i I THE WESTF'IELD LEADER The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly News�pe,r in Union County

rwF.NTY-FIFTH VF.AH No 4:1. WUTJ'mLD,- NBW JBRBBY, WBDNUDAY, JULY U, 19111. TERRIFIC STORM LIVELy WEEK ON--�EMOCRATS HOLD-·· PLAYGROUND HARMONY NN I HUNDREDS WITNESS HITS WESTFIELD THE DI ER NIGHT TENNIS· Entire Buslneas Stotlon Flooded New Feat urea Being Steadily Weatfleld Well Re,reaented At Stoond TournamentatWettfleld .. Cellars Filled and •uoll Added and Interest of Child· Banquet Held In Elizabeth Golf Club Draws People From Damage Done · ren Contlnuea to Groa Latt Thursday Evening Entire Country


A llttll' aftPr o'clock laat evl'nlnl advloabllll7 tti The rourto We1tfteld 5 All doubt ao to the of f:x-l'on��:reooman W. K Tu of tennla or the OAe the "·orot atormo of In the hto­ baYing a Play1round earh aummer tblo town. wu the honor IUMI <',at a Golf Club preeented a gala aopert on tory ol thlo _.lion or the rountry hit August First In Weotfteld Ia n,ow dlulpated, tor a banquPt glvtm In St. Mlrhoel'o lhll. Monday evenln1 whom th" openln��: is almost here. Why not start the new month right Weatl\eld and for over on hour the l round of the tennl• rain and hall did dama11e to tbe ml!re mention of abandonlnl thla fea- In P.llaabeth. ut Thuroday eVPnlng. �nd by putting aside a part of your earnings? Treat tourna atl'eeta and that will take ture of our town advanta1e1 WO'lld The dlnn ..r wao planned and exe· ment waa bllan m ter T. uo halrman "'' aa could wlabed lor, but thla - He<'tlon ancl hf'TP all the W<'tlti\Pid lo reapiDI bll dlvldenda Vernor t- � In lnwtaru·PR the "0110 t comm Itt Go did DOt -em to dampen the anthill- Aaets Over Ole Nilliel I were tloodPd Rnd snnH• from Ita Pl171round Jnve1tment and Y ee; GU\RPIAM the Fielder, F ormer StatH !lf!na- laam or cau�e any or the entrant• t o main flonrM of thf• f"ton•K wf•n• th"' parento of theM children ohould llnlled UhdPr lt•RMt Jr., at 1\11 inch of WRtf>r ,.,,..,,..,rote, In every po11lble way, tor Jam• Bmlth, Con1re11man drop out. thooe In cbar11e, to- that all "'lth Edward W. Townoend, State Choir- Cbalrman Smith, of the Tennlo are rare!ully lived up to. O �te ' S t Sec- ommitt , to whom a r11e ohare of rult>tJ man Edward roe ul . ta e C e<> to. �·urthermore, tbey uld 0<'\'aalonal- du<'. Columbia Building and obo the crtdlt lor tbe tournament lo Associatiol retar7 Thomu F. Martin. Uanklnl Lou ly vlolt tbe 1round1 while tbe chll- !C lo on band conotantly with hlo a•� and ln uran . OeorKe OF N. •ltPn are at play, lor tbey would eure- a ce Commlaelon<'r llltanta and PvPry part of the pro· ELIZABETH, J. Jy catch the eplrlt or demoe�ae7 and M. LaMonte, State CQmptroller Ed- al'llDI 11 working out to the \oy a I. te fatrp which tbe youn11tero � ward Edwardo, Congreooman John tae . do.lly bavln1 drilled Into tb4ml. J. City CouniPI Jao. T-nty-1\ve teame, 1\lty p\ayProQue<>u'• Tbe tb o l!:&&an, Former In !\rat aeddelll of l a re-.1 oe - R · ll f ri all, ar"' "ntPred In the tournlment. Money Loaned on Nu ent, Newark; She oon occurred late laet weell, w en lit- o Tbla lumber exceeds Jut year'• en- i Alle K or u ene lnll d or HudllOn; or mer t e e elly, Flret atreet, broke l!: ��; K eo , F try lil b If t by o teen playero, and 1.e11_ httr a m whlkl at play on one of the con1r-man William Tuttle, \:nl- r h recent. memhPrahlp In oeveral addlt· ted tat E. to;eter I1ddera. Thlo occident wao El etJ Senator Jamea Martine, tonal cluba. Water entirely tbe reoult of an Infraction Commloaloner L.E. J. Tonnele, First Mortgage at Plqera al'e Phtered !rom PlolnH•Icl. or tbe ruleo, the cblldren baVIDI Prealdent or City Council Edward Nu­ Weotfleld, Fanwood. Cranford, Ellta­ boen ur1ed juet a lew moment1 pre- lfnt, Chanrery Court Clerk Robert Sfh H. betb, llutherford, Sewaren, Rahway. Columbia is sse s vloue not to dlomount from tbelr end MrAdama, Aul1tant &.cntary or The years t of Brooklyn, South Oran11e and Me­ or. the t.,..ter ladder without 1\rot Stole Wllllllm I.. Dill, Judr;e Jame• Next lllt'etinK night Tuesday, july �o nt tuebell. notlfylnll their portoer thot they are C. Connolly, General Dennin F. Col- 1ofilJ oldStreet, and Elizabeth,has a jlo,u,;14.�1. At North and Lenoll a-.-nuN ond Po•tmuter P. Rooms Broad about to do Mlaa Carroll, the lin• and Ryon. Only two couplea are entered from Central ovenue tbe water d p ao. dub. j.Jo, · 1111 ee S pe oo , u r to Dr. The 1\ret opeoller of eve the home whll• the Weotfteld • u rvl r h rried tbe hlld the nhlR that for a <'ouple o! houra trallcl hod q y entered tean11. ., For further inlonnallon N, J. Newman, who ulrll\ eet the bone, w ao Governor Fielder, wboJ. predicted Tennl1 Club hila olx to be aulpended, here the water play probably cootlnut• -.iu after whleh the eblld wa1 taken borne brlll;ht day1 aheod lor the \l�m,...atlr The w\11 un­ luted until a late hour. HE R BERT ll. WELCH and made a1 comfortable a1 poulble. party. He comt•llmented the toast- til tbe middle or n"•t weell, tour At Elm otreet and Sinclair plare eech From Jut IIC!COU.Dta tbe little llrl maoter lor hlo eneriJy and the l'f!l­ matellile will be played Dl1Jhl, ltepresentative Uirector a water wa 10 deep that It wao be t1n1 t e or weather permltt1n1. will b-.cll on tbe p\ay1round lor o1 t her 10 many or the State hzapolllble to operate trolley caro •'nd lt one acheduled 114 E. Broad Street Weltflela.N. •- renuoul play, before m any Democratic leaden at lllble. He Tb4 ,teamo to play lui Local and J, ee.ra were otal\ed lor I wo bouro. · tbe •d ultimately will be aa 1100d epolle or the e;J.CeUent worll that ll�epootponed In conolderatlon 1'6ree !Pt>t o! w r waa "neoun ter-- aa ever. Con1reaoman Tuttle hod done at or ihe coadlllon or tbe courto. brld11e ed under tbe railroad at Weal· Mr. Beard tool! a jolly lot of the W!Jhln1ton and rhararterlaed the (Continued on Pa11e 0) lleld avenue and tbe tunnel at tbe 4a7., &a. I te older boy• on a bllle to Echo Lalle ! re of the peopl" to return him ltatlon a railroad wao out or commt.- - WaohlnKton ne Saturday, and 10 areot wae the en to •• "O r thoo .. alon, heiDI almolt filled with Wllter. CLINKS TO AID BAND The thuollum over thll trip, that tbe otranlle.. reoulta or politico," otl'd he SQmmer Many lar1e bnt.ncbea were blown predicted boy1 want to have It a weekly a!!atr thol the voters o!o l'nlon !rom treea 10/"arloua eectlona or tbe t:r blgheot lllnd or a tribute to Mr. oeoolon wblcb begin at apleodld tlon tlw \\'4H'kml'n aad llec were marooned In tbelr TO 'FRISCO BY AUTO T le In tbe and o continue utt wb\cb be uld that lor- el ae at will "'"'''""'"'•••1•er lnourf'!lAi,L ol<'l"'nllabl<' ho"uaeo. mer con1reaoman'o worll at waabln1- uotll AuiUet eth. tb� �+�:•t·,,j,·�·. uur Trolley pasoe111el'l stallel at tbe Men wao enrollment ft.' Two Weetaeld YoUDII 1-we ton only for tbe 100d of hi• con- Tbe preaent1 2: SO. IH one eorner Elm otreet and Blnclalr atltuenta and not lor any Mllloll am- hundred and rorty-el&bt. To-•�ht- at place were h ..uled -.croea tbe \nun- 111 bltlono. He oald be did not llnow puplla the 11reater number Ia com- wa1o11, o'

Timr{Phl"llriii WUTI'DILDAll " h.-Kln nn 11 Mr. l!<'ho!er wl\b bl1 wife an .. 111 tmlu.\ n,..'�' Mhlntght hf• dau�rl>tc>r Wl!?e tile t!U""to Zh•«frltl ,. .. tn111' I" Mhov• hP NPw \mJ'11Pn1nm Mr. aad Mr1. W. A. Brown, o! the · J�.tArtPd t d at ( Th atn•, .luly .ln.-Pph prf'· or LUNCHEON .. 28 l'•ltun Ill &Yellue. par·lnK thP t.null Wl!t!lt�nd llf'f"ftPr.r. Rtrt>fll. . l RN•n \n the fe.U, l wh 11 ... t'nmP tn tbw YoTk IPAC!e fnr llkRilnR lcfl ' A . B}W&J' w\\b nnrl IU\'PI ._. 6 ta., w.. ntley. & hRUP1" Okra, c. .. .. P&18 A4TerU•.• JnRPI'h Rn dah lftK ftonr and rP aurant .. Bat., 1:11- t c•tell cT•••• ...... ••• 6 to ...... Rt ..... •• ..• ... Woot Ud lt.; EYol., :10 ; Mate., ,_ .. �.. r Jl•t,..,.... •• c• • c.,. . _ Ro•rta. tie •t.: 1 . 8hUbl'rf production• Jn other • c...... "- 1:10 "Twln De de." 01 It lt cttl••· •• Oeor•e Olin• Woet a aanounoett that UMrt,., U· - • Ill BICI.IIHIIJ:I L•• Uth It, Wollt _.. a f""'e Mot�I·C•mpbell· p...... Q...,. ��.or.'i:!: �:=�-...Colen .. ne, ol .,_..; bJ Thi1 Ju•th' famou11 hnu•t' nf 11\lll! •·mr (W'.elel- ....••u.,. lllvoo . . Mate., W.._ ..rla.er, tried out In l'hlladelphla In hM . ._..... 1:10; A ..L, yaudeviU• hAl ai{Ain H .-plt>ndht ...... ·--·"·· ...... -"A Full HouM." the aprtn•. wiU open It• Naaon In hill IHal...... for thll WeP _,H ._ ...... l!llll.ct.... Chlea•o ; "Maid In Am•rl('•" wtll te· k whlrh fnrltJdEPR A�·"'!'l'" l ...... - .. IsH CIR)'ton, ...... ted .... tor Ah,.t•htln u ...llrl ..laWCe, c•lell d l!lno., ... eat.. m-.ln tn Chlcaw;o untl\ fall, tht-n •'•'n• h)' r , l'an••t_ 1:11; -Y., W II Rnd the CJaytnn ...... -"Nob...., on tour "ToniKht'• the Nlttht'' will lw u ; r l"tl J.#•/lrl. J•l17, ... , ... ·- lfoiJia," , .... - so-r. ; with Cl"o Marft l <•n., "RnnKII SFECIAL LUICIEOI ( o t) a . Men throu.hout the country; 8lr • d 6 of t II'' hnM lathe ,_ �.....-.·-tiN lit.;lslt .... . Momf"nt;" .lohn H.vam• and lAIIJn �==�.,::.��;;� ::: aD4 Johnltonft Forhe1·Rohert1on wlll ftnl1h .\h·· VI!IGIC'I'ABLICI ht., 1:10- Intyre, Jn ''The (Juakf're11;" .. P.tat- h\1 f&r.,wt�>U tour In t11rrltory Dot y•t 1'rlll:l1• PALR IEITAUJtA.NT .... M Jn "f'ou,u f'tlly-u-fltt•·• " ...... Pet•t... wltll•••• a:.w . Frl•anla 11',.•• ·"ZI coYerfld; .Bflk BtockfnK•" will on l I• CrN• ...... B'w&r Uth lt.; EYoo. 1; w r lfO Bankoft' .. Olrlll!; ... ttH• VICTROLA It•"•• • • '1 1:&•: JilaU.!Na"':'.:!'6 1:1 \our; Loula Mann wUl tour ln .. The t nock•ta.dPr (IALADI Mat& PallJ, at 1-Vaudewlllo. world famou11 c()mf'•IIRn: B�rt · IA ' Bubblt>;" Marlf" Dr•••lf'r wtll a en And R••t P"our; FIMl­ WJIIaaoll llaat tn "A be .. tl• \\�h•eh•r: R•11•·nt th• Clal...... lit., ot M'l1.-{l1•:" "'TrUby" will tour an C ' (CII•'-1 ll 75 ENTS d latlona 8R.moan NnTWh. Odlva anti . r . a r AJ111Ie P.48TIIV ' ••oa.. I:H; llat&, .. &., IsH CUftnn r wfo d out with "Thf' t _. C wUI «O 8ea Llon11, In 11.n ••xhlhltlon of tnn�·r Pt. tr•wMrr,. Pte ... " ...... I P a•an t Otrl." Frem11:30 to 1:30 P. fl. ...,aoae11 dtlt ••aJI rtiYtn,.-. •wlmmln . At th,. twn t••· '­ p,...... ,...... _...., ar V.rnma. Trfontlnl wUI be Hen tn R n•w HI' l OFFER .. , .. .. e . •••.. ('•""or •Ilk B' W.._ trn·man('PB �tl ••monath'l \1 . T , c .. . r._. .. J;.,:r.,t:··.��:,•·;., op�ra, WUUAm FaYer•ham In a new t\alh'. . •1\atl'\hu­ :f/.�·· 8at.-"The ' tt�d throuah thP audl•tu.·tt fr,.,. nf T play Rnd \Valker \Vhtte•lde In "A lla•· . w . .. lttla lt.; ...... char•• The No. VIII KPd M• ••n••r." · ('HAll, ll'aOH.AII'W IIA.Iil Nttw comedte• wUl "Th� 8tranaf" be • • • 8oarrJPr," b)' Thoma1. and ''Oh! 0...._111•• le 1,••• P.rlr.. EIT.ULIIHID YEAII Tf) Bill PllllaPWl'l'tTA'I'fiiD, A. li:. Jam�•."' by 9yf'on OnKter. of the (')PVf!rf•lltt PXh(hftfofllll {)ptp uf .. 1 .. a.t••• Other mu1tcal production• wltl Hf b� &Jlei{Pll lfi nnd lllll(hf. tt')('l)llthlt• ""' ,._.,..,. •- m• "Thf.'

