History Timeline Art Periods Characteristics Chief Artists Historical Events Movements Major Works

Stone Age Cave Lascaux Cave Painting 10,000-8,000 BC Ice Age ends (30,000–2500BC) Fertility goddesses Hall of Bulls 8000-2500 BC Stone Age, permanent settlements Paleo/Meso/ Megalithic structures Venus of Willendorf 3000-2200 BC Stonehenge Neolithic

Mesopotamian Warrior art Akkadian Ruler 3400 BC Sumerians invent writing (3500–539 BC) Narration in stone Ishtar Gate 2332-2150 BC Akkadians assumed divine attributes Citadels 2000 BC Abraham founds monotheism Persia Ziggurats Standard of 2600 (BM) 1780 BC writes his law code Babylon Fertile crescent of Vultures 2600 (L) 1496 BC Ten Commandments Mt. Sinai Turkey Votive Statuettes Harp 2600 (BM) 1020-930 BC Kingdom of (United) Gods & Goddesses Victory Stele Naram-Sin 2254(L) 980 BC Iliad and the Odyssey Iran 2100(L) 653 BC Rise of Persian Empire Syria Stele of Hammurabi 1780(L) 586 BC First Temple () in Jerusalem destroyed by Babylonians Registers Statue Queen Napir-Asu 1350(L) 539 BC Fall of Babylonian Empire –Jews Freed Seals Lamassu 750(L) Hunting Lions 640(BM) Persepolis 521-465 BC

Egyptian Afterlife focus Palette of King 3100 BC King Narmer unites Upper/ (3500-30 BC) Pyramids Imhotep 3100 BC First Dynasty of Egypt Tomb painting Ahmen Re of Karnak 3000 BC Papyrus by Egyptians Predynastic Great Pyramids Bust of 2700 BC Old Kingdom begins in Egypt 3500-2575 BC Canon of Proportions Hypostyle Hall 2551-2472 4th Dynasty-Pyramids at Giza Preordained Divinity & Queen 2551-2528 BC Old Kingdom =life force after death Hatshepsut Mortuary Complex 2520-2494 BC 2575-2134 BC Gods/Divinity 2490-2472 BC Menkaure Clerestory Seated Scribe 2500(L) 1800 BC Alphabetic writing emerges Middle Kingdom Scrolls buried w/dead Nebanum Hunting Fowl 1400(BM) 1473-1458 BC Hatshepsut Mortuary Temple 2040-1640 BC step pyramids Nebanum Funery Banq.1400(BM) 1353-1335 BC Akehenaton - Karnak (Sun Disk) Iconography Last Judgement of Hunefer Scroll 1300(BM) 1323 BC King Tut New Kingdom Registers Taharqo as Sphinx 680(BM) 1290-1224 BC Temple of Amen-Re 1550-1070 BC Hierarchy of Scale 30 BC dies Mortuary Temples First Millennium 1000-30 BC

Prehistoric Cycladic art Bull Leaping (fresco) 3000 -2000 BC Early Cycladic civilization in Aegean Marble Statues Snake Goddess 2700 BC Minoan Palace City Knossos 80,000 pop. (3000-1200BC) Painted Vases Lion Gate 1600 BC Eruption of Santorini destroys Frescos - Curved Lines Minoan Palace Knossos 2000-1600 BC Minoan Greece Citadels – Gates- Lintels 1600 -1200 BC Corbel Vaulting

