
i I THE WESTF'IELD LEADER The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly News�pe,r in Union County rwF.NTY-FIFTH VF.AH No 4:1. WUTJ'mLD,- NBW JBRBBY, WBDNUDAY, JULY U, 19111. TERRIFIC STORM LIVELy WEEK ON--�EMOCRATS HOLD-·· PLAYGROUND HARMONY NN I HUNDREDS WITNESS HITS WESTFIELD THE DI ER NIGHT TENNIS· Entire Buslneas Stotlon Flooded New Feat urea Being Steadily Weatfleld Well Re,reaented At Stoond TournamentatWettfleld .. Cellars Filled and •uoll Added and Interest of Child· Banquet Held In Elizabeth Golf Club Draws People From Damage Done · ren Contlnuea to Groa Latt Thursday Evening Entire Country ' - TROLLEY CARS DELAYED AVERAGE ATTENOANCE 100 TUTTLE GUEE_ OF HONOR SO IE FAST P LA Y I NG A llttll' aftPr o'clock laat evl'nlnl advloabllll7 tti The rourto We1tfteld 5 All doubt ao to the of f:x-l'on��:reooman W. K Tu of tennla or the OAe the "·orot atormo of In the hto­ baYing a Play1round earh aummer tblo town. wu the honor IUMI <',at a Golf Club preeented a gala aopert on tory ol thlo _.lion or the rountry hit August First In Weotfteld Ia n,ow dlulpated, tor a banquPt glvtm In St. Mlrhoel'o lhll. Monday evenln1 whom th" openln��: is almost here. Why not start the new month right Weatl\eld and for over on hour the l round of the tennl• rain and hall did dama11e to tbe ml!re mention of abandonlnl thla fea- In P.llaabeth. ut Thuroday eVPnlng. �nd by putting aside a part of your earnings? Treat tourna atl'eeta and that will take ture of our town advanta1e1 WO'lld The dlnn ..r wao planned and exe· ment waa b<l1un. yourself right-GOOD HABITS only are encour­ m•ny month• to reml!dy. or amatl All night were cau.ee a riot on the part our euted under the per110na1 direction o! the opeetatoro hencbn Hall atoneo large •• hickory aged by a bank account. rollag<'•• etu-a. The peat weell baa abown L. T. Ruuell, Democrat!<' County filled and the parlllDIJ opace for autoa nato !ell with the rain and almoat lnereulnl lntereet on the Chairman, and wa1 one of the mo1t wu Uled to 111 capacity, oo RrPat eOvered the 11round, these eame down p.,rt or o ouroMa!ul or w Mode•t Accounta SoUclted �nual\y twenty-two mlnuteo. our llttlAI fol'lr. and when dl•· alfalra Ita kind ever 111\v- aa tile lnterQt In tbe play. ··�e hetghth the atorm a rloud •t•dllyml... l time eomea at live o'cloell, It en lu Union rount7 T" courta wre never In llaer eon- llf . mllllooa of IN!D! for lfBIIOlll of fa DCIJCI to lmpoRlble to perauade At the opealle... table were: Tout- dltloa, be w.. tber wao not ao pPr­ ya et down Ji:lm otreet Into the buol leave TIU'!ITU: t them to tbe 1rounclo. Surely u L. R aell. r feet be r<>llan m ter T. uo halrman "'' aa could wlabed lor, but thla - He<'tlon ancl hf'TP all the W<'tlti\Pid lo reapiDI bll dlvldenda Vernor t- � In lnwtaru·PR the "0110 t comm Itt Go did DOt -em to dampen the anthill- Aaets Over Ole Nilliel I were tloodPd Rnd snnH• from Ita Pl171round Jnve1tment and Y ee; GU\RPIAM the Fielder, F ormer StatH !lf!na- laam or cau�e any or the entrant• t o main flonrM of thf• f"ton•K wf•n• th"' parento of theM children ohould llnlled UhdPr lt•RMt Jr., at 1\11 inch of WRtf>r ,.,,..,,..,rote, In every po11lble way, tor Jam• Bmlth, Con1re11man drop out. thooe In cbar11e, to- that all "'lth Edward W. Townoend, State Choir- Cbalrman Smith, of the Tennlo are rare!ully lived up to. O �te ' S t Sec- ommitt , to whom a r11e ohare of rult>tJ man Edward roe ul . ta e C e<> to. �·urthermore, tbey uld 0<'\'aalonal- du<'. Columbia Building and obo the crtdlt lor tbe tournament lo Associatiol retar7 Thomu F. Martin. Uanklnl Lou ly vlolt tbe 1round1 while tbe chll- !C lo on band conotantly with hlo a•� and ln uran . OeorKe OF N. •ltPn are at play, lor tbey would eure- a ce Commlaelon<'r llltanta and PvPry part of the pro· ELIZABETH, J. Jy catch the eplrlt or demoe�ae7 and M. LaMonte, State CQmptroller Ed- al'llDI 11 working out to the \oy a I. te fatrp which tbe youn11tero � ward Edwardo, Congreooman John tae . do.lly bavln1 drilled Into tb4ml. J. City CouniPI Jao. T-nty-1\ve teame, 1\lty p\ayProQue<>u'• Tbe tb o l!:&&an, Former In !