AGENDA ITEM: 1A MEMBERS UPDATE 2011/12 PLANNING COMMITTEE Report of: Director of People and Places Relevant Head of Service: Borough Planner Issue: 1 May 2011 Contact for further information: Mrs C Thomas (Extn. 5134) Planning Control Team Leader (E-mail:
[email protected]) SUBJECT: Applications Determined Under The Delegated System - 26/03/2011 to 29/04/2011 WARD:- Ashurst Application: 2011/0216/FUL Decision: Planning Permission Granted Proposal: First floor extension to side. Location: 38 Kestrel Mews, Ashurst, Skelmersdale, Lancashire, WN8 6TD Applicant: Mr C Rowe WARD:- Aughton And Downholland Application: 2010/0881/FUL Decision: Planning Permission REFUSED Proposal: Retention of single storey rear extension and new pitched roof to replace existing flat roof on side elevation. Location: 52 Whalley Drive, Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 6RF Applicant: Mrs J Brown WARD:- Aughton And Downholland Application: 2010/1362/FUL Decision: Planning Permission Granted Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and erection of four detached dwellings with garages and formation of new vehicular access. (Extension of time limit for implementation of planning permission 2007/0836/FUL). Location: Swan Farm, Swan Lane, Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 6SU Applicant: Mr & Mrs D Rees - 1 - WARD:- Aughton And Downholland Application: 2011/0028/FUL Decision: Planning Permission Granted Proposal: Conversion of existing double garage to living accommodation. Erection of detached garage and new vehicular/pedestrian access. Location: Longridge Cottage, Mill Lane, Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 7HJ Applicant: Mr N King WARD:- Aughton And Downholland Application: 2011/0113/FUL Decision: Withdrawn Proposal: Erection of 5 dwellings with associated gardens and landscaping. Provision of new car parks to the south and north-west of the Kings Arms Public House.