United States Patent (11) 3,572,646 72 Inventor Heinz Kocher 390,533 8/1965 Switzerland.................. 18/12(SF) Centralstrasse 41, Neuhausen, Switzerland 21 Appl. No. 721,816 Primary Examiner-William I. Price 22 Filed Apr. 16, 1968 Attorneys-Ralph E. Bucknam, Jesse D. Reingold, Robert R. 45 Patented Mar. 30, 1971 Strack and Henry A. Marzullo, Jr. (32) Priority Apr. 17, 1968 (33) Austria 31 A-3592/67 54 APPARATUS FORTRANSFORMING AND MXNG ABSTRACT: Apparatus for transforming and mixing DEFORMABLE MEDIA deformable media, such as plastics, comprises a cylindrical 11 Claims, 11 Drawing Figs. Casing having a rotor mounted for coaxial driven rotation in 52) U.S. Cl..................................................... 259/25 the cylinder which is provided with an inlet for the medium. 5 i Int. Cl................ ... B01f 7/02 The rotor is provided with a conveyor screw for the medium, and following the screw in the direction of flow the rotor com 50) Field of Search............................... ... 25917, 9, prises diverging diffusor portions alternating with cylindrical 10, 25, 26; 18/12 (SF), 12 (SE) rotor portions. The end of the rotor adjacent the outlet of the 56 References Cited cylinder is formed as a converging diffusor. The different rotor UNITED STATES PATENTS portions coact with surrounding wall portions of the cylinder having portions with a surface finish differing from that of the 2,810,159 10/1957 Teichmann................... 18/12(SE) rotor portions to subject the medium flowing in the space 3,239,882 3/1966 Yokana........................ 18/12(SE) between the rotor and the surrounding casing wall to differing FOREIGN PATENTS frictional resistance along the external and internal layers 1,007, 140 10/1965. Great Britain................ 18/12(SE) thereof. %22 Y R222222222222222222 2 -SSS-S-S. , As also 2.4622SRSS SNS Zakrzis.& 2222222222222222N. N. N. Y. S.x22 SS Patented March 30, 1971 41&ºi§,ž6%&$ez \ZZZ SZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ N(s), "yell.he NZ D.KOCHER Re?e HIS Arrormje Y Patented March 30, 1971 3,572,646 3. Sheets-Sheet 2 s s S Patented March 30, 1971 3,572,646 3. Sheets-Sheet 3 3,572,646 2 APPARATUS FORTRANSFORMING AND MISKENG or stress building up at this passage, produces a considerable DEFORMABLE MEDIA temperature rise in the plastic mass which is prejudicial for the deformable medium. The present invention concerns a method for transforming in pertinent literature it has been explained repeatedly, that of deformable media on the basis of the double current transi in the development of devices for plasticizing plastic materi tion, as well as apparatus for carrying out the method. als, the difference in volume of the plastic mass to be worked The two currents of the boundary layer physics are the as compared with that of the molten material, as well as the laminar and the turbulent flow. In the course of a laminar flow temperature rises in the feed path, of the plastic masses to be the different molecule layers are displaced relatively to each processed, which rises cannot be safely controlled, must be other in plane, parallel directions. The turbulent flow is O considered. Until now the opinion is advanced that for characterized by a tridimensional layer displacement in the dominating the given conditions of operation, it is most useful molecular passage. The double current represents the connec to calculate one particular screw for each group of material. tion of a laminar flow with a turbulent flow and the double The screw spindle described in the German published appli current transition thus is the transformation or the change of a cation No. 1,167,009 comprises a conical friction roll which, laminar flow into a turbulent flow. 15 in the conveying direction of the mass, is arranged in the last With apparatus or presses for transforming of a deformable one-third portion of the length of the spindle between inlet medium, which are employed e.g. for kneading and mixing of and outlet of the material. By means of the conicity the a plastic material, it is known to place a conveyor rotor in a damming-up of the material shall be considerably decreased cylindrical working space between inlet and outlet of the and at the same time a local overheating of the plastics shall be material. The rotor is provided with a plurality of eccentric 20 avoided. In this manner, a laminar parabolic distribution of discs in its middle portion, which are mounted close to each velocity is imparted to the plastic mass. This velocity, how other or are spaced from each other with a screw thread being ever, in the region of this conical friction roll does not create disposed between the discs (German Pat. No. 838,504). any independent flow pressure. Also the continuous mixing and homogenizing of plastic 25 The use of a friction roll which is arranged coaxially on