Reprint With Swimming World Magazine's Permission

ALL-AMERICA NATIONAL LNTERSCHOLASTIC ~[G COACHES Scott Weir~ Hunt.Bch.CA 21.38; ¥~irt Fre- Penn. ~:33.55; Thomas O'Brien~ Mt.Rainier~ Emm~as~ Perau. (Eline~ Decker t Crandall! ASSOCIATION 1976 High School All-American dericks,No~man, Okla.21.39; Tom Peder- Wash. A:33.91! Richard Thornton, Campelin- Fiest) 3=IA.09. Swim Team son,Bay City Central,Mich.21.39; Mark do,Calif. ~:3~.25; Edward Ryder, Coral Honorable Mention - Southwest, Ft.Worth~ Compiled by: C. William Bran/ell Jarosz, LaSalle, NY 21.AD; William John- Gables t Fla. 1:3~.~O; Bob Mangan, Santa Texas (Robb t Per~ins~ Shrader~ Ir4~le) Lakevlew HS, Bottle Creek, Mich. son, Archbishop Rummel,La.21.~O; Dan Clara, Ca A:3A.ll; Paul Ha~off~ San Mar- 3:15.~; Seabr~eze, Day,era Beach~ Fla. Peters t Reno HS, Ne%~ada 21.~0; Jerry cos T Ca ~:3~.86; John Dobrott~ Newport (Haynes~ Schr~ider~ Garma~! Swain) 2~ YD ~DLEY R~Y - Hinsdale Cent.Ill. Spencer, Casa Roblet Ca. ~1.~7; Michael Harbor, Ca &:35.06; Phll Atkinson~ Sunny 3:l~.&l; Bast~ Salt La~ City~ Utah (Seibt ~Kerela,Marshall,Rebert son)l: 36.73; ~D_leman, San Marine, CA 21.50; By~'on Hills~ Ca i:35.25; FL%chael Saphir~ Awalt~ (Neville~ Masters~ Clark, Sli@hting) Winter Pk HS,Fla (Cobb,Newhaller~McRoberts Sims~ Rancho Alamitos, CA 21.50; Bill Ca ~:35.81; ~ Ma~imoff, Homestead~ Ca. :l&.50; Upper Arli~=ton, Columbus, Ohio P~nirez)l:37.50; Fountain Vall.tCal (Kelly Mu/-ler~ No.Penn, Pa 21.52; Alan Stevens &:36.92; Scott Hislop! San Eafael t Ca. ~Moulton t DeVor~ Moulton t DeVore) Miller,Krikl,Lade) 1:37.56; Santa Clara,CA Good Cotunsel, Md 21.53. L:37.20; KavinWeldon~ Eaton, Ohio &:37.22; 3:1A.58; Peters Towns~p~ Mc~y t Pa. (Palstra, Freeman, Bohnert ~Vanelli)l: 38.05; Honorable Mention - Robert ~3.1en, Dsrien, Be~-in Schneider, Beabreeze~ Fla. h:37.23; (Derter~ Jones~ Hardin, Day) 3:l&.61{ ~l~naus HS,PA (~Y~le,Crar~ell,Riest,Decker) Corm. 21.59; Jay Bickf~rd~ El Dorado, CA Christopher Hoenig~ Grsnada~ Ca. ~:37.69. Ann Arbor Pioneer~ Ann Arbor~ Mich. (Dot. 1:38.18; Hiss.Viejo HS,CA (Vassallo,Rey, 21.60; Sam Jones, Edison~ CA 21.60; Eric Honcrsble Mention - David Phelps, Michigan myer~ Nichols, Smith, Waldrop) 3:]2+.62; Lonsdale,Scolman) 1:38.32; Clear Lake HS, Mark~, Patrick Henry, CA 21.60; Kert City Eogers~ Ind. h:38.21; George Ti/marsh Northgste t Walr~t Creek~ Ca. (Vitamanti t Houston, Tex( Thibedaux, Greenwood ~Kar cis ~ Brekk~ Arapahos, Co. 21.61; Clifford HJ-nsdale Central t Ill. ~:38.96; ChuckShar;e Hatlen~ Sto%~r, Thompson) 3:1&-7~; Hunt- Putnam) 1:38.39; Westside,Omsha,Neb)l:3S.5A; Jolley~ Downey, CA 21.63; M~ichael Kriley t Westside~ Nebr. 1:39.10; Brian Eoney~ E1 ington Beach, Ca. (Johnson, Taylcr~ Keefe t M~amonte ,Orinda, CA (Laher ,Retticci ~Bealy~ Butler Area, Ea 21.63; Hike Harbottle! Camino Peal~ Ca &:39.12; Richard Rosenbatm Weir) 3:l&.gA; New Trier East t Winnstka~ Hayes) 1:38.56; Del Mar,San Jose,CA (James, Montclair~ CA 21.6~; Dennis Bedolla t Riley HS~ Ind. 1:39.22; Dennis Scannell~ Ill. (Ashmore, Rnde~nan~ Dendix~ Mack) Shilling~Symons,Rost) 1:38.58; Peters T;~hp Salinas~ CA 21.65; Matt Tayrides~ Santa San Marine, Ca i:39.36; David Varner t 3:1/+.95; Hiehwoeds t Peoria, Ill. (Landon~ McMurrny,PA (Day,Marshall,Jones,Carter) Fe, Fla 21.66. Sprir~ Woods, Sr.,Tex~s 1:39.70; Lassa Peterson t Ruble, Un~) 3:1~.99. 1:38.7~; Glen Oak, Canton,O. (McAdam,Hamlin, Frank~ Santa Clara~ Ca ~:39.76; Mark Har- BeipletLooby) 1:38.81; Wilson t Tacoma,Wash. DIIr/2~G - (Alphabetical) - Randy Ableman, rington~ Indian Hill~ Ohio i:39.86; Brett (~renheim, Fre geau ,Webster ~Schutts) 1:3S.85; Washington HS,lowa; Kurt Ansel~, Sha~- Philllps~ Ka~lua, Hawaii ~:I0.05. Buena~Ventura,CA (Bagner, St einhous e, Parrish, nee Mission~ Ka.; Mark Anton~ Mayo, }~TIO~L~L INTERSCHOLASTIC E~'f~[G COACHES Brock) 1:38.91; Clear%ater HS,Fla (Dean, Minn.; Da~-ld Beldebuck~ Hinsdale Central, 100YD ~CESTROKE-~chael Kelly, Four~ ASSOCIATI~ - 1976 GI~LS HIGH SCHOOL ALI.- Brown,Bowere,A]/brittsn) 1:38.99; Guilford, Ill; Roy Betake, Sa.Dade Sr.,Fla; Mike tain Valley, Ca 53.06; Jay Alt t East Grand ~CA ~PIM TEAM Re ckfo rd, Ill. (Handel ,Lindquis t ,Green, Be hr ) Brown, Grease Pointe,~ch; Drew Barger- P~pids~ Mich. 53.09; John Rathbun, So.Pasa- Compiled by: Robert L. ~U.oyd 1:39.0&; Sycamore, Cinti,O.(Smith,Kerengel, ing, Sexton, Mich; Chris Chelich, kSnns- dena,Ca 53.17; Dean Ehrenhelm~ Wilson,Wash° Hialeah High School, Hialeah t HIorida Leonard, ~oebaum) 1:39.O7; Nova,~t.Lauder- ter,Ind; Don Haase~ West HS, Iowa; Ean 53.25; ~ake Johnson, Thousand Oake~ Cs/3.f. dale ~Fla (Ireland, Re s enthal ,Hornby,Ho fi~an) Dearborn, John F.Kennedy, Io.;Jchn Rilett, 53.31; ~like Palstra, Santa Clara~ Ca 53.52; 200 YD MEDLEY P~y - Upper Dubliu~ Ft. 1:39.10. Brazoswood,Texas; Ua~id Hervig, Virgil Keith Dissington~ Ker~ore W.,~f 53.56;Mark Washington T Pa (T.Barker~S.FrickmT.Frick I Honorable Mention - U~per Arlington,Coumbus, Crissom, Ala.; Davi/ Keane~ Westside,Neb. Hartung, Washir~on~-/_lle, NY 53.63; Frar~z D.C~mpbell) 1:51.26; Jackeon~e-E~zlsco- O. (Hudson,Wolske,Aldag,Moulton) 1:39.18; Gary Kuhre, Sycamore,Ohio; Steve Schrm~--m, Szymans~i~ palissdes~ Ca 53.6&; Andy Saibt pal t FAa (no names s-ahcultted) 1:52.99; Foothill, Sanga Ana, CA (Yancey, Gansel,Pur- Westfiald Sr. tNJ; Tony Scott, Wyoming HS Hinsdale Central t Ill 53.66; Richard He~- Nova HS t Ft.Lauderdale, ~la (J.Schroeder hiss,Gavin) 1:39.27; Newport Harbor HS, New- Ohio; Ricky Tennant, Skyline~ Tex.; son~ Lowland, Co 53.71; Rick Ka~merer~ M.Delan,D.Steward~A.Roruby) 1:53.57; Wm. pert Bch,CA (Dobrott,Rewland,Robertson, De- ~lichael Verdonck, Downers Grove N.,lll; St.Xarier~ Ohio 53.79; Todd Taylor,Finney- Tennent, Wa~stertPa (L.Hendershott,J. Mott) 1:39.28; Shaker~Latham,NY (Maxwell, Kenneth Vigiletti, Groves,Mich.; Kevin town~ Ohio 53.80; Phi/Dip Hanel, Clover Pk Lament J.HoehntC.Sapp) 1:53.59{ Academy Zie~ler,Robbiano,Pehfuss) 1:39.10; Hopkins Wright, Bar~or~ Maine. Wash. 53.93; Mark Keusnetz, Anaheim, Ca. of the Holy Names t Tampa t ~la (I.~own t Risenhower ,Hopkins ,Minn. ( Ballsrd tKr~eger, Honorable Mentdon - Richard Carter~ Carl 53.93; Brian James, Del Mar, Ca 5~.00; Bob KoHeal~tB.WilktP.Kraermer) l: 53.76; Skeld,Lonmar~z) l:39.LA; St.Xavier,Cinti,O. Bandburg HS, Ill.; Earl Chester~ Arling- Buresh~ Tsmpa Catholic,Fla 5i.ll; Mark Vi- Memorial Sr. HS, Houston, Tex.(~.Crawford, (Esmmerer,Counts,WalBer,Hraun) 1:39.~5; New ton Hrs.,Texas; Part Connors~ Brother geant~ B~chser~ Ca 5~.25; Chris McAdam, M.Chalker,E.Roehm~M.Mahon) 1:53.76; Madi- Trier E. ,Winnetka,Ill.(Brackett ,Holmberg~ Rice, Mich.; Craig DeCloux t Menomonee GlenOak,Ohio 5~.27; James WinegarnertLake- son West, Madlson,Wisc.(L.Johnson,T.He~-ns, Ruderman,Shepherd) 1:39.&5; Bethlehem Cent. Falls, Wisc.; Ken Cerard~ Wee,merit, Ca.; woodtOhlo 5~.~0; Donald Weir~ York Su~ M.Beer,T.Wise) 1:53.90; Livonla Ste~n~rmon, Delmar ~hrf (Ne f f ~Ri~/-us,Harmon, Fit zpat rick) Tom Porter, New Trier E.,Ill.; Rill Repp ban t Penn. 5~.iO. Livonia,Mich.(P.~xnith,L.Hatfleld,L.Hein, 1:39.60; E.Grand Repids,Mich.(Alt,Lurdquist, North~ler~u HS, Co.; David Siek~ George Honorable Mention - Dave Smith t Sycamore~ C.Ezgers) I: 54.21; Irondale~ New Brighton, Mooney,Conklin) 1:39.65; Benwick HS, Oak Pk Washington, Co.; John Stobbie~ W. Hill, Ohio 5~.~3; Shawn O'Gol'mant San Clemente~ F/-nn. (M.Riggs,J.Wilken,K.Eiggs~D.Hartin) Ill. (BarTon ,Gallagher, Walla eh, Krug)l: 39.70. Ct; Scott Winkler, North Hills, Penn. Ca 5~.50; Mark Stohl, Arm Arbor, Mich.5~.50 115&.37; Hunahou School~Honolulu,Hi. (L. E~urt Langborg~ Cumberland~ R.I. 5~.56; Rhodes, T.Beirne ~J.Cooper tM.Vormegut ) 200 YD F~STYLE - N~chael Elleman, San ICO YD H3TT~Y - Robert Nagberg~ Do. R2~mon Volcan~ M3.11ik~nt Ca 5~.60; Tony 1:5~.59; Cmaha Westsidej ~cha,Neb. (D. Marine,CA 1:39.39; Doug Frazier, Bu/lard~CA Hadley, Mass. &9.1~; Mark DeVore t Upper Yancey~ Foothill, Ca 5~.60; Daryl Hable~ Hart ford, J. Tu/-ly,L. Ber kshlre ,L. Small ) 1:39.80; Byron Sins, Rancho Alamitos, CA Arlington, Ohio 50.L/; Tim Boyd, Farts. Fairview~ Ohio 5~.62; ~ Dunworth~ Dear- 1:5&.68; Miraleste, Rancho palos Verdes, l:&O.1i; Larry Varellas,~Allard~CA 1:I0.57; gut, Tenn. 50.61; Larry Varellas, Bal- born~ Mich 5i.63;John Wierik~ Marple New- Ca. (S.Gov~ yC .Albano, S.Gaspar, S. Baur) Dale Hudson,Upper Arlington l:ll.12; Thomas lard HS, Ca. 51.13; Robert Placak, San town Sr.,Per~u. 5i.65; Michael Tonery~ 1:54.69; Eadnor HS7 Pa.(S.Cosgarea,Aecos- 0 'Brien ,Mt.RaJ-nie r, Wash .l: L1.14; Kevin Rafael~ Ca. 51.18; Thomas Williams, Memorial Sr.~Tex~s 5A.67. garea,A.Jackson,T.Clayton) 1:54.91; Tustin Schnieder,Deabreeze,Fla i:~1.24; Kevin Wel- Bethlehem Liberty, Pa. 91.21; John Ober- HS,Ca.(P.Johnson,C.Rendall,G.Oarry,M.Ott) don~ Eaton,O.l:L~l.53; Chuck Sharpe, West- to, Westchester, Ca.51.26; John Rotticci, IOOYD ERFASTSTROKE- David G~enwoed~ l: 55.18; James Madison Memorial~ Madison t side,Nebr.1:~l.58; Marc Foreman, Grossmont Mir~monte~ Ca. 51.27; Malty Szuba~ Dear- Clear La~ t Texas 58.0~; Marc Schlatter I Wisc.(S.King,G.Allen,R.Reif,J.Stahl) CA l:&2.00; Casey Con~ree t Miss.Viejo, CA born~Mich.51.28; Matt Robertson, Hinsdale Toledo St.Francis De Sales, Ohio 58.22; 1:55.20; North Shore MS, West palm Beach, l:&2.12; Rickey Morley, Cyprus~Utah 1:4~.30; Central, Ili.51.32; Jim Hallibu~on, Andrew M~-ller~ Fountain Valley, Ca.58.&!; ~U.a.(C.Tiedemarm,L.Manz,C.Caron,S.Ather- David Phelps,Michigan City Rogers~ Indiana Ledue t Missouri 51.38; Bonald Paul, Larry Holmes t Millikan, Ca 58.68; Eric ton) 1:55.25; Cu/~is HSTTacomatWash.(K. l:~.3&; John Dohrott~ New~rt Harbor~ CA. ~azoswood, Tex.51.12; Paul Griffith, Ste~/~house~Boe~ Ca 58.69; Hicky Meador~ Arps,K.Stewart,M.MattonitT.Thomson)l:55.26; 1:4~.60; Brian Reney~ E1 Camino Real HS,CA Huron, Mich. 51.~5; Wi/liam Specht, Tara, La. 58.~0; Jamie Day~ Ballad, Tex Yorktown, Arlington,Vs. (M.Ha'.rthorr~, M. 1:~2.68; Richard Thornton, Campoliudo t CA Su~t~ NJ 51.50; Neil Macreedy, LaHabra~ 5S.93; Jeff Freeman! Santa Clara~ Ca 59.07 Uahle,C.PetereontN.Proczlnski ) l: 55.30; 1:~2.86; Jeffrey Trew, Shaler Area HS, PA Ca 5-1.63; Ke~in Robertson, New~rt Harbor BOb Lazar, Dearborn, Mich. 59.12; Tom Ke- East Lansing MS, ~Lich.(J.Piper, R.Richards, 1:&2.87; James Sorensen, J.I.Case~Wisccon. Ca 51.66; Ramon Volcan~ M52uliken~CA.51.66 rcla t H~edale Central, Ill. 59.2A;Danial W.Pratt,K.Emerson) l: 55.3A; Highland Park, 1:~2.95; Mark DeVore, Up.Arlingtn,O.l:i3.03. Mike Treend t Chatsworth,cA 51.67;Jeffrey Peid, Washington, ~!a.59.33; Stephen Bird DallastTex. (J.Lyuch,K.EathJen,C.Sanford, Honorable Mention- Mark Jarosz t LaSalle,NY Glaser, Lon~meadow~Mass.S1.67; Randy ~liralestetCa 59.~3;Een Shi3_ling, Del Mar~ B.Goodwin) l:55.39- i:&3.25; Ed F~sh~ Coral Gables,Fla. Kalbus, Wilson, Ca 51.70. Ca 59.A6; Kent k~nitaker, Falrmont WesttO. Honorable Mention -Minneton~ HS~ ~£%nn. 1:~3.28; Bob Mangan, Santa Clara,CA 1:&3.39 Honorable Mention - George Bowers, Clear- 59.52; Thomas Ward~ Ithaca t hn/ 59.65;Ga~ (K.Deane tJ.Dutcher,K.Nelson,J.Thor~ick) Bill Babashoff~ Fountain Vall, CA 1:~3.~0; water t Fla.S1.T1; Frederic Kitchner, P~_i- Fregeau, Wilson, Wash.59.78; ~.keThompson, 1:55.51; FranktinRegionsl,Murrysville,Pa. Marry Szuba, Dearborn, Mich. 1:~3.12; Scott sades, Ca 51.73; Jeff Little, Salinas,Ca Ncrthgate, Ca.59.86| George Kock, Hi/_Is- (C.Cerby,G.Eyles,T.Riggs,P.Paton)l: 55.70; Rislop, San Rafael, Io~ra 1:~3.~3; EricJohn- 51.73|Steve Grant, Hannestead~ Ca 51.76; Doro, Ore. 59.90; ~lichael Slowey, John Hampfield, Landsiville,Pa.