Author: , Number of Pages: 208 pages Published Date: 11 Sep 2014 Publisher: Rebellion Publication Country: Oxford, United Kingdom Language: English ISBN: 9781781082591


Contact us. My Library. Affiliate System. How to Sell on DriveThruComics. Create Content for your Favorite Games. About Us. Privacy Policy. Our Latest Newsletter. Product Reviews. As the droids , Mongrol, Joe Pineapples, Deadlock and Blackblood all relate their memories of the war, old mysteries are revealed and ancient grudges are rekindled! Warriors epic! Date This week Last week Past month 2 months 3 months 6 months 1 year 2 years Pre Pre Pre Pre Pre s s s s s s Search Advanced. Issue ST. There are serious postal delays due to the coronavirus and the build up to Christmas. The Volgan War volumes 01 and 02 are available as individual collections, as are volumes 03 and 04, to be combined for Mek Files 05 at some later stage. The Slings and Arrows Graphic Novel Guide doesn't care where you've been, where you're going or where you're located. Mars, the far future. War droids created for a conflict that ended centuries ago, the A. Warriors are resistant to Atomic, Bacterial and Chemical …. This hardback collection continues the new series collecting up the complete ABC Warriors stores in a highly collectible hardback format. But when Bedlam's son is murdered by the ranchers, he leads his tribe into an attack. Since the ranchers are armed, it seems like a slaughter — but Deadlock and Blackblood had secretly infiltrated the ranchers' camp, disarming their guns. Without their weapons, the ranchers are helpless against the ferocity of the Cyboon attack, and after suffering heavy losses are quick to surrender and leave the Cyboons in peace. Called to deal with a ruthless biker gang terrorising Viking City, the Warriors seem to have an easy victory — until the frightened, fleeing bikers die almost instantly from a hideous -rotting disease. The disease is native to Mars, and triggered by fear. Tracking the disease to its source, the Warriors find a young boy near a car containing the rotting corpses of his parents. Hammerstein is afraid that the boy will see their bodies, become frightened and die himself — and the disease begins to affect even his metal body. Deadlock reveals that the 'boy' actually is a manifestation of the Red Death, Mars itself trying to drive away the human settlers. Hammerstein kills the fake child, and the menace is over — for now. A popular pastime among the ultra-rich youth of Mars is hunting — but instead of animals, they hunt people, while riding on the backs of genetically recreated Tyrannosaurs. The most feared of the dinosaurs is Golgotha, son of Satanus the monstrous T-Rex that appeared during the 'Cursed Earth' storyline of , who himself was the son of 'Old One Eye' from another AD series, Flesh , and his sheer bloodlust allows him to overcome the control device meant to keep him in check and escape from the compound, leaving carnage in his wake. The Warriors arrive to hunt down the rogue dinosaur — and also to administer justice on Golgotha's owner. For his part in multiple murders, the sentence is death, which is duly carried out. However, the youth's father swears revenge on Hammerstein, and pays Blackblood to betray him. Tracking Golgotha to the city, Hammerstein prepares to kill the dinosaur, but his guns fail to fire and he is attacked. The robot is not defenceless, however, and uses his combat hammer to smash the dinosaur's skull. Mortally wounded, Golgotha plummets from a flyover and is impaled on a spire below. Hammerstein has no proof that Blackblood sabotaged his guns — but delivers a beating as a warning that if he ever suspects treachery again, he will kill him. Features George, a giant, clumsy robot with five brains which disagree with each other. At the close of the story the liquid-metal Mess becomes the living metal 'blood' linking George's brains to create a more cohesive robot. The Warriors are hired by a farm owner to protect her land and workers from unknown attackers. During their tenure they establish that the attackers are Martian natives, angry at the farmers smallholding and intrusion on their planet. At the end of the story the farmer is missing, presumed killed, and Hammerstein buries a dead native discovered when searching for the farmer. Sent by Nemesis to stabilise the artificial black and white holes that allow interstellar travel and enabled the Terran Empire to conquer the galaxy before they collide and destroy Earth, the Warriors pick up a new member — Terri. Although human, she has been raised by the robots and androids guarding the black hole complex — the Mekaniks — and considers herself to be a robot, and Hammerstein to be her true love. Deadlock also returns to rejoin the Warriors, though Hammerstein is suspicious of his motives — the follower of Khaos has more to gain from Earth's destruction than its salvation. As well as the Mekaniks, the Warriors must also face the soldiers of the Empire of this time period, led by the robot-hating