Shrewsbury School Register 1798-1898
MB Shrewsbury School Register; 1798-1898 a I y. E, A UDEN SHREWSBURY SCHOOL REGISTER. 1798—1898. FLORUIT, FLORET, FLOREAT SCHOLA SALOPIENSIS. WOODALL, MINSHALL, & CO., CAXTON PRESS, OSWESTRY. 1898 M PREFACE. Thk present issue is more or less a pioneer work, and therefore the Editor hopes that additions and corrections will be sent to him in order that a second and more perfect edition may be published, should a demand arise. He apologises for the imper- fections and mistakes among the entries of Dr. Kennedy's time, owing to the absence of an Official Register ; and also for the names which may have been omitted in subsequent years. For in compiling the index he has discovered that his con6dence in the accuracy of Mr. Bentley's lists was somewhat misplaced, as he then became aware of the omission of two or ihree boys, and there- fore fears that the same fate may have befallen others without his perceiving it No doubt, too, the index is very faulty, but as an excuse for this, pressure of parochial work is pleaded. Special acknowledgement of generous help and encourage- ment should be made to the Headmaster, especially for the loan of Dr. Butler's Register, to the Rev^. E. W. Montagu, G. W. Fisher, J. S. Bayne, F. J. Poynton, and W. J. R. H. Oliver, Dr. Calvert, Col. A. J. Poole, Messrs. S. Butler, Edw. Filliter, P. A. Scratchley, T. E. Pickering, M. J. Harding, and many more, quos nunc perscribere longum est. For the earlier athletic records, the Editor is indebted to the Rev.
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