Springfield, Millburn Join in Memorial Day Parade
COMPLETE OVERSiOOO— Coverage in News and People in Springfield Circulation - - - Read 1 It liTtbe Sun Read the Sun Each Week vni yyiii,KJn: 79 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER • ' SPRINGFIELD, N7"Jr,~ THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1948 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER . DOHOUGll OF MOUNTAINSIDE TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD 6c A COPY, $2.50 BY THE YEAR Full Principal Well Known Bike Rider DiesSchool Aid Tax LISTEN^ WFirsi'mFatarAccident Springfield, Millburn Join Haymond B" Puterbaugh, 33 Dengler. Death was attributed, to For Chisholm years old, of 52 Hudson, street, a fractured skull. For Springfield East- Orange, promlnont amateur Wllliam-H-0'Hern7-23~-of-E«st In Memorial Day Parade bicyclist and president of the Hanover, driver of the auto, ww Olympic Bicycle Roller Club, was arraigned . after the accident be- Totals $10,733 I School Urged instantly killed Sunday at 10 a. m., fore Recorder Spinning on a MUMPS EPIDEMIC Veterans, Scouts, Others to when hi» bicycle swerved into the charge of causing death, with a HERE IN APRIL rear end of an auto on Mountain motors-vehicle. Patrolman Nelson 'avenue, 800-feet south of Shunpike Stiles was the complainant. He Springfield passed through Need Stressed in Taxpayers Saved an epidemic stage of mumps Take Part in Ceremonies ~road;—- \ :• •--•-,—- . pleaded/not guilty and • was re- during April, according to_a Puterbaugh was taken to Over- le"o»ed ~fn—$500— bond for Grand iPlans are.nearing-completion for the annual Spring- Recommendation Large. Sum by report submitted-to-the.-Board look Hospital, Summit, in the Jury action. _..•.•• field-Millburn Memorial Day parade to be held Monday, May -of Health last night by Robert 31, All local participating units will assemble in the area of To Local Board township ambulance by Patrol- First PtttalHy This Year Cigarette Levy D.
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