute an opportunityfor houses developing “rooftop gardening”, allowing people flat to with produce all rooftops. or This could a part of the vegetables they eat. Rooftopgardening could contribute to to efforts household towards contribute also could It welfareexpenditures. food some by avoid to household a enabling Mauritius. for issue, which is a crucial challenge security the food solve In terms of adaptation to current and futureenvironmental contribute to changes, offset decreases in industrial this food productionoption due could partly to natural hazards occurring in country. exportation Mauritius or in an Furthermore, rooftopgardening could strongly encourage peopleto use organicfertilizers and thus contribute to the long-term reduction of the Mauritian society’senvironmental footprint. We saw previously that preserving biodiversity and services ecosystem is a key both strategy for manoeuvring. for future room making for and change limiting the impacts of climate Domesticcontainerscan also be (re)usedfor rooftop gardening, contributing to the limitation of waste. domestic Time frame: this launch to necessary be would months few a only involvement, of level people’s on Depending activity. Outputs: changes: environmental to current of adaptation In terms waters); coastal (soil and of the environment preservation - Indirect household expenditures; - Avoiding of food security. challenge national meet the to efforts in - Participation Support from: Resources; and Natural Technology Food of Agriculture, - Ministry food security; focused on agencies - International Alimentaire. pour l’Autosuffisance Mouvement NGOs like - Local - Savannah and Riche en Eau Sugar Estate (free supply of palm sheaths). (free Estate Sugar and Riche en Eau - Savannah - To develop an activity in line with environmental concerns. an activity in line with environmental develop - To environmental community capacity of the and adaptive the resilience strengthen an - To into fit could means economic developing and protecting how shows example This environmental future and current to adaptation in challenge key the maybe is what in perspective, project. could be labelled as an adaptation handicraft favouring In this way, changes. Time frame: The activitycan be operational withintwo months. inHowever, the context of thisproject, the objective isseveral monthssustainable activities. alsoto will Thus, assist in operationally creating the activity. stabilize to be required Support from: Development; and Sustainable of Environment - Ministry and foundations; - CSR departments - Local NGOs like Mouvement pour l’Autosuffisance Alimentaire, APEDED Fondation and Bel Example No. 2 Example palm sheaths areca from plates Making leaf is palm Areca handicraft. through diversification and income-generation of example another is This or palms royal as plantations on grown especially and Mauritius around common palms of family a collected, are sheaths The trees. mature by shed are that those are used sheaths The plants. white washed, and moulded into plates by a simple manually operated comes The India, from machine, know-how marketing. where the Leaf production originated. plates before and are leftto dry each. 3 rupees around cost this India; from experts by training basic with provided be will Galets des Rivière from Beneficiaries training does not require special aptitude or a high level of education. feasibilityA study will be finalized but itseems that this project proposal will fit the needs of especially such community, a the spouses of fishermen. Objectives: - start diversifying To activities andrevenues innew innovativeincome-generating activities that p Rooftop Rooftop Income- included) container container generating gardening gardening/ MAURITIUS (mitigation goals (mitigation This suggestion was provided by AREU (Mr Bisnauthsing), October 2010. October by AREU (Mr Bisnauthsing), was provided This suggestion 12 p THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 74 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report correspond to different situations: guidelines presented in Table 4. Different colours Each pilot project is assessed against each of the changes perspective. environmental future and current to adaptation the into fit could projects of types various which that to show emphasize rather but to prioritized, adaptation be should order ones the in the to rank projects of pilot not light is objective in The framework. them of each assesses and projects, pilot the of above-mentioned overview synthetic a proposes 6 Table 3.3.2. r q Each pilot project could then be allocated a score -1. = red and 0; = blank 0.5; = orange 1; = green where system, points a up set to possible is It

13 ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ This suggestion was provided by Mrs Molee. the consultants, DrFrancois GemenneandMrAlexandre Magnan. Meetings were organized with Dr Mohee from the University of Mauritius , Dr Bhokoree from the University of Technology, Mauritius and udln, h crepnig qae is square corresponding coloured ingreen. the the with fits guideline, fully project pilot the When orange. is square the managed), and implemented conditions only (how the project is designed, When it fits with the guideline under specific guideline, thesquare remains blank. the to related not is project pilot the When Fnly we te io poet s t odds at with theguideline,square isred. is project pilot the when -Finally, (mitigation goals RODRIGUES and

