The Inventory of the Dirk Bogarde Collection #923

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The Inventory of the Dirk Bogarde Collection #923 The Inventory of the Dirk Bogarde Collection #923 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center ,'.'\7\ BOGARDE, DIRK 1921 - (Derek van den Bogaerde) Purchase, February, 1989 #29A I. MANUSCRIPTS Box 1 A. BACKCLOTH; Viking, 1986, (autobiography) 1. Typescript with author's holograph revision, 13lp. (#1) 2. Index, photocopied typescript, 15 p. 3. Illustrations for book by DB: 1 original "Aunt Kitty's Room" Pen and ink with wash. Photocopies of 14 different scenes. Proof copy of 2 on 1 sheet Folder bearing holograph notes (#2) B. GENTLE OCCUPATION, Knopf, 1980, (novel) I. Typescript with author's holograph revisions, 182 p. and lp. holograph notes. {#3) Box 1/2 2. Setting copy, Typescript, some photocopied typescript, with printer's markings, 435 p. (#4,S. Box 2, #1) 3. Suggestions, Photocopy typescript, random pages, 16 p. Box 2 c. "May We Borrow Your Husband," Screenplay, 1986 (adapted by DB from Graham Greene's short story)' 1. Shooting script, mimeograph some holograph corrections, 194 p. (#2,3) 2. Scene Outline, typescript with some holograph corrections, 8-16-85(#4) 3. Additional dialogue for Stephen/Tony, carbon typescript, 2 p. Typescript, 3 p. and 2 duplicates 4. Alternate additional dialogue Stephen/Tony; carbon typescript, 3 p. 5. Letter: DB to the film's director Bob Mahoney. Photocopy TLS, 4-4-86 1 Box 2 6. 1 b/w photograph (8" x 10") of cast including DB, with note about production on verso. D. AN ORDERLY MAN, Knopf, 1983, (autobiography) 1. First draft, typescript with author's holograph revisions, 135 p. (#5) 2. First draft revision, photocopied typescript with holograph corrections, insertions, revisions, notes, captions for photographs, 150 p. (#6) Box 3 3. Photocopied typescript, some holograph corrections, 329 p. and 8 preliminary p. (111,2) 4. Photocopied typescript, with holograph corrections and printer's notations, 329 p. (#3,4) 5. "Lally" or "Great Meadow", fragment typescript with holograph corrections and notes, 33 p., 11-12-81 with an ALS from "Lallie" 12-10-80, supplying background information. (#5) Box 4 E. A POSTILLION STRUCK BY LIGHTNING: A MEMOIR, Chatto & Windus, 1977; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1977. 1. First draft, typescript and carbon typescript, with author's holograph 11 __ t­ corrections/revisions, 136 p. (#1) - i~ ~;;;, 2. First draft revision, photocopy of first draft, with holograph corrections, new final chapter, and copyediting marks, 95 p. (#2) 3. First draft discarded pages, typescript and holograph, 36 p. Letters from Betts, Sally DB's typist: 3 TLS, 1975~76. (#3) 4. Final draft, typescript with some holograph corrections by publisher and printer's marks, 318 p. Author's notes, carbon typescript, 2 p. Dedication, carbon typescript, 1 p. 2 Box 4, # 4 "Summer, part 1" title page, carbon typescript, 