a masses by means of a drum or a rotor revolving in the casing is screw spindle between the inlet and the outlet of the material known, and by which the plastic material is kneaded and ex is applied in the form of a conical roll as well as in the form of ternally mixed in the space between the revolving drum or an axially symmetrical roll, also in a double screw arrange rotor and the stationary casing. An improved homogenization ment, in the case of a pair of conical friction rolls, this ar can be obtained with this known procedure by the provision of 30 rangement represents a known oblique roll mill. (German Pat. damming means providing a pressure space in a conduit foll No. 397,961). Likewise, the manner of operation of two cylin lowing the rotor (German Pat. No. 1,129,681, U.S. Pat. No. drical roll bodies in one casing which are arranged between 2,845,656). two screw spindies, is disclosed in Canadian Pat. No. 530,956. The technical development of the continuous processing of These conical or cylindrical roll pairs without thread do not plastic masses has led to the fitting of conveying screw spin 35 produce any independent flow pressure. Their flow activity is dles rotating in a closed cylinder. The spindles comprise determined by the portion of the corresponding spindle pro threaded and unthreaded sections. The conveying spindle for vided with a thread in the zone of the inlet to the casing. As it example is so formed that the smooth middle portion without is possible to recognize in a roll mill or a calender, an exterior thread is preceded by an initial spindle portion provided with a mixing process takes place only within a very small Zone at the thread and is followed by a similarly threaded end portion. 40 contacting peripheries of the roll bodies. The plastic material fed from the initial portion of the spindle The rheological conditions of the mass transfer in conveyor is compacted to the shape of a tube in the unthreaded inter presses studied in recent years have led to the observation of mediate portion and discharged under high pressure from the the particular behavior of plastic masses at the boundary end portion. (German Pat. No. 1,019,080). layers. In has been basically recognized that the boundary in the extruder according to U.S. Pat. No. 2,686,335 an 45 unthreaded section of the same or a greater diameter than the layer phenomena are of fundamental significance. A boundary shaft diameter of the spindle is mounted on centers of vul layer rupture press (system. Dr. Ernesto Gabbrielli) has canized rubber members in an extruder and is intended to become known which is based on an analytical theory in merely satisfactorily roll out the rubber latex mixture. There which the boundary layer factor is included. fore, the problem which shall be solved by the present inven 50 First it shall be noted that here a geometrical shape appears tion as will appear from the following specification does not which can be observed over the entire working scope. It is the exist in this prior patent. question of an axially symmetrical circular cylinder drawn Also the conventional screw kneading pumps with in over the full arc of the mass transfer. This mechanical working terengagingworms or screws and coaxial rolls may not be con element has a function of process technique which can be well sidered as prototypes of the turbine according to the present 55 explained. The different zones of the structural arrangement, invention, since the rolls shall serve to bring the plastic however, result in rheological difficulties. product to a uniform grain size, thus to effect a refinement of The functional analysis of this known boundary layer rup the masses (Swiss Pat. No. 232,413). ture press is transferred in such manner into its mechanical Further referring to Austrian Pat. specification No. form that a movable rotating portion of a cylindrical surface, 172,491, the latter slows an extruder having a spindle with an 60 accordingly as a circular cylinder is formed with a uniform initial section of greater diameter and greater pitch, a terminal diameter over the whole length of the axis. The internal sur section of smaller diameter and smaller pitch and an inter face of the casing also is cylindrical and is rigorously concen mediate section without thread. This latter section forms a trical with the rotating cylinder. The real working phase in the chamber in which the material fed forwardly in the initial sec present case comprises the entire arc absolutely axially sym tion is slowly advanced at a free cross section and a greater 65 metrical between a corresponding inlet or feeding zone and a volume and is subjected to a potential action of heat before it scraper element, thus the "dam' at the end of the rotating is discharged in the terminal section.
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