Composting MAURITIUS, generating the framework How pilotprojects fitinto AGALEGA included) Income- q - Local farmers. - University ofMauritius,SchoolEngineering; Sustainable and Environment of Ministry and Security Food and Agro-Industry of Ministries - Supports from: - Waste minimization. - Food industry production process; Outputs: could bevery rapidly implemented. trainingsmall necessary.and is composttakesMaking only fewa optionweeks this months,so or rupees) 1,500 approximately costs machine individual (an bought be could machine compost A Timeframe: - To avoid chemical inputsinto thesoil. - To produce environment-friendly fertilizers at thehouseholdlevel. shouldbe this Objectives: of the environment; resilience the natural acknowledged asone ofthemajorcomponents oftheadaptation of to climate change toolkit. in favour acts thus Composting of food production. It also indirectly contributes to the reduction of pressures on the environment. option,This like previous the one, contributes greening the to industrial of individual and systems world, thegreat majorityofdomestic waste inMauritiusis organic and canthusbe composted. machine for this purpose (University of Mauritius, School of Engineering of School Mauritius, of (University purpose this for machine a special developed have researchers local since Mauritius, in feasible is composting Individual Background: Development;

between adaptation projects and mitigation and projects. projects adaptation between difference the emphasize to order in also provided are projects mitigation Some pure of dimension. examples changes adaptation environmental the of to verge the on are fact they the that reflecting well, very score not do 12) Roof gardening project (pilot composting and 11) framework. project (pilot the into well fit projects pilot of majority the Tablethat shows 6 assessment process. rigorous a after and examples concrete of basis Aserious the on proposed be only could exercise scoring specificities. community’s each on vary from one community to another, will depending management and implementation design, the projects, many for other.Indeed, each with them compare to than rather framework, the into fit could the projects pilot how showing with of aim conducted been scoring solely this had that exercise here note to important is It the adaptation goal ofthe community. that reflects the compatibility of the project with r ). As elsewhere in the in elsewhere As ). THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE

Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 75

** These scores are just indicatives and can roughly change from one evaluator to another. another. to evaluator one from change roughly can and indicatives just are scores These **

* Regarding adaptation to current and future environmental changes. environmental future and current to adaptation Regarding *


Plastic recycling employers recycling Plastic 4.0

Organic fertilizer production enterprise production fertilizer Organic 3.5

Solar water heater installation enterprise enterprise installation heater water Solar 3.5

Some examples of climate change mitigation pilot projects (which do not fit into the adaptation framework) adaptation the into fit not do (which projects pilot mitigation change climate of examples Some

13. Composting 13. 6.0

12. Rooftop gardening Rooftop 12. 6.5

11. Local handicraft Local 11. 11.0

10. Patchwork 10. 12.0

9. Seaweed farming (sea cucumber) (sea farming Seaweed 9. 11.0

8. Local house-building and upkeep and house-building Local 8. 13.0

Pilot projects with indirect links with climate change threats threats change climate with links indirect with projects Pilot

7. Changes in crop production crop in Changes 7. 13.0

6. Eco-guides 6. 12.0

5. Mangrove planting and restoration and planting Mangrove 5. 10.0

4. Natural sea salt production salt sea Natural 4. 12.0

3. Climate change ambassadors/association change Climate 3. 12.5

2. Marine park rangers park Marine 2. 13.5

1. Coral planting and restoration and planting Coral 1. 10.0

Pilot projects with direct links with climate change threats change climate with links direct with projects Pilot round of assessment ** assessment of round

4.3 4.2 4.1 3.3 3.2 3.1 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 Pilot projects listed in Table 5 Table in listed projects Pilot allocated to the project in the first first the in project the to allocated

The number indicates the total score score total the indicates number The



1. Sociocultural dimension Sociocultural 1. 2. Environmental dimension Environmental 2. and administrative administrative and Eligibility of the project * project the of Eligibility

