Stock Status Report: [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019


Dissostichus eleginoides

Common Name: Patagonian toothfish



Updated 22 November, 2019

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 1

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019


1. Description of the fishery ...... 3 1.1 Description of fishing vessels and fishing gear ...... 3 1.2 Spatial and temporal distribution of fishing ...... 5 1.3 Reported retained catches and discards ...... 9 1.4 IUU ...... 9 2. Stock distribution and identity ...... 11 3. Data available for assessments, life history parameters and other population information ...... 12 3.1 Samplings ...... 12 3.2 Length data and frequency distribution ...... 12 3.3 Length-weight relationships ...... 14 3.4 Age data and growth parameters ...... 14 3.5 Reproductive parameters ...... 14 3.6 Natural mortality ...... 14 3.7 Feeding and trophic relationships (including interaction) ...... 14 3.8 Tagging and migration ...... 14 4. Stock assessment status ...... 14 5. Incidental catch ...... 14 In this section, incidental catch (VME species, seabird, mammals and turtles) are reported...... 14 5.1 Invertebrate (VME taxa) ...... 14 5.2 Incidental mortality (seabirds, mammals and turtles) ...... 16 5.4 Bycatch mitigation methods (Sea birds) ...... 16 6. Lost and abandoned gear ...... 16 6. Current conservation measures and management advice ...... 17 7. References ...... 19 ANNEX A: Retained and discarded bycatch in Patagonian toothfish LL fishery ------20 ANNEX B: Summary of biological data collected ------26

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 2

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

1. Description of the fishery 1.1 Description of fishing vessels and fishing gear

Fishing for Patagonian toothfish in the SEAFO Convention Area (CA) started around 2002. Japan is the main fishing country that fished continuously for 17 years (2003-2019), while Republic of Korea, Spain and South Africa fished for some years (1-4 years). Table 1 shows the list of Patagonian toothfish bottom longline vessels and their specifications. Historically a maximum of three vessels per year fished in the SEAFO CA. The Spanish longline system and the trotline used by Japan (Fig. 1) are the fishing gears commonly used.

Table 1: List of Patagonian toothfish bottom longline vessels and their specifications

Year ves_Name ves_Flag ves_Callsign ves_IMO ves_Gear_Type ves_Length ves_Tonnage 2009 JUNGWOO NO2 KOR DTBQ4 8509961 LL 911 2009 JUNGWOO NO3 KOR DTBV7 8421078 LL 494 2009 SHINSEI MARU NO3 JPN JAAL 8520094 LL 47.2 495 2010 SHINSEI MARU NO3 JPN JAAL 8520094 LL 47.2 495 2010 VIKING BAY ESP EAWJ LL 43.5 692 2011 KORYO MARU 11 RSA ZR7955 8603896 LL 10.4 336 2011 SHINSEI MARU NO3 JPN JAAL 8520094 LL 47.2 495 2012 KORYO MARU 11 RSA ZR7955 8603896 LL 10.4 336 2012 SHINSEI MARU NO3 JPN JAAL 8520094 LL 47.2 495 2013 SHINSEI MARU NO3 JPN JAAL 8520094 LL 47.2 495 2014 SHINSEI MARU NO3 JPN JAAL 8520094 LL 47.2 495 2015 SHINSEI MARU NO3 JPN JAAL 8520094 LL 47.2 495 2016 SHINSEI MARU NO3 JPN JAAL 8520094 LL 47.2 495 2017 SHINSEI MARU NO3 JPN JAAL 8520094 LL 47.2 495 2018 SHINSEI MARU NO3 JPN JAAL 8520094 LL 47.2 495 2019 SHINSEI MARU NO3 JPN JAAL 8520094 LL 47.2 495

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 3

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

Figure 1: Fishing gears used to fish D. eleginoides: Spanish longline system (top) and the trotline used by Japan (bottom).

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 4

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

1.2 Spatial and temporal distribution of fishing

In SEAFO CA, the fishery has been conducted in Sub-Area D, being concentrated over in Division D1, at Discovery (central part of Sub-Area D) and at seamounts located in the western part of Sub-Area D (Fig. 2). 2009



South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 5

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019




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Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019




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Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019


2019 (provisional, September)

Figure 2: Spatial-temporal catch distribution of Patagonian toothfish ( eleginoides) (2009-2019) (2019 provisional) (September, 2019)

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 8

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

Table 2 shows the summary of fishing efforts (number of sets and hooks) by year and area (2009-2019).

Table 2: Summary of fishing efforts (number of sets and hooks) by year and area (2009-2019) Area Western Meteor(D1) Discovery Effort set # of hooks set # hooks set # hooks 2009 46 246,460 233 1,371,657 3 24,840 2010 27 171,000 118 547,376 5 38,880 2011 1 2,400 54 193,500 207 821,112 2012 68 258,880 25 116,700 207 919,275 2013 57 263,305 108 434,160 2014 100 402,000 13 52,260 64 257,280 2015 127 560,715 24 96,480 2016 67 269,340 22 88,440 2017 34 136,680 2018 100 455,680 2019(*) 75 210,768 (*) Preliminary (September)

1.3 Reported retained catches and discards

Table 3A presents data on Patagonian toothfish catches and discards (2002-2019) listed by country, as well as fishing gear used and the management area from which catches were taken. Annual catches varied between 12t (2017) and 393t (2003). Table3B show Atlantic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) catch and discards

Discards were mainly due to parasite infection of fish. In the last three years with complete data (2016, 2017 and 2018) retained catches were 60, 12 and 57t respectively and the annual weight of discarded specimens was less than 2 t in the three years period.

Retained and discarded bycatch from the Patagonian toothfish fishery are presented in Annex A. The two most important species (in terms of weight) are (GRV) and blue antimora (ANT).

1.4 IUU

IUU fishing activity in the SEAFO CA has been reported to the Secretariat in 2012 and 2015-2016. In 2015-2016 it was reported that one IUU vessel caught 92 tonnes of Patagonian toothfish.

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 9

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

Table 3A: Catches (tons) of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) by South Africa, Spain, Japan and Korea (2002-2019) BOLIVI Nation Spain Japan Korea South Africa A (IUU) Fishing Longli Longlines Longlines Longlines Longlines method nes Manage Unkno ment D D0 D1 D0 D1 D0 D1 wn Area Reta Disc Reta Disca Reta Disca Reta Disca Reta Disca Reta Disca Reta Disca Retain Year in ard in rd in rd in rd in rd in rd in rd ed 2002 18

2003 101 47 245

2004 6 124

2005 N/F N/F 158 10

2006 11 155

2007 N/F 166

2008 N/F N/F 122 0 N/F N/F 76

2009 N/F N/F N/F N/F 74 0 16 0 46 0 N/F N/F N/F N/F 2010 26 0 N/F N/F 54 2 N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F 2011 N/F N/F 159 6 N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F 15 0 28 0 2012 N/F N/F 86 3 N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F 24 0 12 0 2013 N/F N/F 41 2 19 1 N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F 2014 N/F N/F 47 <1 6 <1 N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F 2015 N/F N/F 52 <1 7 <1 N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F 2016 N/F N/F 7 <1 53 <1 N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F 101 2017 N/F N/F 12 <1 N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F 2018 N/F N/F N/F N/F 57 <1 N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F 2019* N/F N/F N/F N/F 37 <1 N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F N/F * Provisional (September). N/F = No Fishing. Blank fields = No data available

Table 3B: Atlantic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni)(TOA) catch and discards (2014-2019)

Nation Japan Fishing method Longlines Management Area D0 D1 Retain Discard Retain Discard

2014 ˂ 1 0 0 0 2015 0 0 0 0 2016 0 0 0 0 2017 0 0 N/F N/F 2018 N/F N/F 0 0 2019* N/F N/F 0 0 *Provisional (September). N/F = No Fishing.