1 p. pages 5, 27, 71, 140, typescript with 2 carbon copies each. (#4,5) 5. Page proofs unbound, some holograph corrections, 266 p., with photos and illustrations by the author (Envelope # 1) Box 5 F. SNAKES & LADDERS; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979. (autobiography) 1. First draft, typescript, with holograph corrections, revisions, some carbon typescript insertions, 175 p., October 1976 (#1) 2. First draft, photocopy, some holograph corrections (#2) 3. Second draft, carbon typescript, with holograph corrections, 375 p. (#3,4) Box 5/6 4. Final draft, typescript, with some holograph corrections, 414 p. (Box 5, #5,6) (Box 6, #1) Box 6 5. Discarded pages, corrections, notes, typescript, carbon typescript, holograph and photocopied typescript, 111 p. (#2) 6. Abridged version by Evangeline Banks, typescript and photocopy, 83 p. (#3) 7. French edition, additional material, typescript with DB's autograph, 1 p., 1-31-79. (#4) 8. Layout and design by DB for photographs/graphics in book, holograph notes, photocopy of group photo, 16 items 9. DB's biography, mimeograph 10 p. with holograph notes. 10. 2 folders with holograph notes that originally contained the manuscript. '. 3 Box 6 G. VOICES IN THE GARDEN: Knopf, 1981. (A novel, with working title "Thunder at a Picnic") 1. First draft, typescript with holograph corrections, 139 p. Box 6/7 2. Second draft, photocopy typescript with some holograph corrections, (#6,7, Box 7, #1) Box 7 3. Setting copy, typescript with printer's marks, 301 p. (#2,3) 4. Discarded pages, with holograph and typescript insertions and notes, 19 p. plus the folder which originally housed the first draft with hologr,a~.~ ,~orrections ( #4) ~,.. .a {L, , i¼-~,.-r c.•~'.' >:;,t. ,, ''-'. .::_ f tS1-d r~) :,~uf°f,- Box 8 H. WEST OF SUNSET, Viking, 1984. (Novel) · 1. First draft, typescript with holograph corrections, deletions, 112 p. (#5) - \~OX 1 2. Final draft, typescript with some holograph corrections, 282 p. ( #6, 7) /3cfk -J 3. Misc. corrections, additions, photocopied typescript and carbon typescript, 10 p. with folder in which first draft kept covered with notes (#7) I. SHORT MANUSCRIPTS 1. "At Santa Monica", poem on the death of Robin Fox. Typescript with holograph corrections, a carbon copy, and . ~ t holograph earlier drafts, 7 p. 1!:Ct · 2. "Notes for research on book on Visconti", replies to questions about the Italian director Luchino Visconti, photocopied typescript, typescript, some holograph, 7 p. II. CORRESPONDENCE A-N (#3) 0-Z (#4) Separate files for Bergman (#5), Losey (#6), Mortimer (#7), Visconti (#8)) 4 Box 8 A. Individuals C,Alexandra , Princess of Kent, (The Honorable Mrs . Angus Ogilvy) 2 ALS July 18 , 1979 ; Dec . 1, 1984 Anderson , Robert, TLS , 12- 9- 81 C Asquith, Anthony , ALS, 7- 3-58 C Bergman , Ingrid, ALS 11- 4-70, ALS 3- 5- 71 , ALS 9- 24- 73 , ALS 2-5-75, ALS 12- 1-75, ALS 6-4- 76 , ALS 2- 6- 78 , ALS Easter Sunday 1979 , TLS 1-27- 82 , TLS 6-10- 82 , undated card signed ( #5) C Br atby , John (ar tist) TLS Aug . 