3. Economic Economic 3.

4. Institutional, legal legal Institutional, 4. Table 6: How well do the pilot projects fit with guidelines? with fit projects pilot the do well How 6: Table THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 76 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report (1) Sociocultural dimension Reminder oftheguidelines: Legend: (2) Environmental dimension (3) Economic dimension (1.4) (1.3) (1.2) (1.1) (2.5) (2.4) (2.3) (2.2) (2.1) (3.2) (3.1) Counterproductive effect :thepilot project acts against theguideline No specific relation between thepilot project andtheguideline Potentially, dependingonhow itisdesigned,implemented andmanaged Sure new skillsto bedeveloped Does notrequire too complicated sociocultural maladaptation) competences (inorder to avoid Is basedonexisting knowledge and periods oftime community (orapartofit)for long not to inducedisplacement ofthe community’s livingplace,soas Is located nearthefamily/ from thepresent andfor thefuture) cultural values (what peopleexpect Is consistentfeatures withsocial and on mitigation Is focused onadaptation rather than of manoeuvre”) scale (i.e.preserves acertain “room impacts ofclimate change onalocal uncertainties concerning the Takes into account therange of zones onthecoast) climate change threats buffer (e.g. natural hazards and,consequently, of ecosystems regarding current Favours theprotection function environment Does notdegrade theindirect etc.) resources, destruction ofhabitats, overexploitation, degradation of environment (through Does notdegrade thedirect activities and sources of revenue Ensures acertain diversification of revenues to improve orat least maintain their Allows vulnerable local communities The pilotproject fitswiththeguidelines reproduced inthetext box. are project the benefit could that conclusions hypothesis underlying the approach. Some of his a offers (2010) Billé concise view of what is at stake in the replication from paper recent One fit withthenew context. better to order in modifications without is, that replicatedcontextbe is, necessarily as not could a pilotproject that isdesignedfor oneparticular of experience The another. to sector one from and another, to community to one from place another, process. one from a complex vary indeed features Local is replication However, changes. environmental future and current to adaptation in experience community’s a of up building progressive the ensure should features threecommunity. These same the within sector another to or community another to replicable it making in consists adjustable and appropriate The interest in a pilot project that is appropriable, 3.4.1 3.4. dimension (4) Institutional, legal andadministrative