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 10

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

2. Stock distribution and identity

Patagonian toothfish is a southern circumpolar, eurybathic species (70-1,600m), associated with shelves of the sub- islands usually north of 55ºS. Young stages are pelagic (North, 2002). The species occurs in the Kerguelen-Heard Ridge, islands of the Scotia Arc and the northern part of the (Hureau, 1985; DeWitt et al., 1990). This species is also known from the southern coast of Chile northward to Peru and the coast of Argentina, especially in the Patagonian area (DeWitt, 1990), and also present in Discovery and Meteor seamounts in the SE Atlantic (Figure 3) and El Cano Ridge in the South (López-Abellán and Gonzalez, 1999, López-Abellán, 2005).

In SEAFO CA the stock structure of the species is unknown. The CCAMLR Scientific Committee in 2009 noted that in most years (since 2003) the main species caught in CCAMLR sub-area 48.6 (adjacent to and directly south of SEAFO Division D) is D. eleginoides. The distribution of the species appears to be driven by the sub-Antarctic front which extends into the SEAFO CA.

Figure 3: Species geographical distribution in the SEAFO CA (source: Species profile on the SEAFO website).

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 11 Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

3. Data available for assessments, life history parameters and other population information

3.1 Samplings

The number of fishing sets sampled from 2009 onwards (including all bottom longliners) indicates a good sampling level in line with the SEAFO preliminary guidelines for data collection (Table 4). On average, samplings were conducted in 98% of the total sets and 19 specimens were measured per sampled fishing set, which is considered acceptable given the length range of the exploited population. In future it will be necessary to apply this sampling effort of 20 individuals in all sampled fishing sets.

Table 4: The annual total number of sets and sampling effort (2009-2019*) (include the number of fish sampled)

% of sets total number of No of sets with Average # of fish Minimum # of Maximum # of total # of fish year including sets samples sampled/set fish sampled/set fish sampled/set sampled samplings 2009 275 274 100 18 1 58 5,072 2010 148 126 85 17 1 60 4,512 2011 261 261 100 33 1 60 8,652 2012 291 291 100 21 1 57 6,095 2013 162 162 100 20 1 70 3,247 2014 121 121 100 11 1 50 3,330 2015 148 148 100 10 1 23 3,501 2016 88 88 100 11 1 46 2,762 2017 32 32 100 30 14 40 942 2018 98 98 100 12 1 20 3,495 2019 75 67 89 27 2 80 4,905 (Average) 154 152 98 19 2 51 4,228

(*) 2019 is provisional (September)

3.2 Length data and frequency distribution

Figure 4 shows the annual total length frequency distributions of Patagonian toothfish catches based on the observer data from all fleets submitted to SEAFO.

2009 10



4 n=4,931


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100105110115120125130135140145150155160165170175180185190195200205210215220 2010 10



4 n=3,364


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 12 Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

2011 10

8 6 n=8,617 4


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 2012 9 8 7 6 5 4 n=6,095 3 2 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 2013 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 n=3,246 3 2 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 2014 10

8 6 n=1,754 4


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 2015 10 8 n=2,564 6



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 2016 10

8 6 n=1,551 4


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220


2018 16 14 12 10 8

6 n=1,995



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220

2019(Provisional) 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% n=1,350 2% 1% 0% 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 Figure 4: Annual size % freq. distributions of D. eleginoides in Sub-Area D (2009-2019) (2019 provisional) (September) (Red vertical line represents 100cm)

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 13 Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

3.3 Length-weight relationships

Table 5 shows the sample size and the length-weight relationships parameters by sex based on observer data from Japanese fleet in 2013.

Table 5: Length-weight relationships by sex (based on 2013 Japanese observer data) Samples a b r2 n Males 1E-06 3.4484 0.9768 405 Females 2E-06 3.4296 0.9579 860

3.4 Age data and growth parameters There is no available information for this species in SEAFO CA.

3.5 Reproductive parameters There is no available information for this species in SEAFO CA.

3.6 Natural mortality There is no available information for this species in SEAFO CA.

3.7 Feeding and trophic relationships (including species interaction) There is no available information for this species in SEAFO CA.

3.8 Tagging and migration

Eleven specimens were tagged in Subarea D in 2006 and fourteen in 2010 (Spanish flagged Viking Bay vessel). However, there is no available information on recoveries of tagged specimens or on tagged specimens tagged at adjacent areas of CCAMLR.

4. Stock assessment status There were preliminary stock assessments trials conducted during the 9th Scientific Committee meeting in 2014 (SC9 (2014) ) using assessment models such as Y/R analysis, length cohort analysis and ASPIC (production model). However, there was no consensus of agreement on results because the time series were too short and r2 (correlation coefficient) of standardized CPUE was too low (r2 < 30%). However, SC9 (2014) suggested that all results provided the perception that current harvesting rate (F) is below Fmsy in 2014 (SC9, 2014 report). After 2015, annual average catches decreased from 171 t (2002-2014) to 47 t (2015-2019) (73% reduction), annual average number of boats operated (fishing efforts) decreased from 2.2 to 1.0 (46% reduction) and nominal CPUE show no decrease trends.

5. Incidental catch

In this section, incidental catch (VME species, seabird, mammals and turtles) are reported.

5.1 Invertebrate bycatch (VME taxa)

Table 6 shows the bycatch of VME species and its amount based on the observer data for the period 2010-2019. Figure 5 shows their geographic location.

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 14

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

Table 6: VME Bycatch from Patagonia toothfish fishery (kg) (2010-2019*)

Black Feather Hard corals, Basket and Gorgonians and thorny Sea pens Soft corals stars and Hydrocorals Erect Sea anemone Species madrepores nei brittle stars (Gorgoniidae) corals (Pennatulacea) (Alcyonacea) sea lilies (Stylasteridae) bryozoans (Zoantharia) (Scleractinia) (Ophiuroidea) (Antipatharia) (Crinoidea) FAO GGW CSS AQZ OWP NTW AJZ CWP AXT(AZN) BZN ZOT DMO code D0 33.9 2.1 3.9 1.3 1.0 0.2 0.9 2010 D1 13.6 0.1 0.5 2.0 0.3 1.0 0.1 D0 3.8 15.4 2011 D1 D0 30.3 17.6 0.2 0.0 1.2 2012 D0 2.3 0.3 D0 2.6 2.8 2014 D1 1.2 D0 0.4 2015 D1 0.4 4.9 1.0 D0 0.0 0.7 1.2 0.8 2016 D1 9.5 3.9 0.6 D0 1.0 7.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.6 0.4 2017 D1 D0 2018 D1 0.6 2.8 0.0 2.4 0.1 0.0 2019 D0 (provisional) D1 6.9 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 (*) 2019 provisional (September)

Figure 5: Locations for incidental bycatch of VME species (2010-2019*). (*) Provisional (September 2019)

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 15

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

5.2 Incidental mortality (seabirds, mammals and turtles)

In the SEAFO database there are records of three seabirds (2 species) having been caught during Japanese longline daytime fishing in 2014. The seabirds caught were recorded by the ID codes “PUG” – Puffinus gravis (Great shearwater) & “DIM” – Thalassarche melanophris (Southern black-browed albatross).

