AMPLEFORTH COLLEGE Academic “ FULFIL YOUR POTENTIAL AND FLOURISH” Dr Hannah Pomroy, Director of Studies Exceeding expectations ere at Ampleforth College, we pride ourselves on Hproviding an education which means you will go beyond your own, and everyone else’s, expectations. We ask you and every student for the best that you can give. Academically, that challenge is created by a comprehensive range of subjects, highly professional teaching and first-class facilities for learning. Alongside our rigorous academic timetable, we place a strong focus on, and dedicated support for, independent learning. Benedictine balance is at the heart of everything we do. Whether it’s through individual tutoring, pastoral care or academic ambition, we push ourselves to the limits throughout the year to ensure you have the opportunity to fulfil your potential and flourish. If you would like to discuss any aspect of our curriculum or approaches to teaching and learning, please do not hesitate to contact me at
[email protected]. Dr Hannah Pomroy BSc (Bristol) PhD (Reading) Director of Studies WWW.AMPLEFORTH.ORG.UK/COLLEGE | 1 Inspiring learning “ THE TEACHERS WERE BRILLIANT. environment THEY KNEW HOW TO GET ME TO WHERE I NEEDED TO BE. WE WERE ALL ENCOURAGED TO THINK n designing our curriculum, as in every other aspect of school life, we have some particular priorities. We aim to provide an inspiring learning INDEPENDENTLY AND WERE TREATED environment, and with a broad and balanced curriculum you are given the AS INDIVIDUALS.” opportunity to study a wide range of subjects to the highest possible level. I Edward Gambin, Old Amplefordian Our teaching is first class and we recruit our staff not just for their qualifications or subject expertise, but also for their ability to inspire students to learn.