.::� I Ill'' L:UDIR, WliDNZIDAY, JV'LY 1&,

Chrletlan P'rltl and d&U!!hter, W. 1811. Mra. J. HeJWOrth, of Albany, N. FRATERNAL C�LENDAR cond otrf'l!t, left on Y .. 11 vl lt1n1 her IIIIer. ra. ('harl•• nf Se M Monday for Oakland, Call. Mr. P'rlta Or•11ory, of North aven n <>. will remain In California thref' F:d�tar Harrison and �; ll•ai>Pth. a family, or Odd el o a Hall·- mnnths, vl•ltlnl! the l'anama-Parlftr w I Sprur" •tr.. et, are "nJoyln��; a varatlon P' ' li:xpoaltlon. C'ompanlon--··• �'�-· ond Vle1n, Ra r, FMit In t h Porono Mountaloo. Court, Lady P'of"'ten...... Thd Noack, Jr. haa rttar lin C&p!Hir and " yonn1 woman l.oyal Aoooclatlon. going on P'rlday nl11ht, of which commuter referred to the lnapector with In- aed n.,. f rom Rou Cotton markPt llllld tn from Star of Wf'lttt..ld Cn l h 1M' 1 ba�k to the bo vloltlna relathet! In New York. Newark. They made the trlt• unr l , aul( ­ l.el1h Pt!Brnll'o war. Harold Weleb waa the ll'ader. The to repqrt ard Tl Geo. Rork lf to Conoec�Ueut bJ automobile and t•r• of Amf'rlca after an IDYelttgatlon. l e opent the week..,oG . up­ . now on In Weatleld folb want mor" of The �•cation periOd Ia 'em, In Booton vtewln aeveral automob e arrtvln11 at a park near Ford ham I Hllrolltl, tiBJ' we. Adam H. Miller, of l.ocuot llYt!nue, 111 il on Ma n H all - earoeat and Ia makln1 big lntoado 1 o 110 k ra ea. they w u d th r lunch. rorm"r W e entertalniDI! hla brother, Jobn A. r l eat et OD the eommutl'r travel. Commut"r arr n nd Mr P'rank eller n P - TheJ ha« the eatablw u Atlao l.odll"· P'. A. M. Iller, of l..oulntlle, Ky., for a f w Mr. a a. M u t r laid o In & the LeaTJ, formeriJ of Clark atreet, aoll plrnl� faablon aad Court Provident, I. P'. Ralph noort Ia baek on l weeka. taiMd Kath rloe Ellta, of Brook- tbOPOUibiJ o. v .. DO at r the en Joyln11 themMI'J81l "'"rtl after IODI W ap banKer to rlatbuah, I• n, ut week. wh n tb• DO­ !.oral Ord"r of MooaP. lame old Job yacatlon. • P'. Geo. B«ker, a former ree tdt!nt of ly J · • fond and happy father of a bouociDI! e e tired an auto t You re looklnl! better, Ralph, Kit air Ml Mar&aret Kanra, of N<'w and •otoreJele M�mllll Weatleld Concla�e Order of lh•p­ ' tbla place, Ia �lldting relatlvH tn l8MIN ,. boy, arrived laat 'IH!ek after l towardo each othet. ,... taaopba. or mouotaloo? aMnae. York, l�nt the 'IMflk..,nd with M aa e motor­ , yeara of married hl�-. to dle- eyrl" atruck th<> automobile D. 11 y \Vllllamaon, of North enu . Oeorp Beattr•. maror of rrank Roth now emplo ed In n wh\eh Darb)' Hall- �'1. tate and upeet t he a peaee­ hurl"d the auto In the mldot of t1141 'lltollelet&h Park, and bla famiiJ baYe nine Jeraey City, having reolped hla po- M r. and Mn. W. J. Saunden, of I ful bome, Bmt er War Nortll plcnlck,.n. All In the Rtelnheart par­ Connell, Knl1bt of Co­ b •'f!D, In Wyomln 11. Pa . w"re N<'ent gueato of .. to their aummer home 00 the altlon ln New Rruoawtek. . e hnaltluo. bla ol&btl7 perambulatlooa. J,ocuet ty were In ured and wPre taken to thither. re&lme of s Mr. and Mn. F:. N. of a lludeoo . They motored r Dftrothy Watt wa1 t aken to t. the Ford ham Boopltal. Geo &e Anthon,, of lmbal reet w uteld Harki;; "'er, Taylor, Blahop and IIBJ'I K ne- J,uke'a Hoapltal, In New York, ·laat at . JODe nue, motored With hla fam t Bar - ' ADVQ,_ WbiUoci�ave -mln11I or&aniHd 11Y 0 Saturday for treatment. T he Burna, of SprurP ave- j or Y De&at few days BIIO and Geor1e Mt•... • Roa,.lle, -DOl Joa ra Club with dally meet- 8 The National P'lfe and Tlrum nu•. entPrtalned the Mloaeo AllrP and went llah n for weak NEWS AND FACTS ' I l llab. He j but IIIIa eaeh morning the ferrrboat. Corps wll hold a plrnk In Rrltz'o F'lnrf'nr<• KIPrman, of N•w llllven. AloL .uft'aooy 00 cau&ht a atrln&, all more or leu 'I'll. TIM. READ F:VF:RY PA.GE. C , "Andy" Smith eo D on Grove next Saturday. l'onn . laot week. HANCEtllllraftiUUy, TO - 'WIIItefll• llJ, . U.. he baa IM! - weak, and every& aln1le lloh either 3 . P'OR . our atreeto &I!a n following the laat DON'T . i . rod a, yardo, 3 feet ·or tochea too11. G� .t. meetln the :c 11 of Cllolll. Olad to - Harry Parker, of Clark atreet, Ia P'ORGBT TO'U well. j J'OD looking •o Andy. vaeatlonln11 at Lake T hlnpmaJI . s a III Commuter C ook wa1 eeen wbeeliDII near Lake Hobonk. Hlo brother Ed­ ward tbe baby carrla11e on Elm atreet on la wltb a partJ of young evening of the band concert. camping at Lake Placid. Papa Cook looked excoeedlngly proud Albert Gray baa been el.,...tl'dmen an ud happJ. honorary member of Hope Hoae No. the t rlre Comp&DJ, for &allan and nu•rl­ HaYe you obaerved the oeculatory ! rreettn&• of the Bride and the YoUDII torloaa ...rvt � a t the great (' a rk around 8.06 p. m. at eta- barn lire on Proap.,...t a tr t a mon h D D s79s ttoa ? the BIO. He reported by Jt'a real lovey-dovey ar- Pnvlou• lliP I'· aona to have thrown a rope to a tramjl WaDtlele. \he ee t The coatlleat thing on earth to a perch ed onIa the blaiiDII ridge pole of arn the commuter Ia a .26 ticket, out of the b and wbea tramp uaea only 14 rldea b«au.., tbe rope around bla walot, AI berot­ eally pu led blm down. Th" of tbe Intervention•7 of a three weeki' l onlytied think that happened to the tramp whleheatloo. be waa that be waa killed. How on­ There are rettlnl! to be too darn kind. We IBY tblo report Ia almoat designing this new OAKLAN D MODEL BII Y delaya In II!Oinl to the etty 'o l faiN. SIX, "32", tmoroln&a throu11h the opealn& of th" draw. It open• to let JN. the Oakland engineers have met the demand for a car tbrougb a few boata about aa bill aa Newa ,ark Bay when, oh wbeo, will thla devoid of every bit of excess weight which added nothing to noiKnce be ended ? Walter Bampaon, of Proapect otreet , la getting ready for a com­ WNI IMit the endurance of the car or the riding comfort of the passen­ blued vacation and bfalneoo trip to .. ,Kaoaaa In September. He to tblnk­ ¥01r prlattae? gers. They produced, in Model a motor car with or Inviting Al Stoll to go alon& We can furniah .. 32", · b-u• Albert doea love to 1et 10 anythinr from . '·IDIaway from dry Manhattan'• lnftuenee a viaitinr every advantageous mechanical and engineering feature found oooe In a while. to a newspaper. Commuter Jooee, of Proepect Let us estimatecard high priced cars. otreet, and Mn. Commuter 1onM have b...,o olttln& up nlghta guardlnl for you. We'll in , the allver glfta they recoelved on the 1\Jill'llDtee the oceaaloo of the celebration of their work. And well did they plan that the reault MOTOR, aix cylinder Oakland North­ � 6th aonlveroary of their marrlap. \ J r. Jonea' omre aeaoelatea I&Ye him ia a new Oakland Six at $795-the FIRST way 30-35 H. P. Weiaht 2100 pounda. ( v 10 , Mn. Jooeo two haodoome sil er real, full-aized six-cylinder car to sell at Wheelbaae 110 inchea. Body, tourina, 11 :'ll, cut glUI table pleceo and otb'r • �d•j :tent many handaom" 1lft1. leu than $1000. 5-passenaer. Rear seat 46 inches wide. Electric starting. Lighting ignition aye­ NEWARK TO CELEBRATE FINED FOR SPEEDING Model "32" posaeaaes all of the essentials tern. One man top. Complete equip­ of the moat exacting motor car service. of Huadred Newlll'tl Maa Hailed ment. I"('o mmltwe ()Rp Ofl'er There is power beyond all need. The t: yealal hJ ��tate Mqllfttloa. 1-& Five Leadlna Oakland order to ohtaln au appropriate ln..,ertor.Bef01'8 11ftor11er ia roomy, with wide seats and plenty Ia deal1n forPrilf' a city for lla1 lor tbe City of Supel'lorltlH Fraoelo Haaue, of wark, wu of lea room. Long resilient sprin�rs and Newark. New. JerBey, to ,_d In Ne he balled before Recorder SpriDI&lead car eoDD8Ctloo with the celebration of deep, 2enuine leather u holstery, to in­ Low centre of gravity with usual road Jut nealog on complaint of H. M. p tbo UOth aontver ..ry of the munlcl­ B. Bbedd, State lnapector of llotor clearance. n lUte perfect riding comfort on any road. paltcy In a d thereafter, tbe Vebleh•. ComJP.Illee of One Hundred berewltb Economy with luxury. Tbe complaint elated that H anoowulea a competition open to any 1916, on July 10tb lut drove bla ear al� Compare theae chief specifications with High speed motor with great power. , ...... ,nt of tbe Btate of New JeroeJ, North avenue at a rate exeeedln1 under the following coodltloaa: ... e any under $1000 and see the great The comfort of {oominess and balance. limit apeellleally mil• au Tile dealgn moot be executed bour. line of ten dollara wu IJP.­ advantaaea in the new OAKLAN D SIX. Great strength and light weight. and eompletely linlahed by tbe per­ U.. pooed wblcb wao promptly paid. car IOD competing blmaelf. �peed U 1. • The dealgn may conalot of a A AHRIC8TKD FOR 8PEKDINO, drawing In eoloro or of an actual llag other •pealflaatl•• or demonmatlon, 'phone or mlt u• and our demouuatlaf P• · of !.allk or buntln& of miniature olae. ll'or apeedlng a motorcycle near l deel&nl tbe at your ••nice. Al tbe muot be In tbe corner of Elmer atreet and Nol'\h baa«• ·of the jud1ee by October ht, avenue on Sunday laat, Jim Jooea, of 19 U. �� ach dealga oball be ...curely I. Plalnlleld, contributed toward the can aro wrapped. and If a drawing, oball bear town'• general expeDBel on Monday In corner a dlatln1ulohlog mark mornlo&. Joa1111 wao arrU1111ted bJ Of­ or .,ymbol. and If a miniature ftag, lleer Howarth and was arrai aball bave aftlxed tbereto a amall card gn 011 one Monday morning. He put a 11beet of paper bearlDI ouch dla­ or atron1 plea but tbe oftleer bad" lllm tlalulablng mark or symbol. Aeeom­ wltb the goodo and Jud1e 8pr1DI­ paDJin& each dealgn oball a -led IJP he atead tok bl1 live apot wltb a warn­ plain wblte ea�elope, whteb oball lUI that It would be more next time. carry on the outalde tbe dlotlngulab­ lag mark or symbol, and.. DO other mark of any otber deacrlptiOII, and MORE LIGHT NEEDED aball contain laalde, the name of the competitor an hia or her addreu. Fo¥'(h \\'ani ("ouodl- (�Yia.­ The envelope• contalola& tbe aam1111 Perry of F..,t. will remain oead led until after the th" Judlee aball have made tbe awarda. Backing up blo statement that No competitor will be permitted to trtmmln1L'halrmao until Weatlleld bad Do­ ,.._ aubmlt more than one dealga. aaothe1• ll'ourtb of July celebration and correapondenee relating to would not better the light ing condlt­ looa tbe competition ahould be add reeaed on a Beetloa of ll'lrot atreet, l �··tbe Committee of One Hundred, Counellmao Van Doren hired a bll '1 !ttctnoey Bulldln• Newark, N. J., and red automobile and peraonallr eon­ Shade eudoraed "City lag Coo teat ." dueled tbe memhen of tbe !4 ',<#' II' A prl&e or will be awartl­ Tree Commlnlon over bla aectloo •· t ed to the peroon, wbo Ia the opinion tb town on Monday evestn1. eonvloelnl waa Mr. VanDoren �· of the JudgH aballUOO auhmlt the beot 8o ot � Ia bla ar1umenta Ulat the three ll1bta cle8tgn. e s The Judgeo of the eonteat wUl wbleb the member of tbe J'ourtb li· 6. u follo a Hoa. Tbomao ay­ Ward Tupayera Auoclatloo be w ',,, ·; . mood, mayor of tbe city of Newark : beea aaklDI for tor "'eral Hoo. Patrick O'Brien, prealdent paet will now be placed at once. Model "32", 1798 !� : C. L. R tbea of the Com mon Connell of Newark ; Tbe auto made a trip throu1b Hon. Frederic Jobnoon, prealdeot vartoua aeetloaa of the toulil and Oakland Six, L. that of tbe Board of Education of New­ reault waa Mveral U11� wiJJ be ark; Hoa. Patrick H. Ryan, prealdeat ebaoaect to 1et tbe 1reatat adno­the tage. of tbe Board of Street and Water Commtulonera of Newark ; Hoa. Alexander Archibald, elty clerk of PARK OOMJU8810Nii:HS MKI1.'TINO. Newark. Tbe Park Commluloaera 10t to­ SOMERSET GARAGE lether on Monday eveolDI and held a t:NTKHT.UNKD CAPTAIN. abort -too, altbou1b there wu not HARKEN BROTHERS o' U. Captain A. throp, of t much to oome matten pertalniDI �: La do, raooport, Sumner, baa been the t� t..- and parka of tbe town weN diMuaMd, a few billa read and of Geor1e0. F. Brown, of heFirat paid aad a motloa to ad­ ��' s. T durlnl tbe put weak . the Somerset St. Plainfield, ·i ·'-'""1, iollrD -• Ill order. Gilby : pat ,.....dell M-ra. 42-46Wo ywr aadmake tin or tube p..=Nfalway• ota D erdered Perry, haw .... Ia Rook. N. J. ·.. AN ··� ..... Grape and VaoOorea .. P.t.Ga. p-t. Preeldeot 1NN ,., ( J l Blld BY--. 'tiw' FOR NJ:WI i' aun ��naY ��: · ! "

