Reprint With Swimming World Magazine's Permission ALL-AMERICA NATIONAL LNTERSCHOLASTIC ~[G COACHES Scott Weir~ Hunt.Bch.CA 21.38; ¥~irt Fre- Penn. ~:33.55; Thomas O'Brien~ Mt.Rainier~ Emm~as~ Perau. (Eline~ Decker t Crandall! ASSOCIATION 1976 High School All-American dericks,No~man, Okla.21.39; Tom Peder- Wash. A:33.91! Richard Thornton, Campelin- Fiest) 3=IA.09. Swim Team son,Bay City Central,Mich.21.39; Mark do,Calif. ~:3~.25; Edward Ryder, Coral Honorable Mention - Southwest, Ft.Worth~ Compiled by: C. William Bran/ell Jarosz, LaSalle, NY 21.AD; William John- Gables t Fla. 1:3~.~O; Bob Mangan, Santa Texas (Robb t Per~ins~ Shrader~ Ir4~le) Lakevlew HS, Bottle Creek, Mich. son, Archbishop Rummel,La.21.~O; Dan Clara, Ca A:3A.ll; Paul Ha~off~ San Mar- 3:15.~; Seabr~eze, Day,era Beach~ Fla. Peters t Reno HS, Ne%~ada 21.~0; Jerry cos T Ca ~:3~.86; John Dobrott~ Newport (Haynes~ Schr~ider~ Garma~! Swain) 2~ YD ~DLEY R~Y - Hinsdale Cent.Ill. Spencer, Casa Roblet Ca. ~1.~7; Michael Harbor, Ca &:35.06; Phll Atkinson~ Sunny 3:l~.&l; Bast~ Salt La~ City~ Utah (Seibt ~Kerela,Marshall,Rebert son)l: 36.73; ~D_leman, San Marine, CA 21.50; By~'on Hills~ Ca i:35.25; FL%chael Saphir~ Awalt~ (Neville~ Masters~ Clark, Sli@hting) Winter Pk HS,Fla (Cobb,Newhaller~McRoberts Sims~ Rancho Alamitos, CA 21.50; Bill Ca ~:35.81; ~ Ma~imoff, Homestead~ Ca. :l&.50; Upper Arli~=ton, Columbus, Ohio P~nirez)l:37.50; Fountain Vall.tCal (Kelly Mu/-ler~ No.Penn, Pa 21.52; Alan Stevens &:36.92; Scott Hislop! San Eafael t Ca. ~Moulton t DeVor~ Moulton t DeVore) Miller,Krikl,Lade) 1:37.56; Santa Clara,CA Good Cotunsel, Md 21.53. L:37.20; KavinWeldon~ Eaton, Ohio &:37.22; 3:1A.58; Peters Towns~p~ Mc~y t Pa. (Palstra, Freeman, Bohnert ~Vanelli)l: 38.05; Honorable Mention - Robert ~3.1en, Dsrien, Be~-in Schneider, Beabreeze~ Fla. h:37.23; (Derter~ Jones~ Hardin, Day) 3:l&.61{ ~l~naus HS,PA (~Y~le,Crar~ell,Riest,Decker) Corm. 21.59; Jay Bickf~rd~ El Dorado, CA Christopher Hoenig~ Grsnada~ Ca. ~:37.69. Ann Arbor Pioneer~ Ann Arbor~ Mich. (Dot. 1:38.18; Hiss.Viejo HS,CA (Vassallo,Rey, 21.60; Sam Jones, Edison~ CA 21.60; Eric Honcrsble Mention - David Phelps, Michigan myer~ Nichols, Smith, Waldrop) 3:]2+.62; Lonsdale,Scolman) 1:38.32; Clear Lake HS, Mark~, Patrick Henry, CA 21.60; Kert City Eogers~ Ind. h:38.21; George Ti/marsh Northgste t Walr~t Creek~ Ca. (Vitamanti t Houston, Tex( Thibedaux, Greenwood ~Kar cis ~ Brekk~ Arapahos, Co. 21.61; Clifford HJ-nsdale Central t Ill. ~:38.96; ChuckShar;e Hatlen~ Sto%~r, Thompson) 3:1&-7~; Hunt- Putnam) 1:38.39; Westside,Omsha,Neb)l:3S.5A; Jolley~ Downey, CA 21.63; M~ichael Kriley t Westside~ Nebr. 1:39.10; Brian Eoney~ E1 ington Beach, Ca. (Johnson, Taylcr~ Keefe t M~amonte ,Orinda, CA (Laher ,Retticci ~Bealy~ Butler Area, Ea 21.63; Hike Harbottle! Camino Peal~ Ca &:39.12; Richard Rosenbatm Weir) 3:l&.gA; New Trier East t Winnstka~ Hayes) 1:38.56; Del Mar,San Jose,CA (James, Montclair~ CA 21.6~; Dennis Bedolla t Riley HS~ Ind. 1:39.22; Dennis Scannell~ Ill. (Ashmore, Rnde~nan~ Dendix~ Mack) Shilling~Symons,Rost) 1:38.58; Peters T;~hp Salinas~ CA 21.65; Matt Tayrides~ Santa San Marine, Ca i:39.36; David Varner t 3:1/+.95; Hiehwoeds t Peoria, Ill. (Landon~ McMurrny,PA (Day,Marshall,Jones,Carter) Fe, Fla 21.66. Sprir~ Woods, Sr.,Tex~s 1:39.70; Lassa Peterson t Ruble, Un~) 3:1~.99. 