

Reservations may be made at ticket headquarters in front of ¥it*s End Shop, ^kin Street. Headquarters remain open from 10;00 a.m. until li;00 p.m. through Saturday, For information, call ^26- iUPER fUARKE 2695* The box-office opens at 7:h^ p.m. Thursday through Saturday and at QUALITY MERCHANDISE 2;00 p.m. Sunday, No Sunday evening performance is scheduled. Admission is $3*00 for adults and WEEKEND SPECIALS $2*00 for children and students through college. All reservations should be claimed at least ten minutes before FRESH PRODUCE ARRIVING DAILY HIGHLANDS HIGHLIGHTS Mrs. David Lyle and her father. PROMPT d COURTEOUS SERVICE Captain Jack Jusselly of Rock Hill, South Carolina, are occupying the Lyle summer home. The Chestnut Burr PRIME d CHOICE BEEF on Satulah Road. They will be joined this weekend by Mrs. lyle's husband, Pkyor David lyle and their TRADE A T TATES daughter, M s s J'iissy Lyle and Mr. Douglas ilngel of Rock Hill, Friends of I#, and I'^s. Robert Burton will be glad to know that Mr. HA IN STREET HIGHLANDS Burton is recovering nicely from recent surgery at Oteen Veteran* s THE MAN WHO CAl® TO DINNER CCont > Hospital in Oteen, N, C, curtain time. The play is definitely recommended as family entertainment. Highlands* residents in the cast include Horace Williamson, Virginia COMING SOON TO THE GALAX THEATRE; Horn, Kitty Bryan, Nellie Karns, John Davidson, Daniel and Tripp Young, - Sir - Rommel Beck and Rick Allen, l^uth and - Bill Watkins and David and William "OH! WHAT A LOVELY WAR" Beverly of Clayton, Georgia, are also featured in the large cast. - Suzy Kendal Appearing as the hard-bitten "TO SIR WITH LOVE" secretary who falls in love with the local news reporter is Patricia Nesbitt "HELLO Da#J THERE" of Greenville, Tenn. Susan Hatfield of Alexandria, Virginia, plays the glamorous actress. Staff in the NON-DENOMINATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL production include Robby Smith as the The nei-j Highlands Non-denominational reporter, Debby Russell as the nurse, Sunday School Class got started last Gary Cheatham as the son. Bob Hancock Sunday on the front porch of the Edwards as Banjo, Jacqui Karns as the maid Hotel. Not exactly -shaking, but and Rick Cheatham as Professor Metz. eleven in attendance. This coming Bob Jones of Daytona Beach w i l l Sunday they will move into the lobby play the featured role of Beverly of the Hotel, Some "Teen" and college Carlton, a famous playwright. Jones age boys are needed to balance some played the British diplomat in "Hay girls of the same age • (CONTINUED ON ^

LADIES f MEN^S Dr e s s e s SALE Sp o r t Co a t s We e j u n s Sl a c k s Sk i r t s 1/2 6 1/3 off Sw e a t e r s Sh o r t s Sh i r t s