"' ook • picture a iD pl tol for aulcldel Ill hfl pladDI botnlclde, and Oft fath­ IJISS· lUCE BIICl wltbln 'MONG THE CHURCHES mPanwhlleboyhood of 11Ift,. l eat)' IAifiT Ol;T. toollrl"• tbe reacb ol all; Pr'• tltendllll dla­ trlct rarm. t2.98, the · From the pictured tllll ttoclllnll, Fl"'t lltl1•l l•t t 1nn·rh. "Jiporhool." l(lPOt hie tile biOiraPhJ to or any PASSES AWAY temptation wur which,po Jane f!unflay R�rvl<�• publfr man. 1 Addam led o and IH:30. FIRST, LAST Into"We lndltc!r've beoetlont,ome lev at Ul. Worohlp. mornln� at Do•llnl! How old am Well, oeYer mind; SERANDVIC ALL THE E telll 01, baa r &lrlt In abnormally oentl- evenlnp; at F. I'm ec o lell rate; 'miE Pwalar teaoher the Wash· both WbeDr o d to In u lntten lolltGI tiVe to the I)Oialbllltl• ol evil will preachlnl toplr,at "Our l o lon on.. 1 WM JOUnl they .. ld to me luooumlls nearly all t- tbln11 tbat are olered Morn 7:311. �A ' -o e de e, Proaperlty." •�n·lrPe. nt aome day I'd b H. tt A'""d\o\t\' for •le, from tbe mtoorcycle to face andflealon noou 4114 1blne amon& the 11reat ... n! Rund&)' fk hool at . Prwt E4iHn Phene,...,he paint. P@OJll•o Sor neftr badIn a chance at all .,...... In J. MARTIN, Jr. ln "We II.J �own tbe paper realla & YDUDJI:v ln ety at 1 potiDI P'ame'o cluotr hall tll4lm all and e lt of 1 Elm P. 0. N. J. FUMIIll HELD IOMDAY that no editor can prlllt "Th Mo neVM' went to dlttrlrt r�oolhool ; ltreet. oppomte WHtfteld, be l e.U p. Ill. Of . lteyol• aJMI vlrtuoue or tb811l an" re- vlnll K toplr,MeDIDI, 'cl ll, rei!-Dl· B main ular ba o boy MIN Allee tcll a popular our w•r,. brainntu.e d- not �lude prayer meet1n11 of th" church . dOMn td&J ToNor eYer ao a refo t a taober In \be rrammar department Ul, �taiYent. only abOut a or A1\'edne cordial' Invitation It extended to tbere are helpI me towardapplee the 110 l M. r , U be of tbe Waahlnato11 Bcbool, died In tlolea of com merce tbat tbould attllld. at II Did 11'8811 lucllleoa eat, a. m .. m.Y on comm•mcln�t •Ill Wublftbemorullllrl Hotpltal, Platnlleld, adYertleed." Thunday, Nor once refu�ed to wa1b �� ' J'rlday lut, after a •llort li'OR tbe l•dleobualn-' Ml11lonaryand llo<"letyrneetln��: on llnew no twlmmln hole. / \) hold a l r-t ; lll!ll-. Appendlcltl• and other com- aorlallunrh. We bad a Yale lork on our door; cauM of ber urrh lawn. nox I plleatlon• were · tile thoR@Y. ch no• NoI lat�h ttrlna: hURl there •• or yore; Pl'Thel,PJ1' rollowlnl IIIJPPLIKA mlnletera haAIJUt'IIT,n bMn fi to death. In Chao. T. waa Metflo411AMCIQ O J�Giplt of the P'lrot� I oeYer w111t ofdlotrlct tchool.ar o . ab!M!nr h .M'axwtn' her thirtieth, Mlu Brlok PI&IDIIII ohanb durln1 the . Actin« Pa•tor. neY"r beard dlttrlet ol JHr. 8be waa born In ...... tlU tJa. Have u of l!lhaw, who will leavey not lla:hted up our home; Yo The � enJo wbere tbe batl nt tbe r ter 1M>� ,, tpe c ea or A n1uat to a Sunday 11 No pine ti 1 b t Rev. Bethel JIAptlat Chafth. tlon or -r life amOIII oe •• U.. ltn. Dr. open bad we. ll Au1u•t 8D.th . D., Jame•o�ea Prea8chiDIJ at.,.p eclala. m. lnTM"tt'd 11ht. ._ lint pert , oenlcea: the But •teamII heat and W0 tlllam0Mareha11n . or n At p. them., ohurcb. Mrmon to ���·· funeral ,._t1011 : 1 lire wbat • blll!ht! Ridden in 1916 ro A I!Ye-room l!at-Ah, late n, 1 trltt uperlntendent o t eb women of from PJberataee ld, Oil Wbat bandleapt for me! Mnl- � 'b a\4 New erBrun•:-l�k Dlttrtrt,16th, New Jeroey All are attelld nue, 'ltonlnl. Conf enoe, I - Rev. tb- MrYicet. No Lincoln, Great or Weboter llomlt �· .. 'll\ll!Tom 1.,.._ W . y AuDa:uat. D., t llllillfq•• _ cordially IDYited to hope to be. What uae to try ? Detntt . eon a , paotor MadloonRev. c·o Could went to IK\ ool , e�aeo :.,Mt.if .-, .....,tawrment P waa M. E. Und, New Hudson n The · 11:...... cburcb Add!­ I neYer dlttrlct h 1 o'clock, .M, etmett O'll\DO\erJ, lai - D. the; Aua:uat Facult y m H e� mornln11 In I never hHrd of tlfiiiiJ;. Soper, or RIIY.of (lrew the church at r. o. a. ··.- . 10:Sunday80, he tlmu•l ('hni'C'h. t, minary , AuiUit 19th, P'reder- Corn pone p n n' ... ,.... ._- •.,.. of Milt Brlck't for- lcllSe J. D. D., Dlttrlct rea:ular pruehlnl oervlce. t Carroll. paotor and home-madedlotrlct orhool. u ki YACHT-LINE . t d Hubach,t ,8uperln- W. lara:e, Maxwell In tbe Weetlleld tcboolt en en Dletrlrt pulpit. at of ll a N ..wark lluchpie, l na:• one fte ... bert� floral tribute and F.: � betb will occupy the llandaome th •• adoreo. BODY, EVER­ iiMir .... Conference. Dr. C. morning, neftr IIIPY ,or them, chaperoned by Sundar lmrnt'dlatelr rol­ 1 knew;I we traded at llli\11Utaoe& &> atten4114 the funeral ter- THli: the r<•Kular t•hurcb oenlce, 11011da, . lowlnl be a un (No wonder could no LUSTRE FINISH L Mn. MAll, 7 t 11row fat) A demonstratinK car ia tiMI am ------there·wtllIn the old of \be 8Schoolda Delleat-nchance ttor•. n ehored fuDd eolleoted tor a floral quite ltw-abldlnl ou wlll I at rour service at any IIIJPRRJI'Lt'Oltll room. b r MJ It 1one; I eve 'rlt41a-trtbtle. nil the amount ••pend- .. ...,.: Tbe ou oeulone t rrrr tlllt we"ll: t .. Re1ard no n OU tber'o farm tor keep and board, 41 �u y 8�hool llunclay w1111t to hour. We can make de­ to 4eoo- Nor murder 1.1 l proteulon, 1 r and the leader Ia r j NorNor eYer nor dlofttrlrt dlo trlcttchool, tcbool. lteUl!Mdetl ttate. baa 1'lolence any attraction a ReeYe. liveries at 1200 LESS l!ld· KW hetrd once at your 114,'\M bl\aaee wUI be Ute" me, .. "DaY\d," Wm. OllARLii:8 door with rate muet make tble ctn.,ld ronrfor... Belr � a..."". a full equip­ TOMPKINS lo PAMJo:S AWAY. • n ; II I detett, whom olm· Bunda)' tenlce.-Low MaM, 7: ment. Yet I man I I 9:11 . There'• a a, m., a. m. Hllb M ... II&& 10:80 streeCbarleet, Tomp'IIIDI, of Firat piJ abbor call a. m. A Roomy died In the l!llllabeth General The IUperftuouo man, melet u him SundaY School Immediately after Hie very ealttence to It a bore­ Net price 1880 xur o s Hoepltal, on Saturday mornlnl.Tomp­ after cruel tbe i:U MUI. Lu i u No rate enou11h can befalla him. - 1. m an llln- of& !IYB montha. Mr. born Dally Ma Ma•-17 and:1 7:JO0, 7:0 0 NO EXTRAS To nneau ll:lnt w•• 7 yean old10, and 18&8, waa He'• Holy Day and the man wbo, when you malle Ioamen Bronlllyn, tow11 March and a. m. \O tblt fourteen yean JOUr way eYt'I'J morn Holy Communion Sunday._.Firat ' h for a a11o. wa1trade a p•lnter and paper­ To tbe bathroom. l'eto there Jutt be­ Ia:oounday, ROIIrJ eeoond P one 135-R ride, See this car as a mater h&nler by ancl wu a clrammer fore you, day, Holy Name Society ; Anaelt So­ He it makes no difference interest. See what of oouatderabl•Ieana abllltJ. An4 tbe 1reater your wrath, your ctety, boy• ; tblrd8ocMty; Sunday, .\npltBun­ So­ of whether you He • widow and tour cbll- vnatlon andea tcorn,� ciety, !llrlt. Dnouo-Ma•••· purchase the new things are. be r 41"111: Albert, Cbartu and .Andrew more ap to adore you; You 7:0l'0tnt P'rlday Now a or not. Tompklnl, and MINThe Irene rnneral Tompklnl, will lind him auln on the ancl o.. m. Baored Hetrt LEADER The erowdt'd ttreetr oar, all or Weatl!eld. wa• Where there'• that'a Devotion• and 00Benediction of Bletted If one IKt 1:00 in the beld from the bome y81terday arter­ sacrament, n.-- p. m. 10 and taken DOOn at o'eloc'll, and wat conduotad He not 7:1Conf-lo0 p. m. 8atur4aJI, URBAN & BOBENSmN \ by Rev. Dr. Joeepb P'. Shaw, of the jutt beat• you tci It; be know• who I: S I: l'lnt Metbodltt cburcb, you are-- 8pecltl O.notlont announud on 2 Prospect Street All JOUr criminal lnttlncta awallen. "SIX'' Wl.t made In P'atn\ew cemetery. 9un4a:r-. eto. Interment H. J. Rtctor. A. C. TIOIUSOR AUTO C8. ReY. Watteraon, The lara t lutomnltlle o\t theDote boll otllce window, alai JOU Will N. . 111. E. Ohurdl. w uteld, J .. G THJU>UGBY TRIP THE • . PAPfilB. o o Flnt "'-"•f'lre tlouM head•u•rterl the 1tet1 1& He bu managed once more t f r<>- m., CLASS THE LOOM follow)niJI 8: . •tall you; a. Sunday 8obool for Pri­ ( Editor'• Note: Tbe be- In at when mary �pt. u 411·421 PARK AVENUE editorial, condenHd 1omewhat At the bank, thete depot, your , m .. MorntDI woreblp a d The new cauH of ltck or tpace, 11 taken from eattlna: vo PLAINFIELD, N. J. be you. eermon.11.00 The Wichita, Kaa., Beacon. It It .And doetlt Ju sta tlmply to 111.11 JO:so\a. 1916 I m., 8unclay School,. Men'o thow to len1tb1 So wby not put taw-It would be publltbed to wbat P'orum, Women'• Bible Cl... Models will be Yery line Bora' the crlttct of newtpapen will 110 In p LAo.,_ ou can lway to ·do . m., damandtn,.-nlllt certain advertltlnl (Y It • "-Aad •omeoae 1: 7: p. m., EpworthEYealnl IAaiUe. � "Sixes" exclusi- be omitted from the columna oltry a- e:son p. wortb lp o mall t Ille to In line newapaper' and the abaurdlty of T e I angalyone oo ,.....,.J· to epo il our l eermon. Uvea b de Ina: the ever beat to It? InK aD)'one y ny a er be nnt Mld-weoll tervloe In8 o'clock.the chapel vely. t ('(IN'\'WT J,AIKIR rt1bt thln11of to enjoy wh ev Or Wednt,oda, nenlnc at 10od be can 11t out of lite b e- Church "We are o nl l"rldayClau mnttnc In8 tbe Study yond the bare necet�altlet. ) peratl our nrat con- M(;('(!E88t'l'l,,an evenlnl. o'clooll. Pattor. The Buick are ..A. avenue Col. F tubacrlber trom Vatur viet road camp," ttated ork JoMpb P'. Sbaw, Comm1111oner tende " well written protett •1alnot Mluourl,Buffum, Hl lbway tome tobacco advertltlnc which bat 1 letter to the Nationalr D. D., the Pioneer 11 •· been appearln1 In Beacon. Committee on Prlaona and Prloon l..a­ L a paper bor. "It been about atp. •· "8he eayo tbat wboae col- Inhat runnlna: u.. .._.�Oh...... umn1 OSundaybrl•ti&D labool lladea1'or, at p. a:enerally areTbe clean and wbo Builders of a te weeks; the men are well Bo.ntlay, DN&Ohlq T m. the ue ambltlono a bllh ta da d plealtf!d and the work ..u.ractory de­ I p. I -n at m. known thould print tn Itt ad- tpltthreee It baa been ralnlnll nearly for a r for over Mld-w•ellp. tenia• Tu•day•nt1n eyen1. lniJ, "Valve in HeadH vertltlng columno notblnlteade adYi tlq every other-day a month." Preaablq Ule ute m., Younp. 1 men'• •nt1111. or that wblch to tbe or "Tbe abolltwork lo belnl! done orIn Oaa1e rrlctay, m., ct ... 26 formation"Her ueel- bablta. county, mlkl• fttt Jell'er- Motors. ara:ument -m• plautlb� 110n City, wldenln1 a roadcounty on buedgH a 1 o.. and weBeacon atarted to throulb the P&IIH of of a roc'll blull. 11e 8.00, The tee bow much adver- very up' to dlite court whichthe Joined at cbaiJt!l.llleetiDIJ of Good Before pure has­ I Te mplaro In tbe 149 Fourth Plainfield, N. J. tieing of tblt kind there Ial'1led . . . . with our department. tbok or 8unda:JTbunday at East Street "The 1\rtt Pl.ltl we tu beld .. be tund auft\ctent money to 8unclay Sehoul. 1 . t tente, 4 lar1e, breeay, rtl out Rea:ular eenloea at o'clooll, In ing ask us for Hu mobile, 11085 ment on the plcto lal adva l&- purcbaae a aet of and a one of 1916 p r� cbarp of a.oo,0. A. Beemer. delllble, reward• andWe the County Judgea, who Iarher larre m Monday 8.00, Detroit c�wlnll contractor on tlt meet1n11 of the conaola.llone of 1111m. typo- JIOVernmentprovement, loaned hla quarryl ­ Mr. a demonstration. pauted to tludy the attr11ctlve Bible Study In the cbapel. Don 't buy a medium car until you grtpby or ua l. 0. B. It, It wat tbe laat 1asedword toolt. the MariN Rl•er Hupmobile. our u.learoom •nodern we OINI In advertltlnJI, Ae "The camp upon to where It ftablug, 10:10 stration. The price prioedbeen reduced have seen the ao im­ agitateIt, theour deelre for 1um be1111n there It 1\ne we Sunday morniDI wonblp at Vosseller proved.1916 0&11 at for demon­ •llvarlu. Tben we boua:ht a completeon ftahlr.lla library outllt for o'clock. e Pe reallaed that the adYertlaement w baa a.nd the ca.r u each man.boolll There of thefor Bible tcbool at - Peoplu 4 331 Park AGENTS FOR bound to lncr aum ebewlnl. In talut of Tbe YOUIII Cbolr at Avenue tact that 1 written. Ia 11 o'alocll. WO.I rememberedwby It wa each man ; alto the Iaare teat ma1aa1nea HUPMOBILE "Tbeo we mod and enouch tbemto CHALMERS tclentlllc that - and looal city pa.pereare r tentl b tbc Ta Youn1 PeopiM' Devotional Plainfield, Nwe Jei'Sey. ern conclutlon com ed o'alocll:. T cam11. Tbe men urn aenvelope•with at o•otocll.e1'enlq chewing to be more deleterlouo lbtn ____ chewlo1. Ita pencil, wrltlnl paper anda 8 The lar wonblp at declare. we Bernee c:z:: tobacco �Utronomlc and have a victrola, mandolin,outl\t. o'oloall. e�tlravaganclet attacll entire ramll· IJ!door 11.mw and a bateball Nau P11t.r. . lea . . . "Guard• are employed a ati p thlo we te 1um"At we reacb tbe conclualon tbat eamp, not bec�ouee nt ci a d a.,., W. '•l. ltMil, chewlna thould not be en- 'rroubte, but a few daye a.ao they had 7:80Holy Communion nery SundaJ at coungedattractive In any au.nouncemeut 1'1rtuoua newapap er, camptrouble, but a few day• a11o they had St. Paal P. E. Oluareh. a. m., and on the lint 8aad&f For an of a tboe e lu nCa.llawa)'on City, co11u.ty, j111t north Agents of tbe moatb a eeoond eelebraUon man oonfronta 01. He 11 olhriDI at of J e and tbe farmen It llll.d-clay. MERCER a bar1aln aboee wltb l'rencbca theel•ch a tlmply would Therenot letore, them coma Into 11 ft f Mornlna Prayar ud Sermon at four lncllw bl1h. we the to at tblt 1\rtt a.m. prayer & ' k. vltlon of an ... of 11um ohewlnl wo- camp, tbow wethe are local loolllnJ afterwe 'rheu COIIIl\.J. iDI at o o • Indian men mlnoiDI and totterlnl to tbelr. the lntereat of to &ue.rdpeople, l!lmlth, Rlotor. fall upou. th- WLilatural atl\ta. It adviiAble the men ' Jl)l'en loc Motorcycles eaee, AclveriiiNllllenta tor 'foot bun- until 'we have tbown our camp bY. 1. A. Jon curH, relief from oorq, . . t.lltpractloat. o vlelou., we 11 or Ohrla� acrou u tbtt and dma 'lla men- "Go1'arnor Major IIVet three day• l'lnt Church tal note a. paper ..trlnl llub to otr tbe tentenee, eacb month, tor Oranfor4., �w Sprlaahld r BelenU.t. abollab tbe harmfula41' tboulclertl&lnl. ellmlnar. 100d conduct, wblle after tbeh• el1ht A.YeDue and Mlln Street. tbe l'rencb You boun worll the co11nty, the coun­ 8undaJ, a. m.,Jtrte)', Wedn•dar ,,.. ty hnlelll cl&llce apprebenalvely eeetbrou11b the paya tbem for two hounwh workc they at niDI o'olocll. Readlq Room, teemlnl column•aboe bow mauy the ttandardtor wa1e1 for i h Union .\Yenue11 , Cranford, open daiiJ, LEO theN hire p. Bicycles andZEISEL Sportin& Goods are, but befol'tl you've vro - could otber people." I to 'I to I 'D· m.,I to your eye fallt upon th• mod.you Colonel Bull'umtbe baa Jllven pereonal w all Cbrletlan l!lolenoe en eeed m.; BIUlclayo, a are cortet advertt.. tbe ment, d.,.. ancl attention to thediet countJand bat c ohearty�J t obtaln41d. 411 wet­ Ill FRONT ST. PLAINFIELD, N. J. · et1rect.ll all tar \be tblu.p retor111·nr or r lu IIIIM.beN litera·· W. IIDd h&-.. \lire oaa be 10--ta,OOO er pllytlclan Kid etrort bUild up tbt men tbrou&b NQ.I.f!R.J11,7 ACJ(S()N co-operaUqr. CO. 'tlabt ud oor.et• ot IUenourlebh1c food. Tbe Mr. Commuter-Tile Leader Cleat· tile hill t.o tllat DCit -bill �IDIIIUdet vecetablemUll, e, ..woru are little human tnt.eru\ IMIDe' .fOil Pl&t hl ftOieto!M, atorl• pau 1•, ...... r--a r meat; qualitybut- 1 St. tM·� .\11\ 0( �I peoOle dO ntre111a ttn1 tbe n needa of bua- Ull E. 4th Pheae 817 tile r,41'ertlebllao, we umnwe&rll7 throucb and •aca ll or 100d O --- dredl ui te the bablt peat co • - bave In and well oookt'd, an unu.•al th1D11 '.ADd ar. tar PLAINFIELD, N. J. We read a prlaoa. ot them . you bin any­ Advertise all of the time--not l In peopll. b nU ;pou Jt&IIIHtblldder thlq All t l c wlell to u._• NCOiteot.IGnenJo)'M. "&dina U & J!llne al tbe -.,bore.on Talle buy, " hou• rent, nee6 'nreauct� travarantly, n� ,.._UMmeut.,.... �wallo• tor Olu,.. a11d to Mil, )' wastefully, �qbter tllat llaourelon Parll: uead the Bl1 et � t,H .tllat tO..._ bfan on mal4 or otber help, aqll yourwlr or � " of a Union T ay , July to Iatakon ot " .. tUm; '-11 t!IP to Aabllr:r tbe I.Dte,..t ow a llelq ibe for l7tb, a diu In8:U tbe Tbo don't let anybody forget you. ...�,,I'd DI.-- It � . Tralaa a. ol ed adl. GOit · ...... � ...... Wt41Aaint ' 8 ..._ aad enJOf' lD .*!JNew Yotk lll tbe 4dY. ooean. •mall, returna larp. �...... � •piQ ....,, ...... ,. ,..Ort. IMYe I:IT ADd t.Mdor ...ut II ll 1HI ...... • • 'I'd LMDD, WDimiD.&Y, lULY 1". 1111. - .... � '� LEGAL NOTICES ADYERTISERS SPECIALS • J. S. IRVING CO. WHAT THE MERCHANTS HAVE • TO OFFER

