The Speech of Ayrshire in the J V . , ,. Time of Burns
222 223 to certain rules, as, that Scots may have a for Eng. e or o where a w, wh, or other consonant sounded with the lips, b, p, f, v, m, precedes or follows ; hence wat, wet; twall, twelve ; fallow, fellow ; whatstane, whetstone ; drap, drop ; Tammas, Thomas ; The Speech of Ayrshire in the wast, west ; pat, pot; aff, off; apen, open ; Rabert, Robert, of which the last two are no longer heard in Ayrshire, though Rab J V . , ,. Time of Burns , survives. Again, because of a different development of the original Anglo- .uib;-. 1!^! .!h BY DAVID D. MTJRISON, M.A., B.A. .i-,: la Saxon vowels in Soots and English, we get correspondences like snaw, snow ; shaw, show ; Tiane, none ; harm, home ; taes, toes ; The subject of 18th century Ayrshire speech is a somewhat saul, soul; lang, long ; tangs, tongs ; stibble, stubble ; simmer, more complex one than might appear at first sight in view of the summer ; rin, run ; nits, nuts ; hinny, honey. Simson notices fairly large corpus of material that has been preserved in the works too that the pronoun I unstressed is pronounced A. of Burns and his local contemporaiies, like David Sillar, Alexander What is technically called the lowering of i, characteristic of Tait, James Fisher, John Lapraik and a good many others. We all Scots dialects, occurs in ruck, rick; grunstane, grindstone ; have firstly to remember that almost nothing in Ayrshire dialect opunion, opinion. This last example of Simson's is rather surprising had been recorded in that century till 1786 when the Kilmarnock in view of the regular and still prevailing pronunciation opeenion edition appeared.
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