Polygamy in Greek Views of Persians Dominique Lenfant
Polygamy in Greek Views of Persians Dominique Lenfant ORE THAN FORTY years ago, in his polemical work Orientalism, Edward Said argued that the image of the Orient had been constructed by Westerners in the 18th Mth and 19 centuries in order to favour the latter’s political domina- tion.1 In so arguing, he did not hesitate to consider that this process dated back to Aeschylus’ Persians, and generally speak- ing, some similarities between modern and ancient views of Easterners may seem striking. However, in many cases it is worth checking the reality and depth of such analogies. At first glance, polygamy is one of them. In Montesquieu’s Persian Letters, the polygamy of the main figure is a striking feature of the Persian world that he contrasts with France. And in his classic book on The Family in Classical Greece, W. K. Lacey argued that Greek cities had “a common attitude towards family customs, monogamy, for example, and the refusal to adopt the oriental custom of the harem.” His note shows unsurprisingly that the “Orientals” who practised polygamy were Persians.2 On the back cover of Edith Hall’s Inventing the Barbarian, it may be read that “incest, polygamy, murder, sacrilege, impalement, castra- tion, female power, and despotism—these are some of the images by which the Greek tragedians defined the non-Greek, ‘barbarian’ world.”3 Since, according to Strabo (15.3.23), Per- sians appear to be the most famous barbarians among the Greeks, it may be of interest to investigate the place of polygamy 1 E. Said, Orientalism (London 1978).
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