5.4 Bycatch mitigation methods (Sea birds)

No offal dumping during hauling, deployment of bird scaring devices (Tori lines) and bottle test are mandated to mitigate seabird bycatch.

6. Lost and abandoned gear

Figure 6 shows locations and amount of the lost gears based on the observer data (2010-2019). Note: no lost gear (2014-2017).

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 16 Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

Figure 6: Locations and amount of the lost gears based on observer data (2010-2019) (no lost gear in 2014-2017). (note: 2019 is provisional as of September) (Legend: no of hooks lost) Note Observer recorded lost gears including lost hooks (even 1 hook) and/or lost line segments.

6. Current conservation measures and management advice

In 2015, the Commission adopted Harvest Control Rule (HCR) to decide TAC if no agreed stock assessments are available. This HCR had been applied in NAFO (Greenland halibut during 2011- 2017) and CCSBT (southern bluefin tuna), which uses average of slopes of CPUE in recent 5 years (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7 HCR for Patagonian toothfish adopted by the Commission in 2015

In the HCR, standardized CPUE is preferable to apply. Although SC estimated standardized CPUE using generalised linear models (GLM) five times in the past (2014, 2015, 2016-twice and 2018), all results indicated that correlation coefficients (goodness of fitness) were too low (r2 < 30%) to provide the plausible standardized CPUE for the HCR and SC did not agreed to use standardized CPUE for HCR.

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 17

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

Then SC12 (2016) agreed to apply nominal CPUE for the HCR. As nominal Japanese CPUE in the Meteor and Discovery seamounts areas are continuously available (2003-2018), SC12 (2016) agreed to use the slope of average of two nominal CPUE and applied in 2016.

Using the same method, TAC for 2019-2020 is computed as 275 t for Sub-Area D (Box 1) in SC (2018). Then SC (2018) recommends TAC for Sub-Area D of 275 t and a zero TAC for the remainder of the SEAFO CA for the years 2019 and 2020.

Box 1 Computation of TAC (2019-2020) using HCR

Slope (2014-2018) (Discovery) = -0.527 Slope (2014-2018) (Meteor) = +0.495 Slope (2014-2018) (based on average N_CPUE in 2 areas) = +0.0341

TAC (2019-20) = TAC (2017-2018) * (1+0.0341) =266(ton)*1.0341=275(ton) Difference (%) = (275-266)/266=0.034(3.4%) < 5% Hence TAC (2019-2020) = 275 tons

Nominal CPUE(METEOR) (scaled as ave=1) N_CPUE (DISCOVERY) (scaled as ave=1) 1.5 1.5

1 1 y = 0.0495x + 0.8639 y = -0.0527x + 1.1055 0.5 0.5

0 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Agerage N_CPUE (METEOR+DISCOVERY) (scaled as ave=1) 1.5

1 y = 0.0341x + 0.9061 0.5

0 Figure 7 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Upper: Nominal CPUE trend and its slope in Meteor (left) and Discovery(right) areas in recent 5 years (2014-2018). Lower: Average CPUE trend of two nominal CPUE and its slope.

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 18

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

Table 7 shows relevant Conservation Measures.

Table 7: Conservation Measures. Conservation On the Conservation of Caught in Association with Fisheries Measure 04/06 Managed by SEAFO Conservation To Reduce Sea Turtle Mortality in SEAFO Fishing Operations. Measure 14/09 Conservation On Reducing Incidental Bycatch of Seabirds in the SEAFO Convention Measure 25/12 Area Conservation On the Management of Vulnerable DeepWater Habitats and Ecosystems in Measure 30/15 the SEAFO Convention Area Conservation Total Allowable Catches and related conditions for Patagonian Toothfish, Measure CM- Deep-Sea Red Crab, Alfonsino, Orange Roughy and Pelagic Armourhead TAC-01 (2018) for 2019 and 2020 in the SEAFO Convention Area

7. References

Arana, P.2009. Reproductive aspects of the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) off southern Chile. Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Res., 37(3): 381-394.

DeWitt, H.H., P.C. Heemstra and O. Gon. 1990. . In: Fishes of the , O. Gon and P.C. Heemstra (Eds.). J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa: 279-331.

Horn P. L. 2002. Age and growth of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) andAntarctic toothfish (D. mawsoni) in waters from the New Zealand subantarctic to the , Fisheries Research, 56:275-287.

Hureau, J.C, 1985. Family Nothoteniidae-Antarctic rock . In: FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Southern Ocean: Fishing Areas 48, 58 and 88 (CCAMLR Convention Area). Fischer, W. And J.C. Hureau (Eds). FAO, Rome, vols. I-II, 470 p.

López-Abellán L.J. and J. González. 1999. Results of the longline survey on the seamounts in the southeast Atlantic and in the CCAMLR Subarea 48.6 (Atlantic Ocean) and Division 58.4.4 (Indian Ocean). CCAMLR Science, Vol. 6: 99-116.

López-Abellán, L.J. 2005. Patagonian toothfish in international waters of the Southwest Indian Ocean (Statistical Area 51). CCAMLR Science, 12: 207–214.

SC-SEAFO-2011. Report of the 7th Annual Meeting of the SEAFO Scientific Committee. SEAFO SC Report 2011. SEAFO, Swakopmund, Namibia.

SC-SEAFO-2013. Report of the 9th Annual Meeting of the SEAFO Scientific Committee. SEAFO SC Report 2013. SEAFO, Swakopmund, Namibia.