(L.Br~on,S.Bi- son,Ames Sr.HS~Iowa I:A3.~5; N~chael Malony Scott Mactier~ Westside~ Nebr. 51.76;Nnrt Adams,ltd. 59.90; Ron Kehrmann~ San Marine zal~A.Fadner,C.Swan) 1:55.8~; Clear Creek, Pasedena,CA 1:&3.~5; David Varner t Spring Frodericks~ NormantOkla 51.90; Tom Har- Calif. 59.95. League City, Tex. (C.Marnock~J.Jacobson, Woods Sr.HS,Tex.l:i3.70; Rusty Walker~ graves, Grossmont, Ca 52.00; Mark Jarosz t Honorable Mention - Andy Nichols, Coronado~ G.Otten,J.Otten) 1:55.~9; Mercersburg Acad. Eastridge HS t Ill. 1:~3.73. LaSa/D.e,~[Y 52.00; Philip Wilk, Chamber- Ca.l:O0.00; Michael Hurley, Liwerpool,NY Mercersburg,Pa.(D.Kluglein,C.Depman,C. lain t Fla.52.02; Judd Jones t Peters Tow~%- I:OO.OA; BOb Wiltse t Cottage Grove~ Oregon Rixie,D.Burton) 1156.00; Clearwater HS,FIa 200 YD I~DMVJAL MEDLEY - Dale Hudson, ship, Penn. 53.09. l:OO.1C; Dirk Crandell, Bemans, penn.l:oo.2 (K.Rice,B.Greene,D.Loy,A.Marnie) 1:56.C9; Up2er Arlington, O. 1:53.7&; Blake Johnson~ Danny Ro~enthal, No~, Fla. 1:00.27; Keith Pine Crest School, Ft.Lauderdale,Fla. Thousand Oaks, Ca 1:53.89; Shafer Henry, 100 YD FREESTYLE - Dale Hudson, Upper Hoflhan, No~-a, Fla. 1:00.30; Steve Hugo, (C.Leigh,P.CamFbell~L.Kendall~J.Herzberg) Gateway Eeg.NJ l: 53.9&; Rely K~lhus,Wilson Arlington, Ohio A5.61; Michael Miles, Mason City~ Iowa l:oo.31; Hrian Story, 1:56.13; Winter park HS, ~la (R.Greg~, C. CA 1:53.97; Ken Sh~D.ling~ Del Mar, CA North Centrel, Ind. i6.18; Doug Frazier, Amador Vall.~ Ca. 1:00.50; Brace Ziegler t Barger ,L. Sie gried, C. Pollard ) l: 56.14; l:5&.80; Ger~do Rosario, Lakes~ Washington Bullard, Ca A6.~O; Byron Sins, Rancho Shaker, NY 1:00.50; Jeff Stern, Cy~ess Cypress Lake HS,Ft.My~rs,Pla (no r~mes sub- 1:55.&3; Toby Weissirt, Sheldon, Ore 1:55.5; Al~itos t Ca A6.~3; ~l~n Stevens, Good Lake, Fla. l:00.S1. mitted) 1:56.17; Clear Lake, Houston,Texas Robert Placak, San Eafael,CA 1:55.81; Andrew Counsel~ Maryland 16.67; Rsmon Volcan, (R.Magee,R.Lemmon,M.Joalyn,L.Geibel)l:56.3. M~ller, Fountain Val.,CA 1:55.86; Michael N~/Llikent Ca L6.67; Scott Weir t Hunting- ADO YD FF~ST~E R~Y - Belslrd t Fresno Saphir, Await, CA 1:55.92; Jesse Vasssllo, ton Bch, Ca A6.69; Billy Redinger t Brahman Ca. (Frazier, Ruble, Edelbacher t Varellas) 200 YD FR~TYLE - Lisa Kelsey, Ingleside t M~ss.VieJo, CA 1:56.10; Paul Griffith, Huron Adams, Tex. 16.77; Steven ~llbritton, 3:10.~O; ~llikmn~ Long Bch, Ca. (Volcan, Tex.l:Sl.83; Nancy Huddock, Penucrest,Pa. Hich.l:56.29; Mike PalstratSanta Clara, CA. Clearwater, ~la.i6.79; Michael Malony~ D~icolo~GibbonstFisher) 3:10.8~; Santa 1:52.20; Brenda Berth, Marple Newtown,Pa. 1:56.35; Les Wu~k, palisades~ CA 1:56.L/; PasedenatCa i6.8i; Ki~ Fredericks t Nor- Clara, Ca. (Lord t Mangan, Kendall, Yates) 1:52.76; LaurenDupree, Jacksonville- Kelly Rives, Memorial Sr.tTex 1:56.68; man HS, O~la.i6.86;Marc Foreman t Gross 3:11.07; Hdm~dale Central, Ill. (Jackson~ Episcopal,Fla l: 53.58; Maria Pease,Bishop Jamle Day, Bellaire, Tex.l:56.SD;Ler~.iolmes mont, Ca ~7.00; Pat Looby, Glen Oak, O. Beibt~ Heimann, Eabertson) 3:11.30; San McDevitt, Pa.1:53.62; BormyBrown, LkNorth F~i3~ik~n, CA 1:56.85; Patrick Stanton, A1- ~7.C2; Craig Dinkel, Thousand Oaks, Ca. Rafael, Ca. (Flacak, Donohue, Keck, Hislop) Fla.l: 53.70; Coleen Felbo, Coconat Creek, ham~CA 1:56.93; George Tidmarsh~ Hir~sdale L7.03; ROb Ra~z, Uinter Pk t Florida 3:11.33; Norman, Okla. (Greer~ Atklns, Rey- ~Ia.i:53.72; Boru~ie G~asgow, Glen Bu/'nle~ Cent.,Ill 1:56.99; Marc Foreman~ Grossmont~ i7.03; Wm. Ne~i/_le~ East t Utah i7.07; nolds, Fredericks) 3:12.01; Mission Viejo t Md.l: 53.85; Jill Berlin, O.Perr~ Walker, CA 1:57.OO; Ricky Meador,Tara,LA 1:57.OO. Dennis Bedolla, Be3-inas~ Ca. L7.0S; Jeff Ca. (Converse, Ray, Consd~le, Goedell) La. 1:53.99; ErinGreer, Edison, Ca.l:S&.13 Nonorable Mention - Mark Harttung, Washir~- Lord~ Santa Clara, Ca ~7.09; Chuck 3:12.O3; Clear Lake, Houston,Tex. (Putnam~ Ann Bartlett, Marple,Newtown,pa. 1:5~.15 tonvi/le,h~Y l: 57.19; Michael Keck t San Sharps t Wee,aide, Nebr. i7.10; Eeith Tbibedaux, Reed, Richmond) 3:12.35; Huron Heidl Jachthuber, Ch~mblee~Ga 1:5L.28; Rafael,CA 1:57.37; BOb Lazar~ Dearborn t Johnson, Huntington Bch, Ca i7.1&. Ann Arbor, M~ch. (Martin, Olney, Spaid, Kathleen Hemmer, Lk Forest,Ill.l:Si.57; Mich.l:57.~l; Robert Hagberg~ Sa.Had~ey, Honorable Mention - Mark Jar~sz, LaSalle Griffith) 3:12.~5; San Marine, Ca. (Davis, Manta Campion, Terra Linda, Ca.i:5~.80; Mass.l:57.50; David Melvi/le~Waukesha So. NY 17.20; Bob Vleet, Sheldon, Ore.i7.20; Congleton t Scannell, Elleman) 3:12.65; Kathy B~resh, Tampa Catholic,Fla. 1:55.38; Wis.l:57.5A; Marc SchlettertToledo St.Fran- Sam Jones, Edison~ Ca A7.21; MiP~ Kelly, Dearborn, Mich. (Knoop, Ev~ns, Dunworth, MarJie Ertler, Winter Park,~la. 1:55.&3; cis de Sales t O. 1:57.55; Eric Fleet,Emaust Notr~ Dame, Ca L7.27; Steven S~ith~ Le- Szuba) 3:13.17; North Per~, Lanedale~ Pa. Cyr~ii MoOn, am, Mercer Island t Washi~n Pa.i:57.70; Matt Shieman,Ygnacio~CA 1:57.70; land~ Ca L7.31; Stuart Whiteside t Green- (Schlecht~ Schlecht, Bartle, ~hller) 1:55.~5; Kim Elack t Alta Loma, Ca 1:55.50; Ron Kahrmenn~SanMarino~CA 1:57.71; John wich, Conn. &7.33; Eric Johnson, Ames Sr 3:13.27; Grossmont, La Mesa, Ca. (0swalt~ Amy Lepping t Atherton, Kentucky 1:55.53; ObertotWestchester~cA l: 57.71. Iowa ~7.~0; A.Shafer Henr~ Gateway Reg. Forem~n~ Hargra~s, Erueger) 3:13.50;New- C. Weinkefsky~ Ocean Township,NJ 1:55.54~ NJ &7.~2; Robert Riacak t San Rafael, Ca. port Harbor, Newport Beach~ Ca. (Fults~ Honorable Mention - Ehrl Eosenk~us~Ne~- $0 YD FREESTYLE - ~ke Kelly,Notre Dame,CA. L7.12; Ean Laher, Miramonte, Ca i7.L2+. Stevens, My~r~, D~Mott) 3:13.55; Acalances port,Wash. 1:55.68; Molly Baer, Madison 21.02; Steven Allbritton,Clearwater,Florida Lafayette, Ca. (Jen;en t Lusinger~ Stone t West, Wise. 1:55.79; Teresa Hecht, Arch- 21.OS; Bob R~erez, Winter PktFla 21.1i; ~00 YD FR~STYLE - Brian Goodeil, Miss. Elderkin) 3:13.55; Leland, San Jose~ Ca. bishop Keough, Md. 1:55.90; Heidi Weissert Wm. Ne~dlle! East HS,Utah 2.1.18; Richael Viejo, Ca A:29.O~; Casey Corr~erse, Miss. (~nith~ Kittleson~ Larson, Marshall) Sheldon,Ore. 1:55.90; Cathy Vayda, LouisS. Miles~ NooCentraltInd. 21.20; Michael Kelly Viejo~ Ca A:30.2~; D~ug Frazier, ~ard 3:13.63; St. Xavier~ Cincinnati Ohio McGehee,La. 1:55.98; Valorie Beyfert, Los Fountain Vali.21.23; Craig Dinkel,Thousand Ca. &:30.60; Michael k~eman, San Marine (Florez, Ksa~nerer, Br~tun, Bosse I 3:13.86; Altos,Ca. 1:56.12; Julie Grey, Mission Oaks,CA 21.25; Kavin LangetHinsdale Sa.,Ill Ca i:31.21; Jesse Vassallo, Miss.Viejo Chatsworth, Chatswcrth~ Ca. (Ca~sten, Wim- Viejo~Ca.l:56.13; Lori Ryder, Coral Gables 21.31; Dale Hudson, Up.Arlington,O. 21.36; Ca A:~.75; Bill Babashoff~ Fountain Val son t Treend t Wagner) 3:13.95; Patrick Fla. 1:56.16; Kathy Mor~s, W.T.Wblte,Tex. Ca &:33.31; Jeffrey Trew~ Shaler Area~ Henry~ San Diego, Ca. 3:14.00; E~maus HS~ l:56.55;Teri Allen, Suu~ny HIs, Ca. 1:56.58.

JULY 1976 69 Reprint With Swimming World Magazine's Permission

Pa. 59.24; K. Mot,ell, Norwalk, Conn.59.1D Rosarma Juneos, EucP~holz, Fla.l:08.83; ville-Evis copal, Fla i: i2.91. 200 YD ITDMDUkL MEDLEY - S~san Bird, Honorable Mention - Dennis Lutz t Germ~u- Miraleste~ Ca 2:07.66; Jan UJevich, Den- Debby Campbell, Upper Dublin, Pa. 59.43; Kathy F~x~ser, Wheaton North, Ill., Catherine MacLaz~, ~horewoed, Wash.59.53; 1:08.85; Sally Winde, Mt. Hebron, t~. town Acad.,Pa.l:&3.24; Kirk Anderson, ter Area, Pa 2:07.81; ~nee Magee, Clear Jesuit, Ca.i:L3.72; Alex Welksr, Linsly Lake, Tex. 2:08.21; Diane Johnson,Walr~At Kristen ~ustad, D~laneyt~ll. 59.60; Diane 1:08.90; Barbara ~alson, E1 Toro, Ca. Jag, r, Col/~e, Ill. 59.60; Cormie I:C8.92; Diane Johrson, Walr~t, Calif. M~ilitary Inst. tW.Va.l: 43.80; William Ca 2:09.~2; Ann Cosgarea, Radnor~ Pa. E~ckson,Peddle Sohool,~;J l:L2+.O0;Thomas 2:09.55; Gayle Hegel~ Wash.Townshlp, NJ Calhoun, Alhmmbra, Ca. 59.63; Debbie 1:O8.93; Margaret 6T.alksr, Memorial, T~. 1:08.96; Charlotte Tiedama~mt No. MottyPeddie School,NJ 1:44.06; David 2:09.62; Molly Baer, Madison West, Wisc. Steward, No~-a, Pla. 59.72. Larson t Bolles SchooliFla i:~4.65. 2:lO.OA; Fchmberlee Shettle~ Perry Hall, ~hor~, Fla. i:09.(~. lO0 YD ~TYLE - Jill Sterkal, Wilson, Honorable Mention - Carrie Pettey, Md. 2!I0.10; Charlotte Tied,mann, North 200 YD ITDIVIDUAL M~EY - Scott Spann, Ca. 50.74; Jill Berlin, O.P.Walksr, La. Basic, N,y. 1:O9.10; Janet w1~ison, Sher- Shore, Fla. 2:10.19; Kim Carlisle~ Lir.- J acksonville-Epis copal, ~la .i: 53.37; Curt coln, Fla. 2:10.55; Peggy Feldmann, 52.20; Cory Schia, M-illardt Neb. 52.24; wood, Md. 1109.10; Peggy Haalach, St. Lisa Kelsey, Ingleside~ Tex. 52.L0; Laura Mary's Acad., Ore. 1:09.10; Janice ROe- LaCount,Mercersburgtpa. 1:55.28; Robt. Thomas Jefferson, Tex. 2:10.65; Diane Hacks,t, Ford~ham Prep, ~."fl:56.~;Da~id Girard, T.C.Roberson, N.C. 2:10.68; Gale Bndwick, John Marshall, Tex. 52.51; Tracy schen, Ceo. Washington, Ta. 1:09.30; Cook, Estancia, Ca. 52.573 Kathy Garrison, Ke~ Stewar~, Curtis, Wash. 1:09.36; Zubero,Bolles School! Fla.l:56.64; Chris Palsifer Shoreline, Wash. 2:10.83; Kim Woo t Pun~hou School, Hi.i:56.85; Robert Lir~strom Maine Townshlp~ 11!.2:11.07; Penlnsula~ Wash. 52.66; Lee Ann Myers, Patti Considize, Loch Ra%~n, t~.l:09.~O; Berry, Ala. 52.76;Virginia Allen, South Tammy Heins, Madison West, Wisc.l:09.49; ~randen t Hawk~n School, Ohio 1:56.93; Obei~e~ Coronado, Ca 2:11.30; Keith Dickmon, Jaekmonville-Episeopal, Becki McCafferty~ Miss. VieJo~ Calif. Broward~ Fla. 52.78; Nancy Hudockt Per~- Elaine B~sby, Redondo, Ca. 1109.51;Nancy crest, pa. 52.81; Berzy Brovau, Lk Worth, Thompson, Archbishop KeouGh, Md.1:09.59; Fla.l:57.50; Jeff Float, Jesuit, Ca. 2:11e56; Judy Terhor, St.Geneviev~tCa. 1:58.33; John Hillencampv Jacksonville- 2:11.57; Azm Haberr~gg, Wilson, Oregon Fla. 52.83; Barbara Harris, Lincoln, Ly~m. MaMu~rle, Verona, NJ 1:09.60. Neb. 52.88; Elizabeth Lutz, Laks Hi~)~- Episcopsl~la.l: 58.46; Hark W~l]lamsonl 2:]-1.90; pamela Shettle, Perry Hall,Md McCallie S~hool, Term. 1:58.81; William 2:12.00; Tracy Cooper, Conestoga, Penn. lands, Tex. 52.95; Kathy Morris, W.T. ACO YD FP-~S'2YLE P2ELAY - Clear Laks HS White, Tex. 53.12; Ma/7 Lou Ott t Tastin~ Houston t Tex. (R.Ma_~ee, L.~asgrav~, M. parks, DeLaSalle~La. 1:58.83. 2:12.29. Joal~n, L.Geihel) 3:34.35; Ma~le New,n, Honorable Mention - Matt Hoba~, Jackson- Honorable Mention - Judy Lomady, Abing- Ca. 53.19; Dea M~Gnon Loy, Clearwater, &~Alle----pi copal,Fla.l:59.34; Michael De- ~la. 53.19; Grace Meyer, Upper Dublin, New, own S~uare, Pa. (C.Breedy, S.~u. ster, ton~ Pa.2:12.80; Allyson Kapsh, Nesha- Carlo, Belmont Hill t Mass. 1:59.37; Scott ,~_uy, Pa. 2:13.07; Claudia Noakss, Miss. pa. 53,21; Heidi Jachthuber t Ch~mblee, A.Bartlett,B.Borgh) 3:38.58; Upper Dublin .~c.Wa s~zLngton, pa. (S. Frick,T.Frick,D. Camp- Matsuda, Bervite,Ca. 1:59.75; Benn Doyle, VieJo, Ca 2:13.20; Elka LaMaire t Lourdes Ca. 53.31. bell,G.Mey~r) 3:38.72; Bishop Kenny, Jack- peddle SchooltNJ 2:00.15; P~bert Clayton v Acad.,Fla.2:13.25; Terri R~ssell, Beno, Honorable Mention - Laura Geibel, Clear Cal~rt Hall, Fd. 2:00.30; Joseph Wilson, Lake~ Tex. 53.74; Susan Bird, ~tiraleste, sonville, Fla. (P.Milews~, S. Corrig~n ,D. Nev. 2:13.30; Laurie ~thard, Villa Pk, Hawksn School, Ohio 2:00.30. Ca. 2:13.38; Kathy Garrison, perd-nsula, Ca. 53.88; Lor~'ie Provost~ Bullard, Ca. Purchase,KoDuncan) 3:38.95; North Hills HS Wash.2:13.18; Margaret Chalk, r, Memorial, 53.90; Diann Du~lew-y~ Mission VieJo, Ca. Pit t sburg~h,Pa. (N .Henry, B.Mor~n, S.Moran, Z.Herrmarm) 3:40.24; Mission VieJo HS, Ca ~0 YD P~S~"~fLE - Ar~rew Coan I Pine Crest Tex. 2:13.50; lelei Fonoimoana, Mira 53.90; Kaely Beaseck~r, El Toro t Calif. ~la. 20.98; Michael Kelly, Notre DameTCa. Costa, Ca. 2:13.65; Peytie Hslligan, 54.00; Nancy Hen~, North Hills, Pa.5A.O; (B.McCa fferty, S.Erickson, J .Grey,D .Dur~le~y) 3:LO.79; Peninsula, Gig Harbor, Wash.