1:38.7~; Glen Oak, Canton,O. (McAdam,Hamlin, Frank~ Santa Clara~ Ca ~:39.76; Mark Har- BeipletLooby) 1:38.81; Wilson t Tacoma,Wash. DIIr/2~G - (Alphabetical) - Randy Ableman, rington~ Indian Hill~ Ohio i:39.86; Brett (~renheim, Fre geau ,Webster ~Schutts) 1:3S.85; Washington HS,lowa; Kurt Ansel~, Sha~- Philllps~ Ka~lua, Hawaii ~:I0.05. Buena~Ventura,CA (Bagner, St einhous e, Parrish, nee Mission~ Ka.; Mark Anton~ Mayo, }~TIO~L~L INTERSCHOLASTIC E~'f~[G COACHES Brock) 1:38.91; Clear%ater HS,Fla (Dean, Minn.; Da~-ld Beldebuck~ Hinsdale Central, 100YD ~CESTROKE-~chael Kelly, Four~ ASSOCIATI~ - 1976 GI~LS HIGH SCHOOL ALI.- Brown,Bowere,A]/brittsn) 1:38.99; Guilford, Ill; Roy Betake, Sa.Dade Sr.,Fla; Mike tain Valley, Ca 53.06; Jay Alt t East Grand ~CA ~PIM TEAM Re ckfo rd, Ill. (Handel ,Lindquis t ,Green, Be hr ) Brown, Grease Pointe,~ch; Drew Barger- P~pids~ Mich. 53.09; John Rathbun, So.Pasa- Compiled by: Robert L. ~U.oyd 1:39.0&; Sycamore, Cinti,O.(Smith,Kerengel, ing, Sexton, Mich; Chris Chelich, kSnns- dena,Ca 53.17; Dean Ehrenhelm~ Wilson,Wash° Hialeah High School, Hialeah t HIorida Leonard, ~oebaum) 1:39.O7; Nova,~t.Lauder- ter,Ind; Don Haase~ West HS, Iowa; Ean 53.25; ~ake Johnson, Thousand Oake~ Cs/3.f. dale ~Fla (Ireland, Re s enthal ,Hornby,Ho fi~an) Dearborn, John F.Kennedy, Io.;Jchn Rilett, 53.31; ~like Palstra, Santa Clara~ Ca 53.52; 200 YD MEDLEY P~y - Upper Dubliu~ Ft. 1:39.10. Brazoswood,Texas; Ua~id Hervig, Virgil Keith Dissington~ Ker~ore W.,~f 53.56;Mark Washington T Pa (T.Barker~S.FrickmT.Frick I Honorable Mention - U~per Arlington,Coumbus, Crissom, Ala.; Davi/ Keane~ Westside,Neb. Hartung, Washir~on~-/_lle, NY 53.63; Frar~z D.C~mpbell) 1:51.26; Jackeon~e-E~zlsco- O. (Hudson,Wolske,Aldag,Moulton) 1:39.18; Gary Kuhre, Sycamore,Ohio; Steve Schrm~--m, Szymans~i~ palissdes~ Ca 53.6&; Andy Saibt pal t FAa (no names s-ahcultted) 1:52.99; Foothill, Sanga Ana, CA (Yancey, Gansel,Pur- Westfiald Sr. tNJ; Tony Scott, Wyoming HS Hinsdale Central t Ill 53.66; Richard He~- Nova HS t Ft.Lauderdale, ~la (J.Schroeder hiss,Gavin) 1:39.27; Newport Harbor HS, New- Ohio; Ricky Tennant, Skyline~ Tex.; son~ Lowland, Co 53.71; Rick Ka~merer~ M.Delan,D.Steward~A.Roruby) 1:53.57; Wm. pert Bch,CA (Dobrott,Rewland,Robertson, De- ~lichael Verdonck, Downers Grove N.,lll; St.Xarier~ Ohio 53.79; Todd Taylor,Finney- Tennent, Wa~stertPa (L.Hendershott,J. Mott) 1:39.28; Shaker~Latham,NY (Maxwell, Kenneth Vigiletti, Groves,Mich.; Kevin town~ Ohio 53.80; Phi/Dip Hanel, Clover Pk Lament J.HoehntC.Sapp) 1:53.59{ Academy Zie~ler,Robbiano,Pehfuss) 1:39.10; Hopkins Wright, Bar~or~ Maine. Wash. 53.93; Mark Keusnetz, Anaheim, Ca. of the Holy Names t Tampa t ~la (I.