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ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 31 JULY 2002 (7.15pm – 10.15pm) PRESENT: The Mayor (Councillor Edith Macauley) (in the Chair); Councillors: Pauline Abrams, Tariq Ahmad, Mark Allison, Jillian Ashton, Su Assinen, Stephen Austin, Matt Bird, John Bowcott, Margaret Brierly, Fiona Bryce, Horst Bullinger, Angela Caldara, Horatio Cheng, David Chung, John Cole, Andrew Coles, Danny Connellan, John Dehaney, Nick Draper, Mary Dunn, Corinna Edge, Samantha George, Tony Giles, Maurice Groves, Stephen Hammond, Richard Harwood, Philip Jones, Andrew Judge, Dot Kilsby, Linda Kirby, Sheila Knight, Maxi Martin, McCabe, Christopher MacLaughlin, Oonagh Moulton, Ian Munn, Leslie Mutch, John Nelson-Jones, Dennis Pearce, Amanda Ramsay, George Reynolds, Judy Saunders, Deborah Shears, Andrew Shellhorn, David Simpson, Mickey Spacey, Geraldine Stanford, Terence Sullivan, Mike Tilcock, Leighton Veale, Martin Whelton and David Williams. Apologies for absence were received from: Councillors Joe Abrams, William Brierly, Mick Fitzgerald, Gilli Lewis-Lavender, Russell Makin, Beth Mitchell and Peter Southgate; and for lateness from Councillors Ian Munn and Peter McCabe. 285 TO RECEIVE ANY ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR, LEADER OF THE COUNCIL, MEMBERS OF THE CABINET OR THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE (Agenda Item 2) Announcements were tendered as follows: The Mayor drew Members’ attention to the details of the Mayor’s Civic Engagements for the period 22 May to the 31 July that had been circulated around the Council Chamber. In particular, the Mayor highlighted the event that occurred on the 4 July when Her Majesty the Queen met with the Mayors’ of South London as part of her Jubilee Tour. The Mayor was accompanied by 9 people from the Borough including Mr Slim Flegg, a previous Mayor of the Borough, a representative of the Ethnic Minority Centre and two young people who are taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme.
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