Palaeolithic and Mesolithic

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Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Palaeolithic and Mesolithic 2 Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Robert Hosfield, Vanessa Straker and Paula Gardiner with contributions from Anthony Brown, Paul Davies, Ralph Fyfe, Julie Jones and Heather Tinsley 2.1 Introduction For the Palaeolithic periods the open-landscape archaeology is dominated by lithic scatters (predom- The South West contains a diverse variety of Palaeo- inantly of deeply buried artefacts, frequently in fluvial lithic and Mesolithic archaeology of differing degrees deposits, and particularly true in the Lower and of significance. This reflects the nature of the arch- Middle Palaeolithic), although occupation sites such as aeological material itself, the histories of research Hengistbury Head (Barton 1992) and Kent’s Cavern in different parts of the region and, with regard to (Campbell and Sampson 1971) are also present. the Palaeolithic period, the differential preservation For the Mesolithic, there are greater numbers of of Pleistocene landforms and deposits throughout the excavated sites (especially from Somerset), although region. One of the key features of the Palaeolithic surface or shallow sub-surface lithic scatters are still archaeology is the presence of a significant cave-based common, especially in the west. resource in south Devon and northern Somerset, which is unquestionably of national significance (see Overall, the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic archae- for example, Campbell and Sampson 1971; Tratman ology of this region is generally rather poorly known, et al. 1971; Bishop 1975; Harrison 1977; Straw 1995; reflecting an absence of robust geochronological 1996; Andrews et al. 1999). frameworks, the predominance of research into a handful of cave and open sites over the lithic scatter In terms of an open-landscape Palaeolithic record, resource (whether located on the surface or deeply there is an inevitable bias towards those areas with buried) and the absence of any major syntheses. both appropriate deposits and a history of active It is hoped that this resource assessment will go research and collection. For example, the Pleistocene some way towards addressing the last of these issues. river deposits of the upper reaches of the now extinct The report is divided into period-based sections Solent River and its western tributaries (Allen and (Lower and Middle Palaeolithic, Upper Palaeolithic and Gibbard 1993; Bridgland 2001) in Dorset and Wilt- Mesolithic), each of which provides an overview of shire provide a key (albeit secondary) context for the archaeology of the period and a summary of the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic archaeology and collec- key characteristics of the archaeological resource for tion in these areas has been extensive (Wymer 1999; the South West region. Preceding these is a short Hosfield 1999). In contrast, the Pleistocene deposits summary of the geochronologies of the Palaeolithic from the west of the region (river valleys such as those and Mesolithic and a review of the palaeoenviron- of the Exe, the Otter and the Avon) have received ments of the South West region, as currently known. relatively little attention (but see Bates 2003; Hosfield et al. 2005). The Mesolithic archaeology of the region is also 2.2 Chronology geographically variable, with a particularly rich record The Palaeolithic and Mesolithic fall within the Quater- in the Somerset area (reflecting a strong research nary Period, the most recent subdivision of the focus upon both the Mendip caves and Somerset geological record. The Quaternary is divided into Levels) when compared to the more minor record the Pleistocene and Holocene epochs, and the from the west of the region (Devon and Cornwall). Late Upper Palaeolithic to Early Mesolithic transi- 23 The Archaeology of South West England tion at c.10,000 BP broadly marks the start of the The Middle Pleistocene (c.780–125,000 BP) is char- Holocene. The chronology of the British Palaeo- acterised by a series of glacials (even-numbered OIS) lithic and Mesolithic is discussed here in terms of and interglacials (odd-numbered OIS) with conditions oxygen isotope stages (OIS, also known as marine generally alternating between wooded environments isotope stages, MIS) for the Lower and Middle Palaeo- (associated with full interglacial conditions), open- lithic (c.700,000–40,000 BP), while the Upper Palaeo- steppe grasslands (associated with early glacial condi- lithic and Mesolithic periods (c.40,000–5500 BP) are tions) and glacial tundra (associated with full glacial discussed with reference to named sub-stages of the conditions). The Late Pleistocene (c.125–10,000 BP) is Devensian and the Holocene, reflecting the nature of slightly more complicated, reflecting the higher reso- existing geochronological schemes. lution records available for this period, as demon- The earliest occupation of Britain has typically strated by the recent Stage Three Project (van Andel been considered to date to c.500,000 BP, primarily