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 19

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

Annex A (1): Retained and discarded bycatch in Patagonian toothfish LL fishery (2009-2010) 2009 2010 Code English name Scientific name D0 D1 D0 D1 Discard Retain Discard Retain Discard Retainain Discard Retain AGZ Argyrocottus zanderi AJZ Soft corals Alcyonacea 1 ANT Blue antimora Antimora rostrata 4,778 1,348 AQZ Black corals and thorny corals Antipatharia 1 ATX Sea anemones Actiniaria 1 AXT Hydrocorals Stylasteridae AZN Hydroids, hydromedusae Anthoathecatae BCD Bathylasmatidae BRQ Lamp Shells Brachiopoda 0 BSH Blue Prionace glauca BUK Butterfly kingfish Gasterochisma melampus BYR Kerguelen sandpaper Bathyraja irrasa BZN Erect bryozoans Bryozoa CGE West African geryon Chaceon maritae CKH Abyssal grenadier Coryphaenoides armatus 1 COX Conger eels, etc. nei Congridae CSS Hard corals, madrepores nei Scleractinia 0 CWD Feather stars and sea lilies Crinoidea 0 CXY Volutes nei Cymbium spp GRV Grenadiers nei Macrourus spp 5,833 2,601 DMO Sponges Demospongiae ETF Blackbelly lanternshark Etmopterus lucifer GGW Gorgonians Gorgoniidae 14 GSK Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus GWD Gobius rubropunctatus HIB Deep-water arrowtooth eel Histiobranchus bathybius HQZ Hydrozoans Hydrozoa 0 HYD Ratfishes nei Hydrolagus spp KCF Globose king crab Paralomis formosa KCX King crabs, stone crabs nei Lithodidae 1 35 LEV Lepidion codlings nei Lepidion spp 0 MCC Ridge scaled rattail Macrourus carinatus 893 MRL Moray cods nei Muraenolepis spp 1 MWS Smallhead moray Muraenolepis microcephalus NOX Antarctic rockcods, noties nei Nototheniidae NTW Sea pens Pennatulacea 0 OEQ Basket Star Euryalina OWP Basket and brittle stars Ophiuroidea 2 PFR Sponges Porifera 12 RTX Grenadiers, rattails nei Macrouridae SEC Harbour seal Phoca vitulina SKH Various sharks nei Selachimorpha(Pleurotremata) SPO Sponges Spongidae SRX Rays, stingrays, mantas nei Rajiformes SSK Kaup's arrowtooth eel Serpulidae SSY Tube Worms Serpulidae 1 ZOT Zoanthids Zoanthidea 0 AGZ Argyrocottus zanderi AJZ Soft corals Alcyonacea 0 ANT Blue antimora Antimora rostrata 107 444 AQZ Black corals and thorny corals Antipatharia 4 ATX Sea anemones Actiniaria 0 AXT Hydrocorals Stylasteridae 0 AZN Hydroids, hydromedusae Anthoathecatae BCD Bathylasmatidae 0 BEA Eaton's skate Bathyraja eatonii 360 BRQ Lamp Shells Brachiopoda BRY Brotulina erythrea 0 BSH Blue shark Prionace glauca BUK Butterfly kingfish Gasterochisma melampus 17 BYR Kerguelen sandpaper skate Bathyraja irrasa 573 673 BZN Erect bryozoans Bryozoa CGE West African geryon Chaceon maritae CKH Abyssal grenadier Coryphaenoides armatus 1 COX Conger eels, etc. nei Congridae CSS Stony Corals Scleractinia 2 CWD Feather stars and sea lilies Crinoidea 1 CXY Volutes nei Cymbium spp 0 DMO Sponges Demospongiae ETF Blackbelly lanternshark Etmopterus lucifer GGW Gorgonians Gorgoniidae 34 GRV Grenadiers nei Macrourus spp 89 93 4,047 1,936 GSK Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus GWD Gobius rubropunctatus HIB Deep-water arrowtooth eel Histiobranchus bathybius HQZ Hydrozoans Hydrozoa 0 HYD Ratfishes nei Hydrolagus spp KCF Globose king crab Paralomis formosa 0 KCX King crabs, stone crabs nei Lithodidae 3 LEV Lepidion codlings nei Lepidion spp 4 MCC Ridge scaled rattail Macrourus carinatus 326 MRL Moray cods nei Muraenolepis spp MWS Smallhead moray cod Muraenolepis microcephalus NOX Antarctic rockcods, noties nei Nototheniidae NTW Sea pens Pennatulacea 1 OEQ Basket Star Euryalina OWP Basket and brittle stars Ophiuroidea 1 PFR Sponges Porifera 18 RTX Grenadiers, rattails nei Macrouridae SEC Harbour seal Phoca vitulina SKH Various sharks nei Selachimorpha(Pleurotremata) 28 SPO Sponges Spongidae SRX Rays, stingrays, mantas nei Rajiformes SSK Kaup's arrowtooth eel Synaphobranchus kaupii 2 SSY Tube Worms Serpulidae TOA Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni ZOT Zoanthids Zoanthidea 0 South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 20

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

Annex A (2): Retained and discarded bycatch in Patagonian toothfish LL fishery (2011-2012) 2011 2012 English name Scientific name D0 D1 D0 D1 Discard Retain Discard Retain Discard Retain Discard Retain Argyrocottus zanderi Soft corals Alcyonacea Blue antimora Antimora rostrata 65 Black corals and thorny corals Antipatharia Sea anemones Actiniaria Hydrocorals Stylasteridae Hydroids, hydromedusae Anthoathecatae Bathylasmatidae Lamp Shells Brachiopoda Blue shark Prionace glauca Butterfly kingfish Gasterochisma melampus Kerguelen sandpaper skate Bathyraja irrasa Erect bryozoans Bryozoa West African geryon Chaceon maritae Abyssal grenadier Coryphaenoides armatus Conger eels, etc. nei Congridae Hard corals, madrepores nei Scleractinia Feather stars and sea lilies Crinoidea Volutes nei Cymbium spp Grenadiers nei Macrourus spp 186 Sponges Demospongiae Blackbelly lanternshark Etmopterus lucifer Gorgonians Gorgoniidae Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus Gobius rubropunctatus Deep-water arrowtooth eel Histiobranchus bathybius Hydrozoans Hydrozoa Ratfishes nei Hydrolagus spp Globose king crab Paralomis formosa King crabs, stone crabs nei Lithodidae Lepidion codlings nei Lepidion spp Ridge scaled rattail Macrourus carinatus Moray cods nei Muraenolepis spp Smallhead moray cod Muraenolepis microcephalus Antarctic rockcods, noties nei Nototheniidae Sea pens Pennatulacea Basket Star Euryalina Basket and brittle stars Ophiuroidea Sponges Porifera Grenadiers, rattails nei Macrouridae Harbour seal Phoca vitulina Various sharks nei Selachimorpha(Pleurotremata) Sponges Spongidae Rays, stingrays, mantas nei Rajiformes Kaup's arrowtooth eel Serpulidae Tube Worms Serpulidae Zoanthids Zoanthidea Argyrocottus zanderi Soft corals Alcyonacea Blue antimora Antimora rostrata 4,794 4,385 Black corals and thorny corals Antipatharia 0 Sea anemones Actiniaria 0 2 Hydrocorals Stylasteridae Hydroids, hydromedusae Anthoathecatae Bathylasmatidae Eaton's skate Bathyraja eatonii Lamp Shells Brachiopoda Brotulina erythrea Blue shark Prionace glauca Butterfly kingfish Gasterochisma melampus Kerguelen sandpaper skate Bathyraja irrasa Erect bryozoans Bryozoa West African geryon Chaceon maritae Abyssal grenadier Coryphaenoides armatus Conger eels, etc. nei Congridae 21 75 Stony Corals Scleractinia 15 18 Feather stars and sea lilies Crinoidea Volutes nei Cymbium spp Sponges Demospongiae Blackbelly lanternshark Etmopterus lucifer Gorgonians Gorgoniidae 4 30 Grenadiers nei Macrourus spp 22,414 23,563 Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus Gobius rubropunctatus Deep-water arrowtooth eel Histiobranchus bathybius Hydrozoans Hydrozoa Ratfishes nei Hydrolagus spp 31 Globose king crab Paralomis formosa King crabs, stone crabs nei Lithodidae Lepidion codlings nei Lepidion spp Ridge scaled rattail Macrourus carinatus Moray cods nei Muraenolepis spp 2 37 Smallhead moray cod Muraenolepis microcephalus 6 Antarctic rockcods, noties nei Nototheniidae 7 Sea pens Pennatulacea 0 Basket Star Euryalina Basket and brittle stars Ophiuroidea Sponges Porifera Grenadiers, rattails nei Macrouridae Harbour seal Phoca vitulina 2 Various sharks nei Selachimorpha(Pleurotremata) Sponges Spongidae 1 Rays, stingrays, mantas nei Rajiformes 30 124 Kaup's arrowtooth eel Synaphobranchus kaupii Tube Worms Serpulidae Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni Zoanthids Zoanthidea South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 21

