||||||||||||III USOO540.8598A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,408,598 Pryor, Jr
||||||||||||III USOO540.8598A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,408,598 Pryor, Jr. 45 Date of Patent: Apr. 18, 1995 54 METHOD FOR FAST GENERATION OF 4,943,935 7/1990 Sate ..................................... 364/518 PARAMETRC CURVES EMPLOYNGA 4,949,281 8/1990 Hillenbrand et al. ... 364/518 CULA NUMB 4,999,789 3/1991 Fiasconaro .......................... 395/127 SEE SEREEE 5,133,052 7/1992 Bier et al. .......... ... 395/133 X 5,214,754 5/1993 Okamoto et al. ................... 395/142 DETERMINED ERROR THRESHOLD saw is is 75 Inventor: Duaine W. Pryor, Jr., Berkeley, OTHER PUBLICATIONS Calif. Computer Science Press, Inc., “Algorithms for Graph s ics and Image Processing', Theo Pavlidis Bell Labora 73 Assignee: tail Rte Mahines tories, pp. 221-231., 1982. is all y o a I. D. Faux et al., "Computational Geometry for Design 21 Appl. No.: 202,678 and Manufacture', Dept. of Mathematics 1979, pp. 127-145. Publisher: E. Horwood Ltd. 22 Fed:e Feb. 25, 1994 Wolfgang Dahmen, “Subdivision Algorithms Con verge Quadratically”, 1988, pp. 145-158, Journal of Related U.S. Application Data Computational and Applied Mathimatics. 63 Continuation of Ser. No. 705,041, May 23, 1991, aban- s doned. Primary Examiner-Almis R. Jankus 51 Int. Cl6 11/00 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Perman & Green 52 U.S.C.. 395/2,39571.43 (57) ABSTRACT 58 Field of Search ................................ 395/141-143, A method enables the prediction of the number of sub 395/119, 123, 127, 133, -140, 155, 150, 151 divisions of a curve that will be required by control (56) References Cited polygons to assure that a resulting straight line repre sentation of the curve will not exceed a preset error U.S.
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