(W. 21.02; ROn Cshn, Belles School,Fla.Zl.&5; Northeast t ~la. 2:13.65. ~rley Hill, Mission BaY, Calif.5&.lO; Alan Ste~ns, Good Counsal,Md.21.50; John MarJie Ertler, Winter Pzrk~ Fla. 54.12; Hunt, K.Lile ,N.Widrig, K. Garrison) 3:40.88; William Tennent, WarminsterlPa. (L. Hender- Ebito, Mercersburg Acad. vPa.21.53; Michael ~O Y0 F~STYLE - , Wilson, Patty Md_lews~i, Bishop Kermy, Fla.54.15; Doyle t peddle School, NJ 21.65; William Ca. 23.46; Virginia Allen, So. Broward, Diana Wal~r~ MeAl-fen, Tex. 5~.19. shott,J.Hoehn,D.Ad~m,C.Sapp) 3:41.27; The Bolles School, Jackson~d2ule, Fla. (M. E. Forrester, J a ckson~rille-Epis co pal, Fla • Fla. 23.S1; Jill Berlin, O.P.Walk~r, La. 21.70; F~y Espenshled, Jesuit, Florida 24.05; Barbara Harris, Lincoln, Neb. ~CO YD F~TYLE - Brenda Berg~h, Marple Harris,L. Kl~hr ,M .Cousar~ J. Zubero )3: ~1.72; Newtown, Pa. 4:56.61; Erin Greer, Edison~ East Lansing HS, Mich. (D.Dorow,A.Waldron 21.73; Michael St.Denis, Jacksornzi/le- 24.19; Laura Rodwick, John Marshall, Tex. Episcopal,Fla. 21.77; John Misiak, West- 24.23; Lisa Kelsey~ Ir~eside, Tex.2~.30; Ca. 4:57.64; Coleen Falbo, Coconmt Creek, K.Heath,V.~./tledge) 3:42.02; P~ehardson HS Tex. (p.Zirkslba ch, J .Wentworth ,N .Hennessey m~-nster, Oa. 21.78. Kathy Garrison, Peninsula, Wash. 24.L0; Fla. A:59.99; ~ Kosen~ranius, Ne'~port, Honorable Mention - Jo~ Brosius, Jackson- . Wash. 5:00.46; Kim Flaek, Alta Loma~ Ca. K.Wmrren) 3:&2.06; E1 Toro, Ca. (K.Bea- Laura Deibel, Clear Laks, Tex. ~.4~1; secker, D .McCraw ,M.~ry~on tB.Hudson) 3 :42- 29 ~d/_le-Episcopal,:-la.21.87; Karl Ficksnscher Elizabeth Lutz t lk Highlands, Tex.24.~; 5:00.82; Ma~a Pease, Bishop McDewitt, Cal~rt Hall, Md. 21.90; Thomas Grant, Uni- Mary Lou Ott, Tastin t Ca. 24.18; Colleen Pa. 5:01.08; Lauren Dupree, Jacksonville- W. T.~.~itet Dallas, Tex. (C. Colmeryt C •Colmery, K.CoxtK.Morris ) 3:42.88; Sarasota HS,Fla. versity School, Ohio 21.96; Michael Lind- Bepp, William Tennent, Pa. 2~.~9; Lee Episcopal, Fla. 5:01.80; C. Weinkofsky, Ocean Township, NJ 5:02.84; Heidi Weis- (E. Jones ,M .Flatt ,Her~ey~Grif fith) 3: 43.09; say, Mercersb~Lrg Acad.,Pa. 21.96; Matt Ann Mey~rs, Berry, Ala. 24.51; Arm Marie Newport, BellevuetWash.(C.H~mPel, J.Mcln- Dalton, Deerfield Acad.,Mass. 21.97. Milling, St.Paul t Ala. 24.58; Tracy Cook, sert, Sheldon, Ore. 5:02.90; Cyndi Mc- bosh, J .Har shbarger ,E. [~senkraniu s) 3: 43 • 60 Estancia, Ca. 24.59; Lorrie Provost, Bul- Oullam, Mercer Island, Wash. 5:03.03; DI~:G (Alphabetical) - Adam Adams, Belles Julie Grey t Mission VieJo, Ca. 5:03.17; M ar~.eim Township, Pa. (S. He rr, B. A'&ment,L • lard, Ca. 24.60; Debby Campbell, Upper Passe,D.Keyser) 3:A3.92; Clear Creek HS, School, Fla.; James Ca~, Pine Crest, Dublin, Pa 24.60; Susan Gore, Miraleste, Kathy ~/~sh! Tampa Catho~c, ~a.5:0i.28; Fla.; Craig Gavin t Hill School, pa.;David Ca. 24.63; Lauri Webster, Redlands, Ca. Ann Bartlett, Marple New,own, Pa.5:O5.71; League City, Tex. (J.Otten,C.Marnock,T. Glancy,J.Jacobson) 3:43.92; Ann Arbor Good,In, Creightont Nebr.; Carl Hohengsr- 24.69; Grace Mey~r~ Upper Dubl~-u~ Penn. Sar~ira Glafenhein, Pine Crest, Fla. 5:05.90; Diane Girard, T.C.Roberson t NC Pioneer, Mich. (K.Hink,B.p~lazzola,L.Lease ten, A~n Old Farms, Conn.; Mark Johnsont 2J+.74; Des Mi~on Loy, Cleam~ater, Fla. Hebron Asad.,Me.; Dana Kurty, St.Andrews, 24.80. 5:06.20; MarJie E~ler t Winter park,Fla. G.Higglns) 3:11.04; Ohaha Westside,Neb. 5:06.06; Mary ED.len Harris, BellesSchc~l, (L. Small ~ .Watland ,T. Sne eksnberg ,M .Maa ok) Pla.; Chas. Maytttmt Hs~rvard School, Cal.; Honorable Mention - Kathy Oroisa, Home- 3:&L.16; MacArthur,San Antonlo,Tex (P. Michael Tudor, McCallie School, Tenn.; stead, Wisc. 24.81; Susan Yates, Coral Fla. 5:06.07; Amy Lepping, At.her,on, ¥~. Hollar ,A.We ~r/uardt,B. J o.hnson tJ •Sywa ssink) John Vallas, Avon Old Farms, Conn. Gables, Fla. 24.82; Joanle Jacobeon, C 5106.63; Teri Allen, S~rmy Hills, Calif. 3:&A.2~. Clear Creek, Tex. 2~.8~; Julie Terrell~ 5:06.66; Lori Ryder, Coral Gables, Fla. lOS YD ~%'fERPLY - Willi~m Forrester, 5:06.87. Honorable Mention - Mercersburg Acad. Pa. Sherwc~, ~. 24.86; Lirda Van Buren, (C .pS_~ie,D. B~ on, D. Kluglei-n,L •Pet er son) Jacksonville-Ep'fscopal,Fla. 50.2L; John Butler Area t PB. 2L.88; Diane Walksr, Honorable Mention - Diarm Danlevy, Miss. Viejo, Ca. 5:07.1~; Laurie Bethard,Vil/a 3:LL.49; Conestoga HS,Pa. (T.Cooper,L. Ebito, Mercersburg Acad, Pa.51.79; Andrew McAllen, Tex. 22+.89; Carelyn Schwanhaus- Chiappetta, J.Flyrm,C.Zupanik) 3:44.54; Coan t Pine Crest, Fla. 51.80; Arnsldo set, Sun,t, NJ 24.90; MarJie E~er, Park t Ca. 5:07.&O; Sue Albaugh, West Cc-- Per.z, Pine Crest, Fla. 51.83; Fritz Ho- %.inat Ca. 5:08.05; Lisa pena, Bellair~ t P~dnor pS,Pa. (A.Jsckson,T.olayton,M.L. Winter Pk, Fla. 24.90; Lori Stauffer, St. Beach,A.Cosgarea) 3:4J~.63; Northeast,Oak- roans, Deerfield Acad.,Mass. 52.10. Charles, I]3.. 24.97; Julie Zubero, Bolles Tex. 5:O8.12; Julie Francisco, Wilson,Ca. 5:08.813 Bee Noza~, Grant, Ore. 5108.90; lard Park~Fla. (M.Mancino,B.Moore,J.Hol- School, Fla. 2~.99. land,P.Halligan) 3:44.63; Winter park HS~ iO0 YD ~U~'F~Y - William Forrester, K~m Lindstrom, Maine ~hshp,lll. 5:O9.17; Jackson~-ille-Episcopal, Fla.50.24; John Sabri~a Cronen, Bedford, Mass. 5:09.51; Fla. (M.E~ler ~C. Pollard ,D. Demopoulos,A • DI~G (Al~habetical) Ebito, Mercersburg Acad.,Pa.51.79;Andrew Cindy Alldn~ New Trier t Ill.; Robin Athey, Debbie Harmulat Woodrow Wilson,Wash. Jacobs) 3:~2~.82; Coral Gables,Fla. (S. 5:09.92; Anne Watlar*i, Omaha Westsidet S c~eiderman, S .Yat e s, K. Carroll ,L .Ryder) Coan, Pine Crest,; Arnsldo Perez North Shore, Fla.; Carol Berger t Westside, Pine Crest,Fla. 51.83; Fritz HomanstDeer- Neb. 5:09.97. 3:45.16; Birm~Ir.~ham Gro~s, Mich. (K. Neb. ; Denise B~cheister, Washington, Ia.; ~mpal ,L .Mro sko,B. Kempal, K. Ryr~res s) field Acad.,Mass. 52.10; Kyle M~iller, Diane Doucet, Ri~rdale, La.; Nancy Fenn, 3:45.31; Bethel park HS,Pa. (M.Pltu-~mer, Bolles School,Fla 52.38; Jeff Hansard, Shawnee Mission East, Kan.; Eax~n Fine- 100 YD BACKST~DKE - Rene Magee, Clear Lk~ Tex. 5S.94; CbA'is Breedy, Mar;le Newtcwn, K. Hol/ztnsheed,H. Hollinsh earl,T. Mart ~n) Bolles S~hool, Fla. 52.40; Scott Spann, steim, L.C.Anderson, Tex.; Leland Gentry, 3:45.72; Worthington HS,Ohio (T.Yanerr, P. Jacksonville-EpiscoFal,Fla 52.40; Craig Oirls Prep School, Tenn.; Teresa Hackstt, Pa. 59.01; Janet Freudenstein t Mt. Hebron, Shortly, Jesuit, Ca.52.49; Daniel Menl- M~. 59.45; Kimberlee Shettlet Perry H~/_I~ EluchertK.B~Lrnside,L.Fox) 3:45.78; Wilson Highline, Wash.; Li~da Hamner, W.T.Wood- HS, Portl~nd, Ore. (A.Habernigg,L.Da~in, chella, Law~ence~d/-le,NJ 52.75; Dan Red- son t Va.; Lori Kirk, Madera, Ca.; Barbara M~. 59.67; Cory Schla, M_i/lard, Neb.59.94; E. Feldm~n ~S.Locks ) 3:45.90. fern, Be.~te, Ca. 53.04. Logan, Mt. Brook, Ala.; Laura Md~aughtt Carol E~ers, Li~nla Ste~nson, Mich. Honorable Mention - ~[m. Ventres, Pine So. Eugene, Ore.; Alysa Marie Could t Jef- l:OO.17; Miriam Srzlth, Woodrow Wilson,Wash Crest, Fla. 53.18; Joseph Rhyne, Mercers- ferson, Mirm.; Janet Beterson, Northeast, l:O0.17; Molly Beer, Madison West, Wisc. burg Ac.iPa.53.24; P~ck Vail,s, Deerfield Fla.; Vickie Schweiger, Menomonee Falls E. 1:00.20; Margaret Browne, Corona del Mar, Ac.,Mass.53.28; William Crampton,Creightn Wisc.; Tina Steck, Newark Acad.,NJ; Lisa Ca 1:00.24; Sharon Fls.hertyt Holy Cross, Nebr.53.31; Michael DeCarlo, Belmont Hill, Mi. 1:00.25; Pare Lower~aupt, Beabreeze, ~L~TIO!L%L ~,'T=~.$~OLASTIC ~£L~-~:G COAC.~V-S Trapp, Olastonbary, Corm.; Julia Warner, ASSOCIATI~ - 1976 P~P SCHOOL ALL-AM~CA Mass, 53.59. Sacred Heart, Ky.; Candy Willlams~ patton- Fla. 1:CO.31; Susan Cove, Miraleste, Ca. l:OO.&O; Liz VilBert, East, Pa. 1:00.83; Shq}iM~:G TEAM. ville, Ms. lO0 YD F~EESTYLE - Andrew Coan, Pine Cr., Honorable Mention - Jerl Frost~ Thomas Stacy Anderson, Jacksonville-Episcopal, Compiled by: Arthur R. Schonheiter Fla.45.iO; Ardrew O'Hars, Peddle School, Jefferson, Tex.; Wanda Beda, Davis~ Ca.; Fla. 1:00.97; Meg McCu3-1y, St.Pete Cath. Law!-ence%~ille School, Lawrenee%~llle, N. J. NJ 46.55; Alan Stewmns, GoOd Counsel,Md Ann Bowers t Dubec~e, Iowa; Michelle Cooper Fla. l:Ol.OO; Meg Hoeflich, So.Eugene, 46.67; Scott Spann, Jacksunville-Episc., Ore. l:Ol.OO; Ca~e Hutt, Albert Ein- 200 YD M~EY P~Y - Jacksonville-Episco- Hunts~-ille, Ala.; Laura Ci~3-1o, Homestead, p~].,Fla. (K.DicP~on, S. Spann,W. Forr~ster, Fla.46.90; Kyle Miller, Belles School, pa.; Tricia Dollaghan, Northglenn, Colo.; stein, Md. l:0l.ll; Grace Meyer, Upper Fla.47.02; Randy McCord, Germantown Ac. Dublin, Pa. l:O1.30; Kelly Peyton, Da~-id M.St.Denis) 1:35.8S; Pine Crest, Fla. (T. Tracy Malarlk, Fr~tpert, Mich.; Cindy Frassas, A. per, z, C .Gilbert ~A. Coan)l: 36.90; Penn.47.13; Michael Kelly, Notre Dame,Ca. Mardon, Lincoln, Ca.; Ann McDivitt, New Douglas, Ore. l:O1.30; Janabeth Lynch, 47.27; Howard Nelson, Isidore Newman, La. Highland Park, Tex. l:OI.31. Mercer.burg Acad.,pa. (C.LaCourt,J.Carbone Trier East, Ill.; Rosemary Mecca, Lake J.Eblto,M.Lindsay) 1:37.06; peddle Sahool 47.29; John Brosius, Jaeksonville-Eplsc., Shore, NY. Honorable Mention - Christine Wesper, FIa.47.3A; Todd RO sell, Mercersburg Ac. Cy;ress Lake t Fla. 1:01.32; Lisa Van Pelt, ,j.J. (R.Meier ,B.Doyle,W. St e~nson ,M.Doyle ) Lawrence~ NJ l:Ol.iO; Lee Arm Myers, 1:37.34; Belles School, Fla.(D.Willoug:hby, Mass. 47.49. lOS TO ~JTTERFLY - Holly Pate~ Tokay, Ca. Mark Archer~J.Han~ard,R.Cob~) 1:38.433 Honorable Mention - Fritz Homans, Deerfid 57.69; Lelel Fonoimoanat Mira Costa, Ca Berry, Ala. l:Ol.b~l; Claudia Noak~s, Acad,Mass.47.63; pmndy Espenshied,Jesuit, ~ssion VieJo, Ca. 1:01.53; Ch~-Istina We strzir~ter School,Ga. (B.Joel,C.Mos ~,J •Ken- 57.70; Valorie Beyfert, Los Altos t Ca. n,J.Misiak) 1138.67; Cermantown Acad.,Pa Fla.47.63; Greg Anderson, Jack~onvi~e- 58.03; Chris Caron, North Shore, Fla. Darby, Roland Park, Md. 1:01.55; Susan Episcopal,Fla 47.69; Mark Willimmson~ Bird, Miraleste t Ca. 1:01.58; Trisha Par- FD.Hansen,J .Dor sch, C.Martin ,R.MeCord) 58.06; Janet Breudenstein, Mt.Hshron, Md. 1:39.32; Hawksn School, Ohio (R.~anden, McCallie School,Tenn. 47.70; Walt Hardin, 58.06; Heidi Jachthuber, Chamblee, Ga. ker, Upper Dublin, Pa. l:O1.60; Cynthia Jesuit, Ca.47.78; Michael Doyle, Peddie ~irey, Daniel Boone~ Pa. 1:01.60; J. Jazwa ,J.Ward ~S.McInt osh ) l: 39.39; Pun~hou 58.18; Judy Terhar, St.Denevievet Calif. School~Hawali (L .A saoka ,C .Woo ~B. Kut sunai, School, N.J. 47.50. 