l lllda-ta P01111d Ia ,,d...,rtlelaa - &pedac�ruu1 "u the -'d� Oar GoaDflllll ..,.,..l andCentral AI IIIUI LuIIII!Oid CrOIIIRI,lll lnlfttld,ber I. J. menta, Colamu. Re.d P011ad Mouldiq: ne_, be .. "\\bat Yoa and Muon• ' Materiall, Waat" Will •r•••t •tt•att.... f'IILIIPIION• 11. o...... •P ..-111 ru••••• J.' llmo, jult reThere.Ived a !reeh lot, all Kbulllnpood and l'ertllben. .taea, at Raumann'e. ••IJ .6.11 rl1bt coma to , "'!!how Me!" M! ; Charlie Clark';. For Ail Branehe1 of Electrical Work J. rv n1 CompanJ ara atlll I l •llln1 Lebllb coal. "Con;ultB. tbe Man Wbo Knowa" Ia tiM by-word In W•tllalJ. It ------� NR re­ LEGAL NOTICES ------Walter J. of baiJ M� to corner" In tb l'latii'OII BlaldiQ, KIAIIlJIUfCB 817 NORTH J.AVB., TOBIN ranwbo Ia an aatborltJLee, oa W•Uietd"tba rwl lU)'I')('IIJ or HtDAauro. TboH wa bo patroniH blm do WBft waiL NELSON ARCHB Telaphoea ...... eatate.A bl& buelneH a d bow It Ia reaeb­ OLD IDI out !rom New ork to New Jer­ aeen on an­ .., auburban townap 11 Catpenter and other pal(e or tblo 'Ypaper. Builder The Btanrourt l.aundry Company AU BranehHof Carpentry Repatrlnt of New York h&l a brancb at tbe Central Railroad ferry coueourae at Promptly Attended to Jeney City to a ccommoda e tbe ;u­ burban wmmuter• that want up-to­ 183 EUCLID AVENUE Telephone Conneetlon date laundry at moderate ptlcea.t It Ia only a queatlon o! time wben aeen elaew bere tbrou1b NCtlon on a ou thle cc nt or H. P. MANNING brauebeotbe lncre awlllaed 1uburbanbe trade tbat bu drifted from New Tork to Jeney eectlon and to llt'e aervlce to Plum bini, Heatinl and Tin Work e tiM many commutera and their hNawom PRONE NO. 414-N tra!le. Tbe laundry bualnea• bu reached a ata of perfection In 14 ELJII IITUET p •nltary method; and economical aervlcea for 7·14·21·!1 • the borne and tbe time baa come wben a n ry wlll rel eve FRANK RECARDO Wal�-=":- • l u d i tbe • burden or waah-day from tbe banda .....1.. All da a Kta«a Puter Deaonter of the thewife and motber and the y Fanu, C.utry Seata, Tt.. Pre•· •I rs..�-�t:f.� ... , or IOI.P·IUdl In the borne pua "' •rllaa••••• tr­ away. erty. Aa�IIC Jtl o •• ,...... WIUTFIUD,I. IIIW IIIIIY P. o.-• wlll HOUIES. An. TALKS ON THRIFT Wtltflelllw11t WESTFIELD, NEW JE.IIEY. CHARLES CLARK, 30\ Tow n Clerk. a r Auodatlon l · t 114 (American B nke o fl-:I 0-7 -7 4 iFPt'� f,ll} Ernest THIRD ANNI'AI. IU,RJER W. Wilcox No, liii.-NATIOX FormerlJ of Alexander Hunt u, to: f''CISCIM\'. "PIPrhRJIA thf"rP WH.I'I H. hf'Yf'l' IIU\1' In th hhUnn· of thr l'nltf'll Ht iP�t e a Whf'n th.. Ut�lUII llll'illllhlt- l'tlmultt­ n •w OABP:&NTD tlo htthlt m n t WILCOX & POPE NORTH of lht" aavlnlfl fl'a 8·30·7·l·IC 219 AVENUE mu<'h tn lntll ldun ant1 nntlonHI · 81. roa er t dcw11 nut " m r and p J• l ) n11 It -Elnwr IWO Cu beAND BUILDU. H. YounKmnn. t r lo cll n or Th� Ban'k.t>n MRaaalne.v Tel. WE8TFIEJ,D th:"t1�:�n�l��"�t·��� e � ! 1811-J l If our N. wt T�� of \ � ��� l, Paintingand Wallpaperin& people all �work hard�r and J, t he Town Hall,!" 'Ve•tf\('ld, � 1811-R at n'ctock. P. M., on Monday, JulyN. EaUmatea Cht't'rfullf FumlohPd W •ve more money the l'n!t�d Hiatt's 8 IIIJTII'IB Lit .J . ''* f A . co o_: �Y ve uld aoon berome the world'• bank­ �m � � �i. 11� 'Uio.•�r:nd � JobbiDrr Promptly Attended g � ! 2880 to er. That 11 the ot>lnlon of th•• The �work will lndUdtl about Tel. l n. guttPr, - i ft. of <'On\!rete curb and ------� ------�-----·- Bankero MaJazlne and oth<'r Hl30 rtlll. tlf ln. tna • dam au· 1 t•uncret�IUf. 8 t a and on• thorltleo on llnanre. culvt>rL . protmAal m a ccompan d It !-lJltlf'•lil� ll'.a ch u t hP ie the fi� uropean war ("f'lrtlftt>d for a drown tu hv ,. l'hf'ck :UOO.OO KINDLING and tfl,. of CORD r ain order of the Tt't>a•urer thP.1' own WOOD it �.-Ill lt•ave In t N. e)ORPB H \"Ut;t or '""'•tftt.·hl. J., RB lln evltlt>nC'e of burden of debt to be provldt'd t J.� ven lor. "" f(Oot) fai h Rntl t IIIU{'Cf'BHfUl blddt"r CORD WOOD, cut in suitable toq u ht• furnheh tbat London, Paris and B..rl111 \\'Ill r l rt>d U r t He "'ill ht> to n 11 JII (' )' th<• y · 1 a len&ths for fire places have on their h11nd1 all 1'1\11 � ;::."::������!�(:!tY t·:)�t c,f7�:·:�r � rf�URJn�� a u.ntf"t· tht• futthful Jlt•rformun<'t• t hP handle for good whUt' to t•omt�. Th.­ n' Pulley Pole• and All Kind• of Fence Poau In t.• ontrud. n ted Btatee ohould be 8 ion hlank. r U poHII Hp•·�·tftt·ntlon" on•l fo ma of KINDLING WOOD A SPECIALTY to tall:e ita IJlare aa tnternatlonul I' Jlropoaal tnnr ohtnlnt>tl Itt t e omce Jill \V . VH.n.hf' h of J\ Tu\o\n n ln e r Town veyor of f' aplta!. f<� g n . ! Hall. \\' eRtftt)hl, J \\i.' l'oundl �- the rlKht CHARLES tt mut.t not be rnrgottt>n that T\h· n�•t• rVt"R tn HECKEL rf'Jt t·t an}' or nil hlcl11 to act•ept any 1hall require large amouut • or N. R ot hid 1u1 tlwy may df't•m ror the belt ln­ Plountalnalde, J. P. Addre••· We•tfleld, N. mone)· to fl.nan<'t>- our owu h•rf'MI of thtl Town. <•n ltoqn·i�t·H JunP 21. IUlli wbtch hitherto have be�n lU.'fUiiltoH•Ptl CIIARLF:R CLARK, to 10 abroad tor loans. To met•t tid� Town Clerk. 0. J, 6-30-;-7-14 11.&8) demand, to take hack our set·uritlt·• MEALS ARE NEVER LATE (Feeo from Europe and to provide lor tht' 1-JIT.\TI'J OF .JOH!V R.\N UOI.I'H behind ith 8Ct:U­ I nt rnational nnanrlng already •·utu ­ THEN you're w DER, DEl'tJA IDI! wa r. t r�FJIJ, Ut•orl(e to uo as a re sult or the anti 'X with only a few Purauant to the ord of T your work, urr �rat of •t hf' Count)' of wblcb le bound to rome In an Pan·nt, e e t'Vt'f­ mu.r1eu on of tht' lJrln�<. V \- t'nloll, the npplh'atlun lncreastng volume, we must minutes which to get undt· llt&:ned. IU.lmlnlst1 1t tol' or Huld df'· t'elll""tl, 111 Klv a prompt d notl o ht-n•hy to th+.• about an material addition B c d n supper -- then the hanoy · tl to tbe eavln1 capadty of our t>opu­ E W � �= ���l:c u m N � fh:�� ���t��.u ��::\'t,h!); · x M':r�l�J( R !• t latlon. • tlon. th�lr dalm11 and dt•mnndl!l.. n ln tht> of •ai wit n nlnt• In PERFEL Oil Cookstove •·Htate d dt-ct nl'lt•tt. hi Tbe Idea that prevailed �;urot><' TION mont h• frutn tht• •e('ontl• or June, tliHi, or rort>VtorLIRY � previous to thta dtsastroua war was they will l�t• harrt•d helps you to hurry. frnm pruaet•utln�r or to everything that was llV8ilablt• rt•t·overlng lht• tuoe IlK lilt· Scudder's Ca a'fr"1�'fr1 \VA Y sh Market and to lhrow away nothln��; that could \i�icK1l}j�'�!!�ti�i�A . It lights at.the touch of a match, .\dmlnlstrator. Ufed !�: r l IL\ \',\[ONP Pt\HHOT, E L STREET be to ea or email advanl&l!e. l'ruetor. 9 PI 8·30·9t __T ______On account or the BC& r('fty or laud in _ _ _ and cooks rapidly as a gas stove. _ t he l>roduclng aecllono, lntt'nslve OF 8l'UDDEB, VERY FINE BROILERS fa rming had been brOU!�:hl tlown to It regulates high or low, merely by I'J81'.\TE .Jl'LI.\ A. as IJI!:I 'I!:A8tlJJ. an exact science, with the result that I'UriU&IIt t hP nrt..lt-r of n�o;oHOE T. FRESH KILLED CHICKENS �urto oiJu of In theoe limes of atreae thert' 1'811 be raising or lowering the wick. It '.\ H HOT. r te of the Cnunt)' 1 11 f FRESH VEGATABLES EVERY DAY enoul!h v•·oduced upon a limited �·�l\���•• :r�:�i: 0�x�,��t�f�: �8tu o���� acreage to k..,p the people from easy to operate, easy to clean, t't"lll:lt'•l, not lt•e Ia herehy giVt!ll to ���t he is 1·redlton of dece&Bed to xhJ lt of l!lliltl e b atarvatlon. If this habit saving t :-r. arlae In the future. LJU,IAN IRVING. R. Ex utrix. We re!>4'at, tbere never was a time ec ment stores everywhere. THOM PSON, Pro<'tor. the terrible things best calculated to annihi­ or 7·7-l:LLOYD�t LL wben ao mu�h Individual henent, (F'6ell Ul.lO) or national welfare, and of !lUbllc A late big bugs and little bugs can be found at proftt, could be derived from the gen­ 'NEW PERFECTION OVENS EITATID ALICE JCDWABDI BUKCIII or DBCEAIBD. eral adoption of the aa vlnl! habit by bake better because a current of Purauant to the order of GEORGE T. , ',t be people of the United States. t PARH.OT. 8urrol(ate of he County of Gale's Pharmacy I now. fresh hot air p continually over Union, JJI&de on t he application of the Do t T. GREGOR. unde rall(ned. Admlnlatrator of aald de· D. MAC ceaaed, I and under the food-d rying out noHce a hereby �riven to the asses d •d to " ('LINTOS 8Jo:L.:f'T8 ��: t� b:� u o : ::: :n� .\ IU.CHUN. the steam, and preventing sog�­ tlon tlaelr:':C�f clalm1 ��and��-�� demanda1 h :&l(&lnlt B R 0 A 0 S T Rl!I! T The ologan contest conducted by the eoatate f aatd deceaaed within nine m n hl fromo the Fourth day of JUNE. the Board of Trade o! the Town of ness. is an exclusive 1811o ,t � This NEW or they will be fore\·er ba.rred from proaecutlnv or r eo e �r Clinton bas come to a close and the e rln the advantage. aamo f/f'lt���he c olol!aD selected Ia "Clinton for Home PERFECTION E�� �Rt��OSTER. -- lnduotry - Prosperity." James Admlnlatrator.v In THOMPSON, Proctor. ED'WARD N. BRO'WNTELEPHONE 81 Jobnson, a young drug clerk the LLOYP .. 111.10) baa u AladdinSecurity Oil 8-9-tt (Fe town, Ia the winner and received prltLe. to obtain best results in oil Funeral Director-Embalmer tha •ovea,.. EI'I'ATWl OF TUO.AI LO"E, LADY Francia W. Langatrotb, of New lamps and beaten. IIECilAIJCD, B. York,uo the man who auggeeted Rllh· PuriU&DL .o the order of OEOH.OE T. PARHOT. 8urro•ate the Couuty way'a olol!aD, "Notblng Too Good For of of of A8818TANT 47 EL11 ITRUT U i on made on the application the Rahway," ma oeveral ougget�tlons n . .. JOYS OF 8UIItMBR de underl .. ned, Executor• of aaltl de l • en to the and waa awarded tbe _,ond prise ceaaecl, notice 11 hereby t a e v d t d o s. ' drlvlnrr r appreciated by Io n or of f5 for "We Muat Make Clinton �tth�! o � �:;: � :'Ce u��c:,• -::t � � : :n NatureTHE a• well aa or bealtb aud b au­ Pro1peroua," Uon t1:t�ttr clalme and demand• Jri: ! t•t ot eald decea1ed withinv a•alnlt nine You will nnar .. t morbid from Idea; w r the e• e a Other e e awarded the montH ;rom day of altUnrr arouud bonae lftq duat tbe Fourth JUNIJ_,� on In 1115. or will fore e bl.l'reu a priH8. Tbe lntereet taken the coo­ tb•Y be r If you 1et out and aub1tltute fr•b trom re verl tbe tJ, ilt tbrou�rhout tbe Bta•.e baa made pro ..cutlnl' or co nl' T t U aame qalnet the ak )'Our family or •w•t.­ man aoqualnted with thla buotllnl! J,t >VI!l, tbe y v l.OVIU, lleart out for a pleuant driTe and ra Mt•.�lf•c'{I•. air town, one of the few ru l little JAME8 Exeeutore. J'OU will 1ea bow nloel)' tbe wheel; or wunlclpalltlft the State that has CODIIIOTON AT Proctore. llateatl. a In A BL Z. 1111.10) life will move wblle rolllnrr 1Uon1 In an lnereue In population ac- f·l·lt abown a rta from Barton n OIL '1. : 1 cord lnl! laat c e aua. ITANDARD COMPANY Bannel'f erected at tbe malo ave­ (J'ou BUN of appr ch town con­ THBI Tllil. tn theoa to tbe ' """"'" New ...._,. tabl tba alo1an to ..ther wltb the l"- "-> -aot ntrnaaaaUy, not wutefllllJ', word;. "We You," an Welcome d tbe butADVBRTIIB DON'T GIV ALLE or Wm H. Barton huatllurr Board or Trade 11 prepared �.� ..,... Bovdlnl 8taltle• to up tbelr word. . . baek --- .. .. ANYBODY A .. OH AIIO• TO roROICT YOU. •· .... . WU'lrJaiJ) l WJ:DNUDA 1 .-� ' to him and thf'y �tan«l rrn.ny mpaign that Aomr .,.... _.D WIIDWIIIDAYl A Th NtfttpmrntA nl • 'I' ' tlw It ia not a dillltmlt mattPr to !{i n• r••nl<'d l'r"senls of It the 1111!1 <'<�Ill· courM at tbe Atbury .., .... publlelldaa. hiM RtatP. laml lhnt it po••il•l" her Park \ICIPJ' la Ua11 oAee NOT LATICR b a r Sehool and retumed du· h•ul'll r r to hPr 'fBAX TUa.DAY JfOON of chollf'n as hi' Oovt•rnor of t l11· Old Game. thut t hPrP will lu• 1111,\· !let here. I'JARY PICKFORD d 1.\· demonatrate the fact that State there ia no do bt that hr It'1 oeca•ion toi• di- try n as a a If I Weatlleld b a would render the NPr- rect t8ll: in order to mel't th1• "PIISTRESS Havinr t It NELL" J1aaoo11n1eand flra clu1 mrttd- viee and in thM ��ervil!ru he would pen1e1 of the Stilte dur g thP Dot. whJ Dot IIUBIICRIBE NOW? One of t e greatest Her ines isto ic and romantic I'Qpport the Band.ca l organixation be l'flinforced by sam••hia conaervath sort of •t• I'X· ARII YOU A IIUBIICRIBER? t d in the WC!I flel buaineu t rain n which hn• h Saturday,o of July h r17tla drama. Band deaires the financial eupport him one of the State 'A •nceeHNful WORLD FILPI CO. the rellidenta of the town or- buainl!llll m en. i Ittr not mmllcl<·n tf'r Presents der that the work which haa been which oftlce 1\fr. Tuttle will R«•Pk of iin well done may be cont nu•�d. be can call to hie sudorappo rt Hl rnn��:l 10 1\ JULIUS inSTEGER band fully merit& the hearty and intelligent following from ""' . 1npport of every citizen and thPrl' bi'Rt I'IPrnenh in t ht• St Bifl. "The Filth Commandment" The doubtless a l iheral rl'· ti t[ ti Tue•day, July to the Call. If i" !IIIMHiiJJp that thl'r!• 20th will be WRH II DANIEL FROHPIAN The concerta which have bt>ell poaition tn in.i•·•·t lpoDie l'n·st·nts riven by the orranizat ion -havt• A lidl U,ht. th� URtorinl ,.,.,,.diN- t• proven JIOpular bf!OI'\IIIl t.he rnuaie pairn iuto tlw "'"'" JOHN EMERSON haa excellt:nt and the high mad.. A been which were for hf' Ill atani:lintr of the individuals who dinner which lwlEnuo a etl'ort h�· mad<> pnrt The comedy literar_,. his heroint'. propoeea to add to ita talent by tht• of the State Democr11tic orgllII<' nizn­ I WednIOeeaday Evenlna, July 2bt lie empl ­ ments by telephone. to !>ur re u ar pro,.:ram. given up a i(H&t houn to lf the Thlmocrl\tie party WATCH FOR THE ANNJVEUAitY WEEK Oldsmobiles have this attraction alwaya­ lie lie praetiee but they have eontribu- ly hopes to elect a Senatorpla«!P. fr m they are quite out of the ordinary. So with ted the bulk of the manyexpenaes whieh Jersey it must pin itsRt \tual­fait h Model 43 · Totally new, greatly improved ; have been contracted to the to a atronger than .l im o Willi very distinctive, comparee favorably prellflllt from their own pockets. tNewine There has h.. e.n lot of t11l11 it with up 1\ and $3,000 cars. The plan of honorary membership to the effect that Governor l<'Mat··i�hl­ 12,000 B.4.GGAGE INSURANCE AGAIN IT ought to be popular for it will er . ould be in the rRcP, hul llll'rt• surprising thins is the price , •1095· A At otels Fire quite honor to become an aa- nothing of thf' H rm COVERSor Theft of such an or-he e w aociatP member r port and it douhtrul if Oon•r­ will you: In Transit Breakage raniution. ilnor Fl6lderaubatau.ti baa the 11linclination bl\ck to Features that delight Long wheelbue--tao lncbea. The which have been into the raiac R. I concert• e. buo t . CO. Long yan aprinp. Jr. plBIUled for the aummer months If Governor body; restful a -...T£11M. I'IORP ItCLAit&. u real treat and will add rocide to run there can hP Extra width U-ahaped (13 lnc:MI). f PBOIPCCT IT, TIU.. f-WBITII'DILD a llecntery materially to the attractiven111 of that he would Fielderhave stroug should foJ. de­ LargeDeep cushi ons: higla bodydiVID. a dea. will be factno douht Powerful doonmotor. Weattleld a home town. Weat- lowinr and the mere t hnt th" t as star ing, lightinci encllpldall field ean conai support certain factionsa in tlw der itself very for- of •Y•tem.Valve-in-head tunate in 'havinr aueh a ood band State would be given him doea TheStewart famoua Delcoglll

BO Centa Per Month For Packate

18.00 Per Year for a private box under There are two kinds of Georgia your own key. And your valuables Peaches - the Georgia Belle and are protected against fire or burglary. tbe Common, both are Our Safe Depoelt Equipment is Georgia now In the market and they are plete in e'fery detail. com­ the finest that ptoduces. Geo-;gia We invite your inspection. This week we are making a �pecial inducement to price and the quality is, as88 usual here, The PeoplesNational Bank the best. ol WMtlleld


IITIEET, PHON£ 4011 Cl•••• Tllan••J• 1 e'c:leck Dlrl�Jaly ••• Aqut. "The areat MGnt euaaet�• In life le te at yeur .,,.rtunlty oomee" .r .,._11. 1M .... ••,

now for 11h11rf's in lif'rieR of Thf' ..._ 34th Annual ExcurSion n l..oan Auociation, which has been carr,·iug on �llhM1'rih1• tlw Jum• Wrst­ businl'llll and STOP-THINK GO fit·ld Buildi g & · ON opport unity it lfllltet·�ssful �inee 1888,eotnl's. you will havl'a fum\ rf.'ady THE fnr �·onr when

ROBERT W. IIARDE�. �·crt•tary. !llt>�>ting-3d Tuesday BIG 8 BIG Pach Month. 7 to 8:30 1'. M. at 104 t<: tm St. Sunday School Excursion

• Tuesday, July 20, '15 IS OCEAN GROVE and ASBURY PARI Now Your Opportunity TICKETS . Adults, $1.25. Children, 65c

Train lt•a''-'�-S l•'tulwood H: tr, u.. m. \Vetttt\ehl K.25 a. m. Heturulug Leave Asbury l'arll and 8: &0 p. m. Two �ectlou• 8:10 l'r·ro•h' tr•r·lan, I�J>IIat, Ut·orP, Mountalll•lde and llrat�t·h THE SMART HAT SHOP Hunrlay tlll'ld. ot a11d\\'Uirn• �:phK·opal Hund&)' Hrhoolo Hcotrb Pla!1111111lno. 140 E. BROAD STREET l!it'hoola W .. of TEN HOURS AT THE SHORE. ll.aJtll•l, Mt'lhu

has been purchased by Newark

millinery firm and will aclose on Saturday night. The entire stock and fixtures are to be sold at any pnce. KOOPS & ABELS

