And so it continued both day and night. It is to many, a source of regret that as soon as the angels sing ‘Glory to God in the highest’, the choir term ends with it. In fact Christmas continues until 2 February with the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, or Candlemas. The great feast of the Epiphany (the Visit of the Wise Men) falls on 6 January and the Cathedral community celebrates the Epiphany season with a Carol service on Saturday 11 January at 5.15pm. In addition, Jeremy Cole and Elsa van der Zee will perform Messiaen’s La Nativité du Seigneur on Thursday 23 January at 7.00 p.m. Do join us when you can. The Reverend Canon Nicholas Jepson-Biddle, Precentor Communicant members of other churches in good standing are welcome to receive the Sacrament in this church if they so desire. December 29 - January 4: The Reverend Canon Dr Rob James, Chancellor January 5 - 11: The Venerable Anne Gell, Archdeacon of Wells January 12 - 18: The Reverend Canon Dr Rob James, Chancellor January 19 - 25: The Reverend Canon Nicholas Jepson-Biddle, Precentor January 26 - February 1: The Very Reverend Dr John Davies DL, Dean The Cathedral’s Director of Music, Jeremy Cole, is always pleased to hear from parents of prospective choristers. Scholarships and additional bursaries for Wells Cathedral School, which all choristers attend, are available. For more information, or about choral and organ scholarships at the Cathedral, please telephone 01749 832204 or email
[email protected] At certain services throughout the year, incense is used to enhance the festal nature of the day.