(3.3) (4.3) (4.2) (4.1) The way forward about replication Some recommendations Using “ good practices”: maladaptation) (idea ofavoiding economic environmental change projections Is consistent withfuture administrative support. or at least would benefit from Is ideallyrelatively easy to formalize, framework Fits into thenational legal entrepreneurship framework Fits into thenational Points equivalence 0.5 - 1 0 1 THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 77 The Hawthorne effect The Hawthorne • What is more, the simple presence of an observer, observer, an of presence simple the more, is What an advisor or a facilitator modifies in its a behaviour, human through group of presence the an external view. Not only it, but does the it direction of modify the modification of the group’s behaviour generally goes in the sense which the group perceives as by being the favoured external agent, regardless his of whether intervention isphenomenon, by appropriatewhich “people react positively or not. to This the fact that they are being taken care of in order to improve their when situation, they particularly are in a called position the of “Hawthorne effect”, weakness” in reference is to workshops of the Western (Chicago, Electric USA). During the Company 1920s and 1930s, a were productivity work on experiments of series under the supervision Mayo, of Elton performed at the professor Harvard Business School. Those the of productivity the that showed experiments workers increased as soon as they were aware of participating in a pilot experiment, regardless of whether their work conditions improved or deteriorated. The results of not were therefore due the to factors, experimental experiments but to the fact that of workers participating were in conscious experiment. an (…) This “so is why many initiatives reorganization of have only quickly to lose brilliantly started their initial momentum”. Although this effect was initially reported in an industrial presumed to accurately describe context, the behaviour it can of be a human group (village, fishersassociation, or etc.) farmers in which momentarily intervenes external an with agent the objectiveinducing of a change towards a more sustainable environmental management. pertinence Whatever of the intervention the of external the agent and regardless of the support it receives from the group, there that is the group a will high practices”, temporarily at probability least adopt “good conclusions in appearance,the bias severely can This in him. please to order drawn with respect to the pertinence of an conditions under which this type and domain another In possible. becomes action of collective international the difficulty the scale, different a at community experiences in organizing itself order in to reduce its greenhouse gas despite emissions the collective economic interest clearly demonstrated by the volumes. Stern report, speaks Stimulation of collective action collective of Stimulation • However, However, research in collective action, and in theenvironmental field the general in field particular, does not of support hypothesis the that “good practices”are The bound claim that the spread. to its of that even or humans, of “objective” group a of interest and collective individual members, to adopt a particular mode of environmental management is a condition sufficient for them “… (…) instance, For action. collective on theories to do ignoresso, even if all of the individuals in a most large group are rational and self-interested, wouldand if, gain as a group, they acted to achieve their common voluntarily not still will they objective, or interest act to achieve that common or group interest,” a small with as such conditions, specific in except group of individuals, coercion large a ignores or also course of “some This device”. other special body of on work the phenomenon of the spread of changes and innovation mentionedDifferent above. coastal zone managementwhich we studied, projects for example in Madagascar, demonstrate the heaviness of interest” the hypothesis of “common collective action,look at the management of as a fisheriesworldwide also reveals. Ostrom gives a specificset of The hope for a “proximity contamination of the which change is process”, the foundation of the concept of pilot experiments, relies on a heavy assumption in the field of collective action: that the combination of an objectivea brings impulse external an of and change given benefit of a this change. towards move to human group In his replicating of difficulty the for reasons explicative paper, Billé emphasizes pilot projects: four main The bibliography has been The in here deleted bibliography order to ease reading of the Billé (2010). to refer please version, text. For the original Reproduced with the author’s authorization. with the author’s Reproduced Extract from: from: Extract Billé, R. (2010) the Action use and without usefulness of change? pilot experiment environmental On in management. S.A.P.I.E.N.S., (1). 3 Available from: index979.html Replicability: the myth of the “ripple effect” the myth Replicability: THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 78 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report intervention or the reproducibility of anew mode ofmanagement. reproducibility the or intervention f eore i epoe i a otx where context a in employed concentration is this resources of more, is What resources. exceptional such of examples are projects aid of development processes consultative various diem) to support stakeholder participation in the and per expenses (travel resources financial of availability the or mediators local of presence The support. political particular or financial mediators, devoted specifically of presence the assistance, technical resources, be can case, these the on Depending means. technical and human financial, exceptional from they benefit also conditions, chosen well in and conducted exceptional experiments pilot are only Not local dignitary. motivated a of authority the under leadership strong with and energetic reliable, considered system, politico-administrative national the in in Madagascar and without any official existence unique développement”), de régional (“Comité was region committee development regional a of existence the pilot of because reasons other amongst the chosen Commission, Ocean Indian the bythe of program environmental lead regional Menabe” orothers. operation “pilot the resources, In onthe available of of decisions allocation because opportunities), career as (such agenda personal of reasons for conviction, of lack of out it andless be change, to prone motivated less less innovation, personalities of the by driven by hindered scaling is up experience anticipated the on, Later 2003). (Saunders, innovation leaders towards thriving charismatic and talented individuals, key of presence the is account into taken often parametersfundamental the of One success. of seem favourable enough to offer the best intervention promise the before conditions the which in etc.) unit, administrative community,sub-basin, up apilot setting experiment is in usually to step identify a space first (territory, the more Therefore the obtained, easily exceptionally favourable conditions moreare chosen. the all are results “pilot” as that show clearly participated have we which in or studied have we cases The • • From exceptional conditions, exceptional results conditions, exceptional From difficulties increasing to applied resources Decreasing f io eprmns s oe o organization or modes as power experiments pilot seduction of the mentioned already We situation? farmers,to which say typicalleast,the the not is of trust, dialogue, information and implication of agriculture have, that presents intensive all the conditions value in experiment an can What example an as reproducibility? its without createdinvalidating be can experiment pilot a of implementation the for conditions favourable extent to what is question The farmers. the of motivation the and trust which mutual the exchanges, relationship, a information of quality the developbenefit further would to begin will agents project and farmers contact, regular to of the project. One couldeven suppose that due course the influence favourably to likely factor another be to appears persons”.This several to information same the give repeatedly farmers the having avoid to order in agents permanent only employ to pledged field the in teams “the even favoured. or The project leaders moreover add that acknowledged felt farmer each since project, the of rest the favour could this intent how – the was this and – convention”. imagines cooperation easily One the sign and study the of objectives the them to explain elected to order in “Anindividually farmers] involved [the them met resources). Brest of community urban the representative of conditions, decreasing factors exceptional and those is effect, of three experiment (Hawthorne all for Kerouallon archetype The an change. of spearheads become to destined not are they as essentially is enclaves such accepted by the majority of stakeholders as long of remain existence The unaltered. systems the management which around enclaves”, “innovation (…) identified have studies stage, that At scaling. up and replication of phase the in begins only quo status the maintaining in interest perceived real or a have who those of behalf on change resistance to The diversity. or strength full its at not that least at stages, latter opposition the in appears the usually face to have not do they Therefore, ventures. pilot remain they as long the be tolerated as of operandi modus bearers dominant and to “traditional” the are who stakeholders tend by innovative modes and practices organization of change change, cultural promote that experiments pilot seen, resistance to change is weak. As we have already • An evaluation challenge THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 79 Next steps: Towards the Towards steps: Next of pilot implementation projects