DON'T OVERLOOK THIS SALE Cash110 Tea Broad & St., CoffeeWe•tfteld, N. J.St ore

PAY LEADER WANT" ADS. Very best butter, lb. 3lc .. Granulated Sugar, 5 lb. bags 32c 1 New Potatoes, one-half bushel 30c Mueller's Macaroni, pkg 8c Their Mueller's Noodles, pkg 8c Crisco, can 2lc Future sweet and tender, can Peas, 7c • Corn, can 7c Tomatot:s, can 7c - Parowax, lb. 9c doz. Rubber Rin2s, 9c lappa Cleanser, can 3c THE NATIONAL - - OF WESTFIELD Bullard's Fruit Syrup. bottle -·13c POl! OFPICB IUILDING ·� Pure Lard, lb. llc - Salmon, can · Del Monte 1 lb. 21� - LJLlDD, WKDNUDA (.�--, Pltturea b_,'d draw, I remembl!r one, ll:laeed wltb rPverftnt, lowly bow, earnewt. ' prorlaltnw TJUI 'Wa'l'l'mLD ploaY, JULYottrP 14, llllll. f MIIIUCAit\ZINQ "Napoleon on the Bellerophon"- Then crlt�d , with eyea llll:e radiant vp our rnuntry · a alma. <· AT ELLIS Hlo lo lor all ISLAND A fnorlte amon1 the re.t IIIJbtii- In nam" alonf'. en be-- · �' ' HI• "allen Glv• SapDCWl Wu "Lafayette aa F!'Mdom'a "Plotr Koacluaall:o, Bernia Hel!!hta! WhPrl' h<> bf' nll• Ia amon11 th11 lrl\8. Vito Healthto Belt of lo of the lkorr Oue�t." My loved Bt.an'alava'a l!l�ntle hand To God and Motherl nd, 1 when true, ..... d Vneeb-cbe-sbln.) And then he'd ta)', u tiON we drew, Copied It t.hereere I lett my lanrt. bll eblldren 'e rountry too. �--���; �1111ctl Van " Man lovel rtrm tile 8..0 ..'the .. Wl'ell -yn. l.lltenlaiJ, wonderln« all he knew, "lAIIt you forget," at her warnln And be who lovft fe l en Oa<:k ud BpiM Radan! Tbanll: God, 1 a m 'VlTOa ::�L'I'II �'t},'... Romanof, Hapabur1, Hobentnllern tw t, Malle� the Ideal rltl1en have found Could e'er tompare with Wallbln1ton. I'll write at Our Snlor'• ea.oo It w fpet. ..: hla l m• -�Ially Of more than royal naea1e he, And her" 11 Piotr'• letter )Ud!IH e r . Dent, for( The IAJader ee too·- The thre ." t ...... \0 , and b By David Healy.It). fo111btfor the Peoplea' llbl!rty. "My dearett friend rqtber true, ChrlaUan, queotloner and Jew, 11.011 ..... "h I'm 1lad to ll:now wiA to �orne Hflld out Columbl•'• cordial hand .. )'Oil , loyal and ue A. VrT!l RJ:U.TII HKLT ..,..._ tM bedr _....t •• manJ • million Proud monarcha tremblfld when he To Freedom'• Land to m lre y ur And uld, TO He a o "YOU'RE WELCOME •"d kl" f'I'III\PflfiAISlB...U••tr � pml\lnG ., bad beard thundtor roll of 111ve command, home. FREI':DOM'8 LAND." P"'"'811UIfrnprn""IInfta1Ut'\l, Uftb rM•.,.,•I t.hJ &pJl�r 1·•1arAMtd AI. tbam.a Wain.. -world where tree­ JIM.rmJ h so M tbfl Weat.rn That tbeJ who TILLED tbould Own Your ttrona rt1bta rm and ready . r� &lfl.rlft'aJIJ' ftt�u btr"JaYI'1ll• • ,.,.... d.,. >w. came came, 111. dom'a volee the land : In bul)' fattory, farm and mIll . romfort ta U1 1 t f'J ....•nr to l"lf na 'Who fame, '"'IIIUul ""\ake n't ant1rrnt',.. l"ftl1lf.,�•ao.�lf'h"'"' tn ft.h•q nl C.ll«'' Ood a children to reJoice, · • lho1ll all ' That thfly who eowed ahould alto Will lind worll: and many 1 friend or th. ncl a.t'l""'"'·' fto11 lMm ftat J'OU .. MArrlrlr, amOIIt•t�..:anr..-tar·•. "� tM't-b(ltt"nil'" •Jfrt • luM.,.., 1 Jf no\.rnb­ You Can Get Pbaroab'e dayo were pualn1 r p And 'll with you the find. or OJnJ.,.,.t"tnNonl rn...... ,,.IJMID,our reS• or.• br :nail. be to �:d..:Awoodt: NTF.R aT.v�n\INEueDPn ATtf!rtaln RRIIlUF..ed a p tut And none, for want and bunaer, r ...�,. " ·'14 bodr. , ty Fri­ �· . ADd the Promlted l.and wa1 In 1l11ht weep. Mr. lrlflndoand Mr a.at 1':.their R. home on ,, ...... Good Coal ea J'romI the Hudoon proud. Weot f>Venlnl ot. Brldll<' an d �. at last ; And he toored KottCIUIIIo, bade blm Point , danr­a ­ �, you'll -· wer the featureM or the ...... •···· '"'"'..... ,...... ,. Wbere homft on earth and he�ven ln..:of e · You Can Get 10 Where Ko..,luallro aboDA amon the T n tablf'o were at play. Muolr ror above, And llujld tbe ferU. lAd taee the fOfl; 11 daye la free: d cl 1 wee !urnlohed by vlr­ Broadw17 N- Aeward Truth, Lo::p and Love. He fou bt ftlbt waa won, thfl an n evenln�t.a 1 0..11nln1 forte, and leadlnl thfl van, t ola. Amon11 thooe prfllent were Poor Coal And ...... ,_ .. J'lq wav In the r R'���'H Whfln Amerlca'e ft1ht for Freedom Mr. and Mre. Edward Taylor, Mr. and .--- Wne lcarecyn at the 100 Yaft, N. T. l pte u.U'tile h"!!ID ; Tomli , Mr. nd Duma•. It's Stood trflmbllng, mute, dl-naol&\el w.pln& Poland be rfltUrDed Mre. R. n a Mn. ed On the very t'I)Ot where now I writ.,, Mr. and Mro. R. o n a. Mr. and Of .lant frame, bendiDI bla b..,rt tor freedom bu rnea, C iO! & right to protf'cl your­ Jt.u yat ..... He mflt and cruahfld the Invader'• Mre. Oliver Hall, Mr. and Mre. H. L AMBERT'S CoDf-d be ll:new not ,....,. .. A11d hlatorlana aud pOflte tell R. your business and blo- bit Ud '-t might; McM illen Mr. and Mro. R. 8. KMier, Hla pr afld , , How FNedom ebrfelrfld when Koe­ papen \ow, IIU\l So brave wao be In the patrlota' Mr. and Mre. F. Reed, Mr. and Mre. Wbll" on th" .. . clu•ll:o fflll. , It's yo r ranlrl, r m , Mr. a d sell. Hunt, Mr., and Mn. B oo n EXPRESS ri1bt to invP.stil(ate. l Q11Mtlone4 wbJ The nation voted him Ita tbanlra. Mre. C. R. Dunn, Mr. and Mro. Mer­ DAY oa NIGHT for u businewund ooeMallollld dfny. tlliapillt-toiMd: But we cannot admit you unle11 we I, too, have fought on the battlfl· Mr. and Mro. Howe, Mr. and be riel!, ., three, IOJal and true, II:now fteld- Mre. Blalre, ol Rroolrlyn, Ml11 Car­ llltlldrf: and vtew. Wberea nd to whom you Intend to Tbla medal ehowa I did not yield. eon, of Philadelphia: Mill Frenrh. of II!1MIMItrain Ina, erefld 110 : to penetrat" For tbe atran1"r, frlendl-. roam- or11lve ahowln1, a -min• lear, t ld. RAJICRL GRT Ull keen J' my w... ne Tel. IH 4t IL" ITIDT I lnl at lar11e, MJ earthly hopee are centered h r" : Fre�ht TU1TLE BROS. artflll lie, and 1uard the State, ud WIITPIELD IUW .IEaiEY taln would bold wltb \mpltlu Would Jllrelyaoou be • publle ebar11e. Her" Ia ftfty rublfltl to bellin­ ('ATCHM A.l.l.t:Oim THtt:F. llltil'Uittf'lll, "'' )'Ind. A auda ll11bt ftalllled from hie eye, I lrnow I cannot fall to win. e l.oula Karmone, ll!fld I yean. Baaate Hope•, autdlnlr ll�rbt tor the truthful Aa an lnaplratlon from on bllb­ of Tbe button• were looted on hit leath- Broolrl7n, N. who bae been want hi.._...... _,..g�, �-�--- __ mind. en Th" Court conferrfld In voltea low, Y., ::zs ef' VMt, ed for tome time paa t by the Plain· That NCh the othere' vtewa mar 7 OUTOF TOWII TIIIPIAT IIIAIOIIAILI IIATII e Lut Ma A p fteld pollee lor the theft of two Th n motbflr ton11ue be made reply, a ular abowfld on hla hrawnr lrnow : ­ E t Be watchee and an umbrella ••• arreat- ft.'l I LM .STREET Don' With pleadtn• looll: and any •l•h: breaat, Tb" nnt deelared, "Thl man, In J m o ln Weatfteld latt Tburoday nl11ht Wntfteld. J'rom an Inner poclret nellt bla heart, • ...... , "l my friend, my boJbood'l IIC brlfll, Ia:. tH";:;:,� ·at;· .:.:_:ef tllle;·: Tewa.�-;� 1'aa lu - A by Olllcer Nelaon. He wu tat r 3 ..... n•le... ch m poueb be drew, pulled the atrln•• I tblnll: 11 wortb7 of beller. . e u . a turnfld over to the Plalnfteld authorl­ apart, Hie Wbo 11lred me follow blm and com., God, wife, hla cho1en frlflnd tlft. A w ll-thumbed pra7er boolr forth be BAGGAGE w LOCAL EXPRESS ::: -::::.:::.:::: . .. .. :':: tl-rt:-·te :o .....: Piotr Kol<'luullo, a noble name, Are ever In hla thou11hte, and blend, 1• 1'011Uf JfOW ••• drew, Plahafteld IDd ...... ,., .. ••t "•" 8p�11n1 from line of patriot fame. With atmple faith and !llorlousdMd a ·- •••• - And a It me ble ylflw. hla ••'". .__. Hl my �t�Dtle wife, etbe 111ant wept a t th- hi• patrtotltm reed• : Ohee1'faUJ A&tellded to. tlater Is With feverlah batte the turned MJ lovfld St&n'alava, ll&bt of my life. paiJee In •uc b a mind no evil worlrt, Prompt AtleatloD,BJ� Careful Handlin•,arw. t Wbllfl u erH with z e- , .-- . .. lf•rt• ...... lD th famed CatbeGral of Cracow bit a lo e c t No !altehood or tedltlon turlr1." __ a Dltl e andeplrlt.a r Moderate Prl-. marrlfld her, and, lrnMiln1 low, ment burnfld. Woman'a Health•lir•·otlon and cir<•u1ation. 1 '• . I I Tbe aacr8CI tbou�rbt ue'er left mr Su..l11\W R l :nt.h·l'l, For nl•bt and earl)' monlln• oalla �._. COLL N • ION e l The tMtCond Jud11e bowfld hie aaaent, facial Llomiab • d··l'rc> •.,. Two •moaata to I_. Road ud ton d 'phone Weatlllld IU-L. oa I mind, Mau, litany, ro11ry, Way or the And uld, "It now aeema "vldent appear aftdep•ndr Ill"'" h• h· tl.e •1··tlem • l><·•·n oae of of Koaeluull:o'e ubet lay enabrlnld Cro-- Thla lllfln tried not to deefllve lleanaed and the purifioJ by 81-L. RoaM, ...., Beneath the holy altar where • a;.<\ 11110-:M. W Ill tboae silent Ieana Aa lint we tbou!Lht--1 now bl!llflve, e Coaelllt Walter • Our bearta and 1oule were jolnfld In �'!!!!"!!�======�= .1 U The addr- he round In the little b ood !If�,8t.reet. .,,000, prayer. Each pictured ftaahed to hit booII: otleePhoae •: tm eeeu" red""m hl1 ea,aoo. .:.., mindlouT Ia verlfted b)' the care he tool! lfeuur"tb., love that'• In thl• breut : Where Cbrl1t bad trod to tave man- treaaure It In Ita hldln1 place HO EL PROFESSIONAL CARDS lee the.., de•l•n• on acarf and V111t; kind; ohone hie honea! BEECHAM'S CITY T theoe embroidered ftowen and That awful way of ••on:y face To SucNedln• tbe Latco Dr. Corbin b-. rrom Pllate'a Court Calvary, On ftndln• It, hit patriot rrlend, J. H. - to And the joy that In ..._ .. Barile, My loved Stan'elan made ll t.lll:e ll11btniD1'1 ftub 'twaa bit to -. ,.... t.• -- ·- .. a All nMded help will doubtllll& lend; .. .. N. MORRISON lee .... PILLS...... 8 ...... DR. D. bridal •1ft, In eplrltt ••7 Cb rlet'• outatretch8CI arm• on Ooi- 8ucb tturdy framet and ruddy CHOICE WIN. III, LIQUOR., .t.Nll wore thflm on my weddln1 day Otha'e Tr . llealtb ..... D. J. CIOARI Prop. tb-. I ...,...... OSTEOPATH And vowfld I'd forever true "Dulru Devul, Radau l" be erlad, Are ute!ul to tb" Commonwealth." LnelJnl Rw btl WE DO PRINTING acwmmodaa.....,. To m own name and Koeeluaalro't lost Is found: 'twu God who (Graduate under tbe rounder) I y ee too. tried Thflthird, prflaldlniJ, held: "Th!o '""" Steam HHt and LqbLlur ,.. :My faith : He who all bl alnllt ..:fvea, \nvolvea. m&nhood not or ra.ee � Summit Wlltfteld, N. "The rreed •u N I w my Redeemer llvea." '!'l!:L. 110. tabl81 attaobell ror Piotr wu my boyhood'• mate, ow lrno Thla hone1t man In ...... B u4 ...... hellevoo (Jod ; •Jeetrlo Telephone W•tlleld · He with hie boolre early ee bowa twn.,ath the rhutenln� rod ; Aveaue, J. h He for t e hide t>nd the army'e call, Crown o! Tborna on th Ravior'o lallh that his Ollie.: The e Blo Rt'<•d enwr llveo. New Yorll: Utb Ob, what hapa and mishap befall brow, lln lallln� hot><> and t'


TRill JIIJATIOJU,L aiiiiJIIJifi'OIWBD PROSPECT STREET THE DIFFERENCE WATE-OOrBD .t.RMIN HOOS Bl'RIAL VA�LT Ul VlOLIN INSTRUCTOR •••ltarr. Alr-tta•t. PerfeftiJ'CIIIMIIIIrr _..._ A FILL your tank with VAULT wtt•••t rAIJLT. Terma Reuonable Standard • 111 Elm StreeL, W•uteld, N. Motor Gasoline, and yotJ J. IU!H"FAt'TURED A. R. notice the difference instantly in f'. DUNHAM COLLINS the "feel, of your engine. POULTRY8\' 0, 8l'IR. CIVILDlillii&ID .li:NOINEKRB ANDH. 8UR­ColliDe VSYOR.I& 1\'fAOUJUE DAIRY POIJL'I'Il\ BLUIII PRINTING DltlPARTMII:NT ts so MOl A Standard Motor Gasoline FARM New Poat omce Bulldln• Where tt••• W•&JeJd, POGr•••I'LTRY ••• ICOOIIl . much better than "just gas, that Mll.K, l'Rio:"-M, "··��··· .. ��...... it is worth while to be particular SpHial aUraUoa.. ah·••... •• •••• r., ANDENRSON .1. MOTORSTAND GASOUNEARD t'aU ...... Pr•••• .. rn "·'"•••�141.I>E� lttr 'KER a,.u.,. , about what goes into your tank. .\. K ll i " .. .. ,. . and •r • � � � � �Yl�••r• C. W.Ave. Pbo ('or. \. ! � � :�:��� Rtl•.. 145 POLARINE Cylinder carbon frequently is WESTFIELArchitectD. N. 11e 7811 Oil and Greuel cab caused by the use of an inferior C O. T to JO:Qij a. ·• KAlLaYork. RIK:�VIID 1 �· rom New llvorrt. &A4 13outhweiL i-O oo for STANDARD OIL COMPANY a;SG ID.mall: 1: � ro0, lll IlL a W


, llJLY 1', 191�. ,-----,,....------1'------. : autrr&l!lo o had c ur l'd t e li I t t h quor n· tProota until t he Prohlbltlonlot1 Liquor Interests and the Ques­ i, wholly lo-t faith oIn woman outrr&tot1 Ao an ally, and worked at�olnot lt. The i Smart Navu Serae Walkina Dress . Cleveland "Plain Deal8r" of October I tion of Woman Suffrage 112, 1914, oayo that Fnu Sch m r l me Look w o hu re<•Pntly be population are In 'dry" territory rei with the oaloon-lndeed that the the •loon ln­ on is, il teento and to pel"'aade tllam that will find not one !'qual to and that In Mlchlpn, wber. the Mioon kee ra nry ht�lp- • they have nothlnlf to fear fmm wo­ our charlll' hao ._n made that tbe laflt' ful to them-and Ulurl!d the public , t men • 'l'ot Under th- circum­ majority a11alno woman ouffralle w that auffrap had nowhere brourht You pe had ._n otanc the anonymouo report now inwredient1. du� to the activity of the liquor deal­ prohibition On Ma 4 1916 I " bread. bt'lnr circulated by th" o trra1d tl ero. 70 per cent. of tht! wet eountt• Reno, whe the wo h�d the �ot ee. u 1 u � that the liquor lntereota of rpfuoed to 11rant to women the rl1ht for the n1 11 me the 00n queot on1 . 1\fao•- Wholftomelt_!ade 11 1 chuHttl raloln1 el11ht million t i na by to votl' , riaa � are 1 while 84 per cent. of the pro­ . bm ed o e 1 n a pro ,• u t th 'l'ot en ea poe d o aro to de eat woman au trrail• hibition eount\81 were of the Amt' tlon {o reduce the number of liquor 11 r to undOH S..nitary coodi· ludlcrouo. Why ohould theoe Inter­ E\•ery loaf wrappe4 mind. llcenoea from 80 to 40 f1 lied to ar y o eltpertbe.'kan � c r Hta waote a lar��;e fortune In workln11 papt>r. . Today, attention 11 called to the In a eln e w ar d and' acror dl nK to I 1 ' arat ot l adlel aaxjpulao the ouf­ following otatemento collated by the pren reportl, the votea of the wo- 10 ID ,... fralllto are to be hefpful and friend· MuMrbuaetto Auoclatlon OppoHd to men 1howed a maJority In opoeltlon ly t them . ______\\'oman Sul!ra1e which may be to the reform mo'l'eme t The 0a r. . . 10. _ •• ac­ u ' A pure, wholesome loaf. lied upon correct (and which called B olneu Mea s Aooo clatlon, Ot'T OF bATF:? for the alluolono to Booton commonly reco1niRd he liquor count• nt Foremost and MaoAchuMtto) under the head­ or�ranlutlon, publicly thanked the The nre worko In the evenln1 on K In outrra�tloto, "the fair-mindedu omen the Summit Home L,and Company'• Kleen-maid Rntr"'lflllhl· AC'C'UIIIId who oupported the candldatea en: property on Linden place and Mapl� doroed by thlo aaooclatlon t ly Liquor lateft�Ra, ." w otreet, attrarted the larpot �ra her­ to • InK of the day. There were at least Butr•a�:tou bave of Beta.:toni' deelarad Frlnd· In California, where women vote, 6c and tOe 10 live or olx hundred automohllee and that antl-ouffr.. loto •re In teaaue prohibition wao recently d fated by carrlal!el parked on the nearby with the liquor lntereou that 10me nParly 200,000; and accordln1 to otreeto, and the opectaton numbered At All Grocers of them have be1un to bellen It, Senator orka, of California, Ban ee from nv to oeven thouaand penon•. The facto are that for yean the Francloco alone hao 3,&00 oaloono, al­ .. ·--Summit Herald. 1011lrraatato have been cou rting th•e thoulh ItW to much omaller than Boa­ lntereoto anlduouoly. Ruun B. too, whteh hu le11 than 700 aaloono Anthony bepn r ntury a1 In io the ouffragloto admit that ADVERTISE OF THE TIMI!l It, half a .. o. O with her appeal to the brewera for thPir overwhelmlnK defeat laot !all. -not e1tra'l'a1antly, not waotefully, h elp lor the outrra�:e eauoe. ry otal by 182,0un majority wao larKely but DON'T GIVE ANYBODY A C h ALL E •tman Renedlrt, paid 1utrra�:• owlnK to t e anti-saloon ""f'lll<'. Tht' CHANCE TO FORGET YOU. ZEEBAKING CO.K

