Chris Vrenna-Professional Discography
Chris Vrenna Pr ofessional Discogr aphy Production/ Programming/ Performing H ighlights Bush Man On the Run CD (Universal Records) Beats & Programming (2014) Marilyn Manson Born Villian CD (Cooking Vinyl) Producer, engineer, programmer, writer (2012) Marilyn Manson The High End of Low CD (Nothing/ Interscope) Producer, engineer, programmer, writer (2009) Marilyn Manson Antichrist Superstar CD (Nothing/ Interscope) Programmer, Drummer, Engineer (1996) Marilyn Manson Smells Like Children CD (Nothing/ Interscope) Programming (1993) Marilyn Manson Portrait of an American Family CD (Nothing/ Interscope) Programming (1992) Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral CD (Nothing/ Interscope) Artist, Drummer & Programmer (1994) Nine Inch Nails Further Down The Spiral CD (Nothing/ Interscope) Artist & Remixer (1995) Nine Inch Nails Fixed EP (Nothing/ Interscope) Artist & Remixer (1993) Nine Inch Nails Broken EP (Nothing/ Interscope) Artist, Drummer & Programmer (1992) Nine Inch Nails “Perfect Drug” (Lost Highway ST) Co-Writer, Drummer & Programmer (1997) Nine Inch Nails “Driver Down” single Artist, Drummer & Programmer (1997) Nine Inch Nails “Burn” (Natural Born Killers ST) Artist, Drummer, Programmer, Engineer (1994) Nine Inch Nails Pretty Hate Machine CD (TVT) Programmer, Sounds, Editing (1989) Tweaker “2am wakeup call “CD (Waxploitation / iMUSIC) Artist, Writer, Producer (2004) Tweaker “The Attraction to all Things Uncertain” (Six Degrees) Artist, Writer, Producer (2000) Tweaker “Call the Time Eternity” (Metropolis) Artist, Writer, Producer (2012) Evanescence Evanescence (Wind Up Records) Beats & Programming (2011) Dear & Departed Something Quite Peculiar (Record Collection/Warner Bros) Producer and engineer (2002) Meatloaf Bat Out of Hell 3 (Virgin) Programming (2002) Humanzi Tremors (Polydor UK & Interscope US) Producer, engineer (2001) COLD 13 Ways To Bleed On Stage CD (Flip/Geffen) Co-Producer (2001) Mandy Kane Tragic Daydreams CD (Warner Bros) Co-Producer (2001) A.I.
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