Finally, Finally, dialogue and information between sharing the institutions different involved, ministries anddifferentbetween regions and encouraged. the and islands, will be An awareness-raising campaign launched, in will order be to and Rodriguans inform about Mauritians the environmental importance of degradation onflows and the employment migration opportunitiesin on the islands. sector the environment Training workshops will be organized in order order in organized be will workshops Training of the selected the implementation foster to projects. The firstimplementation step of the project, consists conducted the of support the with communities local by of theIOM team. actual ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ 3.4.2. This report paves the way for the selection of some pilot projects to process: four-step a follow shall be implementation implemented. The and illegibility of environmental management systems all seriously hinder efforts to evaluate pilot experiments, and thereby to capitalize on them, despite this being an essential condition learning. of collective kind any for of action. This often leads to pilot experiments being accompanied by an exaggerated sense of optimism or even euphoria on the part of the stakeholders. Many of them, and in particular the operators of public satisfaction action, from derive focusing great successful local the discussion operations, or on even better, on promising fledglingand operations. energies all absorb they out, pointed already As have we convey the unverifiable impressionthat is “one going in the right direction”,to the actual the beyond pointfar optimism global a of inducing scope of the experiment. The Hawthorne effect and the distortions related to the observation that “every experiment begins fact mere by the succeeding”Furthermore, ignored. generally are of participating in an to experiment conveys the mistaken often but exhilarating, the stakeholders feeling of innovating, even recipes have been whereused time and again without the same any real success for decades. Pilot experiments also have a tendency to invalidate processes, evaluation for two sets of stated objective reasons. is often to First, mobilize and create the the change directly to than more dynamic new a performance of an environmental management system. The problem is that the emergence of a mobilization or action dynamics is difficult to measure in ‘abstracto’: it is only in the light of the future behaviour of the concerned human groups that it is possible to durable dynamic know has been created. In whether addition, a there is the problem of scale. It evaluate micro-experiences with is regard to their difficult to impact on the way in which is the environment managed. Moreover, pilot experiments often are associated with conceptthe adaptive of management, itself akin learning to by doing. Even the though the usefulness method of those of concepts for the general case is in no doubt and they are often justified they in practice, can through gradual drifting understanding of action, lead in which mistakes and to an failures become an integral part of the process. fundamentally is evaluation an context, a such In errors those which in cases including invalidated, failures. predictable largely and severe to equate we saw that Finally, before pilot projects, and in a sense larger pilot to contribute a experiments, phenomenon This action. public of fragmentation leads to extremely it makes which systems, an management “illegibility” to responsibilities, todifficult discern web of of the environmental assign effectsto practices or to identify trends. evaluation of invalidation optimism, Exaggerated


THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 83 Develop Develop regional and based modelling simulations. local scale- Go further in identifying the induced consequences of the evolution of the context of natural hazards (impacts on agriculture, etc.). livelihoods, fishing, tourism, approach to pilot approach projects exactly the same in Mauritius, Rodrigues and Rodrigues Mauritius, in same the exactly nor within Mauritius Rodrigues Agalega, and though we cannot wait for themselves. Even impacts on knowledge scientific precise more before launching better adaptation knowledge processes, of these remains a local major goal impacts for the next this: achieve to decade. ways relevant two are There The framework and the guidelines developed developed guidelines the and framework The and presented in this design the for allow report they as usefulness major could be of of actions that are bothrelevant for coping with current environmental changes addressing and the impacts of hazards, climate future impacts in natural particular. This framework could be applied more and systematically used as a between common basis: different (i) regional institutions and (national, international);differentproject-holders; (ii) and (iii) between between project-holders. and funding institutions (i) (ii) ͳ ͳ Reaching Reaching this double goal the will environmental and development collection require data for both of frameworks better methodological monitoring, as well as of the basic improvement data availability. This and social data. environmental aspect concerns both 2. Favouring a coherent a coherent Favouring 2. projects pilot of list the previously, mentioned As provided in this report does not seek to present the whole range of possible actions, but rather to call readers’ attentionof possibilitiesto for adaptation.the range wide some In when cases, strong degradation of thehas environment already occurred, or when environmental protectionmeasures have main goal of the pilot been project will be to identify taken, the and implement alternative livelihood options. In other cases, more anticipativeshould be developed. approaches and (reactive dimensions two these to According can be emphasized: two points anticipative), A downstream approach: when events events when approach: downstream A occur, resilience studies should be carried out in order and to adaptation assess emergency resilience. communities’ and practices management Gathering vulnerability and resilience studies should anticipation allow naturalof hazards for associated and catastrophes. In doing so, better scientific studies could provide also information andknowledge how on to protect small communities migration. forced from An upstream approach: vulnerability studies should be various spatial scales undertaken before events at occur. They should lead depth analysis of the risks induced by to an in- environmental organization, territorial degradation and management practices, natural asthe well hazard as ability to of cope with local and a communities knowledge crisis about (perceptions hazards emergency skills in case such and hazards etc.). occur, of current and future and future of current pressures, environmental their social as as well consequences The future impacts of climate a local change scale: these on impacts will neither be Better knowledge of current natural hazards and their impacts. Two components can be highlighted: (ii) (i) This should lead to vulnerabilities throughout better the islands and mapping of major a be will maps these as country, the support both for decision makers and for public awareness. improve NGOs to local ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ More More in-depth consequences scientific of current studies and hazards future are natural necessary. They not only environmental on the pressures, should but also the address way these pressures impact communities. Two appear relevant: research future for avenues 1. Improving knowledge knowledge Improving 1. The following are some general recommendations recommendations general some are following The of the report. clusters the two to common THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE 84 Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 3. Mainstreaming erdto, lmt cag ad thewider and and economic settlements, for risks associated change climate degradation, environmental address should information This Thoroughly informing the population is necessary. 4. Moving towards an ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ how to favour/mitigate them? and identified be could synergies/conflicts developed and the frameworks of CSR, AAP and MID. Which framework be project pilot the could between linkages Stronger tothe paid be transferability also of“good practices”. should Attention The National Adaptation Programme of Programme Action (NAPA) shouldbe revised inorder to: Adaptation National The funders’ needs. for its guidelines adjust also to interesting be could define it projects,environmental relevant communities has local vulnerable to framework” help project this project in designed primarily “pilot been the As policies andframeworks change intonational adaptation toclimate change pathway adaptation toclimate • • s ol fr einn adaptation designing for strategies. tools as guidelines and framework above the use include themigration dimension; should focus on: subsistence activities, etc. Awareness campaigns regional context. a in discussed also are study this of results the that recommended in is It countries. neighbouring easily improved, be could also could study and replicated, be This practices. good the and particular, could information exchange of regional a from benefit movements In migration of management cooperation. enhanced from regional benefit greatly indeed strategies could and framework recommended The in fostering cooperation. keyrolea play could UNDP the and Commission Ocean the Indian IOM, Being agencies, international islands. neighbouring of context the to extended a be a could showcase, experiences as whose country seen be could Mauritius of Republic perspective, the this from that showed report This change. climate to of adaptation and avenues possible migration of issues the strong on cooperation regional very are There 5. Fostering regional (ii) (i) cooperation unrblt t ntrl hazards, natural including migration options. to vulnerability communities’ reducing of means the current degradation; environmental by and hazards induced natural threats the BIBLIOGRAPHY