58.50; Kimberlee Shettle, Perry Hall, Md Terri Sussell, Reno, N~v. I:01.70; Robin Reif, Madison Memorial, Wisc. l:O1.70. N.Cahoon) 1139.L1; Lawrenceville School~ 58.50; Mohica Ross t Anderson, Tex.58.61; NJ (T.Matthews,W. Jackson ,D.Mer±chella, J • $00 YD FR~TYLE - James Kegley, Mercers- Nancy Hen~, North Hi~-Is, Pa. 58.69; Rifenbary) 1:39.68. butrg Ac.,~a.4:30.A8; Robert Hackett,Ford- Leslie Rhodes, Punshou School, Hi.58.80; I00 YD ~RFASTST~KE - Jan UJevich, Cent. ham Prep,h~f 4:30.93; John Hillencamp, Area, Pa. 1:06.17; Erin O,Beirne, Coro- Mary Hoff, Mahwah, NJ 58.82; Cynthia 200 ~D FP~TYLE - William Forrester, ja cksonville_Eplscopal, Fla .4:33.21; Creg Leith, Pine Crest, Fla. 58.84; Tin~'W~- nado t Ca. 1:06.50; Tina Ann Cmmilli, Del Camp% Ca. 1:O6.83; Shelley Preston, Meal- J a cksonville-Kpis eopgl, Fla .1 !39 •82; Andrew Wright, J a ckson~-ille-Eplscopal, Fla •i: 34. O3 sel, Inglmoor, Wash. 58.873 Lisa Kelsayl O,Hara,Peddle School,NJ l:ll.L8; Greg Wm F-riekson, peddle School,NJ 4:35.i3;Jeff Ingleside, Tex. 58.89; Barbara Hudson, ford, Ore. 1:07.90; Ann Habernlgg, Wilson, Float, JesulttCa.4:36.04; Dawid Zubero, Ore. l:08.10; Donna Carter, Northampton Wright, J a cksonwi/l~-Epis co pel, Pla .1: &l • 50 EL Toro~ Ca. 58.98; Chris Breedy, Marple James Kegley,Mercersh.lrg Acad.Pa.l:LI.84; Belles School,Fla.A:36.38; Wm Forrester Newtown, Ba. 58.99; Marcia Shearer, Bal- Mass. 1:08.14; Judy Grey~ Bascack Hills, Jacksonville-Episc.,Fla.4: 37.61; David NJ 1:08.21; Maureen Dolan, No%~a, Fla. ~ndrew Comn, P-Lne Crest, Fla. I:42.30; lard, Ky. 59.08; Jill Fletcher, Doyle, Kyle Miller, Bolles School,.=la.l:L2.53; Larson, Bolles School,Fla.4:38.67; Kirk Tenn. 59.13; Misty ~laek, Vesta~ia, Ala. 1108.24; p~mela Shettle, Perry Hall, ~. Anderson, Jesuit, Ca. 4:3S.77; Bri2~ohn- i:08.29; Megan Ward, Seton, Md. 1:08.31; Todd ~ssell~ Mercersburg Acad.,Pa.l:A2.59 59 .l&. John Hillencamp, Jackson~5_lle-Episcopal, son,Jesuit,Ca.4:~2.62; Thomas Mott,peddie Honorable Mention -Maura C~mpion,Te~n~a Lenora Miltenberger, Colonial, Fla. School,NJ 4:12.78; Michael Bo2d, Jesuit, 1:08.34; Dotty Spar~, Bedford, Mass. Fla.l:~2.62; Howard Nelson~ Isidore New- Linda, Ca. 59.20; Rosanna Juncos, Euch- man, La. l:&2.S2; Greg Anderson, Jackson- La.4:i2.83. holz, Fla. 59.21; Track Cooper,Conestoga, 1:08.36; Ann Haberuig, Wilson, O~.1:08.60

7O Reprint With Swimming World Magazine's Permission

Honorable Mention - Keith Dickeon,Jack- Eric Shargo, Santa Monica 16:ll.17;Bongt ~TER DI~IG (Al,chabeticallz) - To~y A:2A.54; E. Gibbs, Pasader~ 4:25.50; Cates sonville-Episc.)Ela.4:43.00; Wm Parks, Jonsson, Pasadena 16:23.97; Mik~ Russo) Conner) M~dlard; Mark Gag)an! Sacramento; Ventura 4:28.28; Red)hard t Saddleback DeLaSalle,La. 4:13.68; Robert Anslow, Pasadena 16:2~.49; Michael M~.%Dlen)Arte- Bill Gerrard) Baddleback; M~tch Goldstein 4:33.15; K. Hillen t Indian River 5:08.53; Hawken School,Ohio 4:43.74; Henry lope Vall. 16:26.84; Reid Lewis t Indian Golden West; Lance Graham) Alfred Tech; W. Rasting) Indian RAver 5:08.78; M. Lor.- O'Railly, Wm.Per-n Charter)Pa.4:45.83; Pivot 16:28.54; Jack Sorg) West Valley Kevin Haines) Diablo Valley; ~/ Kelly) drigan) Miciland 5:15.66; C. Peterson) A1 Shannon Varner, Eishop Ireton,Va.4:46.O. 16:34.26; Gor~n Westerluml, Pasadena San Joaquim; D~n Labrecque) Kellogg; fred Tech 5:i2.65; S.HenzT) ~'dJdl~nd 16:35.12; Steve Wenger Golden West Rusty Montsuuo) Ventura; Joe O'Brien t 5:44.18. iOO YD FACKSTPD~ - Curt LaCount) Mer- 16:36.19; ) Golden West Cr~nd Rapids; Gerry Petit) DuPage; Mike cersburg Acad.,Pa.52.83; Keith Diekeon, 16:37.52; Jim Turnbull, Diablo Valley Pray) Diablo Valley; Kirk Scbrell) Santa ~0 YD PACKSTP~K~ - Gardner I Ventura 29.79; Jackson~-ille-Episc.,Fla 52.90; Keith M~- 16:39.87. Rosa; Kirk Smith) Midland; Gill Stiles) Raithard t Saddleback 30.69; Taylor v Golden Connell, Jesuit)~la.53.31; James Coleman, lOG YD ~JTTER~LY - Nino Duccini) L.A. Catri//o; Phil Tonne) Chabot. West 30.77; D~oran) E1 Camino 31.O7;Peairs Malvern Prep) Pa. 54.02; Thomas Prassas, Pasadena 31.09; Elliot) t Saddleback 31.85; Pine Crest, ~Ia.54.26; Walt Hardin,Jesuit Valley 51.17; Jim Fairhank, kmerican P~v. 51.22; :ars Lir~eberg, Pasadena 51.51; 400 YD ~z~LEY P~Y - Diahlo Valley (T. Home) Orange Coast 32.01; Rogers) Santa Ca.54.28; Randy Meier, Peddle School, NJ W~te ) K.~2nite ) J. Turnb~ )1 .J aure ~ui) Mo~ica 32.19; Cain) Fu]le~on 32.i2.; 54.36; Alex Hodge, Montclair Ac.)NJ 54.39; Larry Dick, Riverside 51.65; Den Warn- shuis) West Valley 51.67; Jerry Walsh~ 3:3i.S0; Pasadena (J.i~/ler)F.Sjoberg,L. Sattler v Pasadena 32.58; Cornell t Bakers- Robt.Branden,Hawken School,O. 5A.60; Wm. LLndeberg)T.Maddocks) 3:35.31; West V~. field 32.91; Stolp) L.A.Va]D_ey 32.93. Forrester, J a cke onville-Epis co pal )Ela. Pasadena 51.95; J~m Sauer) Midlar~ 52.28 (M .Wa gnon )D .Hendricke on )D .Warnshuis )R. 54.69; Rick Brackett, McCallie School, Add Prag, Pasadena 52.35; Tom Maddocke) Pasadena 52.45; Jim Turn bull, Diablo Val Weimer) 3:35.?6; Foothill (B.Jaekeon~ iOO YD PACKSTP/3~ - W.Rasting t Indian Pdv. Tenn. 54.70. M.Dole)C .~tler )D. Thornhill )3: 36.25; 1:O1.54; M.Dunn t Indian Riv.l:O2.O6; Lynde Honorable Mention - Geoffrey Boelen) 52.74; Jim Lyle) Saddleback 52.77; Jeff Gaeckle) Chabot 52.95. El Cam~no (S.Spruth)C.Senecal)M.Casanova Fullerton 1:02.75; Gardner t Ventura Hackley School,~ 54.70; Pat McCo~ick, R.Bauer) 3:36.78; Chabot (M.Sal~-ador)D. 1:03.88; C.Morgan) Sequoias 1:O3.92; S. Creighton,Nebr. 54.74; Ben Joel) Westmin- 200 YD ~UTTE~R~Ly - Lars Lindeberg, Pasa- Ls-~ini)J.GaecPie)B.Macabe) 3:37.20; Ir~ Batsman) Midlands 1:05.06; L. Merz) Ind. ster,Ga.54.78; Dan Willoughby, Bodies dian Diver (E.Gobbie)E.Berr/,P.Lee)D. dena 1:51.73; IIino Duccini) LA Valley Ri~r 1:05.39; P.S~th) M~idlard 1:05.5; School,Fia 55.02; Ed Schmidt, Jesuit,La. Lee) 3:37.30; Saddleback (J.Baathoff, Jarke) Palc~ar 1:05.85; J.Bitunrer) Indian 55.08. 1:51.96; Craig Mattox~ IA Pierce 1:53.50) Add Prag~ Pasadena 1:54.90; Jim Lyle) L. Johnson,J .Lyle)R. Kelt enbach) 3:37.37; P-iv. 1:05.89; L. Fries) DuPage 1:06.03; ~eric~n River (T.Elalock)J.~hulligan) T.S~nith) Orange Coast l:06.10. ioo YD ~EASTSTP~ - , Bonshou Saddleback 1:55.50; Eichard Firman) G.Dichter)J.Fairbank) 3:3S.85; Midland Diablo Vall. 1:55.64; Rich HaJm) Cypress School)Hawaii)55.99; Scott Sparta) Jackson- ( C .Fancher )C.Lysinger )J. Sauer )C .Wilson) 200 YD BACESTRO?~ - W.Kasting 7 Indian PAy. ville-Eplsc.)Fla.58.81; Michael Lindssy, 1:55.73; Kirk Haley, Diablo Va~eyl:55.64 Eich Hain, Cypress 1:55.73; Fd~k Haley, 3:38.90; DeA~-za (J.Stallman)L.R//er)B. 2:12.1; M. Dtuun) Indian Riv.2:15.7; L. Mercersburg Acad.,Pa.59.91; Craig Shortly) HoerAgtT.Elson) 3:39.33; Cypress (K. Merz) Indian Riv. 2:18e64; P.Smith) N~ Jesuit,Ca. 1:OO.13; John Jazwa) Hawken RAablo Vail. 1:56.57; Gor~n Westerl~nd, F~dama )G.Wo fL~n~n~R.Ha~)D.Forbe s) Pasadena 1:56.58; Jeff Caeckle) Chabot land 2:23.6; L. Fries) DuPage 2:24.24; S. School)Ohio 1:00.22; Bann Doyle) Peddle 3:39.90. Bateman) Midland 2:22.68; K. Sexton t Per.- School)NJ 1:00.91; Jim Carbone) Mercers- 1:57.30; ~[ike Casano%~a, El CamSmo 1:58.13; Jim Sauer) Midlar~ 1:58.13. sacola 2:26.93; J. Bz%unner) Indian River) burg Acad.)Pa.l:Ol.~A; Brian [mtsunai, tOO YD FF~2EESTYIE ~R~y - Eiablo Valley 2:26.95; C. O'Conner) Mercer 2:30.88; J. Punahou School, Hawaii 1:O1.58; Jack Mc. lOG YD BACKSTP/DKE - Bob Jac~mon) Foot>ill (S.Herzog )R. Fe .u~D .B~/r-i~T.~%uit e ) Jordan 7 Montgomery 2:39.43; M. Nyre t Cent. Oinley, Malvern Prep, Pa. l:OI.92;Michael 3:05.98; Pasadena (D.Orener)E.Sturgess t Ariz. 2:45.21; C. Osmer) Farmingdale St.Oenis, Jacksonvi3~e-Episc. ,~Ia.i:O1.93; 53.45; Jo~n Saathoff) Saddleback 53.63; Scott Claffey) ~b3-1erton 53.71; Jay ~/ler J.~ler)T.Maddoc~m) 3:08.90; El Camino 2:~.71. Michael Pare) Mereersburg Ac.)Pa.l:O2.26; (C .Bane cal,M. Casano%~a)S. Sprath )R.Bauer) David Hurley, Exeter, N.Hsmpshlre 1:02.33. Pasadena 54.62; Bruce S~oles) Golden W. 3:09.14; Foothill (D.Thornh~)B.Jack~on ~O YD ~ASTSTPD~ - Bangbusch) Ventura Honorable Mention - David Zubero, Bodies 54.62; Dan Houting) Grand Rapids 55.45; T.Wright)C.Butler) 3:lO.lO; DeAza (D. Joe Walsh) Pasadena 55.42; Joe Hoover) 32.14; Cates) Ventura 32.86; Phil~ott 7 Scbool,~-la.l:02.40; Eugene Joyce,Xavier Demir elli, B.Hoenig )J. Quinby )T.Els on) Saddleback 33.70; Woodward) Fuller)on Modesto 55.59; Mark Sal~dor t Chahot Prep)MY I:02.L~I; Joseph Dorsch,Germantown 3:10.20; West Valley (W.Wood)R.Weimer) 33.94; Decker) Bakersfield 34.45; Meser%~a) Ac.,Pa.l:O2.49; Bar) Schneider)Cermant~n 55159; Mike Wagnon, West Valley 55.65; D.Warnshuis)M.Wood) 3:10.73; Fuller)on Fu/lerton 34.61; Murray t Mt.BO~U Antorzio Ac.)Pa.l:O2.61; Mark Archer) Bolles School Mike Broneau) Santa Mor~ca 55.76; David (Lea 0 j a )S.Underhill )R.Hamilt on )S. Claf- Lee) Indian River 55.84. 35.02; Haight) Pasadena 35.30; ~h~eson~) :-la. 1:O2.67. Bay) 3:11.12; Golden West (J.Edwards)D. Golden West 35.56; Adams) Mt.San Antonio 200 YD EACKS%RO~ - Scott Claffey) Pa3/er- Fahian)B.O' Too!e )S.Wer~er) 3:11.93; 35.61; Cook t Long Beach 35.66; Marthorn) L00 YO FREESTYLS P~Y - Jackeonville- Santa Mor~ca (M.Newman)T.Ketsouleas)M. El Camino 35.89. E~is copal, Fla (J. Brosiu s )S. Spann ,W .Forres- ton 1:56.2&; ) Foothill 1:56.69 Moses)T.Hearst) 3:13.10; Chabot (R.Vs.n ter)M.St.Denis) 3:OS.74; Bolles School) Jo~nu Saathoff) Saddleback l: 56.70; Joe Boxt el )M. Selv-ador)J .Gae ckle)B.Macabe ) i00 YD BREASTST~3E~ - Sengbusch) Ventura Walsh) Pasadena 1:58.13; Rick St~nfield) Ela. (K.Mi/~er ,R.Ring )D .Larson)D. Zube ro ) 3:13.50; Cypress (D.Forhes)D.~lenehard) 1:O8.83; S.5osmans t Foothill l:ll.ll; D. 3:08.94; Mereersburg Ac.)Pa.(T.~ussell, Midlarzl College 1159.26; Tom ~alock) R.HaJ~n)A.Lo^%~/) 3:13.51; Indian River Swanko t Italian P~v. 1:12.02; M.Londrigan D. Ban jamin ,W.McClintie, J. Kegley) 3: Ii .12; American RA%~r 1:59.62; lh~uce S~holes) (P.Lee )S .Cobble)D. Carruthers )D.Lee) Midl~d i:12.10; Cares) Ventura i:13.30; Golden West 1:59.74; P~hilip Cooky San Ge ~ant o.~n Ac. ,Pa. (R.McCord ,E. Zettlemey~r ) 3:14.19. WoOdward t Foiler)on l:l~.61; M.Wqceeler! M. DeCroat ,D.Lutz) 3:12.0S; Peddle School)MJ Jose 2:01.14; Dov Nisman) Pasadena Indian Diver 1:14.76; Philpott) Saddlebk (M. Doyle, T .Mott )W .Erickson)A .O 'Hara) 3 :14.50 2:01.16; Scott Spruth) El Caz~o 2:01.73; 800 YD ~STYLE RELAY - Diablo Valle~ 1:15oO9; T. Shove) Ann Arundel l:15.10; Jesuit School, Ca. (S.Wilcox, K.Anderson, B. Mike Wagnon) West Valley 2:02.01; Dan (J. Turnbull )B. Turrin )S. Herzog )T .~q~ite) Decker~ Bakersfield i:15.92; T.Sheerin) Shortly,W.Harden)3:14.83; Pine Crest,Ela. Houting) Gran/ Rapids 2:02.21. 6:55.56; De~nza (D.Den~lli)B.Hoenig, Burlington 1:15.98; Haight) Pasaderm (A. Pete z, C. Oilbert,R.Omainsk~/,A.Coan) J. 'Q%uinby)T.Elson) 6:57.89; Pasadena 1116.iA. I00 YD BRFASTSTPOKE - Doug Forbes) Cyp- 3:15.AD; Montclair Ac.,NJ (S.Schulte)W. (D.Brener)E.Sturges s)G.West erltun/,B. Dioguardi,M. Schmi/t ~M .Ms cGregor )3:15.69; ress 58.97; Ken ~]~ite) Diablo Val.l:OO.07; Jor~son) 7:01.77; West Valley (J.Borg, 200 YD 5==~EASTSTP~?~ - M. Londrigan) M~d- Deerfield Ac.,Mass. [F.Homans,W.F~ng, C. Dan Wa~shuis~ West Va~.l:O0.ll; Bill M .Wagnon)D.Mendrickson )W.Wood )7: 02.28; l~~i 2:35.70; D. Swar/-~t Indian River Miles,R.Valles) 3:15.98; Jesuit,~a.(R. Dixon) San Jose 1:00.37; Ed Eisenberg) Golden West (D.Fabian)J.Edwards)B. 2:36.35; T. SPzrve) Argue Arcndel 2:43.53; E spenshied, J. Robbins, J. Oli~, K.M cConnell ) Pasadena 1:00.42; Loren Wimters~ Diablo O,Toole)S.Wenger) ?:03.?4; Foot~ill M. PocBop, Indian RAver 2:AD.47; T. 3:16.69. Valley 1100.A5; Chris Ly~inger) ~[idland (D. 3horr2uill) T .Wright )C. Butlet )B. J ack- Sheerin v Burlington 2147.07; M. k]~eeler! College 1:00.87; P~ssell Ouu~m) ~dland Berry) son) ?:05.03; Fu3-1erton (R.H~f~lton,S. Indian Div. 2:47.08; V. McPherson, Coble-- College l:Ol.ll; Ed Indian P~ver Urge rDf~ll)L .0 j a )S. Cla f fey ) ?:05.36; skill 2:53.~0; P. Ce~nnont Florissant l:O1.20; Lee Rider) DeAnza l:O1.2A;Greg Sad~lleback (J. Saatho ff )L. Job_nson)R. 2:54.17; B. Leacock) Montgomery 2:54.