\rat aeddelll of l a re-.1 oe - R · ll f ri all, ar"' "ntPred In the tournlment. Money Loaned on Nu ent, Newark; She oon occurred late laet weell, w en lit- o Tbla lumber exceeds Jut year'• en- i Alle K or u ene lnll d or HudllOn; or mer t e e elly, Flret atreet, broke l!: ��; K eo , F try lil b If t by o teen playero, and 1.e11_ httr a m whlkl at play on one of the con1r-man William Tuttle, \:nl- r h recent. memhPrahlp In oeveral addlt· ted tat E. to;eter I1ddera. Thlo occident wao El etJ Senator Jamea Martine, tonal cluba. Water entirely tbe reoult of an Infraction Commloaloner L.E. J. Tonnele, First Mortgage at Plqera al'e Phtered !rom PlolnH•Icl. or tbe ruleo, the cblldren baVIDI Prealdent or City Council Edward Nu­ Weotfleld, Fanwood. Cranford, Ellta­ boen ur1ed juet a lew moment1 pre- lfnt, Chanrery Court Clerk Robert Sfh H. betb, llutherford, Sewaren, Rahway. Columbia is sse s vloue not to dlomount from tbelr end MrAdama, Aul1tant &.cntary or The years t of Brooklyn, South Oran11e and Me­ or. the t.,..ter ladder without 1\rot Stole Wllllllm I.. Dill, Judr;e Jame• Next lllt'etinK night Tuesday, july �o nt tuebell. notlfylnll their portoer thot they are C. Connolly, General Dennin F. Col- 1ofilJ oldStreet, and Elizabeth,has a jlo,u,;14.�1. At North and Lenoll a-.-nuN ond Po•tmuter P. Rooms Broad about to do Mlaa Carroll, the lin• and Ryon. Only two couplea are entered from Central ovenue tbe water d p ao. dub. j.Jo, · 1111 ee S pe oo , u r to Dr. The 1\ret opeoller of eve the home whll• the Weotfteld • u rvl r h rried tbe hlld the nhlR that for a <'ouple o! houra trallcl hod q y entered tean11. ., For further inlonnallon N, J. Newman, who ulrll\ eet the bone, w ao Governor Fielder, wboJ. predicted Tennl1 Club hila olx to be aulpended, here the water play probably cootlnut• -.iu after whleh the eblld wa1 taken borne brlll;ht day1 aheod lor the \l�m,...atlr The w\11 un­ luted until a late hour. HE R BERT ll. WELCH and made a1 comfortable a1 poulble. party. He comt•llmented the toast- til tbe middle or n"•t weell, tour At Elm otreet and Sinclair plare eech From Jut IIC!COU.Dta tbe little llrl maoter lor hlo eneriJy and the l'f!l­ matellile will be played Dl1Jhl, ltepresentative Uirector a water wa 10 deep that It wao be t1n1 t e or weather permltt1n1. will b-.cll on tbe p\ay1round lor o1 t her 10 many or the State hzapolllble to operate trolley caro •'nd lt one acheduled 114 E. Broad Street Weltflela.N. •- renuoul play, before m any Democratic leaden at lllble. He Tb4 ,teamo to play lui Local and J, ee.ra were otal\ed lor I wo bouro. · tbe •d ultimately will be aa 1100d epolle or the e;J.CeUent worll that ll�epootponed In conolderatlon 1'6ree !Pt>t o! w r waa "neoun ter-- aa ever. Con1reaoman Tuttle hod done at or ihe coadlllon or tbe courto. brld11e ed under tbe railroad at Weal· Mr. Beard tool! a jolly lot of the W!Jhln1ton and rhararterlaed the (Continued on Pa11e 0) lleld avenue and tbe tunnel at tbe 4a7., &a. I te older boy• on a bllle to Echo Lalle ! re of the peopl" to return him ltatlon a railroad wao out or commt.- - WaohlnKton ne Saturday, and 10 areot wae the en to •• "O r thoo .. alon, heiDI almolt filled with Wllter. CLINKS TO AID BAND The thuollum over thll trip, that tbe otranlle.. reoulta or politico," otl'd he SQmmer Many lar1e bnt.ncbea were blown predicted boy1 want to have It a weekly a!!atr thol the voters o!o l'nlon !rom treea 10/"arloua eectlona or tbe t:<immltt..., ('ontrol and allo to malle It day'o jaunt, county would their mlotalle In Ue<'Ommrnc\ and • nf town e•r:vwhere !uvea beaten ta'lr.lna Junebeon. Ia n ted Market tbelr It pro- and would- l'elurn Mr. Tuttle h Do to by tbe. hall 1tooea were tblcllly to vl•lt Peellbam'• Tower. tbe with a bandoome majority, In cloe- l<'und, -Hered 00 the 1ro•Jnd. rert 11 to arrange our show cases Deaerted Vlllaae. lAmbert'• InK the Governor paid the hl1heot �· brlnKIDI 1918 T t �� He ('on- e oft'The tralna In tbe com- tribute At athe meet1n11 ora the Commtttt• with the Lhoic•·�:roceriea, poeanded olmlfar placee. Tbe llrla now to the former Conl(re•oman. 'IPUtero N Yorll !rom ew beaan to ar - .. o! Control of the WeJrtfteld l.ndK•· \\'e pp l to the sum­ lk of demandiDI Soturday hiiiH,Lillie, Hon.
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