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THE OTHER MIGRANTS PREPARING FOR CHANGE Environmental changes and migration in the republic of mauritius - An assessment report 93 Agalega Location Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Rodrigues Rodrigues Rodrigues Rodrigues Rodrigues Rodrigues Occupation/Institution Tourism Promotion Officer Promotion Tourism Office Tourism Rodrigues Field Center Manager Manager Field Center Shoals Rodrigues Project Manager Project SEMPA Project Manager (Environment) Manager Project Assembly Regional Rodrigues Commissioner (Environment, Housing, Infrastructure) Commissioner (Environment, Assembly Regional Rodrigues Sand miners and sea salt producers Sand miners Deputy Director, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and Sustainable Environment of Ministry Deputy Director, of Division, Ministry Change Climate Officer, Divisional Environment Development and Sustainable Environment Environment of Division, Ministry Change Climate Officer, Environment Development and Sustainable of Ministry Programme, Adaptation Africa Coordinator, Project Development and Sustainable Environment Director Alimentaire) pour l’Autosuffisance MAA (Mouvement Indian Ocean Commission Deputy Director Office Mauritius Meteorological (NEF) Foundation Empowerment National (by phone) UNDP Officer Former Manager Business Development (AREU) Agriculture of Unit, Ministry Extension and Research Agricultural Director Louis Port Développement, de Française Agence Fund Wildlife World Indien Commission de l’Océan ECORISMO officer Public relations Hotel Plage Belle Mare Manager Assistant Authority (SMEDA) Development Small and Medium Enterprises Manager Programme (UNDP) Programme Development Nations United Manager Programme (UNDP) Programme Development Nations United Officer Project Environment (UNDP) Programme Development Nations United Professor of Engineering School of Technology, University Director Conservation Reef Manager Project Conservation Reef Secretary Ile Maurice (AHRIM) Restaurateurs, et des Hôteliers Association Coordinator Association Magic Fingers phone) (by Community manager Person Ms. C. PROSPER Mrs. S. DESIRE Mrs. Mr Jean-Rex Mr Jean-Rex PIERRELOUIS Mr. H. FELICITE Mr. Mr. F. A. GRANDCOURT F. Mr. Mr L. LARCHE Mr. S. MOOLOO Mr. J.SEEWOOBADUTH Mr. R.LUXIMON Mr. L. JOOTUN Dr. Mr E. MANGAR G. BONNE Mrs Mr BEBEEJAUN Mr NEERUNJUN Mr S. DEENAPANRAY S. BISNAUTHSING Mr. L. BRETON-MOYET Mrs. TATAYA Vikash Mr B. MONTFRAIX S. ADAM Mrs. SUJEEBUN Vedanand Mr. R.ALCINDOR Mr. S. RAMCHURN Mr. L. GIAPPICHELLI Mrs. MOLEE Mrs. YOUNG Cathy Mrs. S. KAUDEER Mr. LEGRIS P. Mr. S. RAMANJOOLOO Mrs. Mr JASMIN List of key people consulted key List of

The opinions expressed in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout the report do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IOM concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning its frontiers or boundaries.

IOM is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society. As an intergovernmental organization, IOM acts with its partners in the international community to: assist in meeting the operational challenges of migration; advance understanding of migration issues; encourage social and economic development through migration; and uphold the human dignity and well-being of migrants.

Publisher: International Organization for Migration 17 route des Morillons 1211 Geneva 19 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 717 91 11 Fax: +41 22 798 61 50 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:


© 2011 International Organization for Migration (IOM)


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International Organization for Migration (IOM) 17 route des Morillons CH-1211 Geneva 19, Switzerland Tel: +41 22 717 9111 • Fax: +41 22 798 6150 E-mail: [email protected] • Internet: