i-SAIRAS2020-Papers (2020) 5051.pdf A lunar Micro Rover System Overview for Aiding Science and ISRU Missions Virtual Conference 19–23 October 2020 R. Smith1, S. George1, D. Jonckers1 1STFC RAL Space, R100 Harwell Campus, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom, E-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT the form of rovers and landers of various size [4]. Due to the costly nature of these missions, and the pressure Current science missions to the surface of other plan- for a guaranteed science return, they have been de- etary bodies tend to be very large with upwards of ten signed to minimise risk by using redundant and high instruments on board. This is due to high reliability re- reliability systems. This further increases mission cost quirements, and the desire to get the maximum science as components and subsystems are expected to be ex- return per mission. Missions to the lunar surface in the tensively qualified. next few years are key in the journey to returning hu- mans to the lunar surface [1]. The introduction of the As an example, the Mars Science Laboratory, nick- Commercial lunar Payload Services (CLPS) delivery named the Curiosity rover, one of the most successful architecture for science instruments and technology interplanetary rovers to date, has 10 main scientific in- demonstrators has lowered the barrier to entry of get- struments, requires a large team of people to control ting science to the surface [2]. Many instruments, and and cost over $2.5 billion to build and fly [5]. Curios- In Situ Surface Utilisation (ISRU) experiments have ity had 4 main science goals, with the instruments and been funded, and are being built with the intention of the design of the rover specifically tailored to those flying on already awarded CLPS missions.