&1; 1976 C~ITY COLLEGE ALL-AMERICA TEAM Gibbons t Bakersfield 1:01.33; Jo~-n Raemer Keltenbaeh,J.Lyle) ?:05.4?; Cypress (D. A. perry) Cent. Ariz.2:54.99; D. Carroll Compiled by: WILLIAM RAILS, Citrus Coll. Diablo Valley 1:01.45. El~nchard )J. Sear cy )R. Hain )A .Lowry) Alfred Tech 2:55.20; B. Imrisik) Meramec 7:07.20; Santa Mor~ca (E.Shargo)T.Kat- 200 7D P~RFASTSTROKE - Dave Hendrickson, 3:05.75. ~0 YD FF~STYLE Jim Fairbank, American souleas)D.Moore)M.Newman) 7:08.55; Ch~- River 20.61; Tom ~ite, Diablo Valley, West Va3~ey 2:09.96; Doug Forbes) Cypress bot (S. Cut t~g, R.Van/3ox~el)B .Ma cabe )J. ~o k'D ~UTTE~Y -- Houghton) V~nttura 27o51; 20.87; Tom Maddocks, Pasadena 21.18;it-ace 2:10.24; Ed Eisenberg) Pasade~ 2:10.37; OaecP~e) 7:10.73; Indian Di~r (T.Epling Deily) Sa/dcleback 28.61; Reithsa~i) Saddle- Macabe, Chabot 21.37; Mike Guest, Gross- Loren Winters) Diablo Valley 2:10.55; D.Car~thers)P ~Lee)R.Le~is ) 7:12.61. back 28.62; L.Jabm~ Gavilan 28.73; Hammond mont 21.38; Rass Bauer) El Camino 25.48; Jc~un Roomer) Diablo Va33ey 2:11.12; Ken Long Bosch 28.89; Kesson) Ventura 29.26; Mike Wood) West Valley 21.61; Tim Elson, White r Diablo Va/3ey 2:12.27; Dan War- Woodward) ~h]-lerton 29.40; Presor~e) Gol- DeAnza 21.6i; Jeff Bates, Diablo Valley shuis) West Valley 2:12.79; Gerard Hoff- den West 29.46; P.Karl) Cabrillo 29.47; 21.69; Charles Daniels, Laney 21.71; mann, Cypress 2:12.97; P~n Schafer) Adam3) Mt.San Antor~o 29.64; Ha~ck) Ste~ Herzog) Diablo Valley 21.73. Orange Coast 2:13.20; Casey Senecal) El 1976 C~Z[ITY COLLEGE ALL-~RIC~ Bakersfield 29.65; Roney) L.A.Pierce 29.68. Cameo 2:13.69; Kelke Sjoberg) Pasaderm S?~qD2.q~G TE~tM- W~$ I00 YD FP~ESTYLE - Tom %~ite, Diablo Val. 2:13.87; Russell Gur~n) Midland College i00 YD ~TTEF~-LY - Lynde) Pa]3.erton 59.55; 45.25; Tom Haddocks) Pasadena 45.83; Jim 2:lA.lO. ~O YD F?~STYLE - S.Houghton~ M~a-in S.Houghton) Marin 59.92; K.Hiller~ Indian Fairbark, American RAv.45.84; RUss Bauer 24.22; Oard-ner)Ventura 24.99; E.O'Brien Riv. l:O0.17; Bongbusch) Ventura 1:00.76; E1 Camino 46.10; i~ce McCabe) Chabot 200 YD ~TDM~AL ~DLEY - Dave Heririck- Indian P~ver 25.07; B.CassarestIndian P.S~ith) ~L5/land 1:01.94; G.Koontz) Mt. 46.91; Steve Herzog, Diablo Valley &6.98; sony West ValLey 1:56.26; Nino Duccir~, River 25.42; G. Koontz) Mt.Sar=tntonio San Antor~o 1:O2.38; Jarke t Palomar 1:02.86 Don Thorw-hill, Foothill 46.98; Jeff Bates LA Valley 1:58.56; Dov Ndsman) Pasadena 25.88; F. Sturm) Indian Diver 25.95; K.Boxton)Pensacola 1:03.22; C.Loney t San Diablo Valley 46.99; Tim Elson, DeAnza 1:58.58; ~[ike Casano%ra) El Camino 1:58.60 Kesson) Ventura 25.99; L.McIntosh)Bo- Jose CC 1:03.26; L.Ja~n) Gavilan 1:03.46; 47.21; Doug Forbes) Cypress 47.22; Doug Folke Sjoberg) Pasadena 1:58.61; Ken ~,~te qaoias 26.00; Harvick) Bakersfield K.SP/zlner) Solarm 1:03.71; Deily) Saddle- Demirelli) DeAnza 47.25; Chris Butler) Diablo Vall. 1:58.78; Scott Claffey) Fall- 26.07; Harmon/) Long Beach 26.13; P. back l: O3.80. Foothill 47.29. erton 1:59.33; Tom F~tsouleas) Santa Mor~i- Y~rl) Cabrillo 26.31; M. ~lueeler) In- ca 1:59.42; Anthony Cle~er~er) Sequoias dian Ri~r 26.35. 200 YD ~UTT~}X~y - K.HdD_len) Italian Riv. 200 YD FREESTYLE - Tom White, Diablo Val. 1:59.57; Pete Lee r Indian RAver 2:00.32; 2:]-4.60; D. Bet)z) Indian Div. 2:15.10; lOG YD F~STYLE - S. Houghton) Marin l:&l.09; Russ Bauer) El Camino l:Al.A5; Nirk Haley) Diablo Valley 2:00.36; Loren J. Porter t Indian Div. 2:la.~D; P.Suith t Tim Elson, DeAnza 1:42.61; Anthony Cleven- W~ters) Diablo Valley 2:00.48. 52.5; Houghton) Ventura 53.96; E.O,Brien ~[idland 2:~1.10; D. Prado) F~dl~nd 2:24.ll; get, Seouoias I:AA.09; Dcug Demirelli, Indian P~er 54.05; Hove) Saddleback K. Sea,ton) Per~acola 2:31.35; ~. Leacock) DeAnza I:42+.33; ~ke Finch, Bakersfield) 400 YD r~M~TJ~ ~LEY - Dov Nisman) 54.29; B. Cassara) Indian River 55.25; Montgomer 7 2:38.46; D.Carroll) Alfred Tech I:AA.40; Don Thor~hill, Foothill 1:~A.43; Pasadena 4:10.56; Bangt Jonsson~ Pasadena F. Strum) Indian River 55.32; C. Cook) 2:AD.31; D. Ryan) Far~_~dale 2:45.27; C. Steve Wenger, Golden West 1:42*.52; Dan 4:13.28; Craig Mattox) Pierce 4:13.86;Kirk Seqloias 56.32; Har~ick) Bakersfield McLaughlin) Meramec 2:45.84; G. Dick) ~-~ne Brerauer, Pasadena 1:LI.67; Erent Turrim, Haley) Diablo Valley 4:lL.18; Kelke Sjo- 56.82; L. McIntosh t Sequoias 56.95; M. Ariel 2:46.~3; M. Plethk~) DuPage3:13.70. Diablo Valley l:&A.67; Scott Berry) Ven- berg) Pasadena 4:15.70; F~ke Casano%~at El ~eeler) Indian RAver 57.21; C. Loney) tufa 1:AL.79; Jim Turnbull) Diablo Vall. Camino 4:15.87; Job~ Baarcy) Cypress San Jose EC 57.22; Kesson) Ventura I00 YD ~DMVJAL ~EY - Gardner) Ventura I:L~.80. 4:16.52; Tom Katsouleas) Santa Moniea 57.24; G. Gibbs) Pasadena 57.24. 1:03.09; Jarka) Palomar l:03.iS; Woodward) 4:17.55; Casey Senecal) El Camino 4:18.24 200 YD FP~'£STYLE - Ho~) Saddlehack Pallerton 1:04.31; Taylor) Golden West ~0 YD FREESTYLE - Joe Quinby) DeAnza Pete Lee) Indian River 4:18.25; Toz-Elalock 1:05.37; Kesson) Ventura 1:06.33; Han~mord) 4:36.49; ~engt Jonsson) Pasadena 4:38.85; American RAver 4:19.18; Doug Fabian)Golden l: 56.66; K.}{i/~en) Imiian RAver l: 56.95; Long Beach 1:06.58; Harvick) Bakersfield Steve Wenger, Golden West 4:~.l.ll; Ooran West 4:19.23. W. F~sting) Indian P~v~r l:57.64;H~ugh- 1:06.84; Clbbs t Pasadena 1:07.03; D~ran) Kesterl~und, Pasadena A:A2.07; JohnBaarc#, i I~TER DI~G (AiFhabetically) - TomBrlce ton)Ventura l: 58.34; C.Cook, Sequoias El Camino 1:07.06; L.Ja~nn) Oa~ilan 1:07.58; Cypress 4:42.25; Eric Shargo, Santa Moni- ~[idland; ~ Gerrard) Saddlebaek; Ste~ 1:59.09; M. Pochop, Indian Ri~r 2:00.46 p~Ipott) Saddlebaek 1:07.98; P.My~rs) ca 4:44.00; Jim Turnbull, Diablo Valley Olantz) Indian River; Lance Grmham) Alfred E.O,Lh-ien)Indie-n River 2:00.68; M. Lon- Pasadena l: O9.L1. 4:AA:05; Brent Turrin, Diablo Valley Tech; Kevin Haines) Diablo Valley; Ty Kel- d~gan) ~dland 2:01.37; C. Loney) San A:45.00; Reid Lewis, I~iian River 4:45.39 ly) San Joaquin; Ed Kemp) Sequodas; Gler~ Jose CC 2:02.86; M. Dunn) Indian Ri~r 200 YD IT~IVIVJAL ~EY - Lynde t ~tD_lerton Jack Sorg~ West Valley 4:~5.70; Doug Her- Martin) East Los Angeles; Rusty Mantano t 2:03.35; 0. F~ontz) Mt.San Antonio 2:10.83; S~n~busch! Ven~ra 2:13,77; M,Lon- ich, Santa Ana 4:45.99; Bob Jackson, Ventura; Joe 0'Erien) Gran/ Rapids; Gerry 2:03.99; M. Trotter, Indian RAv.2:04.16. drig~n) Midlands 2:14.71; Hove) Baddleback Foot hi33. 4:46.36. Petit) DuPage; Ste~ P~te) Ventura; ~irk 2:16.37; P.Poehop) Indian Pd~r 2:18.45; Schreil~ Santa P~osa; P~ch Schwer~er)Raed- ADO/~O0 YD FP~STYLE - Lynd) 21~llerton P. Ba~th) ~dlarh 2:18.58; M. Dunn~ Indian 1650 YD FP~ESTYLE - John Searcy, Cypress ley; y-irk S~th~ ~dla~A; phil Torme) 4:0>.12+; Hove r Sad~leback 4:04.58; HOugh. Riv. 2:18.84; C.Morgan, Sequoias 2:19.57; 16:01.48; Joe Quinby) DeAnza 16:08.93; CT**abot. ton)Ventura 4:18.09; Doily) Saddleback

JULY 1976 73 Reprint With Swimming World Magazine's Permission

C.shac~Iford, Hartnell 2:20.99;Peairs~ /~ YD MEDLEY R~7~Ay - Simon Fraser (J. Occidental; Tom Schaper, L~; Stephen Long Beach; Ron OZT, USC; Ste%~ Furnisst Golden West 2:22.70; L.Merz, Indian R. Varditren, D.Heinbuch ~G.MacDonald yJ. Trot- Forrer~ Eau Claire; Christopher Par~yy USC; Peter Tragitt t US; Mike Fav~ro t UCLA; 2:22.97; K.Sexton, Pensacola 2:23.11. ter); Pacific Lutheran (B.Wakefiald~G. Pacific Lutheran; Thomas Moebmy SW Minn. Mike Nyeholt, USC; Jim Doyle t UCLA; Joseph ~ellgren tR. Barnard ~C .P&nkey) ; Central State; Bill Thomas t So.Oregon State. Laughran t Princeton; Jeff K~edey U.of i MET~ DI~:G (Alphabetically) - B. Washington (E.Walstead ~R.Ferguson ~J. Texas~Austim; Dick HaramAla, USC; EurtKr~p~ Eloamer~ Montgomery; Ghilarducai~ Bek~rs- WhiteyE.Tracy); So.Oregon (P.DJang~ R. 200 YD BACK~STBOKE - L. Anders Sandberg~ holz~ UCLA; Dave Sk~enson$ So.Illinois U. field; J.Huladay, Hartnell; L.Jones~ In- cleland~K.Westphal~S.Willlams); U. of W. Simon Fraser; Bonald Barnard t Pac.Luth.; dian River; J. Newby~ Cabrillo; T.Patala Esu Claire (R.Eb~rhardt~R.Falster~S.For- Bruce Wakefield, Pacific Lutheran; Ed lOO YD BU~*fERFLY - , U..of Temp.; • Indian Riv.; Saundersf Ventura; L.Sym- rer~M.Rugen) ; Drury (M.Germer~M.Pedrecca, Walstead, Central Washington; James Steve Baxter, UCLA; Bruce R/~shl~ U.TerrL; monds~ Sequoias; M. Wagoner, Indian Riv.; V.Arnold,C.Wunderlich) ; ~ Minnesota St. Shockey~ Simon Fraser; Robert Mantey~ t U SC; Richard Hessy SMU; Michael Watson~ Orange Coast; D.Wilson~ Cabri/lo; (P.DOar ~R.Rrezina tD.Hawke,T.Moehn) ; Claremont-~add; Jeff Walling~ Monmouth; Curington~ U.Alabama; Mike Bottom t USC; Witcher, Bakersfield. Bomidji State (T~McCarthy~D.Sorenson,T. Ps~l Lu~sten, Ham~e; Jeff Nau~ Fai~- Clay Even5 t UCLA; Duncan Powell I Auburn; HedrickyD.Prosen); Chicago State (M.Pahly monb State; James Nicholson t Simon ! No.Carollna State; Jim Umbder~ 200 YD ~STYLE RELAY . Ventura (Hough- P.Ev~r~ ~A. Nickert, S.White ) ; Claremont- Fraser; Phil Djang~ So.Oregon State; stock, No.Carolina State; Allen Poucher~USC. ton, Sangbus ch ~Gardner ~Cates) l:AD.98; M~dd College (D.KenttM.sotton~W.Dean Mor- Dale LaViolettey U of W. - Stout. Seddleback 1:L~.76; Sequoias (Cook, Mc- row~J.Pearce); Occidental (B.Borisoff~J. ~00 YD BJ~'I~y - Steve Greggy No.Carollna Into sh ,HalitEs sex)l: A5.15; Bakersfield Nielsen ~K.Woedside ~B.Greider ) ; Monmouth 200 YD ~ASTST~OKE - Da~d Heinbuch~ State; Matt Vogel, U.of Tennessee; Steve (Harvic k~ Hove ~Reithard ~Deily) l:AS.~; (J .Walling tB. DoYotmg ~C .Nagle tB. Kiss ) • Simon Fraser; Rick Cleland, So.Oregon; Baxtery UCLA t Michael Cu~n t U.Alaba~a; Mt.San Antonio 1:~5.66; Fallerton I:h6.69; Larry Steele$ Simen Fraser; Gary Shell- Bradley Horner~ U.Wisconsin; Jorge Delgado~ Pasadena l:hT.Sl; E1 Camlno 1:~9.28; O).NZ ~ SpR/~:GBOARD Dl~JG - Anthony gren~ Pacific Lutheran; Jerry kq~ite, So.Illinois; Allen Pouchery USC; Donald Orange Coast 1:~9.65; College of Matin Perrie~o~ Clarion State; Michael Zucca~ Central Washington; Massimo podrecca~ Grant t Cal State U.tLong Beach; Ted Moriok t (Houghton~ Gooding, Oagnon ~Cavanah )1: h9.90; clarion State; Chip Goiger, Rockford; Drury; Craig She,,cry Pac. Lutheran U.; North Carolina State; paul Carter t U. of Gavilan (Richter ~Reyal~Cole ~Jahn)1 :~9.96; Ru~s Drobot~ U.W - Superior; David Ben,- Eichard Eberhardt~ Eau Claire; Scott Term.essee; Brian Patno I U.New Mexico; Mi~ Golden West (Fresonke,Townsend~Simon, vine, Clarion State; Ken Er~tson, Drary; Forslandy Pacific Lutheran; Chip Kin. Favero y UChA. Decker) l: 50.03. Bill Kisskeys~ Hamline; George Rorschely mmen~ HamS,; Joe White~ Central clarion State; Richard McCarten, Eau Washington State; Bob DeYoung~ Monmouth. I00 YD BACKST~0~ - ~ USC; Peter 200 YD M~ F~Y - Ventura (Houghton, claire; A1 Peddletony Bemidji; R.D.Huff~ Rocca~ U of Calif.; Carlos Barrocaly U. of SengbuschtGardner~Kesson) 1:55.22; Saddle- S~ Minnesota State; Peter Queal t Drury. 200 YD ~Uq'YEF~Ly -- John VanBuren, Simon Alabama; Mike Salerno t So.Illinais; Mel~-ln back 1:57.91; Fullerton 2:01.39; Sequoias Fraser; Andrew Antonetz, ~ of W - Eau Nash~ U.Indiana; Scott Gord~auy UCLA; Eric 2:01.75; Mt.sen Antonio 2:02.96; Bakers- YD D~MDUAL MEDLEY - Larry Steele, Claire; Dan Schneider t Haag_ime; Chris Schwotzer~ U.Tennessee; William Schulte, field (Cornell~ Decker, Linqnist, Harvick) Simon Fraser; Craig Weishaar, Con.Wash- Nagle t Mor~nouth; DOn Asay, Monmouth; Indiana U.; John Prins~ U. Alabama; Bruce 2:03.10; Pasadena 2:03.1~; Palomar 2:03.9; ington; James Shockey~ Simon Fraser; Kent Westphaly So.Oregon; Richard Fal- Hardcastle t UCLA; Craig Schwartz~ U of the Golden West (TaylorlFresonke , Mcshane~Gon- Nathanlel Ne~idy Eau claire; Bill Sole- stery U of W-Eau Claire; Craig Weishaar Pacific; t No.Carollna State. zales) 2:0h.66; Orange Coast 2:05e13; many Hamline; Jerry Whi~ey Con.Washington Central Washington State; Jeff Eggers t Oavilan (GoletRichter,Jshn~Royal) 2:05.77; Richard Falster~ Eau Claire~ Chris Nagle~ D~; Russ Fergusony Central Wash.St.; 200 YD BACKSTROKE - John Naber~ USC; Peter Santa Monica 2:07.06. Mormouth College; Steve Odley Drury; Lorne Zuefie~ Simon Fraser; Charles Rocea, UC; Craig Schwartz~ U. of the Paci- Scott Wakefield t Pacific Lutheran; Robt. Robinsony Pacific Lutheran. fic; Bruce Hardcastle t UCLA; Eric Sshwot- 400 led F~TTLE F~Y - Indian River Mantey, Claremont-Mudd; Chuck FJ_ller~ zery U. of Tennessee; Lee Engstrandy U.Of