Ancient Greece Geometric/Orientalizing Peplos Korei 800 BC Rise of Greek city-states Hellenistic Red Vase Painting Kroisos - Polykleitos 776 BC First recorded Olympic Games (900-30 BC) Archaic Smiles - Classic Praxiteles 508 BC Democracy instituted at Greek idealism: balance, Calf Bearer 500 BC Euclid's Elements Geometric perfection 499-449 BC Greco-Persian Wars Orientalizing Architectural orders: Doric, 625 (L) 490 BC Athens defeats Persia at Marathon (900-600 BC) Ionic, Corinthian Corinthian Black Figure Amphora 625 (BM) 480 BC Persian invasion of Greece by Xerxes Grave Achilles/Ajax Vase 540 (V) 470-399 BC Socrates Archaic Gods and Goddesses Herakles Wrestling Antaios Vase 510 (L) 461-429 BC Age of Pericles (Athens general) (600-480 BC) Canon of Proportions Artemis & Apollo slaying children Vase 450 (L) 438-432 BC Partheneon -Athens Life Size Statues Parthenon 447-438 (BM) 431-404 BC Peloponnesian Wars Early/High Controppasto Dionysus/Hermes Vase 440 (V) 427-347 BC Plato Classical Amphoras & Vases Pericles Bust - Kresilas 430 (V) 384-322 BC Aristotle (480-400 BC) Athena Aphrodite of Knidos - Praxiteles 350 (V) 336-323 BC conquests Dionysus – God of wine Scraper - Apoxyomenos 330 (V) 331 BC Alexander the Great conquers Persia Late Classical Harmonic/Math Gallic Chieftain Killing Himself & Wife 230 (PA) 30 BC Cleopatra dies (400-323 BC) Women clothed 230 (MC) Men Nude Nike Alighting Warship 190 (L) Hellenistic Altars Altar of Zeus at (175) (323-30 BC) Twisted Heads (Aphrodite) 150 (L) Gigantomachy Friezes Seated Boxer 100 (MAT) Lacoon 50 (V)

Etruscan Painted terracotta Fibula Lions 650(V) 474 BC Greek Victory over Etruscan Fleet () Underground Chambers Apulu (Apollo of Veii) 500(VG) 396 BC destroys Veii (700BC-89BC) Earthen Mounds Sarcophagus - reclining couple 520(VG) 273 BC Rome conquers Cerveteri Individual Language Capitoline Wolf 500(VG) Orientalizing Etruscan Gods (700-600 BC) Painted Tombs

Archaic Temples (600-480 BC) Frescos

Classical/ Hellenistic (480-89 BC)

Roman Roman Bust of a Flavian Woman 90BC (MC) 753 BC Romulus and Remus (753BC-337AD Practical, down to earth Ara Pacis (13-9BC) (R) 753 BC Founding of Rome (traditional date) The arch Augustus as General 20BC (V) Use of Concrete REPUBLIC Size 509 BC Roman Republic founded (traditional date) Monarchy/ Republic Pageantry Trajan's Column 81 (R) 149-146 BC 3rd Punic War - Rome destroys Vaults & Domes Colosseum 70(R) 146 -121 BC Rome conquers Greece, Turkey, Gaul (753 - 27 BC) Frescos Arch of Titus (112) (R) 80 BC founded

Oculus Bust of Hadrian 120 (MAT) 49 BC Civil War between Caesar & Pompey the Great Early Empire Coffers Pantheon – Hadrian (118-125) 44 BC Julius Caesar murdered. End of Roman Republic (27 BC – 96 AD) Temples Column of Antonius Pius & Faustiva 161(V) 44 BC Beginning of Roman Empire

Procession Reliefs Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius 175(MC) 40 BC Rome conquers Egypt High Empire Sarcophagus (96-102 AD) Gods – Altars EARLY EMPIRE

Friezes Arch of Constantine 315 (R) 27 BC Roman Empire formed, start of Pax Romana

Late Empire Public Works Projects Colossal Head of Constantine 330(MC) 27 BC-14 AD Augustus (Octavian) Emperor (192-337 AD) 18 BC Temple of Jerusalem reconstructed . 14-37 AD Emperor (adopt. son of Augustus) Forum (R) 37-41 AD Caligula Emperor (nephew of Tiberius) Pompeii 41-54 AD Claudius Emperor (uncle of Caligula) Petra 54-68 AD Nero Emperor (grand nephew of Claudius) Galla Placidia 68-79 AD Vespasian Emperor Dura-Europa 70 AD Jerusalem & 2nd Temple destroyed by Titus 79-81 D Titus Emperor (son of Vespasian) Synagoges 79 AD Pompeii destroyed by Vesuvius volcano Frescos 81-96 AD Domitian Emperor

