David Fallows

Songs and Musicians in the Fifteenth Century


Preface vn

Acknowledgements V1H


English song repertories of the mid-fifteenth century 61-79 Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association 103. London, 1976-77

II Robertus de Anglia and the Oporto song collection 99-128 Source Materials and the Interpretation of Music: A Memorial Volume to Thurston Dart, ed. Ian Bent. London: Stabler & Bell Ltd, 1981

III Review of Julia Boffey: Manuscripts of English Courtly Love Lyrics in the later 132-138 Journal of the Royal Musical Association 112. Oxford, 1987

IV Dunstable, Bedyngham and O rosa be I la 287-305 The Journal of Musicology 12. Berkeley, Calif, 1994


The contenance angloise: English influence on continental composers of the fifteenth century 189-208 Renaissance Studies 1. Oxford, 1987

VI French as a courtly language in fifteenth-century Italy: the musical evidence 429-441 Renaissance Studies 3. Oxford, 1989 VI

VII A glimpse of the lost years: Spanish polyphonic song, 1450-70 19-36 New Perspectives on Music: Essays in Honor of Eileen Southern, ed. Josephine Wright with Samuel A. Floyd, Jr. Detroit Monographs in Musicology/Studies in Music. Warren, Mich.: Harmonie Park Press, 1992 VIII Polyphonic song in the Florence of Lorenzo's youth, ossia: the provenance of the manuscript Berlin 78.C.28: Naples or Florence? 47-61 La musica a Firenze at tempo di Lorenzo il Magnifico, ed. Piero Gargiulo. Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1993 IX Prenez sur moy: Okeghem's tonal pun 63-75 Plainsong and 1. Cambridge, 1992

PERFORMANCE X Texting in the of Jean de Montchenu 1-13 English version of the chapter Placement des paroles in Chansonnier de Jean de Montchenu, ed. G. Thibault .and D. Fallows. Paris: Publications de la Societe Francaise de Musicologie, 1991 XI Specific information on the ensembles for composed , 1400-1474 109-159 Studies in the Performance of Late Mediaeval Music, ed. Stanlev Boorman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1983 XII The performing ensembles in Josquin's sacred music 32-64 Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis 35. Utrecht, 1985 XIII 15th-century tablatures for plucked instruments: a summary, a revision and a suggestion 7-33 The Society Journal 19. London, 1977 XIV Embellishment and Urtext in the fifteenth-century song repertories 59-85 Busier Jahrbuch fur historische Musikpraxis 14. Winterthur, 1990 Additions and Corrections 1-2 Index of names and texts 1-6 Index of manuscripts 1-3

This volume contains viii + 326 pages