Campaign Evaluation: March - June 2019
Campaign Evaluation: March - June 2019 Search #OurNeighbours for more activity and stories Visit 1 CONTENTS Methodology 03 Findings summary 04 Engagement and reach 05 Online engagement 12 ‘Looking out for our neighbours’ is a social marketing campaign that aims to prevent loneliness Social media 13 and its associated health issues by encouraging communities to look after vulnerable people. PR: online, print and 16 The campaign aimed to inspire communities to engage in simple activities and micro-wellbeing broadcast media interventions that could positively impact on their neighbours. Effectiveness 20 Public survey 21 Inspiring action 27 Supporter feedback 29 interviews COMMISSIONED BY CAMPAIGN ACTIVITY West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and 15 March – 28 June 2019 Impact stories 39 Care Partnership Performance review and 48 recommendations CAMPAIGN BUDGET AREA COVERAGE £60,000 inc. VAT West Yorkshire and Harrogate CAMPAIGN EVALUATION CONTRIBUTORS Evaluation data analysis Dr. Bridgette Bewick Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Leeds Engagement analytics The evaluation methodology and independent analysis Magpie was completed by a University of Leeds Professor specialising in health sciences and behaviour change 2 content ! ! "##$%&'!#()!*#+!#(+!&,%'-.#(+/! 0()1%&,!#*!,231(3)%#&!4,)-#5/! ! Evaluation Method! !"# $%"&"'%()$*+,"(-./"&0$ $ 67 8,),+4%&,!-#9!,**,:)%2,! )-,!:34;3%'&!-3/!.,,& !%&!%&/;%+%&'!&,%'-.#(%+&1<),!+2,&)%#&! / Key research objectives: =7 >//,//!)-,!5%**,+,&:,!)-,!:34;3%'&!-3/!435,!)#!;,#;1,?/!9,11.,%&'
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