Roman Catacombs Villa Torlonia: HIGH EMPIRE Funerary Art Jewish Catacombs 250 (192 – 526) 98-117 AD Trajan Emperor Cult of Dionysus Ludovisi Battle Scene Sarcophagus 260 (PA) 106-117 AD Rome conquers modern Romania, Iraq and Armenia Domed Temples Santa Maria Antigua: Pre-Constantine 117AD Empire at largest extent Preconfiguration Sarcophagus of a Philosopher 280 192-306 117-138 AD Hadrian Emperor (adopted son of Trajan) Typology links OT- NT Old St. Peters – Constantine (319) 126 AD Pantheon completed by Hadrian Mosaics Christ as Good Shepherd 350 (V) 138-161 AD Antoninus Pius Emperor (adopted son of Hadrian) No wars Constantine Santa Constanza 351 (R) 161 -180 AD Marcus Aurelius Emperor 306-337 Metalwork Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus (359) (V)

Sarcophagus Woman Sacrificing at Altar – Ivory 400 (V&A) LATE EMPIRE Sons of Ambulatory Suicide of Judas - Ivory Box 420 (BM) 249-251 AD Trajan Decius Emperor Constantine to Vines – Grapes Santa Sabina 432 (R) 284-305 AD Diocletian Emperor - Christians persecuted Justinian Saints Santa Maria Maggiore: Parting of Abraham & Lot Mosaic 440 292 AD Roman Empire split - Capital moved to Milan 337-526 Christ as Shepherd 305-337 AD Constantine Emperor Mausoleums 313 AD Edict of Milan-tolerate all religious worship - Christianity legalized

324-330 AD capital of Eastern Roman Empire 337 AD Constantine I dies, succeed by 3 sons

Byzantine Mosaics Hagia Sophia 532-537 324-330 Constantinople becomes capital of Eastern Roman Empire (324 – 1453) Maze-like design Just &Theo Mosaics in San Vitale 337 Constantine I dies, succeed by 3 sons Ivory 350 Constantius II left sole surviving emperor Early Byzantine Icons 361 Julian Emperor (cousin of Constantius) 324-726 Gold St. Michael – Ivory Cover 520 (BM) 395 outlaws all non-Catholic religions Domes, Pendentives 550. (L) (Justinian as world conqueror) 407 Visigoths & Germanic tribes enter Roman Gaul Middle Church & State United 410 Visigoths sacks Rome Byzantine Justinian & Theodora 455 sack Rome, capture Sicily, Sardinia 843-1204 Book of Kells 800 476 Rome falls 493 Ravenna Capital of Kingdom Late Byzantine 527-565 Justinian & Theodora rule – Ravenna is Byzantine Capital 1261-1453 532-537 Hagia Sofia 726-843 Iconoclasm Controversy - Leo III bans & destroys Divine Art 610 Birth of Islam 632-732 Muslim Conquests 843 Theodora repeals iconoclasm 1204 Crusaders sack Constantinople 1453 Ottoman Turks capture Constantinople

Early Medieval Medieval Books Lindesfarne Gospels – Illuminated 698-721 410-476 Fall of Rome (410-1024) Illuminated Books St. Michaels Hildesheim Doors - Bronze 529 St. Benedictine Order Warrior Lords Church Towers introduced Coronation Gospels - Charlemagne 711 Muslim conquest of Spain 410-768 Link between Sacred & Art 768-814 Charlemagne Hidden Symbolism 800 Charlemagne Crowned Emperor of Rome (Leo III) Hiberno-Saxon Vellum & Tempura Purse 625 (BM) Carolignian Scribes Equestrian Statue of Charlemagne 850 (L) 768-919 Interlacing (Charles the Bald Ottonian Patronage 919-1024

Romanesque Pilgrimages St. Sernin, Toulouse – Christ in Majesty 1050-1057 793-1066 Viking Raids – Land in Britain (1000-1200) Large Stone Work Durham Cathedral 1050-1057 Saint sernin Toulouse Gothic Tympanum Chartres 1145 – Fire 1194 1066 William the Conqueror -Battle of Hastings (1066) (1140-1500) Celtic Art - Carolingian Giotto 1088-1130 Cluny Church Romanesque - Gothic 1095–1204 Crusades I–IV Middle Ages Humanism - Naturalism Notre Dame 1163-1200 (P) 1099 Conquest of Jerusalem (500–1400) Monasteries - Reliquaries Virgin of Jeanne d’Evereux – Reliquary 1339(L) 1140 Saint Denis Late Medieval Narrative 1145 Chartres Started Italy Rose Windows 1163 Notre Dame started (1200-1400) Virgin & Child Theme 1194 Chartres fire Late Medieval Altar Pieces 1226-1270 Louis IX (St. Louis) Reign Northern Europe Perspective 1337–1453 Hundred Years' War (1385-1500) Personal Devotion 1347–1351 Black Death 1378 Great Schism (Avignon – Rome)