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

Annex A (3): Retained and discarded bycatch in Patagonian toothfish LL fishery (2013-2014) 2013 2014 English name Scientific name D0 D1 D0 D1 Discard Retain Discard Retain Discard Retain Discard Retain Argyrocottus zanderi Soft corals Alcyonacea Blue antimora Antimora rostrata 604 106 Black corals and thorny corals Antipatharia Sea anemones Actiniaria 1 Hydrocorals Stylasteridae Hydroids, hydromedusae Anthoathecatae Bathylasmatidae Lamp Shells Brachiopoda Blue shark Prionace glauca Butterfly kingfish Gasterochisma melampus Kerguelen sandpaper skate Bathyraja irrasa Erect bryozoans Bryozoa West African geryon Chaceon maritae Abyssal grenadier Coryphaenoides armatus Conger eels, etc. nei Congridae Hard corals, madrepores nei Scleractinia 0 Feather stars and sea lilies Crinoidea Volutes nei Cymbium spp Grenadiers nei Macrourus spp 806 267 Sponges Demospongiae Blackbelly lanternshark Etmopterus lucifer Gorgonians Gorgoniidae 1 3 Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus Gobius rubropunctatus Deep-water arrowtooth eel Histiobranchus bathybius Hydrozoans Hydrozoa Ratfishes nei Hydrolagus spp Globose king crab Paralomis formosa King crabs, stone crabs nei Lithodidae 10 Lepidion codlings nei Lepidion spp Ridge scaled rattail Macrourus carinatus Moray cods nei Muraenolepis spp Smallhead moray cod Muraenolepis microcephalus Antarctic rockcods, noties nei Nototheniidae Sea pens Pennatulacea Basket Star Euryalina Basket and brittle stars Ophiuroidea Sponges Porifera Grenadiers, rattails nei Macrouridae Harbour seal Phoca vitulina Various sharks nei Selachimorpha(Pleurotremata) Sponges Spongidae Rays, stingrays, mantas nei Rajiformes Kaup's arrowtooth eel Serpulidae Tube Worms Serpulidae Zoanthids Zoanthidea Argyrocottus zanderi Soft corals Alcyonacea Blue antimora Antimora rostrata 746 329 Black corals and thorny corals Antipatharia Sea anemones Actiniaria Hydrocorals Stylasteridae Hydroids, hydromedusae Anthoathecatae Bathylasmatidae Eaton's skate Bathyraja eatonii Lamp Shells Brachiopoda Brotulina erythrea Blue shark Prionace glauca Butterfly kingfish Gasterochisma melampus Kerguelen sandpaper skate Bathyraja irrasa Erect bryozoans Bryozoa West African geryon Chaceon maritae Abyssal grenadier Coryphaenoides armatus Conger eels, etc. nei Congridae Stony Corals Scleractinia Feather stars and sea lilies Crinoidea Volutes nei Cymbium spp Sponges Demospongiae Blackbelly lanternshark Etmopterus lucifer 3 Gorgonians Gorgoniidae 1 Grenadiers nei Macrourus spp 7,221 Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus Gobius rubropunctatus Deep-water arrowtooth eel Histiobranchus bathybius Hydrozoans Hydrozoa Ratfishes nei Hydrolagus spp 17 Globose king crab Paralomis formosa King crabs, stone crabs nei Lithodidae 83 Lepidion codlings nei Lepidion spp Ridge scaled rattail Macrourus carinatus Moray cods nei Muraenolepis spp 1 Smallhead moray cod Muraenolepis microcephalus Antarctic rockcods, noties nei Nototheniidae Sea pens Pennatulacea Basket Star Euryalina Basket and brittle stars Ophiuroidea Sponges Porifera Grenadiers, rattails nei Macrouridae 1,122 Harbour seal Phoca vitulina Various sharks nei Selachimorpha(Pleurotremata) Sponges Spongidae Rays, stingrays, mantas nei Rajiformes 20 Kaup's arrowtooth eel Synaphobranchus kaupii Tube Worms Serpulidae Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni 99 Zoanthids Zoanthidea South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 22