(C as sara ~Hillen, Sturm ,O, ~rien) 3: I0.89; Hamline. ~00 YD FF~TYLE RELAy - Simon Braser Tennessee; Dan Harrigam, No.Carolina St.; Ventura (Sengbus ch tWat kius ~Gardne r ~Hough- (G.Ma cDonald ~J. Trot ter. D. He~nbuch yJ ohn Scott Gordin t UCLA; Tom Szuba~ U.Michlgan; ton) 3:/6.L0; Sequoias (Cook~Mclntoch~ 200 YD FREESTYLE - Jon Stewarty Southwest Var~en); Dr~ (V.ArnoldyTeSchaper~ Mark Tonelli v U.Alabama; Jobm Prins t U.of Hall,Essex) 3:52.79; Midlands (S~ith, Minn.State; John Sutherland t Simon Fraser; S.OdleyC.Wunderlich); Eau Claire (S. Alabama; Mike Bottom t USC. Henry~Bateman,Londrigan) 3:5h.16; Saddle- Mike Scotty Brury; Kurt Eiubecker t U of W For~er yR.Ye ager, K. Einbe cker tA .Antonet z ) ; back (Deilyt Hove ~Mont rella ~Roithard ) Eau Claire; Dennis Proseny Bomidji; Pat Central Washington (E.TracytM.Walstead ~ 100 YD E~EASTSTROKE - John Henck~n~ Stan- 3: 59.01; Bollerton (Lynde,Bawles,Cain, McCloskey, Simon Fraser; Ed Walstead t C. R.Fergusou,E.Walstead); Occidental (R~ ford; David Wilkiey U.of Miami; Lawrence Woodward) 3:59.~1; Bakersfield (Cornell, Washington State; Rob Weddell~ Drury; Marrott Gillett, B.Borisoff, K.Wondside t Dowler~ U of Texas, Arlington; Duncan Simon~Linquist~Harvick) &:Ol.h6; Pasadena Stew Delne~o, Drury; Chris Wunderlich, B.Oreider); ~ Mh_un. State (T.Moehn~ Gocdhew~ No.Carollna State; Kip Virts~ (PealrstMyers~Oibbs,Gibbs) ~:02.62; Mt. Drary; Andrew Antonetz, U of W--Eau Claire J .StewBrt ~P.DOar ~S.Binder ~R.Rrezina); UCLA; Jeff Neury~ Syracuse U.; Mike Drews~ San Antonio (Adams~Goodykoontz~Murray, Mike Anderson t Wi/-lamette. Pacific Lutheran (C.par/

JULy 1976 75 Reprint With Swimming World Magazine's Permission

AOO YD FREESTYLE RELAy - USC (J.Bottom, 200 YD ~STYLE - Peter Hovland~ Chico James Hanson, OaM&aod Univ.; Dnilio Abreu, Thomas Carvotta m State U.of ~ Potsdam B.Furniss,J.DaberTS.Finderff); U.Tenn. State; Kobert Donaldson, UC Ir%ine;David Indiana Univ. of Penn.; T~othy ~uckiey, Ronald Demersv Keene State; Dean ~ch- (L.~gstrandIJ.EbunatJ°Newton~R.Sells); Tittle t Chloe State; Eugene Dammel,Chico Chico State University. enauer v Johns Holkins; Er~d Porter~St. U.Alabama (J.Babashoff~R.Abbott,M.Cur- State; William Orr, U.Missouri-Rolla; Lal.Tence University. ington,J.Skinner); UCLA (B.A~derson,S. Timothy Q~n, UC Irvine; Todd Haywood, Nelson,G.McDonnell~D.Stephenson); Ind. C~l State Northridge; Boyd Philpot, UC 16~O YD FP~TESTfLE - John Hudson, U. (M.Nash,K.Knox,R.Thomas,J.Montgomery); Irvine; William Krumm~ So.sormecticut St; Washington & Lee; Steven Auburn, State Auburn (R.HartmantP.~i/ff~G°Schatz~D. Scott Bulin~ E.I13~ois; Gerry Arnold, DIVISI~ III ALL ~/CANS U.of [~f-Potsdam; Monty~uertSt.LawTence Powell); ~ (R.HessvJ.E~l,T.Bachstras- Cal State U.~Morthridge; Thomas Buyd, Univ.; S~mL~nd t Kenyon; Eruce Mo~ton, ser,A.Veris); Univ. of Calif. (J.Roy, J. Oakland Ur~%~rsity. ~OO YD -FR~TYLE - John Hudson, Wash.~Lee; Kenyon; Ste~ Ki//pack, F~nyon; ~rad Puttibon%P.Rocca~E.McQuade); Stmuford Jeffrey McSridev Bowdoin; Gerry Weische- Prooton~ Johns Hopkins; Robert Streh- (J.Powell~S.O,Connor~B.Goodwin~D.Fair- 100 YD ~LY - John Larson v Cal State del, St.Lawrence Univ.; Sam Lurd,Ken~n; low~ Hamilton; Tom Geiger t Oberlin; bank); Florida State U.(M.Grattan,H.S. Nort~n~idge; James W~-nsonv OaW~and Univ.; Edmund ~Io~, Kutztown State; Robert Edmond Plory t Kutztown State; John MeiseltC.Schlak,L.Brown); No.Carol£na Timothy Allen, Springfield; Eolney MAt- Strehlow~ Hamilton; Stuart DeanstWillians; Mors% Lk Forest; Jeffrey Mc~ide t State [J.Umbdenstock,C.Raburn,T.Bryan, chell, Oakland; Mike Stuart, C~l State Steve Killpack, Kenyon; Jordon Lewis~ Bowdoin College. S.Gregg); U. of Illinois (D.Barnes~ C. Northridge; Paul ~k~ller, Springfield Cell; Wil/-tams; }h~/ce Morton t Kenyon; Wayne William%E.Woodbury,G.Congreve). Thomas Hayslett t Chloe State; Guy Antley, La~Tence, Hiram; Eric Homing, The Johns 100 YD FP~STZLE - Jeffrey Cook, St.Law- UC Irvine; Jeff Piette~ Cal State North- Hop~5-us University. rence; Scott Frame t St.La~ence; Jack 8~XSYD FP~STYLE RELAY - USC (J.Naber, ridge; Timothy ~uckley, Chico State; Grosell t Hiram; F~rt Bo~'~"ty State U. D.Hannula~S.Findorff~B.F~ss); UCLA Brian Forsberg, Eastern Illinois Univ.; 200 YD ~MDUAL ~DLEY - Michael Bay, Coll2~-Oswego; Richard Rondall,Bawdoin (S.Nelson~K.Krumpholz~D.Stephenson,G. Wi/~i~m Cody~ Univ.IllinoistCh~cagoCircle. The Johns Hopkins Univ.; James B~/Ch, Dwight Davis t Ashlar/; Tari Taricco, US McDonnell); Irdiana U. (B.Dickson,F. at.Lawrence U.; Steven Potter~ Bowdoin; Merchant Marine Acad.; Robert Dickson, TylervM.NashvJ.Montgomery); U. Tennessee i00 YD EACKS~OF~ - Daniel Scaly% Univ. John Farma~s~ Williams; Martin pfins- Wabash; Joseph Shrum v Hamilton;M~chael (R.Sells,J.Ebuna~L.Engstrand,D.L~bert); Puget Soul,/; Oar~d Pigueroa t UC IrvLne; staff, A/~egheny; Dagiel Wa]_l~ State U. Arsenault 7 Bridgewater State; ROy Univ.Alabama (J.BabashoffvS.MacDonsld , Thomas Hayslett, Chico State; BOb Kilroy~ of ~Pf Potsdam; Tim Bridgham~ Kenyon; Robt Buv~ridge, Johns Hopk~nJ University. R.AbbottvJ.Skinner); ~ (A.Veris,T. Clarion State; William Kane, Iriiana Ur~v. Stoe~r, Johns Hopkins U.; Mark P~-aiss~ Rochstrasser,K.DavistR.Hess); Auburn U. of Penn.; Richard Swanson, W.Illi-uois U.; College of Wooster; Marc Kodis, U.S. 200 YD BACKST~O~ - P.Michael BaywJohns (R.Hartman~P.Betts,O.Schatz,P.Buff); No. Michael Grabowski, State Ur~v. of I~ Cell Merchant Marine; Brian Mogan, Hamilton Hop~s; Joseph GawrystWabash; NormSwen- CarolJ-ua State (S.CassidytE.Houchin , T. of Buffalo; Gregory Lockard~ S~r~ngI~eld; Coll.; RetreAd Morosky~ Allegheny College. son v U.S.Geast Guard AcaJ.; Wm. Keeler, Br~tS.Gregg); Univ. of California David Ives~ No°Michigan U.; William Kezn~r University of the South; ~ Bridghal,, (J.Roy~J.puttibone~E.McQuade,P.Rocea); E°I~ois; Steve VanF~eeck, Spld-ngfield; ~O YD F-~n~STYLE - Jack Ryder Grosellev Kenyon; James Brushj St.Lswzence U.; So. Illinois Univ. (D.Boyd~B.Gadek~n, ~ke Waldorf v U. of E-Tans~JS~e. ~ram; Dart Sogart~ State U of NY Oswego; Erian Lynch, State U of ~Ff-Brockport; R.FoxtJ.Delgado); Univ. of North Caro- Jeffrey Cook~ StoLawrence; Richard Ren- David Tomashewski, Grove City College; lina (K.Thiale~R.DeSelm~S.McDon~ld,T. i00 YD ~E~STSTF~ - Fred E~n~ Chicago; dall, Bow~oin; Scott Fra~e~ StoLaWrence; Robert Ruppert, Kenyon; John Wilson, Balderston); U. of Arizona (K~DeMont, Mark Lord~ Chico State; Lu~ Claus v Cal John Widman, Hamilton; Robert Schwenkier, The College of Wooster; Spencer Miller, P.Fenske~J.Van Ark~lvG.Clevenger ) . State Northridge; Michael Wallen, Cbico St; Johns Hopkins U.; Frank Marik~ Augustana Babson Coll.; Scott SCH5~ v Williams. Mike Yarwood, UC Davis; Gary Swenor, Chico; Coll.; P~y Baveridge~ Johns Hopkins Univ. Timothy Kerw~n, Me.Michigan; Scott Bec~r, Theodore V~uLeer~ Washington & Lee Univ°; 200 YD ~STSTP~ - John Sansone~Glass- UC Irvine; David Delear~ So.Connecticut Tari Taricco, U.S.Merchant Marine Acado; borg State; Robt. Stoever, Johns Hopkins; 1976 DIVISIOM II ALL AFI~ICAN SWD~".~S State; Paul Schubert, Springfield College; Joseph Shram, Hamilton College. Paul ~n Eigen, Williams; John Kay0Wabash; Gregory Roch~nbach~ Cal Polytechnic State; Dean Ekberg~ kheaton; Todd Pa/ssell, John ~ ~OO YD FP~STYLE - Lawrence Gates Jr, Timothy Sulli~an~ E. Illinois UrA~rsity. O~TERDI~G - Chip Geiger, Rockford Hopkins U.; Dean Buchenauer~ Johns Hoi~r.s Chloe State; ~rt Kravitz~ Cal State U. Coll.; Jack Walsh~ State U. of KY Oneonta; Richard Goodale t Johns Hopkins; D.Christo- Northri/ge; Boyd Ph~pot, UC Irvine; Jo- 800 YD FP~STYLE ~R~Y - Chico State Univ. Scott Handler~ Ithaca; Jeffrey Gordon, pher Clark, Williams; Brian McDermott, seph Nitch v Eastern Illinois U.; Paul (L .Gate s ~E.DammelID .~ittle, P.Hovl~nd,C. A]_legheny; Norman Zimmerman, Grinneil; Williams; Wilson Sick~ Johns Hopkins U.; F~ras~ Oakland U°; Arthur Mick~y Jr. 9 Webb); UC Irv~ne [T.Quinn,B.Philpot,R. William Cogar~ Washington & Lee; Marc Ronald Demers~ Keens State College. Chloe State; Eugene Da~el, Chloe State; Don~ldson,G.Fi~aeroa); Cal State North-- Tohir v Johns Mopkins U.; David Wheeler 9 P~bt. Donaldson t UC Irvine; James Barry~ ridge (T.Ha~ ;God ~K. Kravit z, R.Gao~m ,J. State Uoof fFf Or~ecnta; Martin k~rl~ Grove 200 YD ~TTE~LY - James Bolster~ Denison; Chloe State; Wm. Orr III~ U° of Missouri LarsontG.Arr.old); Oa~land (T.Bo~,R.Mitch- City; Daniel Slattery~ Kalamazoo;Richard Mark Fette, Ashland Coll.; Garry Weische- P~lla; David Watson, Ea.lllinois; Thomas eil,J.Hatch,P.K~ras); E.Illinois Ur~v. De~mett~ Wesleyan; Charles Stanley~ III, del~ St.Lawrence; David O'Dell, k%eaton; Steele 9 Cal State Polytech. (D. Toler ~S. Bolin ~B.Forsberg ~D.Wat son) ; Lowell Institute. Scott Hartley~ U.S. Coast Guard Academy; Sprin.=fiald (T.Allen ~M .Gulow, J.Oe rmain, Bruce Barclay, Williams; Faul Rudzitis, 200 YD LAq]IVIDUAL MEDLEY Robert Gaona, D.Cline,M.McCombs); Cal State Polytechnic IOO YD ~Y R~LAy - St. Lawrence (D. Glassboro State; Michael Ferguson~ Univ. Cal State U. Northridge; John Larson, (R.Prier ,A .BelieR. Frazie r vT. St eels) ; Edin- Arther~B.Porter~J.Sook~S.Brame); WiS~iams of the South; C~yde Vedder~ DickinsonCol.; Cal State U. North~dge; Wil~am Erumm~ borG State (T.Patterson,M.Drennen,B.Lans- (D.Cameron~D.Ohristopher Clark,J.Fa~nakis~ Brian Hogan, S~ilton; JerrF Westwater~ So.Connecticut State; R~dney Z~tttchell, berry~J.Klebowski,M.SiSnuner); Clarion St. Bruce Barclay~G.Hoelzer); Wabash (J.Gaw~, Millikin U.; Francis McGovern, Johns Hop- Oakland U.; Thomas Buyd~ Oakiaod U.; ( B. Termin ,G .Ebner ~D.Wagner ~K.He s s) ; Univ. J.Kay,R.Dickson~R.Dixon); Johns Hopk~s kins University. Brian Lansberry, Edinboro State; ~[arc Puget Sound (D.Ehrer~heim,M.Eude~S.Collier~ (p.Bay~W.Sick,F.McGovern~R.Be~ridge); F~lly~ Cal State Nor,bridge; Scott Bec~er B.BoettchertW.Ura~ue); W.Illinois (M.Wi-n- Glassboro State (L°Beal~J.Sansone~P.Rnd- THREE METER DIVING - C~p Oeiger, Rock- UC Irvine; Robt Seagra~s~ E.Str~udsburg t er ~M.WicFAand ,W .Grime s ~R.MeGIo~) ; Ir~ zitis,Walter Holt); Allegheny (P.Winegar- ford; Marc Tohir, Johns Hopkins; Daniel State; Mi~ Stuea~t~ Ce~l State Northridge; dian Univ.of Penn. (W.Kane~S.Trozlio~D. ner,W.Kihler,R.Morosky,R.West,M.Pfins- S!attery, Kalamazoo; Chas. Sta~ley~ U.of Timothy Kerwin 9 No.Michigan Uo; Gary Cooper ,E.Abz~u ~Eo Kirk). staff); ~eaton (R.