~own t Risenhower ,Hopkins ,Minn. ( Ballsrd tKr~eger, Honorable Mentdon - Richard Carter~ Carl 53.93; Brian James, Del Mar, Ca 5~.00; Bob KoHeal~tB.WilktP.Kraermer) l: 53.76; Skeld,Lonmar~z) l:39.LA; St.Xavier,Cinti,O. Bandburg HS, Ill.; Earl Chester~ Arling- Buresh~ Tsmpa Catholic,Fla 5i.ll; Mark Vi- Memorial Sr. HS, Houston, Tex.(~.Crawford, (Esmmerer,Counts,WalBer,Hraun) 1:39.~5; New ton Hrs.,Texas; Part Connors~ Brother geant~ B~chser~ Ca 5~.25; Chris McAdam, M.Chalker,E.Roehm~M.Mahon) 1:53.76; Madi- Trier E. ,Winnetka,Ill.(Brackett ,Holmberg~ Rice, Mich.; Craig DeCloux t Menomonee GlenOak,Ohio 5~.27; James WinegarnertLake- son West, Madlson,Wisc.(L.Johnson,T.He~-ns, Ruderman,Shepherd) 1:39.&5; Bethlehem Cent. Falls, Wisc.; Ken Cerard~ Wee,merit, Ca.; woodtOhlo 5~.~0; Donald Weir~ York Su~ M.Beer,T.Wise) 1:53.90; Livonla Ste~n~rmon, Delmar ~hrf (Ne f f ~Ri~/-us,Harmon, Fit zpat rick) Tom Porter, New Trier E.,Ill.; Rill Repp ban t Penn. 5~.iO. Livonia,Mich.(P.~xnith,L.Hatfleld,L.Hein, 1:39.60; E.Grand Repids,Mich.(Alt,Lurdquist, North~ler~u HS, Co.; David Siek~ George Honorable Mention - Dave Smith t Sycamore~ C.Ezgers) I: 54.21; Irondale~ New Brighton, Mooney,Conklin) 1:39.65; Benwick HS, Oak Pk Washington, Co.; John Stobbie~ W. Hill, Ohio 5~.~3; Shawn O'Gol'mant San Clemente~ F/-nn. (M.Riggs,J.Wilken,K.Eiggs~D.Hartin) Ill. (BarTon ,Gallagher, Walla eh, Krug)l: 39.70. Ct; Scott Winkler, North Hills, Penn. Ca 5~.50; Mark Stohl, Arm Arbor, Mich.5~.50 115&.37; Hunahou School~Honolulu,Hi. (L. E~urt Langborg~ Cumberland~ R.I. 5~.56; Rhodes, T.Beirne ~J.Cooper tM.Vormegut ) 200 YD F~STYLE - N~chael Elleman, San ICO YD H3TT~Y - Robert Nagberg~ Do. R2~mon Volcan~ M3.11ik~nt Ca 5~.60; Tony 1:5~.59; Cmaha Westsidej ~cha,Neb. (D. Marine,CA 1:39.39; Doug Frazier, Bu/lard~CA Hadley, Mass. &9.1~; Mark DeVore t Upper Yancey~ Foothill, Ca 5~.60; Daryl Hable~ Hart ford, J. Tu/-ly,L. Ber kshlre ,L. Small ) 1:39.80; Byron Sins, Rancho Alamitos, CA Arlington, Ohio 50.L/; Tim Boyd, Farts. Fairview~ Ohio 5~.62; ~ Dunworth~ Dear- 1:5&.68; Miraleste, Rancho palos Verdes, l:&O.1i; Larry Varellas,~Allard~CA 1:I0.57; gut, Tenn. 50.61; Larry Varellas, Bal- born~ Mich 5i.63;John Wierik~ Marple New- Ca. (S.Gov~ yC .Albano, S.Gaspar, S. Baur) Dale Hudson,Upper Arlington l:ll.12; Thomas lard HS, Ca. 51.13; Robert Placak, San town Sr.,Per~u. 5i.65; Michael Tonery~ 1:54.69; Eadnor HS7 Pa.(S.Cosgarea,Aecos- 0 'Brien ,Mt.RaJ-nie r, Wash .l: L1.14; Kevin Rafael~ Ca. 51.18; Thomas Williams, Memorial Sr.~Tex~s 5A.67. garea,A.Jackson,T.Clayton) 1:54.91; Tustin Schnieder,Deabreeze,Fla i:~1.24; Kevin Wel- Bethlehem Liberty, Pa.

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