Early and High Rebirth of classical culture Ghiberti's Doors 1447 Gutenberg invents movable type Iconography Brunelleschi Durer 1453 Turks conquer Constantinople (1400–1550) Chiaroscuro Alberti Masaccio Bernini 1492 Columbus lands in New World Donatello Botticelli 1509-1547 Henry VIII Atmospheric Perspective Leonardo Michelangelo 1517 Martin Luther starts Reformation Great detail Titian 1533 Henry VIII forms Church of England High & Late Private Altars Van Eyck Holbein 1543 Copernicus proves Earth revolves around Sun Renaissance Oil on wood Bosch Bellini 1545–1563 Council of Trent, Counter-Reformation (1495-1600) Theme Jan van Eyck (Ghent) Civic Pride Rogier van der Weyden Harmony in design Campin (Merode Altar) Frescos – Ceilings Focus on Mary Man in Red Turban - Jan Van Eyck 1433(NG) Giovanni Arnolfini & Wife – Van Eyck 1434(NG) Battle of San Romano – Ucello 1455(NG) of the Rocks – 1483 (L) Tiempetto - Bramante 1502(R) – Da Vinci 1505 (L) Cartoon/Madonna – Da Vinci 1507(NG) Renaissance spreads School of Athens – Raphael 1511 (V) Venetian and northward to Europe Pastoral Symphony – Titian 1511 (L) Northern Female Nude Melancola I - Durer 1514(V&A) Renaissance Tempura on Canvas Money Changer & His Wife – Massys 1514 (L) (1430–1550) Greek Mythology Bound Slave – Michelangelo 1516 (L) Symbolism Meeting of /Ariadne - Titian 1523(NG) Private Commissions The French Ambassadors - Holbein 1533(NG) Rich Color Sistine – Michelangelo 1541 (V) Pastoral Scenes Pieta – Michelangelo 1500 (V) Large Canvas St. Peters 1564 (V) Classic Body Types St. Peters Dome 1590(V) Vitruvian Theory St. Peters Façade 1612(V) Science Baldacino - Bernini 1633 (V) Protestant Reformation Piazza Bernini 1667 (V) Fuse Classical/Christian Woodcut, Engraving

Mannerism Breaks the rules Tintoretto 1520–1522 Magellan circumnavigates globe (1520–1600) Artifice over nature El Greco Cellini

Baroque Emotion & Drama Rubens Bernini Rembrandt Caravaggio 1558-1603 Elizabeth I Reign (1600–1750) Tension, Passion Versailles Velazquez 1589-1610 Henry IV Theatricality 1610-1643 Louis XIII Painterly Calling of St. Matthew – Caravaggio 1601 (R) 1618–1648 Thirty Years' War: Catholics vs Protestants Narrative Complexity San Luigi dei Francesi – Contarelli Chapel 1643-1715 Louis XIV (Sun King) Reign Divine Things Conversion of St. Paul – Caravaggio 1601 (R) Battles, Heroic Actions Santa Maria del Popolo - Cerasi Chapel Tenabrism, Light Source Water Carrier of Seville – Velasquez 1619(V&A) Grand Manner – Bernini 1623 (GB) Splendor/flourish for God Arrival of Marie de Medici – Rubens 1625(L) Conversion Main Theme Charles I Dismounted – Van Dyck 1635(L) Art as a weapon in the Family of Country People – Le Nain 1640(L) religious wars San Carlo alle Quatre Fontane - Borromini 1641 (R) Chapel of St. Ivo – Borromini 1642 (R) Adoration of the Shepherds Delatour 1650(L) Ecstasy of St. Teresa - Bernini 1652 (R Santa Maria della Vittoria – Cornaro Chapel – Poussin 1655 (L) Louis XIV – Rigaud 1701 (L)