.c' h

llkldlnl' & Co., Now York • ART walk Inti tin ••· ! or RftPmoon wPnr. The &M · ht•r.• fen• •ports D.IIIM4'" !IFJof. M.tm \ �· Hhowlng olwl'i nrP lx'ltet.l at tht" norm$l llnP wltb t'PfJ(e A a fta....,lrt Ollt) olmj>le lou!( hou trnnt oklrt JK•rtluu, while tilt' ollort­ton� ai•Ted bodl"". l h•• tlre•• • <'harm· er hanK otrHhrll from thl' ohoul· tantd. ' ' I •m••• t hi i'IJ<' ollk hull hut·

_ so _so G reat Summer Sale

that will be a n . n. f.,, ''\, . .. ··'·�· ' All broken assortmQUICents to be soldK Thursday,CLE FridayAN-UP and Saturday, at surprisinaly low prices. Just read the bargains for this three day sale. . �< !'i�:W toi�:I',\RATE HKIII'I'S !'\m'<'lt) l'lltl'h l'o<'k<'IM, ·----�'lared gored, ok Hklrt•. Rt)·lt N<'W Y e "Ready-Made" Dresses on !rout•. oJten fronts, plaited effect and \lea�l butt Oahardlne pure Linen. �lat ....tal,._ Bedford Cordo, Palm Beach, At Half Price and Leu

Did we � prl<'e'! "Why, pracllcally eyery tlreoo to '""" than ; I at 11.00 and 11.98 H)' oew freoh d--he NEW CHINCHILLA � price." llrantl ftoal ciPan•UJI tllll or '/ / L'O\TH · · otrlped chin­ maker. Hllck,.ard lett oo bls baada. Sho,. tnK t e new plain and novelty conve tible collar, // chilla, wit wide.UUIO belt 11thered back, r button trimmed. All J •mart pa c pockPta and novelty we.ther them t h · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 7.80 shades ...... · · · · u I h · and o eo, M lllllll l<'aocy Glq. /' , h NEW Ita••••• at ...... __ .._ e&c., 1.96 · patch new length with otltched belt, wtde Smart f!I,OO.... 00 to .7.110�.110 l<' low� Crepeo, VoUee, \' U atrlped aad plain Vre...,. n oteeve, wide cuffo and collar, nn­ pucketo, oetl C.'ORDUROYIDI&PPY COAT!ol rooe, navy, Or1antlle�, Dlwltle•, at . , ..., . , ...... with omart coYered buttooa. Shades , , , .' 2.96 lohed ...... · . · copt'n, white . , ...... 3.98 . . .. , . · · · .. ,7,110 to ••o.oo Dl'ft- (,1 oth 8ulto, . at ...... , . ..Ilk., . . . , ... . ,...... , . •10.00 Palm Beou.'h , . , , , , . , 3.76 \\'omen'• . · • · . .· · at ...... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 4.96 . . · · · · · · · •10.00 to � , , '10.73 at . , ...... , .... . , ...., • , •., ..., , .•. ...•• .• • Ml-' Palm Beach en 6.00 and Lin , . . \\'umeu'•su•t•, ...... · ...... at . .lii.IMI NII:W f!I. VOILIC DIUII&B8 and fU.76 and 8.76 ;,:·· and Cloth Butta, were Many otylea In checko, otrlpe�, colo oboto tlowero �· - ... , \\'omeu'• ...... •...••...... and llguree. C atee and draped walol.l. Lace and $16. oale price 6.96 o UO fii.IIO o o; Quaker eolian. Taffeta and l•tber belta. Two ....and A-..rtmeat or 8prlDJ1 CoaU, which \Delude oome th ree tier and drtlped oklrto. Value 2.60 1111 n p price .... Au prlcea were to $10.00; cl -u 2.96 ollk onee; NEW f!I,N FRI!lNCH LINEN Dl\lll881<'8 U.U ..... , Coatee model, wltb Quaker collar and ' buttono tou t'nliK' "· hh Drl'�clt•u llo\\ , U ea '""" . l•lunot• of pule uray d.llHI,\" in , f6.8G ...... t'HAR�IISO u r k Value , . . 3.49 •Ilk I• trlmmc,\ tlt��MI.Iln. Ano1 1u·r IN ull eiMD d•l•tu... "'lth of poi11t d't·�prlt Half-Price A �,tnhl thread ewbrold· frll lH, nncl l'lttll l'owpost•d of Dresses Nearly NI!:W FIUI:NOH LJNI!lN Dll K88EB f!I,OO tout·llp• ut nuotlwr I� P copen, white and l'fiM. t•ry. T P llo• t•ru•hetl glrdl" l r or:.nuulh.� 14('Uilupt•d uwl etu· yeara; averaa; price, , .n t h \Vlll•t 11 w we wblh• Girl•' D�. to 14 e Ex ra ftne quality ; Ruulan with croch6t but- · · · • model and culh 1'"""1 willow talfetl llroltlt•rt'tl 1\t 1tzeo 6 ...... · · · · · · 96 llw Til•• tlut $1.&0 u.oo Dreueo at • tool. Dainty lawn bemotltcbad collar and cuth. New �ray Ju1••· to .7.UO and ftnl&hetO \lhtlt ovpr tllP obuul· ��uruaol lth fruc..'k}'i .•...... 5 • uEhw ohadeo. Value , 00 In 11 . w wu•dt t Blue '>IIor \.a ven­ tier, wblcll l(lv0111 tile very 111 Wild� of <'tal"'· DreH 8P""lala In Lawo, wi h ,,r llecomlnl J,Jrlottodc>�raool II &NM4 IQ.Y. - WE DO PRINTING W estfleld Bottling Works of W@ prtnt head•. tn· hHI heada. letterf \'fl!lOflf'l, calllnl c•rdl, ·•ed­ f'lrculau, ICRLENGD. PNJrlet•r Bits Byplay IDYltatlona. By lake Mtlake dlnl' annountement•, book­ SPORTS leU, prol'rama, poeter1, aU •lUI, and PureI . and Llquora ••.rythlna a ftrtlt-e1••• prtnt ... In ahop. a e a lpetlalty of prtnttn• Wines We tl Fer FunDy and Pledlclftal Pu..,.. ... Athletla, BueHU, lowlln., Golf, Tenn.. by·I&WI andrn other book•. and AU the wten .. Ia ISOfte Iampi,.,. may Hen at our otrlee. you have Huh I b� U N. J. any prtntln• to M doni!. hrln• it 'I Elm Street. T...,._ - Wntfteld, eannot und-.IMI ltreet Mot. hflorr· Second round-1.. M. Wood and I dalntiHt TEIIItl C. TM Clll ...... , A. Brown, Rutherford Tennlo Club. her llpe and )'et 101•wouldn't pu,... Up ull DOUBI.F.R. VIctor Underwood and W. M. Lam­ llbe her kl•t�a. Tennl• Club, Dellle E. o n. and M. Randall w n Oeor11e Throclrmorton and P Ern1t, OLUB MlllF.D . J 11111 tb• In th• otub ml•d llewa...u Te nnlo Club; Ru-1 Brown th• grntwh. ld bert, Wutlleld old fnl(y . MbleMn. at the WeatM and W. H. Brown, Clifton Pine"".thr VELVET lalurday IDinl'fl the wlor " Club afternoon by Club, R. M. Klrlrland and Plall "' lll 'l'e4 • todRto :• lf\1!1', ••· 111&1 reaad "" plied tbe rrourb . R r and · ow FINISH toara.-t- D Van Dnenter, Bllsabetb n and "Bowr· Railed 8-B, t-'f. 1'etmtl "Tben lnatead of Nlteble, Coantl')' Clqb; L. E. M.,.., A. G. "1 JOU • IRVIDI< OOH ..._ commented tbe DMae, ld ohl foro. t•ttac Mre. i I �. II. 1V..t T The llrlt, MCOdd and MtDI-IIna Clark- C. wn. I ret urn.,., tb• andRo land, lOII I fl\ rounda Men'• Doubl•, N.abt .. Clu , poucb. "Be me tor ,10." . of the Metue.,_. Teeldlb Club, Ill." ulred COLLAR COMFORT b, fte r. . ,.tlllnl•, at taeld Golf O,. .. o. ... 11. "No; IIIYPd fl\," plaJed on 8alurdiJ Jut. � • Ouohl - Tllell'et,.... n WU11am Oo11t hal lot• q�unll. , Great lntei'Nt wu d� u d ob H. Kyle and tbe w • ro o n.And he l ol It: l)r SMOOTH Jar,. ll ud all aam•.weM Todd, tlleld Golf Club p ...... PlaJ, H• •t• tino JM'OUdcan• other JWlll &rJ ..-IDI d.._tAid &tanleJ .. PERF ItT lloliJ conc.tad. Bellowo and Pau To atve ancleom arlt. II)' Collier, --l i · In the llret c:n-1111t Plalnlleld Tennlo Club, hlmHU tile . loba H. w 8-tl, Me· 1·1, 1·1. ROUND Wll �aw Knowe Rverythine• TIE oa � ..... 1·4 ; .... ,. IUld a. A. T. Martin and P'. Hardcaalle, WIIIJ,.....Paw. wbat lo tbe nailed e Bttrrow defeated New . I. -.. Yorll, defeated W. Throcllmortoa trlltb1 SPAt I IOOIS aad c. C,. 1-8, 8-8 :�. Olarll, r.. and C. Blrllhola, Colonia Golf Club, Paw-A. bare ltatement of fllctl, mJ .,. 'W. 8, ,...,, 8-8, 11·9, 8-4. f. lllaltla ut G. 0. -· tbe·aaat _.ada\1 n4 round H. P. Randall 8. H. Pe114er&ut and MasweiJ H . Aron- dete&Wd R� 8. !breton, Ellubeth Town and conn­ Giddap I •. n 8-1, 8-1 ; Club, Tho pooky motor""r will not d 8. Yo.blda. C. trr defeated H. H. Knl&ht and l!l. Run omoothly 1011 too TNmaln and Alper• defeated Gordon U�ner, P'anwoud Tennlo R. The locomotive,tr II tolc1, hot: 0\ement and Wlll!Oll, 8-1, 'f- W. Club,'l-0, e-o. .a I'm .._ a ; fl'. Won't at an unl•• It'• '8\lawortb run and Cutler defeated W. B. Clarlllon and L. Ballard 11l. l!l.1!1. fl' 8mlth Burrow, 1-1, 1-8, 8-t; G. llewal'tln T•nnll Clnb, defNted. 11 H. p: r a and A. 1•. Randall defeat - and M. Randall, t l Golf aoai.S. p �. l!l. ea lle d am •llln1 a poell•t life p_,.r, •. Klein, e-1, 8-8, RoiMe aad M uon and P'. 1 Club, lnd I wonlcl lllle to lntei'Pot JOI1 In lt," 1·8, 8-t. Tbe matebeo Lifeto �-r. I. M betWMnW the Colonia uld''l tbe .,.nt tbe bulla- man lu 4ld In tbe IIIIIDI·IIual round Tremain and New Yorll7-11. tnm1 were excltln& tbe dr)' tt'Wn. t.lld Alpert defeated Raudall and and ciOMly conteated. Thlo match It, pint or balf pint?" A.roa.on, 4-t, 1·1, 1·4, aad Moreen tooll o•er two boure and 1 half to aalled b a mau. 1.. o - aud A. Randall defeated tell pi&J. Some 'er,. lineplayln& a- on both ''Wblt llltl t1 wortb and Catlor, 1·1, li•T, 1-1. •Idea drew loud applauH from the the ll e l Tbe llnall will be played next lll lerJ. Aboat 11a hundred a ,_r . tim• w ll OUr Sllllloh , eo Jlor rllbtluoll now mallooLenpitwl'ltlna t ..1110 "te ....., ar," F•t l am .. .. W, T. HOLM OOJII IIOLA· GOLF . C. ADd I'm wriUna TIOJif DOVBI..D 'I'OVRJifAJIR!fT It That W•'1· Tbe fftDit• In tbe Handicap Com. M- , .. ,, At 111 of et.btJ..eqbt Mr. conoolatl.onl In tbe mind mlttee Cup competition at tbe llnlla Tbe WUIIIal LoMoa ColaJ, a utlYe aud doublea tournament bald bJ the of the WMtlleld Oolt Club on Hatur­ y-, kt Veu Den't reeldant of W•tport, uP W�d Taa&e ctub �ulJ daJ were u follow•: tile ripe paued 2o EAOH SHIRTS 1 2o ewaJ •andal e\'etllnf. COLLARS ple.JIMI oil' laot Baturday and were A. R. Qlement beat Clarll, 4 011 ,.,_ 0. JDOftl of one ou bonored elt1· -a by Mlu Emma D. Harrl110n and up and 8 lo play. Uflltl- moat ..-. • a.._ - calli contlal recopttlon.-A l'ltoddard, who pla:yecl oou111teat M. Hqeman beet W. H. Me:r­ 'l'ble fl'. 11:. OoiiMC!tlent ttlllnl1 In ill of tbelr matchH. well, up and 8 to plaJ. of r II J'ollowin• are tbe aeofft: B. won from W. R. ror Jlr...... le Na,.._ !\I AI!'I '1-'I<'R ANI> WOI«K NOOI\I� J'lnt Rouad- b,. default. Paper. T!!ST ANCOURT0 .. LAUNDRY CO. K. D. Llea til a opocl alllt at Miaa Emma D. Harrloon aad Mr. A. D. Tuttle beet 8. J'loher, J'. llater fl'. ltoddard detMted Ml• Harrlaon up and 1 to play Lea De•tl . t'")( >:1- z-�oT J·�AM'l' T�:"'il) �THEET Mr. 8Um1011, 8-8, 8-1, 8-1. M. Berueo­ A. Btur&l• beet W. Townie,.,I Mill Helen Grlflltbt 1 Yille, 0. qult otller NB'\T 'Y( )l{K Ollerry defeaWII Mlu Ralll aad Doa­ Delli beet J. E. Brolraw, .. d W. B toDica and read Bhl of B;rpleJ In· DonaldiiOu, 8-1, 8-1. up and to ..... , .. v .... llld RaJ up. 1 ateed. Tlauk• fo tiM llaiiJ laaebl. Mlu P'nlnN& and Mr. Da"d· R. 8. Galea beet R. H. Aronaoa, Dee r L•lle--1 hi.,. lalr.IDI ­ LM L. �. P'llmmer, defeated Mloe Heleee Gladwin up llld PIIJ. ald1011 8 pi&J,to ud Clltrord Ewlq bJ detaalt. W. R. J'errl• won from P. r lw•r• _. lt. lll• ll.arlon KeJ" and Rob a. II. PIQDil 0. 8cartr by default.t Tho Will ee The Says •toddard defeated Mlu IAe and Mr. •Dlap woodWith fteW Ali tbe recular attendant• at tbe blaclllmlth DaYidooll, 8·1, e-o. up aod otruell tbe r!Pt movlea llnow Earle WilliO')llfll'IU.am• he In the woodlllled.--V-IIIee J'lnaiii- u tQUIN vi. appeare u tbe atlr In tbe rloua MI• Emma D. Harrlaon and Mr. PolkJ. Vlta&rapb productlono, but to llt.oddard defeated MIA Key111 and few le &ivan tbe opportunity to meet Thin Bob KeJIII, 8-4. .. .. te w.....,. ••• blm In peraou. The manapment of the llbrar7 Tbe re&nlar teature .cbed­ YII'J ore Del

(Continued from Page GAYOSO FABRIC

Tbe entranto and tbe ocbedule for EXTRA QUAIJTY POUND PAPER the OM) lint and 18CQnd roando Ia ao fol- Regular price 25c-NOW RIVATE SEAl d low•: , J'lr1l rouud-J. H. Kyte and J. H. a paper. Todd. Wntlleld Golf va. 8tan­ lie Club, Bellow• and Paul Collier, Plaln­ Envelopes to match 7c package when sold with ..ld Tow11 Club; W. Throcllmorton Robert M. Smith, lllld C. Blrllboltl, Colonia Golf Club, AND The Brew for You le)' Jr. A. T. Martin and P'. H& deutle, , Every aid that has to safeguard the brewing n. f W•Ultld, sci Ba7onne Tellntl Club; Pender· supplied cl IWeT.A.TION:U GJye N:IWIDUIJUI.8tawp1 ... t and M. R. Martin, Eliaabetb l'OIIDK encethe equipment the !Ill •1m ..... New Jenay pure found in wn Country Club,Ill. va. B. H. H. beer is of F eigenspanBrewery­ �t ud (}(lrdon Urner, Fanwood Amerlea 8&Yinl ,_Dia A. W. Donaldoon and moat rigid ceosonhip in � IDdClub ; every inp. Donaldaon, WeaUield Tennla Club, ·the exercised passing UnaWir Dunbam and H. Mcll. dient the operatioau n. Outln• Club, bottlina. D.Qluebrooll:, llderan Per Week lor 2 Persons Bahwar: Oliver Hall and W. o. Tltu•. RO M MEALS used, and in of brewing and Weatlleld or.&nll Clu'b, Ya. Irvine NO rr::z:t.:E. & PRIVATE SEAL it 1M a.... fw Balcb, AT4 BRIGHTO BEACH, N y, ocaw����f.wAY and $ 5 tolltb, �Tennla Ciub; Jacll Van­ fuliiJ...-dae •I ·-- olalcal.ol Jtanoom, Plalu­ Tbroell� W. Jlany AN&RIC�-�1'!�-�!J!\OP_R AN wilb .... ---...... Tbrookmor- HOTEL SHELBURNE. .PLAN ...... leld ·•L Ha,_., priv•ta balb1; runulna bot ud cold ...... �r u4 .t.. -: ...... n L. T. Bal­ water cunvenlence; batblna Tennilla r 011111. B.and every aurf � -.,., Tenu Club, H. P. 1\CIIlftNil ud p. Bewal'tln Tennl• 300 7& llall aad M.ao Raadall, Wutlleld Ia �; eJ•It: w. B. O Dlooer o..-...., ...... Ranaom VI. e.nd Joaepb lolonloy .. ll b, IPIICIAL IUII8 TO F AIIJLJa 10 DeYIIIWf, l"lallllleld Tennll l .7 ROOMS · 0...... ,.. . ,... T , .... e JD, C u WI\ITI 1101\ illooday olin peoa War­ Week-EndPA.MPHI.IT Rate \' llnokiMI ,. f Olab; PweJ ''*''fit. ·� Teanl1 Club; IPIICIAL IROU& MEALS DINNER NOON TiN P. M , TO .•• · -.,,{8•.· and c. H. A L,":. . lQ.la. · n'-bllr ft. . B. 8. a t .. . h ADNIIIIION ·5·· u4 w .",lap�Dll, El MoraTa· -...- ...... OJp, -, W. au.wo.rt.b NID W YBURN'S K- Twice 7:311 k 11.11 ...... Dlwnlea .. ..' . 'ft. JlerrF."·· ...... RW NO CHAROID 'l'r:tm.D ... 16, 1911\.

