The Times of Abraham
EN Tech. J., vol. 2, 1986, pp. 77–87 The Times of Abraham DR. A.J.M. OSGOOD INTRODUCTION 1. THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION, 2. THE DOCUMENTARY HYPOTHESIS, This article, “The times of Abraham”, attempts to show that the present accepted archaeological 3. THE ACCEPTED YARDSTICK OF THE period placement of Abraham in the Palestinian EGYPTIAN CHRONOLOGY OF MONETHO, and 4. ACCEPTANCE OF DATING METHODS BEING Middle Bronze I period (MB I Albright nomenclature) has no basis in substance, and attempts to show that TRULY OBJECTIVE. only the late Chalcolithic culture of Palestine satisfies the biblical criteria, so forcing a radical The resultant confusion leaves us today with a revision of the accepted chronology of the ancient conviction that Abraham was an historical figure, world, in terms of biblical statements. yet with no really convincing time slot Many a reader of the Bible is impressed with the archaeologically in which to place him, which can narrative of the life of Abraham as though it was bear up to solid scrutiny, and certainly no positive written about a real person who lived in a real time identification of events in Abraham’s life occurring and a real world. He has the strengths and the at any particular time slot archaeologically. weaknesses of real men. However, particularly since the documentary PRESENT TIME PLACEMENT OF ABRAHAM hypothesis (J.E.D.P. theory), the theological world has increasingly expressed doubts about the reality of The accepted or evolutionary time scale for the the existence of a man called Abraham. The question Paleolithic to Iron Age sequence, when placed side has ebbed backwards and forwards.
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