Rococo Grand Manner Pilgrimage to Cythera – Watteau 1717 (L) 1682-1789 Versailles (1700-1800) Fete Galante - Chardin 1740 (L) 1715-1774 Louis XV Royal Academy Breakfast Scene - Hogarth 1745(NG) 1774-1792 Louis XVI - Marie Antoinette Nature, Love Village Bride – Greuze 1761 (L) 1789 Revolution Lord Heathfield – Reynolds 1787(NG)

Neoclassical Enlightenment Oath of the Horathii – David 1784 (L) 1760–1850 Industrial Revolution (1750–1850) History Painting Pantheon 1792 (P) Greco-Roman grandeur

Romanticism Imagination & individuality Delacroix Gericault David Ingres Turner 1775–1783 American Revolution (1780–1850) Exotic 1789–1799 French Revolution Realism at the Plague House at Jaffa 1804 (L) 1803 1814 Napoleon Bonepart crowned emperor of Feeling Coronation of Napoleon -David 1808 (L) 1807 Britain passes Abolition Act (Slavery Outlawed) Passion over Reason Burial of Atala – Girodat 1808 (L) 1812 Luddites destroy Power Looms Irrational Pauline Borghese as Venus – Canova 1808 (GB) 1815 Defeat of Napoleon, Monarchy restored New Truths Grand Odalisque – Ingres 1814(L) 1824-1830 Charles X Uprising revolution Personal Level Raft of the - Gericault 1819 (L) 1837-1901 Victoria Reign The Sublime The Haywain - Constable1821 (NG) Apotheosis of Homer - Ingres 1827 (L) Death of Sardanapalus – Delacroix 1827 (L) Liberty Leading the People -Delacroix 1830 (L) Tiger Hunt - Delacroix 1854 (MDO)

Realism Celebrating working class Corot Daumier 1848 European democratic revolutions (1848–1900) and peasants En Plein Air Burial at Ormans – Courbet 1849 (MDO) Rustic Painting The Gleaners - Millet 1857 (MDO) Industrial Revolution Olympia - Monet 1863 (MDO) Avant Garde Le Dejeuner - Manet 1863 (MDO)

Impressionism Spontaneous Manet Monet Renolir Degas Cassatt 1870–1871 Franco-Prussian War (1865–1885) Capturing fleeting effects 1871 Unification of Germany of natural light Impression: Sunrise – Monet 1872 (MM) New is born Le Moulin de la Galette - Renoir 1876 (MDO) Boulevards Saint Lazare - Monet 1877 (MDO) Spontaneou The Tub – Degas 1886(MDO)

Post- Soft revolt against Van Gogh Gauguin Belle Époque, 19th century Golden Age Impressionism Impressionism Cézanne Seurat Rodin 1905 Japan defeats Russia Symbolism (1885–1910) Gates of Hell - Rodin 1900(RM)

Fauvism and Fauvism - Harsh colors Matisse Kirchner 1900 Boxer Rebellion in China Expressionism and flat surfaces Kandinsky 1914–1918 World War (1900–1935) Emotion distorting form

Cubism Pre & Post World War I Picasso Braque 1917 Russian Revolution Futurism art experiments Leger Boccioni 1920 American women franchised Supremativism New forms to express Severini Constructivism modern life (1905–1920)

Dada and Ridiculous art Duchamp Dalí Disillusionment after World War I Irrational Ernst Kahlo 1929–1938 The Great Depression (1917–1950) Painting dreams 1939–1945 World War II, Nazi horrors Exploring the unconscious 1945 Atomic bombs dropped on Japan Freud Discovery

Abstract Post–World War II Gorky Pollock 1965 Cold War & Vietnam War Expressionism Pure abstraction and de Kooning Rothko 1956 U.S.S.R. suppresses Hungarian revolt (1940s–1950s) and expression without form Warhol Lichtenstein 1968 Czechoslovakian revolt Pop Art (1960s) Pop art / consumerism

Post Art without a center Gerhard Richter Cindy Sherman Nuclear freeze movement Deconstructivism Rework/Mix past styles Anselm Kiefer Frank Gehry Cold War fizzles (1970– ) Idea of Change 1989–1991 Communism collapse - Eastern Europe USSR