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

Annex A (4): Retained and discarded bycatch in Patagonian toothfish LL fishery (2015-2016) 2015 2016 Code English name Scientific name D0 D1 D0 D1 Discard Retain Discard Retain Discard Retain Discard Retain AGZ Argyrocottus zanderi AJZ Soft corals Alcyonacea ANT Blue antimora Antimora rostrata 588 118 AQZ Black corals and thorny corals Antipatharia ATX Sea anemones Actiniaria AXT Hydrocorals Stylasteridae 1 0 AZN Hydroids, hydromedusae Anthoathecatae BCD Bathylasmatidae BRQ Lamp Shells Brachiopoda BSH Blue shark Prionace glauca 0 BUK Butterfly kingfish Gasterochisma melampus BYR Kerguelen sandpaper skate Bathyraja irrasa BZN Erect bryozoans Bryozoa CGE West African geryon Chaceon maritae CKH Abyssal grenadier Coryphaenoides armatus COX Conger eels, etc. nei Congridae CSS Hard corals, madrepores nei Scleractinia 4 CWD Feather stars and sea lilies Crinoidea CXY Volutes nei Cymbium spp GRV Grenadiers nei Macrourus spp 1,577 2,497 DMO Sponges Demospongiae ETF Blackbelly lanternshark Etmopterus lucifer 0 GGW Gorgonians Gorgoniidae 0 10 GSK Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus GWD Gobius rubropunctatus HIB Deep-water arrowtooth eel Histiobranchus bathybius 0 HQZ Hydrozoans Hydrozoa HYD Ratfishes nei Hydrolagus spp 0 KCF Globose king crab Paralomis formosa KCX King crabs, stone crabs nei Lithodidae 1 LEV Lepidion codlings nei Lepidion spp 0 MCC Ridge scaled rattail Macrourus carinatus MRL Moray cods nei Muraenolepis spp 0 MWS Smallhead moray cod Muraenolepis microcephalus NOX Antarctic rockcods, noties nei Nototheniidae NTW Sea pens Pennatulacea OEQ Basket Star Euryalina OWP Basket and brittle stars Ophiuroidea 5 1 PFR Sponges Porifera 1 RTX Grenadiers, rattails nei Macrouridae SEC Harbour seal Phoca vitulina SKH Various sharks nei Selachimorpha(Pleurotremata) SPO Sponges Spongidae SRX Rays, stingrays, mantas nei Rajiformes 0 SSK Kaup's arrowtooth eel Serpulidae SSY Tube Worms Serpulidae ZOT Zoanthids Zoanthidea AGZ Argyrocottus zanderi AJZ Soft corals Alcyonacea ANT Blue antimora Antimora rostrata 379 27 AQZ Black corals and thorny corals Antipatharia ATX Sea anemones Actiniaria AXT Hydrocorals Stylasteridae AZN Hydroids, hydromedusae Anthoathecatae BCD Bathylasmatidae BEA Eaton's skate Bathyraja eatonii BRQ Lamp Shells Brachiopoda BRY Brotulina erythrea BSH Blue shark Prionace glauca 16 BUK Butterfly kingfish Gasterochisma melampus BYR Kerguelen sandpaper skate Bathyraja irrasa BZN Erect bryozoans Bryozoa CGE West African geryon Chaceon maritae CKH Abyssal grenadier Coryphaenoides armatus COX Conger eels, etc. nei Congridae CSS Stony Corals Scleractinia 1 CWD Feather stars and sea lilies Crinoidea CXY Volutes nei Cymbium spp DMO Sponges Demospongiae ETF Blackbelly lanternshark Etmopterus lucifer 1 GGW Gorgonians Gorgoniidae 0 GRV Grenadiers nei Macrourus spp 1,034 1,156 GSK Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus GWD Gobius rubropunctatus HIB Deep-water arrowtooth eel Histiobranchus bathybius 17 1 HQZ Hydrozoans Hydrozoa HYD Ratfishes nei Hydrolagus spp 207 KCF Globose king crab Paralomis formosa KCX King crabs, stone crabs nei Lithodidae 9 LEV Lepidion codlings nei Lepidion spp 0 MCC Ridge scaled rattail Macrourus carinatus MRL Moray cods nei Muraenolepis spp 2 1 MWS Smallhead moray cod Muraenolepis microcephalus NOX Antarctic rockcods, noties nei Nototheniidae NTW Sea pens Pennatulacea OEQ Basket Star Euryalina OWP Basket and brittle stars Ophiuroidea 0 PFR Sponges Porifera 0 RTX Grenadiers, rattails nei Macrouridae 146 SEC Harbour seal Phoca vitulina SKH Various sharks nei Selachimorpha(Pleurotremata) SPO Sponges Spongidae SRX Rays, stingrays, mantas nei Rajiformes 16 SSK Kaup's arrowtooth eel Synaphobranchus kaupii SSY Tube Worms Serpulidae TOA Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni ZOT Zoanthids Zoanthidea South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 23

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

Annex A (5): Retained and discarded bycatch in Patagonian toothfish LL fishery (2017-2018)

2017 2018 Code English name Scientific name D0 D1 D0 D1 Discard Retain Discard Retain Discard Retain Discard Retain AGZ Argyrocottus zanderi AJZ Soft corals Alcyonacea ANT Blue antimora Antimora rostrata 1,114 AQZ Black corals and thorny corals Antipatharia 0 ATX Sea anemones Actiniaria AXT Hydrocorals Stylasteridae 1 AZN Hydroids, hydromedusae Anthoathecatae 1 BCD Bathylasmatidae BRQ Lamp Shells Brachiopoda BSH Blue shark Prionace glauca BUK Butterfly kingfish Gasterochisma melampus BYR Kerguelen sandpaper skate Bathyraja irrasa BZN Erect bryozoans Bryozoa 0 CGE West African geryon Chaceon maritae CKH Abyssal grenadier Coryphaenoides armatus COX Conger eels, etc. nei Congridae CSS Hard corals, madrepores nei Scleractinia 3 CWD Feather stars and sea lilies Crinoidea CXY Volutes nei Cymbium spp GRV Grenadiers nei Macrourus spp 7,633 DMO Sponges Demospongiae 0 ETF Blackbelly lanternshark Etmopterus lucifer GGW Gorgonians Gorgoniidae 1 GSK Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus GWD Gobius rubropunctatus HIB Deep-water arrowtooth eel Histiobranchus bathybius HQZ Hydrozoans Hydrozoa HYD Ratfishes nei Hydrolagus spp KCF Globose king crab Paralomis formosa KCX King crabs, stone crabs nei Lithodidae LEV Lepidion codlings nei Lepidion spp MCC Ridge scaled rattail Macrourus carinatus MRL Moray cods nei Muraenolepis spp MWS Smallhead moray cod Muraenolepis microcephalus NOX Antarctic rockcods, noties nei Nototheniidae NTW Sea pens Pennatulacea OEQ Basket Star Euryalina 1 OWP Basket and brittle stars Ophiuroidea PFR Sponges Porifera RTX Grenadiers, rattails nei Macrouridae SEC Harbour seal Phoca vitulina SKH Various sharks nei Selachimorpha(Pleurotremata) SPO Sponges Spongidae SRX Rays, stingrays, mantas nei Rajiformes SSK Kaup's arrowtooth eel Serpulidae SSY Tube Worms Serpulidae ZOT Zoanthids Zoanthidea AGZ Argyrocottus zanderi 0 0 AJZ Soft corals Alcyonacea 0 0 ANT Blue antimora Antimora rostrata 303 0 0 AQZ Black corals and thorny corals Antipatharia 0 0 ATX Sea anemones Actiniaria AXT Hydrocorals Stylasteridae AZN Hydroids, hydromedusae Anthoathecatae 1 0 BCD Bathylasmatidae BEA Eaton's skate Bathyraja eatonii BRQ Lamp Shells Brachiopoda BRY Brotulina erythrea BSH Blue shark Prionace glauca BUK Butterfly kingfish Gasterochisma melampus BYR Kerguelen sandpaper skate Bathyraja irrasa BZN Erect bryozoans Bryozoa CGE West African geryon Chaceon maritae 0 0 CKH Abyssal grenadier Coryphaenoides armatus COX Conger eels, etc. nei Congridae CSS Stony Corals Scleractinia 7 0 CWD Feather stars and sea lilies Crinoidea CXY Volutes nei Cymbium spp DMO Sponges Demospongiae ETF Blackbelly lanternshark Etmopterus lucifer 0 0 GGW Gorgonians Gorgoniidae 1 0 GRV Grenadiers nei Macrourus spp 1,338 0 0 GSK Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus 12 0 GWD Gobius rubropunctatus 0 0 HIB Deep-water arrowtooth eel Histiobranchus bathybius HQZ Hydrozoans Hydrozoa HYD Ratfishes nei Hydrolagus spp KCF Globose king crab Paralomis formosa KCX King crabs, stone crabs nei Lithodidae 2 0 LEV Lepidion codlings nei Lepidion spp MCC Ridge scaled rattail Macrourus carinatus MRL Moray cods nei Muraenolepis spp 0 0 MWS Smallhead moray cod Muraenolepis microcephalus NOX Antarctic rockcods, noties nei Nototheniidae NTW Sea pens Pennatulacea 0 0 OEQ Basket Star Euryalina 1 0 OWP Basket and brittle stars Ophiuroidea PFR Sponges Porifera 1 0 RTX Grenadiers, rattails nei Macrouridae SEC Harbour seal Phoca vitulina SKH Various sharks nei Selachimorpha(Pleurotremata) SPO Sponges Spongidae SRX Rays, stingrays, mantas nei Rajiformes 19 0 SSK Kaup's arrowtooth eel Synaphobranchus kaupii SSY Tube Worms Serpulidae TOA Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni ZOT Zoanthids Zoanthidea 1 0