~ysl J.JonestP.Ek- Lowell; Timothy Farkin t Wabash; Jack Stielhrater t Chloe State University. strom,H.Seed); Ashl~ {F.Carter,K.Cros- Walsh, State U.of MY-Orison,a; Norman Z~m~- 16~0 YD ~r~S~/LE - Buyd P~/pet, ~C Irv- s~n~Gary F~gers~Dwight Davis~M.Abell); merman, Grlrmell; f~ul Gelirms~ Babson; ~0 YD }7~STYLE - Peter Hovland~ Chloe; ine; Jo~h Nitch~ Eastern Illinois Urdv. Kenyon (T.Bridgh~ID.MffJue~C.Barrie,J. Scott Handler~ Ithaca; Bill Kissk~ys~Ham~ David Tittle~ Chico; Christopher Webb, ~/'t.hur Mic~y~ Chico State; Wil/A~'n Orr 1 Rohrock); Bowdoin (M.Le~age,R.PellegzS-no, line; Jeffrey Gordon, Allegheny; Steve Chico; Timothy AS/en~ Springfield Soil.; U.of Missouri-Rolls; David Sire, Chico St. S.Potter,R.Rendall); Grove City College Soneson~ kT~eaton. Mike Cha~man~ UC Davis; Mark Jacobs, Cal James Barl~ Chico State; Gerry Arnold~ (D.Tomashewski~R.DursteLn~P.VanSick~l, State Polytechnic Pomona; Brad Bowhs~ Cal State Nor, bridge; Robert Ma/rigal v D.Freyer; Miram (J.GroseilelF.Taber , W. h00 YD FREESTYLE P~ELAy - Bowdoin Cell. Cal State Northridge; Timothy Qu~--m,UC Chico State; Barry Collier, U of Puget Lawrence,R.Groseile). (R.Rer~all,S.Potter,J.Farrar~J.McBride); Irvine; Thomas McCabe, W.Illinois Univ.; Sound; Mi~ Pachter~ Cal State Morthridge Williams (G.Hoelzcr~D.Cameron,F.Horm~R. Bryon Braserl St. Cloud State; Richard Keith Merd, UC Irvine; Ke~in Meacham t ADO YD ~I~/fDUAL M~DLEf- P.l~chael Bay, ConnellygB.Barclay); Wabash (R.Dickson,V. Prier~ Cal State Polyl San Luis Oblate; Univ. of Northern Iowa. Johns Hop~Szls; James Bl-ash, StoLawrence; Thft~K.Scheid~R.Dixon); St.Lawrence (J. Buddy TermS-n! Clarion State. Steven Pottcr, Bowdog-n; Todd F~/ssell, St. Cook~R.~gsbygJ.[bfush iS.Frame); Kenyon lOG YD FF~STfLE - Peter Hovland, C~zieo La~ence; Martin Pfinsgraff, Allegheny; (T.Bridgham,9.Mo_~-~on,J.Robrock,D.Moffer); O~ ~TER DI~iG ~ttchael Zucca v Clarion State; Rodney Mitchell, Oakiand Ur~v.; Brian Hogan~ Hamilton; Mark Fette~Ashlard A~gustana (F.Marik,K.Jensen,P.Varachak, P~ick Hoss~ C~l State LA; Anthony Fer~e~o David Tittle~ Chaco State; Christopher Marc Kodls~ U.S.Merchant Marine; Harris T.Hunt); Johns Eo~ns U.(J.Spiering~R. Clarion State; Da%-Ld Sidella, BU.Co~-n. Sto Webb, Chico State; Mark Jacobs~ Cal St. Seed~ I~heston; Paul Ekstrom v Wheaten; Sch~en~eyvP.M.Eay,R.Boveridge); Grove D.J.Bev~vino~ Clarion; Douglas Simon t Polytechnic Pomona; William Grazes, W. Jer~/ Westwater~ Milllkin; Donald Con- City Coll.(C.S.~ra~a~l,J.Lh'ttnk,R.Dur- Chloe; Thomas Henrichs, Uo of Evans%~ille; Illinois; Buddy Ter~/m, Clarion State; stantir~o~ Kenyon. stein~P.VanSicP~e); Allegheny (C.Phillips George Burschel, Clarion State; Joseph Timothy Allen, SKringfield; La~Tence Saith ~S. Carter ,T.Mau~Irlan~R.Donca starvE. Gallagher, Springfield College; John Gates, Chico State; Richard Prier, Cal 200 ~O ~S~fLE - Scott Frame~ St.Law- McDe~mott~M.pfinsgrafl); Ashland (M.Hod- Mehki, NooMichigsn U.; Steve Thompson, State Polyteeh; Cory Lawler, W.Illinois; rence; Jeffrey McBride, Bawdo~n; John sony D.Davis~B.Va~}!crnvM.Abell); Keene Chicago State; Joesih Kemper, Youmgstown Thomas McCabe~ W.Illinois. Hudson, Washington & Lee; L~ce Barclay, State (D.Hague, C.Arlig,N. Robert s,D.Caron) ; State Ur~%~ rsit yo Wi3_liams; James Siiering t Johns Ho;k~s; R~chester Inst. of Technology (M.Mayhew~ 2~DO YD EACF~ItO~ - Daniel Seelye, U. Garry Weizchedel, St.La~rrence; Jeffrey C.Bartand~J.Godshall~R.Rice). 400 YD ~Ei~oEY RELAY - Chloe State (T.K~ne Puget So,rod; Gar~/ Fi~:ueroa, UC Irvine; Cherry, Bowdoin; Sen Lund~ KenyOn; Keith Hayslett ,M .W~llen~ T. Buck~ey,PoMovla~d) ; Robert Gaona~ Cal State Morthridge; Romich~ Washington & Lee; Eric Horr~Lng~ 800 YD FR~STYLE ~R//-AY- St.Law~nce U. UC Irvine (G.FigaeroatS.Bec~r~S.Antley ~ K~rt Kravitz, Cal State Northridge; Joh~m HopPd~ns; Roy Beveridge, Johns Mop- (J.STush~J.Geok,S.?r~e ,G.Weischedel); T.Qu~); U.Puget Sour~ (D.Seelye,S.Web- William Eoznar, Easlern Illinois Univ.; kins; Randy Muys, ~eaton College. Buwdoin (J.Cherr?,R.gendall,J.Mc~°ride,S. ster; W.Unrue,M.Fa~de); Springfield Co]]. Thomas Eoyd, Oakland; Gary Lauinger, Potter); Willies (J.Lewis,D.Ar~erscn,S. (S.VanKiee ek~ P.Schubert,P. P~3/er ,T.Allen) Oakiand; Scott Wilson~ U.Pugot Sound; i00 YD ~UTTERFLy - Clyde Fedder~ Dickin- Deans~B.Barcl~y); Johns Hopkins (J.Spier- Cal State Norihr~dge (J.Larson,L.Claus, R.Swa:~on, Western lllLnois; Robert son; Richard Durstein~ Gro~ City; Jeffrey ing,E.Horriug,R.Beveridge,P.M.~ay);Keny~n T.MaywoodgB.Bowlus); Oakland Univo (O. Madrigal~ Chico State; Michael Grabow- Cook, StoLa~{rence; Robert Dickson, Wabash; (T.Eridgham,J.RobrocktS.iund,B.Mortcn); Lauinger ~S. J ones ~J .Hanson~R.Mit chell) ; ski~ State U. College of Buffalo. Dwight Davis~ AshlarJ; Michael Ferguson, Allegheny (M.Mart~nWaic~n~R.Doncsster~ Edinboro State (RoDoyle~V.Ban~itis~T. University of the South; James Bolster, M.Pfi~sgraff~B.MoDer~ott); Washington & PattersontJ.Klebowski ) ; W.Ii3~ois U. 200 YD E?~STS~F~i - Mark Lord~ Chaco Denisen; Guy Hoelzer~ Williams; John Lee (K.Romich~R.Scott~H.Hoke~J.Hudson); (R. Sw~r.son ~S.Grime s ,T.McCabe ~C.Lawler ) ; State; LuPm Claus v Cal State Mort?z~idge Farmakis~ Williams; Scott Hartley, U.S. Grove City (R.[~rstein,J.B~unk,P.DeMer- E.IIlinois U. (W.Kozr~-r~T.Sul~n,D. Mike Ya~;ood~ UC Davis; Tinothy Ker~5-n~ Coast Guard Acad.; Mark Fette~ Ashland; ritt,P.VanSickel); College of Wooster Cole,D.Toler~B.Forsberg); NooMichi~an U. Norther~ Michigan; Timothy 'Stulliv~n~ P~al E~trom~ h~eaton. (S.Day,K.Muntzinger,J.Wilson,M.Pruiss); (D.l~s IT. Ke rw~l R.Deboe f ,D. Br~dshaw ) ; Eastern lllinois; Mi}m H&~n~ Csl State State U. MY-Potsdam (P.Kberhardt~S.Au- Clarion State (B.Ki~oy,T.Gerlach,J.M. Nor~hn~ge; Marc Kmlly, Cal State North~ lO0 YD FICKSTROKE -- Joseih GawrTs~Wabash; burn~D.Wall,M.Spenc=~); Ashland (M.Atell, Niedenthall~.Term~-n); U. of ~ss:ari- ridge; Rahe~-h Se~gra~s~ E.gtroud~burg Dor~gld Cameron~ Wi/3_i2~us; TLm Bl~igham~ M.Fette,R.Voege~D.Dav~s); R.P.I. (G. P~ila (B.Schreiber, D. Taylor ,D.Wltt,W. State; Michael Wallen t Chico State; Ken}Dn; Brian Lynch, State U of h~f-Brock- Eliasson,S.Petrde,H.~.rhardt,D.Boyce). Orr III~ R.Erickson). David Delear t So.Connecticut State; port; Rormam Swenson, U.S.Coast Guard Ac. Robert Jermow I Oakland; Steven Grimes, Wm. Keeler, Univ. of the South; John ~OO YD ]].~DI%qDUAL ~I~FI - Robert Gaor~ Western Illinois Ur~v. Dierk~s~ Johns Mop~/~ns ; David Tomashew- Cal State Northridge; <-J3_io Ahren~ ski~ Grove City; Robert Rupp~rt~ Kenyon; Indiana U~v. of Pert..; Lm~ence Gates, 200 YD hDT~EP~LY - Paul Karas~ Oakla:~ Douglas Arthur, St.L~wrence; John ~loren 1976 AIAW ~T~L-~ERICA CPIMPI~:BHIPS Chico State; Paul K~ras, Osdffar/; Ja~es Univ.; John Larson, Cal State Mort,h- ~gilli~dn U.; Randall ~ys, ~Wneaton Coll. Barry I Chi:o State; P~bt !~adrigal t Chloe; ridge; 2noma7 hayslett, ChAco State; 20OYD ~,~EY F~7~AY - Miami (P.Hines, J. F~ht. S~agrax~s, EoStroud~b~ g State; Michael McCombs, Springfield Coll~ge; iOO I~D BR~iSTSTP~ - Jo~n Sans ~e, ]la~s BuchananyL.S~a~ItJ.Y~ntor ) i:i7.82; Star~ Cary Stiegvater, Chico St~t~; .~vii Wat- Mike Stud's, Cal State Northri~ge; borg State; @~bert Crossell~ Hiram Coil.; ford (L.Crozier,V.Hays,2.oacon,R.Sterm) son~ E. Illinois U.; Mikt }=sLter~ Cal° Michael Norbe±'g, U. of Miss~ari, Rolls; John Fmy~ Wabash; Paal VonEigenvWillians; l:&S.61; A~ (L.Tullis,P.Rogere,C.Sie- State Nor,bridge; Ki ha~l :lo.~=rg~ U. Scott '~eeters, Oa~ar~; Wayne P~chards t Wilson Sick~ Johns HoF~J~:s; Ken Luce~R~I; farth,S. Iuttle) 1:48.71; ~v~ (D.~norn t Missou~i-Bolla; Michael i[cCombs ~Springi~d. Eloom~burg State; Donald Col0 r E.Illo; David Lantz 9 ?~eaton; Boar~erg~Wheaton; C.Jarwis~C.KeatingtV.Stanley ) l:iS.82;

2J~Y 1976 Reprint With Swimming World Magazine's Permission

UCLA (L.Cramer,K.Melick,K.Moe,K.W0rthen) Deborah Renz, Mor~nouth 2A.52; Jodi Yambor Margot Hagstette) Stanford 1:54.17; Jo Hubbard) Vista; RicPmrd Thornton t Campo- i:i9.07; NC~J (K.Wilson,J.Wish,C.McNichol Mia~ 2A.52; Mary Schmldt) Corm 24.61; Harshbarger) Stanford 1:5~.33; Ellen J.Holliday) 1:51.55; UNC (A.Marshall,D. l~/do; Stev~ Pratt) Cororm~do; Woody Lav~- Eileen O'Brien) IRCC 2A.61; Karen Limck t Wallace) Rutgers 1:5&.36; Latuvie Edwards yan) Lynbrook; Ted McGi/%ley) New~ Harb. Alton,M.Warchalik)L.Potter) 1:52.11; U. ESSC 2~.73; Ba~Z Bockhaus) ~vl 24.7~; USC 1:5&.79; Anne ~rodell, Stamford Wash (I.Arden)J.Landry,M.Baxley,J.Hislop) Bob Seymour) Grace Davis; Norman Arendas) Kim Worthen) UCIA 22+.82; Barbara Bacon 1:55.92; Audre~y Sager, CSUF 1:55.99; ~e Do~ney; Jack P~ce) Monta Vista. l: 52.58; Colo State (D.Straughan,G.Murray Stanford 2A.89; BarBara Cassara IPIC 24.95 Thorn, ~BAMA 1:57.31; Cary Backhaus) BA~MA S.Larsen,G.Nill) 1:52.77; Princeton (L. Kathy Stetler, Pitt 25.08; Patrdcia Boyre 1:57.55. Bowers,L.Osborn,M.Sykes)K.Slater)l: 52.92; Ind.State 25.26. 5. Prank Eble) Lynbrook; Mitch White v USC (P.Yushar[ahya,H.Greenwood,C.Schill- Newport Harbor; Ward Merek) Fremont; Fred 200 YD k~STSTRO~ - Christine Jar~rls) ~rar~uon) Vista; Brad Mary~tt) Monta Vista; ing,L.Edwards) i: 53.3L; IRCC (M.Dunn,D. 200 YD PACF~TRDKE - Barbara Marshall, ~C E~'L~ 2:18.79; Karen Melick t UCIA 2:24.01; Swanko,W.Kasting,E.O,Brien) l: 5L.02; ~t- Lance P~aitt, Los Altos; Dell Kendrick, 2:0~.93; Melissa Delote) A~ 2:07.33; Vic~ Hays) Stanford 2:25.22; Cathy Cart) Los Altos; Ken Kremensky t Grar~te Hills; gers (T.Cordrillo)J.Melich , C.Thornton, ) UCIA 2:03.03; Brenda Stranghan t UCD 2:25.&7; Sandra Dickie, Miami 2:25.87 R.Locklair) l: 54.AD; UCD (K.Neill,C.CazT) Phil Prelsnick t James Lick; Bob Hill) 0olo State 2:08.80; Leslie Crozier, Stan- J.B.suchanan t Miami 2:26.17; Liz Osborn, Sunny Hills; Scott Coffee) Santa Teresa. C.Arrighi,B.Hagen) l: 5h.5~; Michigan (C. ford 2:08.90; Susan Atwood, Hawaii 2:G9.12 Princeton 2:26.79; Barbara M~tchell) Haw. DenHerder)D.Brevitz,K.Kaox,C.Orgega) Ar~n Bacon) U?~ 2:09.96; Ellen Wallace, 2:26.82; Dana Sengbusch) Ventura 2:23.08; 6. Charlie Stone t Acslanes; Joel Holladay) 1:5A.65; UF (B.~royles,D.Soden,L.Tozer, Rotgers 2:10.61; Dorothy Dilts) U.VA Linda Sidaris) CSULB 2:28.21; Beery Boggs C.Goerke) 1:55.20. San Marcos; Ruy Wylie, Cupertino; Ken Wat- 2:11.79; Bonnie Broyles) UF 2:11.83; Karen Texas 2:28.67; Veronica Stroup) U.Ga. son) San Marcos; Jeff Sealy t MJ-ramonte; ~mdrus) A~J 2:12.65; Michele DOzn, IPZC 2:29.07; Sylvie Deschamps, Miami 2:29.60; Chris Kelsey) Md-ra Costa; M~ike ~uderkin) ~OO YD FP~STYLE - Kim Peters, USC &:52.~8 2:12.67; Lu~nne Cromer) UCIA 2:12.68; Jeannine Wish) NC~J 2:30.22; Gail Murray, Heather Greenwood, U8C i:52.77; Barbara A. Acalanes; Paul Pastu~ak) Lakewood; Font Chris DenHerder) Mich 2:13.53; Judi Hart Colo St. 2:30.33; Kathy Manger) Memphis Jura) Clovis; Ste~ Spicer) Surrey Hills; Marshall, UNC ~:55.88; , Rutgers 2:16.90. 2:32.07. 8tanford A:56.32; Ellen Wallace) F~tgers Ratty Parle t Newport Harbor (Goal Keeper) L:58.85; , UCLA A:58.87; Beth I00 YD BUTT~R/~y - Weedy Boblioli, Mon- ~0 YD PACKSTEOKE _ Bonnie ~royles, UF Hobart, B~I 5:01.27; ,A~J 7. Bill Morales) Pioneer; Jeff ~erry) mouth 55.60; Karen Moe, UCLA 57.11; Cindy 27.73; Brenda Straughan) Colo State 27.98; Corona Del Mar; Roy P~dvold, Santa Theresa 5:01.35; Anne ~rodell, Stanford 5:01.L2+; Schilling, USC 57.~8; Robin ~r~nan, Melissa Belote) ASU 28.15; Luanne Cramer) Keren Hazen) UCLA 5:03.21; Gail Murray, Furniss) Foothill; George Yundell) Mira- Miami 57.52; Karen Hillen) IRCC 57.95; UCLA 28.20; C~y Anderson, Minn. 28.2/+; mor~e; ~gene Huff) Crawford; Jeff Wein- Colo St 5:01.75; Katy McCully) Mich. P~semarle Seaman, BAMA 58.00; Carol Ann Leslie Crozier, Stanford 28.32; Libby 5:0~.93; Janine Weber, A~J 5:0A.95;Sharon traub) Monta Vista; Tom Yours) Crawfo~d; Keating, BA~ 58.05; Leesa Sward, Miami T~llis, ASU 28.33; Michele Dunn) INCC Mi~ Quirk) Awalt; John Kov~c) Bonita Borg, Miami 5:05.51; Drue Thorn, BAM~ 58.07; M~ichelle Menkens) UO 58.65; Cathy 28.A6; K~renAodrus, A~ 28.66; Susan Lang- 5:05.73; Laurie Edwards, USC 5:06.00. Vista; V~ce Vanelli t Santa Clara (Goal Mc~ichol) NC~J 58.66; Barbara Beck,Stan- er~han) Corm 28.66; Karen Wilson t NC~J Keeper) ford 58.77; Shelly Worthen t UCLA 59.]