FIRST BAND CONCERT THE WIFE'S ESTATE Rlo:f'Jo:TD NT.... ('OSTRI Rl'TIO!fRL&AD w.DlQID.A.Y, lVLY rRI1,nRF.!II''8 C'Ol'NTRY HOMt:, 8anno11tftq Tuwu Kxpl-atlo• "RIIt'hhoo TO of " Mra. Oeo. ('ole ...... 110 .00 Fric111J AC't. Madam, Allow Me f'mwtl ._ Mro. Norman Bailey ...... 1.00 , .... """' t'rom . Editor of the I.e•dertJwo: !ll' rw Mra. A. Reuther ...... 6Q .. � ...... F.. I lind amon11 women much dlaCl>l· ...... 1.00 The8-11 coocert 1tnn In the Wublna­ Mlu Loraine 8ak"r alon concernln& the new law whlcb ...... 5.00 To Introduce the ton School Park on P'rlday evenlna Mr. Paul Schladenaky went Into elred July 4tb, by which Mr1. John P'laher ...... 1.00 lut bJ the membera of the Weet­ the dower rl1ht Ia abollahed In New Mre. Mortimer Newcomb . . . . 6.00 lleld Band. proved a drawln& card JeraeJ. encloae an outline or Mu. T. J. Wood rln& ...... 1.00 Dot only for the reeldenta of Weet­ 1 aynopala of tbe bill aa palled, which Mn. J. M. Cunnln&bam . . . . 1.00 leld but many people frnm the aur­ waa pr<>pa....S by H. Richard•. of Mn. Rankin ...... 1.00 rouodln& towna. 1!:. New Bloomlleld, N. J. It waa ao pre­ Mro. Shannon ...... 1.00 Tbe campua waa well tilled wltb pared In the tntereata of clearneae Mn. M. Arnold ...... 1.00 people whf'n the ftnt number on tbe 0. for tbo101 of ua who are unfamiliar Mra. R. Rlchardaon ...... 6.011 pro1ram wae 111ven. The band wu I. with t�hnlcal lepl terma. S..nator Mlu LurJ Worth ...... 1.00 exrellent and worda of pralae were Rathbun pre-ted two other billa Mro. P. Dorman ...... 1.00 bftr'd on all eldea. 0. &lvlna women larp and unreatrtcted Mro. E. Condit ...... 1.00 · to the fact that tbe band Oeo. Owln11 powera over their own property, aad Mn. E. D. Jl'loyd ...... 6.00 did not play on July P'ourtb, tbe tbeae blllo embodied provlalona ex­ Mn. HarrJ Taylor ...... 1.00 Post Toasties proaram of P'rlday evenln1 conalated latant under New York State lawa. Mr. Chaa. Doerrer . . 1.00 In part of ae•eral patriotic aln, tbe ...... • Tb- were reJected. Had they alao Mn. C. T. Decker ...... 1.00 You may have eaten •• corn Raltes .. otber numben beln& marcbee and been pa-d we would more clearly Mro. J. D. Barr ...... 1.00 th" aon11 hlta of tbe day. have undentood tbat tbe Senator'• Mn. J. H. TownleJ ...... 1.00 but you have never tasted any that equal Leader Welcb baa annonoced tbat aln&le pnrpoae wu to obtain &re&tf'r Mro. R. R. Sinclair ...... 6.00 tbe con..erta will contloue duriD& In nnanclal control for women their Dr. M. Jl'. J!:&el ...... 8.00 the New Post T oaaties. July and Au&uat, tbe next bela& on c. owa property, aad to tbla end he Mro. A. J. BeckleJ ...... 1.00 l'rtday evenlo&, July 18. Durln1 be­ pn by propoatna the bill abollahlnll ...... 1.00 AUI!UOt they will be 11vea ewery P'rt­ Mra. J. M. Sinclair These new Raltes. madam. are crisp both courteoy and dower, deprlvtns Mro. W. Slebenmor1en . day men of more than women are de­ ...... 6.00 ThP book contalnln1 tbe llot of aa­ Maater Dan Carroll and Ralrey,and have a substance and toastie prived of, aa the rl1ht of courteay Mn. J. A. Wittke ...... 6.00 aoclate mem bero haa atill a few 8. . . . . t.oo eYIIJIDa, 4!Xceeda that of dower. Mn. WhltneJ . blank 1••11"•· ...... l.OP flavour. a snap and zest that malt.. i.hem Youra wery truly, Mn. J. T. Tubby, Jr...... 1.00 GRACE DIJP'JI'IEI.D GOODW IN. M . Artbur Rule ...... 6.00 lildtlor Weatlleld Leader : ro di!'Jtinctive. Mra. G. Edmonda ...... 10.00 During the aummer -aon evenln1 Art. c. �onrPrto will &lven, and with the Mra. t.toycl Thompaon . sweetness. the New Post T oasties have a body be Tbla law Ia called the Rathbun Act . . . . . 6 fl Dainty to be sure in their Yery promlaln& material at hand Mra. A. Bourne ...... 1 0.0 bet'&uTl"'lll lntr ._..odueedlood Rathbtul by Senator Rath­ H. , Weotfteld will have one of tbe beat Mr. John Platt ...... 10.00 bun. It amenda In certain partlcu­ and firmness that don·t mush down when cream or mill. is added; and a true ripe· ��erlf'o of Park Concerti In tbta coun. Mn. A. F. Winkler ...... 1.00 laro the old act "dlrectln11 the ty. Mra. A. Palmer ...... 1.00 deacen t of real eet.ate." corn Ravour that malres one feel that here. at last. is something really new and The organlutlon Ia compoaed of Willow Grove Sunday Scbool 7.15 By the old law, upon the death of hnown people of Weetfteld, and Baccalaureate Service ...... 5 0.10 good to eat. wrll a wife, tbe huaband took all the althouRh amateura In tbe •oae that PI Epallon Soelety ...... 10.00 wlfe'a real eatate for the term of hla . they do not put tbelr 101r1'1c811 oa the Carnival on June 5th ...... SU.PO life. Tbla, In tbe old law, waa New Post T oasties-selected Indian corn, prepared for the table It wae markf't, yet they caa without aay Mra. Tboo. J. Miller, Jr. . . . . 1.00 known ao an "eatate b)' the courtet�y ." fear of romparlaon take their place Mr. Tbaddeua R. Bell ...... 10.00 never prepared before. Rl&ht of courteay Ia abollabed by the as among t be beat of profet�alonal Mn. Brune Ric...... 1.!10 Rathbun act, ao that under tbla act organlaatlona. Mn. Robert Perry ...... 1.00 the huaband no looser haa a life ea­ Your grocer has them now. Th<' band Ia worthy of al l tbe en­ Mn. Henry Mooney ...... 1.00 tate In blo wlfe'a real eatate. Th@ and ftnanctal atd wblch Mra. J. M. Walah ...... 1.00 muolralrouraKemf'nt new act provldea, however, that he they need at thla pr-nt time of Mro. \\'. P. Gibby ...... 1.00 haa a life eatate In one-third of tbe . . . . . 1.00 their PSiotence. Tbe cltlaena of Mro. J. W. Hi ldebrant . wlfe'a real eatate which abe poaaea­ and and rould help very materially. Min Marton W. Hamilton . . 1.00 Buy Try Smile Awhile Wf'otftrhl at the time of her death, It ahe leavea MI� O�""a nd M� fi�M a omall yearly donation. .60 by no Will. KIVhJI Mra. C. Bradlleld ...... 60 ;� One button hole bouquet otrered Under the old law, upon the death amid Ll fe'e atreu of trlala Ia worth Mr. H. Kern ...... 16 of tbe huoband, tbe widow took a Mr. W. Howarth . � a thousand wreatha of rOMa laid on life eatate In one-third of all the the of a dead man who died P'rlend ...... 60 real eatate which tbe huaband had dlocouraged and broken ht�arted. Mra. SydneJ G. Stevena . . . . . 1.00 owned durin& their entire married ...... U Kindly allow me to augg1111t a new Mro. Mary E. 'tbomaon . , . . 6.00 Ea&le "Mikado" Pencil No. rnf!ln life, unleu ahe bad releued It In the dPparture for tbea., coacerta. Mra. J. W. Cornell ...... 1 0. 00 deeda he ml(!ht hav.. made or otber­ 1 17 4 I think If lome of our lyric lenora Mra. J. T. Wilcox ...... 0. 00 Ia a wtae. Thla eatate known aa Mra. Arthur Pleraon ...... 6.00 and oopranoa In Weatlleld would come In­ dower eatate. Tbe Rathbun Act 1 forward and vary the pro&ram with Mro. J. •. Hall ...... l.OO • atoll of tbla "rl&ht of dower" 1lvea (lllll·olr llox a aolo, and llkewlee our Choral So­ Mrn. A. Welcb . attrou·ll"' Hair In Canon to tbe wife a life eatate In on...tblrd ...... 50 l'adLI'tl lim• llm.t'ln In om ami (lrou ciety wltb aome of their choruaea, It Mra. R. J. P'auat ...... 1.00 of the real eotate which her huoband For Sale at Your Dealer Ea or per Do•en would enjoyed nry mucb Indeed. Mro. R. Thomaa ...... 1.00 Be ch SOc be owned at tbe time of bla death, I a Don't hide your ll1bt under a r Mro. J. P'. Cowperthwaite ... 10.00 l'oliNho·ol 1-'iniHh, Hing, be left no wilt. 8hap•• lli!{ltly in Oilt Tip and Hed flttrd huehrl. rome out like the bandomen. Mlae MarJorie l.oulae E11bert . 6.00 f� rasivt' Huhh. Accordlnl( to the old law, under ll•••l Mra. A. E. Keller ...... 1.00 . Tbe Board of Trade baa promlaed a tlw wr�· finest pre­ certain condltlona upon the death of •. . li<'XRio(Oit Quality YellowPencil ll'ith specially to aupport the or&anlaatlon, and the Mro. R. 1 Mclntoab ...... 1.00 '"" a peraon leavln& a father and motb· with h""'IPud, which iK ••xct•Pdingl�,·. nnd olurubl... Mayor to one of tbe beartfeat aupport­ Mra. 1". D. Mooner ...... 6.00 pun•d er, the father took A11C.'l'ltAT.:I,\' llltAin: n .'1\'lo] o•:(lRE•:s the real eatate ab­ Mra. F. Low ...... 15.00 The Mikado 1a a Superior of 1N' <'ont ius era of tbe plan. Tbe work of tbe If 1!:. aolutely. But the dereaaed left a No t 8oft No. � �leclluon Han! Hard band Ia voluntary In ewery reapect Mro. E. R. Tinker, Jr...... 6.00 •uwoth No, 8 mother, the father beln& dead, the No Medium No. Hard for Dookkeepen and given for tbe advancement of the Min Clark ...... 1.00 11 motber took the real eatate for life : ('ONCEo•m TO RIC THto: lo' INio:IIT L R peopl" and to advance the rauae of Min Emily A. Clark . P I MADE FO GENERA\. only. By the Rathbun Act, under ENC good tnuelr. Mra. E. T. Calrno ...... 2.00 4 Extra noted above, If the the rtrcumataneeo Mra...... 50 EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY uol�. than queen of beaven care 8...... '.'"' lJIIi: "M deeeaaed leave father and mother, .-.,harming opell; That abakeat atlll­ Mra. John Penchoen . they take the real eatate to1ether ...... J.OO Mra. Robert Mlddledltcb . . . 1.00· n""" unto hell. Than that bament and upon the death of either th' tlgero, and fterce atorma that rlae Mra. Jl'. Schaefer . ourvlvor takea the whole eatate If 17'7 laOADWAY NEW YOU with thy aoula meltln& l.ullabiN; Mro. A. H. Meyer ...... l.OO only one parent aurvlvea the de­ Fall down, down, down, from tboae Mra. T. McOarrab ...... 6.00 ceaeecl, that parent laketl the whole ...... t.oo there charmln1 apherea to cbarm our Mra. R. T. Milia ...... 1.00 estate. aoula u than encbant'at our eara."­ Mra. Cbu. N. Coddlna; . . . . . 6.00 To aum up, the Ratbbun Act Pro· .10 Herrlck. Onore ...... · · · · · · · · · · vldea- . .u (Biped ) Rftpeetfully youra, Dull'y Broa...... ( 1 Tbat the bnaband'a old rlabt .u A. CHADWICK 1 Mra. H. Jl'ay ...... , to bave the whole of bla wlfe'a rul 810 Jl'lnt St reet, l'rlend ...... · .06 ttatate for bla life after ber cH&tb Ia WeaUield, N. J. Mro. Yard ...... abollabed ; . 75 Friend ...... ••• ...•...• .u That the woman'• rl&ht to Jl'rlend ...... ·. · · · · · · · · · .u RESULT OF CO-OPERATION one-tblrd of her huaband'a real ••· Mlu Loulae Dennlaon ...... 1.60 tate for life after blo deatb Ia abol· (I) Mn. Merton H. Clark ...... 1.00 Fourth of July Ia Iabell ; Committee Mra. John Nltchla ...... 1.00 Three C'h "Why ( 3 That both b uaband and wife w n t!on wa• almootr.-n. dar kened •• a 1111- made of late but ellcept ...-herl! alcll EDWARDS ure, whl h fllletl the Pnllre doorway TROLLER , DECLARES COMP , neaa Ia the motlu, It would llll'm ott>pped In and up to the nll!ht man'a that no one ahotJid lind fa lt wtth ­ deal!. r Enacted In 1914, Wla the lnnoeent lau&hter and ahoutlng Two hundred and ninety-one IIttau Producln& L&�lslatlon of a lot of normal children . It u poundo of northPrn New Jereey farm t Dtlr would be pi iful \ndef!d If Wemt­ ntnrll met til" uliiihl man'a 11a1e aa he Result II hld'a play11ronnd waw a no!MI s.,.niSIOR EIPIIdlhlns, WIH -. t1,1rned to an•wer the Inquiry tor a mlrtbl- atralr, ud very mueb alon111 nlght'l IOdl!lnl(. -�·.:.------l n of a dnf-an-dumb orpbana e . Ill dersay M•tln& AI Its OMIIItiOIS. tbtt e 11 AlthoU«h th" lodRing houae at the "Leader" atron11IY aaylum. The poll<·e atat on looed for tbe aum· N llle eem nnual atatement. J'DIII tu11ll7 for the l 11 la """''OMfY llrlrM the nellhhora aurroundlnl the mer the deoll man did not have the IDdward d81Hlrtment• and lnetltutlon tllat i tel.....-.1 pubUcatlon , 10 Wuhlngton Campua to b• lenltnt , In the e\·ent thAt the amount heart to aend ther tired and W!!llbty I, JCdw•rdll, otate comptroller, de· aNd& ot tile and eneroua, rememberln11 that they d w11a not aJlJJI'Ojtr\at..t wbftteYW ._ 1 otranger on blo way, he allowe tbat the atate New Jer· R too were children not very many 110 cla- tor wao allow..., wnnld �ntlJ ao him to al� n one of the rella over will able to ml'l!t all lte obllp· ntlmated far aa th la paper can aa I tbe pnf1'>o«e required. otber JeRTI RIO. The man gave hf1 name tor on or dona deop\tl! atatl.'menta *rn, no dlaorderly conduct Henr Wl11on a d hla add ,.,.. at toof con· wao thP J•rnrtlt'e followed � y n be IIUGI� lal'ltl near the 1rounda h .. been brOilllht I aey Atbe report ID•IIIutlon• departmeata of nert· 8o Three Brldi!U, he aald tha� he had tl'ai'J, and Tbe to notlef! thla aeaaon, and w en Ia nl��:ht. Edwarde aayo tllat be the lnt eYPr.V lniiUPnf'll that tbe7 beftn ralaed down on the farm and by eonolclered that more than three dent tbllt the revenue prodactq brh111 te lll'ftr upon tlla npproprtatlon that he .,.. trav�ffln& to N t�w Brune­ tbe rooclualon of 11111 hund red children concentrate at that latlon ena<'ted In commltt....,. In favor of appro h It wlrll In oearch of a Job. :Yr. wttb Ill "eooll­ eertaln roulll a me point each da7, urf!ly Weetllf!ld bave • •lon upendltoNI permitted/by In th• 11nnoal bill. .,. 1811111· to reuon to proud on t hie l<'ore. ci!Eded b7 etermined to 1Dd11C't be lliRF.("I'OR. \\.'