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 24

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

Annex A (6): Retained and discarded bycatch in Patagonian toothfish LL fishery (2019) (provisional) (September) 2019 Code English name Scientific name D0 D1 Discard Retain Discard Retain AGZ Argyrocottus zanderi AJZ Soft corals Alcyonacea 0 ANT Blue antimora Antimora rostrata 427 AQZ Black corals and thorny corals Antipatharia ATX Sea anemones Actiniaria AXT Hydrocorals Stylasteridae AZN Hydroids, hydromedusae Anthoathecatae BCD Bathylasmatidae BRQ Lamp Shells Brachiopoda BSH Blue shark Prionace glauca BUK Butterfly kingfish Gasterochisma melampus BYR Kerguelen sandpaper skate Bathyraja irrasa BZN Erect bryozoans Bryozoa CGE West African geryon Chaceon maritae CKH Abyssal grenadier Coryphaenoides armatus COX Conger eels, etc. nei Congridae CSS Hard corals, madrepores nei Scleractinia 0 CWD Feather stars and sea lilies Crinoidea CXY Volutes nei Cymbium spp GRV Grenadiers nei Macrourus spp 2,877 DMO Sponges Demospongiae ETF Blackbelly lanternshark Etmopterus lucifer GGW Gorgonians Gorgoniidae 7 GSK Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus 0 GWD Gobius rubropunctatus HIB Deep-water arrowtooth eel Histiobranchus bathybius HQZ Hydrozoans Hydrozoa HYD Ratfishes nei Hydrolagus spp KCF Globose king crab Paralomis formosa KCX King crabs, stone crabs nei Lithodidae 0 LEV Lepidion codlings nei Lepidion spp MCC Ridge scaled rattail Macrourus carinatus MRL Moray cods nei Muraenolepis spp MWS Smallhead moray cod Muraenolepis microcephalus NOX Antarctic rockcods, noties nei Nototheniidae NTW Sea pens Pennatulacea 0 OEQ Basket Star Euryalina 0 OWP Basket and brittle stars Ophiuroidea PFR Sponges Porifera RTX Grenadiers, rattails nei Macrouridae 1,690 SEC Harbour seal Phoca vitulina SKH Various sharks nei Selachimorpha(Pleurotremata) SPO Sponges Spongidae SRX Rays, stingrays, mantas nei Rajiformes SSK Kaup's arrowtooth eel Serpulidae SSY Tube Worms Serpulidae ZOT Zoanthids Zoanthidea 0 AGZ Argyrocottus zanderi AJZ Soft corals Alcyonacea ANT Blue antimora Antimora rostrata AQZ Black corals and thorny corals Antipatharia ATX Sea anemones Actiniaria AXT Hydrocorals Stylasteridae AZN Hydroids, hydromedusae Anthoathecatae BCD Bathylasmatidae BEA Eaton's skate Bathyraja eatonii BRQ Lamp Shells Brachiopoda BRY Brotulina erythrea BSH Blue shark Prionace glauca BUK Butterfly kingfish Gasterochisma melampus BYR Kerguelen sandpaper skate Bathyraja irrasa BZN Erect bryozoans Bryozoa CGE West African geryon Chaceon maritae CKH Abyssal grenadier Coryphaenoides armatus COX Conger eels, etc. nei Congridae CSS Stony Corals Scleractinia CWD Feather stars and sea lilies Crinoidea CXY Volutes nei Cymbium spp DMO Sponges Demospongiae ETF Blackbelly lanternshark Etmopterus lucifer GGW Gorgonians Gorgoniidae GRV Grenadiers nei Macrourus spp GSK Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus GWD Gobius rubropunctatus HIB Deep-water arrowtooth eel Histiobranchus bathybius HQZ Hydrozoans Hydrozoa HYD Ratfishes nei Hydrolagus spp KCF Globose king crab Paralomis formosa KCX King crabs, stone crabs nei Lithodidae LEV Lepidion codlings nei Lepidion spp MCC Ridge scaled rattail Macrourus carinatus MRL Moray cods nei Muraenolepis spp MWS Smallhead moray cod Muraenolepis microcephalus NOX Antarctic rockcods, noties nei Nototheniidae NTW Sea pens Pennatulacea OEQ Basket Star Euryalina OWP Basket and brittle stars Ophiuroidea PFR Sponges Porifera RTX Grenadiers, rattails nei Macrouridae SEC Harbour seal Phoca vitulina SKH Various sharks nei Selachimorpha(Pleurotremata) SPO Sponges Spongidae SRX Rays, stingrays, mantas nei Rajiformes SSK Kaup's arrowtooth eel Synaphobranchus kaupii SSY Tube Worms Serpulidae TOA Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni ZOT Zoanthids Zoanthidea South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 25

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

Annex B: Biological data collected (2019: provisional) (September)

Table B1: Number of biological samples collected: Total length (2009-2019)

FAO Scientific name English name 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CODE ANT Antimora rostrata Blue antimora 39 464 607 48 84 140 578 298 BOA Ethmalosa fimbriata Bonga shad 1 BSH Prionace glauca Blue shark 11 BYE Bathyraja meridionalis Darkbelly Skate 1

BYR Bathyraja irrasa Kerguelen sandpaper skate 18 CGE Chaceon maritae Deepwater red crab 11 ETF Etmopterus lucifer Blackbelly lantern shark 1 GRV Macrourus spp Grenadiers nei 655 336

GSK Somniosus microcephalus Greenland Shark 1 HIB Histiobranchus bathybius Deep-water arrowtooth eel 2 KCU Paralomis aculeata Red stone crab KCX Lithodidae King crabs, stone crabs nei 19

MCC Macrourus carinatus Ridge scaled rattail 84 165 MCH Macrourus holotrachys Bigeye grenadie 452 10 MRL Muraenolepis spp Moray cods nei 1 1 QMC Macrourus caml Grenadier 191