-1; 28.69; Candy MhD-ler) SIU 28.7i; Jeane 200YD ~UTTER/Ly - Karen Moe, UCIA 2:02.88 Irene Arden) U.Wash 59.1~; Sharon Borg) Bazkles, TAMU 28.86; Pat Hines) Miami Robin Branr~an) Miami 2:03.63; Margot Hag- 8. Phil Clark) Lynbrook; Peter Campbell) M~ami 59.22; Grace Ni3_l) Colo St 59.51; 29.1A; Ann Bacon) U}~4 29.17;Laura Barber) Uni~rsity; Andy Karlsklrd, Bollarmine; stette) Stanford 2:06.35; Cathy M~ichol Marjorie Moffit t UCIA 59.63. FSU 30.11. NC~ 2:06.36; Sharon Berg) Miami 2:06.L9; Corey Seale) Fallbrook; Keith Ste%~s) Mr. ~quitney; Ch~s Symond) Coror~o; Keren Reisinger) ~ 2:06.52; CS_udy Thorn- i00 YD L~EASTST~O~ - Christine Jarris) ~0 YD ~Jq~y - ) Monmouth ton Rutgers 2:07.66; Marjorie Mofflt,UCLA Kew-in Peirano) Las Lomas; Larry Holmes) B~ 1:04.56; J.B.Buchanan) Miami 1:06.72 25.23; Leesa Sward, Miami 26.OL; Cir~y Millik~u; ~rian McQueen) Cupertino; Scott 2:07.91; Laurie Potter, UNC 2:09.0A; Su- Cathy Gerr) UCD 1:07.19; P&m Rogers, A~J ScH]]~ngt USC 26.10; Karen Linck) ESSC san Atwood) Hawaii 2:09.A2; Boli~a Phil- Pellett t Helix; Jack Graham) So. Univer- 1:07.24; Jeannine Wish, NC~J 1:07.35; 26.25; Kathy Stetler) Pitt 26.35; Karen sity (Goal Keeper) ~ps, Miami 2:09.87; Kathie Heinze, Stan- Karen Melick UCLA 1:07.37; Vic~ Hays, Moe) UCIA 26.50; Barbara Bacon, Stanford ford 2:11.23; Vanessa Jagenburg, Fa~tgers Stanford l:07.AO; Bar~j Boggs, Texas 26.51; Rosemarie Seaman, BA~ 26.55;Cappi 2:11.~7; Jo Harshbarger) Stanford 2:ll.52 9. Ed Phillips, Suchser; Chris Axelgand) 1:07.81; Liz Osborn) Frineeton 1:08.01; Siefarth, A~J 26.76; Carol Arm Keating, Cresenta Va3/ey; Jason Welco) Monta Vista; Mary Baxley, U.Wash 2:12.08; SandraDickie Lynn Vidali) SJ~J I:08.A6; Judy Meiick, P~A 26.77; Mary Paterson) Ill. 26.90; Miami 2:13.~9. Don Jackson, Bonita Vista; Mik~ Barton) Rntgers 1:08.63; Linda 8idaris) CSULB Michelle Menkens) UO 26.96; Sa3-1y ~ttle) Terrali~da; Kirk Sampson) University; 1:08.76; Dena Sengbusch) Venturm 1:08.92 A~J 27.00; Maureen Mortell) Rutgers 27.08; ~0 YD P~R2ASTSTROKE - Christine Jarwis) Steve Smith t Leland) Larry Baba) Ur-iver- ~a Dickie) M~ami 1:09.00; Barbara Irene Arden) U.Wash. 27.19; Madelyn War- sity; Greg Larsen) Leland t Tim Grim) BAMA 30.05; J.B.Buchanan) Miami 30.9~; M&tchell) Hawaii 1:09.&4; VeronicaStroup cholik) b}~C 27.36. Lynn Vidali t SJ~J 31.03; Vicki Hays)Stan- Helix; Paul LaChappel) Crawford (Goal U.Ga. 1:09.53. Keeper) ford 31.07; Karen MeIick) UCIA 31.10; ~ ~TER DIV~,'G - Peggy Anderson) WIS 147.90 Beery Roggs, Texas 31.38; pam Rogers)ASU @~ METER DTVING - Carrie Irish, Ohio Carrie Iris) Ohio 445.65; Melissa Briley lO. Albert Col) James Lic~ Hans Krttip) 31.A3; Jeannine Wish, NC~J 31.18; Cathy ~33.00; Christine Loock) ~J All.85; M~ami ~.&5; Carol Linlner) Indiana &13.95 Cart) UCD 31.53; Jackie Landry) U.Washe Sunny Hi3-1s) Mike Dossa) Davis; Andy Carol Lindner, Indiana 398.35; Susie Kin- Jane Manchester) MSU ADS.70; Pattie Free- Nichols, Coronado; Richard Cannon) Lodi; 31.7C; Liz Osborn) Prdnceton 32.12; cade) UCIA 391.25; Jane Manchester, MSU man) Princeton AD2.55; Christine Loock)SMU Christi Hartman) SOSC 32.15; Dana Seng- Mark Whitmore) Costa Mesa; Bob Placak t 386.05; Julie Turk t P~L~ 380.65; Keala Z/)D.OO; Sue Gottlieb) Mich 396.A5;Micaala Jon Ramaget Vista; Rich Suchomel) Las busch) Ventura 32.44; CharlotteFritsche, O'Su]-li%-an Watson Hawaii 368.30; Theresa Erown) Texas 389.70; Kesl O'Su]_liv~n Wat- Stout 32.58; Rosemary Storm, Stanford Lomas. Roy Cedarstrom) vl Dorado; M~zrshall Brookbank) ASU 36A.70; Kit Sa3_uess)C~JLB son) Hawaii 385.20; Atone Cilmore) Indiana Kerr,' Sunny Hi//s 32.72; Kathy Manger) Memphis 32.93. 3~.65; Lynn Patch) BCC 3LI.~5; Pattie 379.95; Kris TJelle t Clarion 36i.85;Monique Freeman, P~ceton 3i3.15; Chi~s Seufert, Gemelcy Wis 361.~O; Marikm Wydalick)Hawaii Honorable Mention - John Adams) Vista; IOOYD BACKSTROKE- Melissa Belote, A~J Clarion 336.05; Melissa Briley, Miami 35A~65; Beverly Boauchamp) Colo 352.55; 59.0&; Brenda Straughan, Solo State 59.79 Tom Arrington) Carlmont; Botz) Anaheim; 335.50; BarBara Hard/rag, M~J 333.05; Lyra] ~htch, ~C 329.65. Jody Campbell) Bo.)L.H.Wilson; Robin Majorie Moffit) UCLA l:O0.19; Karen Moe) Az~ne Gilmore) Indiana 330.05. UCIA 1:00.36; Michele Dunn) IRCC l:OO.&2; Cardin) Sp~g Valley; Da%-id Caffey) E1 200 I'D ~STYLE R~y - Monmouth (D.Renz) Dorado; M~ke Craddock) Mt. Pleasant; Bonnie Proyles) UF 1:00.56; Leslie Cro- ADO YD FR~STYLE R~y - USC (L.Edwards) C.Toy,L.Lansbash)W.Boglioli) 1:37.37; Stan- zier) Stanford 1:00.78; Luanne Cramer, Kirk Dawson) Woodside; Alex Bolano) Poway; H.~ree~hi~g, K. Pet ers )3: 31.31; ford (B. Ba con) B.BO ck)M.Bagstette )R. Storm) Ste~ Evans) Lakewood; Glen Vly) Wocdside. UCIA 1:00.86; Libby Tu]3_is) A~J l:Cl.06; IRCC (E.O 'Brien) F. St%n'm)B.Cassara )K.Hil- 1:37.56; B~A (V.Stanlez)B.satunders)Rose- Susan Atwood, Hawaii l:01.11; Dorothy len) 3:31.76; Miami (R.Brannman)L.Sward , ma~e Seaman,C.Backhaus)1:37.57; Miami Dilts) UVA 1:C1.25; Pat Hines, Miami J.Yambor)S.Borg) 3:32.6~; ~w~% (R.Seaman) (J .Yambor ,L. Sward, P. Rirk) B. Feulk~ ) l: 37.76; 1:01.27; Susan Langenhan, Conn l:O1.61; D-Thornt C .Backhaus ,V. Stanley) 3:33.~9; IRCC (E.O '~rien)K.Hillen) H. Cassara)F. Sturm) THE UNITED STATES WAT~ POLO POL",~ATI~; & Robin Brannman, Miami 1:01.86; Ellen Wal- Stanford (B.Ba con, B.Beck)R. Storm)M.Hag- 1:37.89; UCIA (K.Worthen)J.Cochran,S.Worth- lace t Rutgers 1:02.18; Laura Barber) F~ stette) 3:34.61; Batgers (M.Mortell,E. en,L.Cramer)l:37.98; USC (SchS]]~ns)Green- 1:03.51. Lo c klair ,D. Pranke )E .Wallace ) 3:35.16; wondtPeters)Edwands) 1:38.17; A~J (C.Rie-- 1976 HIGH SCHOOL AI~XCA WATLR BOIJD Colo State (B.Straughan,Co~ar~y,K.~rad- farth ,L. Tu/~s TS. Tuttle, J. Fred/-ickson) TE~M. IOOYD F~TYLE - WendyBoglioli) Mon- ley,G.Nill) 3:35.59; M&ch (C.DenHerder, 1:39.10; M~ch (C.OrtegatK.Lingenberg , K. First Team - Prank Anderson) Newport Harb. mouth 52.12; Cir~y Schilling, USC 52.39; K.Lin~enberg, K.M cCh/lly)K.Knox ) 3:35.65; McCully)K.~nox) 1:39.84; Lq~C (M.Warcholik) Michele Menkens, UO 52.65; Barbara Mar- Jeff Barnett t Huron Mich; Tim Carey) Sunny UCLA (K.Worthen)J .Cochran, S.Worthen)J. D-Thompson)A.Marshall )L.Potter ) l: ~0.03; Hills; Wayne Colahan) Monta Vista; Russ shall, UNC 52.71; Sally Tuttle) ASU 52.84 Bartz) 3:36.08; U.Wash (I.Arden)J.Hislop) Penn State (SchoenholtztFry)Rischer)Fedon) Karen Hillin) IRCC 52.8~; Leesa Sward) Curry, Bonwick t Ill; ~[ike Dalton)Campolindo M.Erown)M.Baxley) 3:36.5~; A~ (C.Sie-- 1:~O.14; U.Wash. (J.Hislop)M.Bo.xley)M.Brown John Dobrott) Newport Harbor; Sean Foley Miami 53.06; Katy McCu3/y, Mich 53.28; farth )L .Tullis, K.And/~s )S.~"httle)3: 36.86; J.Brooke) i:~O.31; M~_nn. (C.Anderson)J.E1- Los Altos; F~andy Fowler, Grace Davis; Grog Mary Sykes, Princeton 53.A6; Shelly Wor- Monmouth (D.Renz,C .Toy)L .Lamsbach )W . lis,C.Swanum,T.Ganley) I:L0.80; Rutgers F~lts t Newport Harbor; P~b Haddick, Huron) then, UCIA 53.56; Grace Ni/~) Colo. St. Boglioli) 3:37.57; ~;C (M.Warcholik,G. (D •Fran~, J .Melich )R.Lo cklair )E .Wallace ) M~tch; Bob Hahn, Oak park) Ill.; Jeff Has- 53.79; Jodi yambor, Miami 53.S1; Maureen Thompson)L.Potter )A.Marshall) 3:39.38: I:L0.92; ES~C (C.Crigler,K.Thoresen)C. Mortell, P~tgers 53.82; Barbara Bacon, sett t University; ~rian Jones) Bayer; Randy UF (K.Hes s ,D.seden ,C.Coerke,B.Broyles ) Brown)K.Linck) 1:I1.59; F~J (L.Barbertp . Kalbus) Long Beach) Wilson; Richard Mar~h) Stanford 53.g8; Cary Backhaus) B~MA 5&.08 3:~D.91; Penn State (L.Fedon)K.Schoen- Taylor )K.Ree~s )R.Dor~ier ) i: ~1.88. Mary Schmidt, Corm 5L.29. Lower Moreland; Trent McDonald) ~J-r&monte; holtz,C.Fr~,J.Rischer) 3:~3.80; F~ (L. Stev~ M~-xt Monta Vista; George Newland) Barbe r )K.Ma cHardy )R. Dorl~ier) K. RO e~ s ) loo YD INDMDUAL MEDLEY - Lynn Vidali, New;ort Harbor; Ste~ Pagost~) Bo~rly 3:~5.05. Hills; Da~ Phillips) Santa Teresa; M~ke SJSU l:O0.19; Sylvia Deschamps, Miami Phi~pj t Santa Teresa; David Ritchie) Su~ 1:OO.32; Robin Pranr~an, Miami 1:00.70; ~O0 YD MEDLEY RELAy - EAMA (D.Thorn)C. 1975 HIGH SCHOOL ALL AF~ZF~CA ny Hills; Kevin Robe~son) New;o~ Harbor; Vic~i Hays, Stanford 1:00.86; Jennifer Jarvis ,R.Se aman,C. Bac~aus) 3:55.63; WATER FOLO TEAM Scott Schulte, Montclair Acad.; Vincente Bortz) UCLA l:Ol.Oi; Mary Sykes)Princeton ASU (M. Bolot e)p.Rogers)C. Sie farth )S . Ta~-arez) McAllen) Tax; Mark Vigeant) 1:01.26; Ann Haley t Hawaii l:O1.AJ+; Lau~e Tuttle) 3:56.41; ~[iami (P.Hin~s)J.Bucha- I. Wayne Colahan, Monta Vista; Prsauk Ander- Buchser; Mike Vl~mis) Mt. Carmel, Ill.; Potter, UNC l:cl.&7; Cappi Siefarth, A~J nan,,D.Prady) 3:57.07; UCIA son) Hew~ort Harbor; gte%~ M~x) MonteVista; Matt Weinheimer) Boyer; Joe Wendt) Kenwick l:Ol.&9; Barbara Beck t Stanford 1:01.56; (M.Mo f fit )K.Mellck) K.Moe)J .Bart z )3: 57.AJ+; Kevin Robertson) Newport Hath.; Mi~ Dalton Ill.; Mike Yates) Santa Clara. Christine Jar~is) BAMA 1:01.68; Veronica Stanford (L. Crozier )V.Hays )B.Be ck)B.BO con) Gempe]/_ndo; Grog ~hlts) Newport Harb.;Mike Stroup) U.Ga 1:02.10; Margot Hagstett) 3:59.95; Colo.State (B.Straughan,G.~ay PDdD-lipst Santa Teresa; Jeff Hassett, Uni- Stanford 1:02.6~; Bonnie Broyles) UF K.Bradley)G.Ni3/) A:OO.~l; NCSU (K.Wilson) ~rsity; Erian Jones 9 Boy~r; George Newlaud 1:03.15; Debbie Franks) Rutgers 1:03.33; J .Wish )C .M cNichol )J .Holliday) A: OO.85; Ne~-port Harbor; Sean Foley) Los Altos (Goal Liz Osborn, Princeton i:05.13. Second Team - Warren Adair t Lower Moreland; Rutgers (E .Wallace )J .Melick )M .Mort ell) R. Keeper). Norman Arandan) Downey; Tom BOYSr) St.Leuis Locklair) A:03.97; IRCC (M.Demn)D.Swan~ 20OYD I~D~VI~AL~U~LEY- Robin Brannman Mo.; Mike Elake I Mt.Canmel Ill.; John Gan- K.Hillen)E.O,Brien) A:O~.07; Hawaii (S. 2. ~ke Yates) Santa Clara; Tim Carey)Sunny sel) Foothill; ~ Gear~h t Montclair Ac.; M~ami 2:07.11; Margot Hagstette) Stanford Atwond )B.Mit chell)P.Honman ,A.Haley) &: OA.AA Hills; Dave Phillips) So.Santa Teresa;Randy 2:08.68; VickiHays, Stanford 2:10.32; Ken C~Od) Bellar~/me; Herb Greenback) Los USC (P.Yusha-~jahym)G.Greenwood )S. Sc~5 ] ] ~ng Kalbus) Long BCh Wilson; Trent McDonald t Altos; Paul Hubbard, Vista; £~n Laher) Jennifer Bartz, UCIA 2:10.~5; Syl~ie Des- K.Peters); U.Wash (M.Bo~xley,I.Ar- Miramonte; David Ritchie) Sunny Hills; Mark champs, M~ami 2:10.58; Melissa Bolote)A~ M~onte; Woody La%~ayant Lynbrook; Tom den)J.Hislop,J.Land/7) A:05.21; Mich. (C. Vigeant) Buchser; John D.?; Matt Weinheimer Le~) St.Louis) Mo.; M&ke Lindsay t Mercers- 2:10.83; Ann Haley t Hawaii 2:11.17; DenHerde r )D. Erevit z T K. Knox )K.M cCu//~y) Boy~r; Steve Pagostin) Beverly Hills;P~%~dy Christine Jarvis) BA~ 2:11.20; Drue burg Acad.; Doug Manthe) W.Des Molnes Vall. &:O5.AS; Princeton (L.Bowere,L.Osborn)M. Fowler, Grace Davis (Goal Keeper). Ted McGinley) Newport Harbor; Kirk McGowan t Thorn 2:11.71; SusanAtwood) Hawaii 2:12.01 Sykes,K.Tester) A:05.79; Wr.St.U (M.May- Keren Roisinger, ~qU 2:12.07; Laurie Pot- Fremont; Joel Mora'oe) Costa Mesa; P~chazd hew)B.Woodrow )B. Tit s ch)M.Mir~aci) A:OS.6A; 3. Gardner Wal~p) Awalt; Joel MonroetCosta Najarian t Bellar~e; Mark O'Erien) Sunny ter, L~

JULy 1976