Major Savard, as well as the ultimate evil — the Monad which originally appeared in , a psychic monster formed from the distillation of all human evil that is able to take on any form. The Warriors eventually fight their way to the control room, deep inside the tomb of Emperor Zallin, where Deadlock, Blackblood and Mek-Quake come under attack from automated defence systems. Hammerstein realises the truth — the defence systems scan robots to ensure that they are there to protect the tomb, and the three robots have been working to sabotage the mission and ensure Earth is destroyed. Hammerstein, Joe, Mongrol and Terri take on the renegades, but an unwilling truce is forced when Savard's troops — and the Monad, disguised in the form of Abaddon , an alien bounty hunter — attack. Deadlock uses his dark powers to reach the control room and stabilise the black and white holes, but not before the destruction wrought by the impending collision causes the death of Terri. Deadlock then draws upon the centuries of horror and bloodshed the Warriors have experienced to create a psychic warrior powerful enough to defeat — but not destroy — the Monad. The Warriors then escape by stealing Zallin's tombship, taking the blame for the devastation and now the most wanted robots in the galaxy. On a mission to infect the Terran Empire with Khaos, Deadlock leads the ABC Warriors to the planet Hekate; here, they will kill seven figures of Order and harvest their heads as part of a ritual. As well as recruiting a new seventh member in Morrigun, the existing Warriors were altered by such close exposure to Khaos magick. Blackblood was able to become more vicious again, Joe was operated on to embrace cross-dressing, Mongrol became a true beast and even Hammerstein was influenced. The Warriors undertake six assassinations in the run up to the lunar alignment known as the Night of the Blood Moon, as well as encountering the bizarre alien lifeforms on this world — the primal and Khaotic Night Mara, the Froyds who wander around at night acting out their brutal dreams, and the Phookas who vomit on people as a compliment. In the final battle went up against the Terran Imperial Rottweilers battalion and the reanimated Emperor Zalin. They succeeded in the end, bringing Khaos to the world and a month-long party and causing it to spread throughout the Empire. Due to its influence, the Warriors refused to follow Deadlock's orders — fully embracing Khaos in the process — and Deadlock returned to his Kollege with Ro-Jaws. Ten years have passed since the 'Hekate' mission, and the Terran Empire's control has crumbled as a result. The Warriors have gone their separate ways, but assemble once more when the Terrans unveil a new super-weapon designed to undo the Warriors' tide of Khaos — the Hellbringer. The 'Third Element' saga was a story arc made up of five three-part stories. Medusa, the ancient planetary consciousness of Mars, has awoken, and by various means is attempting to purge the planet of the human colonists who are terraforming her. A short one-off 'bridge' story in the special 'Prog ' issue, to re-introduce the Warriors for the new century. Zombie bikers are terrorising the Martian highways, and only the Warriors can defeat them. The Warriors intervene when Terran Biohazard troops attempt to ethnically cleanse the population of a Martian ghetto. Morrigun is destroyed in combat, and Mongrol's original personality is rebooted when the Warriors are forced to relocate their brains into new bodies during the battle, turning him from a growling simpleton to a tough-talking, cigar-smoking soldier. The Warriors arrive at the Martian town of Redemption to investigate the disappearance of its inhabitants. They are ambushed by cloned copies of the humans, which turn into hideous mutants as they strike. An army of Medusa's clones emerge from the town's church, using its bell to create massive sonic vibrations that threaten to destroy the Warriors' brains and literally shake their bodies apart. However, Mek-Quake is immune thanks to the small size of his brain and loads up his killdozer body with explosives, ploughing into the church and blowing it — and the clones — to pieces just after he bails out in his secondary body. Does this pass the Bechdel test? Positive minority portrayal? Categories: Science-Fiction. Tony Kenny rated it did not like it Dec 07, Wolfric rated it it was amazing Jan 23, Rob Maher rated it it was amazing Apr 08, James rated it it was amazing Mar 10, Alfaxman rated it liked it Jun 01, Paul Wind rated it it was amazing Sep 11, A P Corrigan rated it it was amazing Sep 11, James rated it liked it Aug 29, Yes, he might have been reprogrammed, but the glee he takes in telling his tale of execution and deception is pure malice. And as for that replacement? So with these individual tales of the Warriors and the , everything connects, everything slowly but surely comes together. The tales of the past feed into the future, the common mek-thread keeps appearing like the proverbial bad penny.