.o\.N'TKD--\\'nrk l'Uttlntr IRM'na. ••r· tileopen Uon 11114 tbe nper.ll 11 d •: t,Jo:c•n:o liCit wi the ao��ecUn1 leaialatoN to mall• The aand boll to developlnl artlata, reeult ID atata Fran k Smith, of thla n l ovwthe meetma all obll­ pr\Rtlun• Mn. W. t .. lte larae oupplem•ntJII approprtat\ona en&lnMra, tawyen and atr&t81JIItl. d �}p,:� �f)· -n·v : �-"�r�··��: h��0r� tuT ��i.":r. me• ..tlona." report: effort town, fa one thf! lrecto from "' Ta of therecpdldUOo RJlprotJI'IIItiODII for otbar pors­ of n �n�'·\v ���� ���rr) Ia Each day linda more remarkable work New Jeney, of the State or­ ��\ty, �k��= "lt Lut Jan tbe complJGI I1!' tbe followlnt In Le&«ue oar, l.lld procre•• the way of -nlc ra l­ lanloed to tN"Omote home manufac­ -..-A.N'1"RD--\\'oman to t.lo and to f'atnt tamHr waah· fo'oUowtq tbe .. waya, aand em11l•• and oppoued turen under the title "Made In 8. rtlt.aT l�atloa lD ten mlnUtll 11110 ,,..,..,1 1 blocktown, from troll• · ina 4U M1trk• Avf'nue tile lqialature pampbleta cootalalaa a fortreeMa, a l carried out In detail. \1. from atatlol\, one Ill the Onr and 11bovereer. botb a"­ In l l A." wn 1 J; lnu11ryoondenaed ata.eat �Nd tnmlabecl waa tbe pollr7 ponaed by depar!mftb whllf! from the conaldf!rate, ret ln- :':.:��� ''l!r�� r�: .� ··& au..,t-tal am. �prlcel. Addr•••� 'l!.\s: department&. lutttotlou. l e11pnd tenM ar1umenta that arlee ao to t e broad. Moderate hom lnd lnot t ttona to mlleb o ot 10til- 01 "l a " Ill II. Dudloy ·• for tbe IIU1Jplemental aPPfCI'I)rta tbe appropriation• allowed ID tbt rl1hto of oppoahll armle• In the bat­ AYdo. t Leader, or 4· tf * of tbe ..U..tee The followlnl aupplleo have be..n 1 - tlon for tbe eocllq unual bill prior the ead of the t� round part of the aand to l tlla Oet. n to 1 h llun tlr•· lmpr • vemenu tn t Rlareet. I p. < made fi!hln•J ulr1 t:.!f' lU.\II �lm rn8t. a r J'rank Ro•ont. Bum­ 0 eoa< troent of appropriation acto n��tr... . 11. Wuhburu, IU oeato-to-� �::� .:::th-::"::;�1�ootlmat11.....,!!."=:� to prtnt­ · 1·1·1t mit Avenue; li:u••n• Hanfo Col� ot bo nl IIBP, tn 0. rd, IOiethor In J>IIIIPillet form, 11tl• lnl with the eathoatea mode by the dr• \'1&\1.1!}-.-HRlr t a full teet r Dudley Ave. Oeor•• h� �o� uaJ(uo1l t onr11tlnn. at re a, t Ut e4 qpon the Mme mallerawith br tbe pertmento nnd lnatltutlona, any chanM•' hld1 w;ontl" · 101 Walnut o W.; W. \\ UU\\ un, nff.-t'l'l• )'Uti KU UIIJUH'hlltif) to HI) ) uu IW\\ R . l'eek. P'lrat St. _,.. '"�'lllll.r a CLEARANCEt OUR •·ur 3U h4"1"tl SALE Becr•tary, control, between tbe mat amount• ""'' k hl ht•l,• J,ft:-#4tova, -nl ot It well a -..t II 11- eaU ed at.! JU'kf'H. ,11111t IU "a pet , Bhow ca.... 111eh the ot \\ t"OR §.-\ r • ...... tbc- allowed dNtroyed Jn M'tth <' air and other . talllllbod,to oubmlttoilu a. to tllo comptroller-..ct )'OU hftl )'Uti IU&)' f"\JJt't'l \'ftfUf'M,I t'UIIMblff"'Ut ator•mirror•. tu hICaat• 8t. 1011trot the ealcu\11 uur mlh·)' nf tt·uthfut fts r 140 bo oDd the tJooa made bv blm. 1 ltth·••rthdhl: Ut•m" mt"nllunt'fl e• eontlnentalBroad blc)·cltt, Jan. 10, otat-eDta ot tu trUH. ""-l•lil---·Oirl'• tor 11tbe Tlie t0lfowlo1 lm �emento provlll· .tm.Uar ••Pflndtuu-w 7 prtor ,._,. jjro Kf\'t� an hh�a nf f\�"'''� :;�::tah.elf'lt, 1?.� ��ng�• · prh·to ud tbo pproprlatoil II. t'oi'IIC'to, 1111<11,.... 17c (,uv.-•·• Be C::OKUITIP!II 11aoa1 711rrwetpta a rl, HJ>INtelr, ot llate trtrlly thelUI Btate refonnatory wom�•· �fh' ( 'unwt . ... wall[on a.roaT or THill: n Ollllllatoo pol forllwtall&tlon . FORaultuhlto 11.• 1 }-Uor fnr hUilftPIII.ae, andLea ha�rnfl••:dt>r Of­ OO ptrolt of the o.llpOOtell -pto at ...... H. -TorHE - tiM ID er Wlrln• .. and .. n�·p 1-14-tf .., th. oarnmt liii01 lllaal elootrtc work ...... ' • ot Ia!.II S7c '1.:.0, fl t ua l9c Tho dtobur....,.,ta- the 11811,...... Park oom l t h h (b) ot tor Wuhllllton Rock ­ Cluwno at ...... B.\.Lit-On HlB"hland Avenue, n•w lbe lut ttooal y....- 71k' FOil. oom houee, all mlulon- at lor the &11<1aDI"'- tiM tnaurahce, lraprovemeat. aa4 f'roattlv�m•mte.'acttve 1 r heat. im· .,urrent YMr •team hard wood IIatitul .. Westliel..... (c) other mattor, ta­ alnt n&l\oe .••.••••..•..••... •:mt•lr<' 49c 79c s ':'.£ :.: m e .ut� zv.: .fr.��: �···:: : ..at ·-:the .... lllk eloM _,.t..• of buaJaen , ,., IIIIM. atatemlllta _,.tlonanG balallo11 at nen l ....,artu. rto0r0� �; t��· .ll' !ll lll ll,llltl. to ,... oomptroller oP pvernor ahaU Totll ...... II Mountain Av"nue. I·U·tf u In connoctlon with - auoh Jaeor.a&loa, tile '"•"•- I,IIOD.OO 116-117 WEST RONT sr., rLAINnELD, N. J. •...t.LE PR RBJII'T--8tore ne r dtalrabto lnherltanoe To• roa OarwoocJ, acJ Bor· Loana UtecuunuRE80URCE8 won. of J t•l tlve th• ault tor and n u . . . . �40.C*S.st oomln• ..•r. a aporoprlatlon tor releaee ouahum l Hall,.- <'&rpenter lhop, e overdrafta. u ec to 11,.13 It to the lm· pJ n ltKIO. Bondo a r d ,. pamphlet ohall mJ purpo118 or willb alteror to The provemento provided In tbe annual ap­ oult. C. W Bo���� U. l,loaltedII. to de- throu.-hou•td pr en t In tba-bo alft,..od plot... . ft ae­ f t ropriati n &t't ao eoon •• l'l('elpbo cure clrcula� f nto l le• p o . .. orm th• n a of the at"t.­ II t111 flll o\.L•;�- \\ 'tllow a tlon ...... nc conditionl IDd\l'BIP b f\00.000.00 the ail b e tbat o*weat eatlmate will II'URt uat-t\. U&.OO, b) carrta.tfl,••11 Ut· Premium and nec:eu•nymoney• av a tor es�l· ..\JMof' ('OIIt• wlU ct.eap. 8. on do on U. t.urea fQr the •·urrf!nt abd. �om· The lncreallld elltlmat• UNITED PROFIT-SHAIUNG COUPONS l houM( hold furniture, new If&.• b ...... 110.11 100,110.11 nr.cel R end • ll and I<'P holt. C'lar 8t. Securltlea t h n )'t'll rt, ha be of the ""''elpto from lnborttance tall@• rnnRt' 201· k • other a U. Iii. by the con1ptroller on tbe WITH EACH IOe PURCHASE 7-1-tt to the 1••1:\ture on an of per �?o"c'ft a) .• th•· ft,.t of ll'obruorp In o\!'��d ���!: �� u u.n ar bet- he111 baaed urPeded. uerap RE!IIT ,.hJht room to atockJ 9� -lq �-r. IIUbRdtled month for July, AUIII•t. September FORhnuat-. 8.U,II': all Impr ORovement 8ubeeriptJonof Jlederal Reurve ApP.....,..S, 1101 ty. lllll'tli'utan ood locall­ bank ...... • April II, . and October. Aa tbe actual �lpto , For l�a- . f7,100 . etoo,ooo ad .o.u . . .,.. ofde¥ ftJrnt•hiDI tb.,... I ela 0, a nt un a.ltl 3.100 3,7&0.00 Tho from Nov. taat have been In elll'i'10M ot Vaca­ dt>r omce. UJ•an m � , , ir'• 4.111.10 ltatementll wu• e��i.abllabed by the l"'r m<'nth It can eaally Turn the Idle g:� ��: J.:a.r.,·�:::rve be de· . of thl• rt'8olutkrb, and alnee tht> te lned hy Sept. 1 or not I,T\1.11 tai'UUI rm - o.!-�:'..,;;ilj,'p rov�ci...... rht•y bave beea �llbwltted tbfae prorl!lldecl tion HoUI'II to Ac- a l ..rve apnta ' 1810 �.000lmprovemenbl I!AD be a !IlpaJnta;' 1 111 "'R U·•IIt·OinRool aad re York. lh by the ('()IUIIITUIIl'r of the . tl'etulury to wltb. If the> atate'a llnaoclal condl· root )'e Newo C'blc&· wbetber eaMfuJ UM ror ule b)' A nottb 11 01 e&cb •u ·eedlnll lc•::l•lahlre. lletmrr. tlon waiTIInla auc.'b action theoe lm· C � Du� f��!!a l15, 9. r•r ct Tht count Doln& WllROn s:p��g�� menta and lootltutlono > ementM "'lealled about that h1Hilt'I!IM for In HORN F..<'hnlt'•· whittIHU.I> l h utan hena. Lak•·••J• : reaerve asentareHrVtl ""limat" of tbelr tor u)lw � other ... . time. Tbc> oupplemental approprta· f' orPoultr)' Farn1...... lleedo ���tt27�'_'ll{{!'":r\ d'.l dt> cltloo &,UJ.U 11.110.41 the aut'C.'NIIh•K !local year nnd fur lo • bue beftn Jul7 1. ft'!.) Due from an b&Dk· have nnnuallyoUI'· t n releaoed of B bulLa d · a J ro'· will he u · · 3,070.11 ple�o&al pp opriation• for the cur­ Tbt' total of the tiDfiPle-tal Art Needlework HOl. !Ul. ""'t' 1·oom�. · aubmJtted r hall. bath: c.:::k a . tbe l'llllt b · mlnUIP!'i from st rect�Jltlonti n . R•nt t JH'· prlattona relulled t e onm of An occaolonal hour or can be profitably aod pleaoantly em­ !! t't•tll a o . 10 uhlt• r�t.l AYf" reaaon� �Tn '�.. �� �.�� �. ��� aoard ployed workln1 some article tor dr- or home decoration. Our Art �t:J lPt'-.ctlonal� ·aurreno)', nlc k· Wao lppru­ -­ �il baniia 'lft It quite p ar n t from t e ft qUJtl' llfl(lartiDt tbat redUcllll' tbl Needlework departmen� l>lnt retJOiutlon No. that tb• '-lal f hll lf"\'Pm�nto U8pe ded wor·k. for D, Olllee. ·:? na.u No Cr11tod. _.12.T0f.811.o thfl l · UI.O 8 I M. C. Cotton In w hite and colon. LAWN MO\\'�RR aharpf'fted Rea��•� t �ud mind ot tbe time lilmJIOI'IIrlly tlw tnllll of the lt�m• U. anc1 P'e � 140 ... Ul hy Artamo Packat�e goodo, d· Law�: oney reae rve lb ., .... ta ll hment of board wbOM b�'b; cacr�\�: f d u &:_� n&tiOh&i of ea b • a Nleued In •nl•t•l�nwutlll approt•rl­ Stamped Turlllah and llllen towela, 11ueat and re11ular •• l iir. : k� file the o size•. Hnhena�ute nr:. d'.BteyoleaT: and& Total coJ:n H-rUftcatea Cuty It woul wltb the comp. atlon at•t tlw •••thuu tleOl'IPII<'Y center pl...,eo aprona, ocarto, pillow ca boudoir capa, worll baK•· Motorc)'C"Ieoa.11rha.n It H· aad n�t�a · ::: : 10.014.11 lePiature d be to 11'<1 1B , ..s, c:-or Northl Ave. and Redemption lund with 8. ler upon tbe 181111 wat· hilt alljrhtiY tblln the &mouu\ ap· needle caoee, pillow top, lnfant'a dr-•. booteea, acquee, bibs. Treuu.r.r (not more U.titan the WOI't• s <•ape PrniJit>C':t Rt 4·14·tf a af no. oaat. oD elrcllla- thooe turnlobed by tbe depert­ proprllll.ed by the la•t letr\olature In nd 11ha I · ten u nle , tiDD)per ...... , . , , ·- -· _ • en ud au b k n�:��· t _ .;_... mtnll •Umateahtltltutlona. No c tllat aot. 1·'::J-·r�)1:t rp:r'' e��r.r_ N'ltr:; ...... waa • <'r&uted, and tile romptroller Tile �oudltloo of tbe treaoury at tile "Now Don't Forget to Write" o . . . J411.111.U evar E .J Lt>H.l)Pr Offtce. T tal . llaa � compelled b7 the tel'DIII or Of buolueoo, July 11JIIi, W a . . ·" ta board 2, a II LIABILITIU _.:.;, the �utton aubmlt tb- tl tollowa: You Capital otock paid In ...... to l mat. wltbout <'bl.llp, In tbeo f rm Balance ... Stationery, tor1otten, Ia annoyiDI when you wlah to write home. · �loae O•t 11. 11114 , ...... a.-..a. II .Take Stationery With ��,L.t �oilia · llllalatoree oue­ No•. to Pack a ':loll with your vacation thlnp. �.tt••rnd� tax· tho ot Recelpto 1, 1814, 1. the• · ...... Kara linen JJaper, ....••.•...... 1&3<· ea nd tor lt ·"'·" aeed..._ ,..I'lL Tbe faUore ot tlla 11!8- 1816 . a tnterelt 114.11 1 .tto " Kara I.lnen correopontllloce �arda ...... llllk ii.'iii.ii . '-lature carry out lte Ja\ box 17'011'91 .,...... to to to 7 Hlgbland linen paper .•...... •...... llllk current provide aupert'lllury o"er DllllwNm.. ..•ta.. Jlll1..... 1111 . Pl,lll,lll'l.87lll.410,tllll.lll box M:ONICt' Lue ,.. to I. Llll.lii.M P'rencb Cbllroll\ lba bolleeto and envelopea lilllt' on and. mo · latorlllt. a Ttl'l\'llllan1 I£0,,N' bond rt peD.IOI,anti ti!Me made any caleolatlon• 80 60 ...... Howell Orr. Attonaey 1>atd ...... 11.114.1m.Ol Con&r- P\aJIDI Cartlll ....•••...... lllk l.Dieutton CUb In treuoury . . u t t Clrculattnat&JUk Seoteb Raglan, In 0 o l'r• tr ctlove loeaUon.roo1n• R4ttereace• .... or ltate Jul7 . .... alate...... v•ry ro ehock . I 90.479.71 IDftadlatlon ot eneral . uartered oall, Alaa linen M rat a i Boulevard. t-Il tf 4•-. I. \Ill. . . . . II.IIU5Utl ce ode ate. UJ C.ruaoatea ... ry ,_tly with · Tile follnwhtll wltb the Dance Orden. ,, Tile rMDit and t tlont C!OIIIIIIltteea.the u dev p.. above tlw lmprovew�ut t&�: ... '- tbet eompUOller'a otate. IIIII�'<"' obowa. . . Q rn�t.ru'oZi� t:: �t .. bJ tile PDINIIYtbe the lllllln<"laf •�•udltloll of tbe bartr•hn. Huret.'':,'i.��: : o�.uJet"vaR.tr\ll ��; 1U::::: Milt beeu <'UWilttriBon 611 R r c.��rl«i'�i.�cii.i.:cbecka aPPJ'IIprllldoo JUif IIW ... . . EDITORIAL 7-14·11 Caahfer•a otond, mr I. . autatandlniJ . ..., � IUICI • 111.11 the Jut)' R.UReiWay AP4a'l'•a"" f'Oftl . WD tht 1DeluGJ,. rallrolUJ mon.,. . . ablte: In the HutAKDohlnonn !e• bM InIDIIUildeJ'" . Our workpeople bave jt��Joyed their llrat Tburtlday half 'Bulldla• ?-H-If 4111.11T.tl don br tbe "'" �110dllbUI'MIIIOIIto . iS4. eLIII .-D Bummer doi>OIIto: b1111fIIMII tJ! holiday . We lntead tbat tbey aball eQJoy every Tburaday afternoon P.A.aTJEa aken Jn Jlve-pa• eulde<'t to ubmlt lllabu_..,,. 1. iiiU. In- ... fte 'rh11Pant ..... Y -.r11• t uut ..n••r Oepoalta IIIJ'I!IIt baM Jleeede poll· .... "'.a,OII.II In tile oamt want them tbllt our lntereat In tbelr r 10 ot- more WIIJ, .. we to • o r to . opon .._ IIU"-of net...... ,. evory a)' 111'1 11 real aa our lntereat In tbelr oonduct wb¥ In tbe · ;, notlM ta ot eomliOtBetl tenoa ...... l::r:.� re':��:�.:·rWeltfteld.A:�.: :, v"::� TJ-dar•' . tt.OU.U nlllllll depertmeato ...... ,.. IJII...... atore. You can lllbten tbelr bnrri'Oato ...... _ _ 1e tllo J!t�D�uttbo -t two r,tc 1r:v : � � ._11 Of tkl Gt - \ae!E adrnla& on toc J!lcnloa. Dancln , name:!_I ""'" · do ..... tl l"ree f. 1.,Yo ota·J,;.;.;.:.;,·teftl•11.tee· . I-..;I.; .;true IWMr Htlmatea � w�t bao•b&H. a loaiO. a r tJ' to tllo IDtMded t. at tbe re­ ldlroa4 Mon•71 d dath tetloa·, d k rrlwa 0 ��! J " .. mall:lq tbe otat.. will blllll­ • -.t 0 kaoWI belld. till adopted. Tbe ... ._ ..te :�· .. •. J. Ule CO!Jipb'oller a 'ftt -tba wtll c1aMrmttMr p�r.;:t :':t �J eoleaatyT. fit .....,....._ otUleee Oet. 31 eonlldllllt' �� .