1, 1976 . Bogar de , Di r k CTL to Ian Hol m, 6- 26- 65 C Brook , Pe t er, ALS , undated C,. Burstyn, Ellen, ALS , 4- 21- 78 Cochrane, Peter, 2 ALS , 7- 30- 79 , 3- 19- 80 Cavani , Li liana, TLS 4-16-76, TLS undated C. Coope r, Gl adys , TLS 11-1-71 , TLS 10-6- ?? C Coward , Noel, TLS , 1-10- 70 C Cukor , George , 3 TLS , 2- 7- 69 , 5-1-69, 12- 27- 77 2 au t ograph post cards from Hotel Plaza Athenee , Paris, France , 11-7-?? C Dahl, Roald , 2 TLS , 1-9- 81, ALS 7-10-81 , ALS 10-7- 81, TLS 10-22- 81 , ALS 11- 9- 81 C Durrell, Gerald , TLS , 2- 14- 80 C Fassbinder, Rainer Werner , ALS , 6-20- 77 Feuillere, Edwige , ALS , 1- 30- 77 , TLS, 11-21-81, ALS , 7-11-84 5 Box 8 Filson, Andrew , TLS 9-9-63 C Garland, Judy, ALS, undated {!, Gielgud, John, TLS, 6- 22-57, ANS on autographed card, 4-11- 84 , ALS 2-17-88, ALS 8-8-?? , ALS, 11-17-??, ALS, undated. Green , David, ALS, 3- 21-68 0 Guinness, Alec , ALS, 4-19-60 C Hall, Peter, ALS on card, 5- 26-74, TLS , 6-17-74, ALS, 12-28-78 C Kael , Pauline, ALS, 11-2-74, with DB's 12/74 autograph draft of letter to Kael O Lang, Jack, TLS March 4, 1982, re: Nomination Chevalier de l'0rdre des Arts et des Lettres and photocopy of document and 2 letters from DB. C, Lerner, Alan Jay, TLS, 2-7-57 C,; Logan, Josh, ALS, 6- 2-58 C,Losey, Joseph, TI.,S, 8-8-63, 11-2-65, 8-5-67, 4-29-70, 8- 22-71, 12-1-71, 1-10-72, 5- 26- 72, 6-672, 4-2-74, 4-17- 74, 3- 5-75, and DB letter in support of honorary doctorate for JL at University of Wisconsin, 11-17-82 . (#6) Marthesheimer, Peter, ALS, 6- 15-77, TLS, 2-16-78 Mathew , A.E., ALS, 9-15-58, ALS undated, probably 1958, ALS, undated, probably late 1950's. Mercer, David , 11.,S, 5-15-76, ALS 2-22-79 C, Moore, He nry, TLS, 3-15-77 C!-,Morley, Robert , ALS, 8-16-h9 11-20-79 6 Box 8 C Mo r timer , Pene l ope (#7) TLS, 11-29-71, 12- 4-7 1, 1-11-71, 3 - 25-72 , ALS 5-4- 72 , TLS 5 - 23- 72, TLS , 10-30-72, TLS 12-17- 72 , TL S 7- 18 - 74 , 7 - 3 1-74 , 11 - 25-74 , 6-18-7 5 , 10- 3 - 75 , ALS 5 - 8-76, TLS 6 - 25 - 76, TLS 12- 12-76, ALS 4 - 2 -7 9 , 7 ALS undated, 10 TLS undated. Norwich, John J u liu s Cooper, 2nd Vi scount ( # 6), ALS June 11, 1972. Og ilv y , Alexandra : See Al exandra , Princess C Olivie r, Laurence , TLS 9 - 11 - 6 1, To L.0. from DB, CTL , 9 - 25- 61, To DB , TL S 9 - 26- 61, ALS 10- 1 - 61, To 1 . 0 . CTL 10-7- 61, To DB TLS 6 -3-75, ALS undated from St . Thomas ' s C Osborne, John, ALS 4 - 5 - 71, ALS post card 11 - 20- 73 Pint e r, Harold, ALS 2 - 1 7 -67, TLS 5 - 25 - 67 Powell, Dilys, TLS 7 - 14- 78, TLS 6 - 27 - 80 Powe ll, Michae l , TLS 1 1-20- 56 , ALS , undated. ~ Ramplin g , Charlotte, ALS 2 - 20- 80 CJ, Red g rave, Michael , ALS 1 - 3 - 65 Vanessa, TLS 5 - 18-66 C Res na is, Al ain, TLS 4-29-67, TLS 1-5-68, ALS 3 - 13-70, TLS 1 - 19 - ?? Ll scott, Pau l, TLS 7- 4 - 77 CJ--- Snowdon, Anthony, 2 ALS undated, one ALS on post card, undated .
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