and Davies 2004). In general the Late Pleistocene can reflecting the accepted chronology from Boxgrove be summarised as follows (after Stringer and Gamble (Roberts and Parfitt 1999). However, recent discov- 1993; Barton 1997): eries from the Cromer Forest-bed formation at Pake- field on the Suffolk coast (Parfitt et al. 2005) have indi- Stage 5e (128–117,000 BP) Full interglacial condi- cated that the earliest hominin presence dates back to tions (oak/elm woodland, hot summers and mild either c.680,000 BP (OIS 17) or c.750,000 BP (OIS 19). winters). A date of c.700,000 BP is therefore accepted as the Stages 5d–5a (117–71,000 BP) Generally cool beginning of the British Lower Palaeolithic for the temperate conditions with oscillations between purposes of this resource assessment. The begin- warm interstadial (5c and 5a with forest habitats) ning of the British Middle Palaeolithic (and end of and cool stadial environments (5d and 5b with the Lower Palaeolithic) remains uncertain (reflecting tundra-type habitats). dating difficulties and the varying criteria, including a decline in handaxes and the increasing frequency Stage 4 (71–59,000 BP) Very cold conditions of Levallois technique, used for defining the start of (although Britain was predominantly ice-free, the Middle Palaeolithic) but is taken here as c.250– open tundra habitats were dominant, with short, 200,000 BP (after Stringer and Gamble 1993, 148). mild summers and long, cold winters). The key periods can therefore be defined as follows: Stage 3 (59–24,000 BP) Generally cold and dry Lower Palaeolithic 700,000–250/200,000 BP conditions, although the period is characterised by sharply oscillating climates (indicated by ice- Middle Palaeolithic 250/200,000–40,000 BP core records: see below), ranging between Upper Palaeolithic 40,000–10,000 BP Early Mesolithic 10,000–8500 BP milder periods (featuring woodland development, although on a reduced scale compared to OIS- Later Mesolithic 8500–5500 BP 5c and 5a) and short cooling episodes, in which Table 2.1 on the next page outlines the OIS dry, grassland “mammoth-steppe” environments chronology for the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic were dominant. periods, while Table 2.2 on page 26 outlines the sub- Stage 2 (24-13,000 BP) Full glacial conditions, with stage chronology for the Upper Palaeolithic and the extensive ice sheets in northern England, Wales Mesolithic. The tables also outline the main episodes and Scotland, and barren, polar-desert type envi- of environmental change during these periods, with ronments. regard to the broad climatic and vegetational charac- teristics of the oxygen isotope stages and the sub- The glacial and interglacial cycles of both the Middle stages of the Middle and Late Pleistocene, and the and Late Pleistocene resulted in dramatically fluc- Holocene. The major climatic fluctuations which char- tuating sea levels. For example, at the height of acterise the Quaternary resulted in a series of warm the last Late Pleistocene cold stage (the Devensian) and cold periods. Global sea levels were lowered around 21,000–18,000 BP (the Last Glacial Maximum during the coldest phases (dominated by glacial and or LGM), during which glacial conditions existed periglacial conditions) when water was “locked up” over much of Northern Europe (though not most of in terrestrial ice-sheets, whereas the increases in southern England), mean sea level was in the order of melt-water during the warmer periods (interstadials 130–140m lower than present (Heyworth and Kidson and interglacials) caused the global sea levels to rise 1982). With specific regard to the South West, (eustatic sea level rise). These fluctuations continue to however, it is likely that there would always have be the focus of research, particularly for the Holocene been a significant barrier to the south, whether a where they provide a time dimension for current sea barrier as in the present day, or a substantial predictions of the effects of global warming. Channel River system (including the tributaries that 24 Palaeolithic and Mesolithic OIS Years BP British Quaternary Stages Climate Archaeological Period (approximate) 2 24,000–13,000 Upper Palaeolithic 3 59,000–24,000 Devensian Predominantly Cold 4 71,000–59,000 5a–d 117,000–71,000 5e 128,000–117,000 Ipswichian Warm Middle Palaeolithic 6 186,000–128,000 Cold 7 245,000–186,000 Warm 8 303,000–245,000 Wolstonian Cold 9 339,000–303,000 Warm 10 362,000–339,000 Cold Lower Palaeolithic 11 423,000–362,000 Hoxnian Warm 12 478,000–423,000 Anglian Cold 13 524,000–478,000 Cromerian Warm Table 2.1: Chronology for the Lower, Middle and Upper Palaeolithic (Middle and Late Pleistocene), after Wymer (1999, table 2), Barton (1997, figs 15, 35–37) and Gamble (1999, fig 4.2). would have extended current rivers such as the Exe gravel floodplains), which provide suitable preserva- and the Axe out onto the coastal plain: see Antoine tion conditions (Robinson 2002). et al. 2003 for further details of the palaeogeography The initial Late Glacial warming at c.13,000 BP of the Channel River).
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