! ! Teacher’s Companion Guide for Sophia’s Journal ! ! Welcome t te Sophia’s Journal Teacher’s Guide! Tis guide has been developed in cooperaton wit te autor, who wrot Sophia’s Journal t bring American histry alive in a way tat speaks t students’ hearts, not just te circle-filing lobe of teir half tst-taking cortx, and t demystf Islam and Muslims for te average student. Te curriculum-enhancing actvites in te guide are calibratd t increase students’ knowledge of histrical contxt and improve teir comprehension, critcal tinking, writng, artstc expression and cooperaton skils. Each chaptr contains objectves, vocabulary, facts t share, discussion points and actvites. Tese suggestons for broadening students’ experience of reading te book can be cherry- picked, modified and added t in order t suit each individual classroom. If you have any questons or suggestons, please don’t hesitat t contact us at
[email protected]. ! ! ! Sophia’s Journal Teacher Guide Overview: The following material is assembled in hopes of “Giving rise to women’s voices.” It is designed with an eye toward diversity in young adult books. Overall Objective of Teaching Packet: To acquire attitudes which are essential for citizens of democratic pluralist societies, in particular intellectual honesty, open-mindedness, respect for truth, tolerance, acceptance of differences, empathy and civil courage. Standards Common Core Language Arts Standards National Social Studies Standards ! ! Reading Informational Text: Culture & Diversity Key Ideas and Details • Assist learners to explore, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.5.1 comprehend, and apply critical Refer to details and examples in a text information, ideas, and concepts when explaining what the text says that are common across societies, explicitly and when drawing inferences social institutions, cultures, and from the text.