RTX Macrouridae Macrouridae 5 SRX Rajiformes Rays, stingrays, mantas nei 2 TOA Dissostichus mawsoni Antarctic toothfish 11 TOP Dissostichus eleginoides Patagonian toothfish 4,931 3,364 8,652 6,095 3,247 1,754 2,564 1,551 481 1,955 1,350

Table B2: Number of biological samples collected: Snout - anus length(2014-2019)

FAO Scientific name English name 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CODE

ANT Antimora rostrata Blue antimora 2 21

GRV Macrourus spp Grenadiers nei 197 326

MCC Macrourus carinatus Ridge scaled rattail 165 234 15

MCH Macrourus holotrachys Bigeye grenadie 463 641 318 916

QMC Macrourus caml Grenadier 198

RTX Macrouridae Macrouridae 958 60 443

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Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

Table B3: Number of biological samples collected: Weight (2009-2019)

FAO Scientific name English name 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CODE ANT Antimora rostrata Blue antimora 36 607 48 86 140 599 288 BOA Ethmalosa fimbriata Bonga shad 1 BSH Prionace glauca Blue shark 11 BYE Bathyraja meridionalis Darkbelly Skate 1 BYR Bathyraja irrasa Kerguelen sandpaper skate 18 CGE Chaceon maritae Deepwater red crab 11 ETF Etmopterus lucifer Blackbelly lantern shark 1 GRV Macrourus spp Grenadiers nei 116 197 336 GSK Somniosus microcephalus Greenland Shark 1 HIB Histiobranchus bathybius Deep-water arrowtooth eel 2 KCU Paralomis aculeata Red stone crab 1 KCX Lithodidae King crabs, stone crabs nei 29 35 MCC Macrourus carinatus Ridge scaled rattail 75 165 234 15 MCH Macrourus holotrachys Bigeye grenadie 463 641 318 926 MRL Muraenolepis spp Moray cods nei 1 1 QMC Macrourus caml Grenadier 198 RTX Macrouridae Macrouridae 958 60 463 SRX Rajiformes Rays, stingrays, mantas nei 2 TOA Dissostichus mawsoni Antarctic toothfish 11 TOP Dissostichus eleginoides Patagonian toothfish 2,175 490 1,577 1,831 1,754 2,564 1,551 472 1,955 1,349

Table B4: Number of biological samples collected: Sex (2014-2019)

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 27

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

English name Scientific name 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

ANT Blue antimora Antimora rostrata 15

BOA Bonga shad Ethmalosa fimbriata

BSH Blue shark Prionace glauca 1 1

BYE Dark-belly skate Bathyraja meridionalis 1

Kerguelen sandpaper BYR Bathyraja irrasa skat

CGE West African geryon Chaceon maritae 2

Blackbelly ETF Etmopterus lucifer 1 lanternshark

GRV Grenadiers nei Macrourus spp 134 1

Somniosus GSK Greenland shark microcephalus Deep-water Histiobranchus HIB arrowtooth eel bathybius

KCU Red stone crab Paralomis aculeata

King crabs, stone KCX Lithodidae 1 crabs nei

MCC Ridge scaled rattail Macrourus carinatus 164 183

Macrourus MCH Bigeye grenadier 463 1 holotrachys

MRL Moray cods nei Muraenolepis spp 1

QMC Caml grenadier Macrourus caml 197

Grenadiers, rattails RTX Macrouridae nei Rays, stingrays, SRX Rajiformes 2 mantas nei

TOA Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni 11

Dissostichus TOP Patagonian toothfish 482 1,747 2,563 1,531 472 1,952 1,325 eleginoides

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 28

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

Table B5: Number of biological samples collected: Otolith (2010-2019)

FAO Scentific name English name 2010 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CODE ANT Antimora rostrata Blue antimora 15 BSH Prionace glauca Blue shark 1 1 BYE Bathyraja meridionalis Darkbelly Skate 1 CGE Chaceon maritae Deepwater red crab 2 ETF Etmopterus lucifer Blackbelly lantern shark 1 GRV Macrourus spp Grenadiers nei 134 1 KCX Lithodidae King crabs, stone crabs nei 1 MCC Macrourus carinatus Ridge scaled rattail 164 183 MCH Macrourus holotrachys Bigeye grenadie 463 1 MRL Muraenolepis spp Moray cods nei 1 QMC Macrourus caml Grenadier 197 SRX Rajiformes Rays, stingrays, mantas nei 2 TOA Dissostichus mawsoni Antarctic toothfish 11 TOP Dissostichus eleginoides Patagonian toothfish 482 1,747 2,563 1,531 472 1,952 1,325

Table B6: Number of biological samples collected: Gonad weight (2014-2019)

FAO Scientific name English name 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CODE ANT Antimora rostrata Blue antimora 15 BOA Ethmalosa fimbriata Bonga shad BSH Prionace glauca Blue shark BYE Bathyraja meridionalis Darkbelly Skate BYR Bathyraja irrasa Kerguelen sandpaper skate CGE Chaceon maritae Deepwater red crab ETF Etmopterus lucifer Blackbelly lantern shark GRV Macrourus spp Grenadiers nei GSK Somniosus microcephalus Greenland Shark HIB Histiobranchus bathybius Deep-water arrowtooth eel KCU Paralomis aculeata Red stone crab KCX Lithodidae King crabs, stone crabs nei MCC Macrourus carinatus Ridge scaled rattail 183 MCH Macrourus holotrachys Bigeye grenadie MRL Muraenolepis spp Moray cods nei 1 QMC Macrourus caml Grenadier RTX Macrouridae Macrouridae SRX Rajiformes Rays, stingrays, mantas nei TOA Dissostichus mawsoni Antarctic toothfish 11 TOP Dissostichus eleginoides Patagonian toothfish 1,746 2,563 1,529 472 1,955 1,341

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 29

Stock Status Report: Patagonian toothfish [TOP] DOC/SC/07/2019

Table B7: Number of biological samples collected: Maturity stage (2010-2019)

FAO Scientific name English name 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CODE ANT Antimora rostrata Blue antimora 15

BOA Ethmalosa fimbriata Bonga shad BSH Prionace glauca Blue shark 1

BYE Bathyraja meridionalis Darkbelly Skate 1

BYR Bathyraja irrasa Kerguelen sandpaper skate

CGE Chaceon maritae Deepwater red crab ETF Etmopterus lucifer Blackbelly lantern shark

GRV Macrourus spp Grenadiers nei 134

GSK Somniosus microcephalus Greenland Shark

HIB Histiobranchus bathybius Deep-water arrowtooth eel KCU Paralomis aculeata Red stone crab

KCX Lithodidae King crabs, stone crabs nei

MCC Macrourus carinatus Ridge scaled rattail 165 183

MCH Macrourus holotrachys Bigeye grenadie 463 1 MRL Muraenolepis spp Moray cods nei 1

QMC Macrourus caml Grenadier 198

RTX Macrouridae Macrouridae

SRX Rajiformes Rays, stingrays, mantas nei 2 TOA Dissostichus mawsoni Antarctic toothfish 11 TOP Dissostichus eleginoides Patagonian toothfish 432 1,746 2,564 1,530 472 1,935 1,341

South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization [SEAFO] 30